Assembling and Labelling Prescriptions SOP

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Standard Operating Procedure For

Assembling and Labelling Prescriptions

To define procedure for the assembly and labelling of prescriptions with the
objective to ensure accuracy and safety.
This SOP covers all prescriptions which are received in a pharmacy which
are subsequently dispensed.
It is the responsibility of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and dispensing
assistants to ensure accurate and efficient assembling and labelling of
Assembling and Labelling
Responsibility: Pharmacist [P], Technician [T], Assistant [A].
Process Steps Key Points
1. Appropriate clothing.
Make sure that you are wearing the right
clothes for the job. At best white lab coats
should be worn, if these are not available
wear clean simple clothes.
ealth and safety regulations apply to
all employees. !nsure that relevant
appropriate protective clothing is worn
such as clean overalls.
"f possible direct handing of medicinal
products should be avoided.
2. Select appropriate product.
#ead the prescription $not the label% and
select the correct product.
&ral medicines' make sure correct
formulation is selected such as !(,
S#, )A... *opical medicines' make sure
it is the correct formulation and
whether this is appropriate for the
patient' cream, ointment...
3. Validity screen o product.
(heck that product contains a Patient
"nformation )eaflet and is well before its
e+piry date.
,ouble check that the product contains
the designated amount of
tablets-capsules etc.
!. Assemble product.
Place products in appropriate
si.ed container, such as a basket and
assemble all products in bags.
!ach bag should be labelled appropriately
with the patients name and address.
Accurately calculate /uantity from
doctors notes. Avoid and contacts with
cytoto+ic medicines such as
methotre+ate, finasteride...
"f insufficient product is available refer
to 0&wings Management S&P.
"f you remove items from a full bo+
make sure that the resulting package is
identifiable as not being a full pack.
". Label appropriately.
Place the label neatly and in a manner that
allows it to be easily read.
1here available sign the label to say that
you have dispensed and checked the item.
(heck that the packaging is
appropriate for the customer. "f an
owings notes is used for prescriptions
to be picked up, make sure that it is
stapled to the outside of the bag.
"f needed, complete the register for the
Known risks:
Additional notes:
#e$ie% procedure:
This SOP is dynamic, and should be constantly updated when and where necessary.
The above box can be filled concerning new staff, adverse incidents or any new
circumstance which arise after the publication of this first version. f no errors,
incidences or !PS"# recommendations occur a review will be carried out every six
months starting from the creation date$. This review will update the SOP content and
format with the goal to enable better assembling and labelling of prescriptions.
" have signed to say that " have read and understood the instructions overleaf.
2ame Signature ,ate

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