Petroleum Product Testing Lab Manual

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University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,

Petroleum Product Testing
Table of Contents
Sr. No. Exeriment Page No.
1 Aniline Point 03
2 ASTM Distillation 08
3 Cloud and Pour Point 13
4 Drop Point 16
5 Flash and Fire Point 20
6 Moisture Content 24
7 Penetration nde! 27
8 "ed#ood $is%o&eter 32
' "eid $apor Pressure 36
10 S&o(e Point 40
11 "ust Pre)entin*
12 Free+in* Point 48
13 $a%uu& Distillation 51
E!PE"#MENT N$. %
&N#'#NE P$#NT
To deter&ine the aniline point o, the *i)en petroleu& produ%t
&PP&"&TUS "E)U#"ED(
-ater .ath
Air /a%(et
Aniline and Diesel
Aniline point is de,ined as the &ini&u& te&perature at #hi%h e1ual
)olu&es o, anh2drous aniline and oil &i! to*ether3
Cetane nu&4er is de,ined as the per%enta*e 42 )olu&e o, n5%etane in a
&i!ture o, n5%etane and 65&eth2l naphthalene3
Diesel ,uels are &ainl2 %o&posed o, para,,ins and so&e a&ount o, aro&ati%s3
Aro&ati%s present in the ,uel %ause a4nor&al i*nition dela23 So7 aniline point test is to 4e
%ondu%ted in the ,uel7 there42 )eri,2in* the 1ualit2 o, the diesel ,uel3
8i*h aniline point indi%ates that the ,uel is hi*hl2 para,,ini% and hen%e has a hi*h
diesel inde! and )er2 *ood i*nition 1ualit23
Aniline 4ein* an aro&ati% %o&pound7 it ,reel2 &i!es #ith aro&ati%s3 So7 a lo#
aniline point indi%ates lo# diesel inde!7 4e%ause o, hi*h per%enta*e o, aro&ati%s3
Diesel inde! is an indi%ation o, the i*nition 1ualit2 o, a diesel ,uel3 8i*her the
diesel inde! 4etter is the i*nition dela2 o, the diesel ,uel3
Sel, i*nition te&perature is lo# ,or para,,ins 4ut hi*h ,or aro&ati%s3 Thus a ,uel
ri%h in aro&ati%s 4urns later %ausin* i*nition dela27 #hi%h *i)es rise to diesel (no%(3
8epta&eth2l nonane %an 4e used in pla%e o, 65&eth2l naphthalene3 The shorter
the i*nition dela2 period hi*her is the %etane nu&4er o, the ,uel3
To )eri,2 the 1ualit2 and 1uantit2 o, diesel ,uel3
To assess the para,,ini% and aro&ati% %ontent o, ,uel3
*nition dela27 Diesel inde!7 Cetane nu&4er o, the ,uel %an 4e %al%ulated3
-$"MU'& USED(
13 Con)ersion o, Celsius to Fahrenheit0
9F: ;'<5= 9C>32
-here7 F 5 Te&perature in Fahrenheit3
9C 5 Te&perature in Celsius3
23 AP ?ra)it2 : ;14135<spe%i,i% *ra)it2=513135
33 Diesel inde! : ;Aniline point @ AP ?ra)it2=<100
43 Cetane nu&4er : Diesel inde!53
Mis%i4ilit2 te&perature o, aniline and sa&ple ;diesel=: 9C
Con)ersion o, Celsius to Fahrenheit0 F : ;'<5= 9C>32 :
AP ?ra)it2 : ;14135<Spe%i,i% *ra)it2=513135 :
Diesel inde! : ;Aniline point @ AP *ra)it2=<100 :
Cetane nu&4er : Diesel inde! A 3 :
A #ater 4ath #as ta(en7 in #hi%h the t#o tu4es #ith holder and %or( ,itted
#ere to 4e pla%ed3
The test tu4e is ,illed #ith an e1ual )olu&e o, aniline and *i)en sa&ple3
A stirrer and a ther&o&eter is inserted inside the inner tu4e 42 &eans o, a
The air 4ath tu4e is pla%ed 4et#een the test tu4e and the #ater 4ath3 t is
le,t ,or air %ir%ulation and uni,or& heatin*3
The sa&ple is pla%ed in a &antle and it is started heatin*3 -ith a %onstant
stirrer the e!peri&ent #as %arried out3
At a %onstant te&perature the t#o li1uids &i!es or &is%i4ilit2 o%%urs3 This
point o, te&perature is aniline point3
Diesel7 aniline and #ater are ta(en in a #ei*hed 4ottle one a,ter the other
and the #ei*hts are ,ound at 15369C 42 usin* i%e3

The aniline point o, the sa&ple #as deter&ined and thus the diesel inde! and
%etane nu&4er o, the sa&ple #ere deter&ined3
Aniline point o, the sa&ple :
Diesel inde! o, the sa&ple :
Cetane nu&4er o, the sa&ple :

Aniline Point
Buter Ca%(et
Test Tu4e
"u44er .an(
&STM D#ST#''&T#$N

To deter&ine the distillation ran*e o, the *i)en sa&ple at at&ospheri% pressure3
&PP&"&TUS "E)U#"ED(

