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REQUIREMENTS (for adul f!"al!#

M!a$ol%&a$l! D%'!(%$l! D%'!(%$l!
!)!r'* Dr*-"a!r dr* "a!r +ro!%)
r!,u%r!"!) %)a-! (DDM# (DP#
S!a(o) a)d )ur%%o)al (au( (*# ('/da*# (0# (0#
Maintenance, no fawns 2,350 1,220 50 4.8
With single fawn 3,100 1,340 60 8.0
With twin fawns 3,500 1,40 62 10.0
!rom high"#ualit$ summer range %60 525 48 1.8
!rom low"#ualit$ summer range 1,050 525 52 1.8
M!a$ol%&a$l! !)!r'* r!,u%r!"!) &M'( an) dr*-"a!r %)a-! &*M+(: ,ar-er et al. 1%%% &!ig. 12
for M' an) !ig. 8 for *M+, assuming a summer .o)$ weight of 42 -g an) winter .o)$ weight of 35 -g
&,ar-er et al. 1%%%( an) that /oluntar$ *M+ increases with increasing M' &within reasona.le limits(.
Minimum concentration of d%'!(%$l! dr* "a!r &**M( of )iet, gi/en the s0ecifie) /alues of M' an) *M+ an)
an assume) gross energ$ content of 4.5 -cal1g an) meta.oli2a.le energ$ coefficient of 0.85 &3o..ins 1%%3(:
**M 4 &M' 0.85 4.5 *M+( 5 100
Minimum concentration of d%'!(%$l! +ro!%) &*,( of )iet, gi/en the s0ecifie) /alue of *M+ an) assume) .o)$
weights &as a.o/e( is calculate) as follows:
*ietar$ 6ru)e ,rotein 6ontent &7( for maintenance 4 &88'9: ; M!: &*M+( 5 6.25< *M+ 0.4< 5 100
&3o..ins 1%%3:183( where '9: &en)ogenous urinar$ nitrogen( an) M!: &meta.olic fecal nitrogen( are
calculate) as in ,ar-er et al. &1%%%( with .o)$ weights &as a.o/e(.
*ietar$ 6ru)e ,rotein 6ontent &7( for lactation:
,ea- 0rotein re#uirement for a single fawn 4 505 g1)a$ of mil-, with a 0rotein content of 0.06% g1g an)
a )igesti.ilit$ coefficient of 0.%5 &Sa)leir 1%80(: 505 5 0.06% 0.%5 4 36.68 g1)a$. 3e#uirement for
twin fawns is 1.6 times that of single fawn &3o..ins 1%%3:213(: 36.68 5 1.6 4 61.25 g1)a$.
=otal re#uirement of )ietar$ cru)e 0rotein content 4 maintenance 0lus lactation.
6on/ersion of 6ru)e ,rotein &6,( to *igesti.le ,rotein &*,( as follows &>anle$ et al. 1%%2(:
*, 4 "3.8 ; 0.%283 &6,(.
>anle$, =.?., 6.=. 3o..ins, ?.'. >agerman, an) 6. Mc?rthur. 1%%2. ,re)icting )igesti.le 0rotein an)
)igesti.le )r$ matter in tannin"containing forages consume) .$ ruminants. 'colog$ 3:53"541.
,ar-er, @.A., M.,. Billingham, =.?. >anle$, an) 6.=. 3o..ins. 1%%%. 'nerg$ an) 0rotein .alance of free"
ranging .lac-"taile) )eer in a natural forest en/ironment. Wil)life Monogra0hs 143:1"48.
3o..ins, 6.=. 1%%3. Wil)life fee)ing an) nutrition, 2
e). ?ca)emic ,ress, :ew Cor-, :C.
Sa)leir, 3.M.!.S. 1%80. 'nerg$ an) 0rotein inta-e in relation to growth of suc-ling .lac-"taile) )eer fawns.
6ana)ian Dournal of Eoolog$ 58:134"1354.

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