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Gazette Date: 12/06/2014

Last Date: 16/07/2014

Category No: 253/2014 to 256/2014
Applications must be submitted online through the official website of the
Commission after 'ONE TIME REGITRATION'! Candidates who ha"e alread#
registered can appl# through their profile!
1$ De%art&e't : (o)*+e ,Ge'era) E-e+.t*/e 0ra'+12
2$ Na&e o3 (ost : ".4 I's%e+tor o3 (o)*+e ,Tra*'ee2
Note: #o&e' +a'5*5ates are a)so e)*g*4)e to a%%)y 3or t1*s %ost$ (1ys*+a))y
6a'5*+a%%e5 +a'5*5ates are 'ot e)*g*4)e to a%%)y 3or t1*s %ost$
3$ "+a)e o3 %ay : Rs$ 16780!31360/!
4$ N.&4er o3 /a+a'+*es : A't*+*%ate5 9a+a'+*es
The Ran%ed &ist of candidates published b# the Commission in response to this notification
shall cease to be in force after one #ear from the date of finalisation of Ran%ed &ist or after
one month from the date of commencement of the training in respect of the last batch of
candidates ad"ised from the ran%ed list with in a period of one #ear from the date of
finalisation of the Ran%ed &ist whiche"er is later! Candidates will be ad"ised from the said
list against the "acancies reported and pending before the Commission and the "acancies
that ma# be reported to the Commission in writing during the period of currenc# of the list!
5$ et1o5 o3 a%%o*'t&e't : D*re+t Re+r.*t&e't
i! Category No$ 253/2014 ! Open Mar%et
ii! Category No 254/2014
'rom among the Graduate Ministerial staff of (olice and )igilance
*epartment+ 'inger print E,perts+ 'ingerprint earchers of the
'ingerprint -ureau who had completed two #ears of ser"ice in
(olice *epartment!
.As per .i/ G!O! .M/ No! 01234235ome dated 67!66!6842
.ii/ G!O! .M/ No! 7939735ome dated :2!:0!6897
.iii/ G!O! .M/ No! 0439; 35ome dated 70!:0!689;
.i"/ G!O! .M/ No! 8839435ome dated 72!:9!6894