Distillation Apparatus
The ,un%tion o, distillation is to separate 42 )apori+ation o, li1uid &i!ture o,
&is%i4le and )olatile su4stan%es into indi)idual %o&ponents3 Deter&ination o,
distillation ran*e and %hara%teristi%s are o, *reat )alue in the e)aluation o, the
petroleu& produ%ts3 Distillation Para&eters li(e 4oilin* point7 ,inal 4oilin* point7 and
Middle .oilin* Point are esti&ated 42 this e!peri&ent3
For %rude oil the at&ospheri% distillation data *i)es so&e idea o, the ,ra%tions that
%ould 4e %olle%ted 4elo# 300 de*3 C3
For &otor spirit the 10D distillation )alue *i)es an indi%ation o, en*ine start
%ondition7 also the hi*h Final .oilin* Point $alue indi%ates %ran(%ase dilution3
For diesel ,uel the presen%e o, hi*her 4oilin* %o&pounds and hen%e the %ar4on
deposit ,or&ation in the en*ine3
The *i)en ,las( is thorou*hl2 %leaned usin* sol)ent and dried3
The *i)en test sa&ple is ta(en inside the ,las( and the %or( #ith appropriate
ther&o&eter is pla%ed on the ne%( o, the ,las(3
The ,las( is pla%ed on the as4estos 4oard and ,i!ed to the &etal %ondenser #ith a
%or(3 The as4estos 4oard is raised or lo#ered till the ,las( is properl2 supported3
The 100 %% &easurin* %2linder is pla%ed 4elo# the %ondenser outlet3
8eater is s#it%hed BE and the te&perature )ariation is noted3 The te&perature at
#hi%h the ,irst drop o, distillate is %olle%ted in the &easurin* %2linder is noted
and reported as the initial 4oilin* point3
8eat is %ontrolled so that the distillation pro%eeds at a uni,or& rate
Middle 4oilin* point is the te&perature at 50D o, oil distillates o,,3
The )olu&e o, residue le,t a,ter the distillation is &easured and reported as non5
)olatile su4stan%e3
The Te&perature at #hi%h First Drop Fall FFFFFF
The Te&perature at #hi%h Middle Drop Fall FFFFFF
Per%enta*e o, "e%o)er2 FFFFFF
Per%enta*e o, Eon A $olatile "esidue FFFFFF
The Te&perature at #hi%h Final Drop Fall FFFFFF
Distillation &aratus S1hemati1 Diagram
Distillation Flas(
Condenser .ath
8eat Sour%e
The distillation %hara%teristi%s o, the *i)en test sa&ple is studied and reported 4elo#7
nitial .oilin* Point FFFFFF
Mid .oilin* Point FFFFFF
Final .oilin* Point FFFFFF
Per%enta*e o, "e%o)er2 FFFFFF
Per%enta*e o, Eon A $olatile "esidue FFFFFF
C'$UD &ND P$U" P$#NT
To deter&ine the %loud point and pour point o, the *i)en sa&ple3
&PP&"&TUS "E)U#"ED(
Constant te&perature 4ath
Flat 4otto&ed test tu4e
Cloud point0
The %loud point o, petroleu& is the te&perature at #hi%h a %loud or ha+e o,
%r2stals appear at the 4otto& o, the test /ar7 #hen the sa&ple is %ooled under pres%ri4ed
Pour point0
Pour point is the lo#est te&perature e!pressed in &ultiples o, 3
C at #hi%h the
oil is o4ser)ed to ,lo# #hen %ooled and e!a&ined under pres%ri4ed %onditions3
The %loud point and the pour point are related to the ,lo# %onditions o, %rude and
its produ%ts at lo# te&perature3
The %loud point *i)es the rou*h idea o, the te&perature a4o)e #hi%h the oil %an
4e handled sa,el27 #ithout an2 ,ear o, %on*ealin* or ,ilter %lo**in*3
The pour point is deter&ined to esti&ate the te&perature at #hi%h a sa&ple o, oil
4e%o&es su,,i%ientl2 solid to pre)ent its &o)e&ent 42 pu&pin*3
The pour point te&perature depends to a lar*e e!tent on the ther&al histor2 o, the
sa&ple3 Also the pour point indi%ates the #a!2 nature o, the sa&ple3
Bil is poured into the test /ar up to the le)el &ar( o, 51 to 57 &&3 ,
ne%essar2 the oil is heated until it is su,,i%ientl2 enou*h to ,lo#3
The test /ar is %losed #ith the %or( %arr2in* the ther&o&eter3 The %or(
position is ad/usted to &a(e it ,it properl2 into the tu4e3
The ther&o&eter 4ul4 is i&&ersed so that the 4e*innin* o, the %apillar2 is
3&& 4elo# the oil sur,a%e3
The test /ar surrounded 42 the air /a%(ed is (ept in the ,ree+in* &i!ture and
it is allo#ed to %ool3
The ,allin* te&perature #as o4ser)ed #ith e)er2 de*ree ,all o, te&perature
in the *i)en sa&ple3 The tu4e #as #ithdra#n ,ro& the air /a%(et ,or a
&o&ent o, a4out ;253se%= and e!a&ined3 t #as then repla%ed i&&ediatel23
The te&perature at #hi%h the %loudiness appeared #as noted as the %loud
The test tu4e #as %ooled %ontinuousl23 The test tu4e #as #ithdra#n o,ten
,or 5
C ,all o, te&perature to o4ser)e the ,lo# or pour point o, the sa&ple3
The te&perature at #hi%h the oil does not ,lo# in the tu4e e)en #hen (ept
hori+ontal ,or 5se% is re%orded as pour point3


Crude name Pour oint degC
%. &n3lesh4ar %5
0. North6,u7arat 08
2. .ombay high 29
:. .asrah ;%<
<. UMM Shaiff ;%<
=. *igh seed diesel =
Thus the pour point o, the *i)en sa&ple #as ,ound3
;i= The %loud point o, the sa&ple GGGGG
;ii= The pour point o, the sa&ple GGGGG
E!PE"#MENT N$. :
D"$P P$#NT
To deter&ine the drop point o, the *i)en sa&ple3
&PP&"&TUS "E)U#"ED(
Drop Point Tu4e
Drop Point Cup

Drop point is the te&perature #hi%h the *i)en sa&ple drops its %hara%teristi%s
ph2si%all23 t &a2 also de,ine as the te&perature at #hi%h the thi%(ener is so solu4le in
the 4ase oil that the sa&ple 4e%o&e su4stantiall2 ,luid3
Cla2 and d2e thi%(ened *reases ha)e no &easura4le drop point3 t %annot 4e
used to #hi%h upper operatin* te&perature li&it ,or *rease the drop point is the
te&perature at #hi%h the *reases *i)es a drop3

