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Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No.


Task 1 12 sides of
A4 (4959
Task 2 1555 words
Task 3 1524 words
Total 9123

Marketing Information & Research
Professional Certificate in Marketing
Study centre : Next Business School
CIM Membership Number : 38431369

CIM Declaration
I confirm that in forwarding this assignment for marking, I understand
and have applied the CIM policies relating to word count, plagiarism and
collusion for all tasks. This assignment is the result of my own
independent work/investigation expect where I stated. Other sources are
acknowledged in the body of the text and/or a bibliography is appended.
The work that I have submitted has not previously been accepted in
further confirm that I have not shared
CIM Declaration
I confirm that in forwarding this assignment for marking, I understand
and have applied the CIM policies relating to word count, plagiarism and
collusion for all tasks. This assignment is the result of my own
independent work/investigation expect where I stated. Other sources are
acknowledged in the body of the text and/or a bibliography is appended.
The work that I have submitted has not previously been accepted in
substance for any other award. I further confirm that I have not shared
my work with other candidates.
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369


I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my lecturer Mrs. Ruwandi, you
have been a tremendous mentor for me. I would like to thank you for encouraging me
through out every step of the assignment. Your advice on both assignment as well as on my
career have been priceless. I would also like to thank my fellow classmates for letting my
time be an enjoyable moment, and for your brilliant comments and suggestions, thanks to all
of you. I would especially like to thank the staff at Next Business School. All of you have
been there to support me.
A special thanks to my family. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my mother and
father for all of the sacrifices that youve made on my behalf. Your prayer for me was what
sustained me thus far. I would also like to thank all of my friends who supported me in
writing, and incented me to strive towards my goal. At the end I would like express
appreciation to my beloved fianc who spent sleepless nights with and was always my
support in the moments when there was no one to answer my queries.

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Table of contents

Acknowledgment .................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.0 Richard Pieris & Co.PLC- Company background. ........................................................................... 4
1.1 Marketing problem ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Research Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Research methodology ...................................................................................................................... 7
Type of data ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Source ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Purpose .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Competitors messages on the move ........................................................................................................ 7
1.4 PRESENTATION ........................................................................................................................... 14
1.5 Timing of the project ...................................................................................................................... 15
1.6 Estimated budget for the research. .................................................................................................. 15
Task 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.0 Introduction Task 3 ...................................................................................................................... 31
3.1 Strategic importance to the company of building data analysis tools ............................................. 31
3.2 Identify the relevant data analysis tools which the company could use.......................................... 31
3.3 Data protection legislation and controls .......................................................................................... 32
3.4 Recommendations for the ethical usage of collected data .............................................................. 33
3.5 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................. 36

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

1.0 Richard Pieris & Co.PLC- Company background.
Going 80 years back in 1940 a few partners who set themselves up in a business as commission
agents ,export and import dealers first emerged the business venture in a filling station, the beginning
of the national institution was mode set and converted into a limited liability with the founding
partners as directors and over the years grew to a business power house. Today, Richard Pieris and
Company PLC can justifiably claim a place in the front rank of the countrys diversified business
The Company has created a strong presence in every nook and corner in the country for all its
products and services offered. It is well known amongst all Sri Lankans the Brand name of Arpico
has placed a seal of Trust, Excellence and Heritage towards the masses at large. The vision statement
of Arpico is to be a market driven technologically oriented diverse group while focusing the
expectations of the customers and to ensure a continuous growth, while the mission statement of this
company is to exceed expectations of the customers.
Richard Pieris Distributors Ltd. manages the renowned Arpico chain of Supercenters,
Superstores and an island wide network of Showrooms. The network retails a wide array
of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), household goods, apparel, furniture & electronics,
and provides a host of value added services such as bank service points, ATMs, credit card
and mobile bill payment facilities etc. through its seventeen Super Centers / Stores and twenty
four Showrooms
Industry players and its performance.
The main competitors that possess a threat is Cargills, by its rapid expansion has been very evident.
The outlets cater to middle and low income group category of customers. Cargills main strategy is low
price value addition to customers by way of purchasing at low price (purchasing economies of scale).
Cargills operates island wide with 268 outlets with all 24 districts in Sri Lanka.
Cargills is the current number one or market leader in the super market chains and currently poses a
threat to the ordinary boutiques operating island wide. This is mainly because of the strategy Cargills
follows beating the lowest price into the lowest. Their strategy attracts all walks of the population.
The next being Keels Super operated by the number one business chain in Sri Lanka i.e John Keels
Holdings PLC. These super markets cater to the urban population as opposed to Cargills outlets. The
group expanded the outlets mainly in the urban areas of the country. Keels Supper focused mainly in
the upper middle class customers. Its expansion was not rapidly penetrating the geographical towns in
the country as opposed to the Food City outlets. Keels Supper was not having the same expectations
as compared to its direct competitor Food City with low net margins and issues of sustainable returns.
In view of the same Keels are developing a mall concept to support the new and upcoming Super
Market expansion.
The segment of customers is mainly on the urban middle and upper middle class customers, and
young adult customers has the focus for the Arpico Supper Centers. Apart of the above mentioned
customers there are seasonal customers that visits the outlets based on the occasions of the year.
Mostly Sri Lankan customers walk into ARPICO due to the availability of any products from a
variety of brands; convenience.
As per the annual report published for the year 2012/2013 ARPICO Group has recorded a net profit
before tax of Rs. 3.05Bn.The retail sector reported a 15.7Bn revenue contribution to the overall profit
of 34.6Bn. The turnover of the Company improved steadily compared to the previous year even
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

the economy showed signs of a slowdown. However, there is a drop in the operating profits of the
company compared to the previous year mainly as a result of the imposition of Value Added Tax
(VAT) on the retail and wholesale industry with effect from 01st of January 2013, the increase in the
cost of operation as a result of energy/fuel price increases at the beginning of 2012, and a non
recurring capital gain included in the prior year operating profit figure. Furthermore, the reduction in
consumer spending evident throughout the year resulted in a drop in demand for non essential items.

