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The Llaelese Resistance

(from the Iron Kingdoms World Guide pg. 238)

The sovereignty of Llael ended harshly in the winter of 604 ! when" in a
lightning atta#$" %hador invaded and #a&ght its people and their 'ygnaran allies off
g&ard. few months of fighting later" Llael was an o##&pied state.(
The #o&ntry of Llael has always )een a pe#&liar #o&ntry. *ts #&stoms and
traditions are &ni+&e and" some wo&ld say" more #ivili,ed and enlightened than the other
$ingdoms of *mmoren. -espite all of its no)ility and grand history" the #o&ntry of Llael
was no mat#h for the iron might of %hador. *n modern times" the pop&lation of Llael is
not renowned for its strength of arms. .in#e the pea$ of !ynnish power d&ring the /rgoth
re)ellion" Llael has )e#ome #ompla#ent. *ts military power has slowly withered to no
more than several h&ndred !oyal 0&ards )a#$ed &p )y hired 1er#enary 'ompanies and
its long time ally" 'ygnar. ltho&gh Llael has )een the s#ene of n&mero&s )attles against
%hadoran aggression" the rapid %hadoran assa&lt was a s&rprise.
2ven if there had )een some advan#e warning" it3s do&)tf&l that %hador #o&ld3ve
)een repelled for long. 4&een yn 5anar *6" driven )y her grandfather3s vision of a new
%hardi# empire" was determined to anne7 Llael no matter what the #ost. The military
might of %hador has risen to impressive proportions" greater than any other of the *ron
%ingdoms. 8ith 'ygnar3s attention divided )etween its northern and so&thern )orders"
its military is stret#hed too thin to press a #o&nter atta#$ aimed at driving %hador o&t of
Llael. 9or now" they are more #on#erned a)o&t #ontaining the %hadorans and shoring &p
their own )orders. To #ompli#ate matters more" a#tivity in the Thornwood 9orest" long a
pla#e of dire warfare" has f&rther wea$ened 'ygnar3s a)ility to #onfront the %hadorans in
Llael. s it stands" Llael will remain &nder %hadoran o##&pation for the near f&t&re"
perhaps longer if meas&res aren3t ta$en to red&#e the poten#y of %hador3s military might.
The sit&ation among the *ron %ingdoms is tedio&s to say the least. The level of
aggression has )een es#alating for many years" #&lminating in all o&t warfare. :ow is a
time of woe for the people of *mmoren" their livelihood threatened on m&ltiple fronts.
1any #iti,ens have )een pressed into fighting at the )ehest of their royal leaders. *n
Llael" the people are &ndergoing a parado7i#al #hange" their #&lt&re of frivolity and
e7#ess harshly s&ppressed )y their new %hadoran masters. The #o&ntry of Llael has
)e#ome a virt&al slave of %hador. The wants and needs of the Llaelese are #onsidered
immaterial to the greater goal of strengthening the 1otherland and its vast armies.
5al&a)le material goods and nat&ral reso&r#es have all )een diverted to %hador. The
)&sinesses and instit&tions of Llael have either )een a)olished or #onfis#ated. 1any
Llaelese #iti,ens have s&ffered &nder the oppression of %hador. 9amily estates and
fort&nes that have e7isted for #ent&ries have )een li+&idated to appease the %hadoran
throne. 8hat was on#e Llaelese is now %hadoran.
Warcaster Ashlynn DElyse, Lady di la Resistance
(from No Quarter, Issue No. 1 pg. 3;)
Tho&gh for#ed from her homeland" shlynn has not lost her fight. .in#e the
o##&pation she has t&rned to freelan#ing to f&nd her ongoing operations against %hador.
Tho&gh she has no love for the <rote#torate and )lames 'ygnar3s withdrawal for Llael3s
defeat" she gladly a##epts their gold. The #oin from these enterprises goes to re)ellio&s
gro&ps in the homeland" and to s&pport her own operations. 5engef&l and independent
eno&gh to a##omplish anything" she wages a g&erilla war that #osts %hador tho&sands in
s&pplies and stolen f&nds. Tho&gh only )iting at the 1otherland for now" shlynn hopes
not only to repel the invaders" )&t one day to drive her sa)er thro&gh the heart of the man
who ro))ed her father of an honora)le death with indis#riminate mortar fire =
%ommandant 0&rvaldt *r&s$ himself.(
9or several months following the defeat and o##&pation of Llael" shlynn fo&nd
employment with )oth 'ygnar and the <rote#torate" aiding ea#h fa#tion to their own
ends. -espite her wor$ for the <rote#torate" 'ygnar fo&nd her to )e a val&a)le ally.
