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The Labour Party

Labour Party Job Description

Campaigns Analyst
Job Title: Campaigns Analyst
Responsible to: Head of Contact Creator, Targeting, and Analysis
Location: Labour Party Head Office - London
Key Purpose: To support the work of the party in the production of
strategies to target key oters! "ou will be re#uired to work
with a range of standard database products as well as Contact
Creator, the Party$s bespoke national oter database!
Specific Responsibilities:
%! To hae a strategic input into the formulation of segmentation strategies!
&! To e'plore new ways data we hold or can analyse can be used to further the
electoral prospects of the Labour Party!
(! To use bespoke #ueries and third party reporting software to analyse electoral
and campaign data, and produce easy to understand reports!
)! To proide useful statistical analysis on trends in the electorate, among oters,
and among supporters of particular parties!
*! To present key findings in a clear manner both ia written communications
and ia oral briefings to senior stakeholders within the Labour Party!
+! To produce and present regular management information reports on trends
and actiity!
,! To carry out any other reasonable tasks as directed by the Head of Contact
Creator, Targeting, and Analysis, or the -'ecutie .irector/ -lections 0

The Labour Party
The post holder will be e'pected to work in a fle'ible way within the 2nit as part
of a team, and to work effectiely and closely with other Party units inside and
outside Head Office!

The Labour Party
Labour Party - Person Specification
Campaigns Analyst
Campaigns Analyst
An understanding of how demographic and oting intention information can
be used together to drie targeting strategies and improe the releance and
power of political messaging!
An understanding of how commercial organisations use prospect targeting
and how this can be translated into the political arena!
A good understanding of the needs of political parties!
A strong grasp of statistical concepts and techni#ues of statistical inference!
A general understanding of 3ritish politics, at both local and national leels!
An understanding of how political parties operate and are organi4ed in
A proen track record of highly proficient data handling, using adanced
functionality, on standard 5icrosoft data applications such as -'cel and

The Labour Party
-'perience of working with other more adanced statistical packages, such as
6 or 1tata!
-'perience of using analytical tools, ideally with some e'perience of
propensity modelling!
-'perience of retrieing comple' information for reporting purposes from a
database using 17L, and ideally also of using database reporting software
8e!g! Crystal 6eports9
A track record of working in a political enironment
-'cellent written and oral communication skills!
-'cellent leel of ability with 5icrosoft -'cel!
1ome knowledge of 17L
Proficient data handling skills in a range of data applications!
Ability to deelop clear ob:ecties, assess success and report back in a clear
;illingness to learn, master, and use new technologies and new software!
;illingness to work effectiely within a wider team!
-'cellent interpersonal, communication and presentational skills!
Ability to distil comple' analyses and findings into clear messages!
Ability to present information in a clear manner to senior staff and politicians

The Labour Party
Ability to understand how political messages, ideas and data targeting should
be used together!
An ability to work under pressure, to tight deadlines and in a fle'ible way!

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