1.1 Marketing problem

*Keells super outlets are geared up with mobile technology and currently operates with the facility of
purchasing customers daily needs online. No other supermarket does online sales and they take the
first mover advantage. May it be a busy day at work, last minute shopping, one minute changes to the
recipe or may it be in the traffic items can be purchased through the Keels Super mobile app or the
*The Arpico super center houses more than 300,000 products and 43,000 categories in its super
centers. Hence of its vast range of products the company needs to communicate special promotions
and offers that are made in time to time. It is estimated that 700,000 customers patronize the super
centers on a daily basis. Having considered the turnover of those customers, the company foresee the
potential for further growth.
*Cargills has 68948 facebook likes, 788 tweets on twitter and 637 check ins on foursquare. They
update their facebook and twitter page daily. Keells super has 102,547 facebook likes, 2732 tweets
and 601 check ins on foursquare. While ARPICO has only 20,263 facebok likes, no twitter posts and
3241 check ins on foursquare. This clearly indicates that ARPICO is not making using of social
networks. Facebook page is active, but not many likes. No twitter posts at all. ARPICO has the
highest in terms of existing and potential customer involvement on foursquare.
Rationale behind the research
The global phenomenon on e-commerce has widespread apart from the developed countries to
emerging markets. Following the ICT penetrations worldwide, Sri Lanka has evolved to be among the
forerunners in an actively growing ICT environment. This research is focused on customers
behavioral response customers communications on the move.

Competitor modern trade businesses also referred to as super markets has embarked being aggressive
to increase their noise levels by announcing special promotions and offers to their existing and
potential customers. The mode of mobile phones, smartphones, tablets have become a vehicle to
communicate marketing messages more frequently.

Some benefits of research knowledge on customer communications on the move, benchmark
ARPICO offerings with other competitors, predict the future needs and diverse wants of potential and
existing customers.

Therefore this research which elaborates the use of effective communication by Arpico Super Centers
will help develop sound communications strategy using on the move communication tools

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

1.2 Research Objectives

Following are the objectives developed to complete the task.

2.1 To outline the various categories and number of marketing messages that come by the ARPICO
super centre customers and future customers who receive from Keells, Cargills and Laughs while they

Analyzing the types of marketing communications used by ARPICO which both existing and
potential customers receive whilst on the move.
Identify the types of mobile communications used by other competing organizations in their
marketing messages.
Observe how often the messages are communicated to current and potential customers of
ARPICO vs competitor firms.
Suitable types which ARPICO could utilize in marketing special customer updates.
Whether competitors send messages online or offline.
The volume of messages received from ARPICO vs competing entities.
2.2 Analyzing the key types of apparatuses that current and forthcoming ARPICO super center
customers are willing to obtain marketing promotions on; when they are out traveling.

Observe the mobile trends Sri Lankan customers follow which ARPICO could derive in
marketing messages.
Understanding the internet penetration of Sri Lanka which ARPICO can market their retail
The tendency of potential and existing customers to own a smart phone, tablet or laptop.
Identify types of internet connectivity which current and potential customers prefer to use.
Understanding the operating systems which potential and existing customers use.
2.3 Assessing the different platforms those current and impending ARPICO customers would be
willing to approach.
A clear observation of customer awareness about current marketing messages sent by
ARPICO as well as other companies.
How active customers are online using e mail, whats App, foursquare, twitter etc.
Selection of customers towards auto generated messages vs. personal messages.
Understanding for what purposes potential and existing customers wish to receive marketing
Evaluate the platforms which customers perceive their future communication needs.
2.4 Comparing and contrasting with explanation, the types of notification both the current and
prospective American Express cardholders would prefer whilst they are out.
Understanding the extent which customers need help from the company regarding products.
Customer responses to promotions and offers sent on the go.
Changes which customers would prefer adding to the current marketing strategy of ARPICO.
Instances and situations which customers intend to interact with ARPICO.
Evaluate types of messages customers require information on a daily basis.

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

1.3 Research methodology
This elaborates how the above mentioned objectives are achieved. Under 3.0 we will talk about
research methods of primary and secondary. Secondary we will divide under internal and external and
under primary methods we sub divide into qualitative and quantitative.
Secondary research
This market research has been already done by an organization and is available within the
organization. For an example reports or studies that has been done by agencies, surveys done
previously for a specific purpose.
By using a secondary research it would help to achieve the above mentioned objectives on assist in
analyzing the number of marketing messages the customer would receive from other competitor
organizations, To identify the current customers and potential customers that are willing to obtain
marketing promotions while they are on travel, in order to identify what type of notification the
customer would prefer in obtaining.
Internal sources
Type of data Source Purpose

Internal customer care dept. Analyzing current process management systems
to meet customer satisfaction.
Seasonal Trends