Drop point is the &ost i&portant test ,or the petroleu& produ%ts3 t is used ,ind
the lu4ri%ant propert2 o, the *i)en sa&ple ;.itu&en7 -a!7 and ?rease=3Drop point is also
used to (no# the )is%osit2 o, the sa&ple3

The appropriate 4ea(er is ta(en and ,illed #ith a H portion o, #ater3
The *i)en sa&ple is ,illed in the Drop point Cup and ,i!ed inside the Drop
point tu4e3
The tu4e is (ept inside the #ater 4ath3
The #ater 4ath is heated ele%tri%all23
The ther&o&eter is inserted in a 4ea(er to note the te&perature3
As the te&perature in%reases7 the sa&ple *ets &elted and 4e%o&es li1uid
The te&perature at #hi%h the se&isolid su4stan%e 4e%o&es li1uid is noted
and re%orded3
The Drop points o, the *i)en sa&ples are deter&ined as ,ollo#s7
S&MP'E # >>>>>>>>
S&MP'E ## >>>>>>>>
S&MP'E ### >>>>>>>>
D"$P P$#NT &PP&"&TUS
E!PE"#MENT N$. <
-'&S* &ND -#"E P$#NT

To deter&ine the ,lash and ,ire point o, *i)en sa&ples3

Flash point and ,ire point %an 4e ta(en as an indire%t &easure o, )olatilit2 o,
-lash oint0
The ,lash point is the lo#est te&perature at #hi%h appli%ation o, test ,la&e %auses
the )apor a4o)e the oil to i*nite3
-ire oint0
The ,ire point is the lo#est te&perature at #hi%h the oil i*nites and %ontinues to
4urn ,or 5 se%onds3

The deter&ination o, ,lash point o, petroleu& produ%ts %onsists o, heatin* a *i)en
)olu&e o, li1uid at standard rate o, te&perature rise until )apors is produ%t to su%h a
de*ree as to *i)e a ,la&&a4le &i!ture #ith air in an en%losed spa%e or #ith air in an open
%up7 i*nition resultin* ,ro& the appli%ation o, a s&all ,la&e3
C @
&bel aaratus Petroleum Produ1ts %A;:A
?1losed 1u@
-uel oils and lubri1ating
oils, bitumen other than
1utba13 bitumen.
?oen 1u@
Petroleum rodu1ts
ex1et fuel oils

13 t %an predi%t the possi4le ,ire ha+ards durin* transportation7 stora*e and handlin*3
23 Petroleu& produ%ts ha)in* lo# ,lash are potential to ,ire ha+ards3
33 Flash point %an indi%ate the possi4le presen%e o, hi*hl2 )olatile and ,la&&a4le
&aterial in relati)el2 non5)olatile or non5,la&&a4le3
The test %up is ,illed to a spe%i,ied le)el #ith test sa&ple3 The te&perature o,
sa&ple is in%reased ,airl2 rapidl2 at ,irst and then at a slo# %onstant rate as the ,lash point
is approa%hed3 At a spe%i,ied inter)als7 a s&all test ,la&e is passed a%ross the %up3 The
lo#est te&perature at #hi%h the appli%ation o, the test ,la&e %auses the sur,a%e o, the
li1uid to i*nite &o&entaril2 is ta(en as the ,lash point3

@@To deter&ine the ,ire point7 the test is %ontinued until the appli%ation o, the test
,la&e %auses the oil to i*nite and 4urn ,or at least < se%onds


The sa&ple is heated in a test %up at a slo# and %onstant stirrin*3 A s&all test
,la&e is dire%ted into the %up at re*ular inter)als #ith si&ultaneous interruption o, strin*3
The test point is ta(en as the lo#est te&perature at #hi%h the appli%ation o, the test ,la&e
%auses the )apor a4o)e the sa&ple to i*nite &o&entaril23

, the sa&ple is (no#n to ha)e a ,lash point o, 105
C or 4elo#7 appl2 the test
,la&e #hen the te&perature o, the sa&ple is a #hole nu&4er not hi*her than 17
C 4elo#
the ,lash point 7 and therea,ter at ea%h de*ree rise o, te&perature3 Appl2 the test ,la&e 42
operatin* the &e%hanis& on the %o)er #hi%h %ontrols the shutter and test ,la&e 4urner so
that the test ,la&e is lo#ered into the )apor spa%e o, the %up in 035 se%ond7 le,t in its
lo#ered position ,or one se%ond and 1ui%(l2 raised to its hi*her position3 Do not stir the
sa&ple #hile appl2in* test ,la&e3
, the sa&ple is (no#n to ha)e a ,lash point a4o)e 105
C appl2 the test ,la&e at ea%h
te&perature7 that is7 a &ultiple o, 30
C74e*innin* at a #hole nu&4er te&perature readin*
not hi*her than 17
C 4elo# the ,lash point3


13 The ,uel #as ,illed up to the &ar(ed le)el in the %up3

23 The ,uel that had 4een held up in the %up #as heated and test ,or ,lash #as
%ondu%ted ,or e)er2 30 se%onds3

33 n %ase o, %losed %up the (no4 #as used to open and e!ternal i*nition #as

43 The )al)es ,or ,lashpoint #ere ,irst ,ound and then the )al)es ,or ,ire point
#ere also o4tained3

53 The e!peri&ent #as repeated ,or other *i)en sa&ples and the )al)es #ere
Thus the ,lash and ,ire point o, the *i)en sa&ple are *i)en as7
Flash Point :
Fire Point :
-'&S* &ND -#"E P$#NT &PP&"&TUS
E!PE"#MENT N$. =