>owever" on#e they fo&nd o&t she was revealing 'ygnaran troop lo#ations to the
<rote#torate? she was e@e#ted from all 1er#enary #ontra#ts with the 'ygnaran #rown.
lso" after the destr&#tion of 1yrr )y <rote#torate for#es &nder <riestess 9eora" shlynn
no longer had any desire to fight for the 1enite $ingdom. 9inding this t&rn of events
more of an annoyan#e than anything" shlynn &sed the )&l$ of her own f&nds to hire
!h&li# war#aster 0orten 0r&nd)a#$ and form the >igh)orne 'ovenant 1er#enary
'ompany. Together" shlynn and 0orten mar#hed into Llael d&ring the s&mmer of 606
! to harass the %hadoran garrisons in the so&thern provin#es.
The following is a timeline of events #hroni#ling the >igh)orne 'ovenant3s a#tions in
Llael from !owen" 606 ! to shtoven" 60A !B
606 AR:
1alle&s 4
" !owen
C The >igh)orne 'ovenant in#l&ding over ;200 mer#enary soldiers" ;8 war@a#$s"
and 20 me#hani$s enters Llael so&th of 1erywyn and #onfronts %hadoran )order
g&ard &nits stationed along the 0reat :orthern Tradeway.
1alle&s A
" !owen to -onard 2
" .olesh
C 9ollowing several days of s$irmishes with the %hadorans" the >igh)orne
'ovenant moves +&i#$ly into the 5o7sa&ny <rovin#e and the #ity of !hydden"
whi#h is &no##&pied )y the %hadorans. long the way they raid s&pply trains
traveling on the 1erywyn = !hydden .hort Line and sa)otage the railway"
wre#$ing several lo#omotives.
5endarl 6
" %atesh
C The >igh)orne 'ovenant starts )&ilding a se#ret )ase #amp o&tside the #ity of
!hydden. 9rom here the 1er#enary 'ompany plans to send o&t war parties to
harass the %hadorans. Dpon their arrival" a)o&t 300C400 Llaelese ref&gees @oin
the 'ovenant" spar$ing the first of many fe&ds )etween shlynn and 0orten over
-onard 3
" %atesh
C %hadoran garrisons in the #ities of Leryn" 1erywyn" and !ynyr are p&t on alert.
The presen#e of the >igh)orne 'ovenant is reported to %ommandant *vdanovi#h
who dismisses them as a wea$ threat. %hadoran 8inter 0&ard &nits thro&gho&t
Llael are ordered to h&nt down and $ill any mer#enaries not loyal to %hador.
1alle&s 4
" -oloven
C The >igh)orne 'ovenant s&ffers its first ma@or defeat losing nearly 200 soldiers
and 4 war@a#$s in a failed am)&sh near the r&ins of !iversmet. -&ring a fit of rage
shlynn engages a patrolling &nit of 8inter 0&ard" sla&ghtering all of them
singleChandedly. fterwards" she pla#es the de#apitated heads of the slain 8inter
0&ards in a sa#$ of horse man&re and leaves it hanging from a sign along a main
road. This a#tion leads the %hadorans to de#lare the lives of all >igh)orne
'ovenant 1er#enaries forfeit and all enemy mer#enaries in their #&stody are
s&mmarily e7e#&ted. %ommander .ors#ha %rati$off vows to h&nt down shlynn
herself to avenge the defiled 8inter 0&ards.
607 AR:
0orim E
to 0orim A
" 'aste&s
C The largest )attle of the #ampaign o##&rs near the town of *ryn on the northern
)order of the .o&thryne <rovin#e over the #o&rse of two days. -&ring the )attle"
over E00 >igh)orne 1er#enaries and nearly 400 %hadorans are $illed. 2ven
tho&gh the mer#enaries s&ffered more #as&alties" the %hadorans lost a large
n&m)er of seasoned 8inter 0&ard and *ron 9ang <i$emen as well as F heavy
war@a#$s. The )attle was #onsidered neither a win nor a loss )y either side" )&t
after the )attle the fre+&en#y and strength of >igh)orne 'ovenant atta#$s
de#reased. -&ring the )attle" Grogan Gla#$heel" a long time friend of 0orten
0r&nd)a#$" and his entire &nit of >ighshields were slain. 0orten )egins to
a##&m&late more disdain for %hador leading him to draw more of his personal
reso&r#es into the #onfli#t and re@e#ting all %hadoran #ontra#ts.