Arpico Bonanza promotional
To observe own brand concept and attract
customers to enjoy the shopping spree.
Privilege Cards log/database To identify a loyal customer base where the
customer will have trade discounts, entitle for
special promotions.
Staff dedicated
for SM
Facebook, Twitter reports Identify promotions on social media. Attract
customers whilst having the shopping experience
been discussed by customers.
Arpico Christmas Millionaire
campaign reports
To identify Seasonal customers and to improve
upon its Seasonal objectives.
Table 1: Internal Secondary Sources
Source: Author contribution
External sources
Type of data Source Purpose
Competitors messages on the
Competitor Websites and
To compare what contact
methods used by competitor Vs.
Industry Benchmarks Annual reports , magazines,
external data
To understand the Companys
rating Vs. Competitors
Customer Discussions Interviews, business forums,
To understand the need for
Table 2: External secondary sources
Source: Author contribution
Usefulness of secondary data
There are several favorable outcomes that can be seen mainly by using a secondary research that is
the services ease of access where it is convenient and could be obtained speedily, The research may
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

help clarify the research focus, Help in effectively eliminating the need and other expenses to carryout
research when compared to primary research. Technology plays a major role with internet use speed
of accumulating information is very high.
Drawbacks of secondary data
However there would be drawbacks of using this research. In many instances the researches would
not get the full study of the data collected, accuracy of data can be highly doubtful and it will be
difficult to compare as the data provided is biased, It is not timely this means to say that the
information collected from secondary data would include past trends that would not suit the present
Due to these limitations identified above regarding secondary data it is recommended to carry out a
primary research.
Primary Research.
This is a set of data that are in original form. These primary researches are mainly conducted in order
to answer specific questions where the information that is required are collected directly from the
focused market. The primary research is carried out in this project in order to evaluate the no. of
marketing messages the customers would obtain by other supercenters while they are on the move.
Objective of primary research is that to gain all relevant data related to on the move communications
of potential and existing customers.
Primary research could be mainly done is two ways that is through qualitative and quantitative
research. Qualitative research is done through depth interviews or through focus group discussions
where it would help the researcher to dive deep into the problem. Quantitative data helps in gathering
numerical figures that is transformed into statistics. This research will be done through surveys that
are obtaining data through face to face communication or the use of online.
Quantitative Research.
The research activity of same is a vital phenomenon and a set of information to fulfill the objectives
of the finding more accurate. In this aspect of fulfilling the quantitative objectives it would enable to
understand the use of mobile phones out of which the trend in shifting from conventional mobile
phone units in to smart phones and further extended to Tablets etc... The quantitative research will
elaborate the current IT platform in the county and would further elaborate through data the furfure
evolution of marketing promotions and new trends that would affect the lively hood of communities.
The collected data converted to numerical data will guide the organizations objectives to focus on
the desired customer groups that will affect the overall business performance of the Company.
The quantitative Research Methods
Are mainly conducted in three different ways
o Surveys
o Experiments
o Panels
The methods of a Survey provide an broad image of how technological influence the masses at large.
It is a passive process where organization identifies to make the best opportunity of its reach.
Therefore other methodology in terms of experiments and panels is not likely the requirement to
identify the growing phenomenon of such subject matter. Glen Arbon will not carry out experiments
or panel interviews.

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

The set of quantitative data is vital to understand the mode of communication especially for those
customers who are mobilized and using mobile technology to receive and disseminate information. It
is important that a study is conducted to find out from those customer groups the effectiveness of
reaching them more effectively. Therefore the following methodology could be used in collecting the
required quantitative data.
o An interview could be conducted with a selected sample base
o A set of direct attributed questioner could be posted direct to customer or can pose online
questioner to a sample customer base.
o Quantitative data on demographys of mobile phone uses, access to IT related
devices/computers, uses of Social Media etc...
The set of selected population is the urban customer Groups, Young Adults and a mix of middle
income level groups. Existing customers who are also the competitor customers and potential
customers groups are Middle and upper income groups to be in the category of the Urban Group. The
Young Adult Group is considered the ages between 23 years- 37 years. The above customer groups
are selected based on the common or majority of population that visit the ASCs and those who
frequently visit the competitor outlets on a far regular basis.
The customer groups also enter the urban/seasonal category as we find a considerable amount of
corporate clients contributing to the business of ASCs.
A sample of those customer groups is vital where the real customer needs can be identified. The
specific outlet of the ASC can have the targeted product portfolio and could identify the customers
taste of choice this could be achieved through a validated set of questions in terms of the income
levels and other preferences of those CGs.
A sample is a smaller (but hopefully representative) collection of units from a population used to
determine truths about that population (Field, 2005)
Purpose of Sampling:
Resources (time, money) and workload
Gives results with known accuracy that can be calculated mathematically
The benefit of sampling for Arpico Supper centers will provide the organization to improve upon its
accurate spending on its research. It will provide the organization to derive absolute benefit and to
know where the organization should target to communicate its products and services.
The sample data can be constructed as per mentioned bellow based on the information provided by
the customers in relation to their category, Therefore the data can be taken of those clients. Further
information from the data base on the age groups.
Sampling is used to gain information about a population when a full census is not practical. In order
for your results to be representative of the population you are surveying, you must ensure that you
select an appropriate sample of respondents.
To determine the appropriate sample size, the estimated response rate and desired accuracy of the
final results must be taken into consideration. The greater the survey sample size the smaller the error
margin, and the more reliable the survey results will be.
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Stratified sampling
In statistical surveys, when subpopulations within an overall population vary, it is advantageous to
sample each subpopulation (stratum) independently. Stratification is the process of dividing members
of the population into homogeneous subgroups before sampling Glen Arbor & Co Ltd will formulate
the following in order to carry out this sampling technique. Total sample consists of all loyalty card
members stratified into different age groups.
Type of Privilege Card Total
Age Group Silver Gold Platinum
20-25 400 170 50 620
26-40 850 300 180 1330
41-60 900 1000 1200 3100
61-65 800 900 300 2000
66 and
300 20 30 350
Total 3250 2395 1760 7400
Table 3: Total sample frame
Sampling errors are found in conducting a survey. Sampling are difference between the sample value
and the true value of the population being surveyed. We wish to minimize it in our fullest capacity
mentioned in the report below. Our agency assures of a 98% accuracy level.
Contact methods used for conducting survey:
Telephone and online methods of contacting the sample frame will be carried out as follows;
Loyalty card holders will be contacted through the telephone and one to one questions will be raised
according to each customers. Half of the sample frame will be selected for the exercise of asking
queries through telephone. Selected questions will be raised depending from each customer groups.
People who do not have access to the internet and questions which need answers will be asked
through means of telephone.
Type of Privilege Card Total
Age Group Silver Gold Platinum
20-25 200 85 25 310
26-40 425 150 90 665
41-60 450 500 600 1550
61-65 400 450 150 1000
66 and above 150 10 15 175
Total 1625 1195 880 3700