To Isti&ate the Moisture Content o, the *i)en 'iGuid -uel usin*
Dean H Star3 &aratus.
&PP&"&TUS "E)U#"ED(
Dean J Star( Apparatus
Appropriate Sol)ent
Fuel Sa&ple
?lass pie%es

The Classi1al Method of Determining the Iater 1ontent in oil is
Dean H Star3 Distillation Method ?&STM DA<@ This &ethod is eas2 and re1uires a
%o&parati)el2 lar*e )olu&e o, sa&ple to ensure a%%ura%27 #hi%h is rarel2 used in oil
A (no#n )olu&e o, ,uel sa&ple is pla%ed in a ,las( #ith e1ual )olu&e o, organi1
solvent su1h as xylene or toluene3 An or*ani% sol)ent &ust be insoluble #ith 4ater. t
should ha)e a higher boiling oint than 4ater3 t should 4e less dense than the 4ater
and it should to 4e safe to use3 The ,las( %ontainin* the sa&ple and #ith the or*ani%
sol)ent is atta%hed to a %ondenser 42 a side ar& and the &i!ture is heated up3 The 4ater
in the samle gets evaorates and moves u into the 1ondenser 4here it is 1ooled
and 1onverted ba13 into liGuid 4ater7 #hi%h then tri13les into the *raduated tu4e3
Ihen no more 4ater is 1olle1ted in the graduated tube7 distillation is stoed and
the #ater present in the li1uid ,uel is &easured3

-ater perhaps the &ost har&,ul o, all %onta&inants #ith the e!%eption o,
parti%les3 -hile the resen1e of 4ater is often overloo3ed as the pri&ar2 root %ause o,
ma1hine roblems7 ex1ess moisture 1ontamination 1an lead to remature oil
degradation, in1rease in 1orrosion due to the in1reased 4ater 1ontent.

The *i)en sa&ple #as added #ith or*ani% sol)ent ;K2lene or Toluene= are
&i!ed in proper proportion
Then it is ta(en into the ,las( o, Dean J Star( Apparatus3
?lass 4eads &a2 4e added to redu%e 4u&pin* i, ne%essar23
The &i!ture o, sa&ple #as heated and the )apours is %o&es out at the top and it
is %ondensed in the %ondenser3
The %ondensate o, #ater and the sol)ent at the 4otto& o, the *raduated tu4e3
Due to the di,,eren%e in densit2 #ater %ontent settles at the 4otto& o, the tu4e3
The a&ount o, #ater %olle%ted #as &easured3
The data #as noted and re%orded3
The a&ount o, &oisture %ontent in the *i)en sa&ple #as ,ound to 4e FFFF&l3
E!PE"#MENT N$. 8
To deter&ine the penetration inde! o, the *i)en se&isolid 4itu&inous su4stan%e3
Penetration nde!0
t is de,ined as the depth o, penetration
Penetration inde! : 1<10
&& o, the penetration needle depth
Penetration apparatus A an2 apparatus #hi%h per&its the needle holder to &o)e
)erti%all2 #ithout ,ri%tion and is %apa4le o, indi%ation o, the depth o, penetration to the
nearest 031&&
The #ei*ht o, the spindle shall 4e 4735 N 0305 *3 The total #ei*ht o, the needle
and spindle asse&4l2 shall 4e 50 N 0305 * pro)ided ,or total load3 The sur,a%e on #hi%h
the sa&ple %ontainer rests shall 4e ,lat3
.itu&en %o&pro&ise o, &i!ture o, h2dro%ar4on &ole%ules and ther&oplasti%
4eha)iour3There are a nu&4er o, di,,erent %lasses o, 4itu&enOs deri)ed ,ro& %rude oil
re,inin*3These in%lude penetration 4itu&en7 )is%osit2 *raded asphalts7 o!idi+ed 4itu&en7
air 4lo#n 4itu&en7 hard 4itu&en and %ut 4a%( 4itu&en 3
The *rades o, produ%t in ea%h %lass are *enerall2 de,ined on the 4asis o, a
%o&4ination o, t#o o, three %hara%teristi%s A penetration )alue at 250 %

These 4itu&ens are de,ined 42 the upper and lo#er li&its o, penetration )alues3
Co&&on *rades o, penetration 4itu&en in use )ar2 ,ro& 15 to 450 penetrations3 Spe%i,i%
ran*es o, so,tenin* point are re1uired ,or parti%ular penetration *rade 4itu&en3 This
ensures the penetration inde! in the ran*e ,ro& 51 to >13
A &etal or *lass %2lindri%al ,lat 4otto&ed %ontainer o, essentiall2
the ,ollo#in* di&ensions shall 4e used3
Penetration 4elo# 200 5 dia&eter 55 &&
nternal depth 35&&
Penetration 4et#een 2005300 5 dia&eter 70 &&
nternal depth 45 &&
Ti&e ,or a %ount inter)al &ust 4e 5 ><5 031 se%onds
DonOt insert the needle <%one 4e,ore *oin* to do the e!peri&ent3
The needle should &a(e %onta%t #ith sur,a%e o, sa&ple

t is used to &easure o, %onsisten%2 o, a 4itu&inous &aterial3
8i*her the )alue So,ter the &aterial3
The Penetration inde! o, a sa&ple deter&ines its appli%ation3
The needle holder and penetration needle #as e!a&ined and inserted3
?i)en sa&ple #as pla%ed in the sa&ple %ontainer under standard
The needle #as positioned so that its tip /ust &a(es %onta%t #ith the
sur,a%e o, sa&ple3
The needle holder #as released and the distan%e penetrated in tenth o,
&illi&eter #as noted3
The e!peri&ent is repeated ,or di,,erent sa&ples and ,or di,,erent
te&perature %onditions3
The penetration test is per,or&ed and the ,ollo#in* results are o4tained3
S3Eo3 Te&perature
; P C =
Penetration nde! 1<10
o, &&
Solid %one 8ollo# %one Eeedle
S3Eo3 Te&perature
; P C =
Penetration nde! 1<10
o, &&
Solid %one 8ollo# %one Eeedle
S%he&ati% "epresentation
?au*e in tenths o, &&
Eeedle "elease Me%hanis&7 5 se%onds
Loaded -ei*ht to 100*
Standard Penetration Eeedle
Asphalt Sa&ple at 25
Eeedle Penetration
E!PE"#MENT N$. 5
To deter&ine the Qine&ati% $is%osit2 o, the *i)en sa&ple o, oil at )arious
te&peratures and to stud2 %orrespondin* )ariation #ith respe%t to te&perature3
&PP&"&TUS "E)U#"ED(
"ed -ood $is%o&eter #ith A%%essories
Measurin* Flas(
Stop -at%h

