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Department of Health and Social Care

Unit 20
Task/Challenge Brief

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care

Year 12
Unit Title
Promoting Health Education
The Health Promotion Fair
Deadline Date: Monday 16
June- Friday 19
September 2014
Task No: P1- D2
Outcomes to be
1 Understand different approaches to health education
2 Understand models of behaviour change
3 Understand how health education campaigns are implemented
4 Be able to implement a health campaign.

Assessment Criteria

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
M1 M2 M3
D1 D2

Task Checker and Presentation Expectations
Mark off each task as you complete it
TASK Brief description of the task Done it?
P1 Explain approaches to health promotion
P2 Explain models of behaviour change
P3 Plan your activity with evidence
P4 Explain the ethical issues
P5 Carry out the health promotion activity
M1 How social context influences health promotion
M2 Factors that influence how effective Health

M3 Discuss ethical issues arising
D1 Justify models and approaches used
D2 5 recommendations to improve the campaign

Presentation standards
All work must be hole punched into your folder wallet
All work must be in order of assignments.
Your mark sheet must be at the top of all your work, followed on
the next page by your own front cover.
You must sign the mark sheet where it says Student signature
All work must have the correct title number e.g. P1
There must be no plastic wallets anywhere in your work.
Work can be word processed or hand written.
All quotes are in bold with a reference.
All sources must be highlighted in the bibliography.
You must include a bibliography and appendixes at the very back.

PASS- Everyone must complete all the pass tasks to achieve a grade E.
MERIT- For students targeted C and those who want to try the extra challenge!
DISTINCTION-For students targeted A and those who want to try the extra challenge

Unit 20- Promoting Health Education

Hipperholme and Lightcliffe
High School are having their
annual Health Promotion Fair
on Friday 11
July and have
asked you as Health and Social
Care students to plan and
arrange activities on the day
for your own chosen issue. You
are required to submit your
planning and ideas to the head
teacher as well as conduct
your events. The tasks are on
the next page.
In order to pass this unit you are expected to complete 5 assignments. Each
assignment is broken down into separate tasks that will meet all of the grading
criteria in order to pass the unit.
You have been prepared for your coursework tasks by learning about each topic in
class. You will find that your class work will help you to complete each task and
understand it better.
Learning Outcomes:
1 Understand potential hazards in health and social care
2 Know how legislation, policies and procedures promote health, safety and security
in health and social care settings
3 Be able to implement a risk assessment
4 Understand priorities and responses in dealing with incidents and emergencies.
Assignment 1
P1- Explain three different approaches to health education
Task- Using the worksheet, explain how health education has been
approached up until now.
Historical perspective: development of public health system; Health for All by the Year 2000, Alma-
Ata Declaration, Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion 1986
Health educators: international e.g. World Health Organization; national/local/as appropriate to
home country, e.g. Department of Health, Health Protection Agency, NHS Direct, Primary Care
Trusts, role of professionals
Social marketing approach: marketing mix; benefits e.g. audience analysis and segmentation, needs-
led, targeted approach; limitations, e.g. cost, time
Role of mass media: different forms, e.g. television, radio, newspapers, magazines, posters,
displays, leaflets; benefits, e.g. raising consciousness about health issues, reaching large audience,
conveying simple information, placing health on the public agenda; limitations, e.g. inability to
convey complex information or teach skills, less specific information, limited two-way
Community development approach: holistic concept; participation, empowerment, benefits, e.g.
focuses on root causes of ill health, helps to reduce inequalities; limitations, e.g. time consuming,
difficult to quantify and evaluate
Two-way communication: in health and social care settings e.g. advice on pre-conceptual health,
safe sex, immunisation); other uses, peer educators, use of theatre and drama, interactive video and
computer packages
Models: victim blaming, empowerment
National campaigns: for e.g. physical activity, diet, smoking, heart disease, sexually transmitted
infection, mental health, reduction of teenage pregnancies

M1- Assess how the social context may influence the ability of health
education campaigns to change behaviour in relation to health
Task- Assess how issues like peoples current attitudes and current
social trends may influence how well any health promotion campaign
can actually change the behaviour of individuals when it comes to their
D1- Justify the proposed approaches and methods in your health education
campaign, relating them to models of behaviour change
1. Clearly reason which approaches you used and why.
2. Clearly justify how they related to the models of behaviour
change you used.

Assignment 2
P2- Explain two models of behaviour change that have been used in recent
national health education campaigns.
1. Briefly explain what each model of behaviour change is, including
the link to social and economic context.
2. Explain how 2 of the models have been used in any recent
national health education campaign such as Change 4 Life, Smoke
Free, FAST, Catch it, bin it, kill it.
3. State which models you will use in your campaign and why?
Models: health belief model, theory of reasoned action, theory of planned behaviour, stages of
change model, social learning theory
Social and economic context: e.g. financial, social class, peer pressure

Assignment 3
P3- Explain how to plan a small-scale health education campaign relevant to
local or national health strategies
Task- Using the worksheet, explain the health strategies and design
principles of health promotion and show evidence of planning your own
Health Promotion.
M2- Assess factors that influenced the effectiveness of your health education
Task- Describe why at least 4 factors had a positive or negative
influence on how effective your campaign was? Factors you may wish
to consider could be; time, planning, organisation, selecting
appropriate models, choice of target group, understanding of the
issue, resources etc.
Assignment 4
P4- Explain ethical issues involved in the health education campaign.
Task-.Explain how you have considered the ethical issues below in relation to
your own chosen issue and campaign.
Ethical issues: to consider e.g. rights of individuals, rights of others, confidentiality
M3- Discuss how ethical issues that arose were addressed.
Task-.Discuss and describe how you came across the 3 ethical issues
and clearly discuss how you addressed and dealt with them.
Assignment 5
P5- Carry out a health education campaign, relating it to models of behaviour
1. Use your planning to carry out your health promotion activity on
Friday 11
2. Ensure you take photographic evidence and include it in your work.
3. Clearly labelled as P5 and describe what is happening in the photos
4. Evaluate the success of the day, using the prompts below.
Evaluation: success of e.g. aims and objectives, targets; strengths and weaknesses;
aspects to improve
D2- Make recommendations for improving their health education campaign.
Task- Make at least 5 recommendations as to how your campaign
could have been improved.

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