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Instrument Calibration Procedure

Internal and External Dial, Vernier and Digital

Calipers and Outside Micrometers
DA!E 0"0#
$EV% 0

&ualit' Assurance Manager
Appro(ed Date)
% !-is procedure describes t-e calibration o. Internal and External Dial, Vernier and
Digital Calipers and Outside Micrometers% !-e instrument being calibrated is
re.erred to -erein as t-e !I /!est Instrument0
%1 !-is procedure includes test and essential per.ormance parameters onl'% An'
mal.unction noticed during calibration, 2-et-er speci.icall' tested .or or not,
s-ould be corrected%
!able Calibration Description
!est Met-od
Dial, Vernier
and Digital
3ero indication test !est point 0 in%
!olerance 4"5 %0006 in%
Determined b' sliding
t-e 7a2s toget-er and
reading t-e !I
Outside accurac' $ange 0 to 18
!olerance) see !able II
Comparison to gage
bloc9s bet2een t-e !I
Inside accurac' $ange 0 to 18
!olerance) see !able II
Comparison to gage
bloc9s dimensions
placing t-e bloc9s
2it- attac-ed caliper
7a2s outside t-e !I
Dept- gage accurac' $ange 0 to 18 Comparison to gage
bloc9 dimensions,
placing t-e !I dept-
gage bloc9 and
reading t-e !I outside
dimension scale%
Lengt- and Linearit' $ange) 0 to 18 Measured b'
comparing !I
indications to gage
bloc9 dimensions
setup to test t-e basic
lengt- and
micrometer -ead
*EC!IO+ 1
E&,IPME+! $E&,I$EME+!*
!able 1 E:uipment $e:uirements

Item Minimum ,se
1% Gage ;loc9 *et $ange %0605 <8
!olerance %00006
E**M =*E00>0
1%1 Lo2 po2er magni.ier !o aid in reading t-e !L
(ernier or barrel scale
1%? Micrometer 2renc- Ad7ustment o. micrometer
1%< *mall 7e2elers scre2dri(er Ad7ustment o. caliper
1%6 *mall clamp @old gage bloc9s .or inside
measurement comparison
1%> Lig-t mac-ine oil or spra' Lubrication o. slides or
1%# Clean .lat sur.ace *ur.ace Plate or *teel ;loc9
*EC!IO+ ?
?% !I I+*PEC!IO+
?%1 Ensure t-at t-e 2or9 area is clean, 2ell illuminated, .ree .rom excessi(e dra.ts,
.ree .rom excessi(e -umidit', and t-at t-e rate o. temperature c-ange does not
exceed <
B per -our%
?%? Ensure t-at t-e gage bloc9 set /item 1%0 is clean and t-at t-e !I and t-e gage
bloc9s -a(e been allo2ed to stabiliCe at t-e ambient temperature .or a minimum
o. 1 -ours%
?%< Ensure t-at t-e !I 7a2s slide smoot-l' and .reel' along t-e .ull lengt- o. t-e !I
beam, i. not ta9e correcti(e action%
?%6 Inspect to ensure t-e 7a2s are .ree o. nic9s and burrs and t-at it is clean and .ree
.rom damage t-at 2ould impair its operation%
!I test point are basicall' determined b' selecting < test point 2it-in t-e .irst inc-
o. range and < to D point additional test points extending o(er t-e remainder o. t-e
!I range at approximatel' e:ual spacing%
?%> In order top minimiCe t-e number o. gage bloc9s needed to test calipers 2it-
-ig-er ranges, select test point at 16, 60, #6, and 00E o. t-e !I range be'ond t-e