5endarl 2
" 'inten
C shlynn re#eives a large s&m of money from a ref&gee gro&p of Llaelese no)les.
.he immediately hires more mer#enaries from 'ygnar and /rd" having to offer
do&)le wages for their servi#e. shlynn also )&ys a n&m)er of retired 'ygnaran
war@a#$s to reinfor#e her army. 0orten re#eives word that an allian#e of !h&li#
#lans is offering se#ret s&pport for their #ampaign against %hador. The !h&li#
#lans are &pset a)o&t the lost trade with 'ygnar and have not )een a)le to ma$e
headway with %hador over the iss&e thro&gh diploma#y. 0orten a##epts their
s&pport" and from this point on" no longer fights &nder shlynn3s #ommand )&t
remains allied with her.
5endarl ;
" .olesh
C :early one year after the start of the #ampaign" the >igh)orne 'ovenant s#ores its
first and only ma@or vi#tory against %hador. 8hile es#orting a large #ontingent of
appro7imately 300 %ossite re#r&its from the north" the F
Gorder 0&ard" &nder the
#ommand of %ommander *lian Ho$ovi#h is atta#$ed along the road from Laerdy to
!ynyr. Thro&gh good re#onnaissan#e and #aref&l planning" 0orten and shlynn
atta#$ the heavily armed #onvoy sim&ltaneo&sly" res&lting in a m&ddled response
from the %hadorans. -&ring the )attle" whi#h lasts only a few ho&rs" nearly all of
the %ossites are either $illed" wo&nded" or flee. 2very war@a#$ in Ho$ovi#h3s
)attlegro&p is either destroyed or disa)led. The F
Gorder Legion troops"
in#l&ding a f&ll &nit of 1anCoCwar .ho#$troopers are &tterly defeated with nearly
every %hadoran )eing either $illed or wo&nded. This vi#tory gives shlynn more
#onfiden#e that %hador #an )e defeated. This #onfiden#e will grad&ally wor$
against her in the months to #ome. t this point in time" the >igh)orne 'ovenant
1er#enary 'ompany is at the pea$ of its power.
-onard 3
to -onard 6
" %atesh
C %ommander .ors#ha %rati$off finally engages the >igh)orne 'ovenant as they
are performing raids against the trains #arrying troops and s&pplies )etween
2lsin)erg and 1erywyn. The mer#enaries are witho&t a war#aster at this point
and are de#imated )y .ors#ha3s for#es. 2very mer#enary" over ;00 of them" are
all $illed. Dn$nown the shlynn or 0orten" )r&tal interrogations following the
)attle give the %hadorans val&a)le information a)o&t the 'ovenant and their
1alle&s A
to -onard 3
" 0oloven
C %hadoran for#es &nder the #ommand of %ommandant *r&s$ and %ommander
.ors#ha %rati$off lead an in#&rsion into the 5o7sa&ny <rovin#e to atta#$ the )ase
#amp of the >igh)orne 'ovenant dire#tly. 9ort&nately for the 'ovenant" )oth
war#asters were present. -espite this" the #amp was lost. The %hadoran for#es
)riefly laid siege to the #ity of !hydden" )&t #onstant harassment from lo#al
militias and >igh)orne #o&nter atta#$s for#es them to withdraw )efore
eliminating the mer#enaries. fter the atta#$" 0orten ma$es plans to move his
for#es north to the mo&ntains aro&nd Leryn and the !h&li# )order. shlynn"
ref&sing to give in" insists on staying in !hydden. t this point" shlynn3s for#es
are wea$ened )y the loss of 0orten3s !h&li# s&pport &nits d&e to their move
north. The two war#asters still fight side )y side.
0orim A
" %hadoven
C t this point" shlynn has )een ma$ing n&mero&s in#&rsions into the .o&thryne
<rovin#e. .he is determined to li)erate the #ity of 1erywyn )y year3s end.
