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- What is your full name?

- What shall I call you?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or are you a student?
- What do you study in the university?
- Are there many students from your country studying this subject?
Cue Card
Describe a person that you know well. lease say
- Who is he!she?
- What do you like about him!her?
- Do you spend a lot of time together?
- Do you think an academic degree is necessary for success?
- What is necessary for a person to be successful?
- Do you think more people will get university education" in the future?
- What is your full name?
- Where are you from originally?
- Do you study or work?
- Do you e#ercise? Why?
- $ow do you e#ercise?
- What e#ercises do you do?
- What are the health benefits of doing e#ercises in your view?
Cue Card
%alk about an animal inhabiting your country that you like. lease say
- What animal is it?
- What are its habits?
- $ow often can you spot one?
- Why do you like it?
- What other animals have you seen in your area?
- Do people like wild animals?
- Who takes the responsibility for wild animals& protection?
- Is there an organi'ation that protects wild animals in your area?
- What is your full name?
- Where do you live?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you like about your job?
- $ow did you prepare for this job?
- Did you play any indoor games when you were younger?
- Is there a particular indoor game you liked?
- If you wanted to learn an indoor game" what would it be? Why?
Cue Card
%alk about something that you lost. lease say
- What was it?
- Where did you lose it?
- $ow did you feel about it?
(ollow-up )uestion* Do you lose your things often?
- What do people do to protect their things?
- $as crime and theft increased?
- What is the reason for the increase in crime and theft?
- What do people lose often?
- What would you do if you found a stolen item?
- Do you think people return stolen things?
- +an you tell me your full name" please?
- What nationality are you?
- Do you study or work?
- Do you e#ercise? Why?
- What are the health benefits of doing e#ercises?
- Do you think e#ercises are beneficial for older people?
Cue Card
Describe two people from the same family. lease say
- Who are they?
- $ow often do you meet them?
- $ow good are they with each other?
- ,#plain about the similarities between them.
(ollow up )uestion* Do you know any other members of their family?
- What influence do parents have on their children?
- What influence do friends have on them?
- $ow can parents correct their children&s bad habits?
- %ell me about the place you live in.
- %ell me about your job.
- Do you prefer to work or study in the mornings or evenings? Why?
Cue Card
-peak about a place outside of your country that you would like to visit. lease say*
- Why do you want to visit this place?
- What do you know about this place?
- Why do you think you would enjoy?
- What would you do there?
(ollow-up )uestion* Do you know someone who was there?
- Are newspapers the most important means of getting information in your country? Why?
- $ow do people from your country get information about traveling?
- What in your opinion is the optimal length of vacation?
- %ell me about the house where you stay at the moment.
- What do you like or dislike in it the most?
- Are there any electrical appliances that you would like to buy?
- What kind of products is dominant in your country?
- Is it important for your country to e#port products to other countries?
- $ow should a company&s staff be trained?
Cue Card
%alk about an old building that you have visited recently" please say
- what is that building
- where is it located
- why did you visit that building
- Where are you from?
- Do you like guests?
- Where do you like to spend time with them" at home or outside? Why?
- %ell me about your house.
- What would your dream house look like?
- What are your goals for the near future?
Cue Card
If you were to start a business" what kind of business would it be? lease say
- $ow do you know about it?
- What would inspire you to do it?
- What is the advantage of this business?
Importance of 'describing' in the IELTS speaking test
Often you may be asked to 'describe' something or someone or an event in the long turn of the IELTS speaking test. It
would be a good idea for any student aiming a higher band score above !" to learn to describe in detail. I call it mental
imagery or drawing a mental picture which uses the creative ability of the human brain to visualise. #or instance$ lets
consider a topic on a place you would like to visit. %ring any place to your mind with which you can connect with$ and
in this case$ I would choose a lakeside. I would like you to pepper your talk with a lot of ad&ectives to make it richer$
like$ a pristine landscape$ a tran'uil spot$ a serene spot$ lush verdant greenery etc. (ow try to describe everything
around you in detail and sooner you will get the hang of it. It is definitely going to help you speak better and nudge
you towards a higher %and in speaking. )ood luck guys.
*ilen +acob
IELTS trainer,*an&ooran

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