"ed -ood $is%o&eter is 4ased on the prin%iple o, la&inar ,lo# throu*h the
%apillar2 tu4e o, standard di&ension under ,allin* head3 The $is%o&eter %onsists o,
)erti%al %2linder #ith an ori,i%e at the %entre o, the 4ase o, inner %2linder3 The %2linder is
surrounded 42 a #ater 4ath7 #hi%h %an &aintain te&perature o, the li1uid to 4e tested at
re1uired te&perature3 The #ater 4ath is heated 42 ele%tri% heater3 The %2linder7 #hi%h is
,illed up to a ,i!ed hei*ht #ith li1uid #hose )is%osit2 is to 4e deter&ined is heated 42
#ater 4ath to the desired te&perature3 Then Bri,i%e is opened and the ti&e re1uired to
pass the 50 CC o, oil is noted3 -ith this arran*e&ent )ariation o, )is%osit2 #ith
te&perature %an 4e studied3
n the %ase o, "ed #ood )is%o&eter7 the (ine&ati% )is%osit2 ;J= o,
li1uid and the ti&e ;t= re1uired to pass 50 CC o, li1uid are %orrelated 42 e!pression3
J K9.990= E %.%8<6t
J 5 Qine&ati% $is%osit2
t 5 Ti&e in se%onds to %olle%t 50 %% o, oil3
Pu&p desi*n %an 4e done #ith the help o, )is%osit23
Pu&p operation o, the en*ine depends on the proper )is%osit2 o, li1uid
t is )er2 i&portant to (no# a4out the ,luid ,lo# throu*h )arious o4/e%ts3
Con)e2in* o, ,luid %an done e,,e%t 42 &eans o, )is%osit2 data3
The nstru&ent is le)eled #ith the help o, the %ir%ular 4u44le and 42
le)elin* ,oot s%re#s3
The #ater 4ath is ,illed #ith #ater3
The ori,i%e is %losed #ith the 4all )al)e and the %2linder is ,illed up to
inde! &ar( #ith oil3
The stead2 state te&perature o, oil is re%orded3
.2 Li,tin* the 4all )al)e7 50 %% o, the li1uid is %olle%ted in the &easurin*
,las( and the ti&e re1uired is &easured ,or the sa&e3
The pro%edure is repeated ,or di,,erent te&peratures 42 heatin* oil #ith
#ater 4ath3
The (ine&ati% )is%osit2 ,or the *i)en sa&ple #as deter&ined and the
*raph #as plotted and it #as o4ser)ed that the (ine&ati% )is%osit2 o, the *i)en sa&ple
de%reases #ith in%rease in te&perature3

