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Need Help?
CV/Application Form checin!
Mae an Appointment or "rop In
For Career# Ad$i#er# a$aila%ilit& call
in or Tel' ()*(+ ,(-(.(
Compiled %&/
Career# 0er$ice
0t1dent 0er$ice#
Ea!le Mall
Making Applications .3
Internet/Online Applications 4
Completing an Application Form . 5
Teacher Training Application Form [gttr] or gra!"ates#$
%"&lic 'ector T(pe Application Form #4
Thi# #&m%ol i# 1#ed to hi!hli!ht in2ormation
o2 rele$ance to #t1dent#/!rad1ate# 3ith
di#a%ilitie# and/or learnin! di22ic1ltie#'
Wh& do application 2orm# e6i#t?
)h( in!ee! * almost e+er( st"!ent ,ill p"t together a C- !"ring their time in higher e!"cation an! it
is important that this is kept "p to !ate * latest holi!a( .o& * ,ork e/perience etc. It ,o"l! &e m"ch
easier to sen! this !oc"ment to e+er( emplo(er o interest. Think ho, man( ho"rs 01 trees2 ,o"l! &e
It ,o"l! &e easier or (o" &"t not or the emplo(er * p"t (o"rsel in their position * $33 C-s arri+e all
,ith slightl( !ierent inormation * man( ,itho"t the !etails nee!e! to tell i the applicant is capa&le
an! s"ita&le to !o the .o&. Application orms s"ppl( emplo(ers ,ith a stan!ar!ise! an! managea&le
4"antit( an! +ariet( o inormation in the ormat the( re4"ire. The prescri&e! ormat helps the rea!er
to shortlist the can!i!ates or inter+ie, in a ."stiia&le5 air an! rational manner. This is important
especiall( ,here allegations o !iscrimination on gro"n!s o se/ or ethnic origins co"l! &e ma!e.
)hate+er the preerre! metho! o appl(ing or .o&s is * &e it 6mplo(er Application Form or C- an!
co+ering letter there are certain things (o" m"st !o &eore taking pen to paper. The( are78
96A: T;6 <O= :6'C9I%TIO>
- in the a!+ert
- in the recr"itment !irectories
- or s"pplie! &( the organisation
=96A? :O)> T;6 <O= :6'C9I%TIO> I>TO IT' MAI> 6@6M6>T' eg
- technical
- people management
- a!ministration
Asing these s"&8hea!ings5 list the !ierent !"ties o ,ork in the categories.
Then 0an! this is more !iic"lt2 imagine (o" are the recr"iter. )hat 4"alities an! e/perience ,o"l!
(o" ,ish to in! in the applicantB Make a list o essential an! !esira&le skills an! e/perience against
each section eg anal(tical skills ma( &e essential or a comp"ting .o& &"t programming e/perience
onl( !esira&le. The recr"iter ,o"l! &e looking or pro+en aptit"!e rather than esta&lishe! skills. @ist
all the actors that (o" ,o"l! seek as a recr"iter an! then tr( to p"t goo! e/amples rom (o"r o,n
e/perience against each hea!ing.
On the ollo,ing pages ,e gi+e e/amples o ho, to complete an application orm. Man( o the
4"estions aske! ,ill &e similar to the ones (o" ma( enco"nter.
)ith the e/plosion o e8commerce5 more an! more organisations are "sing the internet as part
o their recr"itment an! application proce!"re. There are t,o t(pes o internet applications7
on8line applications an! application orms ,hich can &e !o,n loa!e!.
On8line applications5 ,here the orm is ille! in on the comp"ter an! s"&mitte! +ia e8mail5 are
increasingl( pop"lar. As"all( it is possi&le to !o,n loa! the orm so that (o" can practise
illing it in &( han! i (o" in! that easier. ="t !o check the instr"ctions care"ll( * (o" ma(
in! that (o" cannot go &ack an! change (o"r ans,ers once (o" ha+e ,ritten themC Make
s"re (o" keep a cop(5 either sa+e! on !isk or a !o,n loa!e! har! cop(.
Allo, (o"rsel as m"ch time as (o" ,o"l! a paper application.
Man( organisations are no, pro!"cing their application orms on their ,e& site or (o" to
!o,n loa!. This is "se! simpl( to make it easier or (o" to get hol! o the orms an! sho"l!
&e treate! e/actl( like an( other han! ,ritten application orm.
I the organisation sa( that the( accept applications s"&mitte! either on8line or &( post then
&elie+e themC On8line applications can &e a ,a( to sho, o (o"r IT e/pertise an! emplo(ers
!o recei+e them 4"icker than the snail mail s(stemC
-isit ,,,.selectsim" to get help ,ith online applications. This site incl"!es
interacti+e a!+ice5 sample 4"estions an! (o"r o,n application orm to complete an! keep or
"t"re "se.
F"rther rele+ant material a+aila&le rom the Careers 'er+ice5 't"!ent 'er+ices5 6agle Mall.
FREE A5CA0 %oolet
Applications5 C-s an! co+ering letters
<o& seeking strategies
Career# 0er$ice Hando1t
;o, to ,rite eecti+e C-s an! co+ering letter
Video# [>ee! to &e +ie,e! in the Careers "nit]
@ooking goo! on paper
Do"r <o&Es On8line
'"&title! +ersions also a+aila&le
;ere ,e look in !etail at 4"estions an! recommen! ,a(s o ans,ering them in a positi+e an! help"l
The irst part . . . s"rel( nothing can go ,rong hereB

Application Form
Can!i!ate re.
Emplo&er applied to/ MacMan"s A? @t!
Pre2erred 21nction#7 # Market 9esearch anal(st

Make s"re that the
scheme (o"Ere
appl(ing or e/ists.
