Bulletin June 14-2014

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The Apostles and the Law

Therefore the law is holy, and
the commandment holy and
just and good (Romans 7:12,

The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Superintendent: Alonso Lopez
Praise & Worship. Michael, Gavin, Shaquille, Alisha, Jessica

Hymn of Praise........We Know Not the Hour.....#604

Intercessory Prayer.....Lo Richards

Idaho & Montana Conferences, Fathers and Children, Families
in the area needing salvation
Next Week: Oregon Conference, VBS Team, Missionaries

Childrens Story...................................................Pastor Alex

Offering.....Canadian French......Ray Thompson

Cor. 11:23-34...Mario & Chris Simoes

Pastor Alex Golovenko
Proclaiming Christs together as a Family

Ordinance of Humility
Hymn of Commitment. Hold Fast Till I Come...........#600
Benediction...Elder Gene Bernardo

Sunset Today: 9:05 p.m. Next week: 9:07 p.m.
Please send all bulletin related information by
WEDNESDAY 9:00 p.m. to larris.biggs@gmail.com

1. Bible Studies resumes, June 14 @ 5 pm,
with George Perez teaching on leadership
principles in the Bible.

2. Youth Bible Study Group for youth ages
13-25+ is meeting Tuesdays from 7 pm
to 8:30 pm. All are invited; bring your
friends to grow in knowing Christ. @
785 Nadine Avenue (Ferreiras home).

3. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible Study
and testimonies on Wednesday night at 7
pm. Come and be blessed.

4. The Mississauga Celebration Sabbath,
June 28 will take place @ International
Centre, 6900 Airport Road. Our church
remains open as we downlink the
complete video broadcast from
Mississauga, elder Mike Keim facilitating.

5. The next Church Council (Board
meeting) will take place on Monday,
June 16 at 7 pm at our church hall.
Church planting and facilitating growth are on the

6. Ruth SDA Church from Brampton has
requested donations to purchase chairs for
their new facility. The Church Board voted to
sponsor 5 chairs gift at $350 cost. Your
donations for the sister church could be
directed to our treasurer, mark on the envelopes Ruth
Church chairs.

7. The first Restful Sabbath to facilitate
hospitality and fellowship is scheduled for
June 28
. If you are not planning to attend
the annual Conference wide Celebration
Sabbath in Mississauga, then this is your
opportunity to share Christian Hospitality
with another family.

8. First Western District soccer tournament
among teams from Adventist churches,
including Sarnia, Windsor, London will
take place tomorrow, June 15, starting at
10 am at Edwards Soccer Pitch in Petrolia, (for GPS:
4035 EDWARD ST, Petrolia, ON). The team will leave
from our church parking lot at 9 am. If you would like to
join, please inform Rixon Gultom.

9. Golden Agers are inviting all who are age 55 and over
(and guests) for a hike in Springbank Park Tuesday,
June 17
. Please meet at the shelter across from the
Shoppers Drug Mart on Commissioners Road, at 11
AM. After the hike, we will share a potluck picnic lunch.

10. Adventist Christian Elementary School Graduation on
Sunday, June 22 @ 3:00 P.M, celebrating our
Kindergarten & Gr. 8 graduates! Recent PhD, M.A, and
B.A graduates from our church will also be marching. A
special presentation in recognition of the sponsors and
supporters of A.C.E.S will be given. Refreshments will
be served after the program.

11. On July 4-6 our church will be camping
out at 10. Fanshawe Conservation
area, located at 1424 Clarke Road,
London. A sign-up sheet is available
for all who would stay from Friday to
Sunday. We need to know how many will be staying
overnight to plan for meals accordingly. The Sabbath
School Class and Church worship experience will also
be in the nature on Sabbath. Shuttle rides will be
available for those who need transportation (a separate
sign-up sheet for rides needed). It is an opportunity to
invite our extended family members to experience
worship in nature, and have a Family Fun on Sabbath.

12. 5
annual Western District Youth Camp will take place July
18-20, 2014 at the Lakewood Christian Camp, 4297
Lakeshore Road, Plympton-Wyoming, Ontario (same place
as the last year). The speaker this year is Gerardo Oudri,
Ontario Conference Youth Director. The registration cost
per person is $40 and includes two night camp stay and 5
meals. Please register before July 12. Please ask youth
leaders or pastor for registration details.

13. VBS: Volunteers are needed for July
; please see Doris Van Leeuwen
if you are able to help.

Congratulations to Simone Biggs on
her graduation this week.

Fathers are NOT babysitters
As I am reading through the Bible with my family during the evening
worship time we are reminded of the unlimited authority and power fathers
appreciated in the old days. Of course, mothers had their way of handling
fathers (word manipulating here would be very politically incorrect); and I
am thinking of Sarah setting up Abraham with Hagar; Rebekah tricking Isaac
to bless Jacob, Rachel giving Jacob an attitude, knowing that she was the
favorite, and these are just a few samples.
Some call the Bible stories chauvinistic, giving too much macho
power to men. Many readers consider that women were relegated into
background of those antique stories. Surface reading may even bias
contemporary Christian men not to take seriously their parental role, and our
attitudes toward parenting betray it. Let me illustrate with some examples.
I found an interesting article about 8 Stupid Things You Should Stop
Saying to Dads written this week, just before the Fathers Day. The top on
the list is Dad must be babysitting today, huh?" YOU CAN'T BABYSIT
YOUR OWN KIDS!!! Fathers are not paid caretakers. People would never
look at a mom with her kids and ask if she was babysitting. Yet when a dad is
out with his kids, so many people automatically and without thinking about it
calls it babysitting. Even some dads refer to it that way because it's so
accepted. Dads don't babysit. Ever!
Another wrong thing to say to a father is: "Oh look at you playing Mr.
Mom today." Fatherhood isn't a version of motherhood, and dads aren't
playing the part of a mom. That implies parenting is some sort of women's
work. The number of stay-at-home dads has doubled in the last quarter-
century, and even dads who work outside the home are focusing more on
work/life balance because there's a renewed focus on shared parenting and
being present.
Or, people seeing dad out with kids would comment Oh my. You're
brave." Are moms "brave" for taking their kids on errands? Of course not!
You expect that from moms. If you're not pinning a medal of honor on mom
simply for being a parent and going grocery shopping, don't bother with one
for dad either.
The list of our silly attitudes toward dads can go on. Yet, when one
considers the Bible, the Torah fathers were very involved in parenting!
Deuteronomy 6:4-10 has been called the Magna Carta of the home which
would guarantee the happiness and well-being of the family in the purpose of
God. Teaching children Gods laws and statutes was fathers role and
responsibility. Psalm 103:13 states that it is fathers role to show
compassion and pity on his children. Parenting has always been teamwork
of mom and dad, together, in unity.
Make this fathers day a celebration of partnership-parenting, and not
some exclusive, once a year emphasis on father as a parent-for-a-day.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko
Birthday Wishes for June
Jun 3 Justin Wood
Jun 3 Faith Maphosa
Jun 3 Ritchi Pandaleke
Jun 3 Sophia Perez
Jun 11 Aubri Nurse
Jun 12 Mario Carcamo Jr
Jun 13 Gary Carreiro
Jun 13 Divinah Mbwayo
Jun 14 Earl Biggs
Jun 15 Janice Brindley
Jun 16 Yolande Ndiweni
Jun 16 Eileen Pyley
Jun 21 Mike Keim
Jun 23 Joan Reid-Kindness
Jun 24 Sonia Linton
Jun 25 Noel Carter
Jun 28 Larris Biggs
Jun 29 Gina Beckles
Jun 29 Kayla Reeve

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