Loyalty card holders who preferred e mail or online method of communication are selected here.
These type of customers will be reviewed with a general set of questions varying from age group to
age group and also varied upon loyalty card membership.
Type of Privilege Card Total
Age Group Silver Gold Platinum
20-25 200 85 25 310
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

26-40 425 150 90 665
41-60 450 500 600 1550
61-65 400 450 150 1000
66 and
150 10 15 175
Total 1625 1195 880 3700

It will be various methods through all possible IT platforms that the selected sample group will be
contacted upon on the survey. The use of Internet, SMSs, Social Media sites, will be used. The main
reason to use the IT platform is to understand the role of communication through using the internet
and email is to evaluate the objectives of the customers using such facility to update the information
of marketing communications.
The survey researcher is survey administered and self-administered as the method of using the
questioner through telephone and through using internet /emails. The interviews will be conducted
during office hours and after office hours to make the researcher understand the type of customers
involved during the time of the day. Most customers can be busy when contacted during the day time
where the questioner can be emailed for feedback. Some may be free to be interviewed.
The advantages and disadvantages of the contact methods could be that when the respondents could
be busy in their work places they may not provide the accurate information that the researcher would
require to conclude the real required data. On the other hand the advantage would be than having to
focus more on a researcher administered model which would create situations that the respondents
may sometimes avoid. In instances of such nature the researcher could focus on to the self-
administered method of conducting the survey.
Non sampling errors and ways to overcome
Non-sampling errors could take place in either during the research interview process and through the
self-interviewed process that would initiate towards the survey. There could be respondents who
would not react positively or there could be errors that could not be recorded in a proper manner
during telephone conversations. The probability of errors could be minimize by evaluating the issues
and circumstances that could occur during such interviews be discussed with e team of researchers
and have the contingencies been evaluated to minimize such shortfalls.
Data collection tools
Data will be collected by use of questioner this is a set of questions asked by the subject in order
collect information about the Arpico super center customers. The different target groups of Arpico can
be contacted through online, telephone calls, where they would fill in necessary information and
through online. The questionnaire would include the multiple, yes or no of questions regarding on the
move communications.
Quantitative data processing
Once the data is stored in the computer and is free of error Glen Arbon would select the most
appropriate approach for Tabulation and Statistical analysis. (Wilson 2006)
The data preparation method would process in the following way,
1. Data entry The information that was gathered about the Arpico super center customers will
be entered into the computer.
2. Editing - Edit such information gathered if there are defaults found in the Customer base.
3. Coding - This is where we would assign codes ,for closed / structured questions.
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Processing of data would happen with the use of softwares such as Excel/SNAP/SPSS.By
using these softwares Glen Arbon could analyses the data.
Statistical analysis
Statistics would involve the collection /interpretation and the analysis of raw data. There will be
several methods used in Statistical analysis.
Descriptive analysis.- This would show quantitative measurements. Would help in organizing
and summarizing data .
Ex: We could obtain a certain percentage of how many customers are currently obtaining marketing
messages about Arpico super center products while they are on the move.
Frequency distribution. This is a method of classifying data, where the collected data will be
divided into segments.
Time series analysis Analyses the behavior of Arpico super center customers over a period
of time.
There also strengths and weaknesses of using such statistical analysis. Advantage of using
descriptive statistics for the project research is that clarification of large volumes of data is possible
and is easy to calculate. main disadvantages could be that lack of confidentiality ,that is when the
subject used in this research are not truthful because they would feel the need to tell the researcher
what they would like to hear. Questions that the individual feel is personal would not be answered.
There leading to lack of confidence intervals.
Limitations of Survey Research
A survey is a non-experimental descriptive research method .This method is used in order to collect
data that cannot be directly observed. Basic types of surveys are cross sectional surveys and
longitudinal surveys, but there certain limitations that could be seen in using surveys,
Insecurity of limiting access to the population (customer segments) of concern.
Lack of time to carry out a survey to the selected market segment.
It carries a large cost it would have lack of funding necessary to carry out the whole research.
Certain biasness seen in some of the questions surveyed.
We could minimize the limitations of surveys by;
Before conducting the research the researcher should be knowledgeable about the area he/she
wishes to research.
To widen the base of experience ,this could be done by talking to other practioneers in the
same field we wish to conduct our research.
Avoiding posting questioners that cannot be answered by the subject. Ex. You could ask
questions that have been answered satisfactorily.
Qualitative Research.
This is used in gathering information about human behaviuor,and the reasons that govern such
Qualitative research is also suggested for this project. Glen Arbor to identify the individuals interest
to obtain such messages ,so that Arpico supercenters could increase their savings and move forward.
According to our research of analyzing communication modes of the selected market for Arpico
Super centers. It will enable Glen Arbon to Research about their response levels,based on their
behavior and perception.
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Methods of qualitative methods
1. Focus group discussions. Focus group discussions is where a group of people are being
questioned on their belief /perception /attitudes/opinions towards.
2. Depth interview - This is also an analysis where its more secure and confidential. The
conversation would be conducted by the interviewer and respondent.
Depth interview is more suitable for this research project because of the following reasons,
Can reach a large sample.
Questions are structured and is asked in the same way so that respondents answers can be
more easily answered.
You could be on one on one since its face to face discussions.
Since it is questioned personally the questions are fully understood.
Deeper insight / flexible you could go into greater knowledge than the focus groups.
Better Report - Since participants will feel comfortable in talking openly in interviews than in
focus groups. Richer data can be obtained.
Planning qualitative research
Depth interviews
In-depth, qualitative interviews are excellent tools to use in planning and evaluating Extension
programs because they use an open-ended, discovery-oriented method, which allows the interviewer
to deeply explore the respondents feelings and perspectives on a subject. This results in rich
background information that can shape further questions relevant to the topic. The key characteristics
of in-depth interviews are the following:
Open-ended Questions. Questions need to be worded so that respondents expound on the
topic, not just answer yes or no. Many open-ended questions begin with why or how,
which gives respondents freedom to answer the questions using their own words.
Semi-structured Format. Although it is important to pre-plan the key questions, the
interview should also be conversational, with questions flowing from previous responses
when possible. For example, if an interviewee remarks that The elections are approaching,
an appropriate response would be, How do you feel about the candidates involved?
Recording Responses. The responses are typically audio-recorded and complemented with
written notes (i.e., field notes) by the interviewer. Written notes include observations of both
verbal and non-verbal behaviors as they occur, and immediate personal reflections about the
In sum, in-depth interviews involve not only asking questions, but systematically recording and
documenting the responses to probe for deeper meaning and understanding.
As on the interviewers details: In the beginning of the interview, it is important to make
introductions, explain the purpose of the study, and put the respondent at ease. If you plan to audio
record the session, obtain the respondents permission and test the equipment to make sure it is
working properly. The main responsibility is to listen and observe as you guide the respondent
through a conversation until all of the important issues on the interview guide are explored. Following
sample frame will be selected for the in depth interviews:-