Al,a(s !o"&le8check
the &roch"re.
Make s"re (o" get the
name e/actl( rightC
Check the &roch"res.
't"!ents oten miss
o or a!! %@C or @T:
There are no 6nglish
nationals. )rite
,hate+er it sa(s in
(o"r %assport.
Per#onal "etail# 7plea#e print thi# #ection8
Title '"rname First name0s2 0in!icate0F2 the one (o" are kno,n &(2
;ome a!!ress 1 THORNHILL ROAD Term a!!ress 13 DRAKE ROAD
Post Code SL2 3DH Post code BL3 9A:
Telephone 01293 774321 Telephone 01204 634281 !"ss#$"s %&'()
68mail 8 68mail SW4*+%',!#i'-#+-./
:ates at a&o+e 01%! 3026202 :ates at a&o+e T"1! 3i!" .&3i' 2926202
>ationalit( BRITISH :ate o =irth *;/./.(
:o (o" nee! a ,ork permit or permanent emplo(ment in the A?B D6' >O :o (o" ha+e oneB D6' >O
:o (o" hol! a "ll A? !ri+ing licenceB D6' >O
I (o" are prepare! to learn to
!ri+e5 &"t ha+enEt (et passe!
(o"r test an! eel that it
,o"l! &e &eneicial to !ri+e in
the .o& (o" are appl(ing or5
get a pro+isional licence.
)rite (o"r !ate o
&irth an! then
check itC Man(
applicants claim
to &e ne,8&orns.
:onEt lea+e
this section
&lank5 &e
s"re to tick
Des or >o.
Ed1cation < Pro2e##ional= Po#t!rad1ate= Fir#t "e!ree/"iploma
%lease list all de!ree#/diploma#/pro2e##ional >1ali2ication# etc hel! or c"rrentl( st"!ie! or5 ,hether at irst
!egree or postgra!"ate le+el. Li#t mo#t recent 2ir#t an! gi+e all res"lts kno,n ,hate+er the o"tcome.
From 8 To
;igher 6!"cation
A,ar! an! Title o A,ar!
0;>:/:egree/:ipl/M'c/%h: etc2
@ist main s"&.ects &elo, title
BS+ H%&s) I&3"1&#3i%&#'
M#&#$"!"&3 6i38 91"&+8:;
M#1/"3i&$< M#1/"3 R"s"#1+8< H.!#&
R"s%.1+" M#&#$"!"&3< I&3"1&#3i%&#'"ss< E+%&%!i+s< 9i&#&+"<
O4"1#3i%&#' R"s"#1+8< L#6 #&,
Ed1cation < Prior to Hi!her Ed1cation
%lease list !ate 0(ear2/4"aliication/s"&.ects 0gra!e2 o all o the highest le+el e/aminations that 4"aliie! (o" or
(o"r ;igher 6!"cation co"rse0s2 0A/A' @e+els/'cottish ;igher/Irish @ea+ing/Access/G>-H/=accala"reate etc2.
Incl"!e all e/aminations taken at this le+el ,hate+er the o"tcome.
A '"7"'s 1998)
E+%&%!i+s G1#," C
91"&+8 G1#," C
M#38s 6i38 S3#3is3i+s G1#," D
>"m&er o
Gra!e passes
0Gra!e C 1 a&o+e2
For Maths
Gra!e or
6nglish @ang"age
>"m&er o A/AF
9 1996 B B ;
The important ,or! here is MAI>. I (o" ha+e st"!ie! a co"rse ,ith
man( in!i+i!"al "nits it ,ill &e impossi&le to incl"!e e+er( one.
Think a&o"t the rele+ance o the "nits rom the emplo(erEs point o
+ie,. ;ighlight the important ones.
=e positi+e &"t
realistic5 as emplo(ers
,ill &e asking or an
aca!emic reerence.
The re4"est is or inormation
a&o"t e/aminations st"!ie!
e+en i (o" aile! the e/am.
This section can &e o8p"tting or man( mat1re entrant# ,ith lo,er than a+erage initial 4"aliications.
I (o" let school ,itho"t an( real intention o entering higher e!"cation (o" ma( like to tr( the
ollo,ing approach.
Mat1re 0t1dent#/
Ed1cation < Pro2e##ional= Po#t!rad1ate= Fir#t "e!ree/"iploma
%lease list all !egrees/!iplomas/proessional 4"aliications etc hel! or c"rrentl( st"!ie! or5 ,hether at irst
!egree or postgra!"ate le+el. @ist most recent irst an! gi+e all res"lts kno,n ,hate+er the o"tcome.
From * To
;igher 6!"cation
A,ar! an! Title o A,ar!
;>:/:egree/:iplo/M'c/%h: etc2
@ist main s"&.ects &elo, title
S"43 2001 5.&" 2002 B'#+/6#''
BA"ss A,!i&is31#3i%&:;
L#6 #&, 9i&#&+"<"ss
A&#'(sis #&, D"7"'%4!"&3<
M#&#$i&$ O1$#&is#3i%&s #&,
S"43 1998 5.&" 2001 B'#+/6#''
HND"ss S3.,i"s:;"ss E&7i1%&!"&3>
O1$#&is#3i%& #&, M#&#$"!"&3-
M#1/"3i&$> 91"&+8> E!4'%(!"&3
2 Dis3i&+3i%&s
4 M"1i3s
2 ?#ss"s
Ed1cation < Prior to Hi!her Ed1cation
%lease list !ate 0(ear2/4"aliication/s"&.ects 0gra!e2 o all o the highest le+el e/aminations that 4"aliie! (o" or
(o"r ;igher 6!"cation co"rse0s2 0A/A' @e+els/'cottish ;igher/Irish @ea+ing/Access/G>-H/=accala"reate etc2.
