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HAKIMYAR Ahmad - 1242 FILS
BUCHAREST a!"a#$% 2&14
Globalization, as is implied by the word itself, is the is the process of integration of societies,
economies, individual cultures and traditions of every corner of our globe - the planet Earth.
The current pace of this process, hugely affected by the advancements in technology, connections of
cultures and trade, is considerably fast. This process has its own pro. And cons., such as better global
economy and the diappeance of individual cultures, which will discussed later in this essay.
Today the world is more like a 'global village' which was coined by the Canadian academic
arshall c!uhan in "#$#. %t was almost impossible that people from the southern
hemisphere knowing what was happening on the other side of the planet before the &'th
century. (ut now people from different countries can keep in touch with weak barriers of
geography due to the advanced technology in communications. )ithout a doubt that the era
of globali*ation is processing.
+lobali*ation may be defined as a concept refers to the intensification of consciousness of the
world as a whole. a,ority of people are for the trend of globali*ation for it undoubtedly brings
benefit to human. -owever some people argue that globali*ation also has disadvantages to
the whole world. This essay aims to discuss the positive and negative effects of globali*ation
in different areas. economic, cultural, political, and social systems.
The economic area is perhaps the most obvious sign of globali*ation. /ue to growth in global
business activities such as foreign trade, investment, and tourism,the whole world has
strengthened interdependency. ultinational companies spread widely to bring products and
services as well as ,ob opportunities to the whole world. %n recent decades the volume of
world trade has risen twelvefold. -owever, owing to the money market no more blocking, the
regional financial crises can 0uickly influence the globe as the &''1 financial crises.
2urthermore, the economic domination is another danger of economic globali*ation. The gap
between rich and poor countries has widened in recent years mainly due to the power
controlled by the rich nations. 2ortunately, there are some organi*ations such as the )T3
4)orld Trade 3rgani*ation5 which might promote the fair trade between different nations.
%t is great benefit that people now can easily know about diverse cultures of other people from
television or directly travels due to the shrinking planet.
This is because even though globali*ation affects the world6s economies in a very positive way, its
negative impacts should not be left out of our attention and serious consideration.
+lobali*ation has some advantage. 2irstly, free trade is which a country does not pay a levy ta7es on
import or e7port goods or services. 8econdly, globali*ation increase new market around the world, so
every companies try to find new market and earn more customer. Conse0uently, companies compete
with each other to provide goods an service with high 0uality because people have more choice in
new market. 2inally, +lobali*ation increases' rate of employment because new market need both
skilled and un skill labor. And also globali*ation increases standard of living of people and reduce
poverty. Today people we can immigrate to other country or go to another country for education.
3n the other hand, globali*ation has some disadvantages. Although, globali*ation increases
employment's rate in new market, meanwhile unemployment's rate increase in developed countries.
Companies or factories in developed nation try to establish their branches in poor countries because
of low cast labor. 8alaries are low and work condition are often bad in poor countries. )hen people
immigrate to other country, they transport new virus to destination country. %n addition, globali*ation
causes we forget local culture. Today, we listen to foreign music, eat fast foods like 92C, celebrate
global events.
To sum up, in my view, we cannot ignore effects of globali*ation on our life. %t is responsible for
government in every country to create balance between advantages and disadvantages of

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