Cenbosec Oct Dec 2013

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Quarterly Bulletin of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Vol. 52, No. 4, October-December, 2013
Vineet Joshi, IAS
M. C. Sharma
Controller of Examinations
Pitam Singh
Director (Special Exams and CTET)
Dr. Sadhana Parashar
Director (Academics, Research, Training and Innovation)
Dr. Antriksh Johri
Director (Information Technology)
P I. Sabu
Director (EDUSAT)
M. V. V. Prasada Rao
Regional Director (Delhi)

P Rajeswary
Education Officer
Niti S. Sharma
Report Writer
The views expressed by any author in his/her article/contribution published in Cenbosec do not represent
the views of the Board.
Published by the Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education, 'Shiksha Kendra', 2, Community
Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092, CBSE, Delhi-92, and Printed at I G Printers Pvt. Ltd., Okhla Industrial
Area, Phase I, New Delhi-110020

From the Chairman
Feedback Forum
Achieving Academic Excellence
1. Achieving Academic Excellence K. C. Garg
Testing Mastery of Language at Intermediate Level Dr. Shyama Singh
3. Teacher as the Motivator Dr. Manjit Singh
4. Route to 21st Century Educational Paradigm Lalit Krishan Trivedi
5. Ideal Institutions with Ideal Teachers Dr. S S Khokhar
6. A Hallmark of Excellence for 21st Century T V S Prakasa Rao
7. Duty, Discipline and Dedication Dr. G P Pandey
8. Goals of Excellence Anand Gupta
9. Holistic Learning Devika Dutt
10. Progressive and Permanent learning Chitra Nakra
11. Planning for Success Dr. Neeru Joshi
12. Multi-Disciplinary Exposure Anita Nanda
13. Setting Academic Goals Dr. Anita Bhalla
14. Technique of Learning by Teaching Dr. Haleema Sadia
15. Why Academic Excellence? Radhika Varma K.
16. Schools Nurturing Excellence Deepika Bhandari
17. Criteria for Excellence Neeta Tewari
18. An Inter-disciplinary Approach to Learning and Assessment Mamta Banerjee
19. Education as a Never Ending Process Yogita Nangia
20. No Short Cuts to Success Shalini Shukla
21. Achievements through CCE Amit Rai
22. In Persuit of Excellence Y. Sreedhar Rao
23. Achieving Academic Excellence Rajesh Babu Sharma
24. Achieving Academic Excellence- Aiming For The Stars Shyda Rana
25. Journey towards Excellence Anju Daksh
26. 'kS{kf.kd mPprk dh miyfC/k f'ko ukjk;.k lDlsuk
What Other Principals Say...
What Other Teachers Say...
What Others Say...
What Other Students Says....
Gender Sensitization
News from Schools
Green Pages
Health and Wellness Clubs
Sahodaya Updates
Sports Arena
Best Practices
News from Administration
Academic Updates




Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Message from the Chairman

At some point of our growing up years we had been inundated by thoughts, beliefs and at times sermons
about persons who were excellent in whatever they did. They could be students who were good sportspersons,
artists, musicians, painters and so on. But the awe and admiration was generally reserved for those who had
achieved academic excellence.
Achieving academic excellence has often been a dream for individuals, educational institutions and the
entire education system. Nevertheless, the yardstick to measure academic excellence could be similar across
the world because, as human beings, the benchmark for success could largely be similar, irrespective of who
we are, where we live and what we think and do.
Academic Excellence can be dened as the demonstrated ability to perform or excel in scholastic activities.
It has been identied with achieving high grades and superior performance. But academic excellence is
more than just having good grades. It is the holistic development of intellectual capacities and skills for life
There might be different perceptions, interpretations and understanding on educational excellence,
considering our diversities, social and traditional fabric, values and orientation etc. Keeping this in view the
20th National Annual Sahodaya School Conference was organized by the Amritsar Sahodaya, under the
aegis of CBSE from 8-10 November 2013. The conference resolved to create Future Ready Schools equipped
with emerging technologies and innovative pedagogies while being rmly rooted in indigenous traditions of
lasting values. It was resolved that Values Education, Gender Sensitization and Heritage Education have
to become a part of Continuous Professional Development of teachers and Peer Educators for imparting
education effectively.
As a part of Swami Vivekanandas 150th Birth Anniversary Celebrations, CBSE has also become associated
with Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi to develop a comprehensive Three Year Graded Values Education
Programme for students of classes VII, VIII and IX. The aim of the programme is to empower students in a
real and tangible way and help them evolve as enlightened citizens enabling them to stand on their own feet.
Such students will not only achieve academic excellence and professional success but will also look into the
larger interest of the community and society at large.
However, one essential aspect of educational thinking is realizing educational processes from the
perspective of children, who are the key factors of the teaching and learning processes. The Board has also
initiated Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Skills and Open Text-Based Assessment
(OTBA) from the academic session 2013-14 in classes IX and XI to focus on communicative aspects of
language learning and promotion of analysis and critical thinking respectively, thus a signicant departure
from memorization. We hope that both teachers and students will share and enjoy this journey of exploring
different aspects of learning. A teachers teaching is greatly inuenced by what she or he believes about
October-December 2013


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

aspects of teaching like pedagogy, environment, student characteristics, her or his role as a teacher etc.
Achieving academic excellence is a process of both formal and informal education. It takes not only basic
intelligence and realistic goals but a combination of skills, organization, time management, prioritization,
concentration and self-motivation to achieve it. Indeed, education is a limitless and unending teachinglearning process to be enjoyed for a lifetime.
We believe that the on-going initiatives need to be continued, extended and strengthened with wider
participation of stakeholders at all levels local, national and international. It is important that we keep in
focus the localized context but at the same time have a broader perspective too.
A famous saying thus goes:
There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you only do it when it
is convenient. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only result.

Vineet Joshi
Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

October-December 2013


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Feedback Forum
Respected Sir,
On behalf of all the members of Amritsar Sahodaya School Complex, I would like to congratulate you
at the huge success of Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complex 2013. I take this opportunity
to express my gratitude for your motivation and for being an integral part of this National Conference.
Your presence was a huge source of inspiration to all those who attended the conference. Sharing
Your ideas and expertise about teaching has made this rewarding and successful experience for all the
delegates. Your understanding of learning theories, familiarity with school policies and pedagogies,
teaching excellence and interpersonal skills have contributed to the success of the conference.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Dharam Veer Singh
Sahodaya School Complex, Amritsar, Punjab

Respected Sir,
We appreciate the efforts taken by CBSE to publish the quarterly magazine CENBOSEC. It is a unique
effort on your part to encourage all CBSE schools to continue excellence in education. It helps a lot to
know about the programs and activities of various schools. It also helps to know the details of CBSE
programs and activities.
I take the opportunity to congratulate and compliment the entire team of CENBOSEC for giving
importance to Academic Excellence.
Further more, academic excellence is not a guarantee for success in life. If academic excellence is
achieved by using unethical means then life of such people or students cannot be peaceful.
With warm regards,
Dr. Ashok Ganda
Kamla Montessori School
Hisar Road, Sirsa , Haryana

October-December 2013


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Respected Sir,
I returned from Raipur after conducting an ASL workshop. On my way back reecting on some
random thoughts, specially in the light of the beautiful experience I had out there, I felt I owed a
great deal to you (apart from others with whom I interact on a day to day basis) for having reposed
faith in me and to have kept me associated with one or the other program which satiates my passion
for academic pursuits alive.
I feel so enriched and privileged.
On my journey back home many thoughts crossed my mind And then, suddenly, a thought ashed ---I had never thanked you enough for all this.
When we talk of CBSE we start looking at everything in a very impersonal perspective and
somewhere stop short of the people behind the great institution.
So this letter is just to extend A BIG THANK YOU for your continuous support and faith in me
because of which I continue on my academic journey (my greatest passion)
Thank you once again.
Mrs. Veena Bhasin
Noida- Uttar Pradesh
Respected Sir,
It gives us great pleasure to share that the Regional Level CBSE - Katha Workshop on Creative
Writing held on 25 and 26 October concluded with 98 students who qualied for the Certicates
after completing their sessions in the two genres - Haiku and Fiction Writing.
The accompanying educators, parents and others were engaged in workshops on the given titlesEffective Communication, Life Skills and Puppetry. The Puppetry Workshop was conducted by the
Staff members of the PSBB Millennium School.
We thank you for giving us an opportunity to host the event in our school.
Thank you!
With warm regards,
Sita Umamaheswaran
The PSBB Millennium School
Gerugambakkam and GST Road Campus
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Achieving Academic Excellence

K. C. Garg *
The paradigm of education is rapidly changing...with the advancement in technology and exposure to
varied media.its an altogether new era of teaching and learning. Education today has a multifaceted role.
It should give wings to the students to y on their own and at the same time keep them rooted with the
values inculcated in them. A school is a world in miniature where one receives training for life. It is here that
we prepare students for the challenges of the global worlda world that continually demands new skills and
competencies a world that requires the students to excel in communication and inter-personal skills a
world that requires them to become life-long learners and earners.
This is a mammoth task as the schools have to empower students with knowledge that provides them
with a rm foundation to lead and create a niche in their respective careers even after their exit from school
premises. It is empowerment through learning and the schools should focus on all the domains for the
holistic development cognitive, moral, social, aesthetic and physical.
The skills capped under these domains should be designed in such a way that they promote innovative
curricular and co-curricular programs to sustain success in nurturing future-ready citizens. The ultimate aim
is to see our students reach the pinnacle of success. The target is to involve and get response from all the
students. To achieve this, teachers should be motivated to prepare the lesson plans that are comprehensive and
student-centred. This includes checking the pre-requisite knowledge, attempting pre-reading tasks, providing
synopsis of the lesson, points to remember, HOTS and application based questions. To further enhance
the understanding, students should be encouraged to frame questions and ask their peers. By working in
groups, students gradually internalize the discourse that occurs, challenging themselves by asking for reasons
and, in general, accounting for their own work. Let me cite the example of ash card activities that can be
conducted in class after the completion of each chapter, wherein students are divided in groups of four and
given time-bound activities. The ash-card activity creates the ambience of coffee table wherein students of
varied understanding level collaborate to practice the concepts taught in the classroom in xed time duration.
Here, teacher plays the role of a mentor. Another practice that supports students' participation involves
shifting responsibility from teacher to student done in the form of research activities and projects so as to
widen their knowledge horizon.
A combination of methodologies should be used at all levels viz., exchange programmes, eld trips,
collaborative projects, exhibitions, activities, games, questioning, computer assisted instructions, group
discussions, self-instructional packages, demonstration and role playing, etc., to enable the students to think
critically, synthesize, transform, experiment and create.
* Chairman, Rukmini Devi Public School, Pitampura, New Delhi

October-December 2013


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

With the phenomenal changes in the education systemthe future belongs to those who best educate
their students for the future. The students must be encouraged to learnexploreexperiencegrow
professionally and be the agents of change. To achieve academic excellence, the schools have to be the
harbingers of transformation.
As schools, we should strive to mould the personalities of children. For the judicious and holistic
development of youthful energies, we should focus on enhancing communication and interpersonal skills.
Students should be provided exposure to right and apt knowledge by keeping them abreast with the latest.
Their awareness should be enhanced so that they are channelized towards creativity and self-actualization.
Therefore, as educators, we have to redene, reinvent and restructure our curriculum, so that, we are able
to hone students prociencies.
One major aspect while delivering teaching should be concept clarity. Students should be able to
understand the concepts and apply them in real life situations. Application based concept clarity will make
the students reective, critical, creative and independent thinkers. Conceptual clarity is quintessential as it is
the keystone.
It is a well known fact that learning a foreign language may lead to better skills in other academic areas. It
boosts condence and can ignite a deeper and broader passion for learning in general. I believe that due to
highly globalised economy, students should be uent in more than one foreign language. Being multi-lingual
rather than bi-lingual is the need of the hour.
The efforts made by the schools towards holistic growth should enrich the moral ber of the nation.
Whilst educating the minds of young students, we must not forget to educate their hearts. I believe that
education is not merely to infuse brain with information; rather it should enable the students to acquire good
qualities for a life time. The most important aspect is being a good human being. Education to be complete
must be humane. As Albert Einstein so aptly puts it, Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has
learned in school.


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Testing Mastery of Language at Intermediate Level

Dr. Shyama Singh *
Testing is necessary to knowing students progress in learning and it is a compulsory and important part
of the education system. Like other subjects testing is also very important in language teaching. In context of
language teaching, we can obtain the students language progress and achievements data by this. Testing also
helps the teacher in evaluation of language achievements of whole class. Teacher can determine the problem
of any special student or the whole class by test and s/he can identify the difcult part of his/her teaching.
By using the objective test s/he can do the error analysis and the problematic part of language, and ascertain
that the aim of language teaching is successful or not.
Objective tests are very useful to know the students achievements and language related progress. In simple
words, we can say that the test is an objective and standardized procedure for assessing ability, achievement,
prociency and other traits of a student. It is conducted usually after a prior announcement and is designed
to cover a specic unit of instruction as part of the learning process. In a regular teaching programme, class
tests are usually conducted once a week, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly.
Types of Language tests:- There are four main types

The Prognostic test


The Progress test


The Achievement test


The Prociency test


Prognostic test the Prognostic test provides a statistical indication of a students probability of
success in his study of the language. According to Lado it is aptitude test which is used for measuring
the ability of a student in language learning.


Progress test the Progress test is designed to measure the quantum of mastery acquired by learners
in material taught or skills in which they are trained.


Achievement test the Achievement test is one which is to measure the extent of learning of the
material presented in a particular course.


Prociency test the Prociency test in language refers to an instrument which attempts to measure
complete mastery of language competence of a student.

* Linguistic Department, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Language skills there are four basic skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Listening the skill of listening requires prociency in three areas:-

(i) Discrimination:- For example making a phonemic distinction between long and short vowels and
minimal pairs of the language in the part of listening skill. The main object of a listening test is to
evaluate students comprehension. His/her degree of comprehension will depend on his/her ability to
discriminate phonemes and to recognize stress and intonations patterns. Discrimination of sounds and
vocabulary for intermediate students may incorporate known vocabulary.
(ii) Retention:- It is a serious problem for beginners and seems to present less of an obstacle for the
intermediate students. In testing retention as such sentence should be constructed by using words and
structure with which all the students are familiar.
(iii) Comprehension:- The main objective of a listening test is to evaluate the students comprehension.
His/her degree of comprehension will depend on his/her ability to discriminate phonemes to recognize
stress and intonation patterns and to retain what has been heard. In conversation, however understanding
the target language obviously also requires a knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, passage comprehension
may be used with intermediate level students since the aim of such a test is to evaluate the students ability to
follow a long passage .The question must be framed in an unambiguous and easily comprehensible format,
multiple facet type items are useful for this test.

Speaking is a social skill. Speaking however is more than pronunciation and intonation. At the
functional level speaking is making oneself understood. At a more rened level speaking requires the
correct and idiomatic use of the target language.


Reading is dependent on pronunciation test based on new material. Intermediate students who
have mastered the sound of the new language will perform unevenly on this type of test. Discrete
vocabulary items as synonyms, antonyms, denition, completion and passage items are used in a
reading test.


Writing of the four basic skills. Writing may truly be considered as the most sophisticated one
vocabulary, spelling and rules of grammar must be mastered before the students can aspire to precision
of expression, uency and style. All language related aspects we can tested through the writing skill
test viz. dictation of difcult phrases, completion, replacement, transformation, word order, sentence
types vocabulary and grammar-based composition, translation, etc.

Linguistic techniques
Language as a tool for communication, plays a key role in test construction. It determines the competence
of students. Language is a system which is phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic.
Phonology is the study of sounds and then distribution of a particular language. Phonology is used as a
potential input for item writing towards developing mastery. It is one of the major components of language
concerned with sound structure as segmental (single sound, contrastive sound, complementary sound) and
non segmental (duration, accent and stress, juncture, aspiration, tone and intonation and sandhi) features.


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Morphology is the study of the grammatical structure of word and the categories. Morphology is used
as a potential input for item writing. Its major components are parts of speech pre or post position, verb and
verb modier, auxiliary, particles and clitics etc.
Syntax is the study of the grammatical relations between words and other units within the sentence.
Syntax is also used as potential input for item writing and is one of the major components of language
concerned with phrases, clauses, sentence types, sentence patterns, syntactic concord, sentence relationship
Semantics is the study of meaning. Semantics as a concept being used as a potential input for item
writing as it is one of the major components of language concerned with different types of meanings like
lexical, grammatical, denotative, connotative and so on. The interrelated/hierarchical aspects that constitute
these components and dimensions that are associated with each of them are considered to be the potential
input for question preparation towards the development of mastery tests. Mastery test is a general term that
indicates that the examinee has achieved enough to satisfy the minimum requirements of a syllabus. It is not
intended to indicate how much s/he has achieved in relation to his/her peers, these tests usually consists of
items with low difculty level and provide longer time to the examinees for completing their responses.

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Teacher as the Motivator

Dr. Manjit Singh *
Excellence simply means being very good and outstanding in your eld. Academic excellence may be
dened as achieving excellent grades and attaining higher degrees, but it is not the end. Broadly, academic
excellence involves developing our intellect and other skills.
For achieving academic excellence, students should x a goal. Once the target/goal is xed, students must
work hard to achieve that goal because hard work is the key to success. So, the hours of studying, playing and
socialization must be xed. A student must be disciplined to achieve higher academic excellence. It includes
completing assignments/projects in time and the student must be committed to study without waiting for
the deadlines. A student must be focussed on the target because any distraction can bring down the academic
performance. Further, time management is also important. In this whole process mentioned above, the role
of teacher is vital. The teachers must guide and motivate the students for achieving their goals in life because
a good teacher is a motivator. Thus, the teachers must guide and motivate the students to achieve academic
excellence because the future lies in the hands of teachers who can inuence a childs growth and ability to
achieve in life.
It is a matter of fact that the academic excellence of a student depends (to a large extent) on the teachers
of that school in which s/he studies. With good teachers, the students will achieve higher grades. Thus,
quality education depends on the quality teaching. For achieving academic excellence, trainings for the
teachers are a pre-requisite. CBSE has been doing an excellent work while conducting training programs/
workshops/seminars for teachers and Principals. The new schemes like CCE and other changes being
brought in curriculum etc., require training of teachers for proper implementation of the same.
It is also important to mention here that to achieve academic excellence, innovations are a must.
Besides, good teaching aids are required. With improvement in technology, the teaching-aids also improve.
The smart classes and other modern teaching aids have helped.
The quality of education at the university level also has an impact on academic excellence. India needs
good research facilities in universities. The need and demand of more institutions providing higher education
cannot be ignored any further. In order to achieve academic excellence, more universities with good research
facilities need to be set up.
Thus, in a nutshell, it can be said that academic excellence involves developing the intellect and other
skills. The teacher should guide the students to plan and achieve their goals in life by motivating them to
work hard. Efforts must be made to improve the quality of teaching which will certainly improve the quality
of education. Stress should be given on new innovations, schemes, teacher training programs and teachingaids which are important medium to achieve academic excellence.
* Director/ Principal, Dasmesh Parivar International School, Tarn Taran, Punjab


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Route to 21st Century Educational Paradigm

Lalit Krishan Trivedi *
Nowadays, educational professionals are keen on developing innovative and radical ways to bring in
academic excellence in education to ensure that todays children face the 21st century challenges. Tony Wagner
rightly argues What is the Global Achievement Gap and further reiterates that The Global Achievement
Gap is between what even our best schools are teaching and testing versus the skills all students will need
for careers, colleges, and citizenship in the 21st. century Boards assessments play a role in education, but
a score on a test will not help the student when they are competing for a job with someone from China or
The most effective learning occurs in the elementary grades. Elementary teachers are not hindered
by subject boundaries as much as in later grades, so interdisciplinary instruction occurs more naturally.
Elementary teachers spend more time throughout the day with their students and that interaction allows for
easier and more plentiful teaching opportunities. Students uninhibited enthusiasm to learn and not being
afraid to ask questions. Many teachers would agree that the most effective means of teaching is answering
students questions, because when they show interest in the subject they would remember the answers.
By the time students get to high school, instruction becomes segmented and many students become less
engaged in the learning process. Their ability to investigate interconnections between what they learn is
stied because the teacher has too much material to cover and not enough time.
No clear pinnacle of academic excellence has been identied; save by the Central Board of Secondary
Education, Delhi.The Board has introduced many changes in the teaching-learning gamut to make the
curriculum quality oriented, global specic and student relevant.
At the very least, the school should be a place where children are not treated as though they are data or
numbers in someone elses policy war, or as only future members of society. Each school community
needs to think through what important achievements look and sound likeset their standards and defend
them even as they revise and edit. But it is education that has the potential to move individuals into a
different space from where they can see life in a new way and indeed can create a new life for themselves.
Education, unlike other areas of social service, can be transformational; yet it is not so for everyone .
On a low note, the majority of schools after being afliated to the Board, have their own whimsical rules
to run the school. The schools should be periodically inspected for their norms, academic attainments,
internal assessment and documentation and teachers competencies and their professional qualications.
The schools should be inspected and checked for mandatory educational requirements in terms of section/
class, student strength, functional Science labs., Maths lab., playing elds, quality of text-books, etc.
Let us strive for the best and ensure an effective educational model for achieving academic excellence in
our educational institutions.
* Director/ Principal, Roots International School, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Ideal Institutions with Ideal Teachers

Dr. S S Khokhar *
The shine on the brass is seen by all
But praised are the hands that remove specks.
The quality of brasso claims it all
But the grace is claimed by the place it decks.
Achieving academic excellence is a different phenomenon for different schools and different individuals.
Every individual student has his/her own standard and goal, and every school has its own standard and
goal. Setting a goal for a short term and achieving it individually or institutionally may be called as achieving
academic excellence. An ideal institution, with ideal teachers and ideal students, interacting in an ideal
environment can achieve academic excellence with limited resources too.
We shall start from teachers. Real and ideal teachers are self disciplined. They inculcate self-discipline among
students. For this, the new teachers may be observed in or more of four areas- instruction, professionalism,
classroom environment and planning. Observations are to be preceded by pre-conference, in which the
Principal and the teachers discuss the lesson followed by a post-conference, in which the Principal shares his
or her impressions of the teachers performance.
Coming to the students, ideal students are self-disciplined and very enthusiastic. They have their own
goals and work hard to achieve them. Some students need a little monitoring and counseling. It is rightly
said that discipline is the fuel of achievement whereas enthusiasm is the match-stick to ignite this fuel".
Enthusiasm is very necessary to make progress in the right direction. An unenthusiastic person becomes
listless and his progress becomes stagnant. The parents and teachers will have to think of a strategy to bring
the child back on the track of progress by infusing and awakening a new enthusiasm in him or her. School
Management ought to look after the interests of the staff in all respects.
Professional councellors should be invited to guide the individual students according to their aptitude and
attitude. This will make the students goal-oriented and focused and will reduce the disciplinary problems to
a great extent.
Some children need regular counseling in their adolescence while they are undergoing physiological and
psychological transformations. Sometimes some children develop unnecessary and baseless worries which
dissipate most of their valuable energy and leave them frustrated youth gone off track. They desperately
need a good councellor to be put back on the right track.
Incentives also play a great role in orientation. Medals should become a part of the uniform of the student
till it is claimed by another student or earned by the same student for the next session. This acts as a constant
* Principal, BSF Sr. Sec. School, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

reminder for the student to retain it and an object of coveted envy for other competitors instead of being
felicitated one day and then forgotten for-ever. Achievers are not only those who shine on the top. They are
also achievers who compete with themselves and make remarkable progress. They too need to be identied
and honoured in the same way. Time needs to be set aside for parent-teacher meeting both individually and
collectively. Nothing is more effective than a healthy discussion between parents with teachers, along with
their wards. Parents should never compare the achievement of their ward with some other child.
Educational tours and use of multimedia is assistance beyond description in achieving academic excellence.
They help in percolating the knowledge from the head to the heart. We learn more through associations.
When a lesson is associated with some of our personal experience, it becomes ours forever. These educational
tours not just enhance the subject knowledge of the students but also broaden their outlook and promote
National Integration in the best possible way. Multimedia is half way behind but at least half way ahead
than mere classroom lessons. Tours and excursions have time and monitory limitations which are paved by
multimedia to a great extent.
Case study is another means to motivate the students to achieve their desired goals. Lives of the successful
alumni may be presented for case study by students. Teachers too should maintain record of the weaknesses
and strengths of individual students to set them on the path of progress.
The attitude of the teachers, students, management and the guardians is of utmost importance. Teachers
and management need to have a missionary zeal. Schools should be made bigger and well-staffed instead of
over-crowding classrooms and overburdend teachers. Curriculum should be intensive instead of extensive.
Learning should be thorough and deep instead of supercial and quantitative.
To conclude, we can say that academic excellence is the product of the amalgamation of the efforts
of the teacher and the taught in the crucible of the institution under the temperature of the up-to-date
infrastructure and the pressure of the administration of the management. But since the product is a human
resource, its litmus test is its conduct and contribution to the society. This positive or negative output
determines the success or failure of the institution.

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

A Hallmark of Excellence for 21st Century

T V S Prakasa Rao *
If India is to be a great nation, it must begin in her classrooms
-- Jawaharlal Nehru
By 2020, India will experience an age advantage of at least three decades. This demographic demand is
an unprecedented opportunity. Unless every Indian acquires knowledge and skills to suit the demand for
jobs both domestic and aboard the demographic demand cannot be utilized effectively. Hence achieving
Academic Excellence among students is the need of the hour for every educational Institute.
The great Scientist Einstein was once asked How many feet are in a mile. Einstein's replay was I dont
know why I should ll my brain with facts, I can nd in two minutes in any standards reference book."
Einstein taught us a big lesson. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Memory does not have that
much signicance. Edward DeBono had stated that thinking skills should be nurtured in schools. Thinking
skills helps in detecting the individual potential.
The classroom instruction has to be designed to address the affective dimensions of the learning such as
intellectual and social dispositions, relationship building and habits of mind. The classroom instruction should
motivate all students, addressing the diverse needs and capabilities of each student. The teaching should
promote the students curiosity and passion to learn new concepts and should enhance their questioning
skills and higher order thinking skills. The teacher should acquire the knowledge about different questioning
techniques such as closed ended questions; open-ended questions (leading /loaded questions) recall and
process questions, rhetorical, funneling questions.
J. Krishna Murthy advocated the schools for detecting the childs potential. It is very important that each
teacher should be trained as a Vocational Psychologist so that the students do not choose the wrong profession
and suffer for life. Career guidance, wellness, Adolescence Education Programmes, behavior management
and leadership programmes, team work and group dynamics activities are to be organized in the schools in a
planned manner and regular periodic evaluation of the students performance is necessary for the students
success in life. A variety of co-curricular activities and physical tness programs like yoga, meditation are to
be organized to provide opportunities outside the classroom to further identify and develop the students
gifts and talents to enhance their creative, aesthetic, social/ emotional physical and spiritual capabilities.
The classroom instructions are to be redesigned to inculcate the meta-cognitive skills among the students.
The CCE scheme introduced by CBSE is a milestone in the history of education of India The objectives
and signicance of CCE should be understood properly and it should be implemented in true spirit to
achieve the desired academic excellence.

* Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Deogarh, Odisha


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Duty, Discipline and Dedication

Dr. G P Pandey *
In a world driven by digital revolution, there is a plethora of information. In this technological quagmire
dening academic excellence in itself is a complex affair. Academic excellence thus comes from lessons of
life which teaches pupils ways to adapt, to deal with change, to be prepared for anything. This is achieved
by not preparing them for anything specic. It means leaving our old ideas at the door and reinventing
For any learning to be complete and fullling, our children need to be equipped with a few skills. First and
foremost is the ability to ask questions. If our learners grasp this skill they will be able to explore possible
answers on their own. This again requires encouragement from facilitators and a conducive environment of
encouraging questioning. Solving problems is the next step in achieving academic excellence. Let us not be
overenthusiastic in bringing a quick x solution to every problem our child faces. Let him ddle and try out
various options. Help your child in developing condence in his/her problem solving abilities. To my mind
every child must be guided to nd an individual passion. It is not goals dened by others or discipline and
motivation that drives the young blood, but passion which keeps him/her excited. academic achievements
follow only if s/he is passionate about it.
Independence is another requisite essential for academic excellence. This may sound surprising in a school
scenario but experience says that if you teach children to stand on their own feet that is encourage them
to do things on their own they will surely make mistakes. But once they become independent they manage
learning on their own. A child with a bunch of successes is able to handle books and syllabus in a more
balance manner than the one who is given steps of construction in a handy way. Time management tips and
strict follow up of the same in the school scenario is a bare essential. A child needs to realize that there is no
alternative to hard work. When a disciplined and dedicated study time is devoted without any compromises,
the habit of toil and perseverance shall denitely creep in. Lastly, I would say that while infusing academic
nuggets in the psyche of children our educators should train them in dealing with changes. Mental prowess
is not an isolated accomplishment. It comes from mental and physical well being too.
With a brilliant barrage of information and entertainment on one side and companionship and education
on the other, our children today have a lot to handle. Therefore balancing academics beyond classrooms is
very essential. We as educators need to meet their needs outside the connes of classrooms. And to sum it
I would reiterate that innovation and novel ideas are the key. A distinctive blend of offerings in the areas of
knowledge and enterprise in the form of encouraging students is the most sought after contribution today.
So, we are looking forward to a grueling team work and compassionate service!
* Principal, Delhi Public School, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Goals for Excellence

Anand Gupta *
When we think about achieving academic excellence, we must think about setting and achieving academic
goals. We must realize the power of setting goals. Achieving academic excellence is not a big task. Its just the
combination of some skills and factors which ultimately lead a person to the zenith of success.
To achieve academic excellence, always build concrete strategies and plans. The goals must be positive,
personal, present, specic and must not be contradictory to other goals. Set goals really high, so that they can
force and stretch you to do better.
Factors important for achieving academic excellence are :
Organization: Be it a matter of keeping track of latest research material or bringing home a lunchbox,
students need to be organized to get success.
Motivation: The reason is often motivation -be it on the level of parents or on academic facilitators,
tapping into your childs interests is a great way to get him/her geared to do well in academics. Always
congratulate the child, encourage him/her and celebrate all his/her successes, no matter how small they are
Time Management: The next tool that helps a student in achieving academic excellence is time
management. Time is such an important factor that one can never ignore. If you feel like that your study
schedule is not allowing you to make your dreams true then obviously change your study style.
Prioritization: Sometimes students fall behind academically only because of the reason that simply they
dont know from where to begin. Prioritizing tasks is a skill that a student will need throughout his life. So its
never too late to get started. Always have a hunger for excellence and focus your efforts.
Concentration: Whether its a matter of practicing second grade spelling words or studying for a
Trigonometry test, its very important that one must concentrate on his/her studies with limited distractions
and interruptions. In this hi-tech world, parents responsibility increases multifold when it comes to turn off
access to the areas that is not suitable for our loved ones.
Learn from the best: Hook up with the people who are the best in their eld and try to emulate them.
Insights and tips which will be extremely valuable in the pursuit of excellence.
Be adaptable: Dont be over attached to plans. Always be prepared to alter them wherever and whenever
needed. If there are certain things which are non-effective in the path to excellence, be ready to improvise.
In achieving academic excellence, we cannot underestimate the role of parents, teachers as well as the
school. In school, we should provide environment that is motivating, challenging and full of positive energy.
* Principal, Vidya Mandir Public School, Faridabad, Haryana


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

As an Academic Facilitator, we should keep in mind that every child is unique and we as parents and teachers
should facilitate them in making right choices in the highly competent world of today, so that when they grow
up as adults, they can look back to us with reverence and take pride in values and education they received
under our stewardship. To excel in academics, its very important to provide children an environment of
moral courage, spiritual realization and steady intellectual enlightenment.
Achieving academic excellence in such a cut-throat competitive world is such a challenging task that
doesnt allow us to take anything for granted. To get through one should have in-depth knowledge of
subjects, a well prepared timetable, sincere concentration and sweated hardwork.
We as educators with our futuristic vision have to develop challenging strategies that can help children to
excel in academics. Till now, we have discussed all the factors which contribute towards achieving academic
excellence. Last but not the least, everything is the result of perseverance, dedication, unconditional hardwork
and sincerity on the part of students. They must recognize their strengths and weaknesses and seek help
when needed. Finally, dont forget the value of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who
motivate you to reach to your full potential. So, yes If I can do it, so can you.

"We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act,
but a habit."

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Holistic Learning
Devika Dutt *
APJ Abdul Kalam says_
When learning is purposeful Creativity Blossoms
When Creativity Blossoms
Thinking Emanates
When Thinking Emanates
Knowledge is Lit
When Knowledge is Lit
The Nation Progresses
Education in todays perspective lies in books and beyond books. Understanding that Mother Nature
is an excellent teacher, observing relevantly from one's surrounding grooms an individual into a holistic
identity, which is the need of an hour.
Achieving academic excellence needs devotion, commitment, a plan, time management and skills to be
outstanding. The person needs to know right from day one that Success is possible only when we have a commitment
to action.
Academic excellence may be dened as the demonstrated ability to perform, achieve, and/or excel in
scholastic activities. Although excellence in the eld of academics has increasingly become synonymous
with achieving high grades, cut throat competition among the countrys youth urges us to view the term in
a holistic manner, encouraging them to appreciate and strive for academic excellence, in the true sense of
the word.
While the role of formal education in achieving success cannot be stressed enough, it cannot be mistaken
to form the core of academic excellence in its entirety. Achieving academic excellence is undeniably a process
of both formal and informal education.
It is important to not lose sight of the bigger picture - to remember what we want to accomplish eventually.
However, it is equally important to encourage students to set short-term targets and commend them on
meeting those targets successfully. Doing so raises the students condence and gradually infuses in them the
habit of focusing on one task at a time and enjoying the learning process.
It is equally imperative to inculcate in students the habit of raising questions without fearing mockery

* Principal, D.A.V. Public School, Khera Khurd, Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

from their fellow mates. For this, encouraging students to help each other, allowing them to solve questions
in groups, facilitates a healthy competition between them.
Students should learn to use the library and use it often. The saying, books are a mans best friend is not in
vain. The library offers a wealth of historical as well as current information which can greatly enhance their
classroom experience.
The object of Education is to prepare young mind to indicate themselves throughout their lives.
When we inculcate the spirit of success in the heart of our students purely on the basis of marks percentage
and distinctions, they automatically enter this endless maze, with no end in sight, on the other hand, if we
relate success in the school to the extent to which all children are empowered to take a charge of their life
once they leave and are able to live a life at peace with themselves then we have a much more convincing
story to advertise. With the launch of CCE, the whole scenario to curricula is in different face, the motive of
education is empowerment. Identifying the true potential in children, empowering them to gain condence
in that area so that they develop a passion, a zeal and a determination to carry it forward, developing a dream
a vision for realizing it and allowing their conscience to take charge, so that a spirit of good for society takes
birth within them and the seeds of nobility are sown right here. Aggression, depression and a race hacking
in the environment needs to be in bounds to ultimately create a healthy spirit, thought and notion in turn to
have a sustainable community society and nation.
The belief- what is neglected in childhood can never be compensated throughout the life, so nourish their present to ourish
their future.
A single step is always taken to cover thousands miles. Lets pledge and join hands to pull our
generation back to know their worth away from materialism. I know and I am aware, a number of seminars,
workshops and training courses have been held, several booklets and books have been published and many
serious attempts are being made by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, State governments,
NCERT, and other bodies, still its high time to rejuvenate the students. Education is the process of living
through a continuous reconstruction of experience, it is the development of all those capacities in the
It must always be remembered, The worlds great men have not commonly been great scholars, nor great scholars great
men. (Oliver Wendell Holmes), thereby implying that while academic success is worth being applauded, nothing is lost in its

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Progressive and Permanent Learning

Chitra Nakra *
As has been rightly said " We need to take the student out of the classroom and at the same time bring
the outside world into the classroom". This is imperative for Excellence. The concept of modular learing,
performance oriented leading, knowledge oriented learning, well based curriculum, interactive learning,
peer learning, multimedia based learning etc. provide a variety of opportunities situations for academic
excellence. The curriculum should also facilitate ample opportunities for acquiring the latest skills. Another
aspect that deserves our attention is the use of educational technology for providing online student support
systems. The students should be taught the assimilation, quantication, production, use and management of
knowledge for excellence.
It is not the brains that matter the most but the character, the heart, the positive qualities and prograssive
ideas that actually help students. Teachers should encourage the concept of Multiple Intelligence besides
giving adequate importance to cognitive hearing. Academic excellence also calls for the physical and
emotional well-being of the individual, the ethical use of technology, right perceptions, attitudes and the
values. The teacher should understand that learing is a personal journey and the child's positive attitude
and their ability to actually make learning progressives and permanent really matters. The students can be
given extrapolatory notes and study material outside the parameters of the curriculum. The students should
be provided a democratic atmosphere which should be able to boost the condence of the learner. In a
knowledge driven world there is rich ow of information where technology plays a vital role. The learner
has to become tech savvy and always be a continuous learner. The teachers must ensure the optimum use
of laboratories, use of activity orented methods, judicious use of educational technology, globalization in
education, empowerment in life skills, use of projects, extension lectures, research, utilization of media
centres, use of libraries, interdisciplinary learning enable the students to have a broad based view of the
subject. The students should be undated about the techniques of paper setting and evaluation assessment
systems, periodical tests and the qualities of systematic hard work and self study.
Education must aim at the harmony of hand, lead and heart thereby enabling excellence in physical
academic and the humane front. Students should be encouraged to have a balance between the Spiritual
Quotient, Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Quotient. As teachers we need to understand that creativity
and excellence are both means and ends.
Learing is not attained - by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligance.

* Principal, Veda Vyasa DAV Public School, Vikaspuri, New Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Planning for Success

Dr. Neeru Joshi *
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed, is more important than any other.
World is running with a supersonic speed and education system has witnessed a number of changes with
a sole purpose to make student globalized and competitive. Every school, educator, educational experts are
showing their concern and giving students the platform to achieve academic excellence.
Various domains/key elements are seriously to be pondered upon like:Relevance and rigor framework: A teacher who relies only on lecturing does not provide students with
optimal learning opportunities. A teacher should plan the lesson using the rigor and relevance framework.
It is of chief importance to design instruction and develop assessments that measure adaptation skills. This
enables students not only to gain knowledge, but also to develop skills such as inquiry, investigation and
Prioritization: Priority must be clear to students to reach to the decided goal. To excel in academic s/he
needs to devote time to studies and set out the right priority.
The less time you give to your goal, the less you desire it; the less you desire your goal, the farther it
becomes to achieve and in time it is lost and never found.
Discipline: Discipline plays a pivotal role in achieving excellence in any of the desired eld. A student
should cultivate in himself the will to follow rules and regulations. Teacher must act as a friend, philosopher,
mentor, and a guide for the student.
Time Management: To achieve academic excellence, teachers and student fraternity must manage the
time adequately.
Focused Approach: Conditioning the mind for a determinate goal is also imperative to excel in academics.
Know what you aspire and go for it with all determination.
Selection of right company: For a student it is very important to identify good friends.
Adequate preparation: Students are always advised not to start studying too close to their exams.
SWOT: To achieve academic excellence one should understand the importance of SWOT: strength,
weakness, opportunity and threat.
In short, achieving academic excellence is a lot of hard work, there is no way around it and even no short
cut. Last but not the least, students should surround themselves with like-minded individuals who motivate
them to reach to their full potential to excel in academics.
* Principal, B.B.P.S, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Multi-Disciplinary Exposure
Ms. Anita Nanda *
Academic excellence has paramount importance in a student's life. Its literal meaning is to demonstrate
the abilities to perform, achieve or excel in scholastic activities.
Teachers play a vital role in a students life who can inculcate necessary mentioned traits in students.
Students who want to perform academically well must be a voracious reader. Apart from reading books
of their curriculum they should have the habit of visiting library. They must also consult reference books
related to their subject. Even at school level they can consult reference books, encyclopedias etc. It is highly
pertinent these days to develope competence in the English Language to achieve academic excellence. The
students can consult grammar books from the library and attempt various worksheets at school with the help
of their teachers.
A student who wants to achieve academic excellence must be self-condent also. The self-condence can
be maintained if the person has a grasp of the concepts and puts in consistent effort to learn them. Students
who do not update their knowledge cannot achieve academic excellence. So, students must be able to surf
the internet to get latest information about concepts. Another point is that the person must attend seminars
and workshops and must take part in all activities as students get exposure by doing so and come to know
about the work of others.
Apart from all this the child must attend lectures, concerts, art exhibits, theatrical performances and
other cultural activities whenever possible. They must get involved in a club or actively discuss points with
their peer group, faculty and professionals in their study area. The child must assume leadership roles as a
committee member, chairperson, or ofcer to develop qualities for success in future career endeavors. The
child must seek opportunities to work with professors on special projects in a research or teaching area of
interest. A student who wants to excel academically must also keep the company of good students as peerlearning is very important.
The academic excellence should be achieved because it makes us unique with an edge over others because
of knowledge, condence and command over the language. They receive scholarships because of their
academic excellence and are able to serve higher education and pursue research, gain admission in good
institutions and given preference for good posts. By achieving academic excellence the student will be an
asset to the nation and can contribute to the betterment of society.

* Principal, Lala Jagat Narain D.A.V. Model School, Jalandhar, Punjab


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Setting Academic Goals

Dr. Anita Bhalla *
Academic Excellence is not a trait, hence it cannot be inherited but can be achieved by deliberate actions.
It is not an effort of an individual but many things collaborate together to enable one to achieve academic
excellence. The rst role is played by parents. They not only guide a child but also mould and shape his/her
personality by providing a congenial and favorable environment. Can we imagine a child getting full grades
if s/he is not supported by his/her parents. The parents are the guiding force behind every successful child.
After parents, comes the role of school and teachers. Overall personality of a child cannot be groomed
until or unless s/he is in a school where not only his/her academic skills are nurtured and nourished but
s/he is morally, spiritually and ethically uplifted to become a responsible citizen of society .The stress here
is not only getting grades, receiving scholarships or make him/her competitive in the job market but to
prepare him/her in such a way that s/he proves to be a fruitful contribution to society throughout his/her
life and also be in a position to be in service to those with whom s/he interacts or come in contact with.In
this context the role of teachers cannot be left behind. The teacher not only guides a child about what to
study but also how to study in order to be academically excellent. Students academic excellence depends on
attitude of educational team.
The very rst thing is setting up schedules as well as mini-schedules which give students a sense of time
as well as predictability. Classroom learning should also be exible, interesting and interactive .There should
not be any threat of any type of punishment, torture or embarrassment. The relationship between a teacher
and a student should be based on trust. The teacher should help a student to set goals at a specied period of
time. In academics, goals are necessary to guide and direct a person because without them a student becomes
rudderless in his/her daily routine. The goal must be specic and attainable. It should be direct, precise and
easily understood, possible and achievable. After setting a goal, proper planning is required because if a
person is well prepared, half the battle is won. A child can achieve excellence but s/he needs to believe in
himself/herself rst and for that purpose continuous efforts are needed.
An optimistic approach and positive attitude plays a vital role. There should be avision not only a wish.
Dreams and wishes can only be achieved with diligent and tireless efforts, productivity, and conscientiousness.
Enthusiasm and a positive outlook are also needed. If a person or a student fears failures s/he cannot achieve
anything. To achieve academic excellence s/he needs to be fully equipped by keeping in mind that s/he may
have to ght a battle more than once to win.