Incl"!e all e/aminations taken at this le+el ,hate+er the o"tcome.
199@-1998 A++"ss C%.1s"
M%,.'"s i&+'.,",: B1#i& #&, B"8#7i%.1> S%+i#' ?s(+8%'%$(> C%$&i3i7" ?s(+8%'%$(>
His3%1( A 16 .&i3s #3 '"7"' 3 A Ki3"!#1/ #+8i"7",-
1971-1977 O '"7"'s A E&$'is8> His3%1(> A13 A3 38is s3#$" I 8#, &% #!=i3i%& 3% +%&3i&." !( s3.,i"s
#&, 4"10%1!", 6"'' ="'%6 !( #=i'i3()
>"m&er o GC'6/'tan!ar!
Gra!e passes 0Gra!e C 1 a&o+e2
For Maths
Gra!e or
6nglish @ang"age
>"m&er o A/AF
I2 &o1 are 3orried a%o1t pre#entin! &o1r ca#e e22ecti$el& in thi# #ection it 3o1ld %e
3i#e to tal to a career# ad$i#er'

Emplo&ment and Wor E6perience
%lease !escri&e &riel( an( ,ork 0,hether pai! or "npai!2 ,hich (o" ha+e "n!ertaken. ;ighlight 0F2 the t,o
most rele+ant an! note ,hat (o" achie+e!.
From * To
6mplo(er <o& Title/9esponsi&ilities Achie+ements
5.&" 2001 S"43 2001 S/"''"33 #&,
BM#1/"3 R"s"#1+8 I&3"17i"6"1:;
; i&3"17i"6", 4"%4'" %& 38" s31""3 #&,
i& 38"i1 8%!"s
; 8"'4", 3% +1"#3" # &"6 ,#3#=#s"
; "&3"1", ,#3# #&, 41%,.+", 1"4%13s
- #ssis3", i& 41"s"&3#3i%& 3%
C1"#3", # &"6
,#3#=#s" 38#3
6%1/", "00i+i"&3'(
5.&"1999 S"43 1999 W H S!i38 BR"3#i' Assis3#&3:;
; s"17", 38" 4.='i+> #&s6"1",
"&C.i1i"s> %1,"1", =%%/s
; 8"'4", 6i38 s3%+/ +%&31%'
; #ssis3", !"1+8#&,is"1s 6i38 6i&,%6
N%7 1998 A41i' 1999 T"s+% S8"'0 9i''"1 I!41%7", 41%,.+3
/&%6'",$" #&,
5eo!raphical Location
:o (o" ha+e a strong preerence or a partic"lar locationB I so5 gi+e !etails.
I #! 0.''( !%=i'" #&, 41"4#1", 3% 1"'%+#3" 3% 0.'0i' 38" ,"!#&,s %0 38" +#1""1-
I 6%.', 41"0"1 3% s3#( i& 38" N%138 W"s3 3% !#i&3#i& ",.+#3i%&#' +%&3i&.i3( 0%1 !( +8i',1"&-
Per#onal Intere#t#/Achie$ement#
Ase the space &elo, to !escri&e ,ith !ates 0(ear2 an( spare8time acti+ities. Incl"!e organising5 lea!ing or gro"p acti+ities.
Those re4"iring initiati+e5 creati+it( or gi+ing intellect"al !e+elopment are also o interest.
1998 %&6#1,s K""& !"!="1 %0 38" U&i7"1si3( C#&%" S%+i"3(> 41"si,"&3 i& !( s"+%&, ("#1-
O1$#&is", s%+i#' #&, s4%13i&$ "7"&3s i&+'.,i&$ #& i&3"1;.&i7"1si3( +%!4"3i3i%& 0%1 %7"1 @0
2000 L"#1&i&$ 5#4#&"s" =( #33"&,i&$ #& "7"&i&$ +'#ss-
2001 E"1( "& i&3"1"s3 i& 38" .s" %0 666- L"#1&i&$ 3% 41%$1#! i& HTML #&, i&3"&, 3%
+%&s31.+3 %6& 8%!" 4#$"-
It can &e !iic"lt to gain rele+ant ,ork e/perience an! sometimes this section can
look !epressingl( empt(. Think &ack * ha+e (o" e+er &een emplo(e! or sel8
emplo(e!5 pai! or "n8pai! in an( capacit(B I (o" ha+e a choice make s"re that (o"
select .o&s that relate to (o"r chosen area o emplo(ment.
For the earl( part o their career man( gra!"ates are e/pecte! to &e airl( mo&ile.
I (o" place restrictions (o" m"st &e prepare! to talk a&o"t (o"r !ecisions at
inter+ie,. The secon! statement ma( &e an accepta&le5 i restricting5 reason.
0peci2ic E$idence
The ollo,ing 4"estions are !esigne! to enco"rage (o" to pro+i!e e+i!ence o speciic a&ilities. Do"r e/amples can &e
taken rom (o"r e!"cation5 ,ork e/perience5 placements or spare8time or other +ol"ntar( acti+ities &"t !o not ,rite solel(
a&o"t co"rse8,ork.
Plannin!= implementation and achie$in! re#1lt#/
:escri&e a challenging pro.ect5 acti+it( or e+ent ,hich (o" ha+e planne! an! taken thro"gh to a concl"sion. Incl"!e (o"r
o&.ecti+e5 ,hat (o" !i!5 an( changes (o" ma!e to (o"r plan an! state ho, (o" meas"re! (o"r s"ccess.
