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Name: (Optional) _______________________________________________ Gender: ____ Male ____ Female

Rank: ______________________________________ Designation/Position:________________________________
Age: _____ 30 and Below _____ 31-35 _____ 36-40 _____ 41-45 _____ 46 and Above
Educational Attainment: _____ High School Graduate _____ College Graduate
_____ M.A. Units _____ M.A. Graduate
_____ Ph.D. Units _____ Ph.D. Graduate and Equivalent
_____ Others: Specify: ________________________________________
Years in Service: _____ 5 and Below _____ 6-10 _____ 11-15 _____ 16-20 _____ 21 and Above


This document was created to provide the Office with a source of information for gathering data
and teambuilding assignments. Any information that will be gathered is strictly confidential.

This document is composed of 5 pages with 120 items from 12 categories with the following
corresponding number of statements:

DIRECTION: Please review each statement on each category. Then, indicate the extent to which you
agree that such is true by checking the corresponding degree for each number according to the
following scale:
5 - Strongly agree
4 Somewhat agree
3 Neutral
2 Somewhat disagree
1 Strongly disagree

Categories Number of Statements
Administration - 7 Items
Coordinators - 12 Items
Facilitator - 10 Items
Materials - 3 Items
Rewards - 3 Items
Team Leader Effectiveness - 13 Items
Individual Effectiveness - 19 Items
Group Effectiveness - 24 Items
Team Building Effectiveness as to
- 10 Items
Team Building Effectiveness as to
- 5 Items
Team Building Effectiveness as to
- 9 Items
Overall Impression - 5 Items
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Administration 5 4 3 2 1
1 The Head of the Directorate Office encourages teambuilding training.
2 The Head of the Directorate Office supports teambuilding training.
3 The Head of the Directorate Office is recognized during the teambuilding

4 The Head of the Departments supports the teambuilding training.
5 The Head of the Departments assists in making the teambuilding training

6 The Head of the Departments motivates the participants in making the
teambuilding training successful.

7 The Heads recognize team efforts.

Coordinators 5 4 3 2 1
1 The Coordinators set up the venue effectively and creatively.
2 The Coordinators are well equipped with the materials needed in the
team building.

3 The Coordinators are prepared with contingencies in case of

4 The Coordinators informed each team of the games in the team building
before the date of training.

5 The Coordinators disseminated information about teambuilding to each
team ahead of time.

6 The Coordinators assigned, delegated and clarified the work ahead of

7 The Coordinators provide a solid base of making decisions in time of
conflict in game results.

8 The Coordinators distributed and planned the members in each team

9 The Coordinators are approachable and friendly.
10 The Coordinators motivates communication.
11 The Coordinators are open to communication.
12 The Coordinators are flexible and adaptable.

Facilitator 5 4 3 2 1
1 Facilitator is keen on setting up the goal of the team building.
2 Facilitator explains each game effectively.
3 Facilitator is competitive in attaining the goal of the teambuilding.
4 Facilitator is approachable and friendly.
5 Facilitator motivates communication.
6 Facilitator receives communication.
7 Facilitator is flexible and adaptable.
8 Facilitator explains the philosophy and principle behind the teambuilding.
9 Facilitator encourages participation from all teams.
10 Facilitator recognizes team efforts.
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Materials 5 4 3 2 1
1 There are sufficient resources.
2 Materials are well disseminated.
3 Materials are produced on time.

Rewards 5 4 3 2 1
1 The prizes boost morale.
2 The prizes are well planned.
3 The prizes compensate the effort.

Team Leader Effectiveness 5 4 3 2 1
1 Leaders provide sufficient degree of support for the team.
2 Leaders encourage suggestions and ideas of members.
3 Leaders explain the team goal effectively.
4 Leaders explain the vision a clear understanding of the big picture or
strategy of each game.

5 Leaders assign, delegate and clarify the work for each game.
6 Leaders use a range of appropriate leadership styles to empower the

7 Leaders support each member of the team and create cooperation.
8 Leaders help members develop their skills and confidence.
9 Leaders are committed to their team
10 Leaders keep members updated
11 Leaders have good decision making.
12 Leaders did an effective job in leading the team.
13 Leaders are in touch with the views of its members about the team.

Individual Effectiveness 5 4 3 2 1
1 I listen and participate in team discussions and decisions.
2 I am free to express my idea on all issues with co-members.
3 I interact well with co-members.
4 I interact well with each and every participant.
5 I quickly and effectively avoid disagreements.
6 I am always on time.
7 I understand each others strengths and weaknesses.
8 I actively listen to and encourage contributions from everyone.
9 I present my skills and best practices for my teams use
10 I respond positively to change.
11 I learn from other teams.
12 I am loyal to my team and co-members.
13 I trust and support my leader.
14 I trust and support my co-members.
15 I trust and support my team.
16 I help colleagues.
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17 I accept results and/or feedback willingly, gracefully and without

18 I gain trust and confidence.
19 I gain values and morals.

Group Effectiveness 5 4 3 2 1
1 Everyone is clear about what is expected of them on the team.
2 Every members share a vision a clear understanding of the big picture
or strategy.

3 Everyone participates in team discussions and decisions.
4 Everyone is resourceful to do the work.
5 Members feel free to express themselves on all issues with their co-

6 Team meetings are well planned and carried out effectively.
7 The team has effective relationship with each other.
8 The team has effective relationship with people outside the team
9 Disagreements among team members are resolved quickly, gracefully and

10 The team is always on time.
11 Everyone understands each others strengths and weaknesses.
12 Everyone actively listen to and encourage contributions from everyone.
13 Every members available skills and best practices are made into good use
14 Everyone respond positively to change.
15 Everyone learns from other teams.
16 Everyone is loyal to the team and to its co-members.
17 Trust and confidence is present in the team.
18 Everyone accepts willingly, gracefully and without resentment goals and

19 Everyone believes that the team can accomplish the impossible.
20 Everyone helps each other.
21 Everyone is committed to winning.
22 Everyone participates and contributes willingly and enthusiastically.
23 The team acted as one.
24 The team is well motivated.

Team Building Effectiveness as to:

Goals 5 4 3 2 1
1 Are clearly set up or laid out.
2 Teambuilding produces fun and interactive environment.
3 Teambuilding encourages cohesiveness and unity.
4 Teambuilding generate positive and productive environment.
5 Teambuilding boosts camaraderie and morale.
6 Teambuilding builds trust
7 Teambuilding establishes strong relationship with others.
8 Teambuilding develop rapport to each and every participant.
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9 Teambuilding builds harmony in everyone.
10 Teambuilding creates values and morals.

Teambuilding Climate 5 4 3 2 1
1 The atmosphere is informal and relaxed.
2 The atmosphere is supportive.
3 The atmosphere is not boring.
4 The atmosphere is constructive and friendly.
5 The atmosphere is stimulating.

Games 5 4 3 2 1
1 The games are challenging
2 The games build trust and confidence
3 The games develop rapport and harmony
4 The games foster creative thinking and resourcefulness
5 The games encourages commitment
6 The games bring out skills and talents
7 The games are effective
8 The games are well organized
9 The games are well planned

Overall Impression 5 4 3 2 1
1 The teambuilding is effective.
2 The teambuilding is an avenue for relaxation.
3 The teambuilding is the chance to show off skills and talents.
4 The teambuilding should be done again.
5 The teambuilding should be recommended to other offices or

For more comments and suggestions, please write it here.
Thank you.

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