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Current Affairs
SOCIAL VALUES in THEM! (195! directed "y #ordon $ouglas
Social Values are co%%on "eliefs and attitudes of &eo&le in a society hold which affects their
"eha'iour and how they thin() They show 'alues of what is seen to "e i%&ortant and correct) *ften
they co%e a"out as a result of tradition+ technology+ law or education)
Traditional, Those 'alues that a %a-ority of &eo&le ha'e su&&orted o'er a long &eriod of ti%e)
Dominant, Those 'alues that a %a-ority of &eo&le in a society su&&ort at that ti%e) .o&ular)
Emerging, Those 'alues that are not yet &o&ular+ reflects social change)
Alternative, Those 'alues which are generally held "y s%all fringe grou&s of society which contrast
to do%inant or traditional 'alues) *&&ositional+ neither do%inant/traditional
Major influences in a culture:
o How things are re&resented through te0ts and why they are re&resented the way they are)
o The way things are re&resented in te0ts re'eals what was (&o&ularly! seen as socially 'alua"le at
the ti%e a te0t was %ade)
1) 1dentity social 'alues re&resented in The%!
2) 1dentify the ty&e of social 'alue
3) 1dentify the e'ent in history that influences the social 'alue
) $escri"e whether the te0t su&&orts or challenges the 'alues of the &roduction &eriod
Major events of the era
1n'ention of the ato%ic "o%"+ and the "o%"ing of Hiroshi%a
A%erica elects #eneral Eisenhower in 45 .residential election (Military general!
6uclear testing in 6e'ada
7ear of nuclear attac(
7allout 'icti%s8 9a&anese crew of fishing 'essel Lucky Dragon conta%inated "y radioacti'e fall:
out fro% 45 H:"o%" test
Econo%ic &ros&erity
Mass &roduction ; %echani<ed wor(&laces (factory "oo%!
Ad'ances in %edical science, early 'accines (successful and unsuccessful!+ first &ace:%a(ers
Long history of a .atriarchal society (%en in charge!
Russian s&ace e0&loration (5&utni( ; first satellite!
=eginning of the >s&ace race?
5cience used in wea&ons de'elo&%ent
7ear of co%%unis%+ and the cold war
Rise of &atriotis%
@o%en in the wor(force
Rise of (and fear of! fe%inis%
=eginning of >ci'il (African A%erican! rights? %o'e%ent
@orld?s first -et airliner ser'ice
Event Value Type Representations
o @o%en increasing their
role and &resence in the
wor(&lace during @@2
That wo%en are -ust as
ca&a"le as %en
E%erging .at Medford,
Many na%e
*fficers sur&rised that .at is fe%ale
1nsists on going down the nest
.at gi'es orders in the nest)
ABurn it, Burn it I said, Burn everything.B
o .atriarchal society
where %en are in
&ositions of &ower and
That wo%en are not as
ca&a"le as %en
Traditional .at Medford,
1n need of &rotection/su&&ort
.at screa%s C falls down
6eeding a %an sa'e her
6ot (nowing the answers at the end
A1 don?t (nowB
5e0ual o"-ect: first see her legs
That wo%en should enter a
heterose0ual relationshi&+
%arry and then start a fa%ily
and loo( after the%)
That wo%en should find a
%an and get %arried)
Adultery frowned u&on ; &olice
Mrs Lodge cries o'er lost children ;
she is the &ri%ary carer
Mrs Lodge &er%itted "ehind &olice
lines : gi'en s&ecial treat%ent) 5he?s a
distressed %other
.at see%s to "e entering a
relationshi& with 7=1 agent
.at ga<ing at 7=1 agent (often in
two shots together!
