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Hy vit li nhng cu sau dng s nhiu :

1. This is my book.
2. That is a pencil sharpener.
3. What is this?
4. What is that?
5. Its an eraser
6. Is this a picture?
7. Is that a orkbook?
!. I am ten years ol"
#. This stu"ent is $oo"
1%. There is one in"o in the room
II. Sa li sai trong cc cu sau:
1. This is clocks
2. These are calen"ar.
3. We are teacher
4. &y 'ather an" mother are "octor
5. (re those "oors? )es* It is
6. What are these? Its a kite
7. That are blue bicycles
!. Theyre pictures beauti'ul
#. Those not are chairs. They are
1%. What is these? Its a paper clip
III. !"c #on v$n v% tr& l'i cu h(i
This is +oas be"room* its not bi$ but its beauti'ul. There is a be" * a table an" a
chairs. There are books* a pencil* crayons an" a clock on the table. There is a
in"o* too. There is one cat un"er the be".
Is +oas be"room bi$?
1. +o many tables are there in the room?
2. (re there crayons on the table?
3. Is there a "o$ ?
I. Hy vit li nhng cu sau dng s nhiu :
1. This is my book.
2. That is a pencil sharpener.
3. What is this?
4. What is that?
5. Its an eraser
6. Is this a picture?
7. Is that a orkbook?
!. I am ten years ol"
#. This stu"ent is $oo"
1%. There is one in"o in the room
II. Sa li sai trong cc cu sau:
1. This is clocks
2. These are calen"ar.
3. We are teacher
4. &y 'ather an" mother are "octor
5. (re those "oors? )es* It is
6. What are these? Its a kite
7. That are blue bicycles
!. Theyre pictures beauti'ul
#. Those not are chairs. They are
1%. What is these? Its a paper clip
III. !"c #on v$n v% tr& l'i cu h(i
This is +oas be"room* its not bi$ but its beauti'ul. There is a be" * a table an" a
chairs. There are books* a pencil* crayons an" a clock on the table. There is a
in"o* too. There is one cat un"er the be".
Is +oas be"room bi$?
1. +o many tables are there in the room?
2. (re there crayons on the table?
3. Is there a "o$ ?
)* hy tr& l'i cc cu h(i sau :
1. Is this a "oor?
2. Is that a pencil sharpener?
3. (re these orkbooks?
4. (re those paper clips ?
5. (re there to rooms in his house?
6. Is there a calen"ar on the all?
7. (re you a stu"ent?
!. Is your mother 'orty?
#. Is your school bi$?
1%. Is your 'ather a "octor ?
11. (re you 'i,e years ol"?
)* hy vit ti+ cc cu th,o *-u :
.. This is an eraser. - This isnt an eraser. - Is this an eraser? . yes* it is
/. This is a in"o
0. These are crayons
1. Those are bi$ robots
2. That is a beauti'ul picture
3. I am a stu"ent
4. &y 'ather is a teacher
5. +a is ten years ol"
6. This is bicycle
.7. These are telephones
8it a9an hay s v%o ch ch-* cho th:ch h;+:
a/This is ..a... pen.
c/This is...... sheep......
"/Those are......ruler.......
e/There are.....notebook........
$/They are.......$irl..........
<ch chn d=>i t? @hc nhA*:
a/ re" yello blue book
b/ pencils book marker casstte
c/ apple oran$e cat pi00a
"/ pen look ruler eraser
)* hy tr& l'i cc cu h(i sau :
1. Is this a "oor?
2. Is that a pencil sharpener?
3. (re these orkbooks?
4. (re those paper clips ?
5. (re there to rooms in his house?
6. Is there a calen"ar on the all?
7. (re you a stu"ent?
!. Is your mother 'orty?
#. Is your school bi$?
1%. Is your 'ather a "octor ?
11. (re you 'i,e years ol"?
)* hy vit ti+ cc cu th,o *-u :
.. This is an eraser. - This isnt an eraser. - Is this an eraser? . yes* it is
/. This is a in"o
0. These are crayons
1. Those are bi$ robots
2. That is a beauti'ul picture
3. I am a stu"ent
4. &y 'ather is a teacher
5. +a is ten years ol"
6. This is bicycle
.7. These are telephones
8it a9anBs9,s9i,s v%o ch ch-* cho th:ch h;+:
a/This is ..a... pen.
c/This is...... sheep......