>owever" her over#onfiden#e has )linded her to the o)vio&s. .he has a shrin$ing
pool of re#r&its and she is nearly o&t of f&nds. -espite 0orten3s advi#e" she
#ontin&es to p&sh into .o&thryne. .he even sends word to 'ygnar and /rd that
she needs more mer#enaries and ma$es offers she does not have the money to
)a#$ &p. -&ring her raids" shlynn dis#overs a small gro&p of mer#enaries
operating independently" The Gla#$shields. Their leader" .ir 9ane 0al)raith"
offers to ma$e an allian#e with shlynn. ltho&gh she is pleased with the offer"
she demands that .ir 9ane #ome &p with more troops )efore he #an @oin her.
5endarl ;
to 1alle&s 6
" shtoven
C shlynn learns of a large shipment of s&pplies heading for 1erywyn )y rail.
gainst all advi#e shlynn gathers her remaining for#es and heads north to
!ynyr. .he intends to inter#ept the train as it leaves the #ity. The weather has
grown )itter #old" ma$ing the @o&rney diffi#&lt. 0orten de#ides that he #an3t let
shlynn go it alone and forms a small !h&li# for#e to follow her. 2ven tho&gh
0orten doesn3t agree with shlynn3s desperate and ris$y mane&ver" he reali,es
that if the s&pply train is stopped" the %hadoran garrison at 1erywyn will )e
severely wea$ened and #o&ld )e defeated. >is int&ition" however" tells him to )e
wary of the sit&ation.
1alle&s A
to -onard ;
" shtoven
C shlynn and 0orten move their for#es into position o&tside of !ynyr. The
normally frigid winter weather had grown even more &n)eara)le" #&lminating into
a f&ll )lown )li,,ard of )linding snow and i#e. 8hen shlynn3s s#o&ts dete#t the
on#oming s&pply train" they report that it is )eing es#orted )y a large n&m)er of
heavy war@a#$s. Dndeterred" shlynn orders the atta#$ to #ommen#e and the
ens&ing )attle will )e the last for the >igh)orne 'ovenant. -&ring the )attle"
shlynn dis#overs that the s&pply train is g&arded )y no less than %ar#hev the
Terri)le. >is heavily armored )attlegro&p #onsisting of nothing )&t heavy
war@a#$s and f&ll &nits of 1anCoCwar .ho#$troopers. *n the free,ing winter storm"
shlynn3s mer#enaries didn3t have a #han#e. 8hen 0orten dis#overed the nat&re
of their enemy" he immediately ordered a staged withdrawal. >e was a)le to
es#ape with a small portion of his for#es. >owever" when he dis#overed that
shlynn had not retreated with him he do&)led )a#$ only to dis#over the worst.
C 8hen the s&n finally rose on -onard ;
" the vast white plains of snow )arely
#on#ealed the #arnage &nderneath. ll the mer#enaries in shlynn3s atta#$ for#e
were dead? their fro,en )odies a ma#a)re testament to the horrors of war. fter a
desperate sear#h" only the remains of shlynn3s three war@a#$s #o&ld )e fo&nd.
>er pre#io&s me#hani$al sa)er" :emesis" was fo&nd sta))ed into the earth li$e a
simple grave mar$er. 0orten instr&#ted his men to s#avenge any parts and
weapons they #o&ld find" )&t he left shlynn3s sword st&#$ in the snowy gro&nd
as a memorial to a fallen warrior.

The Beginning of the Llaelese Resistance Moe!ent
-onard ;
" shtoven
C 9ollowing the )attle o&tside of !ynyr war#aster shlynn -32lyse is fo&nd )arely
alive" )&ried in the snow" and s&rro&nded )y her slain mer#enaries. -&e to
shlynn3s war#aster armor and ar#ane powers" she was a)le to s&rvive the )itter
#old despite her severe in@&ries. The peasants who fo&nd her are sympatheti# to
those fighting the %hadorans and she is ta$en to 8ren de3lyr" a former healer
and aid of the late %ing !ynnard. 8ren is a)le to sta)ili,e shlynn. >er wo&nds
are great in#l&ding m&ltiple )ro$en )ones" internal )leeding" and a head in@&ry.
