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Sound and Resonance Page 1

Sound and Resonance

Sound Words 2
Sound and Vibrating Objects 3
Soda Bottle Symphonies 5
Hooey Stick Mystery 7
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge 9
Springs and Waves Demonstration 10
Coat Hanger Stethoscope 12
Sounding Tubes 14
Wine Glass Resonance 16
Soda Straw Symphony 18
Screaming Soda Cans 20

List of Materials Needed

Sample Curriculum

Sound Information

Sound and Resonance Page 2

Sound Words

Scientific Concept Involved:
Words which describe sounds often mimic those sounds.

Equipment Needed: Your thinking cap.

Make a list of words for different sounds. How many can you come up with in five
minutes? What do the words have in common (they should make you think of the sounds they
represent). Which words best represent their sounds.

Vocabulary Development:
Fill in your list of words here:

Data Collected:


Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:
Sound and Resonance Page 3

Sound and Vibrating Objects

Scientific Concept Involved:

Sounds result when molecules are set into vibrational motion. This vibrational motion
occurs when the molecular medium which was distorted desires to return to its original shape. This
desire to return to ones original shape is called elasticity and is the characteristic which determines
the velocity of sound traveling through the material. A good example of a substance desiring to
return to its original shape is the tires on your car. If you look at them, you will see that they are flat
on the bottom side. If you were to roll the wheel over and the flat side never returned to its original
shape, the car ride would be very bouncy. However, elasticity allows the flat side to round out as
soon as the stress is relieved. The distortion of a body of matter and its return to its original shape
is called elasticity, and objects which are distorted and return to their original shape at regular
intervals are said to vibrate.

Equipment Needed:

Stick or ruler, table top.


Place the ruler on the table top so that the 10 inch mark is even with the edge of the table.
This means you will have a 2 inch overhang. Now lift up on the rulers edge and quickly release
the ruler. Note the pitch of the sound. Now move the ruler to the 8, the 6, and the 4 inch marks,
each time flicking the ruler with one hand and holding the other hand of the ruler firmly to the table
top with the other hand. Each time record the pitch of the sound.

Vocabulary Development:

Pitch, vibration, and elasticity.

Data Collected:


1. What happens to the pitch as the length of the ruler overhang increases?

2. What do you think would be the pitch of a violin? A bass fiddle? A snare drum? A
kettle drum?

3. Can you deduce the relationship between the length of a vibrating object, such a string,
and the sound made by the object?
Sound and Resonance Page 4

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Place a thin piece of paper or grass between your thumbs, making a reed whistle. Blow
between your thumbs and notice the sounds you can create.

Place a piece of cellophane over your comb and placing your lips tightly on the surface,
gently voice-blow across the combs teeth. Notice the sound you create? How do your lips feel as
you blow your Komb Kazoo?

Place your hand on your larynx and make various humming sounds with your mouth
opened, and then with your mouth closed. Notice the difference in your larynxs vibration speed in
relation to high or low pitch.

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:
Sound and Resonance Page 5

Soda Bottle Symphonies

Scientific Concept Involved:

Sound is produced when molecules are made to vibrate in a periodic pattern. The pitch of
the sound depends on the length of the vibrating object. The longer the vibrating object, the lower
the pitch.

Equipment Needed: Glass bottles, water.


Put water in a soda bottle and blow across the top. Experiment with the sounds made when
you blow across bottles containing different amounts of water. Quantify the experiment by filling
different bottles with measured amounts of water (for example, 10 ml, 20 ml, 30 ml, etc.) or with
water to measured heights (2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, etc.) and comparing the sounds.

Instead of blowing across the top of the bottle, tap on the side of the bottle with a pencil,
ruler, or pen. Are there any differences compared to when you blow across the top of the bottle?

Vocabulary Development:

Data Collected:


1. What is the relationship between the height of the water and the pitch of the sound when
you blow across the top of the bottle?

2. What is the relationship between the height of the air and the pitch of the sound when you
blow across the top of the bottle?

3. If we really believe that higher pitch is caused by shorter vibrating objects, as suggested
in the previous experiment, what is vibrating to cause the sound when you blow across the top of
the bottle?

