Astrolgic Combination For Career-1

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Posted: May 27, 2010 |Comments: 0 | Views: 1,267 |

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The following are important combinations for profession/ career on business. A m
ention about the broad indication for professions by each Planet/ Sign/ Nakshtra
had been given separately. Here we shall give the combinations i.e. when more t
han one planet are associated together in one sign/house. It may be mentioned th
at these combinations must not be applied blindly as they are modified by their
strength/ weakness and aspect of other planets both benefic and malefic aspect w
ould trouble the native on various steps of life- whether it is business or prof
ession or service.
1) Government Employment: Sun and Moon in the 10th house, Saturn and Sun (a
ny where service with pitfalls). Sun with Jupiter gives position in judiciary wh
ich includes profession of an Advocate.
With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter (Retrograde), (12th house) the native had a high
position in Government employment, the Sun in 11th house, because of Mars and K
etu (8th house), the native had to lead a miserable life with constant disputes
in service and also quarrels with his superiors.
2) Professions involve lot of traveling- Marking- Saturn with Moon, Artisti
c bent of mind, Smuggling, cheating tendency, Business/ profession relating to e
arth and water (mud, bricks, water etc.)
3) Earning with obstacles: Saturn and Mars combination. The native earns by
telling a lie if the combination is in 11th house. However, much earning is ind
icated including acquisition of land building if this combination is aspected by
Venus/ Jupiter.
Retrograde Mars in Lagan and Retrograde Saturn in 4th house.
Mars with Saturn and Rahu-Factory/ Industry with break in career.
Saturn, Ketu and Mars displacement in career by legal disputes.
4) Professions relating to trade, writing law, authorship etc:- Saturn and
Mercury, Juipter involvement would give the needed intelligence and ability.
Venus and Jupiter gives professional respect and copious money also money lendin
g/ banking profession and connected professions.
5) Independent Career :- Saturn and Jupiter. The native even a beggar i.e.
most fortunate combination. Independent career, self employment, head of the org

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