M( 6%1/ 6i38 Li&$% S+%4" i& ?#1is i&7%'7", 3"#+8i&$ E&$'is8 3%"ss!"& .si&$ 3"D3 =%%/s 41%7i,", =( 38"
s+8%%'- I s%%& ,is+%7"1", 38#3 3i1", #&, F#,","ss 4"%4'" &"", s3i!.'#3i%& #&, "D+i3"!"&3 i& %1,"1 3% '"#1& i&
38" "7"&i&$- I>38"1"0%1"> ,"si$&", # +%!4'"3"'( &"6 1#&$" %0 3"#+8i&$ !#3"1i#'s .si&$ UK &"6s4#4"1s> 3"'"7isi%&
41%$1#!!"s> 7i,"%s #&, 0i'! "D31#+3s-
B( +#1"0.' !%&i3%1i&$ I 0%.&, 68i+8 &"6s4#4"1s> 41%$1#!!"s "3+ s""!", !%s3 4%4.'#1 #&, +%&+"&31#3", 38"
+%.1s" 6%1/ !%1" %& 38%s" !",i#- A'38%.$8 i3 6#s 8#1, 6%1/ i3 4#i, %00 #s !( +'#ss 1"+"i7", ="33"1 "7#'.#3i%& #&,
="33"1 !#1/s 38#& 38" %38"1 +'#ss"s-
In2l1encin!= comm1nication and team3or/
:escri&e ho, (o" achie+e! a goal thro"gh inl"encing the actions or opinions o others 0perhaps in a team conte/t2.
)hat ,ere the circ"mstancesB )hat !i! (o" !o to make a !ierenceB ;o, !o (o" kno, the res"lt ,as satisactor(B
As 41"si,"&3 %0 38" C#&%" S%+i"3( ,.1i&$ !( s"+%&, ("#1> !( 41i%1i3( 6#s 3% i&+1"#s" 38" !"!="1s8i4 =( @0G- I
,i, 38is =( 4"1s.#,i&$ 38" +%!!i33"" 38#3 6" s8%.', =" !%1" %.3$%i&$ #&, %1$#&is", # s"1i"s %0 "7"&3s #i!",
!#i&'(> =.3 &%3 "D+'.si7"'(> #3 01"s8"1s-
D.1i&$ 01"s8"1s 6""/ 6" 1#& !i&i +#&%" 1#+"s i& 38" s6i!!i&$ 4%%'> 8#, # 0#!i'( 6#3"1 0.& ,#( #&, # s%+i#' "7"&3
%&" "7"&i&$- W" +%&3i&.", 3% 1.& "7"&3s #i!", #3 &%& +'.= !"!="1s 381%.$8%.3 38" ("#1 #&, #'s% 3%%/ 1"$.'#1
#,7"13s i& 4.='i+#3i%&s s3.,"&3s 1"#,> SU N"6s4#4"1> s4%13s S%+i"3( &"6s4#4"1 "3+-
B( =1i&$i&$ +#&%"i&$ 3% 38" #33"&3i%& %0 !%1" 4"%4'" #&, 6i,"&i&$ i3s #44"#' 6i38 &%&;s"1i%.s "7"&3s 6" #+8i"7",
%.1 3#1$"3 =( 38" "&, %0 38" ("#1-
Anal&#i#= pro%lem #ol$in! and creati$e thinin!/
:escri&e a !iic"lt pro&lem that (o" ha+e sol+e!. 'tate ho, (o" !eci!e! ,hich ,ere the critical iss"es5 sa( ,hat (o" !i!
an! ,hat (o"r sol"tion ,as. )hat other approaches co"l! (o" ha+e taken.
M( 0i&#' ("#1 41%F"+3 6#s 3% s3.,( 38" /"( ,i00"1"&+"s ="36""& 38" UK #&, 91"&+8 !#1/"3 0%1 '.D.1( +8%+%'#3"
41%,.+3s- T8is i&7%'7", 6%1/i&$ +'%s"'( 6i38 38" !#F%1 +%&0"+3i%&"1( !#&.0#+3.1"1s i& =%38 +%.&31i"s-
I3 s%%& ="+#!" #44#1"&3 38#3 38" &#3i%&#' #33i3.,"s 3% +8%+%'#3" #1" 7"1( ,i00"1"&3- T8" i&0%1!#3i%& 1"C."s3", =(
38" !#&.0#+3.1"1s i& "#+8 +%.&31( 6#s C.i3" ,i00"1"&3- T% +%!4i'" # C."s3i%&&#i1" 38#3 6%.', #&s6"1 #'' C."s3i%&s
6%.', 8#7" =""& 0#1 3%% '%&$ #&, +.!="1s%!"> s% I ,"+i,", %& # +%!=i&#3i%& %0 4"1s%&#' i&3"17i"6 #&,
C."s3i%&&#i1"> 38" C."s3i%&&#i1" +%7"1i&$ !#33"1s +%!!%& 3% =%38 +%.&31i"s- I i&3"17i"6", # 3%3#' %0 60 4"%4'"
01%! 91#&+" #&, UK- Wi38 38" 1"s.'3s I $#7" s"7"1#' 41"s"&3#3i%&s 3% +%!4#&i"s i& =%38 +%.&31i"s-
A& #'3"1&#3i7" #441%#+8 6%.', 8#7" =""& 3% !#i' %.3 # '#1$" &.!="1 %0 C."s3i%&&#i1"s 3% si!i'#1 $1%.4s %0 4"%4'">
s#( 0i1s3 ("#1 s3.,"&3s> i& UK #&, 91#&+" #&, #&#'(s" 38" 1"3.1&s- I 0"'3 38" i&3"17i"6 !"38%, 41"0"1#='"> #s 4"%4'"
6"1" !%1" 6i''i&$ 3% #&s6"1 C."s3i%&s 0#+" 3% 0#+" #&, !#&( #,,", 4%i&3s #&, +%!!"&3s 68i+8 6"1" 1"'"7#&3 #&,
These t(pes o 4"estions ,orr( a lot o people. The( look at the &ig5
&lank spaces an! their hearts sink. T9D to see this thro"gh the e(es o
the rea!er. )hat ,o"l! someone recr"iting or this ,ork area &e
looking orB ;o, can (o" organise (o"r inormation to con+ince them
that not onl( ha+e (o" tho"ght a&o"t their .o& an! their organisation &"t
(o" ha+e also consi!ere! the t(pe o contri&"tion (o" co"l! makeB
'tr"ct"re (o"r repl( to correspon! ,ith Messential skillsN that are
rele+ant to the role.