Sound and Resonance Page 6

Conclusions and Comments:

When you blow across the top, you cause the column of air in the bottle to vibrate up and
down and produce sound.

Further Investigations:

Make a set of musical bottles and play a song on them.

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

The experiment where you blow across the top of the bottles produces the right result
(longer length of air column produces lower pitch). Students may see the length of the water
column rather than the length of the air column and get confused.

The experiment where you tap on the bottles produces the wrong result. Of course, the
result really isnt wrong, it just isnt easy to explain.

I did this once with fourth graders, and I was very surprised to find they did not know the
difference between pitch of sound (high or low) and volume of sound (loud or soft).

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 7

Hooey Stick Mystery

Scientific Concept Involved:

Vibrations can be created using many methods. You can pluck the string of a musical
instrument and cause it to vibrate. You can pound with a stick on a drum set and cause the drum
membrane to vibrate. You can drive your car over a cattle grate and feel the car vibrate. Vibrations
result when a repetitive movement in equal time sequences is sustained. You will notice that the
hooey stick contains many equally spaced notches. If you can consistently rub another stick over
these notches, a sustained vibration will be maintained. The rate of vibration can be changed by the
rate at which the moving stick bumps along the hooey stick. Also the freedom of the hooey stick to
vibrate can be changed by the tension of your hold on the hooey stick..

Equipment Needed:

Hooey stick, dowel stick, patience.


Hold the hooey stick in one hand and the dowel stick in the other. Rub the dowel stick
along the notched portion of the hooey stick. You may have to rub slower or faster and grip the
hooey stick with more or less pressure. When everything is right, the propeller on the hooey stick
will begin to rotate. Once you get it to go one direction try to reverse the direction of the propeller
by changing your method of rubbing or holding the hooey stick.

Vocabulary Development:


Data Collected:


1. What is the relationship between the rate you move the dowel stick and the rate the
propeller rotates?

2. What do you have to do to get the propeller to reverse direction of rotation?

Sound and Resonance Page 8

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Does the number of notches per inch affect the rate of rotation?

Does the length of the notched region affect the rate of rotation?

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 9

The Mystery of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Scientific Concept Involved:

Resonating objects can produce sound. They can also produce disasters.

Equipment Needed: Tacoma Narrows Bridge video.


We will watch a short video and then discuss the events we saw and what they might mean
to us.

Vocabulary Development:

Data Collected:


Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 10

Springs and Waves Demonstration

Scientific Concept Involved:

Light and sound travel in waves. Light waves can travel through a vacuum while sound
waves require an elastic molecular medium. Light waves travel very fast, 300,000,000 meters per
second (what is that speed in scientific notation?), while sound waves travel more slowly. The
speed of sound in air is only 331 meters per second at 0 C. Does anybody know how fast sound
travels in a vacuum?

Light waves slow down when they travel through media more dense than a vacuum. For
example, the speed of light in water is about 133,000,000 meters per second and in glass is about
152,000,000 meters per second. The speed of sound, on the other hand, depends on the elasticity of
the molecular medium. In a vacuum, sound has a speed of zero (that answers the question in the
paragraph above), in air sound has a speed of about 330 meters per second, and in water sound
travels about 1,435 meters per second. In oak, sound travels about 3,850 meters per second and in
aluminum, about 5,104 meters per second.

Light waves, which are a form of electromagnetic waves, are examples of transverse waves,
and sound waves are examples of longitudinal or compressional waves. We will see what these
terms mean during this activity.

Equipment Needed: Two types of springs, each made of a different type of steel, and one wave


1. Have one person hold one end of the larger diameter spring, while another person pulls
the spring until it is stretched about 10 feet (depending on the length of the spring). The
second person now moves the spring back and forth. One back and forth motion is
called a pulse or a vibration. Observe the motion of the coils of the spring. Increase the
rate of vibrations and again observe the results.
2. Now try to catch a wave compression, called a crest.
3. Next try to catch a wave rarefaction, called a trough.
Sound and Resonance Page 11

4. We will now look at a different type of wave, called a transverse wave. It has some of
the properties of light. This wave can be created by having the person making the wave
move his hand from side to side. Observe and record the new wave design.
5. Use the smaller diameter spring and record any differences in this waves velocity (and
other properties) compared to the large springs velocity.

