Detailed Business Case

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State of Vermont

Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
Prepared By: (Your Name)
Date of Publication: mm/dd/yyyy
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
Table of Contents
Executive Summary..................................................................................................................... 3
General Information..................................................................................................................... 3
Alternatives.................................................................................................................................. 4
Communication............................................................................................................................ 4
Assumptions and Constraints...................................................................................................... 5
Preliminary Ris........................................................................................................................... !
"enefits........................................................................................................................................ #
Calculations................................................................................................................................. $
Preliminary Re%uirements............................................................................................................ &
Approvals................................................................................................................................... '(
Revision History
Version Date Authors! Comments
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
"#ecutive Summary
$%$ &vervie'
Briefly describe the problem or opportunity and the basis for this IT activity. Include a brief scope statement and
timeframe. Put enough information here so that the rest of the sections in the Business Case make sense. (Remove
this comment section from final document.)
$%( Alternatives
Briefly describe the alternatives discussed and briefly hy the recommendation is being made for this option.
(Remove this comment section from final document.)
$%) Business Value
!escribe the business value of the ork and ho it fits into the overall goals and strategies. (Remove this comment
section from final document.)
$%* Recommendation
Provide and e"planation of the recommendation as ell as hy. This should support the business value statement.
(Remove this comment section from final document.)
+eneral ,nformation
$%- Pur.ose
Provide a detailed e"planation of the purpose of this IT activity. Include a problem statement and describe ideas
that are being considered to solve the problem.
$%/ Preliminary Sco.e
!escribe the detailed preliminary scope of the pro#ect. $hat are the boundaries% $hat other systems can be
considered% $hat business units are involved% &tc.
$%0 Current System
!escribe the technical and operational characteristics of the current system (if applicable) by summari'ing its
functions( identifying the hardare used( and identifying the system)s input and output.
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
$%1 Descri.tion of Alternatives
!escribe alternative approaches for the development and operation of system(s) being considered( and provide a
brief description of each( including the e"isting system. If no alternatives ere considered( document the reason.
$%2 Alternative System Name 3$!
&ach alternative system in this section should be under a separate section header. *enerate ne sections as
necessary for each alternative system from +.+ through +.".
If applicable( describe the technical and operational characteristics of each alternative system.
$%$4 Alternative System Name 3(!
&ach alternative system in this section should be under a separate section header. *enerate ne sections as
necessary for each alternative system from +.+ through +.".
If applicable( describe the technical and operational characteristics of each alternative system.
$%$$ Alternative System Name3)!
&ach alternative system in this section should be under a separate section header. *enerate ne sections as
necessary for each alternative system from +.+ through +.".
If applicable( describe the technical and operational characteristics of each alternative system.
$%$( Pur.osed System
!escribe the technical and operational characteristics of the proposed system or system upgrade.
$%$) Points of Contact
Provide a list of the points of organi'ational contact (P,C) that may be needed for informational and
troubleshooting purposes. Include contact role( contact name( department( telephone number( and e-mail address
(if applicable). Points of contact may include but are not limited to helpdesk P,C( development.maintenance P,C(
and operations P,C.
R&5" NA6"
PH&N" "6A,5
Business Analyst
Proect !ana"er
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
Domain #!%
%nd &ser
'mplementation #!%
(perational #upport
$%$* Coordination
Provide a list of organi'ations that re/uire coordination beteen the pro#ect and its specific support function (e.g.(
installation coordination( security( etc.). Include a schedule for coordination activities.
Assum.tions and Constraints
$%$- Assum.tions
$%$-%$ Bud:et Assum.tions
0ssumptions typically are around funds being available or being able to spend funding before it runs out.
$%$-%( Solution 9unctionality Assum.tions
The functionality assumption ill be in regards to the solutions performance and abilities.
$%$-%) &ther Assum.tions
$%$/ Constraints
$%$/%$ Resource Constraints
