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Senior School Camp 2014

Te Whanau o nga Pohutukawa


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

School camps are where memories are made. They allow students to move out of their comfort zones
and experience challenge in a safe and supported environment.
Students learn about themselves as decision makers, problem solvers,
team members and individuals. They get to take responsibility for
themselves and apply their learning in new situations.

This year we have an amazing opportunity to offer children in the
senior school. Each senior team will attend a 3-day adventure to
National Park that includes a day skiing or snowboarding at
Whakapapa and a trip the Waiouru Army Museum.

V4, V5 and V6 20th August to 22nd August
V1, V2 and V3 27th August to 29th August

The schedule for the adventure is as follows:
Day 1 Travel to National Park by chartered bus
Stay at Wades Landing Lodge
Evening Camp Concert
Day 2 Full day at Whakapapa ski feild including professional ski or snowboard tuition
Day 3 Visit to Waiouru Army Museum and travel home by chartered bus

We have worked hard to negotiate a good deal to make this adventure as affordable as possible. By
going to the mountain as a school we can have access to lessons, equipment and passes at very
competitive rates. A Discover (beginners) package costs us $60 (includes learners area ski pass,
equipment rental, helmet, 1 1/2hour lesson and a sightseeing chair lift ride) this would normally retail
at $80. An Explorer (intermediate) package costs us $77 (includes all mountain ski pass, equipment
rental, helmet and 1 1/2hour lesson) this retails for $105. We have also negotiated with Wades
Landing, a lodge in National Park, to stay for $15 a night. We aim to self cater to keep food costs

The cost for the adventure is $270 for a beginner or $287 for an intermediate skier or snowboarder.
If your child has their own equipment or season pass please let your childs teacher know and costs
can be adjusted accordingly. We will also be actively fundraising and hope to reduce the cost by
about $30pp.

See the chart below for information on ability level to see if your child is a beginner or intermediate
skier or snowboarder.


Level 1 (Discover) First time, never skied before

Level 2 (Explorer - Advanced Beginner) You can control you speed on green slopes and come to a stop

Level 3 (Explorer - Intermediate/Advanced) You link both turns in both directions on easy terrain

Level 4 (Explorer - Intermediate/Advanced) You can ride comfortably on all green terrain and some blue
terrain and maybe starting to do some freestyle tricks

Level 5 Comfortable on all blue and some black trails. May ski or ride in the Terrain Park

Level 6 Comfortable on any slope, anytime, any conditions

There are a few ways that you can pay for camp. Set up an AP with the ofce, pay in 2 lump sums
(one in term 2 and the second before we go on camp) or pay the entire amount.

We have planned to carefully manage the children on the mountain.
We have chosen to use Whakapapa as it has a designated learners
area called Happy Valley. The area is contained in a natural valley
that has it own rental area, cafe and toilets. While the children are
in Happy Valley they will be supervised by either a parent/teacher
or a snow school instructor.

The intermediate skiers who will access the upper mountain will do so under adult supervision at all

We are going to be travelling to and from National Park in buses provided by Kapiti Coach Services.
On the day we go to Whakapapa we will use our buses to travel to Whakapapa Village. At
Whakapapa Village we use specialist mountain transport (ROAM snow goats) to access the mountain

We need 15 amazing adults to help with this adventure. We also need a couple of adults with 4WDs
to bring their vehicles. If you are keen to come and help with this adventure please ll out the
parent help and skills sheet attached. We are looking for supportive and capable parents to help with
our trip.

Could you please spend time over the next few weeks lling out the attached forms so we can
proceed with organising the ner details for camp. Please return them to school by 27/6/14.

Thank you

Victory Park Teachers
Happy Valley
Gear List
This does not have to be brand new. We are giving you this information now so that you have
time to borrow if needed.

Warm sleeping bag
Plastic/metal bowl, plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife, tea towel (the children are going to be
responsible for looking after and washing their own dishes, could you please help your child to
name them)
Toothbrush, toothpaste, small soap, sunblock, lip balm
Towel and togs (We will go to the hot pools in Tokaanu if the mountain is closed)
Waterproof jacket (to use in the snow)
Waterproof pants (to use in the snow)
Waterproof gloves (to use in the snow)
Sunglasses or Goggles
1 trackpants
1 pair of extra long pants
2 warm jerseys (Polar eece and wool are best)
Polyprop/Thermal top and leggings
2 long sleeve tops
1 pair of sturdy walking shoes
1 pair of camp shoes
Small day pack
2 water bottles
Any personal medication (this can be given to your childs teacher)

Optional Extras
Camera at the owners responsibility. (No other electronic equipment please)
Any small props for the camp concert

We are asking the children to bring no sweets or gum on camp.

Could the childrens gear please be packed and named in a suitable bag for them to carry.

Te Whanau o nga Pohutakawa School Camp to National Park on the 27/8/14 to 29/8/14.

Details on these forms will remain condential to school staff, contractors and volunteers associated
with supervising activities on the EOTC event. For safety reasons, please provide us with information
that is accurate and complete.