Vocabulary Development:

Transverse wave, longitudinal wave, frequency, period, reflection, energy, compression,
rarefaction, and velocity.

Data Collected:


1. As you increased the rate of vibration, did you have to increase the amount of energy you
put into the system? Which would have more energy, a red light wave or a violet light wave?
Which would have more energy, a low pitch musical note or a high one?

2. When you captured the compression portion of a sound wave, how many coils did you
capture? When you captured the rarefaction portion of the sound wave, how many coils did you
capture? Do you think the number of air molecules in the compression portion of a sound wave
would be high or low compared to the rarefaction portion? Do you think the compression portion
would have high or low pressure?

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 12

Coat Hanger Stethoscope

Scientific Concept Involved:

The ability of sound to travel through different materials depends on the elasticity of the
material. Elasticity is the desire of a substance when distorted to go back to its original shape. The
greater the elasticity of a substance, the greater the velocity of the sound waves traveling through
this material.

Equipment Needed: Coat hanger, string, two cups, rocks, water, air, solid pieces of wood,
metal, and a good ear for sound.


1. Tap your desk with your knuckles and listen for the sound. Next place
one ear on the desk and again tap the desk and listen for the sound.

2. If you have an aquarium in the room, tap two rocks together under the
water and listen for the sound. Next place one ear on the glass and again listen for
the sound of the rocks hitting together.

3. Make a simple stethoscope by first cutting a 4 foot piece of string. Next, punch a small
hole in the bottom of a cup and push one end of the string through the hole. Tape the string to the
bottom so that it will not come out of the cup. Do the same to the other end of the string. Now
holding the two cups level, cut the string in half and tie each of the new ends around the bottom
wire of a coat hanger. Place the two cups over your ears and walk around the room banging your
coat hanger into different objects recording the different sounds.

Vocabulary Development:

Sound velocity, elasticity, loudness.

Data Collected:

Sound and Resonance Page 13


1. Do you think sound travels faster in air, water, or solids?

2. Why does the simple stethoscope make sounds sound louder?

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Try to improve the design of your stethoscope.

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 14

Sounding Tubes

Scientific Concept Involved:

If pipes and tubes of the proper length are open at both ends, they can create and amplify
sound waves. The length of a tube open at both ends must be a multiple of half the wavelength of
the sound being produced.

Equipment Needed: Corrugated plastic tube approximately 1.5 inches in diameter and some
small pieces of paper.


Grab one end of the tube and begin swinging the tube around your head, slowly at first and
then faster. Make a note of changes in loudness and pitch.

Now place some small pieces of paper on a table or chair or your hand and again swing the
tube around your head. Make a note of what happens to the pieces of paper when the still end of
the tube is placed over them.

Vocabulary Development:

Pitch, loudness, and frequency.

Data Collected:

Sound and Resonance Page 15


1. Does the velocity of your swing make a difference?

2. What happened to the pieces of paper when the still end of the swinging tube was
placed over them? Why?

3. What type of musical instrument does the tube resemble?

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Does the length of the plastic tube make a difference?

Does the diameter of the plastic tube make a difference?

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:
Sound and Resonance Page 16

Wine Glass Sound Resonance

Scientific Concept Involved:

Many musical instruments obtain loudness by having a string or reed cause a pipe or
wooden box to resonate. Resonance results when two objects have the same natural frequency of
vibration. You may have noticed that when a truck or plane goes by your home, some things in
your houses begin to vibrate on the shelves. This is an example of resonance. When you pluck a
guitar string, it vibrates, but so does the entire box of the guitar. When the box vibrates, more air is
set into motion and the sound produced by the guitar is much louder.

Equipment Needed: Glass or wine goblet, some water, wet finger, and some patience.


Put some water in the glass, wet your index finger, and place it on the edge
of the glass. Now begin to move your finger around the edge of the glass, exerting
light pressure until you get a sound.