iii! Category No$ 255/2014
'rom among Graduate (olice Constables+ 5ead Constables and
officers of corresponding ran% in (olice and )igilance *epartment
who ha"e completed probation!
i"! Category No$ 256/2014
'or non<graduate C3T candidates! If sufficient number of full#
=ualified candidates belonging to C3T communities are not
a"ailable under categor# <I+ the applications of those C3T
candidates who ha"e passed intermediate or pre<uni"ersit# will be
considered onl# to fill up the =uota reser"ed for them!
.As per G!O! .M/ No! 70835ome dated :;!:1!6846/
The candidates will be apportioned among the Open mar%et+ Ministerial wing and
Constabular# wing in accordance with the orders contained in G!O! .M/
No!7;:32135ome dated 0:!67!6821 and G!O! .M/ No! 68438135ome dated
74!:9!6881! The relati"e seniorit# of the candidates in the abo"e three categories
will be decided as ordered in G!O! .M/ No!7;:32135ome dated 0:!67!6821!
6$ Age L*&*t $
Categor# > I ,:%e' ar;et2 < 20!31 : Onl# candidates
born between :7!:6!6820 and :6!:6!688;
.both dates included/!
Categor# > II ,*'*ster*a)2 < hould not ha"e completed
04 .Thirt# si,/ #ears of age as on :6!:6!7:6;!
Categor# > III ,Co'sta4.)ary2 > hould not ha"e
completed 04 .Thirt# si,/ #ears of age as on
?Rela,ation in upper age limit is admissible as per para 7 of the General
conditions for all the three categories!@
Note $ 6! Candidates from the Ministerial staff and Constabular# will be allowed to
appl# either for open competition or for the reser"e =uota but not for both!
?As per G!O! .M/ No!7:939:35ome dated :1!6:!689:@
7! The principles of Rules of reser"ation and rotation will appl# onl# for
Categor# <I <Open mar%et candidates! Candidates under Categor# II and III
will be ad"ised on the basis of merit onl#! ?As per G!O! .M/ No!
7;:32135ome dated 0:!67!6821@
0! If sufficient number of suitable candidates are not a"ailable from the
Ministerial staff+ the "acancies reser"ed for them will be filled up from the
constabular# as per the pro"isions contained in G!O! .M/ No! 68438135ome
dated 74!:9!6881! If sufficient number of candidates are not a"ailable from
the Ministerial or Constabular# categories to fill up the =uota reser"ed for
them+ the deficienc# will be made good from Open Mar%et! ?As per G!O!
.M/ No! 1739:35ome dated 74!:7!689: and G!O! .M/ No! 68438135ome
dated 74!:9!6881@
7$ =.a)*3*+at*o's $
a$ Educational =ualification $ Graduation
Note $ Rule 6: .a/ii of (art II of A B R is applicable!
4$ (h#sical tandards $ hould be (h#sicall# fit! Candidates should
possess minimum ph#sical standards as
prescribed below!
a)e Ca'5*5ates
5eight 641!6: cm 1' 1''
'or C3T Candidates 64:!:7 cm 1' 0''
Chest Measurement .Normal/ 26!72 cm 07 ''
Chest E,pansion 1!:2 cm 7''
Note$ No rela,ation will be allowed to C3T candidates in the matter of chest
>e&a)e Ca'5*5ates
5eight 64: cm
'or C3T Candidates 611 cm
Note$ Taller persons ma# be gi"en preference! .Awarding the abo"e benefit as
per G!O! .M/ No! 61;35ome dated 7;!:0!6846 will be subCected to the
final decision of the 5on'ble Commission in this regard!
+$ -oth the male and female candidates must be certified to possess the "isual standards
specified below without glasses!
&eft E#e Right E#e
6! *istant )ision 434 nellen 434 nellen
7! Near )ision :!1 nellen :!1 nellen
Note$ Each e#e must ha"e full field of "ision! Colour -lindness+ s=uint or an#
morbid condition of the e#e or lids of either e#e will be a
5$ Candidates should produce at the time of inter"iew a medical certificate in original in
the form prescribed hereunder certif#ing to their ph#sical fitness and e#esight without
glasses obtained from an# one of the following medical officers!
6! *irector+ 5ealth er"ices
7! *eput# *irector+ 5ealth er"ices
0! (rincipal+ Medical College
;! *istrict 5ospital uperintendent
1! *istrict Medical Officer
4! Ophthalmic 5ospital uperintendent!
9! *irector+ T!-! Centre
2! 'irst Grade Ci"il urgeon!
8! Medical College (rofessor
6: Associate (rofessor in the Medical Colleges
I ha"e+ this da#+ medicall# e,amined hri3mt D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD .Address/ and found that he3she has
no disease or infirmit# which would render him3her unsuitable for Go"ernment er"ice!
5is3her age according to his3her own statement+ isDDDDD!! and b# appearance+
isDDDDDD!! #ears! 5is3her standards of "ision are furnished below!
.E#e sight without Glasses/
R*g1t Eye Le3t Eye
6! *istant )ision$ D!DD nellen !D!!D nellen
7! Near )ision$ DD!!D nellen DDD nellen
0! 'ield of )ision$ DDDDDDDDD
.pecif# whether field of "ision is full or not! Entries
such as ENormalF+ EGoodF etc! are inappropriate
;! Colour blindnessDDDDDDDDDDDD!
4! An# morbid condition of the e#es or lids of either
5e 3he is ph#sicall# fit for the post of ub Inspector of (olice!

