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Direct, indirect quote (MLA)

Direct Quotes
A direct quote is a word-for-word copy of source material. The quote is enclosed in quotation marks.
Include the author's name and page numbers. If your quote is more than 4 lines long, use a block
Author Incorporated into Text
Joseph Conrad writes of the company manager in Heart of
Darkness,"He was obeyed, yet he inspired neither love nor fear,
nor even respect" (87).
Author After Quotation
"The red tree vole is a crucial part of the spotted owl's diet"
(Moone 15).
Indirect Quotes
When possible, cite information directly. If you must cite a source that was cited in another source,
name the original source in your signal phrase. Include the secondary source in parentheses with the
abbreviation "qtd. in" (quoted in). Include the indirect source and in your works cited list.
Jackson stated that... (qtd. in Johns 14).
In this example, "Johns" should appear in your works cited list.

Whenever you incorporate another author's words, facts, or ideas into your paper, you must
acknowledge the source by using an in-text reference that links to a full citation in your
cited list.
The MLA style uses parenthetical references in the form of the author name and page number
the referred to material in the text of a paper. The author name and page numbers may be
enclosed in parentheses or, to improve readability, the author's name may be part of your text,
with only the referred to pages enclosed in parentheses.
For quotations less than four lines long:

Krent maintains, "the need for congressional approval..." (115).
"The need for congressional approval...". (Krent 115).

If the quotation is more than four lines in your paper, you must use the block quote format.
the quoted text on a new line, indent the quote 1 inch (10 spaces), do not use quotation marks,
and double-space type the quoted text. A colon at the end of your preceding sentence is used
introduce the quotation.

At the conclusion of Lord of the Flies, Ralph and the other boys realize the horror of their
The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them
no for the first time on the island; great shuddering spasms of grief that
seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke
before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion,
the other little boys began to shake and sob too. (186)
When you paraphrase another authors words, the type and number of authors will determine
format you use for an in-text citation.

Single or multiple authors
In a recent analysis of male roles...(Tallmadge 20).


In the introduction to Honor, Status, and Law in Modern Latin America editors Caulfield,
Chambers, and Putnam integrate the concepts...(10-15).
Corporate author
The American Psychiatric Association recommends...(7-21).

No author identified
In the Concise Medical Dictionary, anemia is defined as....(127).

Government documents
The United States Congress, House Select Committee to Investigate Cover Arms
Transactions with Iran characterized Oliver North's role...(97-184).
Web pages with an author
Burgess and Burgess define civility.....
Web pages with no author
In 1980, the Democratic Party crafted a platform that reflected the values...("Democratic
Party Platform of 1980").
the bad habitual
by firman
Since long time ago, people recognized cigarettes. As the scene that still exist many people
smoke cigarettes with full enjoyable. Smoking has impression and taste as something can not
be described except they used to. Generally smoking is enjoyed by men, reality shows how
many women is doing it too. However cigarette takes high income for this country, so this
rate gives information about the high quantity of smokers.
Actually smokers realize how they spent much money for this habit. Cigarettes with addictive
composition have chained the smokers. Everyday they rely on the cigarette for their activities
spirits. How pool they are? This is just about life style or something that has to follow an
environment. Everything just about personalization, no body knows exactly.
As known and seen, smoking is habit that link people as a symbol of relation in a community/
environment in some assume. Usually, people who smoke cigarettes is an adult but in the fact
cigarettes enjoyed more by children or teenager for today. Many of teenagers are affected to
smoke although they has accepted advice from their parents.
The smokers know how big problem and high risk will appear if they smoke the cigarettes in
big quantity and for long time, absolutely. Smoking not just a habitual but to be necessary
because they addicted with nicotine and tar that include in cigarettes. The smokers in big
community for latest years are teenagers. Many reasons make the teenagers in this country to
be the smokers. The teenagers recognize a cigarette because feeling of curiosity, as life style,
as symbol in a community, and to express themselves.
The first reason is feeling of curiosity. Almost all of people have this feeling so do not be
strange if the smokers appear more from teenagers than adult. The teenagers have the big
curiosity feeling. They are try to find out about what they feel. The teenagers as generally
look at their environment. The smoking environment introduces them with cigarettes. Almost
all of them are students of junior high school and senior high school. Actually they know how
bad and expensive this habit before. However the feeling of curiosity brought them to find
out the taste of cigarettes.
The second reason, smoking as life style. In case that life style is various. As matter fact the
teenagers in this country choose smoking as life style. How pity them? The teenagers just
want to show if they are can be achieved as smokers. This conditions tells how weak their
mental with this assume.
The third reason, smoking as symbol in a community. The community that entered by the
teenagers identically free of rules. They want to feel free for everything what they done.
Usually the teenagers in free community smoke cigarettes as a symbol freedom. They will
pride if they can enter the free community. Smoking is the best way in their assumed to
measure themselves in their environment. Remember their status as students, they made
mistake absolutely.
The fourth reason, smoking is the way to expresses themselves. Actually, the teenagers have
many ways to express themselves. They are creative human being in this age. But a lot of
them express themselves with smoking. Is it the best way or just to show if they can do it as
Smoking has high risk for healthy, everybody knows about it well. All of the smokers enjoy
the smoking just themselves. They never think about the other one. Beside, they never know
how much they spent money. Actually smoking sometimes disturbed somebody else with the
smoke they pup out. This condition will be worse if the teenagers make smoking as the best
way to find out everything based on the reasons above. While almost the teenagers who
smoke are students and still get money from their parents. Therefore, prevent smoking as well
as we can do to keep healthy and save money for a better life.

Model Paragraph
I live in a beautiful place, namely Indonesia. The tourist often visit it. I guess, there are three
reason why they are visit my country. Firstly, Indonesia is an interesting country. Because
geographically, it is located between two continents and two oceans. Also, Indonesia has
many beautiful place with various natural resources. Secondly, Indonesia has many delicious
food. In the research of CNN, Rendang is the most of delicious food in the world. Sate also
include in the delicious food in the world. Lastly, Indonesia has many traditions and culture.
Unfortunately, some of traditions and culture in Indonesia was claimed by other country.
Indonesia, the one of beautiful place in the world. It is consist of many islands and
archipelago. An Indonesian are friendly. Im happy to live in this country and Im proud to be
an Indonesian. I often see tourist in this country. In fact, they are often visit my country. I
guess, There are three reason why they are visit my country.
1. Indonesia is an interesting country.
Geographically, Indonesia is located between two continents, there are Asia and Australia.
And between two oceans too, there are Pacific Ocean and Hindia Ocean. Indonesia has many
various natural resources. For example, beach, forest, mountain, etc.
2.Indonesia has many delicious food.
Rendang, Sate, and Fried Rice are some of Indonesian delicious food that include in category
of CNN Research.
3.Indonesia has many traditions and culture
There are many of traditions and culture in Indonesia that tourist amazed of it. Such as, Reog
from Ponorogo, Kecak from Bali, Saman from Aceh, etc. Unfortunately, some of traditions
and culture inIndonesia was claimed by other country
In conclusion, Indonesia is appropriate for tourists visited. Tourist visit this country because
Indonesia is interesting in natural resources, food, traditions and culture. Some of tourist said
that they are proud and amazed of Indonesia. We as Indonesian must be prouder.

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