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Type of Privilege Card Total
Age Group Silver Gold Platinum
20-25 3 3 4 10
26-40 2 4 4 10
41-60 3 3 4 10
61-65 1 2 2 5
66 and
1 2 2 5
Total 10 14 16 40
Table 4: Sample for in depth interview

It would take more time when compared to quantitative research.

Since mainly the behavior of the customer is analyzed it would be difficult to get in to
quantitative data.

Qualitative processing/ analyzing

All data collected through qualitative research will be analyzed through transcript analysis. Set of
collected data will be processed to the computer database.

Common limitations of transcript analysis Remedies to solve the issues
Bias answers supplied Data analyzed of all age groups
Data collected could be scattered all over Computer will sort the data
The research details will be put into a suitable format that would be a report. Later on Glen Arbor
would hand in a presentation to Arpico PLC .The company will make sure that Arpico PLC are
monthly updated with the findings. Since the collected data will be in the form of a presentation we
will include a graphical approach and with use of excel sheets the data will be provided.

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

1.5 Timing of the project
The Gantt chart below will show the time period that is required to carry out the project. 14-15 weeks


Collection of

Collection of

Collection of


of Data to
Arpico PLC

1.6 Estimated budget for the research.

Research Activity Cost
Collection of primary data:
Telephone calls 150,000
Online surveys 70,000
Depth Interviews 140,000
Secondary data:
External data 120,000
Internal data 90,000
Data processing 125,000
Presentation 75,000
Total 5,000,000

Word count : 4959 words, 12 sides of A4
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369


Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Task 2
Slide 1

This presentation demonstrates how the relevant company (Arpico), its competitors and
other companies communicate with their customers who are on the move. In addition this
also focuses on the sources of information and their latest trends in how organizations get
information from customers and vice versa.

1. The secondary data is used by Glen Arbor to evaluate how the rivalry companies To Arpico
PLC would try communicate with the competitors.
2. The collection of the information will help in identifying the changing trends of how other
Competitors will use to market messages to the customers on the move.
3. Usefulness and limitations of conducting The secondary research will be evaluated.
4.Glen arbor will help in showing Arpico Plc the other options which can be used and make it
possible to acquire such data.