Additional In2ormation
%lease ,rite here an( a!!itional inormation5 not co+ere! else,here ,hich ,ill strengthen (o"r application.
I i&3"&, i& 38" "#1'( s3#$"s %0 !( +#1""1 3% $#i& # 41%0"ssi%&#' 7%+#3i%&#' C.#'i0i+#3i%&-
W8"1" ,i, (%. 8"#1 %0 .s2s"" #& #,7"13is"!"&3H
?1%s4"+3s Di1"+3%1(-
0peci2ic 0ill#
#. @ist an( lang"ages that (o" kno, in!icating le+el o proicienc( 0&asic/,orking kno,le!ge/l"ent/mother tong"e2.
$. 'peci( (o"r e/perience ,ith an( generic comp"ter packages/programming lang"ages 0limite!/,orking
3. In!icate an( other speciic rele+ant skills 0la&orator( techni4"es5 graphics skills etc2.
9'."&3 91"&+8> 6%1/i&$ /&%6'",$" %0 G"1!#& #&, S4#&is8-
C%!4.3"1 'i3"1#3" 8#7i&$ 3#/"& +%.1s"s #3 38" U&i7"1si3( C%!4.3i&$ C"&31" %& ,#3# =#s"s>
s41"#,s8""3s #&, 6%1, 41%+"ssi&$ A +%!4"3"&3 6i38 Mi+1%s%03 O00i+"-
Career Choice
6/plain ,h( (o" ha+e applie! or the .o& "nction0s2 that (o" note! on the irst page. Oer e+i!ence o (o"r s"ita&ilit( 0eg
co"rses "n!ertaken5 ,ork sha!o,ing5 skills5 strengths an! e/periences2. 6mphasise ,h( (o" consi!er (o"rsel to &e a
strong can!i!ate.
T8" 0%''%6i&$ 4"1s%&#' s/i''s #&, #331i=.3"s 6i''> I 8%4"> +%&7i&+" (%. %0 !( s.i3#=i'i3(-
A&#'(3i+#' s/i''s A M( 1"4%13 i&7%'7", #&#'(si&$ #&, 41"s"&3i&$ +%!4'"D ,#3# 1"s.'3i&$ i& # 12>000 6%1, 1"4%13-
?1%F"+3 M#&#$"!"&3 A D.1i&$ !( 6%1/ "D4"1i"&+" 4'#+"!"&3 6i38 # !#1/"3 1"s"#1+8 +%!4#&( I 6#s i&7%'7", i&
+1i3i+#' 6%1/ 0%1 3 i!4%13#&3 +'i"&3s 36% %38"1 s3.,"&3s '"3 38"! ,%6&)- I 8#, 3% s+8",.'" # s"1i"s %0 i&3"17i"6s
48%&"> s31""3 #&, 8%!") #&, +8"+/ i3s 41%$1"ss- I +%''#3", #'' 38" ,#3# #&, !#," s"7"1#' s.++"ss0.' 41"s"&3#3i%&s
3% 38" +'i"&3s-
T"#! S/i''s A C#&%" +'.= +%!!i33"" !"!="1 0%1 3 ("#1s- ?1"si,"&3 i& !( s"+%&, ("#1 68"& 6" !#&#$", 3%
i&+1"#s" !"!="1s8i4 =( @0G-
This is a positi+e statement
sho,ing am&ition. Do" are
in!icating (o" ,ish to progress
,ithin (o"r chosen iel!.
This can!i!ate has gi+en an in!ication o her skills
'he appears coni!ent a&o"t "sing comp"ter sot,are
The package is ,ell kno,n
'he has taken the initiati+e to atten! rele+ant co"rses to
!e+elop her aptit"!e
;er lang"age skills are e+i!ent
This can!i!ate has chosen to highlight e+i!ence to sho, those skills
she eels are the most important or a career as a market research
anal(st. 'he might e4"all( ha+e talke! more a&o"t her ,ork
e/perience ,ith . . . . . . . . . . 5 the options she chose in her !egree
co"rse or an( other acts she elt to &e rele+ant.
Health "eclaration
%lease gi+e !etails o an( health matters o rele+ance to the ,ork applie! or.
G%%, $"&"1#' 8"#'38-
Man( application orms or me!ical 4"estionnaires or .o&s ask !irect 4"estions a&o"t !isa&ilit(
an! health. I (o" gi+e alse inormation a&o"t this an! an emplo(er in!s o"t the tr"th later (o"
co"l! risk losing (o"r .o&.
On an application orm ,hich asks !irect 4"estions a&o"t !isa&ilit( (o" can gi+e !etails (o" eel
are important. Do" ma( eel that (o"r !isa&ilit( an! (o"r lie e/periences !"e to (o"r !isa&ilit(
increase (o"r a&ilit( to !o the .o&. Do" ma( ,ish to incl"!e them in the section on the application
orm that asks a&o"t ,h( (o" eel (o" are s"ita&le or the .o&. Al,a(s oc"s on ,hat (o" CA> !o
* not ,hat (o" CA>ET.