? LC @
Time ta3en to 1olle1t
<911 of oil ? Se1 @
Dinemati1 /is1osity
?J @
? Centisto3es @
"E#D /&P$" P"ESSU"E
To deter&ine the "eid /aor Pressure o, the *i)en sa&ple and ,or the
deter&ination o, )apor pressure o, )olatile non )is%ous petroleu& produ%ts3
$apor pressure is de,ined as the pressure e!erted 42 the )apor o, the li1uid on
the #alls o, the %losed %ontainer3
t is the ,or%e #hi%h &ust 4e e!erted on the li1uid to pre)ent it ,ro& )apori+in*
&PP&"&TUS "E)U#"ED(
?asoline %ha&4er
Air %ha&4er
Pressure ?au*e
Coolin* 4ath
-ater 4ath
The te&perature at #hi%h the )apor pressure o, li1uid e1uals 1 ;one= at&ospheri%
pressure is desi*nated as 4oilin* point o, li1uid3
n %ase o, &otor sprit7 hi*her )apor pressure #ill lead to )apor lo%( o, en*ine3
$apor pressure is an i&portant ph2si%al propert23
t is used in the %onsideration o, stora*e and transportation3
$apor pressure o, all )olatile ,ra%tions is &easured 42 the testin* apparatus at
;38>031 C=3
The apparatus %onsist o, t#o %ha&4ers3 The lo#er %ha&4er is in the ,or& o,
%2lindri%al 4o&4 ,or holdin* the test sa&ple3
A4o)e this7 there is air %ha&4er #hi%h is a hollo# %2lindri%al spa%e7 desi*ned to
possess ,our ti&es the 4o&4 )olu&e3
The top portion o, the %ha&4er is ,itted #ith the 4ourdon *au*e ,or pressure
For the test7 the 4o&4 is ,ist ,illed #ith the sa&ple up to the 4ri& and i&&ediatel2
the )al)e is %losed and %onne%ted to the air %ha&4er3
The apparatus is no# i&&ersed in a #ater 4ath (ept at the &entioned
te&perature3 The &a!i&u& pressure indi%ated 42 the *au*e is %ounted as the
"eid vaor ressure o, the sa&ple3
LP?7 *asoline7 naphtha7 /et ,uels are tested li(e this3 t is ,ound that true )apor
pressure in &ost %ases is hi*her than the indi%ated "/P7 and the )ariation ,or
di,,erent ,ra%tions is di,,erent3
Ma!i&u& di,,eren%e is indi%ated in the %ase o, %rude oils3 "elati)e
e!pression Rtrue )apor pressure to "/PO is also so&e ti&es indi%ated and
,or *asoline it is in the ran*e o, 1303 to 13457 #hile ,or %rudeOs it *oes up
to 103
The "eid )apor pressure o, the *i)en sa&ple ;*asoline= #as ,ound to
$apour Pressure ;"eid Method=
Sa&ple Container
$apour Pressure ;"eid
E!PE"#MENT N$. %9
To deter&ine the s&o(e point o, the *i)en sa&ples3
S&o(e point is de,ined as the &a!i&u& hei*ht o, ,la&e in && at #hi%h the
h2dro%ar4on #ill 4urn #ith out s&o(e3
The s&o(e point apparatus %o&prises ,our parts na&el2 la&p 4od27 %andle so%(et
%andle and stand3 The la&p 4od2 #ith %hi&ne2 is ,illed on the inside #ith a polished
4lo%( en*ra)ed s%ale &ar( in #hite3 A *aller2 is se%ured in the lo#er part o, the 4od23 To
%andle so%(et asse&4l2 is desi*ned to *i)e a s&ooth rise and ,all o)er the total distan%e
o, tra)el3 To ensure inter%han*ea4ilit2 the %andle is ,inished to %lose toleran%e3 The
asse&4l2 is &ounted on a stand3 The sa&ple is 4urned in a standard la&p #ith a spe%i,ied
#i%( ,or ,i)e &inutes3 The hei*ht o, the ,la&e is read #hen it lea)es on s&o(2 tail3
This is an i&portant test ,or e)aluation o, illu&inatin* oils ,or their a4ilit2 to 4urn
#ith out produ%in* s&o(e ; For (erosene s&o(e point is 18&& =
Msed in the assess&ent o, 4urnin* 1ualit2 o, a)iation ,uel3 8i*her the s&o(e point
4etter is its do&esti% use3
t also ser)es as a *uide to assess the aro&ati% %ontent o, (erosene3 The tenden%2
o, (erosene to s&o(e is &ainl2 dependent upon t2pes o, h2dro%ar4on present3
Aro&ati% (erosene #ill s&o(e &ore readil2 than para,,ini% (erosene3
Aro&ati% S Eapthene S so para,,in S Para,,in3
The sa&ple #hi%h is to 4e tested ,or s&o(e point #as ,illed in the %andle so%(et3
The %andle so%(et #ith #i%( #as pla%ed inside the apparatus3
The #i%( had i*nited and hei*ht o, the ,la&e #ithout s&o(e #as ad/usted3
The readin* #as noted in the s%ale and the e!peri&ent #as repeated ,or di,,erent
*i)es sa&ples3
The s&o(e point o, the *i)en sa&ples #ere o4ser)ed and ta4ulated3
S3Eo3 Sa&ple S&o(e point ;&&=

S3Eo3 Sa&ple S&o(e point ;&&=

La&p 8older
Fla&e Shape

E!PE"#MENT N$. %%
&im( To e)aluate the a4ilit2 o, inhi4ited &ineral oils7 parti%ularl2 stea&5tur4ine oils7 to
aid in pre)entin* the rustin* o, ,errous parts should #ater 4e%o&e &i!ed #ith the oil3
&aratus( "ustin* test apparatus #hi%h %onsists o, an oil 4ath7 4ea(er #ith %o)er7
stirrer7 test rod asse&4l27 o)en7 ther&o&eter et%3
"eagents and Materials( Distilled #ater7 SB $? 32 oil7 tissue paper7 ASTM
pre%ipitation naphtha or isoo%tane3
Signifi1an1e and Use( n &an2 instan%es su%h as in the *ears o, stea& tur4ine7 #ater %an
4e%o&e &i!ed #ith the lu4ri%ant and rustin* o, ,errous parts %an o%%ur3 This test
indi%ates ho# #ell inhi4ited &ineral oils aid in pre)entin* this t2pe o, rustin*3 This test
&ethod is also used ,or testin* h2drauli% and %ir%ulatin* oils7 in%ludin* hea)ier5than5
#ater ,luids3 t is used ,or spe%i,i%ation o, ne# oils and &onitorin* o, in5ser)i%e oils3
Summary of the Test Method(
A &i!ture o, 300 &L o, the oil under test is stirred #ith 30 &L o, distilled #ater at a
te&perature o, 60>51
C #ith a %2lindri%al steel test rod %o&pletel2 i&&ersed therein3 t is
re%o&&ended to run the test ,or 4 hr3 The test rod is o4ser)ed ,or si*ns o, rustin*3
$il bath( A ther&ostati%all2 %ontrolled li1uid 4ath %apa4le o, &aintainin* the test sa&ple
at a te&perature o, 60>G1
C3 An oil ha)in* a )is%osit2 o, appro!i&atel2 SB $? 32 is
suita4le ,or the 4ath3 The 4ath shall ha)e a %o)er #ith holes to a%%o&&odate the test
.ea3er( A 400 &L7 .er+elius5t2pe7 tall5,or& heat resistant *lass 4ea(er #ithout pourout3
.ea(er Co)er0 A ,lat 4ea(er %o)er o, *lass or pol2&er7 (ept in position 42 suita4le &eans
su%h as a ri& or *roo)e3 T#o holes shall 4e pro)ided on an2 dia&eter o, the %o)erT one
,or a stirrer and the other ,or the test rod asse&4l23 n addition a third hole ,or a
Stirrer( A stirrer %onstru%ted entirel2 ,ro& stainless steel in the ,or& o, an in)erted T3
Stirring &aratus( Capa4le o, &aintainin* a speed o, 1000>550 rp&3
$ven( Capa4le o, &aintainin* a te&perature o, 65
1U Clean the 4ea(er in a%%ordan%e #ith *ood la4orator2 pro%edure7 #ash #ith distilled
#ater and dr2 in an o)en3
2U Clean *lass 4ea(er %o)er and a *lass stirrer 42 the sa&e pro%edure3
3U Pour 300 &L o, the oil to 4e tested into the 4ea(er and pla%e the 4ea(er in the oil 4ath
held at a te&perature that #ill &aintain the oil sa&ple at 60>G1
4U nsert the 4ea(er into a hole o, the 4ath %o)er and suspend in the hole #ith the 4ea(er
ri& restin* on the 4ath %o)er3 The oil le)el in the 4ath shall not 4e 4elo# the oil le)el in
the test 4ea(er3
5U Co)er the 4ea(er #ith the 4ea(er %o)er #ith the stirrer in position in the proper
6U Ad/ust the stirrer so that the sha,t is 6 && o,, %enter in the 4ea(er %ontainin* the oil
sa&ple and the 4lade is not &ore than 2 && ,ro& the 4otto& o, the 4ea(er3
7U Suspend the ther&o&eter throu*h the hole in the %o)er 3
8U Start the stirrer and #hen the te&perature rea%hes 60>G1
C7 insert the steel test rod
su%h that its lo#er end is 13 to15 && ,ro& the 4otto& o, the 4ea(er3
'U Continue stirrin* ,or 30 &in to ensure %o&plete #ettin* o, the steel test rod3
10U -ith the stirrer in &otion7 re&o)e the ther&o&eter te&poraril2 and add 30 &L o,
distilled #ater throu*h its hole and repla%e ther&o&eter3
11U Continue stirrin* at a speed o, 1000>550 rp& ,or 4 h ,ro& the ti&e #ater #as added7
&aintain the te&perature o, the oil5#ater &i!ture at 60>G1
12U Stop stirrin* at the end o, the 45h period7 re&o)e the test rod7 allo# to drain and then
#ash #ith ASTM pre%ipitation naphtha or isoo%tane3
#nterretation of "esults(
1U Per,or& all inspe%tions at the end o, the test to deter&ine the %ondition o, the test rod
#ithout &a*ni,i%ation under nor&al li*ht3 A rusted test rod is one on #hi%h an2 rust spot
or rust strea( is )isi4le3
2U n order to report an oil as passin* or ,ailin*7 %ondu%t test in dupli%ate3
3U "eport an oil as passin* the test i, 4oth test rods are rust5,ree at the end o, the test
4U "eport an oil as ,ailin* the test i, 4oth test rods are rusted at the end o, the test period3
5U , one test rod is rusted #hile the other is ,ree o, rust7 test t#o additional test rods3 ,
either o, these latter test rods sho#s rustin*7 report the oil as not passin* the test3
Thus7 the oil passes<,ails the test3
"usting Test &aratus