inc- and round to t-e nearest F inc-% ,se ma7or (ernier graduations or normal
electronic digital (alues as test points as necessar'%
?%# *lo2l' rotate t-e !I micrometer t-imble, and ensure t-at it operates smoot-l' its
entire range%
?%D !-e !I lengt- measurement test s-ould be pre.ormed at approximatel' > points
across t-e range o. t-e !I% Bor example, 0 to 8 micrometer ma' -a(e calculated
test points at %000, %100, %<00, %>00, %D00 and %000 inc-%
*EC!IO+ <
,nless ot-er2ise speci.ied, (eri.' t-e results o. eac- test and ta9e correcti(e action
2-ene(er t-e test re:uirement is not being met be.ore proceeding%
Cotton glo(es s-ould be 2orn 2-en -andling gage bloc9s to pre(ent t-e o. bod'
-eat, protect t-e gage sur.aces%
<% 3E$O !E*!
<%% *lide t-e !I 7a2s toget-er, ensuring t-at no lig-t is (isible bet2een t-e 7a2s
measuring sur.aces% I. t-e !I -as inside measurement capabilit', (eri.' t-at t-e
dial indicator or (ernier indicates Cero, as necessar'% Ad7ust t-e dial beCel, i.
<%%1 !ig-ten t-e !I sliding 7a2 set scre2, i. applicable
<%%? I. t-e !I -as a digital readout, depress t-e Cero set and (eri.' t-at t-e digital
indication reads 0%000%
<%%< I. t-e !I is a (ernier t'pe, (eri.' t-at t-e !I Cero mar9s are aligned, as applicable%
<%1 O,!*IDE ACC,$ACA !E*!
<%1% Determine t-e gage bloc9s re:uired to obtain test points at a minimum o. < point
t-roug-out t-e .irst inc- o. t-e !I as .ollo2s %16, %?00, %>60, and %000 inc-%
<%1%1% Open t-e !I to be'ond t-e .irst test point% Insert t-e gage bloc9s and close t-e
7a2s until t-e' are .irml' in contact 2it- t-e gage bloc9% $epeat eac- reading ?56
times and (eri.' t-at eac- indication does not exceed 4"5 G o. t-e least dial
<%1%? Veri.' t-at t-e .irst inc- test points are 2it-in 4"5 %00 inc- .or 05>8 range and 4"5
%001 .or 0518calipers%
<%1%< $epeat steps <%1%1 and <%1%? .or t-e remaining test points o. 16E, 60E, #6E and
.ull range /00E0%
<%? I+*IDE ACC,$ACA !E*!
<%?% Determine t-e gage bloc9s re:uired to obtain test points at a minimum o. < point
t-roug-out t-e .irst inc- o. t-e !I as .ollo2s %16, %?00, %>60, and %000 inc-%
<%?%1% ,sing a t-ree gage bloc9 set5up% Place t-e test gage bloc9 bet2een t2o ot-er
bloc9s and secure 2it- a t-umb scre2 t'pe clamp /Bigure 0% Open t-e !I to
t-e approximatel' t-e .irst test point% Insert t-e !I and open t-e 7a2s until t-e' are
.irml' in contact 2it- t-e inside o. t-e gage bloc9s% $epeat eac- reading ?56 times
and (eri.' t-at eac- indication does not exceed 4"5G o. t-e least dial graduation%
<%?%? Veri.' t-at t-e .irst inc- test points are 2it-in 4"5 %00 inc- .or 05>8 range and 4"5
%001 .or 0518calipers%
<%?%< $epeat steps <%1%1 and <%1%? .or t-e remaining test points o. 16E, 60E, #6E and
.ull range /00E0%
Gage Block Gage Block
Test Point Gage Block
Inside Measurement *et5up
<%< DEP!@ ACC,$ACA
<%<% Position t-e end o. t-e !I beam against a %0 inc- gage bloc9 sur.ace 2it- t-e end
o. t-e rod against t-e sur.ace plate or steel gage bloc9%
<%<%1 Ensure t-at t-e !I gage measuring sur.aces are s:uarel' placed against t-e sur.ace
o. t-e gage bloc9 and t-e sur.ace plate%
<%<%? Ma9e an' necessar' .inal ad7ustments and note t-e scale indication%
<%<%< Veri.' t-at t-e (alue/s0 noted in t-e preceding step is 2it-in 4"5 %00 .or 05>8
range and 4"5 %001 .or 0518calipers%
<%<%6 Per.orm steps <%<% t-roug- <%<%< .or eac- additional inc- o. dept- gage range,
c-anging gage bloc9s, as necessar'%
*EC!IO+ 6
6% Determine t-e gage bloc9s re:uired to obtain test points at a minimum o. 6 point%
/Lo2est !I indication, 10E, <0E, >0E, D0E and .ull range%0
6%% Ad7ust t-e spindle se(eral tent-s o. an inc- .rom Cero, based on t-e !I basic
lengt-% *tarting 2it- t-e gage bloc9 e:ual to t-e lo2est !I range, slide t-e gage
bloc9/s0 bet2een t-e an(il and spindle%
6%%1 Ad7ust t-e !I as applicable to contact t-e gage bloc9/s0% $epeat eac- reading 15?
times and (eri.' eac- indication% $ to !able ? Micrometer Calibration
6%%? $epeat step 6%% H 6%%1 t-roug- t-e complete range o. t-e !I%
6%1 I. t-e !I is t-e interc-angeable an(il t'pe, attac- t-e eac- an(il in range and
(eri.' as outlined in paragrap- 6%56%%?%
!able ? Micrometer Calibration !olerance
Micrometer *iCe $ange Calibration !olerance
Calibration !olerance
Iit-out (ernier
058 4"5 %000 4"5 %00
8518 t-roug- J8508 4"5 %0001 4"5 %00
0858 and greater 4"5 %000? 4"5 %001
*EC!IO+ >
>% Complete a Measuring and !est Calibration $ecord /&A5<0 .or eac- item
calibrated% ,tiliCe additional &A5< .orm as continuation s-eet as needed%
>%1 A..ix a calibration label to t-e !I 2it- t-e date calibrated, date o. next calibration
and 2-o per.ormed t-e calibration%
>%1% *pecial calibration label s-all be applied to an' item t-at -as not been
calibrated to itKs .ull' range o. capabilit'%
>%? All completed calibration records s-all be .ile and maintained%

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