* Principal, Bhavan's SL Public School, Amritsar, Punjab

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Technique of Learning by Teaching

Dr. Haleema Sadia *
As Hurst has clearly stated that innovation is a change in behavior or practice. All innovation involves
at least one of four key elements: change, development, novelty or improvement. Our experiment involved
change, novelty as well as improvement.
Importance of Innovation in Teaching to achieve academic excellence:
The goal of innovative teaching is to translate the enthusiasm of teaching to students. In this age of
knowledge overdrive, it is important to break the monotony of the whole learning process with the aid of
Methodology: A very innovative technique was experimented, involving the students in the whole
process of teaching and learning. This method might serve as a vehicle to Achieve Academic Excellence
in other institutions as well in the future. The technique adopted was Learning by Teaching involving the
students in the role of teachers in a real classroom situation.
The experiment was carried out with two different groups involving both the girls and the boys. A mixed
ability group was short listed for the process. All the students belonged to Grade IX. The subjects chosen
were English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Social Studies. Each student was assigned one
subject and a particular unit. She/He was responsible for planning, preparing and teaching his/her part to
peers. The whole process was closely monitored by the concerned subject teachers and wherever necessary,
the student teachers were provided with guidance and encouragement.
Observation, Interview and Questionnaire methods were applied to assess the whole process. The
Academic Heads of the school and the Coordinators observed the classes.
Interpretation of the results after Interviewing the Student Teachers: The responses of the
teachers were very encouraging. Their enthusiasm clearly revealed the success of the whole process.
When queried about her feelings after the class, the Chemistry teacher responded very positively. She
thought that the whole process was a great idea; it was a very refreshing approach to learning and should be
done more often.

* Principal, India International School, Sharjah, UAE


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

To the question whether this system will be effective if practiced more often, the English Teacher, had
this to say. Yes, it would be very interesting. The students interacted freely in my class. Since I am one among
them, the students understood the concepts with ease and felt comfortable asking questions whenever they
had doubts.
The general view of the students was that they felt more comfortable and the various explanations
smoothly tted with their own broader life experiences. The Student Teachers held the view that this method
made them learn their lessons thoroughly and they did not consider it a burden. Rather, they enjoyed doing
so and went the extra mile keeping in view the contingencies that may arise during the teaching process.
Interpretation of the results after observation: Some observations were drawn at the completion of
the whole experiment. The results were interpreted as follows:
(i) Student Involvement: The class interaction was exceptionally high. The novelty brought more life to
the class.
(ii) Student Teacher talk/behavior: Very encouraging. This technique has great potential. The students
participated enthusiastically. They used the digital applications very condently and the overall demeanor
was excellent.
(iii) Classroom climate: Very friendly and focused towards learning. The Student Teacher effortlessly
used a level easily comprehended by their peers.
(iv) Post-experiment change: The Student Teachers showed a marked change in their behavior towards
their teachers as well as their peers. They improved in their communication and tried to continue with their
serious and respectable attitude towards their peers as well. They showed more enthusiasm towards their
Conclusion: On the basis of this experiment conducted in the school, I am condent that this technique
can bring a revolutionary change in academics. It can serve as an excellent tool in Achieving Academic
Excellence as it helps students learn the desired course content and is able to develop achievable goals in
the future. Through meaningful teaching reforms, the above mentioned being one of them, I believe we can
improve teaching quality and hence achieve excellence in academics.

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Why Academic Excellence?

Radhika Varma K. *
Excellence is a quality of being outstanding. It is not a trait and hence, it cannot be inherited. Academic
excellence is the demonstrated ability to perform, achieve and excel in scholastic activity. Academic excellence
is more than just making good grades.
Why academic excellence?

Make meaningful contribution to society through ones life,


Admission to professional schools.


Being competitive in the job market.

For achieving academic excellence one should be hard working, dedicated and determined.
Efciency is the capacity to bring prociency into expression. The intelligent preparedness or competency
should be expressed as ones efciency.
So bend ones mind and body to the work that lives now, right in front.
A positive approach is more effective and more quick to get good results. It is the right attitude that gives
us the right directions, right decisions and right actions.
Let us not fear failures. Failure is the best way to reinvent yourself. Failing, making mistakes and taking
risks can create magic. Achievers take reasonable care to avoid repetitions of their past mistakes and learn
from their errors. They never allow themselves to be blinded with tears of regret or fears.
In certain cases, you need to adapt and change your plans, change for improvisation.
This can be achieved by the following guidelines:
Practice makes student perfect. Solving as many question papers as possible, checking the answers and
if doing corrections. Assessing your progress after every examination and approach the teacher for
clarications. Training and guidance from experts can be sought for betterment.
Listening carefully and noting down points when the teacher takes classes can save hours of reading,
marking the important points.
* Head Teacher (Primary Section), Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Tripunithura, Kochi, Kerala


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Participating in enrichment programmes like workshops, debates and seminars. Keep the right company.
The more they share their knowledge, the more they study. Combined studies are very effective as it
enrich your knowledge while sharing and exchanging ideas.
Focusing on ones goals with determination, enthusiasm and optimism, to achieve excellence, one has to
sacrice many of ones likes.
Being self disciplined is a conscious control over ones life style and commitment to study.
A sound mind requires a sound body which can be achieved only through regular exercise. Planning ones
studies well in advance and at the same time avoiding sleepless nights and fastings before and during
examinations is important too.
Being ambitious and always aspiring to remain the best, needs faith in oneself.
Having a hunger for excellence, and enthusiasm is the fuel for all great achievements. One has no choice,
but to work hard, diligently and consistently.
In order to thrive in life, academic excellence should lead to the understading of life with all its extraordinary
beauty, sorrows and joys. Knowledge makes a person honest, virtuous and endearing.
Academic excellence and global skills and knowledge are essential to navigate the world. Attributes
such as problem solving, curiosity, creativity, innovation, communication, interpersonal and intrapersonal
relationship, global literacy, ethics and technological expertise are important in persuit if excellence.

The main hope of a

nation lies in the
proper education of
its youth

October-December 2013




Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Schools Nurturing Excellence

Deepika Bhandari *
In the present scenario, when government emphasizes on the projects like RTE, SARV SHIKSHA
ABHIYAN for developing literacy in the country, the question comes how to achieve excellence in the eld
of education. Every State, respective School Boards, Principals, teachers are trying their best to formulate
rules and policies where no child should be deprived of the Right to Education.
According to William R. Dagget The goal of helping each child to attain academic prociency has geared classroom
instruction to the sole purpose of passing them. As students move from class to class and progress to the next grade they are
restricted to only content-specic knowledge. They are unable to correlate one class to another and how to apply the acquired
knowledge in the world outside school.
The need of the hour is a change of attitude and willingness to restructure education so that it prepares
students for life. No doubt, introduction of CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) helps to
assess the growth of the child without waiting for a so called annual examination. However, we have the
scope for better perspectives which can lead us to academic excellence.
When a child spends 10-12 years in an academic institution, it becomes the responsibility of the institution
frame his/her future, personality, and life as ones values, beliefs, principles etc., are shaped in ones earlier
years of life. However, the knowledge imparted, the kind of training given in an academic institution etc.,
are directly dependent on the kind of curriculum followed, the subjects taught and so on.
The entire syllabus should be framed in such a manner that right from the lower to the higher classes,
the child is able to analyze what s/he is learning, s/he should be able to correlate the topics taught in the
previous class and their relevance in the next class.
The written examinations should not be the ultimate tool for testing the childs acquisition of the topic,
rather they should be a part of the analyses of what they have learnt in that particular year. Moreover the
format of the question papers and other means of testing the childs knowledge can be made in more
friendly way. CCE has denitely revolutionized the way of evaluating the childs knowledge. Examinations
should not create the anxieties and tensions among the children rather it should be able to create a spirit
of competition among them so that the apprehensions of getting less marks should be replaced with
participation with whatever one possesses in ones personality and getting best scores should be replaced
with the demonstrations of ones best capability. It is rightly said by Elbert Hubbard, Excellence is doing ordinary
things extraordinarily well.
* TGT (English), St. Anne's Convent School, Chandigarh, Punjab


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Aptitude is the ability to do something well or to learn something quickly. Every child is blessed with
different kinds of aptitude. Instead of making them learn all the things throughout their life, which may
not help them later, we should frame a curriculum that helps in nding their areas of potential at an early
stage and then they should be taught accordingly. Moreover, the different streams or the combinations of
the subjects offered should be considered again so that a child can make comprehensive choice for his/her
Everyone in the society wants that his/her child should be a doctor or an engineer and the time has
arrived when we are forcibly asking our kids to acquire the degrees whether they have the potential or not.
The attitude of achieving only what is thought to be superior in the society should be changed. We should
motivate our children in their eld of interest and caliber. We should accept the fact that not everyone can
be a good doctor or a successful administrator.
In the end, we can conclude that we should be very clear and determined in choosing the right set of
goals leading to excellence. Striving at our best and competing to get even more, widening our horizon and
searching the scope of extraordinary goals can denitely lead us to the academic excellence. Keeping in mind
the crucial role of education in the holistic development of a child and at the same time endeavouring to take
him towards excellence, we require to put forth an extra effort which can channelize our education system
as per the need of the society.

Education is not
preparation for
life; education is
life itself.

October-December 2013

-John Dewey



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Criteria for Excellence

Neeta Tewari *
Learning is a continuous process. A person learns in a variety of ways throughout life. Education is the
most important aspect of learning. It provides a medium through which an individual is able to come up as a
unique person and also enhances ones vision in life. Education helps in achieving excellence in academics.
Academics is a wide term as it caters to all aspects of learning, be it scholastic or co-scholastic. In a
students life academics play a pivotal role. It serves as a backbone for their future. The correct approach
and the right path to reach the ultimate goal in life can be achieved only if one strives to achieve academic
Firstly, we need to have very strong basics. It is very important that the concept of rote learning is done
away with and we open up to the thought process which is positive and precise. The need is to develop
thinking skills that leads to basic conceptual knowledge from the very early years of learning.
Secondly, academics should be designed in a way to be in tune with the students interest with high level of
interest generating techniques. If the curriculum is so designed that it keeps the students involved it always
lead to desired outputs.
Thirdly, stress should always be given to empower the students with practice sessions. Practice and practise
till you can, is one of the key mantra for any aspect of learning. In academics the vision becomes more and
more clearer if we are able to give our 100% through practice.
Then we also need to cover a very important aspect of learning, that is proper time management. Time is
very precious, if we understand the importance of time we can solve more than half of the hurdles that fall
in our way. The best utilization of the 24 hours can lead to excelling in any aspect. It is always seen that the
successful people have mastered the art of time management.
Next we need to have our goals in life very clear. If we have a target in mind and concentrate on it then
achieving it is not a very difcult task. Concentration on the goals leads to success. We need to be more
focused and learn to achieve our desired goals with a positive approach.
Organisational skill is one of the keys to becoming a successful individual. The students need to understand
the importance of organizing their learning with precision. If we learn this art of organising things we can
easily do away with any hurdle that comes in our way.
One should have belief in oneself, as self-condence is a must in order to achieve excellence.

* Teacher, R. D. Rajpal School, Dwarka, New Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

An Inter-disciplinary Approach to Learning and Assessment

Mamta Banerjee *
Universality has become everyday term. So, the student should target his/her learning at the universal
level. S/he should have the standard to stand abreast in knowledge worldwide. Goals must be set from the
nascent phase. The responsibility lies with the schools to prepare the students accordingly. Bookish learning
must be put aside and the practical aspect of learning must be introduced.
Even Hitler in his book Mein Kemp has stated that, When the young lad leaves school, at the age of fourteen it
would be difcult to say what are the most striking features of his character, incredible ignorance in so far as the real knowledge
is concerned
Academic achievement should not trickle down to grades and scores. Students do secure a perfect 10
CGPA, but are unable to fare well in their higher studies. May be the concept of academic achievement is
grossly misunderstood. Excellence is slowly but surely limiting our young peoples chances of experiencing
any semblance of success in life that we expect for them and that they believe school will provide for them.
A score on a test will not help the student when he or she is competing for a job with someone from China
or Germany. What is important is that students enter the global economy with the ability to apply what they
learned in school to a variety of ever-changing situations before graduating. That is the mark of a quality
education and a true indication of academic excellence.
The call of the hour is interdisciplinary interactions among faculty and student. Frequent visits of
scholars and researchers from elsewhere must be welcomed. Interacting with these visiting scholars, listening
to their seminar talks and learning about their work, rst hand, must be an attractive feature of the academic
More recently, a serious look at their standards and assessment programs are being taken up. A widespread
change in the teaching-learning process is in place. Every school, Principal, and teacher in this country is
feeling the pressure to get all students to minimum prociency levels. The students ability to apply high-rigor
knowledge in a relevant, real-world setting needs to be the true nish line.
Traditionally, instructional planning was divided into three components: curriculum, instruction, and
assessment. In many schools, these components are approached as three separate, sequential steps, with
assessment being the nish line. The value of state assessments is undeniable, but we cannot view them as
the denition of academic excellence. Unfortunately, many of those in education do. When assessment is
viewed as the end goal or nish line, the test itself becomes a barrier to high levels of student achievement.
* PGT (English) and School Coordinator, D.A.V. Public School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

However, if curriculum, instruction and relevant learning becomes the focus, the tests will take care of
themselves. Globalization and rapid technological advancements are having dramatic effects on the ways
we communicate and conduct business as well as in our personal lives. Education should increase students
understanding of the world around them. As students move from class to class and progress to the next
grade, they are exposed to isolated bits of content-specic knowledge, but they are not taught how what they
learn in one class relates to another or its application in the world outside the school. Thus they meander in
a world of ignorance when they stand to vie with one another.
Incorporating more rigorous and relevant instruction in classrooms is a realistic goal and will yield
immediate results in students enthusiasm to learn. When students are engaged in the learning process, real
achievement takes place and their chances to excel at what they do increases.
Instead of just scholarly learning students must learn from the applied world. This will bring them close
to the reality of things. Students need to be exposed to the practical approach of life. Academically schools
vary. They vary in their region, State and outside the State. The serendipity of the students is to vie with their
counterparts world over. The standard of the students or the learners should be at par.
It is thus essential to help students achieve the desired level of precision and signicance. To maximize
student-learning, it is important to identify the objectives of the learning experience prior to planning,
instruction and assessment. Assessments should be selected to match the desired level of precision and
signicance. At the local level, performance-based assessments are an effective way to monitor whether
students are able to understand the content and apply their knowledge. Well-constructed performance tasks
help the teacher and students know if they really understand the material or if they are merely following
a pattern they have learned for regurgitating information they have memorized. Students become better
problem-solvers when they are given the opportunity to nd original solutions to problems and reect on
what worked and what did not.
The recent introduction of the Open Text-Based Assessment (OTBA) is a step taken up by the CBSE in
order to stem students' regurgitating information. Students have to read the context and think on the spur
of the moment. This would not only enhance the analytical and logical interpretation of the learners but
also allow them to check their aptitude level. We may address this as a unique method in preparing our next
generation to face the world and achieve academic excellence.


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Education as a Never Ending Process

Yogita Nangia *
Excellence includes the quality of being outstanding, distinguished and extra ordinarily good in most
aspects of life. As the scenario is changing therefore the crux of study is also changing. Merely academic
knowledge is not sufcient to gain excellence. Achieving high grades with superior performance is appropriate
denition of academic excellence in students. Achievement of academic excellence is a key issue for a
Academic excellence in a school depends on the (i) framework of the system (school) (ii) quality of teachers
as well as students. The framework of the school must incorporate the best ever devised tool of CBSE i.e.
the CCE. CCE covers various interesting activities for learning and seeks the attention of the students. It
recovers their detraction from hard work in study, moral values and civic senses, social engagements and
many other responsibilities. I personally realized that there is no substitute for this programme to strengthen
the systems framework.
Academic excellence can also be achieved by inputting the best quality of teachers in terms of their
knowledge, their relationship with the students and their dedication to the profession. It enhances the quality
of the school. It also helps in achieving the academic excellence among students.
Academic excellence is the rst goal of any student. As we talk about achieving it, there is no substitute
for hard work. The mindset of a successful student is to strive to go an extra mile. Sometimes, students keep
themselves busy by working on projects and assignments until the wee hours. It detracts them from social
engagements. Therefore, the phenomenon of Smart Work came into consideration so that they can gain
the attention from their loved ones. It also helps to develop the attitude of social responsibility and the
understanding of cultural and intellectual differences. They should also divide time carefully.
Among students it can be brought through self-determination. Academic excellence itself brings
condence through appreciation which is the key of success in all aspects of life. Students keep themselves
cool but avoid over condence. Students must know their weaknesses as well as strengths. They should work
to remove their weaknesses by seeking the company of positive people in the form of sincere and dedicated
friends. Positivity naturally brings condence which is the pre-requisite of any task to be done. Positive and
valuable life lessons such as self-condence, persistence and leadership skills. Other supporting pillars, last
but not the least, are their participation in seminars, assessments, puzzles co-curricular activities, honors,
enrichment programmes and sports activities.
We can conclude that both formal and informal education are essential for achieving academic excellence
which is somehow related to the broad overall development of intellectual capacities and skills to serve
humanity up to the maximum. Right from the work of an organization, selection of right people for
implementation of the ne ingredients of an academic system, monitoring and honest accounting will
denitely ensure academic excellence among all students and educators.
* Administrator and PGT (Chemistry), Oxford English School, Patan, Gujarat

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

No Short Cuts to Success

Shalini Shukla *
Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing
for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.
Alan Armstrong
Everything begins with an intention, a dream, a vision for the future a keen burning desire to achieve
something in life. To achieve excellence in any sphere of life we need commitment and passion for the
purpose at hand. This applies more so to students who strive to excel in his/her academic goals in their
respective schools and colleges.
In the modern cut-throat competitive world, a student has to be the best in all his/her endeavors
Academics is one of those crucial aspects of the school and college life. Sound academics will provide a
strong platform from where s/he can lauch his/her future. Academic excellence can be achieved by sincere,
dedicated, diligent and determined pursuit of the envisioned goals. It will assist him/her to compete with the
very best and come out with ying colors.
And beware; there are no short-cuts to success. A student with ambitions and aspirations has to eventually
walk the talk.
Thomas Edison famously remarked, Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.
You may be inspired to achieve the best of grades in academics but you have to actually work for it. There
is no secret mantra for high-performance in academics. We need to meticulously plan out our strategies and
consistently toil towards achieving excellence in academics. This is applicable not only to academics but
generally to everything we want to do in life.

* Teacher (English), Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Achievements through CCE

Amit Rai *
Achieving perfection and thereby excellence, in any task or skill comes with its particularly guided efforts
and its not only a herculean job for an individual pupil but also equally demanding for an institution.
At the very outset, the topic must be looked upon in its totality, as the world has observed a lot of
paradigm shift from what it practised to what it professes today. Academics today dont only total upto the
core , theoretical subjects like - Language, Maths, everyday Science, Philosophy etc., rather it encompasses
all horizons of human perception in its minutest details like Clinical Psychology, Botany, Astrology, Law,
Administration, Hotel Management, Fashion Technology, IT, Banking among many others. Keeping in mind,
the revamping of our evaluation system under CCE Scheme.
Secondly, we have to understand that excellence in any eld cant be perceived only in terms of
momentary performance. Rather, evaluation process must also religiously offer equity and equality to all the
After all quantifying excellence doesnt ensure quality. Education today covers all types of performances
of a student i.e S.Q, E.Q and I.Q , but still the growing crime rates, rampant lawlessness forces us to look
within and edit / modify our efforts to achieve academic excellence. Going beyond textbooks to evaluate the
students whole persona and guiding them on all the parameters to aid them in becoming complete human
being is still to be sorted out.
Whether an individual or an institute, until and unless they follow a strict regime in their routines, excelling
would remain an uphill task. Therefore, the following guidelines may be useful to teachers and students
1. SWOT analysis and self-evaluation for possible changes and modications to set a goal.
2. Dogged pursuit towards the set goal.
3. Self-discipline
4. Leadership and readiness to try new/innovative/exemplary things.
5. Team effort and democratic practices such as respecting individual differences.
To sum up, excellence in itself is not a position, but a lifelong process. It requires continuous effort to
maintain the same. Therefore, one must strive for excellence but shouldnt be paralysed with the label of
* Asst. Teacher, Itla Govt. Primary School, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

In Pursuit of Excellence
Y. Sreedhar Rao *
Schools should adopt effective teaching strategies in order to achieve academic excellence. If teaching
is done very perfunctorily, the students just mug up the lessons to get through the examinations without
understanding the concepts and fail to excel in school subjects.
Learning takes place from simple to complex. When children fail to learn the basics in lower classes for
some reason, it becomes a herculean task for the teachers to make them understand the lessons in higher
classes. Teachers should make an earnest effort to nd the underlying cause for slow learning and take up
remedial measures to bridge the gaps. Once the basics are taught, the students not only learn quickly but also
learn on their own, thus making the task of teacher in achieving the excellence easy.
Talents differ. Every child is born with intrinsic talents. Unfortunately, the child is not allowed to pursue
the courses as per his/her choice and interest. In most cases parents decide what the child should study and
as a result the students study the courses without any zeal and fail to excel in studies. Every school should
try to identify the talents of the students and suggest suitable courses by organizing regular PTC (Parent
Teacher Council) meetings and opening the Guidance and Counseling cells in the school. It is common to
see in schools to prioritize subjects and engage the students for more number of hours in certain subjects in
an unethical manner. When the student is given ample scope for learning in all subjects the student will excel
at least in the subjects which s/he is interested in.
The onus is on the teachers to enable the children to excel in studies. Inexible methodology of teaching
adopted by teachers is one of the main reasons for apparent slow learning. Teachers should periodically
review the efcacy of their own teaching and change their method of teaching to suit the needs of the
students. Teachers should pay individual attention to the students, though practically difcult, as it will enable
them to remove the bottle necks in learning and also help them to think of a suitable teaching strategy to
help the students to excel. Group discussions will work wonders as the children learn a lot from the peers.
Carefully planned and suitably tailored computer-aided instruction also enables the children to understand
certain intricate concepts. Adopting a child-centred method and replacing theory with more practice will
enable the students to excel in studies.
Finally, our pursuit for excellence should not lose sight of values. Getting admission into the IIT or a
medical college is not the end of life. Life skills are equally important. Education should enable the children
to grow into a more humane and moral beings. Education should put the students on the path of rectitude
and enable them to discriminate between right and wrong, to enable them to live and let others live happily.

* PGT (English), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Achieving Academic Excellence

Rajesh Babu Sharma *
The teacher plays a vitally signicant role to achieve academic excellence. S/he has to identify the interests
and latent capabilities (intellectual, physical etc) of the students. S/he has also to pay heed to global changes
and development in the eld of education, change and development in the society and country. S/he has
to adopt various strategies, techniques and methods to make the learning easier and joyful. S/he has also to
update and equip himself with the modern and advanced developments in his/her eld, in order to produce
better results in the teaching profession.
It is the student who is the centre of the whole system. S/he is the future of the society and the whole
future depends upon his learning and development. For him/her, the whole system is formed-the teachers
are trained, the infrastructure is set up. It is S/he who is supposed/expected to undertake the responsibilities
of the society, the country and the world. S/he has to learn and perform to the full extent.
Globalization is on the fast track, the international boundaries are coming closer to each other. The
cultures of the countries are meeting with each other, they are mixing and new international culture is taking
its origin. The concept of international citizenship is coming up. So it is the need of the hour in the age of
cut-throat competition that we should develop such citizens that can excel and lead in the international arena.
For this, academic excellence is the rst and foremost requirement.
Key factors that affect the academic excellence

Changes in learning styles affect the learning process signicantly. New methods make it joyful,
interesting, and easier.


The new concept of internationalism presents a good amount of information and knowledge and that
too affects the learning process sufciently.


New technology creates interest among the learners, it leads to academic excellence.

Developing mental strength


Deep passion and hunger for excellence should be developed in the learner. He needs to want to
achieve excellence; s/he should set the goal for himself/herself.


There should be a benchmark for the learner against the best, the learner should set the target of the
same level or higher than that.

* Master (English), Motilal Nehru School of Sports, Rai, Sonipat, Haryana

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education


Self-belief is the paramount for every success; the learner should have self-condence that s/he can
do it.


The learner should build concrete strategies and plans and work upon them strictly.


The learner should go all out, s/he should work hard sincerely.


S/he should not limit himself instead s/he should do better than his/her best.


S/he should focus his/her efforts on excellence.


S/he should never give up and never give in.

Achieving academic excellence is a process of formal and informal education.


The learner should learn to use the library and use it often, it offers wealth of information which
greatly enhance classroom experience and general understanding.


S/he should develop an attitude of social responsibility and understanding of cultural and intellectual


S/he should participate in the enrichment programmes like lectures, concerts, seminars etc.


S/he should assume leadership roles to develop qualities .


S/he should develop in-depth knowledge.


The learner should apply his/her skills and knowledge beyond the classroom to contribute to the
world community in an enlightened manner.


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Achieving Academic Excellence- Aiming For The Stars

Shyda Rana*
Year after year a few lacs of students exit the threshold of school education to pursue higher education
or nd alternative streams to engage in education. Each year the Central Board of Secondary Education is
effortlessly striving towards the commitment of providing, quality, equity and excellence to the youth of India.
In this context it becomes not only imperative but also urgent to call upon the knowledge consciousness to
arise in the schools for the pursuit of academic excellence. No other institution is well suited, well dened,
identied, tried and tested to be veried as the institution of learning as much as the Institution of Schools
. What could be some of the vital factors that call attention for Achieving Academic Excellence? For enabling
Academic Excellence every school should be able to keep a constant check and monitor the following:
7 Indicators of Quality Education:
1. Curriculum Idea :- The curriculum is a reection of the Aims of Education, however the spirit of
the curriculum design loses out among the intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum and
the achieved curriculum. Teachers need to be aligned with the deeper perspectives and the vision of
the design of the curriculum for classroom practices. The National Curriculum Framework 2005
needs to be translated to ignite the spirit of the curriculum.
Solutions :
Essential concepts need to be identied and skills to be developed at various levels.

Classroom instruction time needs to be used appropriately.

Teachers need to calculate the instructional time available- for example -180 days into 6 hours , per
year = 1080 hours /year and reect what has been achieved and what is yet to be achieved ?
12 years of instructional hours = 12 x 1080 /yr = 12960 hrs .
Students must be given equal opportunities to learn.
Need to identify the gaps in Intended and Implemented curriculum.
Each educator needs to know what a child should be able to do and know in each grade level.
Teaching of textbook content must be discussed and selected unanimously and not independently.
Syllabus planning must be in detail to achieve curricular targets.
2. Teaching-Learning Processes and Skills : Enabling teachers with innovative pedagogy, technological skills and content knowledge has become
the hallmark. With the paradigm shift from teaching to learning, teachers need to be empowered through
*Senior Faculty, Faculty Development & Research Centre, Army Welfare Education Society,
Delhi Cantt., New Delhi
October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

training programmes on effective Instructional strategies and learning styles of students. Multiple intelligence,
Life Skills integration, inclusive Education, Innovation in Education need to be core elements of training
programmes. Effective Communication Skills and enhancing the personalities of teachers merit attention.
3. School Infrastructure:Providing safe and secure infrastructure that facilitates learning opportunities is the value addition to
academic excellence. Well lit halls, areas with open space, age appropriate furniture, well equipped laboratories
and a repository of information through Library, Teacher Resource Centre, Audio-Video rooms and Activities
spaces add to learning.
Infrastructural la



tive offices




cience Lab


Play ground




Maths Lab
Computer Lab






Safet Norms,
Fire Safety and pre

4. Evaluation processes :The academic audit of a school rests in the evaluation processes that are adopted by the school. In trying
to understand the learners progress the CBSE has placed Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation from
primary to secondary classes with the view of giving importance to the learners needs, interests and abilities.
From the purpose of improving the schools

Sharing content and setting challenging goals

Need to foster and encourage timely and specic feedback from learners and teachers.

Reection and practices as reective teachers could be a part after every lesson delivered

Mentoring and monitoring by senior experienced teachers promote evaluation.

Subject teachers working out strategies for excellence.

5. Learning environment:


Promotion of collegiality and professionalism promotes better understanding.

Maintaining student teacher relationships: Establishing a relationship of balance and respecting
learners individuality. Encouragement and collaboration between students and teachers.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

6. Use of Technology :Schools cannot be left far behind from using technology to facilitate teaching and learning processes.
It begins with providing Infrastructural Technological upgradations. This can be done in phases.
Teachers training in using technology ofine and online tools Integrating Technology in Lesson

Collegiality & Professionalism



This factor deals with the way in which staff members in the school interact and
the extent to which they approach their work as professionals .

7. Education Management :The role of school leadership is strengthened by the support of the management, staff and parents.
However individual styles of leadership play an important role in bringing excellence and promoting a
culture of learning. Schools leaders need to

Align the staff to the shared vision of the school.

Envision the future challenges and draw an achievable plan of action for school progress.

Encourage talent and empower the staff.

Believe that the capacity of the academic excellence lies in the capacity of the teachers.

Involve and support suggestions from parents.

Be a linchpin between the management, staff and stakeholders.

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Mentor teachers to be future Principals.

Identify issues, challenges and gaps through SCOT analysis - Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities
and Threats.
Conduct Teachers Empowerment Programmes and Parental Orientation Programmes at Class 1
entry, at Secondary level entry and Class XI & XII.

Connecting the school on the LAN and having WIFI enabled classrooms.

Using Technology for communicating to Learners and parents through emails or sms.

Having WIFI enabled Teacher Resource Centres.

Giving students access to CDs and e-library from classrooms.

7 Indicators of Quality Education

1. Curriculu Idea
2. Skills For Teaching learning proce
3. School Infra
4. Evaluation processes
5 Learning environment
6. Use of Tec
7. Education Management


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Journey towards Excellence

Anju Daksh *
Excellence is not an art but a habit. It is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Academic excellence has been conventionally understood with achieving high grades /marks. It is
identied as the ability to perform and excel in scholastic activities.
But academic excellence is much more than high grades in formal education. The true meaning of
Academic Excellence is to excel morally and intellectually. It is to equip yourself with knowledge and skills
that will take out the best within you and achieve immediate objectives.
There are a few steps to achieving excellence in the academic world.

The primary reason for being in school is to study in order to come out with good grades, so that you
can get an edge in this competitive world. Decide the scale of preference and work accordingly.


Set an achievable target for yourself. Be ambitious and always aspire to be the best.


Discipline conscious control over yourself. It is one of the achievers greatest weapon. Have a study
timetable and follow it religiously.


You must know what you want in life and go for it with all determination and enthusiasm.


Time is non-renewable. You must learn the art of controlling and organizing work.


Mingle with people of similar interests and goals. The more you share your knowledge, the more you


Dont start studying close to exams. Have a consistent study pattern. No magic can magnetize answers
to your brain.


Regular visits to library can enhance your classroom experiences and general understanding. Attend
lectures, seminars, exhibits if possible.
The key question is: Is success in life determined by academic excellence.?
Success is perishable. It is outside our control. But excellence is something that is lasting, that is achievable
by determination, perseverance and hard work.
The message is simple:
Develop an integrated, holistic approach towards bringing out the highest potential within you.
If we strive for excellence, we will probably be successful eventually.

*PRT, DAV Public School, Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

'kS{kf.kd mPprk dh miyfC/k

f'ko ukjk;.k lDlsuk *
f'k{kk euq";rk ds fodkl dk ize[k vk/kkj gSA f'k{kk&jfgr euq"; dks ^fo|k&foghu i'kq* ekuk x;k gSA Hkkjrh; laLfr esa
rks f'k{kk dh efgek crkrs gq, ^Kkua r`rh; euqtL; us=e* dk flkUr izpfyr fd;k x;k gSA f'k{kk dk lzkr 'kkL=ksa dks dgk tk
ldrk gSa fdUrq] f'k{kk rFkk 'kkL= esa cgqr gh lw{e vUrj Hkh gSA f'k{kk tc rd O;ogkj ugha curh vkSj dsoy 'kkL= dh fuf/k
cuh jgrh gS] fo"k ds leku dgh xbZ gS& ^vuH;kls fo"kk 'kkL=e~A* tc vH;kl }kjk fl djds f'k{kk dk foosdiw.kZ mi;ksx
fd;k tkrk gS rks ekuo dk lokZxh.k fodkl djus okyh gksus ds dkj.k ;gh f'k{kk dYir# cu tkrh gS& fda fda u lk/k;fr
dYiyrso fo|kA
f'k{kk dk {ks= rFkk Lo#i vius xq.kksa rFkk efgek ds vk/kkj ij cgqr O;kid gSA fdUrq vkt ds lanHkZ esa f'k{kk dk O;kogkfjd
#i f'k{kk dk izpfyr vaxth i;kZ; Education gh dgk tk ldrk gSA bl n`f"V ls f'k{kk dk vFkZ gqvk (The art of training,
bringing up and leading up) ^izf'k{k.k] laoZu rFkk iFk izn'kZuA* bl lca/k esa fu"d"kksa dh LFkkiukFkZ ik'pkR; fo}ku ^cdZ*
dh f'k{kk ij n'kkZ;h xbZ fpUrk euhf"k;ksa ds fy, xaHkhj ladr ls de ugha gSA mudk iz'u gS fd & ^f'k{kk D;k gS\* bl iz'u ds
mkj dh [kkstdjrk mudk nwljk iz'u gS fd & ^iqLrdks dk <sj\* mudk mkj gS& ^ughA* Lokeh foosdkuUn ds vuqlkj ^f'k{kk
fofo/k tkudkfj;ksa dk <sj ugha] cfYd euq"; esa tks lEiw.kZrk xqIr #i ls fo|eku gS] mls izR;{k djuk gh f'k{kk dk dk;Z gSA gcZVZ
LisUlj f'k{kk esa deZ dks ize[k mn~n'; ds #i esa izfrf"Br djrs gq, dgrs gS fd ^yksxksa dks iw.kZ thou O;rhr djus ds fy, izLrqr
djuk gh f'k{kk dk mn~n'; gSA* MkW tkWu th fgcu f'k{kk dks ^thou dh ifjfLFkfr;ksa dk lkeuk djus dh ;ksX;rk ekurs gSA
bl e esa f'k{kk 'kkL=h Fkkelu ds fopkj fo'ks"k :i ls mYys[kuh; gS& f'k{kk ,d fo'ks"k izdkj dk okrkoj.k gS] ftldk izHkko
ckyd ds fpUru] n`f"Vdks.k rFkk O;ogkj djus dh vknrksa ij LFkk;h #i ls ifjorZu ds fy, Mkyk tkrk gSA*
f'k{kk dh n`f"V ls Hkkjrh; ifjos'k dHkh fdlh dk eksgrkt ugha jgkA cfYd f'k{kk dh xq.kokkiw.kZ mPprk dh miyC/krk tks
Hkkjr esa lqfuf'pr jgh gS] r{kf'kyk rFkk ukyUnk fo'ofo|ky; mlh dk ToyUr izek.k jgs gSA rHkh rks Hkkjr dks txn~x# dgk
tkrk FkkA
fdarq f'k{kk dh mPprk dh miyC/krk ij ppkZ* Hkkjr ds txn~x#okys f'k{k.k&Lo:i ds {kj.k dk |ksrd vo'; gSA bl jksx
dk ;fn lpeqp rFkk leqfpr funku djuk gh gS rks] jksx ds okLrfod dkj.kksa dh iM+rky igyh vko';drk gksxhA orZeku esa
ge ftl f'k{kk&iz.kkyh dk fgLlk gS] mldh uhao Ms<+ 'krkCnh iwoZ rRdkyhu 'kkldksa us ijrU= Hkkjr esa Mkyh FkhA
vkt ge LorU= gSA LorU= Hkkjr esa f'k{kk ij /;ku fn;k tkuk lpeqp Lokxr ;ksX; dne gSA ysfdu esjs fopkj esa ;gk Hkh
,d xaHkhj pwd fQj gks xbZA egkRek xk/kh ds flkUrkuqlkj ^;kstuk ds ykHk dk e uhps ls ij gksuk pkfg, u fd ij ls
uhpsA* fdUrq] gqvk blds foijhrA LorU= Hkkjr esa f'k{kk ij /;ku nsus ds fy, tks f'k{kk&vk;ksx cus muesa igyk mPp f'k{kkFkZ
^fo'ofo|ky; f'k{kk vk;ksx*] nwljk ^ek/;fed f'k{kk vk;ksx rFkk rhljk ,oa pkSFkk ^lEiw.kZ f'k{kk vk;ksx* FksA tcfd igyh
rFkk ize[k vko';drk gS izkFkfed f'kk{kk ij /;ku nsdj lq/kkj fd, tkus dhA gekjh lcls cM+h pqukSrh Hkh iwoikz Fkfed rFkk
izkFkfed f'k{kk iz.kkyh dks lq/kkjuk gh gSA ge dg ldrs gS fd] 'kS{kf.kd mPprk dh miyC/krk uhao dks et+crh nsus ls 'kh?kz
* fgUnh&f'k{kd] Vkbuh VkV~l lhfu;j lsd.Mh Ldwy] Qjhnkckn


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

rFkk Lo;eso lqyHk gks ldrh gSA jghenkl th ds flkUrkuqlkj Hkh lq/kkjksa dk e uhps ls 'kq: fd;k tkuk gh fofgr gS&
^jfgeu lhaps ewy dks Qwy] Qys v/kk;A*
iwoikz Fkfed rFkk izkFkfed Lrj dh ikB~;iwLrdksa dh lkexzh fuookn #i ls fuodYi gksuk lqfuf'pr fd;k tkuk ize[k #i
ls visf{kr gSA
dbZ ckj Nk=ksa ds lEeq[k tkus ij Hkh gekjk ikf.kMR;iw.kZ ik[kaMokyk ;g joS;k gekjk lkFk ugha NksM+ ikrkA ifj.kke ;g
gksrk gS fd Nk= d{kk esa tc viuh leL;k ysdj [kMk gksrk gS rks f'k{kd mls MkV dj fcBk nsrk gSA f'k{kd dk ,slk joS;k
d{kk&okrkoj.k esa eS=hiw.kZ foe'kZ dks foeq[k gh cuk, j[krk gSA tcfd izHkkoh f'k{k.k ds fy, f'k{kd }kjk d{kk esa eS=hiw.kZ
okrkoj.k dh ltZuk f'k{kk ds 'kS{kf.kd&dkS'ky dk fof'k"V vax ekuk tkrk gSA
xq#dqy ijEijk esa Hkh Nk= tc xq#dqy esa f'k{kkFkZ izos'k ysrk Fkk rks vfXu dks lEeq[k djds vkpk;Z & Nk= ijLij
izfrKkc gksrs Fkks fd lgukoorq] lgukSHkquDrq] lgoh;djokogS] rstfLouko/khreLrq*] ekfof}"kkogSA 'kkfUr% 'kkfUr%
'kkfUr% vFkkZr~* vkt ls gekjs lHkh O;ogkj eS=jiw.kZ gksaxs rFkk ge lkFk&lkFk vkxs c<+saxs] [kk,axs rFkk lh[ksaxsA Hkko ;g gqvk
fd vkpk;Z vius vtr Kku dks Nk= ij Fkksisxk ugha lkFk gh vkpk;Z dk mlds izfr fe=or~ O;ogkj Nk= dh leL;kvksa dks
Nk= ds Lrj ij gh le>us gsrq okrkoj.k dks ldkjkRed cuk,xkA
Nk= rFkk f'k{kd ds e/; lrdZrkiwoZd vko';d nwjh cuk, j[krs gq, ikB~; fo"k; ij Nk=ksa dk fe=or~ ppkZ ds fy,
[kqys fueU=.k ij /khjs&/khjs Nk= ,sls leL;kvksa dh Hkh ppkZ dj cSBrs gSa ftUgsa ge dksbZ egRo gh ugha nsrsA dHkh&dHkh rks
vfrlkekU; lh izrhr gksus okyh ckrksa ls Hkh vf/kd laHkor% O;FkZ yxusokyh Nk=ksa dh leL;kvksa esa gh vPNs rFkk izHkkoh
f'k{k.k dh dqath fNih gksrh gS vkSj blhfy, ,d vPNs rFkk laosnu'khy f'k{kd ds fy, ;s leL;k, ck/kk, ugha curha vfirq
ekxZ n'kZu dk dk;Z djrh gSA
bu lc ds ewy esa vn`'; lR; ds #i esa lrr fo|eku rRo gS ^vo/kkj.kk (Concept)A ;g vo/kkj.kk gh gS tks leLr
izdkj ds Kkuksa dk ewyk/kkj gS (uhao gS)A vr% vo/kkj.kk ftruh ifjiDork ls le>nkjhiwoZd ,oa lrdZrk ds lkFk lqfuf'pr
dh tk,xh rFkk ;g ftruh vf/kd la'k;jfgr gksxh] eq>s yxrk gS fd lQyrk dk izfr'kr Hkh mlh vuqikr esa vf/kd gksus
yxsxkA vr% vo/kkj.kk ds laca/k esa fdlh izdkj dk le>kSrk Lohdk;Z ugha gks ldrk gSA bls vkSj Bhd izdkj ls le>us ds
fy, gesa vo/kkj.kk ds pkjksa pj.kksa ij /;ku nsuk gksxkA
1) ,sfUnzd lwpuk & KkusfUnz;ks ds xq.k vFkkZr~ Jo.k] n'kZu rFkk Li'kZ }kjk tkudkjh izkIr djukA
2) Lok/;k;
& izkIr ;k vtr Kku@tkudkjh ij Lo;a ds fpUru rFkk rdZ&fordZ }kjk fu.kZ; djds le>
fodflr djukA
3) cks/k
& ,sfUnzd lwpuk ls izkIr tkudkjh ij fpUru&euuiwoZd fodflr ,oa fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ le> ij eu
dh Lohfr tks vUreZu rFkk vopsru efLr"d esa ,d fcEc ds #i esa fLFkr gks tkrh gSA
4) vf/kxe
& bu izf;kvksa ls gksdj vtr Kku dk O;ogkj djus esa leFkZ cus jguk vf/kxe dgykrk gSA
vc dYiuk dhft, fd ,sfUnzd lwpuk dqN vkSj rFkk myV&iqyV jgs] fQj Lok/;k; ds le; fpUru esa vokafNr
mFky&iqFky ftlds dqifj.kkeLo#i ^cks/k* dh izf;k esa vopsru eu ij vafdr gksus ls iwoZ gh lwpukRed fcEc ds vLi"V]
dVkQVk rFkk /kq/kyk;k cus jgus ij ^vf/kxe* dh n'kk D;k gksxh\
bu fLFkfr;ksa esa fo"k; rks le> esa vkrk ugha gk] f'k{kd rFkk vfHkHkkod dh MkV&QVdkj ls cpus gsrq rFkk ijh{kk mkh.kZ
October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

djus ds ncko esa Nk= jVus ij et+cwj gks tkrk gSA foMEcuk rks ;g gS fd xf.kr tSls vH;kl&fl fo"k; esa Hkh izkFkfed ls
mPprj ek/;fed rd ds Nk=ksa dks loky jVdj ijh{kkvksa dh rS;kjh djus esa izo`k gksuk iM+rk gSA bl leL;k dh 'kq#vkr
Hkh iwoZizkFkfed Lrj ij dj nh tkrh gSA ifj.kkeLo#i fo"k; ls v#fp gks tkrh gSA izLrqr mnkgj.k }kjk bls le>k tk
ldrk gSA
mnkgj.k & xf.kr esa vadksa ds c<+rs gq, eku okeorhZ n'kkZrstkus dk fu;e gSA ekbyksehVj] bySfDVd ehVj] ehfVd flLVe
vFkok n'kfed&iz.kkyh rFkk dSYdqysVj vkfn lHkh izdkj ds ;U=ksa esa xf.kr ds bl fu;e dk gh O;ogkj fd;k tkrk gSA ysfdu
tc f'k{kd f'k'kq dks fxurh rFkk igkM+k fl[kkrk gS rks xf.kr ds c<+rs gq, vadeku nf{k.korhZ n'kkZrk gSA vFkkZr ck, gkFk ls
ge ftls cukuk pkgrs gSa] mls nk, gkFk ls feVk nsrs gSA ;g ckr gekjs fy, ftruh lkekU; izrhr gksrh gS] Nk= ds lkeatL;
cSBkus esa mruh gh tfVy gSA
,d vU; mnkgj.k fgUnh fo"k; ls fy;k tk ldrk gSA fgUnh&O;kdj.k dh dqN iqLrdsa fgUnh&o.kZekyk esa o.kksZ dh dqy
la[;k (ewy $ vfrfjDr o.kZ) 48 n'kkZrh gSa tcfd dqN iqLrdsa o.kksZ dh dqy la[;k 51 n'kkZrh gS rks dqN 52 ;k 53 Hkh
n'kkZrh gSaA iz'u gS fd Nk= gksa ;k f'k{kd vFkok vke tu fdl la[;k dks lgh ekus\ rFkk lgh ekus Hkh rks mldk vk/kkj
D;k gks\ bl iz'u dk tokc ^ekgs'oj&lw=* esa fufgr gSA bl lw= ds vuqlkj 'kadj Hkxoku ds Me# ls tks ewy o.kZ fudys
os ^vp rFkk gy* fgUnh esa = 46 gSA blds vfrfjDr dkSu ls o.kZ fgUnh&o.kZekyk dh 'kksHkk cusa] ;g fopkj.kh; gSA D;ksafd
pkj la;qDr O;atuksa dks gh o.kZekyk esa izdkf'kr 4 la;qDr O;atuksa ds vfrfjDr ;s vusd izdkj ds gksrs gSaA bl izdkj ,d
vU; leL;k ls Nk=ksa dks tw>uk iM+rk gSA bl fo"k; esa vius ckyd dh ifjfLFkfr izLrqr dj jgk gwA d{kk rhu esa mldh
f'kf{kdk us mls la;qDr O;atu dk ikB fl[kk;kA ckyd us ?kj ij eq>ls ;g ikB iqu% le>kA ijh{kk esa mlus la;qDr O;atuksa
ds mnkgj.k fy[ksA f'kf{kdk us o.kZekyk esa izdkf'kr mnkgj.kksa & {k] =] {k rFkk J esa ls fy[ks mnkgj.kksa dks gh lgh fd;k
tcfd vU; mnkgj.k tSls & | rFkk iz dks xyr ekudj dkV fn;kA ckyd us nq[kh gksdj eq>ls crk;kA eSaus bl lUnHkZ esa
f'kf{kdk ls tc ckr dh] rks mudk mkj lpeqp gSjku djus okyk FkkA dchj dh iafDr ml le; tSls lkdkj gks mBh Fkh
fd ^vU/ku vU/kk Bsfy;k] nksuksm dwi iM+UrA* os cksyha fd dksbZ dqN Hkh dgs] eSa rks dsoy mlh dks lgh ekuwxh tks iqLrds
cksyrh gSA vFkkZr] ikB dks fl[kkus dk tks dk;Z eSaus ,d gkFk ls fd;k Fkk] f'kf{kdk ds naHkh ikafMr; us mls nwljs gkFk ls u"V
dj MkykA bl nqnZ'kk dk eked fp=.k ,d 'kk;j ds 'kCnksa esa ns[ksa &
dksbZ vU/kk fdlh dks jkLrk] tks fn[kk, Hkh rks fn[kk, D;k \
tks fn[kk Hkh ns rks gks nqnZ'kk] gks [kjkc nksuksa dh ftUnxhA
iz'u gS fd vkf[kj dc rd Nk=ksa ds eu&efLr"d ds lkFk ge f'k{kd f[kyokM+ djrs jgus dks LorU= gSaA d{kk NksVh gS
vFkok cM+h egRoiw.kZ ;g ugha gS] egRoiw.kZ gS fd f'k{kd dh fo"k;xr n{krk Nk=ksa ds fy, fdruh mi;ksxh fl gksxh\
vk'k; ek= bruk gS fd vf/kxe ds pkjksa pj.kksa ij f'k{kd dk /;ku lnSo cuk jguk pkfg,A d{kk esa eS=hiw.kZ okrkoj.k
dk fuekZ.kdj iBu&ikBu lEiUu fd;k tkuk pkfg,A Nk=ksa dks tksHkh fl[kk;k tk,] mldk fuookn rFkk fuodYi vFkkZr
la'k; jfgr gksuk furkUr vifjgk;Z gSA blds vHkko esa 'kS{kf.kd mPprk dh miyfC/k dh ge ppkZ rks dj ldrs gSa] naHkiw.kZ
ikafMR; ds izHkko esa cM+s&cMs+ nkos Hkh dj ldrs gSa] ysfdu <jkZ ;fn ppkZ rd gh fleVdj jg x;k rks] tks gesa izkIr gksus okyk
ifj.kke izrhr gks jgk gS] u rks og gekjk vHkh"V eUrO; gS vkSj u gh mls fdlh izdkj Js;Ldj ekuk tk ldrk gSA


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

What Other Principals Say.....