E!PE"#MENT N$. %0
-"EEF#N, P$#NT
&im( To deter&ine the ,ree+in* point o, A)iation ,uels3
&aratus( Free+in* point apparatus %onsistin* o, /a%(eted sa&ple tu4e7 %ollars7 stirrer7
)a%uu& ,las(7 ther&o&eter et%3
Signifi1an1e and Use( The ,ree+in* point o, an a)iation ,uel is the lo#est te&perature at
#hi%h the ,uel re&ains ,ree o, solid h2dro%ar4on %r2stals that %an restri%t the ,lo# o, ,uel
throu*h ,ilters i, present in the ,uel s2ste& o, the air%ra,t3 The te&perature o, the ,uel in
the air%ra,t tan( nor&all2 ,alls durin* ,li*ht dependin* on air%ra,t speed7 altitude and
,li*ht duration3 The ,ree+in* point o, the ,uel &ust al#a2s 4e lo#er than the &ini&u&
operational tan( te&perature3
"eagents and Materials( Car4on dio!ide ;Solid= or dr2 i%e ,or use in the %oolin* 4ath
1U Measure out 25>51 &L o, the ,uel and trans,er it to the %lean7 dr27 /a%(eted sa&ple
2U Close the tu4e ti*htl2 #ith the %or( holdin* the stirrer7 ther&o&eter and &oisture
proo, %ollar and ad/ust the ther&o&eter position so that its 4ul4 does not tou%h the #alls
o, the tu4e ,las( and is appro!i&atel2 in the %enter3 The 4ul4 o, the ther&o&eter should
4e 10 to 15 && ,ro& the 4otto& o, the sa&ple tu4e3
3U Cla&p the /a%(eted sa&ple tu4e so that it e!tends as ,ar as possi4le into the )a%uu&
,las( %ontainin* the %oolin* &ediu&3 The sur,a%e o, the sa&ple should 4e appro!i&atel2
15 to 20 && 4elo# the le)el o, the %oolant3
4U Stir the ,uel %ontinuousl27 &o)in* the stirrer up and do#n at the rate o, 1 to 135
%2%les<s7 e!%ept #hen &a(in* o4ser)ations7 ta(in* %are that the stirrer loops approa%h the
4otto& o, the ,las( on the do#nstro(e and re&ain 4elo# the ,uel sur,a%e on the upstro(e3
5U Disre*ard an2 %loud that appears at appro!i&atel2 510
C and does not in%rease in
intensit2 as the te&perature is lo#ered7 4e%ause this is due to #ater3
6U "e%ord the te&perature at #hi%h %r2stals o, h2dro%ar4on appear3
7U "e&o)e the /a%(eted sa&ple tu4e ,ro& the %oolant and allo# the sa&ple to #ar&7
stirrin* it %ontinuousl2 at 1 to 135 %2%les<s3
8U "e%ord the te&perature at #hi%h the h2dro%ar4on %r2stals %o&pletel2 disappear3
"esult( Thus7 the ,ree+in* point o, the *i)en sa&ple is 555555555555

