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Brief Resume of Dr Vyas Pandey

1. Name in full : Dr. VYAS PANDEY

2. Date of birth : January 01, 1955
3. Address : Professor and Head
Department of Agricultural Meteorology
B. A.College of Agriculture
Anand Agricultural University
Anand 388 110, Gujarat
Phone : 02692-261426 (O); 02692-260464 (R)
Mobile : 09879912357
Email :,

4. Academic qualifications: Ph.D. (Meteorology) in 1989, BHU, Varanasi

5. Experience details : Total Experience: 29 years

Post held Name of Period Scale Nature of duties

organization From of pay
To (Rs.)
Professor and AAU, Anand October 16400- Monitoring of ICAR/DST/ ISRO
Head 2005 22500 funded projects, academic and
research activity of the department
Planning and execution of Agro-
meteorological research works.
Analysis, Teaching and guiding
P.G. students
Professor of GAU/AAU, SK Nov.2000 to 16400- Planning and execution of Agro-
Agricultural Nagar/ Anand Sept, 2005 22500 meteorological research works.
Meteorology Analysis, report writing and its
presentation. Teaching and
guiding P.G. students
Associate --Do- Nov. 1992 12000- ---DO---
Professor to 2000 18300
Asst. --do-- Aug. 1982 2200- Agro-meteorological research,
Professor to Oct. 1992 4000/ teaching U.G. & P.G. students

Junior Ground Water March 1979 750/ Survey and Research on water
Hydrometeor Board, Jodhpur to July 1982 -1350/- balance of river catchments and
ologist canal command areas of

6. Details of training
Name of the Course Conducted by Period
Leadership Training programme ISPL, Gandhinagar and Oct.3-10, 2007
AAU, Anand
International Post graduate course on WMO, Geneva and March 5 – April 1,
Crop-weather modeling IMS, Bet-Degan, Israel 2001
Use of computer in Agriculture Computer Centre, BACA, July 3-7, 2000
GAU, Anand
Remote sensing in agriculture with Department of Space and Nov.30-Dec 29,
special emphasis on land surface IARI, New Delhi 1998
parameters and Agro-meteorology
Fundamentals of Boundary Layer DST and JNU, New Delhi Dec 9-28, 1996
Physics and its Applications
Satellite Meteorology - Techniques Space Application Centre, Nov.13- Dec 8,
&Applications (SAMTA) ISRO, Ahmedabad 1995

Computer based statistical techniques Computer Centre, BHU, Oct 25- Dec.3, 1988
7. Projects/schemes/activities including utilization of funds
S Details of Project/Scheme Funding Agency Duration
1. “Land surface processes experiment over Sabarmati DST, Govt. of India, 1995 to
river basin” New Delhi 1998
CO-Principal Investigator
Budget Allocation: Rs.30 lacs
2. “Study of Land surface Processes over wheat crop DST, Govt. of India, 1999 to
field” New Delhi 2003
CO-Principal Investigator
Budget Allocation: Rs.12 lacs
3. “Soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction study at DST, Govt. of India, Nov.2000
Anand” New Delhi -2005
Principal Investigator
Budget Allocation: Rs.13.5 lacs
4. “Energy-water balance and crop growth monitoring SAC,ISRO, Ahmedabad March
using remote sensing” 2003 to
CO-Principal Investigator 2007
Budget Allocation: Rs. 5 lacs per year
5. “Determination of Spatial Irrigation requirement and ICAR, New Delhi May
production potentials of major crops over Narmada AP Cess fund project 2004 to
Canal Command area using Crop Models and GIS” July 2007
Principal Investigator
Budget Allocation: Rs. 15 lacs
6. Estimation of Rice crop growth parameters using SAC,ISRO, Ahmedabad 2004 to
Microwave data 2006
Principal Investigator
Budget Rs. 1.5 lacs per year
7. AICRP on Agrometeorology, Project-in-charge ICAR, New Delhi 1996 to
Budget Allocation: Rs. 20 lacs per annum 2007
8. Study on the air pollution effects on crop growth DST, New Delhi 2007-
CO-Principal Investigator 2010
Budget Allocation: Rs. 42 lacs
9. Study on multi-angular remote sensing for crop SAC,ISRO, Ahmedabad 2007-
growth assessment continue
Principal Investigator
Budget Rs. 1.0 lacs per year
10. FASAL Technique Development for Parameter SAC,ISRO, Ahmedabad 2007-
Retrieval and Cop Growth Simulation, Principal continue
Principal Investigator
Budget Rs. 2.6 lacs per year
11. Assessment of Performance of Agricultural SSNNL, Gandhinagar 2008-09
System in the periphery of Narmada Command
Area- Phase-1
Co-PI, Budget Rs.2,28,200/-
12. Weather Forecasting for Gujarat using Regional MOG, SAC, ISRO, 2008
Climate Model Ahmedabad continue
Principal Investigator
Budget Rs. 3.6 lacs per year
13. Development and application of Extended Range IIT Delhi, DAC,Delhi, 2009
Forecast System for Climate Risk Management IRI USA continue
Principal Investigator
Budget Rs.3.5 lacs per year
8. Other significant contributions:

• Actively engaged in development of weather forecast based agro-advisory for the

farmers and dissemination of the same through various mass media.
• Member/Life member of 10 scientific societies/board
• Founding member Secretary of Association of Agrometeorologists
• Publisher and Managing editor of Journal of Agrometeorology
• Reviewer for 4 national/international journals
• Organised Six national seminars/workshop and one International symposium
• Published 74 research papers and presented about 100 research papers in
different seminar/symposia

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