Expected Excellence from Teachers
God has created this beautiful world where a teacher has multi-personality role to show the students
the world in a broad spectrum. A teacher presents the past, reveals the present and creates the future for
In this light, based on the views obtained from the students, let us explore the aspects which they expect
from the teachers.It is needless to express that the students uniformly expect the teachers to be good at
heart, sweet in tongue, rich in thoughts and noble in character. They boost the taxonomy of knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Focussing on the academics, the teacher should complete the portions of the subjects as per syllabi
within the scheduled time and carry out revisions to the satisfaction of the students to avert a jeopardy at the
eleventh hour to ensure that their imparting studies remains free from ambiguity.
The teacher should have excellent communication skills in the narration of their subject. They should
change and compare the subject with the different aspects used in their day to day life, to promote better
understanding. Apart from conducting the periodic feedback tests, the teacher should also give projects based
on both indoor and outdoor activities giving a fair chance to all the students, without overloading them.
Some of the students are of the view that the teachers have to come down to the extent of students
capacity, with a flexible approach, which will reduce inferiority complex. They expect that teachers should
maintain a good relationship with their parents when they meet, without any communal or linguistic bias.
The most important function is that the teacher should appraise and disseminate the latest developments
by adopting or adjusting the changes, to meet students needs.
The career plans are to be highlighted to the students.
Apart from the high academic credentials, the teacher must possess emotional and moral binding,
interaction and social awareness. The teachers should be capable of moulding the minds of students with
The teachers duty is to shape good citizens and dedicated youngsters who are the pillars of the country.
They can also transform the young students of today into worthy citizens of tomorrow.
G. Jayasri Reddy
Modern Educational Academy,
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Pivotal Role Models for Children

Sending a child to a school may be an exciting and emotional time for both families and children. Some
children will experience a group exposure for the first time whereas others may be leaving another pre
school or a crche. Which ever may be applicable to your child the universal truth is that every child has
his/ her unique personality and is equipped with some knowledge and experience when s/he joins a formal
school. In every school it is the teacher who becomes the mentor and coach in the process of upbringing.
The parents once they make the choice to share the major time of their children with the new home ground
trust the school. Nowbecomes entirely the responsibility of the school to give a positive shape to the dreams,
hopes and destiny of their students.
In this era of competition and daily innovations, schools are also moving at fast pace towards modernization,
discovering and developing different skills with plenty of space and varied equipment.
The role of parenting is very important in shaping the children as values are not taught but caught first at
home as children instinctively imitate their parents. The school emphasizes the high standard of discipline,
punctuality and regular deliverance from the students which is not possible if the parents are not playing a
proactive role in their childs stride for excellence.
Principals being the leaders of their school play a pivotal role in transforming the students of today to build
a brighter and shining India. The Government must take more initiatives to invest money in empowering the
school Principals and teachers fraternity to forge this country to move ahead across States, and borders. It
feels good if we succeeded. If you believe in achieving academic excellence then, join my PHD course as P
is for Passion, H is for Hardwork, D is for dedication.
Neerja Padru
Shah International School
PaschimVihar, New Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The Momentum Effect

The world is ample and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. One way to keep
momentum going is to have continuously greater goals.
One of the most difcult, stressful occupations today must surely be the classroom teaching, as who else
is charged with the awesome responsibility of preparing our children for the future? And who else is expected
to fulll this critical responsibility in the face of so many roadblocks? Teaching today is a more complex, more
demanding profession than it ever was. Just consider some of the challenges a teacher typically face:
Students who come to school unprepared to study.
Students who are unmotivated and troublesome.
Students attention-decit disorders.
Parents who are openly hostile to your efforts.
But let me ask, who motivates you? Who helps you to reach your full potential?
Todays teachers belong to a promising generation in the history of the world. Teachers have to be
committed to relating to youngsters from many cultures, including those who, with traditional teaching, no
longer see their primary role as being the king or queen of the classroom, a benevolent dictator deciding
what's best for the powerless underlings in their care. They've found that they accomplish more if they adopt
the role of educational guides, facilitators and co-learners. They stand at the summit of the ages, like the
crossroads of two great paths. One is the broader, well travelled path that leads to mediocrity of mind and
character and to a social decline.
The other is a narrower, less travelled uphill path leading to limitless human possibilities and the hope of
the world. Leadership to skills for teachers between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. In history,
the great teacher has always been a force multiplier who has brought out extraordinary performance out of
ordinary people. Hence, they are different from other teachers who fail to develop top-notch students. A
need that becomes conscious is called a Want. Teacher can help the process by which needs are transformed
into Wants. The test or leadership said John Buchan is not to put greatness into humanity but to elicit it, for the greatness
is there already.
Subhash Jain
Modi Public School,
Kota, Rajasthan
October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Excellence in Education
Benedict Spinoza has rightly said All things excellent are as difcult as they are rare. In fact excellence is not
a quality that can be achieved by anyone all of a sudden. It requires strong determination, will-power and
motivation. Therefore it cannot be ignored
Education is a tree whose fruits are indispensible for the growth of society. Education is a candle which enlightens the
society. Can you imagine a civilized nation without prominent gures attaining excellence in education? Great
leaders and personalities are creations of excellence in education. Therefore, education is a boon and has
the power to lift a person to realize his dream. Education plays a pivotal role in all spheres of human life
and achieving excellence in it is a rich and unique possession. Besides illuminating the path and wiping out
the darkness of disorder and mismanagement, excellence in education is vital to run a democracy and also
driving a person to chose the best leader.
Last but not the least, hard work is the key to success and excellence in education. Diligent efforts will
never fail if one pursues hard work with sincerity and devotion.
Another example is that one day a boy was turned out of the school by his teacher but due to his
commitment, devotion, hard work as well as support and training by his mother helped him to grow up to
be the famous scientist and inventor, Thomas Alva Edison. This shows where there is a will there is a way.
If a person is committed to attain excellence, no power on earth can stop him/her. Such was the spirit in
Thomas Alva Edison which every student should possess.
Students can carve a niche in every domain of educational terrain if they have achieved perfection in the
liberal arts including humanities, sciences with meaningful exposure to diverse subjects such as music and
language. It is rightly said Achievers are not born but they are made. Besides this, hope and faith are the only things
that can help to ride on the path of excellence in education.
Students can become doctors, engineers, managers and other professionals if they enter the global
economy with the ability to apply what they have learnt. That is the mark of qualitative education and a truer
indication of academic excellence.
In a nutshell, pursuing one's denition and direction to the marked goal can create a new paradigm of
excellence to match the best in the world.
To conclude Dexter Yager has said A winner is one who accepts his failures and mistakes, picks up the pieces and
continues striving to reach his goal.
Rooma Pathak
M.M. Public School
Pitampura, Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Rigor and Relevanc of Effective Education

In order to cope with the rapidity with which knowledge itself is changing, todays students must seek to
achieve academic excellence for their survival in the ever-changing world.
Academic excellence is the demonstrated ability to perform, achieve, and/or excel in scholastic activities.
Academic excellence has been identied with achieving high grades and superior performance.
A rigorous and relevant education is a product of effective learning, which takes place when standards,
curriculum, instruction and assessment interrelate and reinforce each other. When assessment is viewed as
the end goal or nish line, the test itself becomes a barrier to high levels of student achievement. However,
if curriculum, instruction and relevant learning become the focus, the tests will take care of themselves.

Amarendra Kumar Mishra

K. C. Public School,
Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir

Excellence is a Journey, not the Destination

'Excellence' connotes the quality of being perfect, distinguished and outstanding.
In my point of view, the institution of the academic acclaim is one, which is able to create compassionate
human being with sharp intellects and enlightened spirits, good physique and emotional strength to face the
challenges of the world, powerfully.
It can be achieved through effective teachers. They know that they are just facilitators. As the gardener
cant grow a plant, s/he can only facilitate its growth by loosening the soil and allowing sun light and
providing water. Same way teachers cant teach child but can facilitate his\her learning by providing conductive
atmosphere. They teach them how to think rather than what to think.
Continuous efforts by teachers enhance the quality of their teaching and make their institution the centr
of academic excellence.
Rosy Jain
Shifaly International School, Ludhiana, Punjab

Excellence is a Learning Process

The time has come when, we, as a collective whole in the academic arena, ponder over the true objective
of education. Excellence should become a byword for everyone. Also, I strongly feel that man must lead to
a feeling being emotional empowered. The western world claims superiority in various elds. Education in
October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

my opinion, is only one facet of the coin, another face tells another story-cut throat competition, dilution
of healthy competitive atmosphere, short cut route for achieving targets, not place for sensitivity, feeling,
emotion etc. There are several examples which reect that there is not much emphasis on ethics and moral
values in education system. Believing only in customer culture, considering students as consumers, is most
unfortunate for any society as well as education system.
The key to survival in this dynamic world is the essence in the expression of creative mind liberated
from constraint and comforts of convention. Organization that encourages and nurtures innovations, in
fact, acknowledge and salute not just the individuals concerned, but also the spirit of creativity, which is the
bedrock of a vibrant society.
Having felt the need to meet the rising concern of the society is to equip it with skilled and competent
youth. The guiding object of the college is to channelize the abundant energy and creativity of youth, from
the initial stags. We believe in the philosophy that by encouraging our youth to contribute towards nation
building through their managerial and technical competencies.
Let us, in the land of Taxila-Nalanda, right in the middle of the hallowed earth, that was known as
jagatguru (Worlds Teacher), pledge to create and nature system of knowledge dissemination that stand the
test of time.
Rashmi Johar
Paul International School, Lakhimpur Kheri,
Uttar Pradesh


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

What Other Teachers Say.....

Stress Management Skills
Perception actuates thought; Thought determines opinion
Opinion induces logic; Logic spurs decision
Decision stimulates action; Action decides consequence
Consequence nurtures experience; Experience generates wisdom
Such is the importance of perception, the outlook or approach towards any situation.
Once a problem is solved, it is neither imperative nor practical to believe that no other problem of that
sort, would raise again. Life is not a game to be won. Or a destination to be reached. Its a journey with its
own moles, mountains and milestones. It is to be travelled , keeping in mind ,the availability of resources, the
readiness for any impending danger , the joy of watching the journey and the sufferings to be accompanied
. Life is not a challenge to be overcome. Dont attempt to be the champion, waving the ag of victory over
a bygone issue. Do celebrate for the quick-x but be prepared also for the hurdles on way.
Making judicious use of time serves as an important factor. Dont wait for the propitious hour. Perceive
the issue promptly. Devise the strategy in accordance with your strengths and resources. Tap every wellwishers stock to extract maximum assistance. Dont be hesitant in sharing your problem with those you
bank upon. Be open to advice and suggestions. Do not be the lone struggler, be it a herculean hitch or minor
maze. Keep shyness and timidity away.
There is a strong need to make students realise the value of the present. Therefore, condence and trust
should be built with a conviction that every problem has a solution. It means developing self-reliance and
the ability to comprehend a tough situation logically. Let motivation and appreciation be the tools to pierce
through stressful situations and ease them to the accessible arena of possible solution. Let the bubbles be
short-lived with timely assistance and proper management.
Preeti Shrivastava
PGT (English)
Kendriya Vidyalaya ONGC,
Ankleshwar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Coping with Examination Stress

Rome was not built in a day---Students must remember one thing that academic learning starts from the
beginning of the academic year. The lessons which the children have learnt in the classroom ought to be

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

revised every day. If any doubt arise they should be cleared on the very next day. A mason constructs a wall
by barking brick by brick. Studying everyday lessens the syllabus burden before the examinations.
The completion of syllabus and revision early before the examinations boosts the condence of students.
No child is genius by birth. The renowned scientists, philosophers, leaders and artists did not gain their
reputation in one day. They did not lose their condence because of small letdowns.
Most of the students just learn up the concepts without understanding them. It results in the failure in
applying those concepts. Classroom activities play a key role and with the help of teachers, they have to gain
a better understanding.
Students should get rid of laziness and study every day. They have to make study a habit. Whatever the
work given by teachers must be completed within the stipulated time. Learning and revision have to become
a routine in students life.
Some students are scared of doing mathematical problems. They try to avoid the subject. Students should
be attentive in the Mathematics class. They have to clarify their doubts by discussing the difcult concepts
with the teacher and the classmates. Problems in Mathematics should be practiced every day. The same
practices may be adopted in other subjects also.
Regular exercise and practice of yoga especially 'Pranayama' is said to improve the power of concentration.
Students may have short breaks during their study. After a long and continuous study hours they can go for
a walk to relieve the stress. It freshens their mind and enhances the concentrating power.
Teachers and parents must recognise the small achievements of students in their subjects and should
appreciate verbally and sometimes by presenting rewards. The instances from the lives of famous scientists
and leaders how they could overcome the difculties in the journey of their life should be highlighted.
Inspiring quotes may be stuck on the walls of the study room.
Watching television and browsing the internet need to be restricted. Students may watch selected
programmes on television. During the brake, they may watch comedy lms and cartoons.
Parents should avoid comparing the performance of their children with others. They have to create
conducive atmosphere for their wards at home. Special coaching classes can be arranged for the subjects in
which their children are lagging behind. They have to realise the individual mental abilities of the children.
When children fail in any subject parents must provide psychological support to them. By applying all these
methods, students can overcome the examination stress quite easily.
Mazumdar Sankar
Atomic Energy Central School-1
Mumbai, Maharashtra


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Goals of Education is to Achieve Excellence

Education is a profession that fullls an important role in imparting information and knowledge.
The importance of its role may be assessed by the corresponding normative need to build a
population of enlightened individuals .
The educational institutions are the microcosms of culture and society. They are perceived to equip
students with intellectual tools to perform some tasks, which are critical to the functioning of a society. On a
broader scale, the teacher educators are helping the society to produce intelligent and enlightened individuals
who are an asset in its democratic functioning.
The educators impart education Ethical Values, Critical thinking skills, Universal ethical codes and a Sense
of responsibility.
Teachers form the nucleus of any system of education being responsible for educating young people for
different strides of life. There is a proverb that no system of education can rise above the levels of
its teachers . If education is the fundamental institution of any society the teachers are center to
any school , college or university. No program of education reform can be implemented without the
willing and active cooperation of its teachers . Teachers could be the most powerful agents of social
regeneration, because the whole structure of educational network rests upon their shoulders. The goals
for national growth are:
1. To improve the quality of training - programs and training institutions;
2. To expand the training facilities;
3 To make an adequate provision for the Continuous Professional Development of all teachers.
Professional development begins with pre-service activities, continues with induction into the profession
and extends throughout ones professional career. This indicates that teachers are lifelong learners. Therefore,
the process of lifelong learning means continuous rening of the skills, inquiring into current practices and
developing new methods and techniques to achieve excellence.

By identifying the learning needs teacher educators can make a proper learning strategy and
specialize themselves for particular area .

After identifying needs we can set some goals to develop us, which we want to inculcate in
ourselves .

A teacher educator can decide how to chalk out a proper plan, method and activity for their educational

Simultaneously teacher educator can identify some resources of learning, this helps in the
knowledge improvement.

The nal step is the evaluation of their progress.

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Some strategies should include the following :

A qualied or experienced teacher needs modernizing and enrichment techniques. S/he should
develop the courses in professional education for different categories of like-pre-primary, primary,
secondary and higher education.

To arrange the extension services in institutions of teacher education at all levels and to assist
them to grow.

To organize in-service programs in major subjects as well as in professional education.

To work in close collaboration with schools of all types with a view to develop research
and evolve better curriculum and teaching techniques.

To promote research in education, especially with an inter-disciplinary approach .

Technology should be infused into the entire education program and models should be used.

To establish two or three national centers for technology and education.

To encourage the incorporation of a global dimension into programs and organization.

A practice should also be adopted of appointing eminent professors in different disciplines as part-time
educators in the schools or renowned institutions of education, to explain new developments in their elds.
Apart from the intrinsic value of such contacts for improving the education system itself, this attempt will
incidentally help in raising the status of the current education.
Teachers role is very important in this whole process to gain the academic excellence. The teacher is at
the heart of this transformation in learning to facilitate every student to enjoy learning and to achieve their
potential. Teacher should not only be a communicator but also a mobilizer, motivator, and coordinator.
Teachers have to develop appropriate competencies to be able to create a learning environment
in which s/he designs and enhances the learning experiences and support learners continuously in
achieving their educational goals .
Dr. Shruti Upreti
University of Delhi, Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Role of Language in Achieving Academic Excellence

Academic excellence can be dened as expecting each student to work at the maximum level towards a
set of external standards as dened by the state, district, and/or school. Curriculum, quality of faculty, and
other factors constitute perhaps the most obvious determiners of the quality of an education.
Apart from this, during the last two decades there has been a tremendous change within the primary
and curricula especially in the teaching and learning of English. One notices a considerable growth in the
number of children learning English in the recent years and also a tendency to lower the age at which school
children begin to learn English, since it is believed that earlier a child learns a language the better will be
the prociency in that language. In order to address the current demand, the educational policy in India has
undergone a rapid change and moved into starting English programmes at class I. The NCF acknowledges
that the demand is popular rather than academic. The young learners, who are between the age of four
and ten, comprise the most rapidly growing segment of elementary school population. Many of them are
learning the language in a situation where the language is seldom heard outside the classroom.
Children acquire their rst language in an Oral environment through interaction with interlocutors in a
"shared, extra-linguistic context"(Watson and Olson, 1985), but in acquiring literacy - and for most children
this process occurs in a school environment - they have to learn a new set of interpretative strategies. The
success of education in India or else where, depends on sympathy for, empathy with, and knowledge of the
language and culture of the state to which the teachers are sent to teach. The classrooms where the language
is taught, are an important site where children, teachers and the text of all kinds interact in a variety of
complex ways and in this interaction the teachers have an extremely important role to play. If we want our
students to strive towards academic excellence, teachers of English as a second language must be sensitized
so that they recognize the dual language and dual cultural basis of bilingualism.
Learning a language, as we all know, is an individual achievement. It is an exploitation of the capacities of
the mind to make sense of the environment. But typically this private process takes place in the public context
of the classroom, where the individual is one of the group, a member of the class, and the activities which
are to set the process are determined by the teacher. Therefore, improvement is urged at the primary level,
where children develop their basic attitudes and approaches to learning. If the teachers in the primary school
are equipped with sufcient knowledge, trained to develop a critical understanding of both policy and child
development and if their attitudes and beliefs are studied and understood, they will be able to create a kind of
analytic framework to guide the children in the right direction so as to bring about positive learning outcomes
for life.This is when the child will move independently, taking a step at a time towards academic excellence.
Mousumi De
TGT (English),
KVSVPNPA Shivrampally,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Moral Values through Academics

For young minds with a great sense of curiosity, the standard of education needs to be improved. Qualied
teachers with a missionary zeal be deputed to teach young scholars. Ideal teachers must see to it that their
students get all their doubts claried in order to widen their mental horizon.
Academic brilliance should not mean bookish knowledge without any real understanding and learning.
Teachers are the mentors and they are required to pay attention to the all round development of their pupils
- mental, physical, social, moral and psychological. It must be borne in mind that a sound mind resides in
a sound body. Games must be a part of curriculum to keep boys and girls physically t and mentally alert.
Academic brilliance also implies exploitation of latent potentials to enable a scholar to be an ideal citizen.
The Biblical principle of Love thy neighbour as thyself must be imbibed by seekers of true knowledge and
wisdom. Moral values that seem to have been lost in the humdrum of material pursuits must be preserved
at all costs. Physical and mental development without psychological maturity cannot by any means lead to
brilliance in the eld of academic and professional pursuits.
Discipline is indispensable for every student who seeks to reach the zenith of glory in his pursuit of
wisdom and maturity. However, discipline that helps scholars to attain greatness must come from within
and should not be imposed from outside. The maxim Spare the rod and spoil the child has no relevance in
todays world. To make students regular and punctual, teachers must value time. Original thoughts and self
learning be encouraged among students at all levels to shape brilliance in academic career and professional
pursuits. Carelessness and lethargy must be curbed in schools, colleges, institutes and universities. Motivation
and inspiration on the part of mentors must be given due importance in management institutes, industrial
training institutes, medical colleges and engineering colleges where qualied and disciplined teachers guide
and train upcoming scholars. Blessings of teachers as well as their admonishment must be welcomed by
students who seek to make a mark in their eld.
Ranjana Sabhlok
Sant Nischal Singh Public School
Yamuna Nagar, Haryana


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Goals for Success

All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless s/he knows where s/he wants to
go and what s/he wants to be or do. Therefore, when you have set a goal, long or short term, planning
is inevitable in the achievement of such goals. If your short term goal is to get good grades in your next
coming examination, then ask more questions and spend more time in academic activities.
Every person is the architect of his/her destiny and success begins from you. To achieve academic
excellence, one most important thing is to have a vision or foresight on what you want because what you see
is what you get and what you think is what you become unless you are settling for the less.
In order to attain a high level of academic excellence, there must be a driving force that will propel you
to work towards the set goal because when this goal is not achieved success cannot be attained. Avoid the
view that your academic is a routine process; you will never nd success, academic excellence that brings
along joy.
Henry Ford said - The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar,
instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.
Also, in life nothing is permanent, even as the earth is in constant motion, thus you must adapt to any new
environment, world or stage in life because everything is changing either for good or worse. For instance, if
the teacher might have resolved to do something differently from the general way instead of impregnating
with the new ideology you have learnt from tutor, learning may become difcult for you. Therefore, learn
to adapt to new ideas.
Meenal Deshmukh
Greenngers Global School
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

Teachers as Ideals
Achieving Academic Excellence is one of the major concerns of schools today. At the same time, it
is fundamental motto of our education system. Schools should have quality and sensible teachers whom
students can take as their ideals. Evaluation should be continuous and immediate remedy should be given to
the students if it is required. All the activities including teaching should be performed and nished within
provided time period and as per the requirement of the Board.
As far as students are concerned, they should have a distinet goal and they should not start their semester
without having a sense of direction.
Next is that students should focus on their goal. As endless as time is you cannot hold onto it; as the clock
ticks and seconds count. Time management is the act of controlling and organizing events.
October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Many valuable thoughts, ideas, can be got from a good company so, keep the right company. And be
yourself . You neednt copy others. Try to grab good reading and writing skills but dont copy others.
Examination is a test designed to measure the academic aptitude of students to ascertain their level of
understanding of a particular subject. So prepare yourself adequately for the same.
Anand Mishra
Asst. Teacher
Gyandeep English School,
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Achieving Academic Excellence

As we all are well acquainted with the fact that in each and every aspect of excellenc in life lies at the root
of the best performance which is multi-dimensional. All the same, achieving excellence in academic areas,
the institution must be devoted towards the all round development of the students.
The participation of the students in the talent search examinations must be admired and encouraged. The
teachers must take interest to enable the students to achieve their goals.
Academic excellence can be achieved only if both the teacher and the taught are fully responsible towards
their sincere duty. The students must try their best to acquire the life-skills and the teachers must pour their
best knowledge.
In conclusion, I would like to say : No academy can be nominated for the excellence unless and until
it touches each and every corner of the academic boundry. Therefore, it is essential for each academy to
achieve its best performance in all the curricular and extracurricular activities while Achieving Academic
R.A. Mishra
Asst. Teacher
Gyandeep English School,
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Eligibility vs. Elitism

The Schools in semi-urban environments need their teachers to be as competent as their top-notch
counterparts in the mastery of at least one commonly employed pedagogy. These schools equally need to
acknowledge that a B. Ed. certicate, even if it is authentic and issued by a government-accredited institute,
is not entirely a reliable indicator of competence. Likewise, with the teaching profession being exclusively
communications-centric, these rural or semi-urban based schools need teachers with communication skills
set at a fairly acceptable level. This is where CTET comes remarkably handy as a suitable tool to bridge the
quality gap because just as machinery needs to be set with default conguration, CBSE schools all through
out need to be dened according to standardised benchmarks of acceptability concerning primarily, the
quality of education they profess to offer. Management practices and infrastructure only gures second and
third respectively in the equation.
Setting the CTET as a mandatory requirement for recruits, in-service teachers and principals alike in all
CBSE afliated schools, it seems, has been the initial offering. With the CBSE becoming the profession
regulatory board for teachers, certied teachers become card-bearing professionals, eligible to teach anywhere
in India or even abroad.
The impending recast of CTET to feature assessment of teachers' communication skills of their mastery
of pedagogy concepts, and of their acquired functional skills in ICT, will indeed become the ultimate gamechanger.
The icing on the new empowered CTET cake it appears, is its liberal interpretation of the new-age catchphrase equal opportunity in that it gives serious value to in-service teachers' or principals' accumulated
experience as a factor for qualication and eligibility to sit for the CTET even without formal teacher's
training certicates such B.Ed. With school infrastructure no longer guring as the primary indicator of
quality education, true democratisation in education it appears, is happily ambling round the corner.
That the incumbent Chairman in close collaboration with the CBSE Special Exams, CTET department
and the Academics, Research, Training and Innovation unit could actually come up with something as grand
and ambitious as the structural modications about to be set in place, is as unexpected as a thunderclap at
high noon considering that the collective image they projected in the beginning was nothing close to being
reformist. So indeed credit must be given where credit is due.
Lorenz Barman
Teacher and Coordinator
Sarada Vidya Mandir Raiganj,
West Bengal

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

What Others Say......

Need for Rigorous Planning and Instruction
To achieve academic excellence, the role of teachers has to be at the heart of initiatives for achieving
academic excellence (Aniscow, 2003). As teachers not only help each other, they share ideas and instructional
approaches they usually know all the students in the school by name and typically know the students parents
and siblings. Moreover study after study shows the single most important factor determining the quality of
the education a child receives is the quality of his or her teacher.
In order to ensure academic excellence among students, teachers need to rigorously plan and instruct
students. Firstly teachers need to establish a collaborative culture of high academic expectations and positive
character expectations. While planing for teaching-learning process teachers should see possibility and
presume competence for all students. Teachers need to assist students in understanding their role as scholars
and their place within the community so that they can shape their mindsets to be growth oriented and
reinforce the correlation between actions and resulting accomplishments.
Secondly, teachers need to develop and utilize research based tools to ensure the curriculum is standard
driven, cohesive and organized. Teachers should unpack the standards and engage in collaborative planning
within their grade levels and across grades to create a consistent curriculum map centered on rigorous
content. Moreover, if teachers instruct students through demonstrating knowledge of school wide strategic
goals, intentionally implement effective instructional strategies and foster a culture of high expectations, high
achievement and virtuous character both within classroom and throughout the school it can denitely lead
to achieving academic excellence.
Teachers need to monitor and reinforce students peer collaboration, sharing classroom responsibilities
and critiquing others work. During teaching-learning process focus should be to create engaging and
integrated units that will appropriately challenge students. Creating inquiry-based projects and problems that
respect students interests, abilities and learning styles would lead to academic excellence. After instruction
there is necessity to evaluate the effectiveness of models of instruction, develop interventions and teach
skills necessary to enable students independence and mastery.
Hence through rigorous planning and instruction by teachers we can hope that students of our country
can meet the upcoming challenges.
Neha Madan
Assistant Professor
Guru Ram Dass College of Education,
IP University, New Delhi


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Mastering the Classroom through Quality Skills

Let learning explore and invent new roles for teachers in the classrooms. This brings in new engagement
in the classrooms, in particular.
We need an engaged classroom to explore the best of perfection for the smart learner who aim to be
perfect in all directions and expect the same from the teachers. A child in the class is expecting to rule the
world with an expectation of knowing all from OBAMA to MALALA through classroom discussions.
so, cheers and happy learning.
Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra
Vice President (Academics)
Next Education India Pvt. Ltd.
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Are our Teens Obsessed with Hi-Tech Life Style?

Gettng up in the morning with a mobile phone or TV reading over the laptop screen listening to the
chaotic music, fun with I- pod and SMS chat, social networking, video games throughout the day, shopping
in malls, parties and fairs and what else ? - This fascinating hi-tech modern life style has made our excited
young teen agers occupied which they themselves are not aware of. They are not able to establish a healthy
relationship with their near ones as it was in practice much the olden days.
This can be well prevented if the parents spend a lot of quality time with their wards and instil good
habits in them by being good role models and being self-disciplined.
Peer pressure has become the devil of the teens these days. Restlessness, anger, jealousy, hatred, hostility
and cruelty have sprouted in our teen minds making them aggressive. Teens should be guided about the dos
and donts in every walk of life. Teachers and parents can encourage them by talking about good lms, books,
sports, art and craft, social and spiritual activities. The friendly attitude of teachers with strategic planning in
handling the teens can surely stimulate positive thinking. Teachers can suggest some tips to vent their stress
and emotions innovative ways like starting adventure clubs etc.
The expectations of parents, educational institutions and the society from the teens seem to be very
high these days. They should set only such goals which are practical, realistic and achievable according to
ones limitations, background and resources. Teens should be given timely exposure in identifying their own
strength through organising career guidance exhibitions and seminars.
Dr. V. Kalyanaraman
Academic Counsellor
Kendriya Vidyalaya,
Meenambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Inculcating the Reading Habit

The paper delineates the importance of the reading habit and suggests ways to develop good reading habit
among students. In the beginning, children learn from their immediate environment through their senses. At
the stage when they can read their learning process reaches out to books and other reading materials from
different sources. At very young age, besides books they are addicted to the media, the internet and the
software consisting of games and animations for their needs information and entertainment . This creates
an imbalance which require redressal. Parents and teachers having a greater role in moulding the children
to reading. Reading is an act of reading the words, comprehending them and discriminating about what is
being read? Actually reading starts from the family. Children learn to name the objects around them, from
there parents and elders.
After mastering the alphabets they come across pictures, signs and slowly they begin to read books of
different content and the most basic level reading books, comprehension and enhances the vocabulary.
They come across to symbolic writing and rhetorical writing. Symbolical writing in forms and conveys while
rhetorical writing inspires and stimulates. Reading raises questions, sparks ideas and starts the chain of
imaginative thought.
The reading as a skill is taught by the teacher. This is the librarians privilege and responsibility to guide
on this skill and discover the art of reading. By reading a bond is established between the reader and books.
With the growth of discernment, children begin to appreciate the beauty of language and expressions.
Children who are good readers and read widely can express themselves more clearly in writing. By the simple
act of reading young people are expanding and enhancing their sensibilities. Reading leads to contribution to
society, sensitization of the mind and empowerment through knowledge. Therefore, reading must become a
daily activity, a regular part of our lives.
The reading habit means a regular practice of the reading. For reading there may be various kind of
books related to nature, myths, stories, biographies and many others. But the main point is how to inculcate/
develop the reading habit among the students. For this many methods have been suggested:1.

Classroom library-This consists of books related to that particular class under direct control and
supervision of the class teacher and student of the class.


Book seminar- In book seminar the students select and read a chosen book and discuss the theme
in the presence of a teacher.


Holiday project work:-During the vacations, students are asked to prepare some interesting models,
charts and projects on subjects of their choice.


Book week - During the book week variety of programmes like talks and lectures, screening of
lms, visiting local library, book exhibitions, book review and discussion should be arranged.


Book fairs - Book fairs should be arranged preferably on Saturday or Sunday so that parents can
also visit.


Book donation drive-Book donation drive may be helpful in getting good books by donation
either from the public or the students.


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education


Young readers club -In this club interested reader can meet regularly to help in making plans and
implement the library programmes in school.


Incentive to users -Various competitive activities are to be organized in the library based on
reading books.


Preparation of projects on poets/ writers-Young readers should be encouraged to prepare

projects on poets/writers of their choice.

10. Meet the author session-Young readers should be provided opportunity to meet the authors/
poets to focus on new trends in writing works of the writers, poets etc.
Gyan Shekhar Thakur
Kendriya Vidyalaya,
Begusarai, Bihar

The third Educator Creating Child Friendly Learning Spaces

Physical environments affect everyones behaviour. This concept of the environment as the third educator
comes from recognizing that there are many ways that the physical environment in schools, both indoor and
outdoor, can either enhance or interfere with childrens learning.
In the 21st century, the need is not just to provide the physical space where children can sit and gain
knowledge, but to provide an environment that allows them to wonder, inquire, think, question and share
their ideas. A physical environment is a powerful resource, which if put to optimal use, can make children
passionate about learning.
Research studies have proved that the physical environment plays an important role in shaping up childrens
personalities, especially during early childhood and primary years. Thus our endeavour continuously, is to
create physical spaces that are vibrant, child friendly and interactive and act as research centres for the
concepts being explored inside the classroom.
The varied physical spaces that we have created in school contribute to childrens learning in more than
one way. Some of these are listed below:
Print Rich Environment (Project Spaces and Vocabulary Walls): Such environments foster lifelong
learning as they motivate children to read and make sense out of words. Depending on their learning style,
we take different paths to bring words to life for our children in everyday teaching practice. For instance, new
words that children encounter in their language classes are put up on word walls and they are encouraged to
illustrate those words, which are then displayed next to each word. This leads to better comprehension and
increased interest in the print. A reading list is displayed along with these illustrations for the pre-primary
children and they are encouraged to go to the reading corner to practice reading.
Words are displayed around the concepts of parts of speech on the Vocabulary Wall for easy identication,
thereby helping children to frame grammatically correct sentences.
October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Interactive Corridor Boards(a rich learning experience): The corridor boards provide the opportunity
to children during their free time. Once they have completed their assigned tasks or during break time, they
engage in activities displayed on these boards and as a result, gain the advantage of working across multi-age
and grade levels. Some boards also serve the purpose of research centres and display additional information
on topics under study.
Examples of some interactive boards displayed include:

Scrabble board

Word search involving scientic terms

Taking the shes home ( addition and subtraction sums)

KWL on plants

The spaces for elementary classes are full of interesting things to see, touch and otherwise engage with.
They contain lots of open-ended material that invite exploration in a variety of ways. This is especially
important because childrens interests and abilities differ.
Every classroom also has a space where children are encouraged to display their own work. All kinds of
work goes up here and the efforts of children are acknowledged and appreciated.
Wed like to conclude by saying that for us, the third educator, ie the environment, encourage children to
make choices and participate in activities that they are interested in.
Amy Madan
Nirmal Bhartia School
Dwarka, New Delhi

The illiterate of the 21st century will

not be those who cannot read and write,
but those who cannot learn, unlearn,
and relearn
-Alvin Tofer


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

What Other Students Say......