Aca!emic 9eeree
Other 9eeree
%lease gi+e an( !ates ,hen (o" are not a+aila&le or
D.1i&$ !( 0i&#'s M#( 1@ A 5.&" 28)
%lease gi+e the !ate rom ,hich (o" are a+aila&le or
91%! S"43"!="1 2002
The statements ma!e on this rom are tr"e. I "n!erstan! an( alse statements ma( .eopar!ise m( application
an! ma( lea! to an oer &eing ,ith!ra,n. I ha+e attache! the 64"al Opport"nities Monitoring :ata.
'igne! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >ame 0please print2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :ate . . . . . . . . . . . .
I (o" ha+e health pro&lems5 ,hich ma( aect (o" in (o"r chosen
,ork5 (o" are !"t( &o"n! to gi+e the inormation. Tr( to &e as
positi+e as possi&le etc MAter a &ike acci!ent last s"mmer I ha+e
limite! mo+ement in m( let arm. This con!ition sho"l! impro+e
,ith time an! I am a!+ise! that it ,ill not aect m( general health
an! itness.N
9emem&er to sign.
Tr( to make (o"rsel as
a+aila&le as possi&le
an! 4"ote act"al !ates
,here (o" can.
Check to see i the
organisation has in!icate! a
preerre! starting !ate.
Teacher Trainin! Application Form ?!ttr@ 2or !rad1ate#
Fillin! in the Form
The gttr orm is "se! &( an A!missions T"tor to !eci!e ,ho to in+ite or inter+ie,.
,e&site ,,,"k.
The orm sho"l! &e complete! on8line ,hich or man( applicants pro+i!es a more presenta&le
+ersion. The training pro+i!ers recei+e the electronic +ersion 4"icker than a har! cop(. Do" m"st
make s"re that (o"r reeree is also happ( to "se the electronic ormat. As soon as GTT9 recei+e (o"r
application (o"r principal reeree ,ill a"tomaticall( recei+e an email rom the GTT9 asking him or her
to +eri( that the( ,ill pro+i!e (o" ,ith a reerence. This email also re4"ests an agreement to s"&mit
an online reerence &( (o"r principal reeree. DOA9 A%%@ICATIO> CA>>OT =6 %9OG96''6:
"ntil this principal reeree has emaile! this agreement.
The initial sections o the orm sho"l! &e straightor,ar! an! gttr instr"ctions sho"l! help to clari(
completion. The section re4"iring the "tmost attention is the section relate! to7
Per#onal 0tatement
Gi+e clear an! concise reasons ,h( (o" ,ant to teach * oten a mi/t"re o reasons * ,ant to help
chil!ren/st"!ents !e+elop "ll potential5 al,a(s ha! the "rge/,ante! to teach5 relati+es ,ho teach5
helpe! in school an! this has gi+en (o" the interest/incenti+e as (o" eel that this is ,hat (o"
reall( ,ant to !o5 etc. <"st stating that (o" like chil!ren is not eno"ghCC
Incl"!e all e/perience ,ith chil!ren5 +isits to schools5 g"i!es5 '"n!a( school5 games coaching5
(o"th cl"&s5 camps etc.
I (o" ha+enEt &een into school (et * get there 4"ickl(. This is essential. All in#tit1tion# ,ill &e
looking or #chool e6perience 3ith the rele$ant a!e ran!e as a sign o commitment to teaching.
Most pro+i!ers ,ant to see #3 !a(s or %rimar( an! a minim"m o $ to 3 !a(s or 'econ!ar(.
This ,ill gi+e strong important e+i!ence o commitment. For %rimar( schools contact the ;ea!5
or 'econ!ar( a ;ea! o :epartment * ,o"l! s"ggest a letter/email irst gi+ing the name an!
phone n"m&er 0make it eas( or the school2 o a reeree5 as in the c"rrent climate schools 4"ite
rightl( like to kno, ,ho the( are letting in thro"gh the gates. The( are "s"all( +er( "n!erstan!ing
a&o"t this5 an! "nless it is a &"s( perio! 4"ite happ( a&o"t st"!ents going in. Get the most o"t o
(o"r +isits * take notes 0"no&tr"si+el( * !onEt "pset an(one2 * o&ser+e * ask 4"estions * ask ,h(
the( are thereB etc.
Tr( o"t a !ierent age range * this ,ill make s"re (o" are going or the right one * also gi+es (o"
reasons or ,h( (o" ha+e picke! (o"r age range. A goo! comparison o %rimar( ,ith 'econ!ar(
!eci!ing (o"r choice ,ill help at inter+ie,. 'chool e/perience can &e !one in ,eeks5 !a(s5 hal
!a(s * ho,e+er (o" can manage it. )here a !egree is marginal rele+ant school e/perience
s"pporte! &( strong proessional testimonials/reerences ma( strengthen the application.
The &roa!er (o"r range o interests the &etter. Incl"!e !etails o (o"r st"!(/lie e/periences that
,ill ena&le (o" to contri&"te to cross8c"rric"lar !imensions an! themes ,ithin a school. Also
transera&le skills (o" ha+e ac4"ire! s"ch as lang"age5 I.T5 organisational skills ,hich ,o"l!
contri&"te to (o"r eecti+eness as a teacher. I (o" eel that (o" ha+e something else to oer that
,ill enhance (o"r application * "se itC
Mention enth"siasm5 moti+ation5 keenness to teach5 commitment in all the a&o+e. There is no
room or mo!est(C
This is also an assessment o (o"r a&ilit( to comm"nicate. Mae #1re5 that it is +er( ,ell
presente! * teachers nee! to &e a&le to e/press themsel+es clearl(25 0a 3ell pre#ented
application orm ,ill certainl( p"t those rea!ing it in a &etter rame o min! * it co"l! make all the
!ierenceC25 clear5 conci#e 0no ram&ling2 2ree 2rom error# 0especiall( no #pellin! mi#tae#2.
