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Heat transfer is energy in transit due to temperature difference. Whenever there
exists a temperature difference in a medium or between media, heat transfer must
occur. The basic requirement for heat transfer is the presence of temperature
difference. There can be no net heat transfer between two mediums that are at the
same temperature. The temperature difference is the driving force for heat transfer,
just as the voltage difference is the driving force for electric current flow and
pressure difference is the driving force for fluid flow. The rate of heat transfer in a
certain direction depends on the magnitude of the temperature gradient (the
temperature difference per unit length or the rate of change of temperature) in that
direction. The larger the temperature gradient, the higher the rate of heat transfer.

Figure1:Applications of Heat Transfer

Basics of Heat Transfer

In the simplest of terms, the discipline of heat transfer is concerned with only two
things: temperature, and the flow of heat. Temperature represents the amount of
thermal energy available, whereas heat flow represents the movement of thermal
energy from place to place.

1.1) Difference between heat and temperature

In describing heat transfer problems, we often make the mistake of interchangeably
using the terms heat and temperature. Actually, there is a distinct difference
between the two. Temperature is a measure of the amount of energy possessed by
the molecules of a substance. It is a relative measure of how hot or cold a substance
is and can be used to predict the direction of heat transfer. The usual symbol for
temperature is T. The scales for measuring temperature in SI units are the Celsius
and Kelvin temperature scales. On the other hand, heat is energy in transit. The
transfer of energy as heat occurs at the molecular level as a result of a temperature
difference. The usual symbol for heat is Q. Common units for measuring heat are
the Joule and calorie in the SI system.

1.2) Difference between thermodynamics and heat transfer

Thermodynamics tells us:

how much heat is transferred (Q)
how much work is done (W)
final state of the system

Heat transfer tells us:

how (with what modes) Q is transferred
at what rate Q is transferred
temperature distribution inside the body

1.3) Heat Flux
Heat transfer always occurs from a higher-temperature object to a cooler
temperature one as described by the second law of thermodynamics or the Clausius
statement. Where there is a temperature difference between objects in proximity,
heat transfer between them can never be stopped; it can only be slowed.

Figure2: Heat Flux

Ajai S | Lecturer/MECH

1.4) Different Heat Transfer Modes
Heat transfer modes are classified into three types

Figure3:Heat Conduction and its Mechanisms
Conduction: Conduction refers to the heat transfer that occurs across the medium.
Medium can be solid or a fluid, as transfer of heat occurring through intervening
matter without bulk motion of the matter.
Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanical Engineering

Convection: Convection is the transfer of heat energy between a solid surface and
the nearby liquid or gas in motion. As fluid motion goes more quickly the
convective heat transfer increases. The presence of bulk motion of fluid enhances
the heat transfer between the solid surface and the fluid.
There are two types of Convective Heat Transfer:

Figure4: Types of Convective Heat Transfer

Radiation: Radiation takes place in the absence of intervening medium;
there is net heat transfer between two surfaces at different temperatures in the
form of electromagnetic waves.

Figure5: Radiation Heat Transfer


Figure6: One Dimensional Heat Conduction




Figure7: Heat Conduction in long cylinder




Figure8: Heat Generation in Solids


Consider a Cylindrical Shell

Figure9: Heat Generation in Cylindrical Shell


Figure10: Maximum Temperature in a Symmetrical Solid


Figure11: Unsteady Heat Conduction (Temperature distribution)


Figure12: Conduction Resistance


Figure13: Conduction Resistance in Two Walls

Pictorial Representations

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