.he rests on the verge of death. /nly )y the ar#ane talents of 8ren de3lyr is
shlynn a)le to remain alive. .he remains #loistered in 8ren3s home" hidden
from %hadoran patrols. .he is #onsidered dead )y the %hadorans any way" )&t in
her #ondition it is impossi)le to move her to a safer lo#ation.
60" AR
1alle&s 3
to 1alle&s A
" 0la#e&s
C The Gla#$shield 1er#enary 'ompany" &nder the #ommand of 'ygnaran %night
.ir 9ane 0al)raith" wages an ongoing g&erilla war against the %hadorans in Llael.
.ir 9ane" in a +&est to find shlynn and the remnants of her mer#enary #ompany"
travels to !ynyr in disg&ise. 8hen he arrives he learns the fate of shlynn and the
>igh)orne 'ovenant. Gefore leaving the #ity" he is #onta#ted )y a small gro&p of
peasants who inform him of shlynn3s wherea)o&ts. .ir 9ane ma$es plans to
move her so&th to a safer lo#ation. >e manages to pro#&re shlynn3s sword"
:emesis" and her damaged war#aster armor from a lo#al me#hani$a dealer )efore
he leaves.
0orim 3
to 0orim A
" 0la#e&s
C 8ar#aster 0orten 0r&nd)a#$ )egins settling into his new )ase of operations in the
mo&ntains @&st north of Leryn. s a son of !h&l" 0orten is e7tremely #omforta)le
in the mo&ntains. >e #onta#ts the !h&li# 1er#hant 'lans f&nding his mer#enary
army and ma$es a simple re+&est" to )&ild him a powerf&l heavy war@a#$ &sing
the finest materials availa)le. >e gives them the remains of a s#avenged
5ang&ard" in#l&ding its #orte7" to &se in the new war@a#$3s #onstr&#tion.
1alle&s ;
" 'aste&s
C 'onstr&#tion of The venger( heavy war@a#$ )egins. 0orten &ses the last of
shlynn3s mer#enary f&nds to help pay for it. The war@a#$ #hassis is )ased on a
!h&li# design &sing large +&antities of the legendary dwarven metal" .erri#steel.
*t3s powered )y an e7perimental steam f&rna#e )&ilt )y The /rder of the 0olden
'r&#i)le that was sm&ggled o&t Leryn )efore it was #on+&ered )y the %hadorans.
0orten hopes he #an re)&ild his army +&i#$ly so he doesn3t lose any of the gro&nd
shlynn fo&ght so dearly for.
5endarl 2
" Trine&s
C 8ar#aster shlynn -32lyse" now partially re#overed from her in@&ries and a)le to
travel" arrives in 0rynstone" a small village along the )an$s of the Gla#$ !iver.
8hile there" she )egins )&ilding &p her strength. !esiding in the village is a
legendary d&elist named 5ahn de30ilfyn. Thro&gh his t&telage shlynn will
)e#ome even stronger than she was )efore her defeat. .ir 9ane 0al)raith
#ontin&es to dire#t g&erilla atta#$s against %hadoran instillations in the .o&thryne
and 8essina <rovin#es. >is 1er#enary 'ompany" the Gla#$shields" are
s&##essf&l in hampering the )&ild &p of %hadoran garrisons stationed at 1erywyn
and 2lsin)erg. -espite a #on#erted effort to tra#$ .ir 9ane and the Gla#$shields
down" %ommander .ors#ha %rati$off and %ommandant 0&rvaldt *r&s$ are &na)le
to engage them in any #apa#ity.
1alle&s E
" 'inten
C The !h&li# 1er#enary 'ompany led )y war#aster 0orten 0r&nd)a#$ s#ores a
series of small vi#tories in the Lyng)lad <rovin#e" severely wea$ening the
%hadoran garrison in Leryn. !h&li# emissaries are &na)le to enlist the s&pport of
The /rder of the 0olden 'r&#i)le to aid the Llaelese re)els d&e to the o)@e#tions
of its #orr&pt headmaster.