()a+e: "*g'
Date: Na&e@ Des*g'at*o'
o3 t1e e5*+a) :33*+er
,:33*+e "ea)2
Note$ *etails regarding standards of "ision should be clearl# stated in the certificate+ as
gi"en abo"e and "ague statements such as "ision GnormalH+ Ga"erageH etc will
not be accepted! pecification of each e#e should be stated separatel# against
each item! If the specifications are not as indicated abo"e+ the officer issuing the
certificate should notif# whether the candidate has got better standards of "ision
or worse standards of "ision+ as the case ma# be+ otherwise the certificate will
not be accepted!
e$ Militar# Training+ membership of NCC+ sports etc! will be considered as additional
3$ In addition to the =ualification prescribed abo"e e"er# candidate will be subCected to a
(h#sical Efficienc# Test! The (h#sical Measurement of the candidates will be ta%en
at the time of (h#sical Efficienc# Test and those who do not possess the prescribed
(h#sical Measurements will not be admitted for the (h#sical Efficienc# Test!
g$ (1ys*+a) E33*+*e'+y Test 3or a)e +a'5*5ates
Male candidates must =ualif# an# of the fi"e e"ents out of the eight specified below in
the (h#sical Efficienc# Test!
l! No! Item Minimum tandards of Efficienc#
6 6:: Metres Run 6; econds
7 5igh Iump 607!7: cm .;'4''/
0 &ong Iump ;19!7: cm .61'/
; (utting the hot .974; Grams/ 4:8!4 cm .7:'/
1 Throwing the Cric%et -all 4:84 cm .7::'/
4 Rope climbing .Onl# with
041!2: cm .67'/
9 (ull ups or Chinning 2 times
2 61:: Metres Run 1 Minutes B ;; seconds
1$ (1ys*+a) E33*+*e'+y Test 3or 3e&a)e +a'5*5ates
'emale candidates should =ualif# an# of the fi"e e"ents out of the eight specified
e"ents of the National (h#sical Efficienc# 'One starH tandard Test shown below!
l! No! Item Minimum tandards of Efficienc#
6 6:: Metres Run 69 econds
7 5igh Iump 6!:4 Metres
0 &ong Iump 0!:1 Metres
; (utting the hot .; Ag/ ;!22 Metres
1 7:: Metres Run 04 seconds
4 Throwing the Throw ball 6; Metres
9 huttle Race .71,; Metres/ 74 econds
2 %ipping .One minute/ 2: times
.As per G!O! .(/ No! 4137::835ome dated 71!:1!7::8/
Note$ If accidents or inCuries happen to a candidate while participating in the
(h#sical Efficienc# Test+ he3she will not be gi"en further chance to
participate in the test!
8 Te'tat*/e "+1e5.)e o3 E-a&*'at*o's
i! O!M!R! Test 7
August 7:6;
ii! (h#sical Efficienc# Test -etween *ecember 7:6; and 'ebruar# 7:61
7 Co'5*t*o's o3 "er/*+e
On selection+ the candidates will be under training in the (olice Training College for a
period of one #ear! Thereafter the# will be on (ractical Training for 6: months in
the district! The period of training in (olice Training College and period of (ractical
Training in *istrict will not be counted for the purpose of probation+ increment and
ser"ice! On appointment after successful completion of training+ the candidates will
be on probation for a period of 7 #ears on dut# within a continuous period of 0 #ears
from the date on which the# ta%e independent charge of the station! *uring the
training in the (olice Training College and (ractical Training in the districts and till
successful completion of probationar# period each recruit will be gi"en a stipend of
Rs! 1+1:: per month! An initial %it allowance of Rs! 771 will be paid to each recruit if
uniforms are not supplied!
As per G!O! .M/ No! ;;32135ome dated 71!:7!6821 the *eput# Inspector General
of (olice is empowered to e,tend the period of training of the recruits whose
performance is found to be unsatisfactor#+ subCect to a ma,imum of si, months in
each case! *espite such e,tension+ if the performance of the trainee does not impro"e+
the matter will be brought to the notice of the Inspector General of (olice .5ead
Juarters/ and the tate (olice Chief and if the# deem it necessar# will discharge the
trainee from training after gi"ing due notice to him3her!
10$ o5e o3 s.4&*tt*'g A%%)*+at*o's
Candidates must register as per 'ONE TIME REGITRATION' on the Official
Kebsite of Aerala (ublic er"ice Commission 'www!%eralapsc!go"!in' for appl#ing
for the post! Candidates who ha"e alread# registered shall appl# b# logging in to
their profile using their Lser< I* and password! Candidates shall clic% on the 'Appl#
Now' button of the respecti"e posts in the Notification lin% to appl# for a post! No
application fee is re=uired! Candidates can "iew and ha"e a print<out of the details in
the profile b# clic%ing the lin% Registration Card+ if re=uired! Candidates are
responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrec# of password!
-efore appl#ing for a post+ candidates must ensure correctness of the information in
their profile! The# shall %eep in mind the Lser<I* for further communication with the
commission! Applications once submitted will be recei"ed as pro"isional and
particulars shall not be deleted or altered after submission! Applications submitted
not in accordance with the conditions of the notification will be summaril# reCected!
*ocuments to pro"e Jualification+ e,perience+ communit#+ age etc! ha"e to be
produced as and when called for!
11$ #e4s*te A55ress : AAA$;era)a%s+$go/$*'
Last 5ate o3 re+e*%t o3 A%%)*+at*o's: 16$07$2014 Kednesda# up to 67!::
13$ If a written test3OMR Test is conducted as part of this selection+ 5all Tic%ets of eligible
candidates will be made a"ailable in the website of the Aerala (ublic er"ice
Commission! Candidates are instructed to download their 5all Tic%et as per the
instructions in the website!
.'or details+ please see the General Conditions gi"en below as (art II of this notification!/
($ C$ 0IN:B
Cera)a (.4)*+ "er/*+e Co&&*ss*o'

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