Change and Opportunity
Today we live in a dynamic environment that is never constant. What was yesterdays fantasy is todays
luxury and tomorrows necessity. Ever-changing trends, fashion and social customs dene the very manner
in which we live today and will also decide the course of our living in times to come.
However, there is an element of change and its necessity at the individual level as well. We all are a part
of a system that keeps functioning 24x7, 365 days, a very intricate and perplexed system, that which always
keeps us on our toes and running, that system we all know today as LIFE.
It is said that the most certain thing about life is its uncertainty. These uncertainties are not a misfortune
but rather reection of how we have lived our lives. As such these uncertain turn of happenings may
be favorable as well. The best way to defend ourselves from the probable harsh repercussions of these
uncertainties is not to go against but rather accept. It is up to us to change according to the situation. Many
people call this being opportunistic, some may call this surviving, but I would prefer to call this living. Change
may be at different levels in different forms around us, right from getting up early today after a month long
vacation, meeting friends and making new ones as well. This also helps perceive better opportunities and
seize them.
For example, as we have entered a digital age that is run by articial intelligence, getting used to the change
itself was a tough feat for many while several others realized the potential of what a digital age mechanism
like internet is capable of and have tapped that resource. Banking, education, recreation, outsourcing, logistics
are just some of such avenues that have proved successful and just as we think there is nothing possibly
more that one could do and a new innovation comes up. This has changed the very meaning and identity
of the internet we knew before and as it stands today. Success is what we want it to be. For instance, exams
being declared on subsequent days may pose a problem for many of us and lament on it as a reason for not
working, but a true go getter will realize the opportunity for success, adapt to various changes and analyze
them as to how effectively they can be turned into solutions that guarantees success.
We will have to realize that nothing in this world is constant. One moment when you seem to be at the top
of the world and next you are pushed down. It is ups and downs of life that makes us stronger and better.
After all it is said that rough seas make a better sailor.
It is important to remain up to date and aware of the happenings around us. To be more precise we will
have to be awake to the world and not sleep in ignorance. However it does not imply that one will have to
bury oneself in books or newspapers but rather seek out for the knowledge. It is only when s/he is vigilante
can an individual adapt to change and seize opportunities at the right moment.
Opportunities and change go hand in hand. Change is the catalyst that leads to various opportunities.
Opportunities will have to be backed up by hard work and determination to succeed. It is equally necessary

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

to understand that change is not simply an excuse as well. Today when the world is suffering from global
warming and rising sea level, building ships to cope with it is not the solution but rather prevent global
warming itself. Similarly it is necessary to realize the implications of technology and understand its limits.
Friends, opportunities are waiting to be caught but the choice to seize them lies with us. Success is meant
for everyone but who gets there is not a matter of destiny but rather-ones own skill and perseverance. Changes
around us have and will continue to create more and more opportunities but it is not possible to accept these
opportunities unless we accept the change itself. Pessimists complaints about the winds, optimists wait for the
winds to change but winners change the sails accordingly. If you feel that opportunities have not knocked at
your door, it does not mean there is no chance but rather it simply means it is time to make your door, broaden
your mind and think outside the box and you will be lled with ideas and chances. A true idealist is one who
just does not see the difculties in opportunities but rather catch opportunities in difculties.
V. Ram Kumar
DAV Boys Senior Secondary School Gopalpuram,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

"The principal goal of education is

to create individuals who are
capable of doing new things, not
simply of repeating what other
generations have done.
-Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
Swiss cognitive psychologist


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Gender Sensitization
Gender Sensitization:
Role of Parents and Teachers
'Gender' refers to the socially constructed roles
and responsibilities of women and men in a given
culture or location. These roles are inuenced by
perceptions and expectations arising from cultural,
political, environmental, economic, social and
religious factors as well as custom, law, class, ethnicity
and institutional bias.
The two major factors that inuence childrens
development is the home.
Role of parents: I think parents are responsible
for their wards to make them civilized individuals.
Attitude and habits are formed very early in ones
life. What they learn in their most impressionable
childhood years stays with them all through their
lives. Gender sensitization is a matter of crucial
importance in the changing milieu of our society.
Parents can provide equal facility. If parents and
elders respect women, children will grow up in an
atmosphere of mutual regard and respect. Courtesies
and good manners learnt in childhood will never be
Role of teachers: we cant forget the role
of teachers and school that is very important
for a child. School plays a pivotal role in gender
sensitization. There should be healthy relationship
based on respect, understanding and concern. In
the matter of brain power, skill and talents, some

October-December 2013

may be superior or inferior but that has nothing to

do with the gender. The school provides the right
environment to do away with such rigid social mores.
The teacher takes the pride of place as mentor and
guide, showing the child its place in society.
As a nation, we take pride in our heritage and history,
our tradition of respecting and revering womanhood.
Self-defense training is another important
step schools have to take in the present situation.
Alongside physical education, we should introduce
an effective training programme in self-defense for
children, especially for girls so they will be more
condent and capable of defending themselves in
the adverse situations.
Values education should be a part of the school
curriculum at the secondary level so that girls and
boys can imbibe values and have an insight in to
the intricate fabric of society in which each has an
important role to play. Let them understand that
regard, respect and concern for others will pave
the way for smoother running of society than
aggressiveness, impudence and gross disregard for
others feelings.
The motive is to sensitize boys to understand and
respect all women in their lives, and free boys and
girls of prejudices and be better human beings.
Dr. Nalini Srivastava
Great Mission Public School
Ramnagar, Nainital, Uttarakhand



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Gender Sensitization in Schools

We have advanced into the 21st century, yet every
now and then we hear about incidence of violence,
harassment and crime against women and children.
Some brave it out by coming into open while others
go unreported. Violence against women and children
are manifested in various forms physical, sexual,
economic and psychological. It violates the victims
fundamental rights and freedom. The consequences
to victims are devastating.
It is at this point that a need for gender
sensitization programme at school level is felt
which could expose students to the various issues
involving safety and security of women/girl/boy.
The programme should include various problems
faced by women and children and effective ways of
handling these issues.
Gender sensitization is about changing behaviour
and instilling empathy for our own and the other
gender. This could help people in examining their
personal attitudes and beliefs questioning the
realities they thought they knew. Usually, people think
that gender and sex means the same, but it is not
so. Gender refers to social differences between men
and women which are manifested in different roles,
qualities and behaviors in society. Gender attitudes
and behaviours are learned and can be changed.
Gender awareness could be used in gender training
to bring about personal and organizational change
for gender sesitization. This could help in achieving
social justice and lead to social transformation.
It should be understood that gender sensitization
is neither a war of the sexes nor it is anti-male. Both
women and men are victims. Both have a stake in
the struggle for gender equality.
Dr. Sudha Rai
Army Public School
Nehru Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh


Gender Sensitization Week

Shah International School,
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi
Gender sensitization is about making people
aware of the need to bring about a quantum change
in our mindset which sees man as the bread winner
and woman as the house keeper. Right from the
primary level, boys and girls should understand
that though they have gender differences, both the
male and the female species of human kind have an
important and worthy role to play in life.

Prize winners

In order to inculcate this spirit in young Sipseans,

Gender Sensitization Week was organized from 14
to 24 October 2013 at Shah International School,
Paschim Vihar. The underlying theme of all the
activities organized during this week was that there
should be healthy relationship between boys and girls
based on respect, understanding and concern. Poster
making, declamation, slogan writing competitions
were organized. The week culminated with a cultural
extravaganza where students presented skits and
dances and speeches were made. The prize winners
of all the competitions and teacher coordinator
Ms. Benica were felicitated.

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The Principal Mrs. Neerja Padru addressed the

children and said that the days of damsels in distress
and knights in shining armour are over. She reiterated
that it is time to embolden girls to stand their ground
and ght for their rights and to sensitize boys to the
fact that a six pack is not all that denes masculinity
and that brain power is mightier than brawn power.
Such celebrations indoctrinate the children to be
thoughtful, give regard and respect and have concern
for others to pave the way for smoother running of

The signicance of the day was highlighted by

Sri. Sravan Kumar Todiji, Hon. Correspondent,
Sri. Veerasamy, Academic Advisor VES welcomed
the gathering and introduced the Chief Guests.
Sri. Srinivasan, Asst. Correspondent and Smt.
Rajalakshmi, Co-ordinator, IMCT were also present
at the occasion.

'Kanya Vandhanam'
Smt. NDJA Vivekananda Vidyalaya Jr College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
'Kanya Vandhanam',:- Respect for Girls', a unique
programme devised by IMTC (Initiative for Moral
and Cultural Training) conceived to protect and
respect girls was conducted on 08 November
2013. The programme began with the lighting of
Kuthuvilakku. Principal Smt. R. Sethubai welcomed
the gathering.
The Chief Guests of the day were Smt. Sesha
Poornima, President, Yuva Sanskruthi, Chennai and
Sri. N. Sadagopan, RSS Prachar Pramuk, Tamil Nadu
(North). The main purpose of the programme was
to imbibe high virtues and to practice the eternal
values in day to day life.

A glimpse of the IMCT programme

A scintillating dance was performed by students.

A Power Point presentation on Ancient, Medieval
and Modern women presented by Siddarth
Subramaniam of XII Std was informative and
thought provoking.
Smt. Seshu Poornima, President, Yuva Sanskruthi,
Chennai, was overwhelmed on seeing the serene
atmosphere. She stated that everyone has to face
challenges in life. She stressed on the need to inculcate
culture and traditions of our motherland. She quoted
Vivekananda saying that patience, condence and
involvement only would lead to the right path.
Sri. Sadagopan threw light on the greatness of
India and the values of the family system. He said
that we should protect our culture and traditions.
Gender Sensitization Activities
Delhi Public School, Rohini, New Delhi

The guests at Kanya Vandhanam

October-December 2013

Gender Equity is a common term. The society is

slowly waking up to bias towards the female gender
in various forms and voices are being raised against
this existing evil.



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

DPS, Rohini, has undertaken a year-long project

on Gender Equity to sensitize students and help
them take small steps towards having a bias free life.

Group Discussion Students of Class XI

and XII deliberated on the existing stereotypes in a
group discussion.
Contemporary Life : Students of Class VIVIII presented skits depicting a day from the lives of
people living in France, Japan, Germany and India
to highlight the roles played by women and men in
these countries.
Silent Voices - Students of Class XI wrote
a poem Silent Voices and expressed their views on
gender bias
Gender Sensitization
Gurukul Global School, Manimajra,
Chandigarh, Punjab

A dance presentation

All departments planned several activities for

different classes. A summary of the activities that
have been conducted is given below:

While sexual differences are biological, gender

differences are sociological. Gender inequality in
India exists in terms of gross population, literacy,
sex ratio, socio-economic status and opportunities.

Asmita- A dance presentation depicting

empowered women using works of two modern
writers: Amrita Pritham and Mahasweta Devi was

Participants explaining the Gender Tree

Contemporary life- A Skit

From Homemakers To Corporate

Leaders : Students of Class XI Commerce section,
presented a PPT showcasing the achievements
of empowered women like Sudha Murthy, Kiran
Mazumdar Shaw etc.

With this aim, Gurukul Global School, in

collaboration with Young Indians (CII), organized
an activity to give the students an exposure to the
causes and effects of gender discrimination that
prevail in the society. The students participated in
groups and made a gender tree as part of the activity,
which also involved brainstorming, discussions and

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The initiative taken by the School in this regard

has helped to create increased awareness on Gender
Equality amongst the students.
Gender Sensitization
Dayanand Public School,
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

Interactive sessions between the Principal

and the students held from time to time.
Students of class X participated in slogan
writing competition based on the theme Girl child
needs to be protected.

Thought provoking message

Gender equality has signicant advantages not

only ethically but also in legislation, environment
conservation and other social issues.
In order to sensitize the students on various
issues related to women and promote gender equality
following activities were organized in Dayanand
Public School Shimla during the year 2013 : Thought discussion based on women
empowerment was a regular feature in the assembly.

The winning slogans

Dastak - A Vision of Reality

ITL Public School, New Delhi
The School has been a forerunner in many
activities in school thus ensuring not only academic
excellence to its students but helping them acquire
knowledge, attitude and interpersonal skills with a
generous heart, kindness and leading a life of service
and compassion.

Dastak- staged by ASMITA Theatre group

October-December 2013



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Let each be responsible for social change, let each

contribute in his own way, let each have a part to play. On
14 August 2013, the students witnessed a Nukkad
Naatak (street play), titled Dastak, staged by the
ASMITA Theatre Group in the School Auditorium.
ASMITA is one of the leading theatre groups of
the country which stands committed to aesthetically
innovative and socially relevant theatre. It takes up
contemporary issues to draw the contours of our
time. The group performed 'Dastak', a play which
raised voice against atrocities committed on women
and attempted to create awareness on the issue.
The group took up the issue of female foeticide,
poignantly portrayed an incident of an acid-attack
and a melancholic account of a victim of domestic
violence, which were all thought - provoking and
The play was greatly admired for its talent,
awless execution and the responsive theme it took
up. The play sensitized the audience, the fact being
amply evident from the response. There was a candid
sharing of personal experiences to the rampant
harassment of women. The event culminated with
the song, Hum Hongein Qaamyaab, in the hope for a
better and safer future for women.
Gender Sensitization
Swami Vivekanand Public School, Jagadhri,
Yamuna Nagar, Haryana
The School, Jagadhri organized the '2nd Nari Shakti
Utsav' on 18 October 2013 to commemorate Godess
Durga- epitome of Power. Purpose of organizing
the event was to create awareness and respect for
women in society. Mothers of senior students
were invited. The 'Utsav' began with lamp-lighting
ceremony by Chief Guests Mrs. Amita Bansal and
Dr. Sumita Patel. The focus was on mothers who are
the house managers and make stupendous efforts in
developing citizens of tomorrow.
Plethora of items like play, dancers, speeches, quiz
and games were carried out during the Utsav. The

theme was to promote respect for women. Mothers

are the foundation of society. They were counseled
and addressed by Mrs. Sangeeta Singhal, who runs
an N.G.O. and works for Womens Rights. She
emphasized that women are the symbol of Shakti
who need not to be worshipped but must be treated
equally. Mothers must inculcate good values amongst
their children especially sons to give respect to girls.
Udit Mehta and his group showed the documentary
on Girl Child- Nations Pride.

The dancers at the Utsav

Questions related to Women Empowerment

were asked. Many mothers especially professionals
like doctors, lawyers, teachers shared their views on
Women Empowerment. Games were also played
in which mothers participated whole-heartedly and
won prizes. In the end Principal, Mrs. Anita Kamboj
gave vote of thanks. This gathering brought the
mothers and teachers together.
Gender Sensitization Workshop
Maharaja Sawai Bhawani Singh School,
Jaipur, Rajasthan
Gender Sensitization is the need of the present
day society. Society needs to break from traditional
stereotypical views on the roles and expectations
attributed to men and women.
To join hands in this effort, Tanya Agarwal (XI),
Khushboo Sharma (IX), Netratvasheel Tripathi
(IX) and Mrs. Etishree (School counselor) attended
one day training programme titled Pro Social
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Peer Moderator Programme on 7 October 2013

organized by the Department of Mental Health and
Behavioral Sciences, Fortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur,

Thursday by NCC (Air Wing) students initiating

a campaign against female feticide in which Shree
Satbir Singh Janghu, HCS, Sub Divisional Magistrate
of Siwani and JWO DK Pandey, Adjutant No 1
(Har) Air SQN, NCC, Hisar were the Guests of
Honour. Shree S S Balhara the Principal and Shree
Santlal Aggrawal, Vice Chairman were conspicuous
by their presence.

Participants during the workshop

The session witnessed an interactive session

of participants with the psychologists Dr. Samir
Parikh and Dr. Puneet. It focused on how deeply
we attribute the choice of colours, professions,
individual traits, habits to the two sexes and the
different factors present around us which contribute
to shaping of gender stereotypes. The youth was
motivated to shoulder the responsibility of dealing
with this societal prejudice and spread awareness
amongst the peer group and in school.
After attending the workshop the students
conducted an interactive session in the school assembly
to acquaint other students about the issue of gender
stereotypes and how gender sensitization can help the
society in bringing down crimes against women.
Campaign against Female Foeticide
Shree Krishna Pranami Public School,
Bhiwani, Haryana
NCC day was celebrated on 21 November 2013,

October-December 2013

Social Awareness Campaign

Students had placards, banners, anti-foeticide

visuals, portraits expressing gender insensitivity of
the society; slogans were shown against dowry; poems
and speeches vehemently delivered promoting blood
donation they moved on foot from the school to the
market place. The students rally was addressed by
the guests to strengthen the young minds to bring
about a change in the mindset of the society and that
it starts treating female children on equal footing.
The Principal reminded the cadets that they were
the source of energy for the human society and that
they can bring any change if they will. A hundred
NCC cadets took an oath that they will ght against
social evils.



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

News from Schools

Jhankaar Spectrum
Indian School Muscat,
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

captioned JHANKAAR SPECTRUM (Inter-school

Competitions) in the month of October every
year on the school premises since 2007. This is an
opportunity for all Indian students in the Sultanate
to compete in a lively environment. This augurs well
to make use of their conscious talents to develop
condence and pride among their peers in the school
and beyond.

Jhankaar Spectrum 2013 Championship Trophy was

won by Indian School Darsait. The Chief Guest is
presenting the trophy to the winners.

Every good school wishes to harness the potential

in children and optimize their innate talents by way
of motivating them to participate and compete
with their counterparts elsewhere. This constructive
approach brings about transformation in a child
and yields a powerful imagination with guaranteed
recognition of their caliber in both scholastic and
non-scholastic areas.
Viewing this as part of holistic education,
Indian School Muscat organizes the inter-school
cultural talent meet in the Sultanate of Oman


Indian School Muscat was the Overall Champions of

Jhankaar Spectrum 2013. Chief Guest
presents the trophy.

Various events displaying the co-curricular and

cultural talents of students are the highlight of
JHANKAAR SPECTRUM. They are classied
under the following categories: Literary, Theatrical,
Music and Fine Art. Jhankaar events are open to
all students irrespective of their age. Eminent and
impartial judges adjudicate the events. The rst three

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positions in every event are awarded with individual

trophies and certicates. In addition to this, A grade
certicates are awarded for quality performances
based on the marks obtained by the participants.
The school with highest number of points lifts
the coveted specially designed Jhankaar Spectrum
Championship Trophy.
The sixth edition of Jhankaar Spectrum was held
on 26 October 2013 on ISM premises. Contingents
from 17 Indian schools from across the Sultanate
of Oman, competed in 24 events at 14 different
venues. There were 13 group events - Indian
Classical Dance, Indian Folk Dance, Western Dance,
Collage, Rangoli, Indian Folk Song, Choral Singing,
Street Play, Comedy Skit in English, Mime, Short
Movie Making, Photography - Make an Album and
Create a TV Advertisement and 10 solo events
Bharatanatyam, Carnatic Vocal, Classical Dance
Solo (other than Bharatanatyam), Western Drums,
Indian Light Vocal, Western Keyboard, Tabla, Violin
and Western Vocal.
ISM being the Flag Ship school of Oman, it
takes up the responsibility of making the Jhankaar
Spectrum, scaling greater realms of success every year.

2013 during Founders Day celebration.

He inspired the students with his enthusiastic
speech and described the difference between the
traditional ways of learning and current ways of
On the second day of Grace Utsav, the celebration
culminated with patriotic songs presented by Primary
On the concluding day of Grace Secondary
School students had a competition of listening to
National Leaders and shared the content to Middle
and Primary level students. The best oratorical
Gracians were selected and adorned with medals.
The Middle school students had poem composing
competition and the best poem was complimented
on the Founders Day.
The Utsav concluded with a pledge taken by the
students to keep pace with worlds progress.
Performance in Indias Dancing Superstars
Shah Satnamji Girls School, Sirsa, Haryana

Grace Utsav
Grace International School,
Erode, Tamil Nadu
Grace International School celebrated Grace
Utsauv with resplendent magnicence from 3
October to 5 October with great zeal.
Grade X students started their Utsav through
Literary and Creative Clubs. Every class formed a
team of six in one group and composed lyrics and
wrote literary criticisms. Class X students organized
an interview with Dr. P. Madalaimuthu, the Founder,
Chairman and Correspondent of Grace Educational
Institutions, presented a programme on 3 October

October-December 2013

Dancing superstars

It is the news of great delight that two yoga



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

players Swapnil (Class X) and Gurvinder (Class IX)

touched great heights of horizon under the supreme
guidance of His Holiness St. Gurmeet Ram Rahim
Singh Jilnsan, the founder of Shah Satnamji Girls
School, Sirsa and executed their art on a big and
grand stage i.e. Indias Dancing Super Stars.
On 17 February 2013, auditions to hunt the
dancing talent were held at D.C. Montessori School,
Manimazra in Chandigarh where they were selected
for further auditions in Delhi. It was an open
competition with no age limit where around 16,700
participants, from all over India, showcased their
talent in solo, duo, trio and in groups.
They staged their incredible stunts on 4 March
2013 in ICT Delhi and emerged as winners out of
40 groups that led them to Mumbai on 16 April to
clinch Sapno Ka Ticket. They performed in Ladies
Special act in duo and executed various incredible
and marvelous stunts in dance which compelled the
judges to award them with Sapno Ka Ticket.
Visit to an Old Age Home
Maa Bharti Sr. Sec. School,
Kota, Rajasthan

The one that is my friend

The one that is my guide
How much I love and how much I care
Is too much to describe
Youve always been my Hero
Youve always been my Hero.

There was an old lady to whom one of our

students asked about her life. She said son and
daughter in-law have sent her here. One old man
shared his feeling in the given lines

Qy uk nsxk lgh]
Nko rks nsxk rqedks]
isM+ cw<+k gh lgh
vkxu esa yxs jgus nksA
He said that grand children are Gods way of
compensating us for growing old. We want to live
with them but nobody is taking care of our feelings.
Someone compared himself to a child in following
Said the little boy, sometimes I drop my spoon
said the old man, I do that too.
The little boy whispered, I wet my pants.
Sometimes I do the same, laughed the old man.
Said the little boy, I often cry.
The old man nodded, So do I.
But worst of all, said the boy.
It seems Grownups dont pay attention to me,
and the boy felt the warmth of a wrinkled old

Caring for Elders

The old man said, I understand what you mean.

The students of class IX and X from Maa Bharti

School visited Shradha Vridhashram an old age home
situated at Jhalawar Road.

It shows that old people need proper attention and

care like a small child.

A student of class IX showed his love and

gratitude in these lines


D;ksafd cq<+kik cpiu dh okilh gksrh gS

Students of Maa Bharti School served them
enjoyed by singing songs and took a group
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photograph. These were memorable moments for

children as well as old people. One of our students
showed his love by saying
Grand parent is someone with silver in his hair and gold in
his heart.
Science Fest- CATALYST-2013
Y.S. School, Barnala, Punjab

Centre Manager). The parents were told how to

take care of the skin and health of their family. A
renowned magician Mr. Saggu Sarkar also entertained
the public. Laser shows were organized by a team
from Bengaluru. A Robotics show was another
attraction of the Fest in which children made many
All the models were students creation. They
were created under the supervision and guidance
of dedicated staff coordinators, Principal, VicePrincipal and the Management. If we talk about their
communication skills each child was explaining their
models with so much condence and uency that
everybody had only one word for them WOW.
KLE English Medium School,
Jule Solapur, Maharashtra

Science exhibit

Y. S. Schools (Barnala and Handiaya) had a

Science Fest-Catalyst-2013 on 4 August 2013. The
main motive behind having this Science Fest was to
inculcate the practical application of the facts taught
in the class. Mr. Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa, Member
Parliament inaugurated the Science Fest. He was the
Chief Guest of the day along with other renowned
personalities. There were around 900 models of
Science, Mathematics and Social Science. More than
1800 children participated in the Science Fest.
According to an estimate 10000 people came
to see the Fest. All school children and teachers of
Barnala and the surrounding villages were invited
to see the Fest. There was a Cookery Show by the
famous Chef from Delhi (Le Meridien). He taught
the parents how to cook healthy, nutritious and tasty
food for their kids. For personality development,
grooming tips and what changes should be brought
in the life style- a team of professionals from VLCC
Ludhiana was invited headed by Ms. Prabha (Senior

October-December 2013

Sir Krishna Janmashatmi was celebrated in the

school on 29 September 2013. This celebration
aimed to reminiscent the Indian tradition and
love for Lord Krishna. The celebration began by
Dandia Dance. On this special occasion the school
was decorated with the Gokul theme. Celebration
proceeded by breaking of the Dahihandi in an
enthusiastic atmosphere along with the songs that
praised Krishna. Students and the staff enjoyed the
celebration in the traditional outts.

Legends come to life



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The traditional festival of Dassehra was also

celebrated on Friday 11 October 2013. Which aimed
at imposing the value of Good always triumph
over evil. The day was hosted by Agni House. The
signicance of the day was expressed by Ms.Sakshi
Barsole, student of grade IX. The celebration was
proceeded by performance of a skit based on one
of the incidents of Ramayana by our tiny tots of
preprimary. The day was concluded by the tradition
of burning of Ravanas statue as a symbol of buring
the evil tendencies from the society. The whole
atmosphere was engrossed with the celebration.

Vishwa Maitri ki disha mein -------- to convey the

message of peace and integrity. UNO logo badges
were distributed to all the teachers and students to
signify the importance of the day. In the end all
the students pledged to spread international peace,
brotherhood and integration. The school Director
Mr. P.D.Singh appreciated the performance and
enthusiastic approach of the children.
Fort Making Competition
Bharati Vidyapeeth English Medium High
School and Sr. Secondary School,
Pune, Maharashtra

UNO Day Celebration

Tagore Public School, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Fort-modelling competition
Celebrating Global Unity

The students of TPS Shastrinagar, Jaipur

celebrated the UNO Day on 24 October 2013,
with enthusiasm and concern. Ambika and Mohit
highlighted the foundation, aims and principles, its
different branches WHO, UNICEF, UNEP, WFP,
Security Council etc. and the working principles of
the organization. Bhoomika and Tilotamma briefed
the students with the role that is being played by the
5 permanent members of the Security Council i.e.
France, UK, Russia, China and United States. The
students choir group presented a melodious song-


Students of Bharati Vidyapeeth English Medium

High School and Sr. Sec School - Dhankawadi enjoyed
Fort Making Competition on 26 October 2013 taken
as C.C.A activity. Students were rst briefed about all
important forts of Maharashtra. They understood
importance of preserving the national heritage.
The preparation began two days in advance. Each
house started contributing in the form of materials
required for the competition. Classes IX and X were
allowed to build fort in school premise since it was
a group activity. Students not only exchanged their
ideas of making fort but also enjoyed doing it.

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Thematic Dance Competition

Bhagwati International Public School,
Patan, Gujarat

28th Annual Function

Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute,
Subroto Park, New Delhi
Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, one of the
premier schools of the Indian Air Force hosted its
28th Annual Day Function on 30 October 2013 at the
Air Force Auditorium in Subroto Park, New Delhi
showcasing the cultural brilliance and educational
progression of the school.

Thematic dance competition

Dance is a powerful tool for the enhancement

of many attributes of a growing child. Dance helps
children develop physically, emotionally, socially and
cognitively. The physical benets of dance are widely
accepted but the emotional, social and cognitive
attributes have only recently begun to be appreciated.
Dance fosters social encounter, interaction, and
cooperation. Children learn to communicate ideas
to others through the real and immediate mode of
body movement. Children learn to work within a
group dynamics.
Realizing the importance of dance in education
and to imbibe the feeling of social harmony among
the young generation Bhagwati International Public
School, Patan organized an Inter-House Thematic
Group Dance Competition. The theme for the
competition was National Integration. The dances
put up by different Houses kept the audience spell
bound. In his speech the Principal of the school,
Mr. Rajendra S. Malwal appreciated the efforts of
the staff members who were directly or indirectly
instrumental in putting up the show.

October-December 2013

The distinguished Chief Guest for the day was

Air Marshal BBP Sinha AVSM, Director General
(Works and Ceremonials). He was accompanied by
his wife Mrs. Divya Sinha who awarded trophies to
the exemplary achievers for their academic and cocurricular accomplishments. The School Principal,
Mrs. Shipra Sarcar spoke with great aplomb about
the achievements of the learners and spoke about
the school ethos which is based on developing the
scientic, literary, creative, aesthetic and values based
skills of its young learners.
The cultural programme, with the theme Jashne-Bachpan, was a colourful blend of music, dance,
drama and art. It began with an Invocation by
the senior students invoking the blessings of the
Almighty. The special children put up a play WahBhai-Wah depicting their strength and ability,
proving to the others that they can lead their lives
independently and are second to none. The students
of Primary Wing mesmerized the audience with
their splendid performance in the play The Chair
stating that happiness is a state of mind and also the
aim of ones life.
The contemporary dance Mera Jahan by the
students of the Senior Wing showcased the need to
preserve the innocence of childhood and the group



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

song De Taali celebrated the spirit of childhood. The

orchestra performance Bachpan Ki Yadein displayed
the musical prowess of the talented senior students
who captivated the audience.
The Chief Guest lauded the efforts of the
Principal, staff and the students for putting up a
spectacular show and was delighted to know about
the schools progress and achievements of students
in all spheres. He praised the school for setting high
standards and imparting quality education to all.

can act on Solar System, where students enacted as

the celestial objects like planets and sun, followed
by a prayer dance which gave the message that "All
religions are equal". The students of VI and VII
presented a Kutchi song exhibiting Kutchi culture.
The pre-primary kids presented a Ramp show which
was accompanied by a Rangoon dance. The cultural
program took the spectators to next level when they
saw the dynamic performance of martial arts. It
was followed by Arabic Dance where the students
rocked the dance oor to the music aerobics. The
music of the dance portrayed the American culture.
A mime show left spectators speechless where in a
silent act they showed the global issues like terrorism
and gave the message that evil always bows down in
front of good. The famous play Julius Caesar was
also enacted. The culture of Greek Zorbas" was
also performed.

The auspicious beginning at AFGJI

9th Annual Function

Atmiya Vidyapeeth, Adipur, Gujarat
On 24 of October, Atmiya celebrated its 9th
Annual function. The theme of the event was
"Integrated global culture leading towards world
peace". Mr. Rameshbhai Maheshwari, M L A of
Gandhidham was the Chief Guest of the evening. Mr.
Madhukant Shah, Mr. Bachhubhai Ahir, Mr. Govind
Bhai Dhanicha, and other dignitaries presided over
the function. The program started with garlanding
of Swamiji and Maa Saraswati with a prayer song.
The Chairman, Mr. Vinod Chavda, addressed the
gathering. The Principal Ms. Rajani Joshi gave a
brief report of the school in which she highlighted
the achievements. The cultural program started with


Integrating Global Culture

The event took the audience from Japan to Spain

when the students tapped their eld to Japanese Fan
Dance and Salsa. Modern dances like Hip-hop and
other contemporary dances were also presented.
Dance like Iskon reecting Krishna Bhakti,
Kashmiri dance, Bihu Dance of Assam and Sword
Dance of Punjab were presented. As a closing act all
the participants prayed for world peace. The VicePrincipal Mrs. Susan George gave vote of thanks
which was followed by the National anthem.

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Activities Galore
Sri Sai Vidya Vihar, Kochi, Kerala
This year the Independence Day was celebrated
in Sri Sai Vidya Vihar, Aluva evoking national
feelings in the minds of the staff and the students.
The school bore a festive look with banners,
balloons and ags. Independence day celebrations
began with the unfurling of the National Flag by the
school Manager, Mrs. Geetha Mukundan. To instill
patriotism in the minds of the students patriotic
songs, motivating speeches and a PT display was
organized. The celebrations came to a close stirring
national and patriotic feeling in the minds of
everyone present.
Onam celebration
Piety, gaiety and grandeur marked the Onam and
Vinayaka Chathurthi celebration at Sri Sai Vidya
Vihar which was held on 10 September 2013.
The celebration commenced on an exhilarating
note with a housewise ower carpet competition.
This was followed by a pageantry based on the stories
connected with Onam and Vinayaka Chathurthi.
The students of class IV and V performed
Thiruvathirakali. The singers added melody to the
celebration with Onam songs

Teachers Day was celebrated with fervor and zeal

on 5 September at Sri Sai Vidya Vihar. A very unique
and creative programme was organized to express
the love and devotion of the students towards
their teachers. The teachers were all seated in the
auditorium with IX and X standard students at their
feet. The children thanked their teachers and they in
return blessed them.
Navarathri Celebration
A nine days programme was conducted from 7
October to celebrate Navarathri. Every day during
the morning assembly the children exhibited their
talent in music singing and playing on various
instruments. On 11 October various cultural
programmes (songs, dances etc.) were put up by the
students. A beautiful Bommakolu was also displayed
in the school during these days. The programme
culminated on the Vijayadasami day with the concert
of the famous musician Sri. T. S. Radhakrishnan.
Ramayana Month
The auspicious month of July was observed as
the month of Ramayana with all piety and serenity.
Everyday during the school assembly children read
Ramayana and the teachers talked about the various
aspects of Ramayana which inuenced the human
life. On the nal day a Quiz competition on was
conducted for juniors and seniors and the winners
were rewarded.
Janmashtami was celebrated on a grand scale with
the childrens performance and a grand feast.

Janmashtami celebration at School

Acharya Devo


October-December 2013




Mythology comes to life



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Diamond Jubilee Memorial Debate

Birla Public School, Pilani, Rajasthan
Ninth Diamond Jubilee Memorial English
Debate was held on 31 August 2013 in Birla Public
School, Pilani. The Chief Guest for the occasion was
Capt (IN) VK Verma (Retd), Principal MNSS Rai,
Sonepat. The Principal Capt. (IN) A. Sen welcomed
the Chief Guest, judges, dignitaries, participants and
teachers. Nearly eighteen schools across the country
participated in the competition.

the occasion was Col. V.N. Ratnakar, Director, BET.

The function was also attended by the Additional
Director, Maj. Gen. S. S. Nair (AVSM), Mrs. M.
Kasturi, Principal, BBVP Mrs. Nutan Singh, PRO,
Birla EducationTrust,and other dignitaries of BET.
There was a Cultural Programme in the honour
of Women which consisted of a group song, skit,
monoacting etc. All the speakers highlighted the
importance of women in our society. In the end,
a Pledge to respect and protect women was taken
and duly signed by all the teachers and the ofcials
present on the occasion.

A dazzling array of participants on the stage

The Honourable Director, Birla Education Trust

Major General SS Nair (AVSM) presented the school
memento to the Chief Guest as a token of love and
the vote of thanks was proposed by the convener of
the programme Mr. Anirudh Kumar.

The Chief Guest honouring women on the occasion

International Womens Day was also celebrated

in the school on 8 March 2013. The Chief Guest for


Principal,Capt (IN) A. Lokesh Sen receiving the award

It is a matter of pride for Birla Public School that

the school has been placed at the Sixth position in
the Education World India School Rankings 2013.
The rate and rank of over 600 of Indias most high
prole schools were done on fourteen parameters.
This survey was conducted by leading national
magazine (Education World). Principal Capt. (IN)
Alokesh Sen received the award on 14 September
2013 at New Delhi.
The school also organized a visit to USA from 17
May to 28 May 2013. 23 students, one teacher and
the Principal visited Jonson Space Centre, Houston,
Orlando and New York respectively in the course
of their visit.
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

used in Second World War and nally the U.N.O.

The children had a wonderful experience of sharing
their thoughts with the young astronauts which gave
them an insight into an astronauts life and inspired
them for their future endeavours. The children will
always cherish the memories of this trip.
Achieving Academic Excellence
Indira Ideal Sr. Sec. School, New Delhi
Visit to Kennedy Space Centre , Orlando (USA)

In Houston, they visited the Natural Science

Museum where the main attractions were the
Dinosaur Park, Model of future energy generator
fusion reactor, Buttery Park as well as the Planetary

Indira Ideal Sr. Sec. School, Janakpuri, believes

in instilling the seeds of excellence in the pure and
fertile minds of its students in academics and in the
co-curricular activities. Equal importance is given to
the overall development of the students.

Technology that teaches

Robotic Workshop, Jonson Space Centre, Houston (USA)

During the NASA Camp the students had the

wonderful opportunity of going through several
interactive training sessions. They visited the
astronaut gallery, articial moon and Mars surface,
main training centre of astronaut, the control room
of Apollo Mission, Neutral Buoyancy Lab, Scuba
Diving Experience and a visit to Robotory and
Rocketry Workshop.
In Orlando, they visited the sea world, Universal
Studio and the Kennedy Space Centre. In New
York, they visited the Statue of Liberty, World Trade
Tower, Empire Building and Submarine and Warship

October-December 2013

The school provides opportunities for students

to work together to improve their understanding
of concepts in the academic core. The students
have always been motivated, inspired and guided
to apply the theoretical concepts learnt by them to
the practical ways of life. The School vehemently
follows a methodical strategy of academic excellence
of pursuing high peaks of outstanding achievement
and thus mould children to become eminent scholars
and researchers of tomorrow.
This is evident from the selection of science
model at the Jawahar Lal Nehru Science Exhibition
at the State level. The students had prepared
a model on Perpetual Motion Machine that
showcased a machine which emits energy forever



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

with a little energy input. This dream machine can

fulll the energy problems of the world and will
be environmental friendly. This project may open
the gates of research in Frictionless conditions,
Quantum Physics, Fluids, etc.
The school has SMART Boards installed in each
classroom. Interesting and fascinating activities have
been conducted based on different topics in each
subject to make them exciting and help the students
to understand the topic easily. The visual and audio
inputs enable the students to comprehend the subject
effectively and remember it to recollect it later. The
SMART Boards have prociently amplied the learning
process and have augmented the academic education.
Lakshya Bodh Programme
Smt. Brahma Devi Saraswati Balika Vidya
Mandir, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh

Sanji Diwali-A Diwali with a Difference

R. K. S. Sen. Sec. School, Moga, Punjab
To stress upon the need for unity in diversity and
to spread the fragrance of brotherhood and peace,
all the students and teachers joined hands to make a
mammoth candle weighing 45 kgs.
The idea was to involve each and every student
and teacher to make them realize the importance of
Sanji Diwali"- A Diwali with a difference-By R.K.S. School, Moga, Punjab
Preparing the candle
Candle is ready
Melting the wax

Decorating the candle

Candle is decorated

Lighting the candle on Diwali

Teachers are not only the school professionals

who can help the students to strengthen for academic
achievement and holistic development but give the
best citizen to the world also.
The Lakshay Bodh Programme was organized at
Smt. Brahma Devi Saraswati Balika Vidya Mandir,
Hapur on 11 October 2013 for the students and
teachers of Class XII. Sh. M. C. Pant, Former
President, NIOS. described the aims of Vidya
Bharti i.e. Provide quality technical education to
the young generation to make them an efcient
technocrat with complete and matured human being
who can contribute for development of the nation
by knowledge skills which s/he has acquired during
his/her studies.
Shri Rajkripal Ji, President, Shiksha Bharti also
expressed his gratitude. He has said that Mr. Pant is
providing his knowledge and experience to the various
institutions of India under the aegis of Vidya Bharti.
Smt. Alka Gupta, Principal, Smt. Brahmadevi Saraswati
Balika Vidya Mandir, Hapur gave vote of thanks.


The message on the candle "Let us spread the light of knowledge"

It was truly amazing to see the enthusiasm among

one and all, especially the students of classes IV to
VIII. The melting of the wax was done by the senior
students and the decoration was handled by the girls
of X, XI and XII class.
The main message on the candle Let's spread the
light of knowledge was to make our society and students
aware of the true knowledge i.e. equality to all religions,
virtues of sharing, brotherhood and peace which are
of paramount importance in this age.
It was indeed a proud moment when the candle
was lit by the Principal and the President during
Diwali celebrations Every student took a pledge
to spread the message of love and equality thus
fullling our mission of One India Strong India.

Achieving Academic Excellence


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Technologies in Space Exploration

Vidya Mandir Public School,
Faridabad, Haryana
A seminar on Space Exploration was held at Vidya
Mandir Public School, Faridabad on 15 October
2013. Dr. Kumar Krishen who is a Senior Scientist/
Lead Technologist for the advanced planning ofce,
NASA, Johnson Space Centre, Houston, Texas shared
his vast knowledge with approx. 500 students.
The purpose of the seminar was to enlighten the
students about the recent technologies and challenges
of space exploration. During the seminar he explained
the over-arching constraints of space systems. Few
of the major challenges faced by space technologists
are reduction of mass and size along with usage of
very high quality material and its reliability in the
space systems. Recycling of resources was termed as
extremely important as "In -Situ resource utilization"
becomes the crux of design.
He explained about the Cryogenic Engine, discovery
of which is considered to be one of the main reasons
for achieving success in reaching celestial bodies. He
also described James Webbs Space Telescope as the
most sophisticated telescope till date.

various topics such as Moon Bumps, Space Suits and

Lunar Dust.
The seminar proved to be a resounding success
as the students were enthralled by his presentation
and knowledge. The Principal Mr. Anand Gupta
expressed his heart felt gratitude to Dr. Kumar
Krishen for sharing his invaluable experiences,
knowledge and time.
Scholars Celebrate Childrens Day
Scholars Indian School, RAK UAE
Scholars celebrated the childrens day with great
enthusiasm and fervor. The children enjoyed the
special assembly conducted by the teachers where
children were not only wished on their special day
but were also made aware of Childrens Rights in the
modern world and the signicance of inculcating
the basic human values. The programme concluded
with the children raising slogans to the ne tunes of
famous Michael Jackson song We are the World
Prof. M. Abubaker, Principal of the School
wished and thanked all staff and students for their
wholehearted support in all activities which made
the Scholars talk of town.
Mr. Ashraf, HOD English and Mr. Thaju, HOD
Social Science spoke on the occasion brieng the
life history of Jawahar Lal Nehru. They stressed the
point of Childrens Right and importance of it.
Mr. Raj, the English teacher presented the thought
for the day and explained it. Mrs. Suprabha and Mrs.
Amritha anchored the programme.

Address by Dr. Kumar Krishen

He discussed about the Hypothermia Mission,

wherein NASA funded engineers are working on
the ways to put the astronauts into hibernation
during the trip which will lead to cheaper, safer and
easier space trips. During the session he also covered

October-December 2013

Celebrating Childrens Day



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Create Awareness and Encourage Literacy

DAV Public School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
The birth anniversary of legendary freedom
ghter and the rst education minister of independent
India Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was observed as
National Education Day by the students of DAV
Public School. It was observed by recalling Maulanas
contribution to the cause of education.
The basic aim of this programme was to
inculcate within the young minds to contribute in
disseminating education to masses and making a
positive difference in the lives of people.

14 November 2013. The event was celebrated with

conventional festivity and fervour in three sessions
in the Primary Block of the school.
Inspite of it being a holiday the days signicance
was highlighted in the presence of the Chairman,
School Managing Committee, Sri Gagan Ch. Das,
Administrative Supervisor, Ms. Shibanee Pattnaik
and Supervisor, Morning Shift, Ms. Sucharita Das
amidst a huge turnout of participating teachers and
students. The children who were dressed up to take
part in the fun-lled Fancy Dress Show became the
cynosure of all eyes.

The school conducted seminars, essay-writing,

elocution, debate, drawing competitions etc., and
prizes were given away to the winners.
On this occasion, the school had invited the
children of Aashraya, an orphanage of Khandagiri,
Bhubaneswar. The children of Aashraya joined the
students and interacted with them throughout the
day. They became a part of the teaching-learning
process carried out in different classes. They actively
participated in the morning assembly, games, music,
dance etc. Students exchanged their experiences and
ideas with each other. Different cultural programmes
were also organised which were very heart touching.
The children also enjoyed a lm based on friendship
which brought a smile on their faces. The students of
the school donated notebooks, instrument boxes, pens,
pencils and many other things for these children.
On this occasion the Principal of the School Dr.
(Mrs.) Bhagyabati Nayak addressed the gathering
by focusing on Maulanas vision about right to
National Education Day
BJEM School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Children are the living messages we send to a time
that we will not see this was the vision shared by the
Principal, Buxi Jagabandhu English Medium School,
Sri Jugal Kishore Mohanty on Childrens Day, the


National Education Day

Literacy Week
Uttarakhand Public School,
Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
Budha Dal Public School, Patiala organized a
cultural programme to mark the Independence Day.
The programme was presided over by the Chief
Patron of the school, Jathedar Baba Balbir Singh
Ji, Admn. Ofcer and Mrs. Parminderjit Kaur Brar,
Principal Dr. (Mrs.) Amrit Aujla and Vice-Principal
Mrs. Jaspreet Sandhu.
Uttarakhand Public School celebrated Literacy
Week from 08 to 11 November 2013. Various
competitions ranging from poetry writing to debate
were organized from Primary to Senior Secondary
level. The exhaustive report of the various co
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education



I (Classes I, II, III)


Poetry Writing

Mother, Friend,

II (Classes IV, V)

Poetry Writing

Mother, Friend,



Bhumika II A
Dinkar Singh I C


Sneha Karki III A


Meha Sarkar V C
Mohit Rawat IV C,
Shashank Singh V B
Aditya V A,


Deepak Jha V B
Diksha Rawat VII C
Shubhajit VII B



Classes VI, VII, VII

On the Spot
Paragraph Writing

degradation and ways
to overcome it
Rudra Pratap Singh


Should there be Old

Age Homes in India?