"/Those are......ruler.......
e/There are.....notebook........ $/They
<ch chn d=>i t? @hc nhA*:
a/ re" yello blue book
b/ pencils book marker casstte
c/ apple oran$e cat pi00a
"/ pen look ruler eraser
ChisB thatB th,s,B thos,
.. Dho dng #Eng cFa #Gng t? Hto I,J #K ho%n thiLn .7 cu sau:
1. This1........a ba$.
2. ba$s.
3. That 1......a bir".
4. pens.
5. This 1..her baby.
6. Those chil"ren.
7. That 1.his sheep.
!. Those sheep
#. This pen 1blue.
1%. Those bo2es 1.empty.
/. Ho%n thiLn nhng cu sau IMng t? g;i N:
1. This 34acket3blue.
2. That3"ress3hite?
3. 5ooks3those3bi$?
4. These3your3 pictures?
5. 5abies3$oo"3those?
6. That3"esk?
7. Those3her3oran$es.
!. These 3chil"ren3pretty?
#. This3my3pencil.
1%. That3not 3 my 3 atch.
ChisB thatB th,s,B thos,
.. Dho dng #Eng cFa #Gng t? Hto I,J #K ho%n thiLn .7 cu sau:
1. This1........a ba$.
2. ba$s.
3. That 1......a bir".
4. pens.
5. This 1..her baby.
6. Those chil"ren.
7. That 1.his sheep.
!. Those sheep
#. This pen 1blue.
1%. Those bo2es 1.empty.
/. Ho%n thiLn nhng cu sau IMng t? g;i N:
1. This 34acket3blue.
2. That3"ress3hite?
3. 5ooks3those3bi$?
4. These3your3 pictures?
5. 5abies3$oo"3those?
6. That3"esk?
7. Those3her3oran$es.
!. These 3chil"ren3pretty?
#. This3my3pencil.
1%. That3not 3 my 3 atch.
ChisB thatB th,s,B thos,
.. Dho dng #Eng cFa #Gng t? Hto I,J #K ho%n thiLn .7 cu sau:
1. This1........a ba$.
2. ba$s.
3. That 1......a bir".
4. pens.
5. This 1..her baby.
6. Those chil"ren.
7. That 1.his sheep.
!. Those sheep
#. This pen 1blue.
1%. Those bo2es 1.empty.
/. Ho%n thiLn nhng cu sau IMng t? g;i N:
1. This 34acket3blue.
2. That3"ress3hite?
3. 5ooks3those3bi$?
4. These3your3 pictures?
5. 5abies3$oo"3those?
6. That3"esk?
7. Those3her3oran$es.
!. These 3chil"ren3pretty?
#. This3my3pencil.
1%. That3not 3 my 3 atch.
.. Oic,n+
/. Dha,t,r
0. P,orga
1. laIl
2. Oa,++
3. Po,*l
4. Cac
5. <aI
6. Q,ht,
I. ,* hy sR+ S+ cc ch ci #K to th%nh t? cA nghTa:
1. 6tupcri78
2. 9ohet78
3. +ety78
4. :ertty78
5. :aphy78
6. Taeubilu'78
7. ;unryh78
!. <oths78
#. =o$o78
1%. =e'irn78
II.Dhia #Gng t? Hto I,J v%o cc cu sau:
1. I 1.a banana.
2. +e 1.a teacher.
3. 9he 1.a bir".
4. <ii 1.a pretty $irl.
5. 9atu 1.a $oo" stu"ent.
6. &inh +oa 1. 'unny.
7. &inh +oa an" 9atu . $oo" sin$ers
!. 1.<ii beauti'ul?
#. 1.your pens blue?
1%. &y houses 1. bi$.
III.Ho%n thiLn nhng cu sau IMng t? g;i N:
1. >am3happy
2. <ii an" 9atu 3'rien"s?
3. &inh +oa 3'at?
4. The cats3bi$.
5. We3,ery $oo".
6. :ictures3nice?
7. We3not3ba".
!. They3$oo"?