T8is 0%1! 8#s 3% =" $%%,- This personal statement is (o"r one %i! chance to #ell &o1r#el2'
F1rther 1#e21l tip#
Al,a(s pro+i!e e+i!ence to s"pport statements * relect on e/periences gaine! highlighting skills
an! e/perience rele+ant to the classroom an! teaching.
%resent (o"r inormation in a clear ,a( "sing lang"age ,hich is positi+e.
A soli! &lock o ,riting or te/t can &e !iic"lt to rea! * tr( to &reak it "p ,ith some spaces.
Ase the space sensi&l(. It can &e possi&le to "se the ,ork e/perience section to gi+e "rther
rele+ant inormation e.g.
Moor @ane %rimar( 'chool * Oct $33$ * :ec $333 * One !a( per ,eek.
O&ser+ation o Dears 3 * I.
Comprehensi+e !isc"ssion ,ith class teachers regar!ing ,ork loa!5 lesson preparation5
assessment criteria an! !iscipline relate! matters.
-alle( -ie, %rimar( 'chool * <an $33$ * March $333 * One !a( per ,eek.
Coaching an! s"per+ising the ."nior net&all team. I ,as a&le to moti+ate in!i+i!"als &( "sing an
enco"raging enth"siastic approach an! &( making skills training "n.
P1%lic 0ector T&pe Application#
The initial sections are +er( similar to the ma.orit( o application orms an! thereore sho"l! &e 4"ite
The section that is most time cons"ming an! oten ca"ses the most ,orr( is "s"all( at the en! an!
ma( look something like this.
It is important to rea! the G"i!ance >otes ,hich ,ill ha+e &een sent ,ith the application orm.
0ample !1idance note#
I a person speciication asks (o" to &e a&le to comm"nicate eecti+el( ,ith c"stomers5 (o" might
,ant to !escri&e the c"stomers (o" ha+e comm"nicate! ,ith an! ho, (o" ha+e !one this eecti+el(.
=e speciic a&o"t (o"r skills an! speci( (o"r o,n responsi&ilities.
6/plain an(thing (o" !o ,hich tells the rea!er something more a&o"t (o"r skills an! a&ilities.
For e/ample5 (o" ma( &elong to a tenantsE association ,here (o" organise meetings. Do" ma(
arrange rales/o"tings or take min"tes o a cl"& or charit(5 or ma( &e responsi&le or caring or an
el!erl( relati+e.
F1rther 1#e21l tip#
Make this section eas( or the selector to rea!
Consi!er "sing the same hea!ings as those gi+en in the person speciication
An!er these hea!ings5 a!!ress each o the criteria pro+i!ing rele+ant e+i!ence to sho,
ho, (o"r skills5 4"alities an! e/perience match the essential re4"irements.
I (o" can also sho, ho, (o" match an( !esira&le re4"irements that ,ill &e an a!!e!
I (o" !eci!e to t(pe this section on a separate sheet o A4 or "se a contin"ation sheet
make s"re (o" incl"!e (o"r name an! .o& reerence n"m&er.
Al,a(s photocop( (o"r complete! orm. This ,ill &e essential rea!ing material in
preparation or (o"r inter+ie,.
%lease "se this page to sho, ho, (o" meet items on the %erson 'peciication to &e assesse!
&( application orm. Gi+e !etails o ho, (o" meet the criteria5 ,hat e+i!ence !o (o" ha+e to
sho, (o" meet each item. 0%lease contin"e on a separate sheet i necessar(2.
0ample item# 2rom a per#on #peci2ication
0ample an#3er# to the#e item#
#. )ithin team O5 I ha+e !emonstrate! the a&ilit( to "n!erstan!5 anal(se an! compile reports on a
,i!e range o p"&lic health iss"es5 cons"ltations an! policies. )hen pro!"cing g"i!ance or 'enior
Oicers an! 6lecte! Mem&ers5 m( reports are concise an! s"ccinct !"e to their other time
constraints. M( ,ritten comm"nication st(le has &ecome more targete! an! clear as a res"lt o
atten!ance at positi+e lang"age an! emotional intelligence master classes. A ke( re4"irement o m(
role in implementing 'DT6C ,as the a&ilit( to translate kno,le!ge o a comple/ s(stem into easil(
"n!erstan!a&le a!+ice an! g"i!ance or s(stem "sers.
$. As a mem&er o the Competenc( s"&gro"p5 I ha+e &een responsi&le or researching &est practice to
inorm the ,ork o the gro"p. In "n!ertaking research5 I cons"lte! ,ith other e/cellent Co"ncils as a
,a( o &enchmarking o"r c"rrent rame,ork against &est practice. Internet sites5 s"ch as I1:eA5
6mplo(ers Organisation5 @GA an! CI%:5 along ,ith management .o"rnals ha+e also &een important
so"rces o rele+ant inormation. In presenting the inormation to the gro"p5 I pro+i!e! e/tracts o
rele+ant inormation an! an e+al"ation o each rame,ork. The in!ings ,ere split into +ario"s
sections in a ta&"lar orm to make the res"lts eas( to interpret. A "rther e/ercise ,as "n!ertaken to
map competencies against those o other Co"ncils.
7on the %a#i# o2 the Bo% #peci2ication8
#. :emonstrate a&ilit( to anal(se polic( iss"es5 an!
to present a!+ice an! g"i!ance in an easil(
"n!erstoo! ,a(.
