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Name :

: July 2011

Class :

Answer the questions in YOUR BOOK.
Write in dark or blue pen.
Use pencil for any labeled diagram or graph.
Submitted after Holiday.
1. A diesel engine is used to drag a boat up a slipway (see Fig. 4.1).

Fig. 4.1
The boat finishes in the position shown by the broken outline.
(a) On Fig. 4.1, carefully mark
(i) the weight W of the boat, using an arrow labelled W, [1]
(ii) the friction force F on the boat, using an arrow labelled F. [1]
(b) State, in terms of W, F, h and s, how you could calculate
(i) the work done lifting the weight of the boat,
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) the work done against the friction force,
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(iii) the total work done pulling the boat up the slipway.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) What other measurement would you need to make if you wanted to calculate the
useful power output of the diesel engine?
................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 6]

2. Fig. 1.1 shows wavefronts of light crossing the edge of a glass block from air into


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(a) On Fig. 2.1

(i) draw in an incident ray, a normal and a refracted ray that meet at the same point on the
edge of the glass block,
(ii) label the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction,
(iii) measure the two angles and record their values.
angle of incidence = ..................................
angle of refraction = ..................................
(b) Calculate the refractive index of the glass.
refractive index = ..................................[3]

3. Fig. 3.1 shows a rectangular glass block ABCD.

(a) The ray FE is partly reflected and partly refracted at E.

(i) On Fig. 3.1, draw in the approximate path of the refracted ray, within and beyond
the block. Label the ray refracted ray. [1]
(ii) On Fig. 3.1, draw in the path of the reflected ray. Label the ray reflected ray. [1]
(b) A second ray, almost parallel to AE, strikes the block at E and is partly refracted at an
angle of refraction of 43.
(i) State an approximate value for the angle of incidence at E.
................................................. [1]
(ii) State an approximate value for the critical angle for the light in the glass block.
................................................. [1]
(iii) Calculate an approximate value for the refractive index of the glass of the block.
refractive index = ................................................ [2]
(c) The speed of the light along ray FE is 3.0 x 108 m/s. Calculate the speed of the refracted


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light in the glass block.
speed = ................................................ [2]
[Total: 8]

4. (a) In the space below, draw the symbol for a NOR gate.
(b) Describe the action of a NOR gate in terms of its inputs and output.
................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) A chemical process requires heating at low pressure to work correctly.
When the heater is working, the output of a temperature sensor is high.
When the pressure is low enough, a pressure sensor has a low output.
Both outputs are fed into a NOR gate. A high output from the gate switches on an
indicator lamp.
(i) Explain why the indicator lamp is off when the process is working correctly.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) State whether the lamp is on or off in the following situations.
1. The pressure is low enough, but the heater stops working. .............................
2. The heater is working, but the pressure rises too high. .............................. [2]
[Total: 6]
5. (a) Chlorine has two isotopes, one of nucleon number 35 and one of nucleon number
The proton number of chlorine is 17.
Table 5.1 refers to neutral atoms of chlorine.
Complete Table 5.1.

(b) Some isotopes are radioactive.

State the three types of radiation that may be emitted from radioactive isotopes.
1. .......................................................
2. .......................................................
3. ....................................................... [1]
(c) (i) State one practical use of a radioactive isotope.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Outline how it is used.
............................................................................................................................ [1]


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[Total: 6]
6. a. The transformer in Fig. 6.1 is used to convert 240 V a.c. to 6 V a.c.

(i) Using the information above, calculate the number of turns on the secondary coil.
number of turns = ................................................ [2]
(ii) Describe how the transformer works.
............................................................................................................................ [3]
(iii) State one way in which energy is lost from the transformer, and from which part it is
............................................................................................................................ [1]
b. Fig. 6.2 shows a device labelled IGCSE Transformer.

Study the label on the case of the IGCSE Transformer.

(i) What is the output of the device? ....................................................................... [1]
(ii) From the information on the case, deduce what other electrical component must be
included within the case of the IGCSE Transformer, apart from a transformer.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) A transformer supplying electrical energy to a factory changes the 11 000 V a.c. supply to
440 V a.c. for use in the factory. The current in the secondary coil is 200 A.
Calculate the current in the primary coil, assuming no losses from the transformer.
current = ................................................ [2]
[Total: 10]
7. (a) A spring of original length 3.0 cm is extended to a total length of 5.0 cm by a force
8.0 N. Assuming the limit of proportionality of the spring has not been reached, calculate the
force needed to extend it to a total length of 6.0 cm.


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force = ................................................ [3]
(b) Fig. 7.1 shows the arrangement for an experiment on moments.

The spring exerts a force F on the metre rule.

(i) On Fig. 7.1, mark another quantity which must be measured to find the moment of
the force F. [1]
(ii) State how the moment of the force F is calculated.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
[Total: 5]
8. Fig. 8.1 shows a cross-section through a swimming pool.