Essay Writing

Role of Youth in
the Present Political



Classes XI, XII

The winners were selected on the basis of their

originality and creativity. The highlight of the Literacy
Week was the wonderful performance given by the
students of XII-B, when they dramatized Julius
Caesar on stage. The week ended with the inspiring
speech by a few students throwing light on the
importance of the day. The efforts of the students
were applauded by the school Principal, Mrs. Indu
Sharma and winners were awarded with certicates.

Shweta Chaubey X A

Khushboo Rawat X A


Mayank Bhatia XII C

Classes XI, X

Kavita Rawat XI B


Suyash Rawat XII B


that the great epic is an event- wise story of all the

heroic deeds of Lord Rama. This year the episodes
which were presented on stage were the nal ght
of Lord Rama and Ravan, coronation of Vibhishan,
Returning of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after 14 years
exile and how the people of Ayodhya welcomed
their Lord Rama.

Deepawali Celebration with Ramleela

Great Mission Public School,
Nainital, Uttarakhand
Like every year, this year too the Great Mission
Public School organized a celebration of Deepawali
festival with great promp and show. With the help of
famous and well known epic of Saint Valmiki The
Ramayan school makes its students understand why
the festival Deepawali is celebrated. As we all know

October-December 2013

Ravana comes to life



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The glittering sets and elaborate costumes of

the period added an edge to the performance.
The audience was mesmerized by the perfect
representation of the students. The festival was
concluded by the lighting of diyas. Students from
class II to VI staged the epic in a very eventual form.
In the end Principal, Dr. Nalini Srivastava thanked
all students and staff for organizing a successful
Diwali Celebration
Baal Baari Public School,
Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh

Principal Dr. (Mrs.) Neeru Joshi gave the signal to

start the rally by waving the ag. She also motivated
students by stating that Good Habits formed at
youth make all the differences.
Zealous students shouted the slogans against
the use of crackers and held placards showing the
harmful and after effects of crackers.
The rally and the tableau sparked a buzz amongst
Remembering Swami Vivekanand
Silver Bells Public School,
Shamli, Uttar Pradesh

Rally against bursting crackers

In connection with Diwali, BBPS organized a

week celebrations in and out the school viz.
Card Making
Diya Making
Rangoli Making
Class-room Decoratio n
Rally with Slogan SAY NO TO FIRE
The rally was an eye opener for all the students and
community as well and surely this was something to
create awareness and to eradicate the temptation of
bursting crackers that disturbs the eco system. This
rally is also supported by Street play that is Nukkad
Natak titled Dharti Bachao.


Honouring Swami Vivekananda

To participate in a competition is the quintessence

to update the knowledge of not only our surrounding
but great heads of the history.
To pay its heartfelt tribute to Swami Vivekananda,
SBPS conducted a GK Competition called Swami
Vivekananda GK Competition organised by
Vivekananda Saardhsati Ayojan Samiti, Meerut on
2 September 2013 to commemorate Swamijis 150th
Birth Anniversary. The programm commenced
with the prayer and pledge Arise, Awake and
Stop not till the goal is reached. It was a matter
of pride that more than 1000 students from VI to
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

XII of the school participated. The competition

consisted of 3 categories, i.e. Baal (for classes VI
- IX), Kishore (X-XII) and Yuva (for college and
university students). The questions were based on
the life of the great visionary and social reformer
Swami Vivekananda. All the House Masters along
with House Captains performed their best to make
the competition a grand success.
The competition was organised under the
supervision of Mr. Amit Kumar Garg and Mrs.
Tanuj Kapil. Dr. A. K. Goel, Principal thanked the
staff for their cooperation in this noble task.

iz'kfLr i=
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nsus dk fu.kZ; ftuef.k ds VLVh Jh vt; ikospk
}kjk fy;k x;kA
3rd Annual Day Celebration
Moga Minda Memorial School,
Hisar, Haryana

Mk dyke dh tUefnu dk vk;kstu

v'kkldh; ftuef.k fo|k fogkj CBSE Ldwy

jryke us MkW , ih ts vCnqy dyke dk 80 okW tUe
fnol cgqr gh xgjs vFkksZ esa euk;kA l= 2010&11
esa MkW dyke ds fot+u dk fp=.k cgqr gh [kqclwjr
izksxzke }kjk fd;k x;k FkkA blh ykbu esa izkpk;kZ
us fu.kZ; fy;k Fkk fd bUkLVDpj o VsDukykth
xkWoksa rd igqWpkuk vR;Ur vko';d gS bl gsrq xkWo
catyh esa ftuef.k ds miizpk;Z vfHk"ksd] VhplZ]
LVkWQ ,oa leLr fo|kFkhZx.k 15 vDVwcj dks xkWo
October-December 2013

Mythologies come to life

Moga Devi Minda Memorial School, Bagla

(Hisar) organized its 3rd Annual Day Function on
10 November 2013 on its premises. The function



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

began with the ceremonial lighting of lamp. Mr.

Ashok Kumar Garg HCS, ADC, Hisar graced the
occasion as the Chief Guest. The Guests of Honour
were the Chairman, Mr. Nirmal Kumar Minda and
the Vice Chairman, Mr. Ashok Kumar Minda.
Mr. Mathew Varghese, Principal of the school,
presented the annual school report highlighting the
achievements of the students in various elds. . In
his address the Vice- Chairman, Mr. Ashok Kumar
Minda insisted on providing the best facilities to the
students so that they stand out of the rest and excel
themselves in every aspect of schooling.
The Chief Guest in his address stressed that
only those who persevere with total commitment
to realize their aims and are well-disciplined would
achieve success in life. He inspired the students by
giving a few anecdotes from his real life. Meritorious
students in studies and various sports were honoured
on the occasion. Many cultural items were also
presented. The musical drama Gift of Sharing
touched everyones heart.
Bal Utsav Celebration
Sand Grove School, Buchawas, Haryana

Bal Utsav

The Sand Grove Sr. Sec. School, Buchawas

celebrated 14 November 2013 as Bal-Utsav with a


special assembly of parents, guest and villagers. It

was treated to a wonderful performance of songs
and dances highlighted the various acts by talented
President Private School Association Sh. Jagdev
Singh was the Chief Guest and Mr. Naresh Kumar,
Ex. President of Private School Association was
Special Guest for the event who was welcomed by
the CEO Mr. Sunil Soni.
The programme commenced with the Dwip
Prajwalan by Chief Guest. About 150 students
participated in the programme and presented many
cultural programmes. Many plays were presented
by students on the following topic Nasha Bandi,
Naari Jagriti and Ant Bhala to Sab Bhala etc. Human
Pyramid and many yoga presentations were the
main magnetism of the programme that won the
appreciation by chief guest.
A large portrait of Pandit Nehru was put up in
the school Park by students and it was the attraction
of the lineup event.
UN Day Celebration
Subodh Public School, Airport, Jaipur

A UN Day Celebration

Subodh Public School, Airport celebrated UN

Day on 24 October 2013 with great zeal. To create

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

awareness regarding the importance of this day,

various activities were organized for different age
In the Morning Assembly a plethora of activities
were conducted. Mr. Thomas Sunil Jacob, Rajasthan
Programme Coordinator, UNFPA was the Chief
Guest. The programme commenced with the March
Past by the young Scouts and Guides followed by the
presentation by the Primary students on different
organs and agencies of UNO e.g. USESCO,
Nukkad Natak was presented by senior students
which depicted burning issues like women
harassment, child labour, population, poverty,
unemployment, integration of different religions,
violence etc.
An open session was also a part of the morning
activity. The students had queries regarding various
emerging problems in social and economic growth
of the society which were responded by Mr. Sunil.
He appreciated the efforts of the students and
emphasized the importance of peace, unity and
coordination for social and economic progress in
the society.

real life nancial skills in school students is critical to

their holistic development. So, Mr. G.C. Mohapatra,
a SEBI Certied Financial Education Resource
Person enlightened the students with basic nancial
skills. He briefed the students about different
banking institutions and the importance of nance.
He also highlighted the necessity of Insurance.
The workshop was commendable as the students
got the golden opportunity to acquire basic nancial
knowledge such as money, budgetary investment,
banking, saving, nancial planning etc. It would
also enable the students totake responsible nancial
decisions in real life situation. The resource person
with his oratory skill motivated the students to
appear the NCFE National Financial Literary
Assessment Test to be held on 12 January 2014.
The Workshop ended with a question answer
session and vote of thanks.

He visited the classes to observe the creative

efforts of the students which they portrayed through
ags of different member countries of the UN.
Workshop on Financial Literacy

The class activities comprised of ag making,

documentary and Quiz all based and focused on

Annual Function 2013

Blue Bird High School, Panchkula, Haryana

Workshop on Financial Literacy

BJEM School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

The Annual function Jashn-e-Ekta was celebrated

at Blue Bird High School with great passion and a
spirit of unity.

NISM, a public trust established by SEBI,

conducted a workshop on Financial Literacy in our
school on 19 November 2013 for the students of
Std-VIII and X. It is believed that inculcation of

As the name suggests, it was a true celebration

in which small students performed on Mile sur mera
tumhara depicting all the different States of India
and its costumes.

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

A variety of programmes emphasized on Indias

rich, cultural heritage, folk dances of different
States from all the four corners of India showed our
traditions. Different presentations covered different
elds of the society.
Inhe bhi jeene do yaar a Nukkar Natika staged by
students emphasized upon the glorious roles of
modern as well as ancient woman. The short play
appraised the contributions of various women,
to the society and her signicant role in mens life
as a sister, daughter, mother and a wife. Through
various examples was shown that behind every
successful man lies a women, who equally shoulders
the responsibilities of life as it comes in building a
strong and stable home, society and nation.

The clear message, to change the mindset of the

society was evident and said that it is wrong to be
gender biased or to discriminate between a girl child
and a boy child. Girls and boys should be treated
equally and equal opportunities should be given to
both. The strong script and the rhyming lyrics had a
lasting effect and were applauded by all.
The whole function was compered by students
of small classes only and was applauded by all. It
showed that they had no stage fear and are ready to
face the world with condence.
The programme culminated with a formation of
the tricolor in which all the dancers joined to say
Incredible India.

Celebrating Art and Achievements


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

National Education Day

Delhi Public School, Indirapuram,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

Mr. Balachandran Vadakkedath, appreciated

the venture and wished that the book becomes an
inspiration for all the student community.

National Education Day was organized in DPS,

Indirapuram on Monday 11 November 2013. An
Intra-class slogan writing competition was organized
on the topic National Education Day for classes IX
and X. The time allotted for the event was 50 min.
The students participated enthusiastically and came
up with beautiful slogans and innovative ideas. The
best three entries were awarded. The entries along
with other slogans were displayed on bulletin boards
in the classroom as well as the school corridors to
sensitize the students to the relevance and importance
of education.

The book depicts the wonderful history of

Kodungallur and a conscious attempt is done
to highlight the heritage monuments such as
Cheraman Juma Masjid, Marthoma Church, Sree
Kurumba Bhagavathi Temple, Thiruvanchikkulam
Temple, Kottappuram Kovilakam, Paravur Jewish
Synagogue, Paliyam Palace etc. The striking
aspects that we can see throughout the book is the
overwhelming responsibility, long hard work and
creative ideas of students.

Release of the book Spandanam

The slogans and other entries being displayed

Cultural Expedition of MES Students

MES Public School, Kodungallur, Kerala
It was a proud privilege for M E S Public School,
P. Vemballur, Kodungallur, when the students
published an informative book namely Spandanam
under the auspices of heritage club, on 1 Novermber
2013. Mr.Balachandran Vadakkedath, a famous
critic of Malayalam literature released the book,
in the presence of many eminent personalities.
Management and PTA representatives blessed the
occasion with their gracious presence.
October-December 2013

The students along with teachers visited all

the historically important places and did a lively
interaction with a number of resource persons
who are well aware of the cultural history of
Kodungallur. These interactions enriched them
with new knowledge and helped to get a cultural
understanding. These experiences along with the
information they gathered from the historical books
gave birth to Spandanam.
The students concluded their book by
recommending the authorities to take initiation to
convert Kodungallur as a tourist destination and to
include the history of Kodungallur in school-college


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

curriculum. No doubt, this book will be a valuable

guide to everybody who would like to know and
study about the cultural importance of Kodungallur
and will help the students to inculcate a positive
attitude towards communal harmony.

teachers who prepared the students well and to the

students who performed well to bring laurels to the
De Paul Shines
De Paul School, Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh

Bal Mahotsav 2013

Hari Singh Public School, Rewari, Haryana

Winners of CRISTUS-2013
All Round District Trophy Winner

Hari Singh Public School Rewari has been

declared All round district trophy winner of Bal
Mahotsav 2013, Rewari.
District Child Welfare Department of
Rewari organized Bal Mahotsav on the occasion
of CHILDRENS DAY and conducted various
Inter School competitions from 21 October to 28
October 2013 and Prize Distribution ceremony was
organized on 11 November 2013.
The best performance of the students ranked the
School on the Top by scoring 23 marks, highest in
all the categories.
This is a matter of great pride and honour that
out of more than 50 Schools and 1000 participants,
Hari Singh Public School emerged as Trophy winner
in the District. Management of Hari Singh Public
School, congratulate and extends best wishes to the


John F. Kennedy said, All of us do not have equal

talents, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to
develop our talents. So we provide ample opportunity
to our budding stars to face life courageously by
competing with a balanced focus on the intuitive
mind and the rational mind. A group of 32 students
took part in the CRISTUS -2013, inter school
competitions organised by the Educational Society
of Satna Diocese. 15 schools took part in it and
De Paul School Vindhyanagar, Singrauli bagged
the runner up trophy getting rst in Senior group
dance, debate, senior quiz, extempore, second prize
in senior solo dance and third prize in group song. It
was an encouraging moment to raise the runner up
trophy to our students.
Celebrating Gandhi Jayanti
O.P. Jindal School, Angul, Odisha
O. P. Jindal School, Angul celebrated Gandhi
Jayanti on 2 October commemorating the unique

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

contributions of the Father of the Nation that

includes his rare sense of patriotism and sacrice for
the nation. To mark this occasion, beautiful and eyecatching paintings and decorations were made by the
students as well as the teachers and displayed on the
board. Speeches were made by the students and the
teachers glorifying the magnanimous personality of
Mahatma Gandhi. Articles written by the students
on Gandhi were pasted on the bulletin board and in
the most attractive way Kid-zee students dressed up
as Gandhiji gave a striking performance. Celebration
of Gandhi Jayanti also coincided with the birthday
of Shastriji, the Late Prime Minister of India.
Principal Mr. C.C. Das, highlighting the remarkable
achievements and contributions of Gandhiji inspired
the children to toe the line of Mahatma the great
stalwart of Indian freedom movement.

Development for Teachers and the opportunity

to share the best practices with colleagues in the
U.K. The school had the wonderful opportunity
to interact with Pendragon Community School,
Cambridge for the past two years. Miss Carol Shaw
and Miss Mhairi Dougal from Pendragon School
visited Vidyadhiraja from 7 February to 12 February
2013. Mr. Mohan Mathew, Principal, Vidyadhiraja
and Mrs. Jyothi Renjini, HOD Science and Global
School Partnership Co-ordinator had the chance for
a Reciprocal visit to Pendragon School from 5 June
to 12 June 2013. Participation in this programme
led to the opening of new vistas of learning and

With Chairman Mrs. Sheila Turner and Miss Mhairi Dougal of

Pendragon School

Explore, Experience and Express

Bhashyam Blooms, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Tiny-tots meet Gandhiji

Global School Partnership Programme

Vidyadhiraja Vidyabhavan, Angamaly, Kerala
The Global School Partnership Programme
promotes and supports partnership between schools
in UK and Schools in Asia, Africa the Middle East
and America. Connecting classrooms is a global
education programme, which offers funding and
resources for School Partnership, Professional

October-December 2013

Heritage tour



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Bhashyam rmly believes that learning is

comprehensiv when all the senses are put to good
use. The level of retention is enhanced and long
lasting, if it is comes from individual experience. Field
trips provide meaningful and relevant experiential
learning opportunities for students to connect the
simulated classroom learning to real- world lessons
through educational tours and picnics.
Odyssey of the Mind
Manav Sthali School,
New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi

Winner of the Creative Problem Solving competition

Manav Sthali participated for the 1st time in an

International Creative Problem Solving Competition
-Odyssey of the mind. From the school 5 teams
competed for ve different problems at Regional
National level. Our two teams made us proud by
securing 1st rank each in their respective problem.
The problems that the teams of the school
competed and won were, Its how you look at it'
and 'Email must go through'. This year Manav Sthali
School, New Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi was the
proud achiever of Gold Medals in two divisions
of this world wide programme. The teams that
won gold medals in the regional level presented
creative solution to a mechanicalbased problem and
a performance based problem.
From thereon, both the teams went on to
represent India along with three other teams in the
World Finals at Michigan, USA-Odyssey of the


Mind 2013, where more than 800 teams from across

the world were competing for different problems
from 22 May to 25 May 2013. Odyssey of the mind
World Finals was a creative extravaganza.
In the World Final, the schools team competing
for the problem Its How You Look at It presented an
innovative solution and secured 13th World Rank. 6
children from Division II participated in problem 5
.The problem was to create and present an original
humorous performance that includes two characters
that act naturally to them but odd to those around
them. 64 teams competed for this in division II where
in our team comprising of Soumya Dhingra, Wamika
Sachdev, Somya Rehan, Kanav Bhalla, Lehar Khan
and Arushi Goel stood 1st amongst all the Indain
teams and secured 13th International Rank.
The other team 'Email must go Through had
a team of seven students between the age group
of 13-14 years under division II showcased the
technical presentation of the long term problem
Email must go Through and also participated
for the 'Spontaneous Problem' enthusiastically.
Total 40 teams participated for division II. Post
the competition, both the teams along with their
teachers went on an Orlando trip organized by
school to maximize their exposure and for the
teams to unwind after months of hard work.
On 25 July 2013, Mrs. Mamta V Bhatnagar,
Director and Founder Principal of Manav Sthali
felicitated the students and their coaches followed by
Float and Banner Trophy presentation to the school
for the exemplary performance at the world nals.
Mrs. Bhatnagar addressed the audience and
congratulated the teams. She highlighted that this
was not only a great international exposure for
the students and teachers but also a great learning

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Annual Day `Expressions

Summer Fields School, Gurgaon, Haryana

achievements. The meritorious students of 201213 were felicitated with prizes and certicates. The
function came to an end with the singing of the
National Anthem. The programme and efforts of
everyone involved was appreciated by one and all.
Kerala Piravi Celebration Food Contest
Dr. NK MM MES Central School,
Malapuram, Kerala

Performance by tiny-tots

Expressions, the Annual Day of Summer Fields

School, Gurgaon, was held on 18 and 19 October
at the Epicentre, with assorted performances
showcasing the creativity and imagination in our
lives, making it sublime.
The programme commenced with the Ganesh
Vandana followed by various performances. The
event depicted the different colours of the global
village. The tiny-tots danced to peppy tunes from
around the world. Students showcased their acting
talent through fairy tales of Cinderella and Sleeping
Beauty, the Happy Prince and Robin Hood.
The audience thoroughly enjoyed the colourful
dance performances that brought the splendor
and the richness of Mexico, Spain, Egypt, Africa
and India to their doorstep. The event also saw the
depiction of the elements of nature and the portrayal
of the travails of the Ganga, a victim of delement
and pollution. Students paid their homage to the
freedom ghters of India and remembered their
sacrices. The 100% participation of all classes, from
Pre-Nursery to class VIII was truly commendable.
The Principal, Mrs. Yasmin Contractor, presented
the school report detailing the school activities and
October-December 2013

The school conducted a cooking contest for

parents and students on 1 November 2013. The
cooking skills of the students were evaluated with the
help of external judges and teachers. A well planned
set of indicators were prepared for a real assessment
of the students talents. The plot for cooking was
made ready and the bricks needed for cooking was
provided by the school. Every team brought their
parents to assist their team.
The judges were given prior instructions about
the indicators. The time duration was one hour.
Boys and girls were grouped in their classes.From
VI to VII the students prepared their food in their
respective class. The cooking contest was conducted
on the ground where necessary arrangements were

Kerala Piravi Celebration

The team effort was really appreciable. The

cooking skill and the problem solving capacity of
the students were visible during the process. The


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

judges gave scores as per the indicators. The food

items were really delicious. They also presented the
recipe and method of preparation on the respective
display table. The public also tasted their food items
and shared their feelings on this day.
The students had to submit assessment sheets
and cooking records to the coordinator. The cooking
record were led in their class portfolio.
The competition for the parents was also arranged
simultaneously in the school courtyard. The parents
were allowed only to display the food item in the
school. The external judges tasted the items and
announced the prizes.

guqeku izlkn /kkuqdk ljLorh ckfydk fo|k

efUnj o`Unkou] eFkqjk esa fnuakd 21&10&2013 dks
fo|k Hkkjrh }kjk vk;ksftr oSfnd xf.kr esyk dk
vk;kstu tuin Lrj ij fd;k x;kA izfr;ksfxrk
rhu Hkkxksa esa vk;ksftr dh x;haA
1 xf.kr iznZu Mathematical Model
d{kk 6oh 7oh 8 2- Dimencianal-3D vk/kkj ij
xf.krh; vkd`fr;ksa dh jpuk
d{kk 9 rFkk 10 f=dks.kferh vk/kkfjr xf.krh;
iznZu vFkok uokpkj
d{kk 11 rFkk 12 lfnXk vk/kkfjr iznZu vFkok
2 i=okpu Paper Reading
d{kk 6@7@8 rd egku~ xf.krK vk;ZHkV~V ,oa
mudk ;ksxnku


d{kk 9@10 rd yksd thou esa xf.kr

yksdksfDr;k] eqgkojs rFkk dgkorsa
d{kk 11@12 rd ije xf.krK egkohjkpk;Z ,oa
mudk vfHkUu ;ksxnku
3 oSfnd xf.kr izz'u eap f=Lrjh;
cky oxZ d{kk 6@7@8
fd'kksj oxZ d{kk 9@10
r:.k oxZ d{kk 11@12
bl vk;kstu esa tuin eFkqjk ds yxHkx 10
fo|ky;ksa us lgHkkfxrk dh rFkk dM+h izfr;ksfxrk
dk mnkgj.k fn;kA
xf.kr iznZ'ku esa Nk=&Nk=kvksa us f=dks.kferh
vk/kkfjr iznZ'ku dk iznZ'ku fd;k ftls dkQh ljkgk
x;kA r:.k oxZ esa lfnXk jkf'k;ksa ij vkkkfjr
dk;Zdkjh iznZUk n'kkZ;s x;sA ogh cky oxZ esa fofHkUu
iznZ'ku tSls ?kukHk ?ku] csyk kadq vkfn dk iznZ'ku
fd;k x;kA
i=okpu esa vk;ZHkV~V] egkohjkpk;Z rFkk yksd
thou esas xf.kr vkfn fok;ksa ij Nk=&Nk=kvksa }kjk
n`'; JO; ek/;eksa dh lgk;rk ls viuk izLrqrhdj.k
fd;k x;kA

oSfnd xf.kr iz'ueap

oSfnd xf.kr esyk esa rhuks Lrj d{kka 6@7@8]

d{kka 9@10 rFkk 11@12 oSfnd xf.kr iz'ueap esa
nks izdkj ds jkmM+ Fks ekSf[kd rFkk fyf[krA

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

ekSf[kd pdz esa izR;sd Vhe dks 30 lsds.M esa

fcuk fyf[kr lkexzh dh lgk;rk ls iz'uksa dk
lVhd mRrj nsuk FkkA
bl pdz ds iz'u eq[;r% fuEu fok;ksa ij vkkkfjr
1 Hkkjrh; xf.krKks ds thou ls lEcfU/kr nks
2 pkj vadks dk pkj vadks ls xq.kk

Events Update in Oasis School

Oasis School of Excellence, Raidurg,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Excelling in every activity is the virtue of the
school with the motto of nurturing tomorrows
leaders who believe in Aap Badho - Deshko Badhao.
The journey has reached to the Golden Jubilee


3 oSfnd xf.kr fof/k ds oxZewy

4 nks la[;kvksa ds oxksZ dk ;ksx


5 nks vadks dh rhu la[;kvksa ds xq.kuQyksa dk

;ksx (23X25)+ (25X42)+ (15X51)
6 foHkkT;rk Kkr djuk
7 n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd oxZewy oSfnd
fyf[kr pzd tks fd 60 lsds.M dk Fkk] esa
Nk=a@Nk=kvkss us vkSj Hkh vf/kd dfBu Lrj ds
iz'uksa dks le; lhek ds vUnj gy dj viuh
izfrHkk fn[kk;hA
bu nksukas gh pzdks esa izfrHkkfx;ksa us oSfnd xf.kr
esa viuh :fp iznf'kZr djrs gq, u flQZ iz'uksa dks
fu/kkZfjr le; lhek esa gy fd;k cfYd iz'uksa dk
lVhd mRrj nsrs gq, vU; izfr;ksfx;ksa ij Js"Brk
fl) djus dk iz;kl fd;k x;kA
bl vk;kstu ls ,d rF; Li"V :i ls
fl) gqvk fd ;fn fo|ky;ksa esa izkphu xf.kr dks
ysdj n`<+ bPNk kfDr gks rks bl izdkj ds izkphu
tfVy fo"k;ksa esa Hkh Nk=ksa dks ikjaxr djk;k tk
ldrk gSA
October-December 2013

Celebrations at school

The Joy of Giving Day was celebrated to make

the children understand the basic law of every
single act of love and kindness multiplies generosity
the young minds. The more we give the happier we
will become. The exchange of gifts enthralled and
the event was successful in creating real happiness,
love, care and sharing.
Oasis has always promoted the idea of secularism
and believes inHindu Muslim Sikh Isai hum sab hai bhaibhai and respected religious equality. We celebrate
every important occasion which has the cultural value
without let ting the religion become a barrier.
Graduation day: As life runs on, the road grows
stronger. Tiny tots crossing the rst milestone of
their lives, qualifying from pre-primary school were
encouraged on the Graduation Day. The students
were felicitated with awards.



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Values Education: Values are not taught- values

are caught. Values dene a persons character. Oasis
in collaboration with Brahmakumaris of Omshanti,
have conducted the classes for values education.
To make students realize that Respect for our self
guides our morals, respect for others guides our
manners, which in turn, will turn them into a better
individuals and responsible citizens.
The Social and Community Development Club
organized a Mock Parliament. Students enacted as
the members of Parliament and discussed national
issues analyzed the problems like child labor and
illiteracy and participated with a sense of responsibility
in decision-making and were reminded that the
government is for the people and by the people.

Special Assembly on Hindi Divas

Welspun Vidya Mandir, Kutch, Gujarat
As citizens of India, we are proud of our National
Language, Hindi. To explain the importance and
signicance of Hindi, the school celebrated Hindi
Divas on 14 September. The Hindi Department
organises a special assembly on this occasion.
Student recited poems and sang songs. Mrs. Namita
left the audience laughing with her hasya- kavita. Mrs.
Kusumlata recited a poem explaining the correct use
of the Hindi Matras.

Annual Day Celebration

SKNS PMC Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior
College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
The Annual Day was celebrated on 17 August
2013 to showcase the achievements of the school.
Sri. D.T. Sudharshan Rao, Regional Ofcer, CBSE,
Chennai presided. Children fostered by grandparents
certainly grow up to be the most responsible citizens
with moral values. The behaviour of grandchildren
and youngsters in the presence and absence of
elders was staged. This heart rending social drama
depicted the abolition of old age homes enthralled
the audience.

Hindi Divas Celebration

The highlight of the day was a Swar-Vyanjan ballet

based on the tunes of Mile Sur Mera Tumhara that
was choreographed by Ms. Vijaya and performed by
the students of Classes VI,VII and VIII.
Yuganter Exhibition cum-Fete
J.K.G. Sr. Sec. School, Vijay Nagar,
Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
A grand Exhibition cum-Fete YUGANTER
as per the dictum of CBSEs CCE pattern was
organized in the school premises on 16 November
2013. The scholars of IX and X classes showcased
their talent, knowledge and skills through charts,
models, skits and demonstration. The event was
inaugurated by Mr. Raj Singh Yadav P.E.S, District
Inspector of Schools, Ghaziabad.

Inaugurate programme


In this exhibition, a developmental aspect of

education system over the years was demonstrated.
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

From the ancient period, medieval period to the


in presentation of the models. In the ART gallery

students also demonstrated their creativity and skill
in mehendi, rangoli, nail art, jewellery design, tatoo
art and clay modeling.
Students of IX and X classes participated with
more than 3000 visitors. Mr. J. K. Gaur, Founder
of JKG Chain of Schools, Mr. Karun Gaur (Admn.
Director) Ms. Anju Gaur (Principal), Ms. Yashibala
(Academic director) welcomed the guests and
encouraged the students.

Cultural Exhibition

The Yuganter in short, reected social, cultural

and educational excellence achieved during the ages.
In the ancient period students featured Valmiki,
Vedvyas, Kalidas, the great grammarian Panini, as
well as the Vedic period Gurukul system, Yoga
and Yogic practices including Shiv Yog, Patanjali
Yog, Geeta-Yog etc. They also demonstrated the
important achievements like the concept of zero,
surgery system, concept of decimal, teachings of
Buddha, Mohd. Sahab and other saints like Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu, Surdas, Kabirdas, Tulsidas etc.
In addition to these, students exhibited milestone
achievements like the Windmill, Compass, Water
Clock, Electromagnetic crane etc., invented during
the Medieval period. Students also demonstrated
archaeological and artistic excellence achieved during
the reign of the Mughal emperors like Qutubuddin
Aibak, Akbar and Shahjahan. The students also
enacted the teaching practice in vogue during the
period in the form of maktab or Madarsa. Most
importantly, the students exhibited there inherent
skills in preparing models, Creativity in displaying
them artistically and excellent communication skill

October-December 2013

Regional Science Exhibition

Bharatiya Vidya Mandir, Civil Lines,
Nagpur, Maharashtra
The three-day Regional Level Science Exhibition
was held from 16 to 18 August 2013. This exhibition
instilled a scientic temperament among students.
The participants from various schools did not
deviate from the themes and appreciated all the
scientic rules and laws.

Demonstrating a Science Exhibit

The valedictory function of the three-day Regional

Level Science Exhibition took place on 18 August,
2013. Shri. Rajendra Mulak, Minister for State,
Finance and Planning, Energy Parliamentary Affairs,
Irrigation and State Excise was the Chief Guest and
Shri. Banwarilal Purohit, Trustee, Bhartiya Vidya



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Bhavan (worldwide) and Chairman Bhartiya Vidya

Bhavan, Nagpur Kendra, presided over the function.
20th All Kerala Bhavans Cultural Fest
Bhavans Vidya Mandir,
Elamakkara, Kerala
The 20th All Kerala Bhavans Cultural Fest was held
on the 8 and 9 November. The fest was inaugurated
by Sri. Rakesh Saxena, Director, Shikshan Bharathi,
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai.
The fest which aimed to enable students to
showcase their artistic skills and literary inclinations
saw students from about 30 Bhavan Schools
across the State competing for the coveted prizes
in 85 events. Competitions were conducted for 5
categories, including students from Class I to XII.
The awards of Bhavans Prathibha and Bhavans Jyothi
were conferred on students securing maximum
points in each category, of the boys and girls sections
respectively. Another highlight of the fest was the
exhibition on the life and works of Kulapati K M
Munshi, the illustrious founder of the Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan, put up by students of the 7 Bhavan
schools, functioning under the aegis of the BVB,
Kochi Kendra.

Winners Glory.
Categorywise overall champions
Category Champions
Bhavans Vidya
Mandir, Eroor
Bhavans Vidya
Mandir, Girinagar
Bhavans Vidya
Mandir, Elamakkara
Bhavans Adarsha
Vidyalaya, Kakkanad
Bhavans Vidya

1st Runner Up
Bhavans Newsprint
Vidyalaya, Velloor
Bhavans Vidya Mandir,
Bhavans Adarsha
Vidyalaya, Kakkanad
Bhavans Varuna
Vidyalaya, Thrikkakara
Bhavans Vidya Mandir,

M G M Model School
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

An auspicious beginning

It's a matter of pride that the School, is the alma

mater of many eminent personalities, who have
excelled in the regional national and international
arena. The school has organized many activities to
full the ambition of the students. One such effort
was made by M.G.M. Model School, Ayiroor, Varkala.
It was the Zonal Level competitions of Robotryst
2014 that was conducted on 25 and 26 October
2013. The programme was a joint endeavour of IIT
Delhi and Robosapians.

Music Director, M Jayachandran was the Guest of

Honour at the valedictory function. Sri Narendran,
Deputy General Manager, South Indian Bank also
spoke on the occasion.

It was a two-day programme and was based on

Robotic classes. The classes were handled by Mr.
Nishant Pandey, a Robotics Engineer. He taught
the children to make autonomous and cell phone


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Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

controlled robots of their own. A number of videao

were shown to the children which included different
robots developed by U.S.A. and other countries.
The class was inspiring and helped to enhance their
knowledge in the new eld of IT, i.e., Robotics.

Seminar on Peace

Participants at Robotryst

The second-day was the day of Robotics

Workshop. Sixty-two students participated in the
programme. They were divided into fteen groups
and given guidelines. Two teams out of fteen were
selected for the nals which will be held in IIT,
Seminar: Teach Peace Reach Peace
Darshan Academy,
The ambience was ecstatic, energy levels high and
the atmosphere electric at Talkatora Stadium where
the Foundation hosted its annual seminar Teach
Peace, Reach Peace.
The event began with a welcome address
highlighting the role of Foundation in providing
education that embraces all aspects of a childs being
enabling him/her to lead life with a knowledge
supported by wisdom, ethical values and respect for
all life. It was followed by lamp lighting ceremony by
the distinguished speakers and eminent guests.
October-December 2013

His Holiness Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj,

the Founder Chairman of Darshan Education
Foundation, delivered the keynote address on the
occasion. In his address, His Holiness Maharajji
blessed the audience to attain inner peace to
transform this world into a garden of everlasting
joy so that each one can spread light and love,
bringing peace and harmony to the whole world.
Among other distinguished speakers were Prof.
Kiran Walia, Minister of Education, Social Welfare
of Women and Child Delhi Govt., Dr. P C Jain,
Principal SRCC, Ms Aarti Mehra, Secretary All India
BJP, Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, Spokesperson of BJP
and Cathy Gallagher Coordinator for Enlightened
Living Programs, US who also reected on the
subject and enlightened the audience.
The seminar was followed by a musical
performance by the students of Darshan Academy,
on the theme A Jump in Time. The cultural
program conveyed the underlying message of peace
which modern day lifestyle and gadgets that we use
The musical performance brought life on
stage displaying theatrical and dance skills of the
participants. From the informative and illuminative
talks by the speakers to the well choreographed
performance of the students.



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

interaction between the government schools and

The Titan School.

The speaker

The Foundation also released its Souvenir Teach

Peace Reach Peace mirroring its achievements
of students of various Darshan Academy schools
with their insights on peace. Scholarships were
also awarded to students. The Sant Kirpal Singh
Scholarship for Academic Excellence from grades I
to IX and Darshan Singh Scholarship for all round
brilliance were awarded.
Harmony in thoughts, words and deeds in a
human being is what is the need of the hour reiterated
by Ms. Kiran Walia, Minister of Education, Social
Welfare of Women and Child, Delhi Govt.
Community Outreach Programme
The Titan School, Hosur, Tamil Nadu
The school conducted the Jawaharlal Nehru
Centenary Quiz Contest for Government Schools
of Hosur and adjoining areas. 17 government
schools participated in the quiz on 17 November
2013. The rst three winning teams were awarded
Titan Watches. All participants were presented with
certicates and gift hampers.
The main objective was to provide a platform to
the students of government schools from the rural
areas to have a quizzing experience and to foster


Winners with their trophy

The response of the students and teachers of the

Government school was very heartening.
Scaling new Pinnacles!
Modern Public School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi
The school has been declared the proud winner
of Asia Pacic Region in Stage 1 Teach - A Man
to Fish, School Enterprise Challenge 2012, a project
initiated by the British Council of India. The earnest
efforts of the team members were applauded and
acknowledged round the globe on 16 November 2013
at the Award Ceremony held at ITC Sonar, Kolkata.
Principal Ms. Alka Kapur received the honours.
The school was awarded a cash prize of $1000 in
cognizance of the exceptional school enterprise and
its contribution to developing business and practical
skills among students.
Under this project, students initiated a venture
called Creative Connections. They took the initiative
to up start a business wherein products were made
of recycled sheets. The team members prepared a
comprehensive business plan, highlighting all the
aspects of a rewarding business venture.

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nurturing nature.
As a philanthropic gesture, the prots earned
was donated for the underprivileged section of the
society. This victory is the benchmark of the mission
of the patron of Creative Connections, Ms. Alka
Kapur to train the youth to make this world a better,
cleaner and greener place to live in.
GGIS Students Celebrate Childrens Day with
Honourable Rashtrapatiji
Gyan Ganga International School,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Ms. Alka Kapur receives the award

Amalgamation of theoretical and functional

prociency of entrepreneurship provided an
exclusive experience to the students of Commerce
stream. They not only employed their mind to learn
business like skills and wisdom to manage their
venture but also got an exposure to the worldly ways.
Merchandise centred around the products made out
of recycled sheets produced in the school itself :
Paperbags, envelopes, bookmarks, folders etc., were
a few commodities sold by Creative Connections.

Students attended the Children Day Programme

on 14 November 2013 at the Rashtrapati Bhawan.
Accompanied by the Principal Dr. Rajesh Chandel.
the Students were: Isha Goyal, Umeed Chandel,
Nitik Jain, Amartya Tiwari, Swapnil Gupta, Sakshi
Patel, Raja Kaurav and Soudamini Tiwari.

Brainstorming to procure raw material at

minimum cost, deciding marketing strategies,
selection of human resource, keeping an eagles eye
on nance deserve special appreciation not only for
the students but for the mentors as well.
Ms. Alka Kapur motivated and inspired the
team to overcome hurdles. She not only gave
nancial assistance along with her consent to use
the resources of the school but a special schedule
was also setup for the team to ensure perfect
balance between academics and co-curricular
activities. Also, its a matter of proud privilege that
our Green Ambassadors while working rigorously
on the principles of 4 Rs (Refuse, Respect, Reduce
and Reuse) have become a beacon and epitome of

October-December 2013

A photo opportunity with the President of India

Students met his Excellency President Shri Pranab

Mukherjee. There they discussed their concerns for
the nation. These students felt highly honoured after
meeting the President.
During their visit the students visited various
important spots such as the Mughal Garden,
Circular Garden, Long Garden and Rectangular



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Garden. Afterwards they were guided through

various Galleries such as Art Gallery, Kitchen
Gallery and Children Gallery where they witnessed
the small glimpse of news paper of 2020, which
is the imagination of former President Dr. Abdul
Kalam. Students also visited the Darbar Hall where
award functions are organized.
Chairperson, Shri D. C. Jain and Executive
Director Shri Nitin Jain, welcomed the team on their
return to Jabalpur.
Fun Festival
Aum Valley School, Titilagarh, Odisha
The Almighty always seeks fraternity and
generosity on this Earth. It is the responsibility of
a teacher to nurture the disciples to safe guard the
mankind. The school, took a small step to ignite the
feeling of oneness among the students for a social
cause. A Fun Festival was organized on 27 October
2013 to help the victims of Phailin (cyclonic storm
in Odisha) and to donate a small token of love to
an orphanage. Students with Masti and unity set
up stalls for different food Items, games and many
more to earn money and help the needy.

It was the team work of the students which made

the program a magnicent one. The tiny hands tried
to reach the hands of those who have been battling
with agony and suffering. The program not only
rejuvenated the kids but also motivated all the staff
members to work together.
Misto Nero: Annual Exhibition
Our Lady of Fatima Convent Secondary
School, Patiala, Punjab
For creating the awareness among the masses
about conservation of our mother earth, an
exhibition MISTO NERO was put up by all the
12 Clubs which are actively working in the school,
on 25 and 26 October 2013. The exhibition was
inaugurated by Mr. R. S. Attri, Distt. Session Judge,
Patiala and Dr. K. K. Raina, the Director of Thapar
Universtiy, Patiala were the Guest of Honour.

Club activities based on conservation

Each Club left no stone unturned to make the

show a mega success. The audience was enthralled
by the cultural programme presented by Performing
Arts Club.

The Joy of Giving


The spectators were spell bound to see the

efforts of the students and were full of admiration
and appreciation.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

English Medium High School and Sr. Sec. School,

Dhankawadi Pune and Lindlar School Gymnasium
SchoolLindlar Germany was held during 17
October to 6 November 2013-14.Fourteen German
students along with 2 teachers visited India.

oknfookn izfr;ksfxrk

MkW0 calh/kj Ldwy] dksVk esa fgUnh lIrkg ds varxZr

d{kk okj lqys[k] dfork ikB] ukjkand ys[ku ,oa
oknand fookn izfr;ksfxrk vk;ksftr dh xbZA bl
volj ij jktLFkku mPp U;k;ky; ds lsokfuo`Rr
U;k;k/kh'k ,oa [;kfrizkIr dfo Jh f'kodqekj kekZ]
dksVk ds izfrf"Br lkfgR;dkj Jh vrqy dud rFkk
izfl) dfo MkW0 mn;ef.k dkSf'kd us Ldwy esa i/kkj
dj vius fopkjksa ls lcdk ykHkkfUor fd;kA izkpk;kZ
Jherh oUnuk 'kekZ us vaxzsth Hkk"kk ds lkFkand lkFk
fgUnh dks mldk mfpr ntkZ fnykus ds fy, fo|kfFkZ;ksa
dk vkg~oku fd;kA mUgksaus la;r Hkk"kk ds iz;ksx ij cy
nsrs gq, fgUnh lkfgR; dh Js"B iqLrdsa i<+us ds fy,
Nk=k sadks izsfjr fd;kA
Nk=ksa us fofHkUuukjks]a lwfDr;ks]a nksgksa ds ek/;e ls viuh
Hkkoukvksa dks izdV fd;k vkSj Ldwy ds izkx.k esa ;gh Loj
lqukbZ fn;k% *fgUnh gSa ge oru gS]a fgUnksLrka gekjk*

Participants of the 5th Exchange Program

The topic of the comparative study between

the 2 countries was Culture, Environment and
Health (Subjective Wellbeing) in India including a
recording of the entire program.
Experiments, lecture series, eld visits, surveys
and visit to various places in North India was the
basic skeleton of the entire program.
The German group visited Bharati Vidyapeeth
English Medium High School and Sr. Sec. School
Dhankawadi, Pune and spoke to the Principal, staff
and the school students to understand the teaching learning methods of education in Indian schools.

