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Graphic Era University

Proposed syllabus for Engineering Physics from July 2012 Session Onards
!P" 101#!P" 201 E$G%$EE&%$G P"'S%(S
U$%! ) 1
%nterference* Conditions of interference, Spatial and temporal coherence, Bi-prism experiment, Displacement
of fringes, interference in wedge shaped film, Newtons rings. +
,iffraction* Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit and n-slits (Diffraction rating!. "a#leighs criteria of
resolution. "esol$ing power % dispersi$e power of a grating. +
"olography* Basic principle of holograph#, construction and reconstruction of image on hologram. 2
U$%! ) 2
Polari-ation* Basic theor# of dou&le refraction, 'rdinar# and (xtra-ordinar# ra#, Nicol )rism, )roduction and
detection of plane, circularl# and ellipticall# polari*ed light, optical acti$it#, specific rotation and polarimeters.

.aser* Spontaneous and Stimulated emission of radiation. )opulation in$ersion and optical pumping.
)rinciple of laser action. Construction and wor+ing of "u&# and ,e-Ne laser. /
0iber Optics* -ntroduction to Fi&er 'ptics, t#pes of fi&er, acceptance angle and cone , numerical aperture 2
U$%! ) /
Electromagnatism* Displacement current , .hree electric $ectors (E, P , ,,!, /axwells e0uations in integral
and differential forms. (lectromagnetic wa$e propagation in free space, )o#nting theorem. +
1agnetic properties of materials* .hree magnetic $ectors ( 2,",1!, permea&ilit#, suscepti&ilit# and their
relation, Basic concept of para, dia, and ferro magnetism, 1ange$ins theor# of diamagnetism +
$ano Physics* -ntroduction to the field of nano ph#sics, 0uantum wells wires and dots, car&on nano tu&es. 2
U$%! %3
!heory of relativity* -nertial and non inertial frames. alilean transformation. /ichelson- /orle#
experiment. (insteins postulates of special theor# of relati$it#, 1orent* transformation e0uations, length
contraction, time- dilation, addition of $elocities. 2ariation of mass with $elocit# and mass-energ# relation
U$%! 3
5ave mechanics* 3uantum theor# of radiation, Comptons effect (without proof!, 4a$e particle dualit# (1.
de-&roglie concept of matter wa$es!. 4a$e pac+et, phase $elocit#, group $elocit# and particle $elocit# %their
inter relations. Da$isson and ermers experiment, ,eisen&ergs uncertaint# principle with illustrations,
Schrodingers wa$e e0uation in three dimensions under a conser$ati$e force field, wa$e function and its
significance, eigen$alues and eigen functions for particle confined in one dimensional infinite potential &ox.
Reference Books:
Concepts of Modern Physics; Beiser (Tata Mc Graw Hill)
Optics: A. Ghata ( Tata Mc Graw Hill)
Optics : !. "#$rah%anya% Bri&lal ' M. !. A(adhan#l# (". Chand)
)aser ' !on liner Optics: B. B. )a#d (!ew A*e +nt.)
+ntrod#ction to "pecial Theory of ,elati(ity: ,o$ort ,esnic ( -iley)
Optic .i$er: An#radha /e (!ew A*e +nt.)
!ano technoloy: ,ichard(A%."ci.P#$.)
Physics ((ol +'++): Halliday0 ,esnic ' 1rane Booer(-iely)
2#ant#% Mechanics $y !. 3ettili (-iley)
4lectrodyna%ics: /.5. Griffit (Pearson 4d#. +nc.)
+ntrod#ction to !anotechnolo*y $y Charles P. Poole ( -iley)
2#ant#% -ells0 -ires and /ots $y Pa#l Harison (-iley)
.ist of e6periments 7PP"1+1#PP"2+28
Students are supposed to complete minimum 10 e6periments in each semester out of
the folloing *
6. .o determine the wa$elength of monochromatic light &# Newtons ring method.
7. .o determine the specific rotation of Suger solution &# polarimeter.
8. .o determine the wa$elengths of spectral line &# diffraction grating.
9. .o determine the focal length of two lenses &# using nodal slide and to locate the
cardinal points.
:. .o determine the specific resistance of the constantan wire using Care#- Fosters &ridge.
;. .o determine the energ# &and gap of gi$en semiconductor &# Four-pro&e method.
<. .o determine the energ# &and gap &# using p-n =unction.
>. .o stud# the $ariation of magnetic field with distance along the axis of circular coil
carr#ing current and thus determine the radius of coil.
?. .o $erif# Stefans law &# electrical method.
6@. .o cali&rate Ammeter &# using potentiometer.
66. .o cali&rate 2oltmeter &# using potentiometer.
67. .o stud# ,all (ffect and to determine ,all coefficient, current densit#, carrier mo&ilit#
of gi$en semiconductor.
68. .o draw h#steresis cur$e of a gi$en sample of ferromagnetic material and from this
determine magnetic suscepti&ilit#, permea&ilit# of the specimen.
69. .o stud# the characteristics of a photo-cell and calculate )lanc+s constant.
6:. .o determine the magnetic suscepti&ilit# &# 3uin+es method.
6;. .o calculate the wa$elength of laser light using spectrometer.

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