(a) A ray of monochromatic light from a lamp at the bottom of the pool strikes the surface at
A, as shown.
(i) State what is meant by monochromatic light.
........................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) The water in the swimming pool has a refractive index of 1.33.
Using information from Fig. 8.1, calculate the angle of refraction at A.
angle of refraction = ................................................ [3]
(iii) On Fig. 8.1, draw the refracted ray. [1]
(b) The critical angle for the water-air surface is 48.8.
Another ray of monochromatic light from the lamp strikes the surface at B, as shown in
Fig. 8.1.
(i) State and explain what happens to the ray after reaching B.
........................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) On Fig. 8.1, draw this ray. [1]
[Total: 8]
9. Fig. 9.1 shows the basic design of the tube of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).


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(a) On Fig. 9.1, write the names of parts A, B, C and D in the boxes provided. [2]
(b) State the function of:
part A, .............................................................................................................................
part B. .............................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................. [2]
(c) A varying p.d. from a 12 V supply is connected to a CRO, so that the waveform of the
supply is shown on the screen.
To which of the components in Fig. 9.1
(i) is the 12 V supply connected,
........................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) is the time-base connected?
........................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 6]
10. Fig. 10.1 is a schematic diagram of an electronic circuit controlling a lamp.

(a)State the names of the logic gates A and B.

A ........................................................ B ........................................................ [2]
(b) The output of the temperature sensor is high (logic 1) when it detects raised temperature.
The output of the light sensor is high (logic 1) when it detects raised light levels.
State the outputs of A and B when the surroundings are



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(c) (i) Suggest why B is connected to a relay, rather than directly to the lamp.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) The relay switches on when its input is high. In which of the three combinations in
(b) will the lamp light up?
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(iii) Suggest a practical use for this circuit.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
[Total: 8]
1. A copper wire is connected to a circuit which located between two bar magnet. When
the switch is turned on the current flows out of the paper. Which is the correct
direction of the force acting on the copper wire

2. Diagram below shows a conductor carrying a current in a magnetic field. Keys:

conductor carrying a current into the plane of the paper. Among the directions
indicated A, B, C and D, which is the correct direction of the force acting on the

3. The diagram shows the arrangement of an apparatus to investigate the interaction

between a current-carrying conductor and the magnetic field.



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(a) When the switch is closed,

(i) Indicate and label the direction of the current flows through wire X.
(ii) What happen to motion of wire X and give the reason for your answer.
(b) Suggest two ways to change the direction of the motion of wire X.
1. A farmer uses an electric pump to raise water from a river in order to fill the irrigation
channels that keep the soil in his fields moist.

Every minute, the pump raises 12 kg of water through a vertical height of 3 m.

(a) Calculate the increase in the gravitational potential energy of 12 kg of water when
it is raised 3 m.
increase in gravitational potential energy = ................................................
(b) Calculate the useful power output of the pump as it raises the water.
power = ................................................ [3]
[Total: 6]
2. A vertical cylinder has a smooth well-fitting piston in it. Weights can be added to or
removed from a tray on the top of the piston.
(a) Weights are added to the tray, as shown in Fig. 2.1.



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State what happens to the pressure of the air in the cylinder as a result of adding
these weights.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) The initial pressure of the trapped air is 1.05 105 Pa. When the weights are added,
the volume of the air decreases from 860 cm3 to 645 cm3.
The temperature of the air does not change.
Calculate the final pressure of the trapped air.

pressure = ................................................ [3]

(iii) The area of the piston is 5.0 10 m .
Calculate the weight that is added to the piston.

weight added = ................................................ [4]

(b) The weights are kept as shown in Fig. 2.1. The temperature of the air in the cylinder
is increased.
(i) State what happens to the volume of the air in the cylinder as a result of this
temperature rise.
.... [1]
(ii) State how, if at all, the pressure of the air changes as the temperature changes.
.... [1]
(iii) State what must be done to prevent the volume change in (b)(i).
..... [1]
(iv) The volume change in (b)(i) is prevented. State what happens to the pressure of the
air in the cylinder.
...... [1]
[Total: 12]
3. Fig. 3.1 shows water falling over a dam.



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(a) The vertical height that the water falls is 7.0 m.

Calculate the potential energy lost by 1.0 kg of water during the fall.
potential energy = ........................[2]
(b) Assuming all this potential energy loss is changed to kinetic energy of the water,
calculate the speed of the water, in the vertical direction, at the end of the fall.
speed = ........................[3]
(c) The vertical speed of the water is less than that calculated in (b). Suggest one reason
for this.
4 (a) Fig. 4.1 shows a cylinder containing air at a pressure of 1.0 105 Pa. The length of the
air column in the cylinder is 80 mm.

The piston is pushed in until the pressure in the cylinder rises to 3.8 105 Pa.
Calculate the new length of the air column in the cylinder, assuming that the
temperature of the air has not changed.
new length = .................................. [3]
(a) Fig. 4.2 shows the same cylinder containing air.