International School Exchange Program

Bharati Vidyapeeth English Medium High
School and Sr. Sec. School,
Pune, Maharashtra
The 5th School Exchange Program (a reverseprogramme to an incoming of Indian students to
Germany in 2012) between Bharati Vidyapeeth
Discussion on observations

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Water Analysis

A mixed group of Indian and German students

performed experiments on the water samples
collected for various parameters, from different
sources from different cities. Discussions on
observations, analysis and interpretation were
conducted after testing every water sample.
A compiled presentation was done in Bharati
Vidyapeeths Institute of Environment Education
and Research Center (BVIEER) Pune.
A visit to Bharati Hospital and Bharati Vidyapeeths
Ayurvedic College was also arranged to understand
the facilities and the working methodology.

German students school visit to Bharati Vidyapeeth Eng. Med. High

School and Sr. Sec School Dhankawadi, Pune

The German students stayed with the Indian

families and also celebrated the Diwali with the
In the concluding session in BVIEER Pune,
the Director of BVIEER Pune-Dr. Erach Barucha
addressed the students of both the countries and
discussed a comparative study on the entire visit,
travelling experiences, products for sale in malls,
running hospitals, environmental degradation,
various religious practices, cultural differences etc.,
in the form of a short skit, mime and interview and
came to the conclusion that there are positive as
well as negative aspects in all the elds, in both the
countries and that we need to respect and accept the
good things and try to improve the rest.
We appreciate Deepti D. Satpute for her timely
advice and support.
Diwali Celebration
Bal Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School,
Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh
On the grand occasion of glorious, fabulous
and joyous Golden Jubilee Year 2013 Manager Shri
Harish Chandra Garg, released a silver coin with

A learning session


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

the school logo. The school also organized Interhouse Rangoli Competition in school auditorium. In
both the junior and senior wings, the participants
of all four houses showed their extraordinary skilled
performances. They displayed different themes
like harmony, love and brotherhood, celebration
without crackers and enlightenment of knowledge.
Attractive colours, ne-arts, neatness and beautiful
arrangements of earthen lamps mesmerized the
spectators. The Manager Shri Harish Chandra Garg,
Dr. Arvind Kumar Gupta and Principal Dr. Mukesh
Kumar Sharma were the judges. They appreciated
all the participants of Sankalp, Ekta, Prayas and
Vishwas houses for their enthusiasm, ideas, colour
matching and description of theme of rangolies.
Ultimately Ekta and Sankalp houses in the senior
group and Ekta house and Prayas house in the
junior group were declared the winners and runners
and the participants of these houses were awarded
winner and runner-up trophies.

place best when the learners discover facts and ideas

themselves, rather than being taught.
In this context, an activity was conducted in
the month of April 2013. Celebration of LATOMATINO- The Tomato festival of Spain and
HOLI. It compared and contrast the two festivals.
In the month of August/September 2013 the
students of classes VII and VIII went on Excursions
to historical places in Chhattisgarh. They visited
Bhoramdev, Amarkantak and Sirpur to explore and
learn about their rich cultural heritage. Students also
participated in an activity in the month of October
2013, where they exhibited the different dance
forms performed during harvest time. The main aim
of all these activities is to foster among the students
the feeling of brotherhood and liking for their own

Celebrating Diversity
Winner of the Rangoli competition

Cultural Diversities Around the Globe

The Jain International School,
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
The school, aims at delightful learning and has
a curriculum that focuses on the integration of
knowledge. It strongly believes that learning takes

October-December 2013

Visit Rashtrapati Bhawan - the President's

Shantiniketan Public School,
Gurgaon, Haryana
The students received an invitation from
the RASHRAPATI BHAWAN to celebrate
Rakshabandhan with the President of India.
There was a great security arrangements in the



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

president house. Everything was synchronized and

The students saw the MUGHAL GARDENS
with lots of owers and plants of different varieties
also saw the AKBAR HALL, with its Arabic carpet
and collection of painting showing different historical
events and moments. Then students were asked to
sit in the Ceremonial Hall. The Ceremonial Hall
had big statue of lord Buddha and India's National
Emblem. The President was sitting on a magnicent
stage and the moment was also graced by gracious
presence of Mrs. Pranab Mukherjee.
Students were served some light refreshment and
then they tied Rakhis to the President. Finally, they
returned back to school after an invigorating and
memorable experience

Meeting with Prime Minister of India

Shantiniketan Public School, Farrukhnagar, Gurgaon

Communal Harmony Campaign

D.A.V. Public School, Airoli, Maharashtra
Keeping up with the tradition and culture
the School observed the Communal Harmony
Campaign week in collaboration with The National
Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH) from
19 November 2013 to 25 November 2013.

Rakshabandhan celebration at the Rastrapathi Bhawan, New Delhi

Education is a methodical effort and key to

advance justice. Values Education is essential to
shape a student's life.
This concentration on developing world-class
skills means business must keep up with the rapid
evolution in real world. Extensive links between
school and companies must be built to ensure
that research and teaching has relevance as well as
intellectual integrity.
On this lease the students also met the Prime
Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh.


Bookmark making in progress

The week witnessed talks by the students at

the time of assembly on various issues related to
communal harmony.
A series of the following activities were held for
the students of classes V to VII during this week:
Class V : Book mark making

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Class VI : Wrist band making

Class VII : Paper bag making
While performing the activities, the students used
eco-friendly materials and gave free expressions
to their feelings and thoughts regarding National
Integration and Communal Harmony.
The week culminated in a Donation Drive on
the nal day, i.e. 25 November 2013 being observed
as the Flag Day. The students voluntarily donated
money for the Campaign. The total amount
collected was forwarded to the Secretary, National
Communal Harmony Association, New Delhi to
provide nancial assistance to the children rendered
orphan or destitute in communal, caste, ethnic or
terrorist violence. This will be used for their care,
education and for their complete rehabilitation
under the project Assist of the foundation.
Vijaya Dashmi Celebration
K.C.T.'s Krishna School, Karad, Maharashtra

A scene from the epic-Ramayana

Vijaya Dashmi fell on 13 October 2013. With

a view to realize the importance of the day, it was
decided to enact the scenes of Ramayana in school
campus in the presence of Hon Mrs. Uttara Suresh
Bhosale, Trustee Krishna Charitable Trust on 12
October 2013.
October-December 2013

The main value that was imparted were:

v Leadership (renouncing egoism, equanimity,
harmony, trust, simplicity)
v Communication (clear, complete, courteous)
v Team work (search of Sita)
v Innovation and motivation (bridge building,
motivated and encouraged Sita by Hanuman,
burnt Lanka)
v Devotion (building bridge, ghting Rakshas,
fetching 'Sanjivani')
It was an act wherein the teachers tried to involve
students from grades I to VIII.
Childrens Day Celebration
Dayanand Bal Mandir Sr. Sec School,
Agra Cantt., Uttar Pradesh
Students had a week long exciting time when
Childrens Day was celebrated from 9 November
2013 to 16 November 2013 in the school premises. A
variety of fun lled activities like Collective Reading
Competition, Fancy Dress Competition, Drawing
Competition and Bandanwar Making Competition
were held for the students of different classes. The
programme aimed at empowering the students with
positive and healthy attitude, leading to the holistic
development of the students. The series of events
evoked a positive response from the students as
they participated in all the activities with zeal and
zest. A Bal-Mela was organized by the teachers of
the school where there was no room for junk food.
There were stalls of healthy food items like blackchana chat, vegetable poha etc. It was wonderful to
see the cheerful faces of children full of excitement,
watching the events.
The Principal, Mrs. Kulbir Kaur Bhasin appreciated
the efforts of the teachers and students.



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Childrens Day Celebrations

Inter School Competition

Shri I. B. Patel Angel Sr. Sec. School,
Anand, Gujarat
With a view to explore the students hidden
talents in scholastic and co-scholastic areas and
also to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr.
Maulana Abul Kalam a great freedom ghter and
rst Education Minster of Independent India an
Inter School Competition was successfully organized
on 26 and 27 November 2013, in school premises.

followed by lighting of the lamp by Chief Trustee

Mrs. Ramaben Doshi, Principal Mrs. Archana Singh
and other dignitaries.
The school had jurist Dr. Charu Dutt, HOD
Eng. Dept. V.P. Science College, Prof. Brij Mohan
of Physics Dept. S.P. University, Prof. Javed
Khan, HOD English Dept., S.P. University, Prof.
K.N.Joshipura a retired Prof. of S.P. University and
Mr. Kanu Patel owner of Lajja an Art Academy in
V.V.Nagar to judge the various events.

There were competitions like Declamation, Catchy

Caption Writing, Power Point Presentation and Folk
Dances of Gujarat. About 6-7 Schools from Anand
and V.V.Nagar took part in the competitions.

The striking feature of the event was that the

Chief Guests were felicitated with Saplings
signifying growth along with an artifact prepared by
the students of the school.

The programme was inaugurated with a semiclassical prayer dance, a stunning performance by the
students of class IV, dedicating it to Maa Saraswati,
goddess of learning invoking her blessing. It was

The students of class XI and XII from different

schools spell bound the audience with their exemplary
oratory skills as they went about expressing their
views on various themes like the Indian Rupee,


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Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Privatisation is the road to a less corrupt country,

Todays youth epitomises iconoclastic image, Politics
is all about Money and Muscle power, Media Trial how far its inuence is justied in delivering justice.

performed by students of classes VI, VII and VIII

was kaleidoscopic. Ms. Prapti Mehta a renowned
singer of garba songs in Anand, Mrs. Namrata Patel
Director of TAPSA a dance academy in Nadiad
were the judges for the folk dance competition.
The school scored the highest points by winning
prizes in all the events. But the Overall Trophy was
given to the Runners Up School i.e V and C Patel,
V.V. Nagar.
It was the Managing Trustee, Dr. Bakul Joshis
support, the Principals effort, the teachers team
work and the cooperation from the prefects of class
XII, that made the event a grand success.
Literary Week Celebration
DIPS, Kapurthala, Punjab

Inter-school Competition

Todays youth are in the world of rapidly emerging

computer technology and as it is also the need and
the demand of the hour, students of class XI were
expected to make a PPT on topics like Global
Warming, Science and Technology and Indian Space
Research Program.

With the objective of making the students

condent and for transforming dreams into reality
the Institute celebrated Literary Week from 8 July
to 12 July, 2013 under the guidance of Principal
Mrs. Monica Sachdeva and HOD (English), Mrs.
Kamaljit Kaur. Different themes were selected for
the performance of the week:-

Participants of Gujarat folk dance

The colourful and vibrant folk dances of Gujarat

October-December 2013

Award ceremony



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

8 July, 2013 English group song, calligraphy

and quiz competition
9 July, 2013 Extempore and power Point
presentation competition
10 July, 2013 Debate, declamation and play
11 July, 2013 Poem recitation, story
telling and paper presentation
12 July, 2013 Model exhibition
The Ivory House bagged the rst position by
giving the message Lets Come Together and
Diamond House was declared second. Glorifying
Life as a Miracle quiz for junior classes was
conducted by senior classes. Innovative and creative
ways were invented for making the celebration
interesting and motivating. Different topics were
given for power point presentation, debate and
declamation and paper presentation competitions.
On 12 July 2013, the school witnessed a hilarious
and colorful show i.e. closing ceremony of the
literary week. Chairman, Chain of DIPS Institutions
S. Gurbachan Singhji, Presided along with CEO Mrs.
Monica Mandotra, Director Mrs. Lakhwinder Kaur
and Academic Controller Mr. Gulshan Gakhar.
Multiple Intelligence
Amity International School,
Gurgaon, Haryana

Multiple Intelligence Week celebrations


The School has integrated Multiple Intelligence

propounded by Dr. Howard Gardner in the
curriculum. The theory of Multiple Intelligence
suggests that eight different intelligences account
for a broader range of human potential in children.
They are:

Linguistic ('word smart')

Logical ('number/reasoning smart')
Spatial ('picture smart')
Kinesthetic ('body smart')
Musical ('music smart')
Intrapersonal ('people smart')
Interpersonal ('self smart')


Naturalistic ('nature smart')

The traditional notion of intelligences based on

I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead Dr. Gardner
proposes these eight intelligences account for a
broader range of human potential in children and
In this connection 16 to 20 September 2013
was celebrated as MI-WEEK, wherein students
were made to visit MI stations, specially created to
develop their MI proles.
Teachers were trained in a wide variety of
ways to use music, collaborative learning, art, role
play, multimedia and much more which have been
incorporated in the lessons.
Students were involved in activities like building
models, dancing, creating jingles or songs, reading,
writing and illustrations. The students MI prole
will provide an insight into the childs intelligences
which will enable the teacher to understand his/
her student better and also provide parents with
opportunities to work upon the weaker areas.
As Dr. Gardener says, standardized tests measure
only a small part of the total abilities. He also
suggests that intelligence has more capacity for
solving problems in content rich and naturalistic
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Promoting Soft Skills

Montfort School,
Trichy, Tamil Nadu
In consonance with the concerted effort of
CBSE to promote the dying art of public speaking
a soft skill which is a cog in the wheel of progress
in todays world, Montfort School, took the initiative
of conducting a state level elocution contest Talk
your way to Singapore, in English and Tamil for
students of class X, XI, XII from more than 40
schools all over Tamil Nadu.
No dreamer is ever too small; no dream is ever
too big. After a scintillating success of the 1st
edition of Talk your way to Singapore which was
held on 17 and 18 August 2012, at Hotel Sangam, the
2nd edition a tting sequel to the 1st edition was
bigger and better and was held at the same venue on
23 August and 24 August 2013.
The rst prize winners in each event English and
Tamil, were given 2 free air tickets each to Singapore,
including one ticket for the accompanying parent
and free accommodation. The second prize winners
were given two free air tickets each to Colombo,
including one ticket for the accompanying parent,
and free accommodation. Incidentally N. Arun
Prakash Raj of Class XII, Montfort school won the
II place in the Tamil event. In addition, the rest of
the six nalists were given cash prizes and citations.
This mega event provided the participants ample
scope to nurture their talents of focusing on a
given topic in a short span of time. It certainly took
learning dimensions to dizzy heights as it afforded
a conducive environment for students of rural and
urban backgrounds to match their wits and skill
of quick and accurate thinking, tempered with the
skills of delivery of the content with apt intonation,
accurate pronunciation and enunciation that are the
corner stones of oratory.
The contest was a platform for fostering
October-December 2013

camaraderie and an exchange of ideas and opinions

of participants, escorting teachers and parents from
various schools across the state a conglomeration
of diverse thinking, cultures, and languages. It was
not only an occasion that transcended barriers and
became a unifying factor to elicit the best among
the best, but also a golden chance for a healthy
competition that encouraged and motivated the
contestants and raised their level of condence,
assisting in self-discovery and brought out their
latent talents.
The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great
name and the inheritance of a great example. Talk
your way to Singapore, the brain child of Montfort
School, Kattur, has been the training centre for showcasing the talents of many a promising orators.
Activities Galore
Gwalior Glory High School,
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
a) Udyamita Entrepreneurial Fest
Entrepreneurship isnt an inherent skill, it is a prociency
nurtured in suitable conditions.
Gwalior Glory High School has always believed
in providing suitable conditions to the students to
help them discover their potential. With such a vision
Undyamita An interschool Entrepreneurial Fest
was organized at Gwalior Glory High School on 15
and 16 November 2013 for it is said that the future
of any country depends on its entrepreneurs and
their vision for it is they who explore new avenues
taking the country to new heights.
Students of commerce stream from fourteen
prestigious schools participated in the Interschool
Sahodaya event and competed against each other for
getting into the nal ve challenging one another in
the different stages displaying their knowledge in the
form of writing a concept around a picture shown,
answering a questionnaire, PPT presentation of



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

success stories of successful business houses, oral quiz

and market a product within an allocated budget.

There is no restrictions on age or on the number of

participants and at little or no expense, JOTA allows
people to contact each other by Ham radio.

Winning entrepreneurs

The students also got the chance to interact

with the judges who are accomplished names in the
corporate world.
Gwalior Glory High School emerged as winners
of the competition. The Directors of the school and
Principal were present in the event and congratulated
all teams on their remarkable performance.
(b) On Air Jamboorie
Amateur Radio Club Gwalior conducted On
Air Jamboorie at Gwalior Glory High School on
19 and 20 October. The aim of such programmes
(JOTA- Jamboree-on-the-Air) is to establish on air
communication with Jamboorie members located
in other states and countries. It is the best means
of communication for Scouts and Guides all over
the world. It is a wireless station which can be used
every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and can be
established only by licence holders. Operators can
interact through computer also
Modern technology offers exciting opportunity
to make friends without leaving home. Experiences
are exchanged and ideas are shared via radio waves.


On radio

Team Gwalior interacted with team Rajkot,

Badoda, Pune, Bengaluru etc. A Ham from Rajkot
played the interaction he had with Sunita Williams
whereas the team from Bengaluru sang a Kannad
song for the Gwalior team on air. Students of
Gwalior Glory High School presented SaraswatiVandana, songs, speech, poetry, short story on air.
(c) Workshop on Dhrupad

Music workshop

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Dhrupad is a vocal genre in Hindustani classical

music, said to be the oldest still in use in that
musical tradition. To introduce this style of music
to the students of the city to which this technique is
believed to its origin to, a three-day workshop on
Dhrupad at Gwalior Glory High School was held in
the month of October.
Abhijeet Sukhdane- Director, Gwalior Dhrupad
Kendra and his disciples Jyotsna Bharadwaj, Sanyogita
Kushwah, Ravitanay Bhadoria, Yakhlesh Baghel and
Anuj Pratap Singh conducted the sessions. The team
has performed on many prestigious stages in India
and conducted workshops for creating awareness of
the unique style of singing.
During the seminar, students were told about
the origin of Indian music, swar, ras, bhaav, Indian
instruments and the continuing tradition associated
with the art form. The mentors also answered the
queries of the students after which they trained
the aspirants. Many were keen to take up further
guidance to get into the profundity of Dhrupad.
On the concluding day, Glorians presented a
glimpse of Dhrupad Gayaki.

To enhance students understanding of the art of

cartooning, a workshop was conducted by Sri Ajit
Narayan on 28 October 2013.
Welcomed with a Tulsi plant the renowned
cartoonist quoted, Cartoon reects every incident
perfectly addressing the Glorians.
During the workshop, the artist interacted with
the students, spoke about the intricacies one should
keep in mind while drawing a cartoon and also
appreciated the art work by students.
While conducting the seminar Sri Narayan made
cartoons on animals using basic shapes and also
taught how to make cartoons depicting different
facial expressions. With each of his master strokes,
the shapes got new meaning.
The participants understood that cartoon is
not only a drawing depicting a humorous situation
accompanied by a caption but it also is a symbolic
representation of the realities around. Each line
should be able to express only then will the overall
impact of the cartoon come across.
(e) Co-partners with HFI 2013

(d) Art Workshop on Cartooning by Sri Ajit


Cultural performance
Artistic Expressions

October-December 2013

Gwalior Glory High School and ABV- IIITM



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Gwalior co partnered the two day HAMFEST on 21

and 22 September 2013. It is the rst time that the
event has been organized in North India.
The motto of this event was to create awareness
about HAM Radio in the masses as it is the only
means of communication during disaster when all
the other means fail. Government of India also gives
the license to prepare and use radio transmitter after
passing an examination.
The veteran HAMs were also felicitated for their
contribution to HAM radio. HAMs from Nepal also
participated in this mega event for the rst time.
The stalls in the exhibition were a store house of
information on HAM radio and related technology
and same were the technical sessions conducted
in which the participants interacted on various
breakthroughs in this eld.
Teachers and students volunteered on different
fronts and helped make the event a big success. Song
on environment and Yakshagaan which depicted the
story of Radha Krishnas Raas Leela by Glorians
fetched special appreciation.
Meritorious Award Ceremony
DAV. Centenary Public School,
Panipat, Haryana

Appreciation enhances efciency- is known

to everyone. So, in order to acknowledge and
appreciate the efforts of the students in academics;
the Meritorious Award Ceremony was celebrated on
14 September 2013.
The Chief Guest Sh. Mohan LalJi, the Chairman,
among other guests were welcomed by Sh. Vijay
Sabharwal, the Vice-Chairman of the school; Smt.
Reeta Sehgal, the Manager; Sh. D. Vidyarthi, Regional
Director and Smt. Nirmal Dutt, a social activist of
Panipat. Members of local managing committee and
the principals of different schools of Panipat also
graced the function with their dignied presence.
Parents of the award winners were also invited.
The ceremony started with a welcome dance.
Students from classes V-XII who had scored 85%
and above or 9.4 CGPA and above were awarded
trophies and cash prizes. Some teachers were also
honoured for their exemplary results. The ceremony
was punctuated with dances. As the day coincided
with Hindi Diwas, the corridors and display boards
were replete with wise quotations and Hindi poems.
Also two Hindi poems were recited by students on
stage to enhance the importance of Hindi language.
Overall, the function was interesting and inspiring
Book Week Celebration
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,
Book Week Celebrations was celebrated in the
Vidyalaya from 14 November to 20 November 2013.

Award ceremony


It was inaugurated by the Principal, Mr. A.

Vinayathan on 14 November 2013 on Childrens
Day by offering oral tributes to Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru, our late Prime Minister and the Father of
the Library Science Dr. S. R. Ranganathan. Mr. T.
S. Shankar, Librarian, welcomed the gathering and
spoke on the value of reading among students.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

He wants the students to know Everything of

Something (General Knowledge) and Something
of Everything (Subject Knowledge) and the student
community has to read as many books as possible.
Books week celebrations help the students to
develop reading habits.
It was followed by a talk by Mr. A. Vinayathan
Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (Puducherry),
on the importance of reading habits. It was followed
by the vote of thanks by Mrs. R. Kamalam. The
function concluded with the National Anthem.

14 November 2013, Essay writing

competitions on the topic Nehrus
Contributions to our country.

15 November 2013: Library cartoon

competitions for junior students (VI-X Std.)

16 November 2013: The Library cartoon

competition was conducted for the senior
students (X to XI Std.).

18 November 2013: In the morning

assembly Kum. S. Aruna Niveditha (X-A)
spoke in English on the topic Value of
Reading Habit. She stressed the importance
of reading and categorized the reading
of books for the following purposes. Books
for information, books for inspiration and
books for entertainment. She encouraged
students to make best use of the Library

urged the students to realize the dreams and

visions of Dr. Abdul Kalam.
On 20 November 2013: In the morning
assembly Masters Gogan (IX-A) spoke in Tamil
Pusthagamum Athan Payanum. He stressed the
importance of reading habits.
The Valedictory Function of the Book Week
Celebrations was held at the Rajiv Gandhi
Auditorium (M.P. Hall). The Chief Guest for the
function was Dr. R. Sevugan, Head of Department
of Library and information Science, Pondicherry
University. The function started with a prayer by the
choir. It was followed by a welcome speech by Mr.
T. S. Shankar, Librarian.
The Chief Guest, gave away the prizes to the
winners and the runners up of various competitions.
It was followed by a key-note address regarding
the value of reading habits. He urged the student
community to develop problem solving skills and
life skills.
Thus the Book Week Celebrations (2013) was
celebrated with enthusiasm and fervor by the
students and the teachers.
News from School
Sri Guru Harkrisahan Public School,
Nagpur, Maharashtra

The Bookmark competition for the junior

students (VI-X Std.) was conducted later in the

19 November 2013: In the morning

assembly Kum. K. Aarthi (VII Std B),
reviewed the book in Hindi titled Dr.
Abdul Kalam. She stressed on the
contributions of Dr. Abdul Kalam,
former President for our Country. She

October-December 2013

Independence Day celebration



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Sri Guru Harkrishan Public School is a temple

of learning. It runs under the management of Sikh
Education Society. The motto is to prepare the
students not only in the academic elds but also to
prepare the students to be able to face the challenges
of real life situation.
To inculcate the practice of democracy and help
students develop leadership qualities and learn to
shoulder the responsibilities Investiture Ceremony
was held where in elected Head-Boy, Head-Girl,
captains and Vice-Captain took oath to fulll their
duties. To develop moral, social, religious and cultural
values various clubs like Literary club, AEP Club,
Science Club, Disaster Management Club, EcoClub were formed and all the ofce-bearers along
with Incharge-teachers are working accordingly.
Afforestation is the need of the hour so a Tree
Plantation Drive was conducted and a project
called Bahconki Phulwari was started. Guru
Harkrishan Maharajji's Birthday was celebrated with
religious fervour to bestow his blessings. Various
Inter House competitions like Mental Maths, Spell
Bee, Storytelling were organized and winners were
declared and awarded. Students also excelled in inter
school drawing and painting competitions, singing
competition etc. and were awarded with medals and
trophies. Religious festivals like Pola, Janamashthami,
etc., and social festivals are given equal importance
to promote spirituality, peace and harmony. To
develop taste and fragrance and make the students
all rounders salad making, ower arrangement, Bhel
Making, Rangoli comp, Fancy dress comp were also
Roboveda a new concept of learning has been
introduced in the school to make the children more
Students have also bagged prizes for Indoor


competition eg. Chess as Most participation Award

and individual trophies and also in outdoor games
like badminton and hockey.
Self-defense is the need of the hour for every
one. Students are trained and some have achieved
bronze and silver medals. Service to mankind is
service to God. Keeping this thought students and
staff donated generously to Manav Seva Sanstha.
Hindi Diwas was celebrated to respect the National
Language.Students also participated in an Eye
Donation Camp and won the medal.
Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurudevo Maheshwara
keeping this thought in mind Teachers Day was
celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm. Gandhi Jayanti
was celebrated to pay gratitude to the The Father of
the Nation and a peaceful rally was organized.
A seminar on Creative concept of Learning was
organized by Raisoni Group of Human Excellence.
Dussehra and Diwali were also celebrated with
Bal Mela was organized to mark Childrens Day.
Guru Nanak Jayanti was celebrated to spread the
feeling of universal brotherhood.
This is world of computers and one of the
students won in the competition organized by
Dell and was awarded a PC for the school. Science
exhibition was organized in which various models
and charts made by the students were displayed and
one of the models prepared by class students has
been selected by CBSE Regional Exhibit.
Inauguration of NCC
The PSBB Millennium School, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu
The National Cadet Corps was formally instituted
and inaugurated at The PSBB Millennium School,
Gerugambakkam on 23 October 2013.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The Principal, Mrs. Sita Umamaheswaran

welcomed the Army PI Staff of 1 TN CTC, NCC of
Anna University commanded by Col. Shree Kumar.

Birla School, Kalyan, Maharashtra

Col. D. S. Raghavan, Manager Operations of

the school addressed the 25 cadets and briefed them
about the essence of being a Cadet Corp exemplifying
the motto, Duty, Unity and Discipline.

Trishit Banerjee is an extremely talented students

of Birla School, Kalyan. He is the school Captain and
displays his leadership qualities in all the activities of
the school. Trishit has excellent literary skills and is
a very good orator.

Mrs. Rukmani Mothilal, Academic Advisor

wished the cadets and stressed on the importance
of developing the ideals of seless service to make
them useful citizens.
Dr. M. Selvam, NCC Co-ordinator reassured that
he would create a suitable environment to motivate
the cadets. The Cadets sang the NCC song Hum Sab
BhaaratiyaHain and programme came to an end with
the rendering of the National Anthem.

Trishit has won many competitions in and

outside the school. He was awarded one of the
best star correspondent of Times of India. He is
also the founder-editor of monthly E-magazine
Young Chronicle and got the golden opportunity
of interviewing the former President Dr. Abdul
Kalam. He was also chosen to recite his poem at the
Kala Ghoda Festival and was selected amongst the
90 most talented students of India by Bournvitas
TayyariJeet Ki Programme.

Published Trishit Banerjees work in Anthologies

S. No.

Name of the Book

ISBN No./Date of
Poems Published/
Page no.
Teenage Dreams- A
Young Writers, UK/
The Lost Spring
Collection of Poetry
Rachel Lawrence
Pg. no. 272
Cyberwit/ Yaseen
Pg. No. 272
(*)lnklinks was a 298-page book which had poems from 152 poets. At 15-year age, Trishit was the youngest poet. Inklinks
contained poems from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Gulzar, Ruskin Bond, Irshad Kamil, Kapil Sibal, Nida Fazli, Shekhar Kapur,
Vikram Seth, etc.
Cyberwit/ Dolly Singh
Childhood, Courage & The
Lost Spring
Pg. No. 50,51 & 52
Harvests of New
Cyberwit/ Santosh
0974-0023(ISSN No.)/
Pg. No. 94

October-December 2013

Publisher/ Editor



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Green Pages
Eco Cub Activity
Modern Secular Public School,
Sangrur, Punjab

A crucial factor to consider is proximity to

buildings, sidewalls, driveways, streets, utility lines,
overhead and buried septic systems. Trees spread
out both above and below ground and branch
overhang and root growth can cause considerable
damage and incur considerable expense if a tree is
not in a proper place.
Trees can play an important role in climate
control. Deciduous trees planted on the south,
west and east perimeters of a lot will provide shade
during the summer while allowing scarce sunlight.
Evergreens, on the other hand, planted on the north
and west sides of a campus, can reduce winter
heating costs by serving as windbreaks.

Green ngers

The schools Eco-Club activity on environmental

education is an initiative to Go Green, in which
education-cum-training is imparted through tree
plantation. Planting trees is an easy and effective way
to beautify the campus, to provide shade in summer
and wind protection in winter.
The rst step in tree selection is to determine the
type of tree appropriate for the campus and make
sure that the tree species you are considering can
ourish in your local climate and soil conditions
and dont forget some of the following important
Matching the tree to the site is a key part of the
tree selection process. What is the size of the site on
which your new tree or trees will be situated?


Drainage is yet another issue to consider.

Young trees do best when planted in good-quality,
well-drained loamy soil. Heavy clays in poorlydrained sites present problems as many species of
trees including white rs, yellow woods, beeches, red
oaks etc., will not tolerate wet feet.
One can do a general test for soil drainage by
digging a hole in the planting area and lling it with
water. If the water hasnt drained away in a couple
of hours, drainage may be an issue. In areas where
drainage is a problem, planting in raised beds of 12
to 18 inches of well-drained quality topsoil may be
a solution.
Soil quality in new subdivisions often presents
tree-planting problems. Construction materials,
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

in addition to creating unsightly and difcult-towork rubble, can alter the soils fertility by raising
or lowering pH. Chemical and petroleum spills,
which often occur during building construction,
pose additional concerns. In cases where soil
contamination is severe, the only solution may be
to scrape away the contaminated soil and replace it
with good quality topsoil at a depth associated with
planting objectives.
Personal taste is another key consideration.
Think of how different kinds of new trees can
enhance the attractiveness of your campus. Make a
list of the kinds of trees you admire and think about
how they would look.
Eat better - feel better, Go Green!!
Eco Clubs
CF DAV Public School,
Kota, Rajasthan
The earth has enough for mans need, but not enough for
M. K. Gandhi
mans greed

The school also has a very active Eco/Nature

Club. This club has been organizing various activities
related to environment conservation throughout the
year. On 27 July 2013 Green Day was celebrated. It
was a day observed to spread awareness about the
environment among the young children.
Dignitaries and students who planted trees pledged
to take care of the environment. An action song, a
short skit, speeches and a dance were presented by
the students to entertain the guests. The Chief Guest,
Mr. Vinod Mehra (President Operation), praised the
efforts of the students and the staff.
Eco - Club Activities
Guru Angad Public School,
Ashok Vihar, Delhi
To inculcate love for Mother Earth and educate
the students about global issues, the school has
undertaken the following activities-

This saying by the father of the nation shows

his foresightedness. He could very well see the
industrialization and development taking place around
the world at a huge cost to the environment. All
countries, the world over are learning from their past
mistakes and trying to conserve the environment.

E-waste collection

Growing greenery

October-December 2013

An E-waste collection drive was organized

in the school on 29 January 2013 on the occasion
of Annual Sports Meet for safe disposal of E-waste
such as old batteries, broken mobile phones,
cameras, television, computers etc be handed
over to GIZ- IGEP (Indo German Environment



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Partnership with Government of India). Efforts of

the students were highly appreciated by everyone.
GIZ ofcials honoured the school Principal, Mrs.
Renu Chadha, giving her an appreciation letter for
the commendable work.
The school organized a visit of its students
to Asola Wildlife Sanctuary for raising ecological
interest in them.

garden and Tapioca cultivation in the school campus.

Retd. Joint Director, Kerala Agricultural Dept.,
Mr. Thomas Mammen, inaugurated the club and
helped the students to plant the seedlings. He
described the various techniques of vegetable
farming to the students.

Going green
Eco-club projects

Celebrations of the Independence Day, 2013

was clubbed with a Tree Plantation programme by
students, teachers and guests. On that day potted
saplings were presented to all the invitees and teachers.
A herbal corner has been set up in the school
to educate the students about the medicinal qualities
of plants.
Students also prepared paper bags and items of
decoration with eco- friendly colours and various waste
materials like dried leaves, owers, sticks of broom,
broken bangles and wooden ice-cream spoons.
The future aim of the school is to inspire its
students to put in more efforts to Go Green.
GO GREEN Program
MGM Central Public School,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
As part of GO GREEN CAMPUS program,
the Eco-Club of the school is preparing a vegetable

The school Principal, Muraleedharan Nair, stressed

the importance to be self sufcient in food. He added
that children should love the nature and start small
roof top vegetable garden in their homes.
Natures Compassion, Our Inspiration!
Presentation Convent Sr. Sec. School, Delhi
The Eco-Club conferred as the Lead School
by the Dept. of Environment, NCT Delhi, grew
its shoots in the year 1997 and since then has been
the ag bearer of sustainable development. Since
the dynamic equation between humans and nature
needs constant monitoring, the school conducts
Vanmahotsava week, Earth Watch week, Greening
Delhi week, anti polybag and anti-cracker campaigns
annually in the school premises and in areas of
Chandni Chowk. Eco Club members maintain a
school nursery with a herbal garden where over 15
herbs are nurtured by the green ngered students.
Periodic checks are conducted to monitor the noise
levels and the quality of water. The wastewater
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

generated from drinking taps and wash basins that

practically doesnt contain any pollutant is channeled
to the lawns.

Transportation survey

The Paper Recycling unit of the school operates

in full swing and supplies recycled paper for les,
folders, letter-pads, envelopes, cards, paper bags
and certicates. Roof Rainwater Harvesting System
has been installed that recharges the groundwater.
The solar water heater has helped in minimizing the
electricity consumption. Bird houses and feeders
have been put up on the various trees in the school
campus in a bid to increase the number of fauna
visiting the school which helps in seed dispersal.
PCS IS A Zero Garbage Campus because
it has a strategic placement of garbage bins in the
premises i.e. Green bins for paper only, blue for nonbiodegradable, and e-bins for electronic waste from
where the collected E-waste is given to a registered
recycler for proper disposal. The non-biodegradable
wastes are picked up by a rag picker which is her
permanent means for earning livelihood. The water
brigade is entrusted with the task of checking
leakage and wastage of water. Also electricity
brigade ensures the switching-off of lights and fans
in classrooms and labs when empty. The school is
part of the Yamuna Water Quality Management
Project to check the transparency of the water and
its acidic level.
October-December 2013

The annual Eco Club Inter-school debate

witnesses a large number of prominent schools
participating from across Delhi locking their horns
on burning environmental issues. On every Raksha
Bandhan festival, the students affectionately tie rakhis
to the trees in afrmation of the bond of respect
and selessness. Eco tours are organized every
year to impart outdoor learning experience from
the great biodiversity across the length and breadth
of the country. Mock drills presided by experts
are conducted to train the students and teachers
in evacuation techniques in cases of disasters like
earthquake, re or any calamity.
To assess the eco-friendly quotient (EFQ) of
students, the school conducted a transportation
survey in schools and discovered that only 9% of
PCSers came by private vehicles, while a major
chunk of 91% came to school by Metro, CNG
buses, rickshaw or by foot. Alternative moves like
car-pooling, or using eco-friendly public transport
were also promoted.

High on Eco-Friendly Quotient (EFQ)

In a bid to reduce paper usage and hence wastage,

the admission process is organized completely
through website. The EVMs are not only subjected
to the thumbs of adult voters but also to those of
PCSers via which the selection and election of
the Student Council is done. The school further
transcend the vision of inculcating eco- friendly


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

attitudes in students by incorporating environment

related questions in the exam scripts. The annual
newsletter Dew Drops is dedicated to the spread
of this somber message amid the society at large.
Inauguration of Eco Club
MGM Residential Public School,
Kottarakara, Kerala
The Eco Club started its environment campaign
for the new year with an innovative project of
making a Medicinal Plant Garden in the school
campus. District Collector of Kollam, Kerala Mr.
B. Mohanan inaugurated this years Environmental
Programme on 16 August 2013 in a formal function
in the School Auditorium. The Collector lighted the
traditional lamp to mark the inauguration and said in
his speech that Environmental Programme is a right
step in the right direction towards understanding
Nature and protecting natural environment. He felt
that return to Nature and caring for the vegetation
and animal kingdom alone is the remedy to repair
the damage inicted by ruthless assault on nature
by man.

clearly the names, Botanical names and the family

of each of the plants.
Project Display- SAVE ME..... Says the
Divine Child International School
Ahmedabad, Gujarat

An appeal to SAVE EARTH

Education encompasses all aspects that create

successful individuals. With the same objective in
mind, DCIS strives to impart education that is ideally
and practically effective for the enhancement of
the students.The students attempted to explore the
enigmatic features of the Evolution of our planetThe Earth through the project on the theme SAVE
ME . says the Earth
It was like a release valve where students creativity
not only found a space but also got recognition. The
prominent dignitaries to grace the occasion included
Director Mr. Charian, Managing Director, Ms. Ruchi
and Principal, Mr. Shaji.V. Mathew.

Planting medicinal plants

The Collector and other dignitaries planted

several medicinal plants in the School premises. The
students of MGM erected name plates inscribing


Students and teachers found space to bring forth

their creative imagination and use their energy, guided
by their mentors. A documentary about the creation
of the Earth and the Big Bang Theory was shown.
Thereafter, the creation of the Earth and how life
started on earth was shown with the help of charts,
diagrams and working model of Pangaea showing
the changing shape of oceans and continents. The
students displayed the evolution of man, language
and trade with the help of signs and pictographs.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Students exhibited various currencies of the

world from metal coins to modern currencies and
the comparison of rupee notes. The students of
classes IV and V showed records of extinct species
with the years of their extinction and the species
facing extinction.They showed how man works
against nature with selsh motives and the effect on
Earth because of mans careless activities

Project display

Thereafter, the development and spread of ancient

civilizations era-wise was projected with the help of
beautiful models and a world map.The development
of trade and transport right from the invention of
wheel to spaceships as a part of transport and barter
system to online trade was presented by the students
of Commerce stream.
The students used various pictographs to show the
development of communication from cell phones to
internet.The students also showed the development
of Art and Literature from cave paintings to the
graphical designs.The students of Classes X and
XI came up with the development of medicine and
surgery showing different branches of medicine like
Naturopathy, Ayurvedic and microscopic surgeries
which was appreciated greatly.

Development of Medicine and Surgery- a display

In it the end-printed forms were distributed for

visitors to take a pledge to support in the mission
undertaken by the students and teachers of DCIS to
save the earth.
No to Plastic
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,
Bijapur, Karnataka
Almatti, the beautiful place in Bijapur district
of Karnataka acclaimed the blend of beauty and
majesty of lush green nature.
To preserve the beauty of Almatti, Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalaya, had embarked on a Campaign
No To Plastic to create awareness among the public
about the perilous effects of using plastics and to
make Almatti a plastic free zone. On 7 October
2013 in the morning assembly students were briefed
about the ill effects of using plastic through ICT


October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

On 8 October 2013, a group of students and team

of teachers, went for door to door campaign to make
the public aware of the hazardous effects of using
plastics bags as they are non-biodegradable, causing
environmental pollution, ecological imbalance and
causing diseases like asthma, bronchitis etc.
On 10 October 2013, JNV Almatti, in
collaboration with Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Ltd.
Almatti, organized an Awareness Rally NO TO
PLASTIC to maintain the sanctity and beauty of
Almatti. In this connection, pamphlets and posters
were displayed at prominent places. Residents of
Almatti, vendors, ofcials from Railway Dept, Post
Ofce, State Bank of India, Ofcials of Almatti Dam
and Govt. Hospital were invited. Smt. C. Ammal,
Principal of the vidyalaya waved the school ag
and inaugurated the procession. 250 students with
teaching and non-teaching staff of the Vidyalaya
along with women organization as well as public
marched in procession amidst slogans, display of
placards, touching every lane, streets, picking up the
wrappers and plastic bags on the way.

The signicance of using bio-degradable

materials was depicted through a MIME show by
a team of students. Oath was administered to the
public by Smt.V. N. Shetty, PGT English, to avoid
the use of plastic for the safe environment
Kids and Teens make a Difference
S.D. Adarsh Vidyalaya, Gurgaon, Haryana
The Eco-Club aims to heighten awareness about
the world's environment. While deepening peoples'
mutual understanding, Eco-Club fosters thinking
about the Earth's environment and take it upon
themselves to work towards building a new society.
The Eco crusaders are aware and concerned about
saving the environment. They run many campaigns
to bring awareness amongst children. Knowledge,
skills and attitudinal changes are the need of the
hour to realize the value of environment. Clean
school campaign was observed by Eco members to
keep their environment clean. A rally was organized
to make students aware about the importance of

The procession reached the end point Entrance

Plaza where a programme was held in which Shri. S.
H. Manjappa, Suptdt Engineer, K.B.J.N.L, was the
Chief Guest. There was a display of cotton, jute and
paper bags as a substitute to plastic bags prepared
by the students. These bags were distributed to the
shop keepers and the public free of cost.

Eco- crusaders

Substitutes for plastic bags


As UNESCO has declared the year 2013 as

International Water year, the members of Green Club
paid a tribute to Mother Nature on 22 April 2013 in
the form of a special assembly on the occasion of
Earth Day. A special emphasis was laid on stop the

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

drip to save the drop. The Eco Club members ensure

that there is no wastage of potable water and create
awareness about optimum use of electricity. All
SDAVians took an oath to treat each day as an Earth
Day and ght against the increasing pollution.
As the care for the health of citizens has to be
taken care right from the childhood, the school too
decided to introduce a Health and Wellness Club. The
main aim of this Club is to make the students aware
of self and surroundings. This helps students to utilize
the maximum energy of the adolescent for creativity,
discovery and exploration of the best in the world.

caretakers of the environment. The initiative was

taken by young Baal Baarians by planting saplings
and by chanting slogans. This surely went a long way
in changing the mindsets of the student community
as a whole and in the vicinity also. Principal Dr. (Mrs.)
Neeru Joshi, also motivated students to mitigate the
climate changes and made them to take pledge to

Save the Environment

Health and Wellness Rally

The members of Health and Wellness Club

organized awareness camps like Precautions taken
during rainy season, the importance of various herbs
like mint, tulsi, amla, belpatra, lemon etc. A herbal
garden is also maintained by Health And Wellness
Club to inculcate the habit of planting and to know
about the importance of herbs in common disease.
Environment Awareness Drive
Baal Baari Public School,
Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh
Baal baarians are always a step ahead whenever it
comes to setting a new trend. It is imperative to create
awareness for the environment and surroundings
among students as they are the future custodians and
October-December 2013

Dr. Joshi also created awareness about the

harmful effects of global warming, deforestation
and wastage of natural resources.
Bal Mela
Lords International School,
Churu, Rajasthan
On 14 November 2013 on the occasion of
Childrens Day a Bal Mela was organized with an
Inter-House class decoration competition based on
different themes like Save Earth, Save Water, Save
Energy etc.
The Bal Mela gave an opportunity to the students
to understand the value of trees, water and the
importance of balance in life. Students were made
aware about the environment and ecology. It was
organized in such a way that it generated awareness
among the public as well as the students.