1. 2ey staff resources ill be available only on a part-time basis.
3. Computer resources ill be available on a limited basis.
+. 2ey customer resources ill be available on a restricted basis.
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
$%$/%( Delivery Constraints
1. !eliverables submitted for approval ill re/uire orking days for revie.
3. There is no limit to revie and approval cycles.
+. &/uipment order lead times cannot be specified ith accuracy.
$%$/%) "nvironmental Constraints
1. 2ey decision-makers are difficult to contact hen issues arise.
3. The pro#ect does not have a customer pro#ect manager (or e"ecutive sponsor( or steering committee.
+. The pro#ect environment is ne and the components have not yet been successfully integrated.
4. The development.operating environment is ne( and no pro#ect staff members are familiar ith it.
5. The pro#ect depends upon the successful and timely completion of associated pro#ects.
$%$/%* Bud:etary Constraints
6tatistics used in preparing the estimates are unreliable.
$%$/%- 9unctionality Constraints
1. The scope of the pro#ect is unclear.
3. The pro#ect depends upon receiving data from other( e"ternal applications.
Preliminary Ris;
6tate any potential uncertain event or condition that may impact the solution goals or ob#ectives proposed. 7or all
risks provide a mitigation plan.
$%$0 Ris; 5ist
R,S< D"SCR,PT,&N 5"V"5 H8685!
$%$1 Ris; 6iti:ation
R,S< 6,T,+AT,&N P5AN
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
$%$2 =uantifiable Benefits
Provide an e"planation of the /uantifiable benefits this IT activity ill provide or remove this section. !escribe the
benefits hich can provide a dollar amount to be reali'ed as a result of this IT activity. &ach benefit in this section
must have a tangible dollar amount. (Remove this comment section from final document.)
B"N"9,T D"SCR,PT,&N 9&R6>5A T&TA5
Annual Savin:s
Cost Reduction
(8eed to list out each cost
reduction item separately.)
&"amples9 decommissioning
a system that has a high
maintenance cost( reducing
the need for vendor support(
hardare virtuali'ation.
consolidation( resource
reduction( improved resource
utili'ation( reduced error
rates( etc.
(&:0;P<& 7,R;0T)
Value "nhancement
(8eed to list out each cost
reduction item separately.)
&"amples9 improved resource
utili'ation( reduced error
rates( enhanced value of an
application system( and
improved administrative and
operational effectiveness.
(&:0;P<& 7,R;0T)
(&:0;P<& 7,R;0T)
ANN&A0 #A1'N2# #&B3*(*A0 45/56,77
&ne?Time Savin:s
Cost Reduction
(8eed to list out each cost
reduction item separately.)
&"amples9 decommissioning
a system that has a high
maintenance cost( reducing
the need for vendor support(
hardare virtuali'ation.
consolidation( resource
reduction( improved resource
utili'ation( reduced error
rates( etc.
(&:0;P<& 7,R;0T)
Value "nhancement
(8eed to list out each cost
reduction item separately.)
&"amples9 improved resource
utili'ation( reduced error
rates( enhanced value of an
application system( and
improved administrative and
operational effectiveness.
(&:0;P<& 7,R;0T)
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
(&:0;P<& 7,R;0T)
(N%3*'!% #A1'N2# #&B3*(*A0 45/56,77
T&TA5 =>ANT,9,AB5" B"N"9,TS
$%(4 Non?=uantifiable Benefits
Provide an e"planation for the e"amples belo if they apply to the documented IT activity. 0dd and remove items as
it makes sense( belo are #ust e"amples. (Remove this comment section from final document.)
$%(4%$ ,m.roved Customer Service
$%(4%( @ob "nrichments8@ob "m.o'erment
$%(4%) Communication
$%(4%* ,m.roved ,ma:e
$%(4%- Reduce Ris;
$%(4%/ &ther
$%($ Net Present Value
Calculate the net present value by subtracting the ad#usted cost from the total present value of benefits. In year one
costs are 0( year to they are B( year three they are C( year four they are ! and year five they are &. Take
anticipated AcostsB (there should be negative numbers meaning there as a profit made in later years) determine
the totals current value based on the value of today)s money and subtract the total investment (typically year one or
0) from the current years total)s value.
$%(( Benefit8Cost Ratio
Calculate the benefit.cost ratio by dividing the total present value of benefits by the ad#usted cost.
$%() Paybac; Period
Calculate the year or month in hich the sum of benefits first e"ceeds the sum of the costs e"pressed in current
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
Preliminary ReAuirements
$%(* Business ReAuirements
Business re/uirements confirm the scope of the pro#ect and identify stakeholders. They typically include policy or
la re/uirements as ell.
$%(- System ReAuirements
$%(-%$ 9unctional
Functional re/uirements specify the specific actions that are re/uired to fulfill the user goals. 7or e"ample( for a
recruiter to create a mailing( she must follo a number of steps( including login into the system( specifying her user
name( entering a passord( picking from a list of options( entering the te"t of the mailing( submitting it for
approval( and a number of other tasks.
$%(-%( Non?9unctional
Non-functional re9uirements also define t:e /ualities around t:e system 3 ease of use6 reliability6 security6 etc.6
rat:er t:an specific be:a;iors of a system. 'n "eneral6 functional re9uirements define hat a system is supposed to
do <:ereas non3functional re9uirements define ho a system is supposed to be.
$%(/ >ser ReAuirements
Cser Re/uirements concern the user goals of the system. $hen defining user re/uirements( e first identify the user
roles and goals.
Project Name Here
Detailed Business Case
NA6" T,T5" S,+NAT>R" DAT"

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