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Slide 2

Utilizing secondary research to identify communication methods preferred by customers
when they interact with the organization, and their latest trends. Ex- Use of blogs and
micro-blogs (Twitter)
Recognize and evaluate other sources of secondary information used by competitor
organizations to communicate with customers. Ex- SMS alerts
Discussion of benefits and limitations of secondary research used by organizations.
Hence we cover details of secondary research which is both internal and external to the
Secondary research is the most easiest source as it is very quick and cheap.

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Slide 3

Internal secondary data.
Data base The data variable will help Arpico PLc to obtain more customer information
Annual report Customers past information can be gathered and collected.
Emails The messages that have been communicated with the customers and their
responses to such mails.
Feed back / suggestion box Can collect the suggested ideas of the customers and
identify the methods these customers would prefer in obtaining.

External secondary data
Facebook likes - How often customers are seen actively involved online.
Newspapers/ Trade publications - Customer feedback for the marketed messages can be
Market research organization reports Can collect the past information about customers
and their trends of communication.
Social networks- To recognize which companies are actively involved in social media

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Due to the ICT penetrations worldwide Sri Lanka has evolved to be among the
forerunners in an actively growing ICT environment
Due to communication devices being evolved it easy to access the Arpico Customers more
Mobile Phone have greater access to social media such as Facebook , twitter , therefore
customers are being updated instantly about products where ever they may be.
Smart phones having the access to mobile data instead if using routers / dongles the
customers can easily access info. As they prefer.
Laptops being evolved to tabs are also used by the customers to obtain marketing
messages while they are on the move.
Devices being innovated customers would prefer to obtain info. Within the shortest
possible time.

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Slide 5

Database- Analyze trends in customers preference, buying behaviour, trends etc.,
however these information are from past and thus are outdated thereby reducing its
Twitter- Gain access to real time information regarding their customers and their
preferences which could be useful feedback. However it is an open forum and thus each
user could have their personal view thus leading to bias.
Annual reports- this helps the organization to maintain their accountability however they
are based on past data and is highly subject to organizational bias.
Suggestion box- Option for customers to present their opinions and complains regarding
the organization while hiding their identity. However this would be of little use to the
company as it limits their ability to interact with the relevant customers and discuss the

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Blogs- A detailed understanding regarding a customers views, likes and dislikes. However
this could lead to the company getting negative publicity if the blog promotes a bad
image of the company and its product, which may not necessarily be true.
Competitor websites- Assess their rivals potential future plans and strategies based on
the information they release. However this usefulness is limited as companies ensure not
to share critical information openly.
Marketing research firms- These firms provide an independent appraisal of the market
situation and trends therefore are unbiased. However they could be contracted by the
competitors as well and thus critical information of the company could be leaked and
hence confidentiality cannot be ensured.
Newspapers- this is an inexpensive source to obtain customer information and enables to
identify customer reactions to advertisements. However these information could be
outdated and irrelevant.

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Cargills Food City, a direct rival for Arpico Super Center, uses twitter to advertise and
promote its products extensively. Given that tweets can be posted free and the presence
of large number of tweets in Sri Lanka, makes this a very effective form of
communication. They highly promote their value addition to the economy with their low
price strategy.
Keells super involves heavy mobile involvement specially with marketing their online
purchase and delivery option.

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E-mail- This is an effective way to keep in touch with customers directly and communicate
with them with regards to promotions and offers. However the company could be blamed
for spamming customers inbox with unwanted mails which are not expected by
Facebook fan pages- Identify the popularity of their company and products among the FB
users. However their opinions posted could be highly biased and is not directly
comparable with other organizations.
SMS alerts- Allows the company to communicate with customers quickly and cheaply.
However customers generally tend to ignore such SMS alerts and thus has a lower reach.
Newsletters- This enables the company to communicate with customers by providing
many details. However is costly since printing has to be done in large quantities.

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Statistic reports- Provides company with a large set of information regarding the market
and demographic trends. However this indicates past information and thus could be
irrelevant to the current situation.
Social bakers- Indicates the company's popularity and position on social media. However
only limited information could be obtained and more details can only be obtained if a
payment is made.
Foursquare- A check in mobile app which could help customers identify any stores closer
to its location and thus a company could attract customers to them through the app. This
however is more friendly in developed countries and is less useful in other parts of the
Google ads- Company will promote itself by having ads placed on the main page of
Google. However this is very expensive and payments are expected to be made per click.

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Secondary information means the facts are already analyzed. Thus less time needs to be
spent and the information could be used directly.
Secondary information could be obtained more cheap and is more cost effective. Also
given the fact that less time is spent the information could be utilized as soon as required
unlike primary research where lot of ground work is required
Internet is a readily available source for secondary information and less effort is needed
to reach a secondary information source.
Although secondary research are done for a different purpose altogether, however, some
of their findings could be directly applied to the current project thus making the source
more relevant.

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Information acquired via secondary sources is rarely directly useful for the given activity
unless modified accordingly. Hence secondary is more irrelevant more often than not.
Secondary data is barely reliable since they are mostly obtained from outsiders and even
if its internal they could be biased.
Secondary source is something that was used in the past for a different purpose and
hence may be highly unsuitable to the current context given that the conditions are highly
likely to be drastically different.
Although secondary sources have a time advantage, however this could be limited if they
need waste modifications are reanalysis.

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Internet is a major source for secondary information. However the access is limited by
various restrictions.
Only a sample of a particular piece of information is shared and the rest is restricted or
Privacy and confidentiality regulations makes sharing of certain information online as
illegal and thus seeking access to them could lead to serious law suits.
Even when well detailed information is available their sharing is limited and thus a
payment is expected to gain access to the full information.