#. This3my3oran$e. 1%. )our3"esks?
I8.Sa li sai trong cc cu sau :
1.Is this a umbrella?
2.They are telephone
3.Is those a schoolba$?
4.What are this?
5.(re those cat?
6.(re that an eraser?
I. ,* hy sR+ S+ cc ch ci #K to th%nh t? cA nghTa:
1. 6tupcri78
2. 9ohet78
3. +ety78
4. :ertty78
5. :aphy78
6. Taeubilu'78
7. ;unryh78
!. <oths78
#. =o$o78
1%. =e'irn78
II.Dhia #Gng t? Hto I,J v%o cc cu sau:
1. I 1.a banana.
2. +e 1.a teacher.
3. 9he 1.a bir".
4. <ii 1.a pretty $irl.
5. 9atu 1.a $oo" stu"ent.
6. &inh +oa 1. 'unny.
7. &inh +oa an" 9atu . $oo" sin$ers
!. 1.<ii beauti'ul?
#. 1.your pens blue?
1%. &y houses 1. bi$.
III.Ho%n thiLn nhng cu sau IMng t? g;i N:
1. >am3happy
2. <ii an" 9atu 3'rien"s?
3. &inh +oa 3'at?
4. The cats3bi$.
5. We3,ery $oo".
6. :ictures3nice?
7. We3not3ba".
!. They3$oo"?
#. This3my3oran$e.
1%. )our3"esks?
I8.Sa li sai trong cc cu sau :
1.Is this a umbrella?
2.They are telephone
3.Is those a schoolba$?
4.What are this?
5.(re those cat?
6.(re that an eraser?
I. Hy vit li nhng cu sau IMng chF ng trong ngoac :
1. I li,e in &ao ?he ton @ she/
2. They li,e in 9in$apore. @ >am/
3. I ant spa$hetti @ he/
4. We like peaches @ my sister/
5. We "ont ant apples @she /
6. &y mother likes ste @ I/
7. &r +un$ "oesnt like $rapes @ e/
!. What "o you ant? @ he/
#. What "oes she like? . 9he likes steak @ they/
1%. =o you ant an ice cream? . yes* I "o @ he/
II.Pi *Gt cu h(i v>i *Gt cu tr& l'i cho +hU h;+ :
( 5
1. Where "o you li,e?
2. Whens your birth"ay?
3. What "o you ant?
4. What "o you like?
5. Aan you sim?
6. Woul" you like some milk?
7. Whats your name?
!. Why are you happy?
#. +o ol" are you?
1%. (re you a stu"ent?
11. =o you like chicken?
12. Where are you 'rom?
13. hos that?
a. Im 'rom (merica.
b. )es* please
c. &y names :eter
". )es* I can
e. Thats (lan
'. >o* I "ont
$. 5ecause I ha,e mark 1%
h. Im ten years ol".
i. )es* I am
B. Its in 4uly.
k. I li,e in 9in$apore
l. I like bananas
m. I ant pancakes
III. Hy ch"n t cA +hVn ghch chn @hc v>i cc t? cWn li:
1. (. 4anuary 5. happy A 4uly =. Cebruary
2. (. "ance 5. $ame A. cake =. &on"ay
3. (. sim 5. music A. li,e =. kite
4. (. lesson 5. because A. =ecember =. packet
5. (. elcome 5. &on"ay A. notebook =. month
I8. Dh"n t? @hc v>i cc t? cWn li :
1. (. &ay 5. (pril A. milk =. 4une.
2. (. pen 5. ruler A. erasers =. notebook
3. (. play 5. classroom A. rea" =. "ance
4. (. birth"ay 5 here A. hat =. hen
5. (. she 5. you A. on =. they
V. sa li sai trong cc cu sau:
1. &y brother can sims
2. +o many "esk are there in your
3. &y birth"ay is on >o,ember
4. What is your birth"ay?
5. Woul" you like some banana?
8I. XYa v%o cc thZng tin sauB hy vit *Gt #on v$n v [inh.
+is name is >$uyen >$oc &inh.
>ameD >$uyen >$oc &inh.
($eD 12
&onth o' birthD &ay
>ationalityD Eietnamese.
(""ressD Thai 5inh.

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