Aizawakdbdsu 3

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Unit 3- Sketch Up
AOI- Environment
Guiding Questions:
1. How does wind turbine work and produce energy?
A wind turbine works with the power of wind. Normally, there are three blades for one
windmill. The blades of the wind turbine turn and spin the shafts because the wind lifts
blades which are put in same direction. The blade connects to the generator which makes
electricity. So when the generator spins, electricity is produced. The big turbine can produce
more energy in short time. Then the electricity is brought to substation by the transmission
lines and goes to each house, schools and company.

2. How much energy is produced by wind power?
The amount of energy that wind turbine produce is different by the size of turbine, the
diameter of rotor or the speed of propels move. It depend the condition of the weather at
the time. Normally, one large wind turbine generate between 700 kilowatts to 1.8 megawatts.
There are farms called wind farm many places in the world. It is a place where has a lot of
wind turbine in the same place and generate huge amount of energy. A one of the largest
wind farm in the world has hundreds and hundreds of wind turbines together.

3. How much energy do we need to move a train?
It is also depends on the types of train they use. The local train only needs about 1920KW per
one station to next station. But it is said that the new express train uses around 11000KW to

4. How much air resistance happens in front of a train?
It is said that 70 percent of resistance is created by the air resistance. These air resistances
make the train more not friendly to the earth because when more air resistance happen, we
need more energy to move trains. Some people studied that when the design of the end of
the train changed, they could reduce 29% of air resistance in front of the train. It means 11% of
energy consumption was succeeding as well.

5. Which type of train makes more air resistances?
Actually, the old type of train makes more air resistances because people starts producing
the earth friendly train by avoiding to use more energy by reducing the air resistance. On the
other hand, racing car or magnetic levitation train has very less air resistance so that they are
able to run in very high speed. These designs have been studied many years and developing
more and more every year.

6. How much does it cost to use one wind turbine?
Wind turbine is known as one of the most expensive way to generate energy. It also depends
on the types or size of the wind turbine. People use 2MW size turbine these days. It costs
about $3 million to $4 million. When the wind turbine is less than 100KW, it costs around
$3000 to $8000 per KW. If it is more than that, they cost about $50000 to $80000 or even
more sometimes.

7. How is my technology going to help the environment?
A train with propels for wind turbine is able to generate an electricity by moving the train
because when the train moves, they get a lot of air resistance in front of the train. So that
when I put wind turbine in front, propels get air and turn. It produces natural energy instead
using fossil fuels. Using fossil fuel is one of the biggest problem and causes of the global
warming because when people burn the natural gases, it also creates carbon dioxide. And it
makes ozone break and makes the earth temperature higher. But my technology can reduce
using fossil fuels so it is friendlier to the earth. If people change all the energy of a train to
wind power, they are able to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases.

Design Brief and Design Specification

Design Brief:
In this unit, we all have to design a 3D model of an existing piece of technology. I chose a train
for the existing technology. I thought the wind power fits the most for the train because the train
moves very fast and create a lot of air resistance in front. So I am going to design a train with wind
The train is going to be not longer than 8 cars. One car is going to be 20 meters so the length of
the train is going to be 160 meters (208) in total. There is a limitation for the size of train. (Figure 1)
Normally, the train needs about 2000kilowats for one station to the next station. A large wind
turbine can generate between 700 kilowatts to 1.8 megawatts. But these turbines have about 150m
of width and height. It is not going to be fit in front of the train. These days, some Japanese company
starts making a very small wind turbine. And it is said that it will be smaller and smaller after few
years. So I will choose the one which can fits in front. I will put one big wind turbine in the middle and
four more small ones at the side of the train. But it has to face towards so that they can get the wind
to generate the energy. One thing that I should not do is to put the turbine propels to cover the
front glass because if the propels covers then the driver cannot see the front so it can cause an
accident. I decided to make the front of train 3000mm 4300mm (width height). Then 1 meter
from the above is going to be the glass so the train driver can see the front to drive the train. Rest of
the 3.3 meters is going to be the place to put wind turbine. Therefore, 3m 3.3m is the area that we
can put wind turbine so I will make the size of wind turbine 3m. If the wind turbine became 3m, the
energy it can generate also becomes 200kilowats. One small turbine can create 33.5kilowats by
calculation and it is about 0.5 meters so if I put 6 small wind turbines for each car, then it can be
enough for the energy to move train.
Usually, local train has about speed of 110 to 150 km per an hour. And the wind turbine
normally starts moving when the wind is 2 meters per a second. The generator starts working when
the wind blows 3 to 25 meters per a second. So that it is enough wind for generating electricity.

Figure 1

Design Specification:
1. Length: The length of the train is going to be about 160 meters. So that a car has to be about
20 meters and includes 8 cars in a train.
2. Size: It is not going to be bigger than the front glass of the train which is 3m and small wind
turbine is going to be 0.5m.
3. Numbers: There will be one big wind turbine in the middle of the front. There will be 4 small
wind turbines in front and 6 small wind turbines on the top of the train (roof) for
each train (8 cars).
4. Color: Most of the part is going to be made by metal so I have to use grey. But this is ecology
train, so I will use green to make it looks more earth friendly train.
5. Shape: The shape of my train is going to be same as a normal local train. It should be box
type and flat in front.
6. Design: I am going to draw some leaves to make it fits to the green color more.

"AE Kids : Wind Power." AE Kids : Wind Power. Alliant Energy Kids, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.
"Power in the Wind." KidWind. KidWind Project, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.
"" How Does a Wind Turbine Work? ENERGY.GOV, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.
"How Electricity Is Generated through Wind." Electricity and Gas for Your Home and Business, Supplied
by EDF Energy. EDF ENERGY, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.
"European Wind Energy Association." EWEA RSS. EWEA, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.
"How Much Energy Can a Wind Farm Produce? - Curiosity." Curiosity. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.
"How Much Electricity Can One Wind Turbine Generate? - Global Wind Day." Global Wind Day.
European WInd Energy, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. <
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"Science of Cycling: Aerodynamics & Wind Resistance | Exploratorium."Exploratorium: The Museum
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"Maglev." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.

"How Much Do Wind Turbines Cost?" Welcome to Windustry. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014.

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