.at is seen as an o"-ect of se0ual
interest C desire "y %en) Afe'erB
Men "elie'e ants? nest is no &lace
for a wo%an)
That .atriarchal society is
That %en are stronger and
tougher than wo%en
Ma-ority of heroes are %en)
Al%ost entire cast is %ale
*nly %en in &ositions of
i%&ortance &ositions, .resident+
#eneral+ %ilitary
The officers? res&onse to first
%eeting .at is sur&rise)
.at not allowed to carry wea&ons
Men finish off the ants)
That %en should "e gallant
and &rotect wo%en
That %en should "e
courteous and hel& wo%en
*fficers offer .at assistance when
she gets caught getting off the &lane
Men co%e to rescue .at

That wo%en should not "e

gi'en too %uch &ower
.owerful wo%en (ants! who want
to rule society %ust "e wi&ed out)
The ants threaten the city)
Men in &ositions of authority whilst
@o%en are greatly constrained
"eing little %ore than nurses+
housewi'es and %others)
That wo%en (now how to
loo( after children
$o%inant 6urse hel&ing the little girl and
co%forting her

5%art+ ca&a"le+ cle'er
@ea(+ &assi'e+ caring+ se0uali<ed+ %othering
$angerous+ &owerful
S!E"E and TEH"#$#%&
Event Value Type Representations
195E?s scientific in'entions
and "rea(throughs and new
technology such as,
.olio 'accine
7irst %ass 'accination
.ace %a(ers
6ew wea&onry
Ato%ic "o%"
Fidney trans&lant
Electrical transistors
That science is "eneficial to
the A%erican way of life and
sol'es %any difficult &ro"le%s)
That science has the answer
to sol'e the world?s &ro"le%s)
That science is sol'ing the world?s
That scientists are really
i%&ortant to society
@ea&ons successful against ants
All wait for science to gi'e the
go ahead
$r Medford,
E'erything he suggests wor(s
5ol'es the %ystery+ defeat &ro"le%
A"o'e the ar%y
#i'es orders to the #eneral
#i'en lots of close u&s that
illustrate his i%&ortance)
$o%inates screen:ti%e
Has %ost lines in the fil%
Ca%era follows hi%
Meets and "riefs the &resident
3 &iece suit+ glasses+ hat+ grey hair+
accent, show his dignity+ &ower and
o 7ear of the un(nown
o 6uclear age / fear
o .ost war fears
o Gulnera"le
o Threat of cold war
o7allout 'icti%s
That science is &redo%inantly
a destructi'e force)
That science is threatening
our e0istence)
Alternati'e The giant ants were created
"ecause of science)
5o%eti%es The% are for%ed "y
our own creation)
$eaths of characters "y the ants
o Mass &rotests aroused "y
nuclear tests in "oth 45
C =ritain
o Ca%&aign for 6uclear
$isar%a%ent (C)6)$!
o A=an the "o%"B
That nature is %ore &owerful
and "etter than anything %an
can de'elo&
Alternati'e Ants %ore &owerful than
traditional wea&ons
5u&er H fil% ; Ants: (illing
Harsh en'iron%ents : desert
o 7irst -et airline ser'ice
o 5&ace race
o Ato%ic "o%"
That hu%an technology and
culture is %ore &owerful and
su&erior to nature
$o%inant Cyanide gas
7la%e throwers
1n the end technology wins o'er
the ants
7elt &roud and confident of these achie'e%ents and that hu%ans can conDuer nature)
6o longer >%ad scientist? re&resentations
'#$!T!A$ V!E(S
Event Value Type Representations
o 7ear of co%%unis%
o Launching of the Russian
s&aceshi& >5&utni(?
o A%erica?s co%%it%ent to
the war in Forea (against
the co%%unist 6orth!
o Russia e0&loding H:
"o%" in 1953 in 5i"eria
o Cold war
That co%%unis% is a threat
to the A%erican way of life
and A%erican ideals such as
li"erty+ fa%ily+ "usiness and
$o%inant Ants are sy%"olic of Co%%unists
An ene%y attac(ing A%erica
#iant (iller ants ; low angle ca%era
$estroyers of fa%ily+ "usiness and
5u"tle &ortrayal of what life would "e
li(e under co%%unist rule)
4nderground ; tunnels+ drains+ nests
Giolent and destructi'e
E'ent Value Type Representations
o @@2 where &eo&le
de&ended on %ilitary
o #eneral Eisenhower (a
Military general!
elected as .resident)
That the #eneral .o&ulation
need to "e cared for and
guided throughout their li'es)
$o%inant All &eo&le are 'iewed as hel&less)
Little girl wandering the desert
Hel&less (ids defenceless against
Fee&ing the &o&ulation in the
5o%"er %usic with Mrs Lodge8 Ahe
works so hardB
AI dont think there is a police force
in the world that could handle the
panic if the people found out these
babies were looseB
o @@2 where &eo&le
de&ended on %ilitary
o #eneral Eisenhower
elected as .resident ;
leadershi&+ (ee& the
&eo&le safe+
That a strong central
go'ern%ent is necessary for
the safety of the &eo&le)
That a strong+ controlling
go'ern%ent could "e trusted
and was needed to (ee& the
&eo&le safe)
$o%inant Loc( the .ilot in %ental facility
5gt =en .eterson sa'es/loo(s after
the little girl
.eo&le+ li(e the drun(s+ need to "e
watched and controlled)
Fee& the general &o&ulation in the
dar(/&ress not infor%ed
#eneral &o&ulation are 'ery
acce&ting with %ilitary curfew)
#eneral &o&ulation are &ortrayed
as childli(e+ innocent
Little girl wandering the desert
5ince the &eo&le are hel&less to hel& the%sel'es+ the war against the ants has to "e carried on "y
e0&erts "ehind closed doors)
Gery controlling
.aternalistic (father li(e!