$. 9esearching5 anal(sing an! appraising
inormation rom a ,i!e range o so"rces.
E##ential 7E8
"e#ira%le 7"8
To %e
identi2ied %&/
Application Form
Inter$ie3 7I8=
Te#t 7T8=
Other 7#peci2&8
AF5 I5 T
#. Thoro"gh amiliarit( ,ith Microsot Oice
pro!"cts5 especiall( ACC6'' an! 6/cel.
$. :e+elopment e/perience ,ith ACC6'' an!
6/cel5 e.g. "se o macros5 !ata anal(sis
3. ?no,le!ge o statistical metho!s an! statistical
4. 6/cellent interpersonal5 comm"nication5 an!
presentational skills5 &oth ,ritten an! oral.
5. =e a&le to !emonstrate n"merac(5 goo!
anal(tical an! organisational a&ilities.
I. The a&ilit( to ,ork "n!er press"re an! to meet
tight !ea!lines.
AF5 I5 T
4no3led!e / 0ill# / A%ilitie#
#. Thro"gho"t the gra!"ate scheme5 I ha+e !e+elope! m( inormation technolog( skills. In
achie+ing the 6C:@ 4"aliication5 I am a&le to !emonstrate m( proicienc( ,ith all Microsot
Oice packages. I ha+e restr"ct"re! an! manage! large !ata&ases incl"!ing the corporate
mentoring !ata&ase. All 'DT6C s(stem recor!s ,ere maintaine! ,ithin 6/cel.
$. One o m( ,eekl( acti+ities at )est %ennine ,as to collate the n"m&er o press reports eat"ring
the local area. I ,as responsi&le or setting "p an! maintaining a common ,eekl( sprea!sheet.
Macros ,ere incorporate! into the ,ork&ook to simpli( the task o "p!ating the inormation on a
,eekl( &asis. )ithin m( c"rrent role5 I "se Access 4"eries to anal(se an! e/tract inormation rom
the mentoring !ata&ase.
3. -ario"s "ni+ersit( statistical co"rses ha+e e4"ippe! me ,ith a irm "n!erstan!ing o 4"antitati+e
techni4"es or management !ecision8making. I am amiliar ,ith a ,i!e range o statistical metho!s
incl"!ing orecasting techni4"es5 !ecision anal(sis5 linear programming5 linear regression an!
sim"lation. I am an e/perience! "ser o '%'' sot,are. As part o m( marketing anal(sis co"rse5 I
anal(se! compan( !ata "sing the sot,are package.
4. All o m( roles ha+e re4"ire! strong comm"nication skills ,ith internal an! e/ternal parties
at all le+els ,ithin the organiPation. )hen !eli+ering training5 pro+i!ing ace to ace s"pport
or sol+ing telephone en4"iries5 it has &een essential to e/plain things in a simple an! logic
manner. As a mentor to a mo!ern apprentice5 I can !emonstrate the a&ilit( to moti+ate
thro"gh the "se o positi+e lang"age an! 4"estioning skills.
As a champion o the 'DT6C s(stem5 I ,as in+ol+e! in a +ariet( o presentations to raise
the proile o the s(stem &oth internall( an! e/ternall(. I presente! 'DT6C at e/ternal
e+ents ,ith other local a"thorities that ,ere consi!ering p"rchasing the s(stem. Increase!
coni!ence in presenting ,as a ke( o"tcome !"ring m( time on this pro.ect.
6ecti+e ,ritten comm"nication skills ha+e &een essential in comm"nicating ,ith a ,i!e
spectr"m o colleag"es rom !ierent proessional !isciplines as ,ell as thir! parties.
-ario"s roles ha+e in+ol+e! ser+icing high8le+el meetings an! pro!"cing acc"rate an!
concise min"tes. )ritten reports5 min"tes an! electronic comm"nication all !emonstrate
m( a&ilit( to comm"nicate eecti+el(.
5. I manage! the &"!get ,hich has a ma/im"m o"tgoing o QI335333 per ann"m. This in+ol+es
monitoring act"al e/pen!it"re against pro.ecte! e/pen!it"re to ens"re committe! e/pen!it"re
remains ,ithin the set limits. )hile ,orking at The One Acco"nt5 I ,as responsi&le or !ealing ,ith
comple/ oset mortgage en4"iries ,hich pro+i!e! me ,ith an opport"nit( to enhance m(
n"merical a&ilities. Financial mo!"les at "ni+ersit( ha+e in+ol+e! practical e/perience o assessing
a compan(Es inancial sta&ilit( "sing inancial ratios. :"ring m( placement ,ith team O5 I anal(se!
comple/ perormance !ata. I ,orke! closel( ,ith ICT to &"il! tolerances to ens"re all !irectorate
perormance !ata ,as complete! &( set !ea!lines. An escalation proce!"re ,as !e+elope! that
a"tomaticall( triggere! an email escalation process i !ata ,as not entere! ,ithin gi+en
I. As team O is a small team an! has a lot o ongoing pro.ects5 I ,ork on a n"m&er o pro.ects at
the same time. Time press"res ha+e &een teste! "rther as I am c"rrentl( ,orking in &oth team
O an! team D. )hen ,orking "n!er press"re an! to tight !ea!lines5 I ha+e "se! time
management an! prioritisation to ens"re all tasks ha+e &een complete! in an acc"rate an!
timel( manner. 't"!(ing part8time in a!!ition to ,orking "ll8time has meant that I ha+e nee!e!
to prioritise m( ,orkloa! in or!er to complete n"mero"s assignments to set the !ea!lines. In
!oing this I ha+e prioritise! in accor!ance ,ith the set timescales an! the !egree o ,ork

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