Free+in* Point Apparatus
E!PE"#MENT N$. %2
/&CUUM D#ST#''&T#$N
&im( To deter&ine the 4oilin* ran*e o, a petroleu& produ%t at redu%ed pressure
&aratus( $a%uu& distillation apparatus
S1oe( This test &ethod %o)ers the deter&ination7 at redu%ed pressures7 o, the ran*e o,
4oilin* points ,or petroleu& produ%ts that %an 4e partiall2 or %o&pletel2 )apori+ed at a
&a!i&u& li1uid te&perature o, 400
Signifi1an1e and Use( This test &ethod is used ,or the deter&ination o, the distillation
%hara%teristi%s o, petroleu& produ%ts and ,ra%tions that &a2 de%o&pose i, distilled at
at&ospheri% pressure3 This 4oilin* ran*e7 o4tained at %onditions desi*ned to o4tain
appro!i&atel2 one theoreti%al plate ,ra%tionation7 %an 4e used in en*ineerin* %al%ulations
to desi*n distillation e1uip&ent7 to prepare appropriate 4lends ,or industrial purposes7 to
deter&ine %o&plian%e #ith re*ulator2 rules7 to deter&ine the suita4ilit2 o, the produ%t as
,eed to a re,inin* pro%ess7 or ,or a host o, other purposes3
Summary of Test Method(
The sa&ple is distilled at an a%%uratel2 %ontrolled pressure 4et#een 0313 and 637 (Pa ;1
and 50 && 8*= under %onditions that are desi*ned to pro)ide appro!i&atel2 one
theoreti%al plate ,ra%tionation3 Data are o4tained ,ro& #hi%h the initial 4oilin* point7 the
,inal 4oilin* point and a distillation %ur)e relatin* )olu&e per%ent distilled and
at&ospheri% e1ui)alent 4oilin* point te&perature %an 4e prepared3
%. Pla%e a 200 &l sa&ple in the distillation ,las(3
0. Start the )a%uu& pu&p and o4ser)e the ,las( %ontents ,or si*ns o, ,oa&in*3 ,
the sa&ple ,oa&s7 allo# the pressure on the apparatus to in%rease sli*htl2 until
the ,oa&in* su4sides3 Appl2 *entle heat to assist the re&o)al o, dissol)ed *as3
2. I)a%uate the apparatus until the pressure rea%hes the le)el pres%ri4ed ,or the
distillation3 Failure to rea%h the distillation pressure or the presen%e o, a
stead2 state in%rease in pressure in the apparatus #ith the pu&p 4lo%(ed o,,7 is
e)iden%e o, si*ni,i%ant lea(a*e into the s2ste&3 .rin* the s2ste& to
at&ospheri% %ondition usin* a nitro*en 4leed and relu4ri%ate all /oints3 , this
does not result in a )a%uu&5ti*ht s2ste&7 e!a&ine other parts o, the s2ste&
,or lea(s3
Note( The most 1ommonly res1ribed ressure is %.2 3Pa ?%9 mm *g@.
:. A,ter the desired pressure le)el has 4een attained7 turn on the heater and appl2
heat as rapidl2 as possi4le to the ,las(7 #ithout %ausin* undue ,oa&in* o, the
sa&ple3 As soon as )apor or re,lu!in* li1uid appears at the ne%( o, the ,las(7
ad/ust the rate o, heatin* so that the distillate is re%o)ered at a uni,or& rate o,
6 to 8 &L<&in3
<. "e%ord the )apor te&perature7 ti&e7 and the pressure at ea%h o, the ,ollo#in*
)olu&e per%enta*e ,ra%tions o, the %har*e %olle%ted in the re%ei)er 0 .P7 57
107 207 307 407 507 607 707 807 '07 '5and at the end point3
=. , a sudden in%rease in pressure is o4ser)ed7 %oupled #ith the ,or&ation o,
#hite )apors and a drop in the )apor te&perature7 the &aterial 4ein* distilled
is sho#in* si*ni,i%ant %ra%(in*3 Dis%ontinue the distillation i&&ediatel2 and
re%ord the ,a%t on the run sheet3 , ne%essar27 rerun the distillation #ith a ,resh
sa&ple at lo#er operatin* pressure3
8. Lo#er the ,las( heater 5 to 10 %& and %ool the ,las( and heater #ith a *entle
strea& o, air or7 pre,era4l27 #ith a strea& o, %ar4on dio!ide3 "epressure the
%ontents o, the still #ith dr2 nitro*en i, it is ne%essar2 to dis&antle the
apparatus 4e,ore it has %ooled 4elo# 200
Iarning( "eressuring the 1ontents of the still 4ith air 4hile it 1ontains
hot oil vaors 1an result in fire exlosion. #t is re1ommended to
dis1ontinue the distillation at a maximum vaor temerature of 2<9
5. .rin* the te&perature o, the %old trap &ounted 4e,ore the )a%uu& sour%e
4a%( to a&4ient te&perature3 "e%o)er7 &easure7 and re%ord the )olu&e o, the
li*ht produ%ts %olle%ted in the trap3
Iarning( #f there is a large air lea3 in the system and liGuid nitrogen is
used as the 1oolant, it is ossible to 1ondense air ?oxygen@ in the tra. #f
hydro1arbons are also resent in the tra, a fire or exlosion 1an result
4hen the tra is 4armed u.
A. "e&o)e the re%ei)er and repla%e #ith another3
%9. Con)ert the o4ser)ed )apor te&perature readin*s to At&ospheri% I1ui)alent
Te&peratures ;AIT= usin* Ta4les 1 throu*h 6 or the e1uations in Anne! A7
*i)en in the %o&pan2 &anual3
%%. "eport the AIT to the nearest de*ree Celsius %orrespondin* to the )olu&etri%
per%enta*es o, li1uid re%o)ered in the re%ei)er3
#mortant Noti1e( #n order to avoid any a11ident due to fire exlosion, you are
reGuested to read the above ro1edure very 1arefully and also refer to the 1omany
manual sulied 4ith this setu for further 1larifi1ations, if any.
"esult( Thus7 the .oilin* "an*e o, *i)en petroleu& produ%t is 555555555553
/a1uum Distillation &aratus



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