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Although secondary information has the benefits of being cheap and quick, however their
limitation of being highly irrelevant and unreliability is outweighing. In the current dynamic
environment and given the rapid expansion in the IT sector, the validity of seeking for more
secondary information is highly questionable. Even the availability of abundance of
secondary information will not make them 100% reliable and relevant.

Hence the ideal and the best alternative is to shift to primary sources, where it can be built
from scratch and thus make it 100% suitable for the given requirement. Although it will take
more time and money, they will prove effective once they are applied for the particular use.

Word count : 1555 words

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3.0 Introduction Task 3
This briefing paper considers the strategic importance of using data analysis tools for Arpico Super
Center along with their database to gain insight into key customer data. This reports starts with
identification of the data analysis tools relevant to the company and how it can use it to gain more
insight into customers travel patterns and frequency of while on the move. In addition this also
considers the impact of data protection regulations to the company.
3.1 Strategic importance to the company of building data analysis tools
Different types and sources of data are available to the company with regards to the customers on
the move, this considers; details of customer travel patterns, usage and impact of social media on
the customers preference for communication, the level of interaction with regards to marketing
messages while on the move, mobile phone usage and their trends, different mobile communication
patterns etc.
Before starting data analysis it is important these forms of data are accurately collected and then
properly stored. All forms of data collected with regards to customers on the move many not be
used for the analysis, however storing them will not be a waste since they could prove handy with
regards to any further data analysis that has strategic implications, hence it is important that even
the minute collection of data is not discarded from storing.
The company should always consider digital or electronic collection of data and their subsequent
storage. This will prove effective when it comes to data analysis as data can be easily read and
analysed, when compared with hard copy storage of data. Thus the company should have strategies
in place to collect data electronically and storing them appropriately, such as, using a laptop for
questionnaires. Further it would be useful to store data separately for each customer base and then
analysed accordingly.
Data Base is a manual or computerized source of data relevant to marketing decision making about
an organizations customers (Wilson 2006)
3.2 Identify the relevant data analysis tools which the company could use
It is important that the database of the company is devised strategically rather than maintaining a
simple database containing personal details of customers. Therefore the database should go further
into the customer by identifying their communication preferences and patterns while on the move.
In addition it is important that the communication needs of the customers are sought out such that
a good relationship with the customers can be maintained.
There are various ways in which the company could choose to analyse customer data, such as-
Descriptive research- this helps describe the characteristics of the situation in which the
research is done. This research utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methodologies in
the studies done. This describes who, what, where how of a particular situation, however,
not what caused it.
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Exploratory research- this type of research is highly useful when the problem is not clearly
defined. Thereby this begins by investigation into the problem and thereby provides an
insight into the situation.
Causal research- this helps determine which variable is causing a particular behaviour. This
helps to identify the relationship between two variables and which variable is dependent on
the other.
Predictive research- this research helps predict the likelihood of a particular outcome. This
begins by defining the existing situation and based in that the future occurrence is predicted.
The company can consider many data analysis tools to research its customer database, some of
which are-
Box and Whisker Plot- A graphical representation of statistical data. This helps illustrate the
spread of a set of data. This technique tool is very useful because it helps manage a large
number of data easily. This shows summary information hence will not be useful if more
details are expected.
Check sheet- A structured form or sheet used to collect data especially for real time data
capturing. This is highly useful when the event under consideration repeats. This is a follows
a standard procedure thus will not be useful for singular and unique outcomes.
Control chart- A graphical representation of how a particular process changes overtime. This
represents the data on a timeline in order to indicate progress. This would help highlight
shortcomings in the process; however this uses past data and thus will be of limited use to
make future decisions, especially if the conditions are different.
Design of experiments- This deals with planning, conducting and interpreting tests to
identify the values of a parameter. This would help highlight the key factors in a process.
Histogram- A graphical representation of data that uses bars of different heights to indicate
the values. This is highly useful to obtain a summary of results with regards to large values
of data, however will be of limited use to identify the causes of the outcomes.
Scatter diagram- A graphical representation of two variables of data. This helps highlight the
relationship between two sets of data variables.
3.3 Data protection legislation and controls
In simple terms data protection can be identified as the legal control to access data stored in
computers. Data legislations control business from obtaining customer information and their usage
inappropriately. Thus any company or individual who has access to customer information should use
them responsibly in line with the data protection laws. Otherwise could be subject to legal suits and
could cause heavy damages.
Arpico Super center has a large database with critical customer information. Thus Arpico Super
Center has the responsibility to protect the data and at the same time use them efficiently. The
database of Arpico Super Center is merely a record of customer information and thereby is treated
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