-onard 4
" 'inten
C Dm)rian <rin#e" 5ladimir T,epes#i" moves his army into the 2smynya <rovin#e
@&st north of Leryn" halting any f&rther advan#es )y 0orten3s !h&li# 1er#enary
5endarl 3
" .olesh to 1alle&s 2
" /#tesh
C .ir 9ane and a small gro&p of his peasant s#o&ts @oin &p with shlynn at the
northern )order of the .o&thryne <rovin#e and #overtly travel from there to
Leryn. long the way shlynn and .ir 9ane gain ea#h other3s friendship. shlynn
is gratef&l to .ir 9ane for #oming to her aid" )&t her e7treme hatred of %hador
f&els a dar$ rage that threatens to #ons&me her. 8ith .ir 9ane3s help she is a)le to
#on+&er her hatred and #hannel her anger into even greater ar#ane strength. *t is
r&mored that shlynn and .ir 9ane had a romanti# affair d&ring this @o&rney.
1alle&s 2
to 1alle&s E
" /#tesh
C shlynn is re&nited with 0orten 0r&nd)a#$" who is over@oyed to see she is still
alive. 0orten reveals the #ompleted venger heavy war@a#$ to shlynn at his
hidden )ase in the mo&ntains and presents it to her as a gift. Together the two
war#asters ma$e plans to li)erate Leryn and drive the %hadorans o&t of the
5o7sa&ny and Lyng)lad <rovin#es for good.

C Dpon their arrival in Leryn the %hadoran 0reylords stationed at Th&nderhelm
9ortress learn of .ir 9ane3s presen#e and are a)le to #apt&re him and his small
)and of peasant re)els. Their p&)li# e7e#&tion )y )eheading is planned for
1alle&s A
at the mar$et s+&are. ttendan#e )y the #iti,ens of Leryn will )e
mandatory. Dpon hearing the news shlynn and 0orten r&sh )a#$ to Leryn to see
if they #an res#&e .ir 9ane )efore he is e7e#&ted. The loss of .ir 9ane wo&ld )e a
h&ge set)a#$ for their #a&se.
C 0orten m&sters all the mer#enaries and Llaelese re)els &nder his #ommand and
h&rries to Leryn to @oin shlynn. Their plan for li)erating Leryn will have to
o##&r sooner than they3d tho&ght.
1alle&s A
" /#tesh
C shlynn #onfronts the 0reylord %old&n as the p&)li# e7e#&tion of .ir 9ane and
his a##ompli#es )egins. *n a dramati# display of g&ile and willf&lness shlynn
$ills the 0reylord %old&n and his 8inter 0&ard es#ort in the mar$et s+&are. This
ro&ses the #iti,ens of Leryn who promptly gather &nder shlynn3s #ommand and
)egin fighting to li)erate the #ity. .ir 9ane" now freed" #alls for his Gla#$shields
to rally and @oin the fighting. The ens&ing )attle )e#omes the st&ff of legends.

C ltho&gh s&##essf&l in driving the %hadorans )eyond the o&ter walls"
%ommandant *r&s$ arrives with eno&gh time to set &p a heavy )om)ardment of
the #ity. -etermined to destroy the #ore of Llaelese resistan#e" *r&s$ orders the
#ity ra,ed to ashes. Leryn s&ffers heavy damage d&ring the )om)ardment. 8ith
the ta)les now t&rned the li)erators s&ffer heavy #as&alties.
C -&ring the )attle to li)erate Leryn the #orr&pt headmaster of /rder of the 0olden
'r&#i)le" 'olm -romore is $illed )y former /rder of the 0olden 'r&#i)le
l#hemist" 0orman di38&lfe. !enowned !h&li# #raftsman >erne .tonegro&nd is
a)le to a#tivate the an#ient" hidden defenses of Th&nderhelm fortress whi#h are
made &p of a system of massive #annon and mortars mo&nted )ehind se#ret doors
and t&rrets in the towers and ramparts. These massive weapons were )&ilt d&ring
the /rgoth !e)ellion and are among the first )la#$ powder weapons ever
developed. ltho&gh old and &n&sed for #ent&ries" these high powered weapons
de#imate the %hadorans o&tside the #ity walls and p&t an end to the destr&#tive
)om)ardment of the #ity. The tremendo&s )last and #on#&ssion from the #annon
remind them why the fortress was named Thunderhelm.
C 8ith the %hadorans p&shed o&t of the #ity and their heavy mortars destroyed
%ommandant *r&s$ rel&#tantly orders a withdrawal. fter a desperate and
destr&#tive )attle Leryn is li)erated from the %hadorans. This )attle is the start of
the Llaelese !esistan#e 1ovement.

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