Fee& the &eo&le in the dar(8 secreti'e
$on?t trust the &eo&le
Event Value Type Representations
That older &eo&le should "e
That children need to "e
Event Value Type Representations
o 5la'ery That "lac( &eo&le are inferior
to white &eo&le
$o%inant *nly dar( s(in &erson is seen
shining a white %an?s shoes)
@hite %an sitting ele'ated and
"lac( %an situated at his feet)
Event Value Type Representations
o 5oldiers and %en in
unifor% returning fro%
That &olice+ soldiers+ and
the 7=1 are 'ery i%&ortant
to &rotect the &eo&le)
$o%inant Men in unifor% defeat the ants
5gt .eterson &uts his life on the
line for the (ids
That children %ust "e
$o%inant *fficer &ic(ing u& child and rescuing
He as(s where her &arents are
Event Value Type Representations
That hu%ans are reliant on
technology for &rotection and
That the "est technology and
science will win the war
That adulters should "e
loo(ed down u&on
Attracti'e wo%en cannot "e
That s%o(ing is socially
Dr Medford+s Address to the Authorities
Ants are de&icted as ruthless and 'ile+ with their horrific and sa'age a&&earance with large
&incers+ cou&led with a threatening low angle)
1n THEM! the ants can "e seen to "e sy%"olic of Co%%unists) They %irror the ideas of a threat
fro% within)
$r Medford?s descri&tion of the ants draws &arallels and references to co%%unis%,
o Atheyre in our backyards, our lofts)B Ants %irror the idea of a threat within (>Reds under the "eds?!
o Aeven the most minute of them have an instinct, and a talent for industry and social organization, and
savagery, that makes man look feeble in comparison.
o ants are savage, ruthless, and courageous fighters!
o A"nts make slaves of their captivesB e'o(ing i%ages of the 455R forced la"our ca%&s)
7urther &arallels are drawn as $r Medford continuesII)
5war%ing ants could e'o(e %e%ories of the Foren @ar in which Chinese soldiers were said to
ha'e swar%ed the &ositions of A%erican #1?s)
Ants? first 'icti% was an 7=1 agent on 'acation signifies attac( on go'ern%ent)
'icti% was a "usiness owner
'icti% was a &olice officer
@e (now that once the authorities in @ashington are alerted to the danger+ e'erything will "e under
The%! esta"lishes the legiti%acy of state &ower)
5cientists ha'e &ride of &lace)
A far cry fro% the de%ented %ad scientist of the E?s)
1f it was science that had caused the &ro"le%+ then science would sol'e it too)
The%! reflects the new &restige of science "y &lacing scientists at the centre of world sha(ing e'ents)
$r Medford %eets with the .resident+ lectures to& &u"lic officials+ and is a"le to co%%and the full
resources of the state)
Ait?s no &lace for you or any other wo%an)B
6ot only does .at ha'e her way+ she ta(es o'er+ ordering the %en to torch the Dueen?s cha%"er)
1t see%s that the &eo&le are al%ost as %uch of a &ro"le% as the ants the%sel'es)
5ince the &eo&le are hel&less to hel& the%sel'es+ the war against the ants has to "e carried on "y
e0&erts "ehind closed doors)
The ants are not only Reds+ they?re fe%ales)
The%! "alances so%ewhat contradictory attitudes towards se0 roles) 1t e0&licitly &resents an
inde&endent wo%an scientist) *n the other hand+ it i%&licitly &resents+ in slightly disguised for%+ a
&aranoid fantasy of a world do%inated "e &redatory fe%ales)
The ant society is+ after all+ a %atriarchy)
The Dueen+ it see%s+ stri(es only at &atriarchy) All her hu%an 'icti%s are %ale) (threat of wo%an?s
&ower! %ale 'icti%s
Lin(age of nature+ ants+ wo%en+ and Russians)
1f the ants are li(e hu%ans+ which hu%ans are they li(eJ 1n 195+ when The%! @as %ade+ those
hu%ans that A%ericans regarded as antli(e+ which to say+ "eha'ed li(e a %ass+ lo'ed war+ and %ade
sla'es+ were+ of course+ co%%unists+ "oth the Kellow Hordes that had -ust swa%&ed #1s with their
hu%an wa'es in Forea+ and the 5o'iets+ with their notorious sla'e:la"or ca%&s) Reds in other words+
were %onstors of the 1d)
Awe ha'e only had a close 'iew of the "eginning of what %ay "e the end of usB
A%an as the do%inant s&ecies of life on earth will &ro"a"ly "e e0tinctB
E'erything Ants
That -communism is a threat to the American way of life and American ideals such as li.erty/
family/ .usiness and lifestyle?
1n THEM! the ants can "e seen to "e sy%"olic of Co%%unistsI)
This is a su"tle &ortrayal of what life would "e li(e under co%%unist ruleI))

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