less strategically and thus is subject to lapse in protecting them. Hence the following are the major
short comings of Arpico Super Centers data management policies-
Each Arpico Super Center store maintains a separate data base with records of its customers
and thus has less integration which could lead to data duplication and inefficiency in storage.
Detailed customer records are only kept for the premium customers while the other set of
customers are ignored and hence the data could provide misleading results since a large
proportion of customers are ignored.
Some of the data are still stored manually as hard copies rather than digitally.
The IT system of Arpico Super Center is less sophisticated and has fewer features compared
to that of the competitors such as Keells. It lacks integration with the other aspects of the
Data protection policies are not very robust; any staff member could log in to the system
and view records, the IT system is prone to phishing and hacking from external users, usage
of standard packages to record and store data and thus is not very supportive to the needs
of Arpico Super Center.
Arpico Super Center could adopt the following to improve its data protection policies-
Initially set up a data protection policy for the company which should be strictly followed
and implemented.
Training of staff to abide by data protection legislation and to use data more strategically.
Update the IT system to be more conducive to data protection.
Clear segregation of duties among staff with regards to which of them can have access to
data of customers
Continuous verification to ensure that the database is up-to-date and the customer
information are accurate.
3.4 Recommendations for the ethical usage of collected data
Although there are legislations governing the protection of data, the company is expected to act
beyond the legal requirements with regards to data protection to establish their ethical stance.
Therefore the company should take measures to protect the critical data even if there are no
legislations expecting to do so.
Some if the advantages of being ethical with regards to data protection are-
It will ensure that no laws are compromised since the company will be acting beyond the
legal expectations.
Good data collection and protection policies will help improve the customers confidence
and loyalty to the firm.
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Being ethical in data collection will pave way for more information being acquired since
integrity is established.
The limitations of choosing not to be ethical with regards to data projection are-
Could lead to compromising of legal requirements since the company would have no want to
protect the data beyond legal expectations.
Customers could lose trust on the company and could lead to shifting to competitors if they
are found to be more ethical with regards to data protection.
Not being ethical with regards to data collection could bring a great deal of negative
3.5 Conclusion
A clear understanding of Arpico Super Centres approach to dealing with customers on the move can
now be achieved. It is now clear for the company with regards to what tools and methods it should
use in data analysis and also the approach it should take with regards to data protection. The simple
recommendation is that the company should give more strategic importance to data of customers
on the move along with their usage and protection.

Word count : 1524 words

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369


Alan Wilson 2003, Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach, Harlow, Pearson
ARPICO annual report
ARPICO local website,
ARPICO super centre review,2012
Researched on Alan Wilson 2006, Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach 2nd Edition, Prentice

Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

Figure 1: Company Logo
A few partners, who set themselves up in a business as commission agents, export and import dealers
first emerged the business venture in a filling station. The beginning of this national institute was
modest. Today Arpico PLC can justifiably claim a place in the front rank of the countrys diversified
business conglomerates.
The vision statement: To be a market driven, technologically oriented diverse group while focusing
the expectations of the customers and to ensure a continuous growth. The mission statement: To
exceed expectations of the customers.

Since of the latest years the company has diverse its business into seven main sectors with having
forty five companies in its group portfolio. Sectors namely the Retail sector, Manufacturing and
distribution, Plantation sector, Exports sector, Construction sector, Finance sector and Health care
sector. Focusing on the Retail sector of Arpico PLC this is one of the largest retailer of general utility
goods in Sri Lanka with the brand Arpico. Arpico Super centers has a network of over 25 showrooms
located in key towns island wide and Large format hyper market stores, popularly known as Arpico
super centers carry a wide range of household and grocery items under one roof.

Products and Services.
There are over 30,000 high quality items falling into the main categories of grocery, fresh fruits,
vegetables ,pharmacy ,wine and spirits, household items such as linen ,kitchenware ,electronics,
plastics ,toys, and many items to satisfy the household wants and in addition to all these Arpico super
centers offer a food court, banking facilities ,to create a friendly atmosphere to its existing and
potential customers.
Customer Base.
Arpico super centres has a network of over 25 showrooms located in key towns island wide .Offering
customers a wide range of house hold and grocery items. Their rapid expansion has ensured the strong
hold to a loyal customer base. Be it children or adult, Arpico super centres has something to offer
everyone. The segment of customers is mainly on the urban middle and upper middle class customers
and young adult customers has the focus for Arpico Super Centres. Apart of the above mentioned
customers there are seasonal customers that visits the outlets based on the occasions of the year.
Industry players and its performance.
The main competitors that possess a threat is Cargills, by its rapid expansion has been very evident.
The outlets cater to middle and low income group category of customers. Cargills main strategy is low
price value addition to customers by way of purchasing at low price (purchasing economies of scale).
Cargills operates island wide with 232 outlets with all 24 districts in Sri Lanka. Cargills is the current
number one or market leader in the super market chains and currently poses a threat to the ordinary
boutiques operating island wide. This is mainly because of the strategy Cargills follows beating the
lowest price into the lowest. This will attract all walks of the population.
Marketing Information & Research CIM Membership No. 38431369

The next being Keels Super operated by the number one business chain in Sri Lanka i.e John Keels
Holdings PLC. These super markets cater to the urban population as opposed to Cargills outlers.The
Keels Supper Centers are recognized mainly for its own meat products starting the range from Keels
and later acquisition of the Elephant House Sausages. The group expanded the outlets mainly in the
urban areas of the country. Keels Supper focused mainly in the upper middle class customers. Its
expansion was not rapidly penetrating the geographical towns in the country as opposed to the Food
City outlets. Keels Supper was not having the same expectations as compared to its direct competitor
Food City with low net margins and issues of sustainable returns. In view of the same Keels are
developing a mall concept to support the new and upcoming Super Market expansion.

Figure 2: Total market contribution

Figure 3: Arpico Group Pefromance
Future Outlook; ARPICO Group recently launched ARPICO Finance, ARPICO Insurance, ARPICO
Pharmaceuticals in the year 2013. Company expects to capture the market in the year 2015.
According to the Chairman Mr. Sena Yeddehige his future outlook for the entity is to see all the
sectors in the economy operating under the umbrella of ARPICO.
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