The volume of the air in the cylinder changes as the temperature of the air changes.
(i) The apparatus is to be used as a thermometer. Describe how two fixed points, 0 C
and 100 C, and a temperature scale could be marked on the apparatus.
(ii) Describe how this apparatus could be used to indicate the temperature of a large
beaker of water.
5 (a) A student concludes that the results of his experiments show that it requires more
energy to convert 1 g of water into steam at 100 C than it does to raise the temperature
of 1 g of water from 0 C to 100 C.


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Use the students data to confirm that this conclusion is correct and calculate the
difference between the two amounts of energy.
experiment 1 experiment 2
mass of water used 250 g mass of water evaporated at 100 C 15 g
heat energy supplied 10 500 J heat energy supplied 33 900 J
rise in temperature 10 C
energy difference = .....................................[5]
(b) Explain, in molecular terms, why considerable heat energy is needed to convert 1 g of
water into 1 g of steam at 100 C, without any change in temperature taking place.
(c) The mercury-in-glass thermometer used in experiment 1 above is said to have
moderate sensitivity,
a good range,
a linear scale.
By reference to this thermometer, explain what is meant by
(i) sensitivity,
(ii) range,
(iii) linear scale.
6. (a) In an experiment to find the specific latent heat of water, the following readings were
m1 mass of water at 100 C, before boiling starts 120 g
m2 mass of water at 100 C, after boiling finishes 80 g
V voltage across the heater 12 V
I current through the heater 2.0 A
t time that the heater was supplying energy 3750 s
(i) Using the symbols above, write down the equation that must be used to find the
value of the specific latent heat L of water.
(ii) Use the equation to calculate the specific latent heat of water from the readings
specific latent heat = ......................................
(b) Explain, in terms of the energy of molecules, why the specific latent heat of water has a
high value.

7. Fig. 7.1 is part of the decay curve for a sample of a -emitting isotope.



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(a) Use Fig. 10.1 to find the half-life of the isotope.

half-life = .......................... [1]
(b) Complete Fig. 10.1 as far as time = 20 days, by working out the values of a number of
points and plotting them. Show your working. [2]
(c) The decay product of the -emitting isotope is not radioactive.
Explain why the sample of the radioactive isotope will be safer after 20 days than after
1 day. Support your answer by reference to the graph.
(d) The isotope used for this decay curve may be represented by the symbol X ZA
Write down an equation, by filling in the gaps below, to show the -decay of this isotope
to a decay product that has the symbol Y.

7 Fig. 7.1 is drawn to full scale. The focal length of the lens is 5.0 cm.

(a) On Fig. 7.1, mark each principal focus of the lens with a dot and the letter F. [2]
(b) On Fig. 7.1, draw two rays from the tip of the object O that appear to pass through the
tip of the image. [2]
(c) On Fig. 7.1, draw the image and label it with the letter I. [1]
(d) Explain why the base of the image lies on the axis.
................................................................................................................................... [1]
(e) State a practical use of a convex lens when used as shown in Fig. 7.1.
................................................................................................................................... [1]


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8. Virtual images may be formed by both plane mirrors and by convex lenses.
Fig. 8.1 shows a plane mirror and a convex lens.

(a) On Fig. 8.1, draw rays to locate the approximate positions of the images of the tops of
the two arrow objects O and P.
Label the images. [5]
(b) Both images are virtual.
(i) What is meant by a virtual image?
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) State one other similarity between the two images.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(iii) State one difference between the two images.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
[Total: 8]
1. (a) State the two factors on which the turning effect of a force depends.
1. .....................................................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Forces F1 and F2 are applied vertically downwards at the ends of a beam resting on a
pivot P. The beam has weight W. The beam is shown in Fig. 5.1.

Fig. 5.1
(i) Complete the statements about the two requirements for the beam to be in
1. There must be no resultant ..................................................
2. There must be no resultant ..................................................
(ii) The beam in Fig. 5.1 is in equilibrium. F is the force exerted on the beam by the
pivot P.
Complete the following equation about the forces on the beam.

F = ....................................................
(iii) Which one of the four forces on the beam does not exert a moment about P?
2. A beam is pivoted at its centre. Three forces, F1, F2 and F3, act on the beam as shown in
Fig. 3.1.


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(a) Which of the forces exert(s)
a clockwise moment, ...................
an anticlockwise moment? ................... [3]
(b) When the beam is released, the right-hand side of the beam starts to go down.
Which of the three distances, a, b or c, should be decreased in order to balance the
beam? Explain your answer.
Which distance? ..............................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) Fig. 3.2 represents a simple beam-balance with the pivot accurately at its centre.

The person using the beam-balance puts the object to be weighed in the left-hand pan.
He has a selection of standard masses to put in the right-hand pan, but he finds he
cannot exactly balance the beam.
His best attempts are

Estimate the mass of the object.

mass = .............................................g [1]
[Total: 7]

1. A tennis ball is thrown horizontally towards a wall at 3 m s-1 to the right. After striking
the wall, the ball returns to the thrower at 2 m s-1.
(a) Draw the sketch of the tennis balls motion

(b) Determine the change of the velocity of the ball


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v = .. m s-1
[Total: 4]



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