Vocabulary Development:


Data Collected:


1. What do you think is causing the glass to vibrate?

2. Does the velocity of your finger make a difference in the pitch?

3. Do you find that there is a certain optimum velocity of your finger necessary to get the
maximum sound?

Sound and Resonance Page 17

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Does the shape of the glass make a difference?

Does the amount of water in the glass make a difference?

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 18

Soda Straw Symphony

Scientific Concept Involved:

The air in a pipe can resonate if the pipe is of the proper length. If the pipe is open at both
ends, it will resonate if the tube length is equal to , 1, 1 , etc. wavelengths of the sound wave; if
the tube is closed at one end, it will resonate if the tube length is , , 1 , etc. the wavelength of
the sound wave.

The air in a column in a tube can be set into motion by using a variety of methods. Some
instruments like the saxophone, clarinet, and bassoon use a reed. Others like the trumpet and
trombone use the musicians lips. Still others like the flute, piccolo, and organ blow air across a
sharp edge.

Equipment Needed: Scissors, straws, a good ear, a classroom with a door you can close, and a
patient principal.


1. Flatten one end of a straw back about one inch from the end.

2. Snip the flat end from the center to the sides to form two flat triangles about to inch

3. Place the flat end in your mouth and blow. If your tongue or mouth parts touch the
triangular ends when you are blowing, you will get no sounc.

4. Snip various sections from your straw while you are bolowing on it and notice the
different sounds you can create.

5. See if you and a partner can create the various sounds in the musical scale by cutting a
number of straws to the proper lengths.

Vocabulary Development:

Vibration, pitch, musical scale.

Sound and Resonance Page 19

Data Collected:


1. What length straw is associated with a high pitch?

2. What role does the snipped end of the straw play.

3. What instrument in a band might use this design for creating sounds?

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Examine a clarinet, trombone, and flute in your school band room. Which resembles your
soda straw horn?

Make a soda straw band using different length straws and play some tunes for the other
classes in your school.

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

You may hear from your parents after this one!

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 20

Screaming Soda Cans

Scientific Concept Involved:

Another way to get columns of air vibrating.

Equipment Needed: Two empty soda cans, maybe some ear plugs.


Hold a soda can in each hand. Hold them as loosely as you can. Bring them together until
they are side by side a few millimeters apart. Blow a strong steady breath between them.

Data Collected:

Vocabulary Development:


1. Did you feel anything interesting about the cans as you were blowing between them? If
you did, we will explain it in another experiment later this week.

Conclusions and Comments:

Further Investigations:

Application to Everyday Life and Other Disciplines:

Pitfalls to Avoid When Doing the Experiment:

Close the door first!

Best Grade Level:

Show-Me Standards:

Sound and Resonance Page 21

Materials Needed

stick or ruler
table top.
glass bottles
hooey stick
dowel stick,
Tacoma Narrows Bridge video
two types of springs, each made of a different type of steel
wave catcher
coat hanger
two styrofoam cups
solid pieces of wood and metal,
corrugated plastic tube approximately 1.5 inches in diameter
small pieces of paper
glass or wine goblet
empty soda cans

Sample Curriculum

K: Name the five senses.

First: Identify the five senses and their use; describe the sources of sound in an environment.

Sixth: Identify the variables that affect pitch of vibrating objects.
Sound and Resonance Page 22

Here is Some Sound Information

Sound and light energy is transmitted from one point to another by means of wave action.

Here is a schematic representing a sound wave and how to visualize its wave nature.

Here is a comparison of sound and light waves:


The velocity of sound in air at 0 C is 331

Sound requires an elastic molecular medium
to travel through, and the velocity increases
with an increase in the mediums elasticity.

Is a compressional (longitudinal) wave.

The human ear can detect from 20 to 20,000
Hertz. (A Hertz, abbreviated Hz, is a cycle
per second.)

The velocity of light in a vacuum is 3x10


Light slows down as it travels through more
dense molecular media.

Is a transverse wave.

The human eye can detect the colors
Sound and Resonance Page 1

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