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Games were also organized. Such activities

help students learn new things and enhance their
personality. Rangoli competition for girl students
exhibited their extraordinary skills.

Bal Mela

Principal Mr. Laxman Singh and Co-ordinator

Mrs. Sangeeta Gupta motivated and inspired
the students to work hard and take care of the
environment, not to waste water and save energy
and save the Earth as a whole.

Environment Day Celebrated

JSS Sri Manjunatheshwara CBSE School,
Dharwad, Karnataka
The Eco Club of JSS Sri Manjunatheshwara
CBSE School took initiative and organised Cycle
rally on 2 June 2103. The main theme behind the
rally was to bring the child back to school, to save
and protect girl child and also to create awareness
about the environment as a part of the Environment
Day. The children carried placards with slogans such
as Stop pollution, save trees, go green, and plant
trees get oxygen free. Large number of students
participated for the good cause.

Mahila Seva Samaja CBSE

Bengaluru, Karnataka
Mahila Seva Samaja marked 16 September 2013
as, International Day for the Preservation of the
Ozone Layer.

Students of JSS Sri Manjunatheshwara CBSE School, Vidyagiri,

Dharwad, during the rally

Tree Plantation Drive and Shramdaan

Indian Community School, Kuwait
Efforts to save the Ozone Layer

The school created awareness among students

for the conservation of ozone layer by observing
the aforementioned day. The following activities
were conducted in the school on this day.


Poster making with a message.

Plantation activity
Slogan writing
Speech on Protection of Ozone Layer

The future will either be green or not exist

at all. Hows that? The truth lies at the heart of
humankinds most pressing challenge, namely, to
learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth on a
genuinely viable basis. Working towards this noble
cause, students and staff of ICSK organized a
Tree-Plantation drive, under the aegis of school's
Nature Club on the premises of the school, on 20
October 2013, to sensitize students on the value of
tree plantation. Students partook enthusiastically
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

in planting large number of saplings of different

species and seeds of different varieties of vegetables
over the barren patches of the school campus. It was
a very symbolic event as the staff and the students
of the school took their rst step towards creating
a cleaner and greener world in the desert area of
Kuwait. The saplings were planted by students in the
periphery of the school and in the ground adjacent
to the school and they vowed to convert the barren
desert land around them into vivid greenery.

In the lap of nature

It was indeed a pleasure to see students working

in the mud, digging holes, planting saplings and in
general, connecting with Mother Earth. It also aimed
to instill cognizance among the students about trees
and to create a sense of responsibility towards nature,
keeping in mind the words of the legendary poet
Khalil Gibran who has said that, Trees are a reection
of God. The children of Nature Club take care of the
plants by adopting them in groups and looking after
them by watering, mulching and weeding at regular
intervals. They are tending the plants recurrently
keeping in mind their responsibility towards the
environment and adhering to their promise to leave
earth a better place for the generations to come.
With the dictum Coming together is a beginning,
keeping together is progress and working together is success,
the Shramdaan Club of the school was set up with
October-December 2013

the ultimate objective to help the students nurture

in them the virtues of compassion, empathy and
mutuality and by small acts of service to humanity,
work towards a better community. The new
Shramdaan Club was inaugurated at ICSK on 20
October 2013 by Mr. Vinod Sharma (Technical
and Sales Manager of AL Rashed Group of
Companies and Trainer-Art of Living ). After the
inaugural ceremony, the Shramdaan Club members
delved deep into various activities to celebrate the
philosophy of the Father of our Nation, Mahatma
Gandhi - Work is Worship and Shramdaan is essential
for wholesome development. The central intent behind
Shramdaan is, to motivate people to live in hygienic
surroundings, to inculcate simplicity in the minds of
our citizens / children, freedom from complexity of
mind and the signicance of cleanliness and green
surroundings. Gandhijis words, Be the change in the
world, propelled the students to be the initiators
of changes and with added vigor and fervor, the
students cleaned the roads and pathways, painted
the walls and brought in the atmosphere of exultant
well-being to the whole town due to their collective
efforts. It is commendable that this whole mission
was done for the rst time in the entire Kuwait
region, at ICSK and around, 600 children took part
in it.

Keeping the city clean



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Another laudable feat is the generous contribution

made by the students of the school for the victims
of vicious typhoon in Philippines. According to the
teachings and inspiration given by Gandhiji, every
child should become self-dependent, at ICSK. Our aim is
to nurture our students to develop into independent
individuals with great moral character.
Rainbowites Create Green Footprint
Rainbow English Sr. Sec. School,
Janakpuri, New Delhi
Eco-Club of the school, is continuously making
an effort to improve the deteriorating environmental
conditions. Club has undertaken many activities to
spread awareness and sensitizing people on various
environmental issues.
Mulchy-Bulchy Indiscriminate dumping of
waste and burning of leaves causes unhygienic and

unsanitary conditions. It also pollutes the land, water

and air. Rainbowites collect dry leaves, owers and
load them into Mulchy Bulchy for composting.
The school employed Rolly Polly Compost Bin
to convert kitchen and other bio waste to organic
manure which is later used in the school garden.
Students bring kitchen waste to put in Rolly Polly
Compost Bin and in around fteen days, organic
manure is formed. The organic manure is not only
useful for plants growth but also a very handy tool
to manage household bio-degradable waste.
Ozone is an important layer present in the
atmosphere that protects the Earth from the
ultraviolet radiations emitted by the sun. This layer is
deteriorating day by day due to the pollutants released
by human activities. To raise the awareness about the
depleting ozone layer. On 13 September the school

Creating a green foot print


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Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

conducted a special assembly on Protection of

Ozone Layer. A poster making competition for Class
VI, Slogan writing competition for class VII and
Essay writing competition for class VIII on Need for
Conservation of Ozone Layer were organized.
A special assembly was conducted on Earth
Day i.e. 22 April 2013 to spread awareness about
the challenges faced by Planet Earth. Classes I to
VIII were shown documentary on Environment
to sensitize them on various issues related to
pollution, bio-degradable and non-biodegradable
waste and preventive measures. School had created
many innovative ideas and organized activities like
Rangoli making competition with waste material,
T-shirt painting competition on the topic Save
Earth and tattoo making competition on the theme
Environment. Students showed their utmost
interest in all the activities. They were motivated to
think deeply about the environment and its current
condition. Under the guidance of Ms. Anjana Gupta,
in-charge of Eco Club, students of X performed the
Nukkad Natak Pollution Pollution it has a Solution
with a message of Protect and Preserve Mother
Earth. It concluded with taking of Eco-Pledge to
protect the environment. School Principal Mrs. Raj
Rani applauded the efforts of all the children. She
expressed her concern on the depleting condition
of the environment and urged students to take up
means to save it.
On 22 July 2013, Rainbow celebrated
Vanmahotsava with an aim to protect the Mother
Earth and nature with rm determination. A skit
was organized with the message to save sparrows
and environment. The population of sparrows has
declined drastically in many urban localities of the
world and major cause is the deforestation.
A workshop on e-waste was organized with
the mutual collaboration of the Eco-Club to
October-December 2013

highlight the causes, impact and further precautions

of hazardous electronic waste. On 24 July 2013, the
expert from Toxic Links Organization spoke about
the various disadvantages of the electronic gadgets
and highlighted the harmful effects of e-waste.
The impactful knowledge has inspired students
to conduct measures to help the environment by
proper disposal of e-waste and reusing the existing
gadgets. It was emphasized that e-waste should be
handed over to authorized companies and not to
scrap dealers.
All the sections of VIII and IX classes play their
important role in creating Ayura, the Herbal Garden
of Rainbow School. It is a fun-lled learning activity
for the students where they get the opportunity to
learn about the herbal plants by actually planting
useful herbs and watching them grow in the garden.
Some of the herbs planted by the children are Brahmi,
Sadabahar, Sarpgandha, Ashwagandha, Aloevera etc. All
the students show commitment by not only growing
the plants but also in nurturing and taking care of
them. In this process they got aware of the uses of
the plants in our day to day life.
Around 100 students of IX class and 6 teachers
of the school planted saplings at DDA Park C-3
Janakpuri on 26 July 2013 along with Honble
Member of Parliament Mr. Mahabal Mishra and
Sh. Sanjay Puri, Former Chairman of MCD to
upload the vision of green earth and pollution free
A Rally was arranged on 30 July 2013, at C Block
Janakpuri to make aware the residents about the
importance of trees in human and animals life. They
were also provided saplings by the Rainbowites.
Twenty-ve Eco-Club members of the school
joined the campaign of Prakriti Sanrakshan Prayas
held on 31 July 13 at St. Marks. Sr. Sec. School,
Janakpuri. The campaign was to spread the message
of Go Green.


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

On 31 August 2013, Green Olympiad was also

conducted for the students of classes VIII, IX and
X to educate them for Sustainable Development in
collaboration with CBSE and TERI.
To re-use and recycle the paper Rainbowites
are recycling the paper. Beautiful folders, carry bags
and envelopes are made by this recycled paper.
The students were told to promote harmonious
co-existence of human beings and animals to
preserve our environment and ecosystem. Follow
addiction free life style which leads to healthy living
and prevent from heart disease, cancer etc.
Heritage Walk
Maharishi Vidya Mandir,
Trichy, Tamil Nadu

Organic Manure
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's S V Vidyalaya,
Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
Earthworms are regarded as a rich biological
resource with a multitude of uses having
commercial and environmental applications. This
is evident as shown by the vigorous interest that
people around the world have accorded on such
technologies as vermicomposting, vermiculture,
vermimeal production, vermiceutical production,
and vermiremediation. Studies have shown that
in healthy soil forty tons of castings per acre pass
through earthworms bodies daily.

The future depends on what we do in the present

Walking towards the future, to see the splendor
of times, the MVM family went on a heritage walk.
Vermi-composting Project

Discovering ones Heritage

To understand the beauty of Mother Nature and

the bountiful resources that lie hidden, the students
took on an eco-walk.
Every Thursday, in a busy-bee schedule of school
hours, a 45 minute eco-walk refreshes students.
The main objective of the program is to make the
children feel that the greenery around them should
be respected and preserved to lead a decent life.
They understand how important the eco system is.
They are made to realize that without the eco-system
their lives would perish, besides they inhale fresh air,
their minds get cleansed and thereby they are active
throughout the day.

The Science Club Quests one of the activities is

vermicomposting, the organic manure.The project
was begun in the month of 3rd week of September,
2013. The pit was built with the dimension of 2m
x 1m x 0.75m.using brick and mortar. Lumps of
fresh cattle dung were then placed at random over
the vermibed. The compost pit was then layered
to about 50 mm with dry leaves. For the next 30
days the pit was kept moist by watering it whenever
necessary. The bed was neither kept dry nor soggy.

Quest in action

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

After the rst 30 days, wet organic waste preferably

fruit peel/vegetable peel/dry owers brought by the
students which has been pre-digested were spread
over it to a thickness of about 50 mm. Earthworms
were introduced into the loamy soil, which the
worms would inhabit as their home. About 100
earthworms are placed in a vermibed of about 15
to 20 cm thickness. Since the project is ongoing, the
students are awaiting to harvest a bin full of Black
Environment Education through Eco Club
Goodley Public School, Delhi
With the aim to promote environmental awareness,
students joined hands and pledged unanimously to
love, cherish and preserve the planet for the benet
of mankind. Thus CHAITANYA, the Eco-Club of
the school took birth in the wake of the millennium.
Since then there has been no looking back. The
School succeeded in sensitizing students about
the various environmental problems. In this spirit
the students are continuously encouraged to work
towards a greener and cleaner environment.

of the day was the street play on the theme Aaj

Energy Bachao to he Kal Jee Pao that students staged
on the street to make general public understand how
they contribute directly or indirectly in wastage of
electricity, water and other resources of energy.
To mark the occasion, green force of the school
participated in the walkathon agged by Mr. Veer
Singh, S.H.O Shalimar Bagh. The children marched
through Shalimar Bagh area. The other highlight of
event was the distribution of hundreds of paper
bags made by school students to local shopkeepers
in order to motivate them to reduce the usage of
poly bags.
During the week, a number of activities were
organized for the students: Quizella for class
VII, Rangoli Making for class VIII, Trash to
Treasure for class VI and VII. All these activities
helped to educate students about interdependence
between man and the environment. On 22 April,
2013, a special assembly was conducted where the
budding Environmentalist of classes VII and VIII
performed a Skit Happy Birthday Earth that left
everyone present spell bound and motivated them
to take care of the Mother Earth. Students were also
given a chance to rejuvenate themselves by watching
a movie A journey to Mysterious Island.

Exhibits by CHAITANYA- the Eco-Club

The club organizes and manages various green

activities throughout the year to endorse the idea of
a cleaner environment and an ecological well-being
among the students. Earth week was observed in the
school from 15 to 22 April 2013. The show stealer

October-December 2013

Street Play



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The Eco-Club members of the school also

became a part of the Earth Day Carnival organized
by Chief Minister of Delhi, Ms. Sheila Dikshit at
her residence. The students enjoyed the nature trail
that included exotic ora and fauna. The nature trail
was divided into various parts for activities like story
telling sessions, making of animal masks, animal
bingo, habitat game etc. It was an amazing learning
experience for the students.
The school is also a part of project Search
(Sensitization, Education and Awareness on
Recycling for a Cleaner Habitat). It gives opportunity
to the students to save planet Earth by following
the 4Rs Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Refuse. A cartoon
craft competition was organized on 13 April 2013
wherein students of classes III to X made different
Craft work using empty Tetra Pack cartons, Its
party time an activity for classes IX to XII wherein
students brought drinks in Tetra pack cartons,
after drinking they were involve to save the empty
packs for recycling. A special stall was put up in the
school on 19 May 2013 to make the parents aware
of the Project SEARCH. A core group of students
has also been appointed the duty to keep a check
on disposal of the tetra pack cartons during lunch
time. In continuation to its ceaseless endeavours
for Environment conservation, the school also
organized an e-waste collection drive on 26 October
2013 to sensitize the students and parents on harmful
effects of e-wastes. Students prepared useful articles
from e-waste with message written on them for
Environment conservation and for maintaining
cleanliness in surrounding. The Eco Brigade also
narrated a story on waste highlighting the message
that instead of littering of waste on roads it is better
to reuse and recycle it to reduce waste.
Apart from conducting, organizing and
participating in various environment related activities,
the Green Brigade of school constantly motivate the

students to keep their surroundings GREEN AND

CLEAN by undertaking tree plantation drives ;by
promoting usage of paper and jute bags; providing
recycling bins; judicial use of lights and fans in school
and source separation of waste and disposing it to
nearest storage points.
Not only this, the Eco-Club members meet
once in a month for about an hour to discuss
environmental issues that the school, city, country
and ultimately the globe faces. The club assists the
students to realize their potential for national and
international leadership as knowledge based agents
of change in the elds of energy, environment, other
natural resources and sustainable development.
Reaching out to Community
Army Public School, Damana,
Akhnoor Road, Jammu
It is the duty of every citizen of India to
protect and improve the natural environment to
have compassion for all living creatures. To develop
humanism, spirit of common brotherhood, enquiry,
reform and positive attitude towards environment,
approximately 50 students of Green Brigade of
this School along with teacher visit School adopted
Gangua village of Marh zone of Jammu district from
time to time. Besides interactive sessions amongst
villagers and students on different issues which deal
with local environment, health and hygiene, girls
education, social evils etc, the messages are conveyed
through skits, peoms, rallies, songs, speeches, posters,
Green Governance Programmes etc.
As WWF Activist and Paryavaran Mitra the
school shows commitment to make a difference
by taking actions towards resolving and improving
conditions within and outside school premises in
the ve thematic areas Water and Sanitation, Water
Management, Bio-diversity, Culture and Heritage,
Saving Energy etc. Students are encouraged to take
part in related activities.
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Community outreach

Vegetable Garden in the School Premises

Sree Narayana Central School,
Kollam, Kerala
Under the auspices of Nature Club the Students
SEED unit started a Vegetable Garden Season II.
Students of Std. VI to X actively participated in this
venture. More than 25 varieties of vegetables like
pea, spinach, tomato, ladies nger, brinjal, chilly etc.,
were grown. Students took care of their garden with
enthusiasm. They harvested vegetables thrice and
fetched more than 500 kg of vegetables.

Fruits of labour

Also an exhibition was organized by the school

along with Mathrubhoomi SEED Unit on the topic
Love Plastic to provide an awareness regarding the
recycling and reuse of plastic in our daily life, and
to make the surrounding eco-friendly. It was a great
opportunity to the public as well as students to know
about the recycled plastic. The awareness was given
to the SEED Police members of school.
The school also got a consolation prize in 2013
October-December 2013

by considering the environmental activities of the

students, from Mathrubhoomi SEED Unit. An
award function was organized in the school. Sri.
Jayaprakash, Research Manager, Mathrubhoomi
Kollam Unit presented the award. The function
was presided by school Principal Dr. G Manulal in
the presence of Sri. Paravur Uni, Mathrubhoomi
Reporter, Paravur Unit and Sri. Shafeek, Seed
Executive, Kollam Unit. Smt. Preetha N, Vice
Principal of our school welcomed the audience
and Smt. Veena, Seed Co-ordinator of the school
delivered the vote of thanks.
Amala Bharatam Campaign (ABC)
Amrita Vidyalayam,
Secunderabad, Hyderabad
The Amala Bharatam Campaign was launched by
AMMA, Sadguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
in 2010, aiming for environment cleanliness and
social hygiene, to bring about a clean and pollution
free India.
In order to contribute at least a little to this
great cause, the students of Amrita Vidyalayam
campaigned for AMALA BHARATAM (ABC) on
30 October 2013. It was entirely a novel experience
for them to distribute hand bills for a clean, pollution
free world to the people around and to interact with
a large number of people from all walks of life. The
main motto of this campaign was to create awareness
among masses for the cleanliness of the nation.
The students realized that they are a very important
section of society and only when they begin talking
such steps, there could be a genuine change in the
society. The entire campaign depended on its team
work and spirit.
It was indeed a motivating programme. The
students overcome their initial inhibitions and
shyness and this campaign made them undaunted
to approach strangers and plead them to the cause,
which is a matter of concern for everyone.


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Health and Wellness Clubs

Adolescence Education Programme
CF DAV Public School,
Kota, Rajasthan
Adolescence is the development of a child into
an adult. This age is characterized by mental, physical
and hormonal changes in a human being. Since
most of the schools have children that fall into this
category, they are faced with adolescent problems

Personal health and hygiene were emphasized

upon and explained. They were advised on matters
regarding personal hygiene. Their queries were
answered by the teachers thereby leading to a frank
interaction and learning.
Blood Donation Camp
Roop Nagar Public School,
Jhalawar, Rajasthan

It is the duty of the school to take utmost care of

these students at the threshold of the most tender
and vulnerable stage. Students nd themselves
confused and unable to talk to anyone about their
problems. This is the stage where their life skills can
help them overcome most of these problems.
On 28 August 2013, the girls from classes VI to
X were shown a power point presentation.
Blood donation camp

Awareness raising about health and hygiene


A Blood Donation camp of Roop Nagar Public

School, Jhalawar, Rajasthan was organized on 31
August 2013 under the guidance and supervision
of Blood Bank, Jhalawar. The Camp was headed by
Director Mr. Puspendra Agrawal and Principal Mrs.
Deepshikha Agrawal. Dr. Chetana Jain elaborated on
the importance and benets of blood donation and
motivated the parents. Mrs. Deepshikha Agrawal and
Mr. Puspendra Agrawal with many teachers (who

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

were eligible for blood donation) donated blood.

Mrs. Deepshikha offered the vote of thanks.
Anti Drug Drive
Green Grove Public School (Ser. Sec.),
Mohanpur Khanna, Punjab

the students to be mentally strong in order to cope

with stress. The Vice-Principal Mr. Ronald advised
on methods to tackle stress and also advised the
students that helping drug addicts to come out of
their addiction is a moral responsibility towards
Health Day Celebration
Laxmi International School,
Sarigam, Gujarat

Anti-Drug Drive

Observing the mental aberration of youth and as

per the guidelines of CBSE, the school organized a
seminar on DRUG ABUSE. The seminar was specially
designed to enlighten the adolescent students about
the accidental or purposeful misuse of drugs and
how addiction seeps in, making one a drug addict.
The President, Mr. J.P.S. Jolly, presided over the
function. Shubhjeet (class IX) spoke on the effects
of drugs on the human body. Priya (class IX) gave
a speech on the adverse effects of drugs on society.
Akansha (class X), spoke about how drug addiction
leads a person to self destruction. Karanveer (class
VIII) gave a speech on how youngsters are attracted
to drugs and how one should keep away from it. The
speeches were followed by power point presentations
by Navpreet (class IX) and Jasdeep and Harnishan
(class X).
The presentation highlighted the effect of drugs
on students. Mr. Jolly asked the students to pledge
never to turn to drugs as a support to combat tension
and stress. The Principal Ms. S. George encouraged
October-December 2013

A health and knowledge based exhibition

10 October is celebrated as worlds Mental

Health Day, with an aim of spreading awareness and
promoting a positive mental health and wellbeing.
Laxmi International School, celebrated mental
health day, based on the theme 'Older Peoples
Mental Health' under the leadership of the Principal
Dr. Diptesh Kundu.
Participation in meaningful activities, good
physical and mental health was key factors. A series
of events were scheduled through the day, by
psychology students of Class XI and XII under the
guidance of Ms. Bhamini Dattani of Psychology
department. LIS team organized an entertaining
afternoon for the senior citizens. The event was
initiated with the traditional welcome of the guests
followed by a prayer song, parody by LIS singers,


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

fun-lled games, art and craft activities, prize

distribution etc.
Students participated in a knowledge based
exhibition with displays, research ndings and

on helping and guiding the students make the right

career choice. The students are also given various
appointments as members of the School Council
in the school which inculcates in them skills of
leadership, teamwork, acceptance and responsibility.

Action speaks louder than words. A great show in the

form of Street Play was performed by the students,
spreading awareness about the prevailing symptoms
and statistics of common mental disorders.
Adolescence Education and Life Skills
Army Public School, Panchkula, Haryana
Adolescence is a period of transition from
childhood to adulthood. It is a period of rapid
change and loads of conicts. In order to face these
challenges, it is necessary to equip young minds with
skills which make life simple and easier for them.

A match in progress

These competitions equip students with various

life skills which make them socially and emotionally
Blood Donation Camp
Heritage Public School, Sangrur, Punjab

Career Fest focusing on right career choice

In order to do so the school has been organizing

various sports, literary and art activities at IntraSchool and Inter-School level. Special assembles
on cooperation, compassion, anger management,
perseverance, forgiveness, humility, generosity; self
belief, resilience etc., are a regular feature in the
Career Fest was also organized which focused

Blood donation camp at school

When we talk of moral values and our heritage,

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

we nd things are deteriorating day by day. Each

one of us should come forward to work for the
society. There are a lot of social and other problems
that need our attention. The students of Heritage
Public School formed a societyPRAYAS. Under
the banner, the members of Prayas organized Blood
Donation Camp in the school premises.
The volunteers of the society started the
movement Donate Life, Save Life in surrounding
areas and 62 persons donated blood in its rst
camp. This camp was organized with the help of
authorities of Civil Hospital Sangrur. Chief Guest
Sh. Sanjeev, S.H.O. BHG praised the initiatives.
Sh. Anil Mittal, along with Sh Rashit Mittal (Mgt),
S. Jatinder Singh (President), Mr. Rahul (Secretary)
and other members of society thanked parents and
blood donors.

biological implications of the same. The workshop

aimed at making students self-sufcient regarding
the requirements of growing up. The school doctor
and counselor answered the personal queries and
cleared the doubts of the teenagers.
Health and Wellness Club
Dayanand Public School, Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh
Live most and serve best is the objective of World
Health Organization. Wellness cannot be bought. It
is to be earned through regular and systematic tness
programme and positive life style habits.
The term wellness includes all those aspects which
help to promote a positive life style in an individual
through optimal development of physical, mental,
social, spiritual and cultural aspect.

Growing Up: Adolescent Health Workshop

D.A.V. Centenary Public School, New Delhi

Workshop Growing up

The School Health Club organized Growing Up

A Workshop for Girls to sensitize them regarding the
adolescent physiological and psychological changes.
Students were made aware regarding personal health
and hygiene and coping with problems and stress.
A special session also educated them regarding

October-December 2013

Health and Wellness club activities

Students are encouraged to adopt healthy

behaviour in order to avoid health risks. And for
this, various programmes are organized in order
to promote complete health and wellness of every
student in the school.

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These health programmes include regular

checkup camps by skin specialists , project camps
on anemia in collaboration with IGMC, Shimla,
maintenance of immunization records of the tiny
tots by the school doctor- here parents are also
guided about the importance of vaccination to
eradicate various harmful diseases. In addition to
this, interactive sessions on Generation Gap and
Adolescent Health, eye ENT and dental checkup
camps are also organized from time to time .
Valuable information about health and hygiene
through these programmes are imparted to the
students with the help of power-point presentations,
by-Simply Health Plus, health organization in
conducting these health programmes in our school.
Sensitizing Adolescents
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Public School,
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad
The school believes in achieving academic
excellence by including holistic developement in
children. The Health Club in BVBPS conducts
regular informative programmes for growing teens
and pre-teens, imparting valuable information and

helping students to understand the facts and break

the myths surrounding health and general wellbeing. A group activity was conducted by the Health
Club members on physical and emotional challenges
faced by adolescents.
Class VIII students have taken up the activity to
perform a skit to create awareness about, blind beliefs
and practices, female foeticide, hygiene, etc. The
students participated with vigour and enthusiasm
and also pledged not only to create such awareness
among their peer groups, but also take leadership in
spreading the message for a better society.
Team work is duly observed among students while
they were sharing their ideas, planning and executing
the skit very effectively. The activity also helped the
students to display and improve their skills like selfcondence and positive attitude.
The Health Club at BVBPS believes that such
programmes are an important initiative to inculcate
young people with healthy attitudes and skills to
respond to real life situations in positive ways.

Health Club activities


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Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Sahodaya Updates
First Inter School Sports Meet by Sahodaya,
Pune Cluster
The Orchid School, Pune, Maharashtra
The Pune Chapter of Sahodaya School Complex
conducted its rst Inter School Sports Meet from 1
October to 15 October 2013.
Launched in 2011 by Shri Vineet Joshi, Chairman
of CBSE to facilitate synergy of ideas among
the schools of CBSE and promote excellence in
education, Sahodaya Schools of Pune have been
working steadily to integrate Sports and other
Co -Scholastic activities into regular school curriculum
to promote a holistic approach to education.

Pune Sahodaya Inter-School Sports Meet

53 schools in and around Pune are part of this

Sahodaya School Complex. They organize various
workshops and activities at regular intervals to share
best practices and innovative strategies in various

October-December 2013

aspects of school education. In the words of Mrs.

Vijaya Joshi, Chief Executive, Principal of Indira
National School and the President of the Sahodaya
School Complex, Pune, this initiative is a forum for
the Sahodaya schools to interact with each other.
This year around 30 schools are participating in
the Meet and ve sporting events, Chess, Football,
Athletics, Volleyball and Basketball, are being held.
More events will be included in the subsequent
In the true spirit of Sahodaya, which means
Rising Together, many schools had come forward
to host the various sporting events. Duties and
responsibilities for the events were distributed
among the different schools. Medical care and
ambulance facilities were on hand. The schools that
organized the event were Blossom Public School,
City International School, Kothrud, Indira National
School, Akshara International, Gurukul School,
Vidyashilp School, Vatsalya School, The Orchid
School and Abhinav School, Ambegaon.
It was a 15 day Sports Festival for Sahodaya
schools. It began with AanaPaan, a short meditation.
It was followed by parade of schools marching
under their respective school ags and an equally
impressive torch relay symbolizing the undying
spirit of the sports. The whole event, organized by
the Gurukul School, Pune, was all set for a glorious
beginning. Ms. Vijaya Joshi, the President of the
Sahodaya Conclave, Pune, inaugurated the Meet.



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

were also won by GG International School. City

International School, Blossom Public School, The
Orchid School, Heritage School, City Pride School,
Prodigy Public School, DPS Indira National School,
Vidya Pratishthan, GIIS and others too won prizes in
events such as Chess, Football, Basketball, Volleyball
and Track and Field events. Almost all participating
teams won a medal in one or the other event .

Champions at the Pune Sports Meet

The meet began with the 100 m sprint qualifying

rounds for boys and girls, Junior and Senior,
followed by 200m and 400m qualifying rounds. This
was followed by the 4 100m Relay, for boys and
girls, Junior and Senior and then the Semi Finals for
400m, 100m and 200m. The Long Jump and the
Shot Putt events went on simultaneously.
The energy was palpable, the adrenalin rush high.
Every school cheered their athletes enthusiastically.
The Finals was an exceptional display of grit,
determination and indomitable spirit. There were
winners and there were those who did not get to
stand on the podium, but in this festival there were
no losers.
After the events were over, it was time for
amazing displays of coordination and synchronized
movement. Abhinav School gave an enthralling
display of lezim which was followed by an equally
impressive martial arts display by City International
School, Kothrud.
The much awaited Prize Distribution ceremony
began with prizes being given out for events that
had already happened earlier. Principals of other
Sahodaya Schools were invited to give away the
gifts to the award winners. Results showed that
the Gurukul School had a great haul in these Meet
winning as many as 20 Gold medals. several medals


Stronger, faster, better

This was a triumph of shared responsibilities and

vision; this is what Sahodaya truly stands for - 'to
rise united'.
This event brought 30 CBSE schools of Pune on
a common platform where the spirit of competition
and sportsmanship amalgamated to perfection. As
Ms. Mrinmayee Bhave, Principal, Gurukul School,
said, this was possible only because of the energy,
the wholehearted cooperation and the positive spirit
of each participating school.
May this positive spirit live on.
Sahodaya Inter School Folk Dance Fest
Jay Jyoti School, Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh
Jay Jyoti School hosted Inter School Folk Dance
Competition under the auspices of Rewa Sahodaya
Schools Complex. Senior President JSCP, Shri
Upendra Mishra's presence as Chief Guest added
glory to the occasion. In his welcome address Dr.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

A P Tyagi, Principal Jay Jyoti School Sidhi spoke

about the objectives of Sahodaya School Complex
and detailed about the Learning Exchange Program
among the students and staff of associated schools.

school and gave Central Academy Rewa, First

Position, Jay Jyoti School Sidhi, Second Position
and Jay Jyoti School, Jaypee Nagar Rewa, Third
The competition came to close with vote of
thanks by Mrs. Anjana Jain Coordinator Cultural
Committee Jay Jyoti School.
Sahodaya Activity
Lala Jagat Narain D.A.V. Model School,
Jalandhar, Punjab

Cultural exposure

Jyoti Senior Secondary School, Gurukul Senior

Secondary School, Gyansthali School, Central
Academy, Delhi Public School, Rajhansh Public
School Jay Jyoti School Jaypee Nagar, participated
in the inter school folk dance competition. Rajhansh
Public School and Jyoti Senior Secondary Schools
performance was based on Rajasthani folklore, Jay
Jyoti Rewa and Delhi Public School Rewa performed
on Biraha the Baghelkhand folklore. Gyansthali and
Jay Jyoti School Sidhi entertained the audience on
Lavaani and Chattisgarhi folklore.

Winners of the folk dance competition

The Jury appreciated the performance of each

October-December 2013

Winner takes the Award

To save the environment is the dire need of time.

CBSE sent a notication regarding it to celebrate
International day for the preservation of the ozone
layer. The Jalandhar Independent Sahodaya Cluster
decided to celebrate it. Forty schools of Jalandhar
region participated. The students of Class VI of all
schools participated in Poster Making competition.
The students of Class VII participated in Slogan
Writing competition and students of Class VIII
of Jalandhar region participated in Essay Writing
competition on the topic Need for Conservation
of Ozone Layer. This activity instilled a message
amongst the students to make effort the to conserve


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Sahodaya Event
Subodh Public School, Airport
Jaipur Sahodaya Schools Complex

The judges for the competition appreciated the

efforts of the students and shared some valuable
tips regarding the stage performance.

23 October 2013 marked an important day for

Subodh Public School, Airport as Inter School
FIEST was organized under the banner of Jaipur
Sahodaya Schools Complex.

The Principal Mrs. Kamaljeet Yadav thanked the

participants. She also emphasized how the Sahodaya
concept is providing a platform where students
are interacting and showcasing their talent through
different activities.

250 students from 12 schools of Jaipur Sahodaya

group participated in the event. There were two
categories for the competition. The rst category
was Freestyle dancing which comprised of Hip
Hop, Jazz, Salsa, Contemporary, Locking Popping
and Break Dance for classes VII IX.

The result

The Second category was Semi-Classical dance

for classes X XII.
The participants participated in the competition
to express their zeal through dance moves.

Showing their Jalwa

The judges were Ms. Akhurati Sandhya Rani,

eminent exponent of Kuchipudi Dance, Mr. Pranay
Mathur and Mr. Sumit Parnami from Buskers Dance
Academy, Jaipur.


Position Category
Freestyle Dance

Semi Classical Dance

Freestyle Dance
Semi Classical Dance

School name
Subodh Public School,
Bal Vidya Bhawan,
Alpha Beta School
Subodh Public School,

Patriotic Song Competition

Khalsa College International Public School,
Amritsar, Punjab
The interschool patriotic song competition was
held on 13 august 2013 in the school auditorium,
under the aegis of Sahodaya Schools Complex
Amritsar. 13 schools participated in this competition.
Mrs. Manmohan Kaur, retired music teacher of
Khalsa College Girls Sen. Sec. School and Mr.
Harinder Singh Sohal music director were invited for
the judgement. The students of D.A.V Public school
stood rst, Sri Guru Harkrishan Public School G.T.
Road stood second and Sri Guru Harkrishan Majitha
Bye-Pass stood third. Consolation prizes were also
given to Khalsa College Public School and Bhavans
S. L. Public School.

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Sports Arena
MKs Inter-School Cricket Tournament
DPS Nacharam, Andhra Pradesh

Cricket tournament

History is Created! And how, one may ask. The

month of August was a urry of activity as two
major events stormed the month.

category, DPS won the nals and clinched the MKs

Overall Championship Trophy. Yashaswi of class X
was declared the Man of the Series.
The Grand Finale was held under oodlights for
the rst time ever at school level on the 24 August
between Delhi Public School, Nacharam and
St. Peters High School, Bowenpally. The venue,
the lights, the comperes, the music (IPL tunes) and
the cheer leaders gave an international touch to the
match. The nail-biting nish (literally) was seen in
the last over as Delhi Public School won by mere
six runs in the nal three balls and were declared the
Overall Champions.
Sachin and Ayush Win Gold
TPS, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

The rst ever MKs Inter-School Cricket

Tournament was held at DPS cricket grounds
from 10 to 24 August. In all, sixteen CBSE schools
participated in the under-12, under-14 and the under
16 categories. The school looked like a national
level stadium as the matches, held in the sprawling
campus, were witnessed not just by the students of
the school but also by parents who lent their voices
to gusty cheers.
In the Under-12 category, DPS was declared
the runners-up and St. Peters, Bowenpally, were
declared the champions. In the under-16 category,
DPS reached the semi-nals but in the under-14
October-December 2013


Sachin Kumar and Ayush Bhatt won the gold

medal at the CBSE Inter-School Sports and



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Games Competition-2013-14 West Zone Judo

Championship organized at Sanskar International
School, Jodhpur from 14 October to 16 October
2013 in under 19 yrs. and 60 kg. wt. category.
In commendation of their performance, merit
certicates and Gold Medals were awarded. Both
have been selected for the National Level contest
at Amritsar (6 to 9 November, 2013). Director,
Mr. P. D. Singh praised and encouraged the young
achievers. PET Suman Sharma guided and groomed
Sachin and Ayush.
CBSE North Zone Badminton Tournament
DAV School, Pushpanjali Enclave, New Delhi
The sportive fervour assumed a new dimension
at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium from 8 October to
10 October, when DAV Pushpanjali became the host
of CBSE North Zone - 1 Badminton Tournament
for the second consecutive year. With a participation
of 76 teams from Delhi and 24 from outside Delhi,
the 250 participants gave a tough competition to
each other.

Hansraj Model School, the students performed

yoga, sang a motivational song and also welcomed
the guests by a dance performance. Mr. Pushkar
Vohra appreciated the efforts of the school and said
that such platforms lead to the holistic growth of
the child. The Principal, Mrs. Rashmi Raj Biswal
welcomed the guests and wished all the participants
the very best for the tournament.
The valedictory ceremony commenced with the
welcome dance and a very spirited performance on
yoga and arrobics. The school choir sang on the
theme of continuously striving to be successful in
life. It was a moment of exhilaration when DAV
Pushpanjali grabbed the 1st position in the under 14
category girls. All the winners in different categories
of boys and girls were given medals and trophies.
CBSE Cluster X Football (Boys
Championship 2013 2014
G R Global Academy,
Hanumangarh, Rajasthan

Oath taking

The felicitation ceremony

The inaugural ceremony was grand. With presence

of Chief Guest Mr. Pushkar Vohra, Joint Director
Sports CBSE and Mrs. Sneh Verma, Principal Kaluchi


The academy was privileged to be the host for

CBSE Cluster X Football Boys championship
2013 2014. The prestigious championship was
organized from 15 to 19 October 2013. Twenty
six teams of CBSE afliated schools from all over
Rajasthan, made the event magnicent and elegant.

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The championship started with the lighting of lamp

by Chief Guest Sh. Gopal Saini, Former Olympian
and Gold Medalist in the Asian Games.
Sh. Sadasukh Poonia, Chairman LMC and Sh.
Jagdish Chander Poonia , Managing Director, graced
the occasion as the Guests of Honour. The Chief
Guest hoisted the CBSE ag and took the salute of
the March Past. The captains led their teams holding
school ags. Mr. R K Dahiya, Principal and Director
welcomed the Chief Guest, Guests of Honour,
CBSE Observer, Mr. Shiv Dutt Parasher, Ofcials,
Participating teams and each one present on the
occasion. The cultural program, including Haryanvi
Dance, Rajasthani Dance, Bhangra etc, added beauty
to the inaugural function.
The ve-day championship culminated on
19 October 2013 with the nal match played
between Sagar School, Alwar and Presidency the
International School, Bhiwadi. The Sagar School,
Alwar after giving very tough ght to Presidency
the International School, Bhiwadi lifted the winners
trophy. The valedictory function was graced by the
Chief Guest Mr. Gaurav Sharma, Everester and
Managing Director of Camp India, Jaipur and the
Guest of Honour Sh. Bhagirath Poonia, Chairman,
Sri Balaji Shiksha Samiti, Jaipur.
The Chief Guest presented the medals and
certicates. The championship came to an end with
the vote of thanks presented by Mr. R K Dahiya.
Sahodaya Schools Complex Volleyball
DAV Public School,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
13 November 2013, DAV Public School, Unit-8
hosted the Sahodaya Volleyball Tournament 2013.
This tournament was continued for two days that
is 12 and 13 November 2013. 14 schools of various
parts of the city participated.

October-December 2013

A winning moment

The tournament was inaugurated by the Chief

Guest Mr. Madan Mohan Panda, the Chairman
of School Managing Committee on 12 November
2013. Mr. Subodh Routray, the President of Odisha
Volleyball Association was the Guest of Honour
of the day. This was followed by March past by all
the teams. The Principal Mrs. Bhagyabati Nayak
welcomed all the participants, followed by the oath
taking event.
The semi-nal was held between St. Xavier High
School, Kedargouri and BJEM School in one group
and DAV and Sainik School in another group. The
nal match was held between Sainik School and
BJEM School. Finally Sainik School bagged the
Champions Trophy by winning 3 consecutive sets
out of 5 sets. The Chairman and the Principal of the
school congratulated the athletes.
Inter School Basketball
Inspiration Sr. Sec. School,
Haldwani, Uttarakhand
Inspiration Sr. Sec. School, Kathgodam, Haldwani
hosted an Inter School Basketball Championship
2013. It was three days event held from 13 December
2013 to 15 December 2013 under the patron ship of
Public School Association, Haldwani.
16 Public Schools participated in the 3-day event.
Mr. Deepak Jyoti Ghildiyal (DIG) was the Chief



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Guest of the opening ceremony and inaugurated the

championship. Several matches were played among
16 schools in 4 pools.
On the third day, semi nal and nals were played.
In girls, St. Theresa Sr. Sec. school Kathgodam
lifted the trophy and in boys Aryaman Birla Sr. Sec.
School, Haldwani, was the winner. The Chief Guest
for the closing ceremony was Dr. Sadanand Datey,
SSP, Nainital and awards were distributed.

at the 15th Asian Championship held in Hefei, China.

She was the youngest player of the team and scored
nine goals in the Asian Championship. The Haryana
government appreciated and encouraged her by
giving her scholarship of Rs. 5 lakhs. Beyond any
doubt, credit goes to her meticulous planning, her
parents, and her coach Mr. Vishal Bakshi.
The other shining star is Vikrant Singha very
promising skater of the school, who played in the
under-21 Roller Hockey World Cup at Columbia,
South America.
Cross Country Race
Sophia Sr. Sec. School,
Bhilwara, Rajasthan

Assembling for the tournament

Sophia is known for its endless ways to shape

the life of the students who step into the institution.
The House-Wise Cross Country Race was organized.
The preparations kicked off from the day of

Roller- Skating Prodigy

Swami Vivekanand Public School,
Jagadhri, Haryana

Racing against time

Mani Kamboj and others being felicitated

Driven with a boundless enthusiasm and

determination, Mani Kamboj brought laurels to the
country by winning the gold medal in Roller Hockey


The starting point of the race was Rajiv Gandhi

Park. The guests for the morning were, Chief Guest
Mr. S.P. Malik, Chief Coordinator of Jindal Saw Ltd.,
Bhilwara Branch and Guest of Honour, Mrs. Asha
Ramawat, President of Tejaswini Mahila Mandal and
PRO of Lioness Club, Bhilwara. The participants ran
with a two-fold objective: rst to create awareness
regarding the decrease in number of females over

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Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

males. They ran with a motto SAVE THE GIRL

CHILD and, the second to take the credit of being
the champion by winning the trophy and bringing
laurels to their respective houses. The race started
with Mr. Maliks green signal. The route covered was
from Rajiv Gandhi Park, Rajiv Gandhi Chauraya,
Mahavir Hospital, Rajiv Gandhi Auditorium, Pathik
Nagar, Petrol Pump, nally reaching the destination
i.e., the Sophia campus covering 3.5 km.
Of 200 students who participated, the rst to
nish it was Prachi Birla of class X Ruby House, the
second position was secured by Purvi Bhandari of
class XI of Emberald House and the third position
by Ambika Bagarhatta of class X of Ruby House.
The next seven were given consolation prizes.
Sports Day Celebration
Jagannath International School, Delhi
Ive missed more than 900 shots in my career,
Ive lost almost 300 games. 26 times Ive been trusted to
take the Game winning shot and I missed. Ive failed over
and over and over again in my life. And that is why I
- Michael Jordan

With the CCE integrated in the education

system, sports has become an important part of the
Keeping this in mind the school celebrated its
Sports Day on 24 November 2013. There was a
plethora of events for the three categories. (Juniors,
Sub-Juniors and Seniors)
The Manager, Mr. Ritesh Gupta was the Chief
Guest. The programme started with the lighting of
torch by the Chief Guest and carrying of the ame
by the Sports Captain Master Sanjam Sharma. The
meet was declared open by the Chief Guest.
Then the entire ground was turned into a riot of
colours by the colorful performance of the children
who performed on a mix of motivational songs.
Then there was the March Past, Pyramid drill,
track events for all the three categories, aerobics
performance and nally the release of the balloons.
The meet was declared closed after the declaration
of the winners and the prize distribution ceremony.
The vote of thanks was proposed by the Principal,
Mrs. Sandhya Gupta.
CBSE Cluster XII Volleyball Tournament
Lovely Public Sr. Sec. School, Delhi
CBSE Cluster XII Volleyball Tournament (boys
and girls) 2013 was held from 17 to 23 October
2013 at Lovely Public Sr. Sec. School, Priyadarshini
Vihar. 116 teams from various schools of Delhi
participated in a week long tournament which was
played on knockout basis.

