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Reply to North~rn Division Address
J une 12.2014
Friends of J ustice
5539 Athens Boones Road
Lexington. KY
Rc: Case No. ELH 13-cv-1878
Dear Counsel/Party:
Felicia C. Cannon. Ch:rk of Coun
J arrett B. Perlo\\'. Chkf Deputy
1~lizabclhB. Snowden. Chief Dl:pul)'
The Clerk received your Amicus Curiae on J une 11.2014; however. it is deficient in the
area(s) checked below and is being returned to you.
Noncompliancc with L.R. 101 or 102
D Membcr of bar has not signed the document.
D Business entities other than sole
proprietorships must bereprescnted by
Noncompliance with L.R. 104or 105
D Discovery matcrials should not be tiled unless
inSUPPOltofa motion or by court order.
D Discovery motion filed contrary to L.R. 104.7.
D Motion to compel filed contrary to L.R. 104.8.
cc: Other counscl/party
Return pleading letter (Re\'. 02/2011)
Noneollll,liancc with L.R. 102and FRCivP 5
D Ccrtitleate of scrviee not affixed to document.
D Cettifieate of serviec not dated and/or not
I :8 J Doculllent does not contain original signature.
D Document relates to more than one file.
Original and appropriate copies arc required
for each tile unless the cases have been
consolidated for all purposes.
D Offer of judgment should not be liled with the
COtllt until it has been accepted. Fed. R. eiv.
I :8 J Other: Not aparty inthis case.
' t : ! J , truly yours.
Ellen L. Hollander
United States District J udge
NorthernDivision' 4228 U.S. Courthouse' 101 W. LombardStreet. Baltimore. Maryland2120 I' 410-962-2600
SouthemDivisioll 200 U.S. Courthouse' 6500 CherrywoodLane' Greenbelt. Maryland20770 301-344-0660
Vi~it lilt' ll.S. District Court's Wchsilc l'ltwww,mdd.lIscllurls.gO\'
Case 1:13-cv-01878-ELH Document 39 Filed 06/13/14 Page 1 of 1

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