Please return this form to the school by 27 June 2014

Details of event:

I _____________________________ give permission for ____________________________
to attend the snow trip to National Park. Yes/No
SNOWBOARDING or SKIING Please tick your childs preference

SNOW ABILITY Please tick you childs ability
Level 1 (Discover) First time, never skied before
Level 2 (Explorer - Advanced Beginner) You can control you speed on green slopes and come to a stop
Level 3 (Explorer - Intermediate/Advanced) You link both turns in both directions on easy terrain
Level 4 (Explorer - Intermediate/Advanced) You can ride comfortably on all green terrain and some
blue terrain and maybe starting to do some freestyle tricks
Level 5 Comfortable on all blue and some black trails. May ski or ride in the Terrain Park
Level 6 Comfortable on any slope, anytime, any conditions

Please complete these details:

Island Bay School
National Park, Whakapapa Ski Field, Wades Landing Lodge
Telephone Cell phone
Year or class level Age
Family doctors name Ph
Community service card number
Medic Alert Number (if applicable)
EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS (please provide at least 2 sets of contact details)

Parental consent
I agree to my child taking part in the EOTC event and have read the information sheet. I agree to their participation in the activities
described. I acknowledge the need for them to behave responsibly.

Acknowledgment of risk
I have read the EOTC event information sheet and I understand that there are risks associated with involvement in school EOTC events
and that these risks cannot be completely eliminated. I understand that the school will identify any foreseeable risks or hazards and
implement correct management procedures to eliminate, isolate, or minimise those hazards. I will do my best to ensure that my child
and I follow these procedures.

I know that I am able to ask any questions of the school about the activities my child will be involved in, to gain a better
understanding of the risks involved. I recognise that participation in such activities is voluntary and not mandatory. My child and I both
understand that they may withdraw from the activity if they feel at risk. This must be done in consultation with the person in charge.

I understand that the school does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property and that it is my responsibility to
check my own insurance policy.

1. Name (Emergency contact)
Day Phone Evening
Cell Phone
2. Name (Alternative emergency contact)
Relationship to participant
Day Phone Evening Phone
Cell Phone
Print name
Health Form

1. Please circle if your child has any of the following:

Migraine Epilepsy Asthma

Diabetes Travel sickness Fits of any type

Chronic nose bleeds Heart condition Dizzy spells

Colour blindness Sleepwalking Bedwetting

Other (please specify)

2. Is your child currently taking medication? Yes No###
If YES, please state: Ailment/s

Name of medication/s:

Dosage and time/s to be taken

Other treatment:

3. Has you child had any major injuries (breaks or strains) or illness (glandular fever etc) in the last six months that may limit full
participation in any activities?#### Yes No####
If YES, please state the injury/illness.

4. Are you allergic to any of the following?
Yes No Please specify
Prescription medication


Insect bites/stings

Other allergies

What treatment is required?

5. When was your/your childs last tetanus injection?

Name Medic Alert number
6. Outline any dietary requirements.

7. What pain/u medication may your child be given if necessary?

8. To the best of your knowledge, have you/your child been in contact with any contagious or infectious diseases in the last four
weeks? Yes No

If YES, please give brief details.

9. Is there any information the staff should know to ensure the physical and emotional safety of you/your child? (For example
cultural practices; disability; anxiety about heights/darkness/small spaces; behaviour or emotional problems).
Yes No##

If YES, please state or attach and relevant information.

I also agree that if prescribed medication needs to be administered, a designated adult will be assigned to do this. I will ensure that
prescribed medication is clearly labelled, securely fastened and handed to the designated adult with instructions on its administration.

I will inform the school as soon as possible of any changes in the medical information or other circumstances between now and the
commencement of the event.

I agree to my child receiving any emergency medical, dental, or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as
considered necessary by the medical authorities present.

Any medical costs not covered by ACC or a community service card will be paid by me.

If my child is involved in a serious disciplinary problem or actions that threaten the safety of others, s/he will be sent home at my

Signed _______________________________________________

Date ________________________________

Parent Help and Skills





I would love to be a parent help. Yes/No
I have a 4WD drive vehicle with current registration and warrant that I can bring. Yes/No

SNOWBOARDING or SKIING Please tick your preference

SNOW ABILITY Please tick your ability
Level 1 (Discover) First time, never skied before
Level 2 (Explorer - Advanced Beginner) You can control you speed on green slopes and come to a stop
Level 3 (Explorer - Intermediate/Advanced) You link both turns in both directions on easy terrain
Level 4 (Explorer - Intermediate/Advanced) You can ride comfortably on all green terrain and some blue terrain
and maybe starting to do some freestyle tricks
Level 5 Comfortable on all blue and some black trails. May ski or ride in the Terrain Park
Level 6 Comfortable on any slope, anytime, any conditions

I have a 2014 Ruapehu Season Pass
I have my own snow equipment

I have the following skills/experience/qualications [Tick or Cross]
Current full car drivers license
Current passenger service license
First aid certicate
Valid until
Date lapsed

CPR certicate
Life saving certicate

Instructor/coaching qualications relevant to the activity (skiing/snowboarding)

Other signicant skills or experience relevant to the activity (list below)

I certify that the above information is correct.


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