Captains lead their teams

Most of us start playing a sport just for fun, but

somewhere along the way we realize the importance
of sports in our lives.

October-December 2013

Inaugurated by the Chief Guest Dr. B.S. Aggarwal,

Principal Co-ed Govt. School, Lalita Park. Dr. R.P.
Malik, Chairman, Federation of Public Schools,
Delhi was the Guest of Honour. Other guests
who graced the occasion were Mr. Manoj Kumar,
Managing Director, LPSSS, PDV, Mrs. K. Dhawan,



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Principal, LTTI and Mr. J R Mehra, Vice President

Volleyball Association Delhi.

The winners
I Position :

Laxmi Public Sr. Sec. School,

Karkardooma, Delhi

II Position : Shiksha Bharti Public School, Dwarka

III Position : Lovely Public Sr. Sec. School,
P. D. Vihar, Delhi
I Position :

Rastriya Shakti Vidyalaya, Uttam Nagar,


II Position : Navyug School, Moti bagh, Delhi

Reaching up for a win

The match started with the pledge by the teams.

The match was declared open by the Chief Guest.
On 23 October 2013 the nal match was played
between Lovely Public Sr. Sec. School, P. D. Vihar
and St. Froebel Public School, Paschim Vihar (Boys)
and Rastriya Shakti Vidyalaya, Uttam Nagar and
Navyug School, Moti bagh (Girls).
The Chief Guest of the closing day programme
was Mrs. Anjali Malik (SPE, Zone-III, Dist. East)
Others present were Mr. Sunil Sharma, CBSE
Observer, Technical Ofcials of the CBSE,
Chairman of the Federation of Public Schools, Dr.
R.P. Malik, Director Principal Dr. (Mrs.) S.D. Malik,
and Principal, P. D. Vihar, Dr. Bhawna.

A match defying moment


III Position : Mount Carmel School, Anand

Niketan, Delhi
All the teams were honoured with trophies and
Merit Certicates.
Annual Sports Day Celebrations
Guru Nanak Public School, New Delhi
The school organized Annual Sports Day
Celebrations on 23 November 2013 at Sports Complex,
Hari Nagar. The Chief Guest on the occasion was
Padam Shri Mahabali Satpal as Deputy Director of
Education, Delhi who is also the President of School
Games Federation of India. He trained the two-time
Olympic medal winner, Sushil Kumar for the Beijing
Olympics 2008 and London Olympics 2012. He was
given the Dronacharya Award in 2009 by the Indian
Government. Earlier in 1983, he had received the
Padma Shri Award.
Sh. Gurkirat Singh M. L. A. Punjab and President
S. Manmohan Singh Kochhar were the Chief Guests.
Principal S. S. Minhas welcomed the guests with
bouquets of owers. The distinguished members
of the school management included the School
Chairman S.H.S. Behar, the Manager S.G.S. Anand
and the A.G.M S.H.S. Sabharwal who participated in
the activities

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Sabha Rajouri Garden S. Manmohan Singh Kocchar

appreciated the great endeavour of the students,
teachers and staff. The programme concluded
with the releasing of tri-colour ags spreading the
message that the sky is the limit.
Annual Sports Meet
Greenngers Global School,
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
The 7th Annual Sports Meet was held at Rajiv
Gandhi Stadium, Belapur.
Winners with their prizes

The function was inagurated by reciting the

Shabad 'Gagan Damama Bajyo'. Sports Captain,
House Captain, Vice House Captains and other
ofce bearers performed the March Past. The
participants took the Oath that they would play the
Game honestly and with a cooperative spirit. Padam
Shri Satpal Ji declared the Athletic Meet Open. The
Tiny tots of the school also took part with great
zeal. The students of classes IV to VIII took part
in 50 meters, and 200 meters races. Games like the
3 leg race, frog race, 4x100 meter race, animal race,
sack race were conducted.

The Sports Meet was inaugurated by the Chief

Guest Shri. Deshmukh. The sports events started
with the lighting of the torch, which was carried by
the athletes around the stadium, and then the event
was declared OPEN. The participants took the oath
in the true spirit of the game. The competition
was held between athletes of the four houses of
the school Aster, Bluebells, Chrysanthemum and

In fact, on the occasion of Annual Sports meet

the 100 years of cinema was also presented by the
senior students, portraying patriotic fervor. The
gymnastics, skipping rope drill and mass drills stole
the show. Gidha and Bhangra displayed the splendid
grandeur of Punjabi culture in which every foot
tapped at the beat of the music. The school choir
contributed by adding melodious numbers.
The Times of India, Newspaper in Education
Project is a part of the School curriculum and
sponsored two BSA Cycles for the best sports
players of the School. The awardees for BSA
cycles were Harpreet Kaur winner (Skipping Rope
National Level) and Mehakpreet Kaur, the winner
(Gymnastics National Level).

The event took off with 800 meters race and then
followed by various events like 100 meters sprint,
200 meters sprint, 100x4 relay and many more. The
school staff also took part in interesting events

The President of Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh

The overall trophy went to the Daffodils House.

October-December 2013

An enthusiastic crowd



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education




Sri Vidya Mandir Sr.

Sec. School,
Meyyanur road. Salem-4

Sri Vidya Mandir

Hr. Sec. School,
Salem- I 06.


Maharish International
Residential School,

Sri Vidya Mandir

Sr. Sec. School,
Meyyanur road,

3rd Place

Sri Vidya Mandir Hr.

Sec. School,
Salem. I06.

DAV Girls Senior

School, Lloyds

4th Place

Round Table 30
Meppur Salai,
Agaramal, Chennai.

Sri Vageesha
Melur raod,

Winners take it all

CBSE Cluster- V Kho Kho Tournament

Sri Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School,
Salem, Tamilnadu
CBSE Kho Kho tournament was conducted in
Sri Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Anand
Asramam. The tournament was inaugurated by Mrs.
Sujatha Jayaraj, Divisional Railway Manager.
The students have entered the National Level
Kho Kho Tournament consecutively for the past
ve years.

North Zone CBSE Handball Championship

G.A.V Public School
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

Handball Champions

Winning team of the Kho-Kho tournament


The North Zone CBSE Handball Championship

was organized by GAV Public School, Kangra from
27 to 29 October 2013, in which twenty two schools
participated. Earlier, GAV Public School was

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

privileged to host the CBSE Cluster XIII Volleyball

Championship, which encouraged them to host
tournament of North Zone Level.

four house contingents led by Head boy and Head

girl of the school.

In the nal match of the under-19 boys category,

Apex Public School, Delhi, defeated the host school
GAV Public School 28-20 and bagged gold with
GAV getting silver and Sri Ram Shiksha Mandir,
Delhi, bronze. In the nal match of the under-19
girls category, Saint Marxs, Delhi, defeated GAV
Public School, Kangra, 11-9 and bagged gold, with
GAV getting then silver and Sri Ram Shiksha Mandir,
Delhi, the bronze.
In another nal of the under-14 category for
boys, Army Public School, Delhi, defeated Bhai
Parmanand Vidya Mandir, Delhi, 26-10 and bagged
gold with Bhai Parmanand Vidya Mandir securing
a silver. In the quarternal of the same category,
New Convent School, Delhi, defeated Genius
International School, Ropar (Punjab), 18-11, bagging
a silver. In another nal of the under-14 category for
girls, Saint Marxs School, Delhi, defeated Genuine
International School, Ropar (Punjab), 8-7 in a neck
to neck match and got a gold medal and GIS, Ropar,
got a silver. GAV Public School in this category
got a bronze. Lucky, goalkeeper of Apex Public
School, Delhi, saved a number of goals. Sheshwant
Choudary of GAV Public School, Kangra, was the
highest scorer with 31 goals. Prof S K Bala Sidhartha,
Director, National Institute of Fashion Technology,
was the Chief Guest Sukhvinder Singh, Principal,
GAV Public School, Kangra, expressed satisfaction
over the successful culmination of the programme.
Annual Sports Meet
Apeejay International School,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
The annual sports meet of school, was held on
30 November 2013 .The programme commenced
with Techno Dance by the students of class II
which was followed by a smart March Past by all
October-December 2013

The nish line

Events like 50m,100m and 200 m relay, collect the

cards, bat and ball, roll the ball, partner race, banana
shuttle race etc. were held. The coordination in mass
P.T and aerobics by the students of primary wing
was appreciated. The oath was administered to the
participants by the school Prinicipal Mrs. Yashika
Bharadwaj. The highlight of the day was the Military
Band performance.
CBSE Cluster XV Table Tennis Tournament
Heritage Public School,
Sangrur, Punjab
Heritage Public School Rampura, Bhawanigarh,
Sangrur hosted Cluster XV Table Tennis Tournament
from 19 to 21October 2013. Teams from Kurukshetra,
Yamunanagar, Sirsa, Fatehabad, Kaithal of Haryana
and Sangrur, Barnala, Mansa, Bhatinda, Patiala and
Mukatsar of Punjab participated in the event. S.
Rajinder Singh Ghumman, IPS, DIG - Chandigarh
inaugurated the tournament by hosting CBSE Sports
ag and Sh. Dharam Pal Mittal presided over the
occasion. Sh Vishal Garg , Secretary District Olympic
Association also graced the occasion. Nearly 256
players participated in the March Past. The students
of the school presented cultural programme and left
the audience spell bound.



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Matches under categories U-14, U-16 and U-19

(Boys and Girls) were played. DAV Public School
Patiala won the overall trophy. SBP DAV- Fatehabad
was declared rst Runner Up and Mukat Public
School Rajpura got Second Runner Up trophy. Girls
team (U-16) from the host school participated at
National Level Tournament held at Durgapur.

2013 (Girls) of Uttrakhand Zone 7 was held at DAV

Centenary Public School, Hardwar on 17 and 18
November 2013. With an austere opening ceremony,
various participating teams were welcomed. The
vibrant sports contingents took the oath to preserve
the dignity of sportsmanship. Mr. P.C. Purohit,
Principal, DAV, Hardwar enthused the ever eager
participants with his illuminating benevolent words.

Leading the parade

On the concluding day, Sh. Parkash Chand Garg,

Chief Parliament Secretary-Punjab distributed Prizes
to winners. At the end of the tournament Principal
Dr. Sandeep Kumar Lath recalled the efforts of Shri
Anil Mittal, President, Shri Rashit Mittal, Shri Sunil
Mittal (member management) and indefatigable
efforts of the staff.
DAV National Sports 2013
DAV Centenary Public School,
Hardwar, Uttarakhand

Nimble and healthy

At DAV, Hardwar basketball, handball,

badminton, table- tennis, yoga, kho-kho etc., and a
number of athletic events were held.
DAV, Hardwar bagged gold medal in badminton,
silver in handball and silver in judo (under 36 kg. and
44 kg.). Overall championship trophy went to DAV,

At the beginning of his struggle, the warrior of light

stated: I have dreams.
-Paulo Coelho
Yes, they are no less than warriors. The 290
Contingents of 14 DAV schools across Uttrakhand
and Uttar Pradesh embarked on their two day battle
at DAV Centenary Public School, Hardwar on
17 November 2013. DAVCMC, Delhi, organized
then DAV National Sports on different levels at
various DAV schools across the country.
The cluster chapter of DAV National Sports


Volleyball match in progress

Mr. Purohit, Principal, DAV, Hardwar honoured

and congratulated the winners.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

District level Tournament

Springdales Children's School,
Kota, Rajasthan

Sh. Puran Chand and Principal Dr. R. S. Ghumman,

heartly welcomed the gathering. There was a wellorganized March Past and oath-taking Ceremony
by Head Boy and Head Girl. The Athletic meet
was declared open by the Chief Guest by hosting
the green ag. All players displayed their talent and
coordination in all the events and martial art.
A number of athletic events were organized such
as the lemon race, spoon race, matka (urn) race, three
leg race, simple race and obstacle race. The highlight
of the day was teachers Race. The prize distribution
ceremony was followed by a cultural programme.

A moment to remember

Springdales Childrens School Nayagaon won the

Basketball championship by defeating Aklank School
by 41-38 in 57th District Level Sports Tournament
held in Kota. On the other hand, girls U-14 secured
then second position in Kho-Kho as well as Basket
Ball, and boys (U-14) secured the third position in
Table- Tennis.
Dhruv Gupta was selected as the best player for
BasketBall (U-17). Kunal Rathorebest wicketkeeper (U-14) and Nehansh Gupta was selected as a
bowler for State Level Tournament.

The Matka(urn) race

DAV Public School,
Jasola Vihar, New Delhi

Director, Mrs. Manisha Agarwala congratulated

the winners. Mrs. Sujata Taterh, Principal, stated
that this was possible because of the students keen
interest in sports and their daily practice in school.
Athletic Meet 2013
Satluj Senior Secondary School,
Kurukshetra, Haryana
Two-day Athletic meet and Culture Programme
was held at the Satluj Senior Secondary School from
27 to 28 November 2013, for all students of the
School from Pre Nursery to XII Classes. The Chief
Guest was Kulwant Singh Raq. The President,

October-December 2013

The Achiever



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The students of DAV Public School outshone

the other participants once again in the DAV
National Sports organized by Shaheed Rajpal, DAV
Dayanand Vihar on 28 and 29 November at J.N.U.
Stadium. Deepanjali Sharma brought home four
medals-2 gold medals - one for 100 and another for
200 race, a silver medal for long jump and a bronze
medal for 4x400 relay race. Deepanjali Sharma
represented Delhi and NCR in the Nationals held
at DAV University, Jalandhar and won a silver medal
in 200 m. race and a bronze medal in 4x100 m. relay
race. Nishi Bidhuri won two bronze medals, in 100
m. Race and 4x400 relay race.

special guest S. Kuljinder Singh Malhi (AEO Sports).

CBSE observer, Mrs. Meenu Kalia, Director Laurel's
Academy Mr. N. S. Chahal, Chief Referee Mr. Vinod
Kumar, Technical Advisor - Mr. Rakesh Bhrany and
S. Rankirat Singh, Incharge, Amritsar Sports Wing
were present on this auspicious occasion.

The Principal Dr. V. K. Barthwal congratulated the

winners and stressed upon the importance of sports
in shaping the personalities of the participants.
The winning team of DAV International School in U-19 Boys'
category posing with the trophy with a sense of pride.

The event was inaugurated with the lighting of

the ceremonial lamp and chanting of Ved Mantras,
release of balloons and pigeons to mark this
occasion. The ag hosting ceremony and a perfectly
synchronized March Past was held which was
followed by the oath taking by the participants. Dr.
V.P. Lakhanpal Ji, Chairman of DAV International
School also addressed the gathering.
Winning athletics with their mentors

Magic Moves' Lawn Tennis Championship

DAV International School,
Amritsar, Punjab
The DAV International School hosted the CBSE
North Zone -II Lawn Tennis Championship 2013
on its school campus from 3 to 5 October 2013. This
championship was inaugurated by the Principal Ms.
Anjana Gupta, in which about 300 CBSE Schools
from Punjab and Haryana participated.
The opening ceremony was presided by Sh.
Pushkar Vohra, Jt. Director (Sports), CBSE and the

Principal, Ms. Anjana Gupta in her blessings

to the youngsters said that the participants must
not think of "VICTORY" when they play. She
shared with the audience about the host school
players who have won accolades at both National
and International levels like Ayush Mintri, the
Lawn Tennis icon and Mehak Gupta, the skating
prodigy. A cultural function was organized with a
Qwali and Fusion dance by students. Further, NAV
PRERNA, a charitable service unit sponsored by
DAV International received due impetus in the show
as children of the organization were presented with
free uniforms.
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

During in the closing ceremony, on 5 October,

2013, Shri R. J Khanderao Ji, Joint Secretary, CBSE,
Panchkula was the Chief Guest. Others present on
the occasion included Dr. V. P Lakhanpal, Chairman,
Dr. K. N Kaul, Manager, Principal of various schools
and colleges, LMC Members, Members of various
Arya Samajies and, CBSE observers.
A Qawali presentation by the DAVIANS. A
fusion dance titled KRISHNA portraying 'Krishna
as a Saviour' was presented by the students of DAV
International school which made the event more
colorful and vibrant. An energy packed PUNJABI
FIESTA- a folk dance presentation enthralled the
audience with its richness.

18-12-13 ls 24-12-13 dk mn~?kkVu fnukad 18-1213 dks fd;k x;kA lekjksg esa vkeaf=r eq[; vfrfFk
in~ekorh f'k{k.k laLFkku ds v/;{k Jh euksgjykyth
tSu] fof'k"V vfrfFk] in~ekorh f'k{k.k laLFkku ds
laj{kd ch- ,y- tSu] laLFkku ds vdknfed funs'kd
ukjk;.kyky kekZ ,oa n LdkWylZ ,fjuk xYlZ ch- ,M+dkWyst ds izkpk;Z MkW- yksds'k tSu FksA egkfo|ky;
ds izkpk;Z MkW- yksds'k tSu }kjk eq[; vfrfFk ,oa
vU; vfrfFk;ksa dk ekY;kiZ.k ,oa izrhd fpg~u HksaV dj
Lokxr fd;k x;kA

The Chief Guest Sh. R. J. Khanderao while

addressing the audience hailed the holiness of
Amritsar city and lauded the rich culture and
heritage of the city depicted by the students in their
performances. He also congratulated the Principal,
Ms. Anjana Gupta for organizing such a grand
Mrs. Anjana Gupta presented a brief report of
the school's remarkable achievements in sports.
Dr. V. P. Lakhanpal, the Chairman appreciated the
efforts of by the players.
CBSE North Zone II Lawn Tennis Championship
2013 was declared closed by the Honourable Chief
Guest. At the end, a prize distribution ceremony was
held. The school bags were distributed to the students
of Nav Prerna- the unit run for indu privileged
children under DAV International School.

^n LdkWylZ ,fjuk^ xYlZ ch- ,M- egkfo|ky; dh

ikp fnolh; vUrlZnu [ksydwn izfr;ksfxrk fnukad

October-December 2013

'kiFk xzg.k

dk;Ze dk kqHkkjEHk ek ljLorh dk nhi izTToyu

dj oanuk ,oa ekpZ ikLV ds lkFk gqvkA eq[; vfrfFk
}kjk /otkjksg.k dj Nk=kvksa dks kiFk xzg.k djokbZ
xbZ rFkk mn~cks/ku Hkk"k.k esa Nk=k/;kfidkvksa dks
lacksf/kr djrs gq, dgk fd orZeku esa yM+fd;ksa dk
[ksyksa esa :>ku gksuk vko;d gS vkSj volj feyus
ij [ksy izfr;ksfxrkvksa esa c<+p<++ dj Hkkx ysuk pkfg,A


ls c slsd

Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education
he Central B ard f S
l Bo d

blh vk'kk ds lkFk egkfo|ky; esa 'kq: gksus tk jgs

^[ksy lIrkg^ ds lQyrk dh dkeuk dhA izfr;ksfxrk ds
fu/kkZfjr dk;Zekuqlkj igys fnu xksyk Qsad] dqlhZ
nkSM+ ,oa rLrjh Qsad izfr;ksfxrk dk vk;kstu fd;k

xksyk Qsad esa izFkea ndu;uk pkSgku] f}rh; jhuk

Hkxksjk ,oa r`rh; foeyk Qukr jgsaA
dk;Ze dk lapkyu egkfo|ky; dh miizkpk;kZ
Jherh ek;k f=osnh us fd;k ,oa izk/;kid Jh jruyky
tSu }kjk /kU;okn Kkfir fd;k x;kA

[ksy lIrkg vk;kstu dh >yd


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Best Practices
The Call of Environment
Tagore Public School, Shastri Nagar,
Jaipur, Rajasthan

your end affecting the whole cycle of life. Man

said, I feel ashamed of my fault and foolishness.
Now I promise that I shall take care of the whole
environment as it is essential according to ecology.
We have to be friendly with the environment. The
spectators clapped loudly in praise.
Integrated Approach to Learning
Delhi Public School,
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Drama: Call of the Environment

The students presented the Call of Environment

in a drama form organized by Nature Club of
Rajasthan in World Wild animals week at Jawahar
Kala Kendra. The different elements of environment
water, air, animals, tree and Earth called on Lord
Indra and complained against the men who are
polluting water and wind, endangering animals
lives, wastage of water and blindly cutting trees,
depletion of ozone layer endangering their own
lives. People are foolishly wasting energy, spoiling
the soil and polluting the whole environment. Lord
Indra patiently heard their complaints and assuring
them for safety, sent for man and angrily rebuked
him and opened his eyes by saying that If these
friends of yours will rebel against you it shall be

October-December 2013

An integrated curriculum is a way to teach students

to break and go beyond the barriers of subject thus
making learning more interesting and meaningful to
the students. In its simplest connotation, it means
making connections thus reinforcing learning.
Todays student is by far the most receptive and
mentally evolved than any of his/her predecessors.
Hence, the need has arisen to match their higher
order thinking skills and the new wave of reception
of knowledge. Thus we took the initiative to integrate
subjects and establish linkages for vivid and concise
learning, known as Multidisciplinary Integrated
Approach to learning.
This approach basically shows the relationship
of different subjects to each other and to a common
The idea is to teach around themes or Organising
Centres that students can identify and learn in total



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

For example: The thematic Integrated Holiday

Assignment of Class- V.


English / Art

Through this example, one can see how an

integrated curriculum requires accessing knowledge
from all traditional subjects.
Initially, when this was proposed, the teachers
were apprehensive about making so many linkages,
but later, once they actually started to go about it,
they found immense joy in working on this as they
felt creatively charged and started thinking out of
the box.

Your City
(Class- V)
Science Activity

Math Activity

Celebrations during 'Joy of Giving Week'

DPS, Bokaro, Jharkhand

We, at school, also felt elated that the same

enthusiasm and innovative thinking got percolated
to the students and parents as well. The positive
and appreciative feedback received for this creative
subject integration proved to be an impetus for us to
raise our academic bar. The child was the happiest
person amongst all as he presumed that he was
getting only one homework sheet, not knowing the
hidden agenda of holistic and integrated learning,
making us reafrm our belief in the statement,
Integrated and unconscious pattern of learning is happy
and stress free learning.


The school makes yet another leap into inclusive

and all-encompassing education by celebrating 'Joy
of Giving Week' (2 October 2013 to 8 October
2013) in a unique way. A majestic wish tree was
created on which the students put up their wishes.
These wishes were 'aspirations with a difference'.
Instead of wishing to receive they wished to give.
This activity was designed with an aim to inculcate
philanthropy among the students on one hand while
on the other hand it also induced them to connect
'giving' with nature and help develop a sense of
ownership among the future generations. Nature
always teaches us to give selessly. A wish tree was
put up for the parents as well to make them a part
of this noble venture.
Apart from this activity, a friendly basketball and
foot-ball match was organised between the students
of DPS Bokaro and Deepansh Shiksha Kendra, a
school for the children of marginalized sections of
the society, run under the aegis of DPS Bokaro. A
special get-together was also organised. Children of

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

both the schools sat together, shared their tifns and

exchanged greeting cards with each other.
It was indeed a very satisfying experience
because giving, sharing and caring always leads to

multiplication of joy.
The vision of Chief learning Ofcer Dr. Hemlata
S. Mohan always leads towards holistic goals which
weave such activities into the yarn of academics.

Celebrating the Joy of Giving

Crack the Practice of "Bursting Crackers"

Bharati Vidyapeeth English Medium
High School and Sr. Secondary School,
Dhankawadi, Maharashtra

pollution which leads to blood pressure, chronic

and mental diseases. Loud noise can also bring
permanent deafness. Poisonous air can lead to
asthma and cough problems. Students also realized
how to utilize the amount kept for buying crackers
in a useful way. A few students decided to donate
that amount to an orphanage.
War is Expensive but Peace is Priceless
Shah International School,
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi

Against bursting crackers

The students of the two schools took an oath

for not bursting crackers as it creates sound and air
October-December 2013

World Peace Day was celebrated by Shah

International School on 20 September 2013. The
day started with the sensitization of the students
on the value of making peace rst with yourself
and then with the outer world. The programme
began with the blooming buds of pre- primary wing


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

wishing everybody with fresh jasmine owers giving

the message of spreading peace that lasts forever.
Special creative activities by the students, followed
by a short and crisp cultural programme highlighted
the importance of peace. The Principal, Ms. Neerja
Padru, addressed the students and told them the
importance of smiling, wishing and expressing
gratitude to our parents, teachers and friends. To
mark the signicance of the day, all the teachers and
the students were dressed in white. The Chairman
Mr. S.K Shah sensitized the students about the purity
and calmness reected by the colour WHITE. The
young achievers showcased their talents through a
short skit, dances, songs and poems. The cherry on
the cake was an enthralling performance by tiny tots,
Heal the World and Pyar baante chalo. Workshop
on International Day of Peace was attended by Mrs.
Sehgal and Mrs. Swati on 20 September 2013, at United
Nations Information Centre. The Peace Drive which
has been started will be carried on by inculcating the
principles of making peace and as a tribute to our
Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi.

No one can truly succeed in life until s/he learns

how to serve others. Students in Gems schools learn
about the world and the people in it from an early
age, developing an awareness of different cultures
and countries. By exploring the world they become
socially, culturally economically and environmentally
aware and learn about their responsibilities as world
citizens. They learn to adopt a global perspective
and understand how they can make a difference
in the community. Sewa Day - an international
day of volunteering, where thousands of goodhearted people across the world come together
to experience the joy of giving in its truest sense,
provides an opportunity for the students to volunteer
their services and spare their precious time for a
worthwhile cause.

SEWA DAY at School

Spreading the message of peace

Bringing Joy to Others

Our Own English High School Sharjah
Boys Branch, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
True leadership begins with service while selshness always
ends in self-destruction


As a part of Sewa Day programme Our Own

English High School Sharjah Boys Branch
conducted many activities including the collection
of rice and dal. The students collected more than
three tons of rice and a fair amount of dal to donate
to the less privileged people. This speaks volume
about students who uphold the school vision of
young generation emerging from school as good
role models and better human beings.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

R. D. Rajpal School,
Dwarka, New Delhi

Treasure from trash

The school has been a part of the program

on environmental sustainability and sustainable
consumption organized by Department of
Environment. An e-waste collection drive had
been organized in the school wherein the students
as well as the teachers contributed and collected
all the electronic waste available around them. The
monitors of the eco-club motivated the students to
be aware of the hazardous effects of e-waste and
spread the message that it should be recycled or
reduced to its minimum. A presentation was taken
up both for the teachers as well as the students
about sustainability and e-waste generation as well as
its sensitization. Few other topics were taken up by
the students in groups to show important concepts
like Efcient use of Electricity , No to Plastic Bags ,
Save Water, 'Endangered Species etc. The students
demonstrated their topics by means of role play,
freeze frame, group discussion, research, surveys
or Powerpoint presentation. All these events had a
deep impact on the young minds and they decided
/pledged to contribute whole-heartedly towards
making the Earth a better place to live in.

October-December 2013

Project BOOND
DAV Multipurpose Public School,
Sonepat, Haryana

More Water, More Happiness

Commemorating the Project BOOND

launched by Arya Pradeshik Pratinidhi Upsabha and
Rashtriya Arya Yuva Samaj under the stewardship
of Sh. Punam Suri ji, President DAV College
Managing Committee, A play titled BOOND was
staged by tiny tots of DAV Multipurpose Public
School, Sonepat. It emphasized the need to save
showcased by the students. They created awareness
among the audience to use water judiciously and
made everyone realize that each drop of water is
precious and one should take steps to conserve it
for a better future.
Free Medical Camp for Tribal People
MGM Residential Public School,
Kottarakara, Kerala
MGM Residential Public School, Kottarakara,
organized a Free Medical Camp for the Kani
Tribes of Kadamankode, in Kulathupuzha, Kerala
on 3 August 2013. Mr. Subhilash Kumar, President
of Kulathupuzha Grama Panchayat inaugurated the
Camp. The Camp organized by MGM saw a huge
turnout of 230 Adivasi people Kani, including a new



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

born baby of 18 days! The school conducted Blood

Test for nding the Blood Group of individuals and
organized an awareness programme on Drug Abuse
and Alcoholism. Children distributed clothes and
food packets collected from MGM family for the
benet of the neglected people of Kadamankode.

Tribal people. Four eminent doctors Dr. Rakesh,

Epidemologist, Dr. Darvin Paul, RMO, Dr. Ajitha,
ESI Medical Ofcer, Dr. Binu Thankachan, Medical
Ofcer, Tribal Unit, Punalur, Kerala and three nurses
took part in the Medical Camp.
Celebration of Tiger week
Delhi Public School Ranipur,
Haridwar Uttarakhand
In the wake of the fast- changing cultural ethos,
the task of educational institutions takes on a new
dimension- that of sensitizing youth towards the
pressing social, environmental and moral concerns of
today and directing their conscience towards action.

Free Medical Camp

The Camp brought awareness in our students of

the ground realities regarding the hardships faced
by these marginalized people of Kerala. They took
part in a survey about the living conditions of our

One of the issues which need immediate address

is the dwindling tiger population in the country.
Realizing the need for action, the Environment Club
of DPS Ranipur decided to take a step towards the
conservation of the tiger, whose kingdom is falling
bit to human greed. Under the guidance of the
Principal, Mr. K.C. Pandey, a student team of seven
members took the initiative to spread awareness
among the youth about the need to conserve the
tiger population.

Campaign to Save the Tiger


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Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The following were the highlights of the

Documentary lm show:, Truth About
Tigers directed by Shekhar Dattari, was screened
for classes IV IX. An illuminating question- answer
session preceded the movie and many myths about
the tiger and its behavior came to the forefront. The
movie focused on the causes of the dwindling tiger
population in the country, the major ones being
deforestation and poaching.

29 July 2013) successfully created awareness among

the students and the Gujjar families. The students
felt responsible for tiger conservation and learned
that every little bit helps.
Community Service Club
Delhi Public School,
Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh

A Poster-making competition was held for

classes III and IV, in which nearly 200 students
displayed their artistic skills, using their talent as their
voice for the cause. A total of twenty best posters,
ten from each class, were selected for prizes.
A letter writing competition was organized
for classes V to VIII in which the participants
(about 1200 students) were asked to write their
views regarding Tiger Conservation, addressing the
Ministry of Forest and Environment. The students
beautifully expressed their views and concerns in
their letters, logically supporting their beliefs. The
best forty-ve letters were selected and sent to the
Ministry of Forest and Environment.
A Visit to the Gujjar Basti at Rajaji National
Park and the Forest Area of BHEL was undertaken
by the members of the Environment Club to create
awareness about the need to conserve tiger. The
students conversed with the Gujjar families about
the importance of our environment and the urgent
need of tiger conservation. It was heartening to
know that the residents had never practiced any
tiger killing in their lives and would be alert towards
it in future. The main objective was to educate and
sensitize the people about the value of the mighty
tiger in the ecosystem.
Save the Tiger campaign (from 23 July 2013 to

October-December 2013

Service in Action

Help Thy Neighbour! DPS Jagdalpur, teaches

values of helping others. Located in the tribal
belt of India, Bastar, we know our neighbours are
the neediest. There is a tradition of charity and
fundraising at the school, led by the students and
supported by the staff.
On 5 September 2013, the students and their
teachers visited the Anganbadi Centre Gram Kalipur.
The Centre Head Ms. Dinmani Thakur and Ms.
Swati Nage welcomed them. The club distributed
new clothes to the students.
On 6 September 2013, the Community Club
visited the local government primary school located
at the village Kalipur and gave away the woollen
clothes and stationary items like bags, notebooks
and pencils to the students. The local UP-Sarpanch
of the village Kalipur, Shri Jai Singh Thakur and the



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Headmaster Shri Pramod Pandey, were also present

to mark this occasion.
Celebration of Global Tiger Day
Kendriya Vidyalaya, Payyanur, Kerala
ALittle drops of water
Little grains of sand
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land
Kendriya Vidyalaya Payyanur, the NGC EcoClub, MAAMPOO, observed the International
Tiger Day on 29 July 2013, rubbing its shoulders
with all the agencies and organizations whose aim is
to promote a global gallery for protecting the natural
habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and
support for tiger conservation issues. No matter
where we live, no matter how small our activities are,
we have a role to play in maintaining a thriving tiger
population and creating a platform for reversing the
decline in the number of the great cat. The striped
friend of the jungle, our national animal is sadly an
endangered predator.

Student volunteers of Mampoo NGC Eco Club, KV Payyanur

gathered to mark the Global Tigers Day 2013.

MAAMPOO, the NGC Eco-Club, a brain-child

of Sri PV Muraleedharan, HM of the Vidyalaya
and coordinator of NGC Eco Club addressed the

students in the morning assembly on Global Tiger

Day. The teacher coordinator spoke at length on
the relevance of the occasion. Concerns about the
fate of the wild tigers lingered in his voice. Later
the club members, 85 students and 6 teachers, took
out a procession from the Vidyalaya premises to the
nearby town Ezhilode, bearing placards of SAVE
TIGER slogans. The tiger masked environment
enthusiasts, while marching, spread the message to
use nature friendly products and to discard objects
made of animal parts. The march had been agged
off by Principal-in-Charge Sri Joseph Mathew
escorted by Mrs. Betsy K Mathai, Mr. Sunil Kumar,
Mrs. Shyni and Mr. Sravan Kumar.
Eco Friendly Diwali
Jnanodaya School,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
The juniors students gave a message of celebrating
an Eco Friendly Diwali through a skit in the morning
The students were dressed as Lord Krishna, Bali
Chakravarthy, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Rama, Sita
and Lakshmana.

Say NO to re crackers and YES to Life

They conveyed the message of a noiseless and

safe Diwali without bursting crackers. Posters
with slogans to avoid noise and air pollution were
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displayed. Students were asked to celebrate the

Festival of Light by lighting Diyas and colourful
candles and save the environment.
NPS, Koramangala,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Successand Excellence are not something you get for
knowing the path; they are something you experience by walking
Steve Maraboli
At NPS, Koramangala, we have always positioned
holistic education above pure academic excellence.
We believe that Life skills are a set of human skills
acquired via teaching or direct experience that are
used to handle problems and questions commonly
encountered in daily human life. While schools
focus largely on logical-mathematical and linguistic
intelligences, Life Skills focuses on building your
childs intrapersonal, interpersonal, musical,
kinaesthetic, and spatial intelligences.
It is important to nd something that you are
really interested in life. Then, pursue it, set goals,
and commit yourself to excellence.
Adolescence is the paramount age to engage
students in different programmes and expose them
to numerous skills. In order to engage students of
grade IX creatively and hone their life skills, active
and applied activities were scheduled for them on
several Saturdays.

kneading, chopping, mixing and eating their own

During the rst-aid training a mannquin was
brought to have a hands-on experience of dealing
with broken limbs, resuscitation, burns and cardiac
In the theatre workshop, the students were given
tips on importance of diction, expression, mock
ghts, usage of stage, body language and public
speaking. It was an enthralling and an engaging
session which ended with the students presenting a
skit, in compliance with all that was demonstrated.
Students got an opportunity to experience the
essentials required for life in an extremely proactive
manner, thus assisting them in the pursuit for
academic excellence.
Parenting with Responsibility
V. L. Memorial Public school,
Alwar, Rajasthan
V.L.Memorial Public school, Alwar organized a
workshop on 'Parenting with Responsibility on 5
September, 2013. The schools mission was to ensure
all round development of students by focusing on
four important points:
Positive-Attitude, Adolescence, Parenting-Stress,
Academics and Career Opportunities.

Grade IX students were exposed to art and

skills in the eld of cookery, theatre and rst-aid.
Professionals from each eld were invited to the
school for talks and presentations.
The cookery session helped students rene their
culinary skills. They were made aware of ingredients
and their nutritional value. They prepared jaljeera,
pizza, chocolate mousse and other mouth-watering
dishes. Girls and boys, alike relished baking,

October-December 2013

Activity- based learning program with parents



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To make it more meaningful, live examples were

shared by Mr.Ajay Lochan Mathur, Director-VLM
and Mrs. Rekha Sharda, Principal-VLM from their
experiences in the eld of education. It involved
presentations with video examples by Mrs. Ankita
Kathpalia (Counselor) and Mr. Deepak Sharma (PD
Teacher). Making it an interactive session, parents
were asked to participate. Each parent was given a
balloon to inate and tie a thumb-knot within two
minutes (to create stress). This activity showed that
less ination results in a small balloon, over ination
results in burstage and adequate ination results in
a big balloon. Here, the balloon represented a child
and the ination represented the parents' pressure to
carve their child's path to success. With no further
explanation, it is clear that over pressurization by the
parents to maximize their child's result can be lethal.
The workshop involved 300 parents and played a
key role in the development of mature parents.

V.L.M Staff

Save Electricity Campaign

DAV Public School, Kukatpally,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
`Environmental care is the most protable investment.
A better environment means a better tomorrow.
Concerned about the atrocities meted out by us to
our mother earth, a thought sparked our minds to
create awareness among the masses in whatever little
way that we can. In this wake, a public awareness rally
was agged off by DAV Public School, Kukatpally,


as part of the `Save Electricity campaign under the

guidance of Principal Mrs. Vasantha. S. Raman.

Conserve electricity rally

It was a part of the inter-disciplinary project of

class X. The students of class X, along with their
teachers, covered the Vivekananda Nagar Colony to
create awareness among the public. They prepared
attractive placards and also distributed meaningful
pamphlets in English, Hindi and Telugu giving
practical tips on how to save electricity.
The rally was organized on 19 August 2013. In
the process of spreading awareness there was a lot
of self-realisation that happened. All the participants
felt that they have to be more responsible citizens
and preserve resources for the future generations.
Eco Clubs
St. John's High School,
Chandigarh, Punjab
The Eco-Club ran an Anti-Cracker campaign
on Diwali this year. It started with distributing
pamphlets in school and other schools through an
NGO called Yuvsatta. A poster making / bulletin
board competition on an Anti-Cracker Diwali was
also held on this occasion. Diyas were made and
given to children to encourage this cottage industry

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and to remind them about the traditional celebration

of Diwali.
Every year, crackers spread so much pollution
and cause injuries to people and animal. So, this year
the Johnians took a pledge against crackers. They
were also sensitized about the fact that child labour
is encouraged if we buy crackers.
The SWARM (Segregation of Waste and Recycling
Movement) group of St Johns also ran a drive to
sensitize their neighborhoods against crackers.
The class VII students were taken for Eco
Tourism on Childrens Day. Amidst nature, herbs
and medicinal plants, they enjoyed a sunny picnic
and learnt many new things.
Self-defense Training
Shanti Niketan Public School,
Agra, Uttar Pradesh

Manipur. 'Thang-Ta' is recognised by Indian Olympic

Association and School Games Federation of
India. In addition to this Shanti Niketan Group has
organised in its school campus the 3rd State ThangTa Championship 2013 on 25 October 2013.
Student participants from different cities of
Uttar Pradesh gathered at Shanti Niketan to show
off their martial arts skills. Captain Prabhanshu
Srivastava, CDO Agra was the Chief Guest of the
event and Mr. Rajesh Mishra, Secretary of SGFI
was the Special Guest. The Director, Dr. Abhishek
Gupta gave the vote of thanks.
Donate a Book Drive
Bhavans B.P. Vidya Mandir,
Nagpur, Maharashtra
The school organized a book donation drive on
30 July 2013 as a part of Readers Club Activity. The
books were donated to Vishwas Higher Secondary
School. A function was organized under the guidance
of the Secretary and Principal of the school,
Mr. Shriram Kale.
The programme started with lighting of lamp
and offering owers to Goddess Saraswati. The
guests were welcomed by the students of Vishwas
Vidyalaya by singing a welcome song.

3rd State Thang-Ta Championships

To empower its students, promote awareness,

build self-esteem and to escape potentially danger
situations, the school, started self-defense classes for
its students. Girls students are taking interest in selfdefense techniques. The school has been providing
'Thang-Ta', an Indian martial art style developed in

October-December 2013

Abhishek Kanhe, a member of Readers Club

in his speech told the students about their club and
various activities conducted throughout the year in
order to motivate the students to read books. The
teacher representatives Mrs. Alka Kumbhalkar, Mrs.
Ujjwala Dupare, Mrs. Shital Gujar, Smt. Geeta Dolas
and Mr. Lalit Godeshwar, present on this occasion,
donated books dealing with short, motivational and
inspiring stories and magazines. Mr. Shriram Kale,
in his speech congratulated and appreciated the Sr.
Principal Smt. A. Shastri for carrying out this noble
book donation drive. He also told the students that



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

reading can help them to bring a positive change in

the society in the coming years.
Mrs. Geeta Dolas addressed the students how
reading helps to develop the overall personality.
The book donation drive aimed to instill reading
habits amongst students of all sections of the society
and at the same time give students of the school a
chance to experience the joy of sharing.
Social Awareness Campaign on 100% Voting
and Heritage Club Activity,
Rukmini Devi Public School,
Pitampura, New Delhi
The school, has always taken pro-active steps
to reach out the community via various edu-social
programmes of public interest. Keeping the same
in perspective, the school in collaboration with
ofce of Chief Electoral Ofcer, Delhi, launched
the campaign, Campaign 100% Votingstreet play
Chaar December by the young Rukminians at various
vantage points in Delhi. The students sensitized the
masses on the importance of the right to vote and
how an individuals vote can bring about a change.
Mr. Neeraj Bharati, the Additional Electoral
Ofcer agged off the campaign at the school
premises on 19 November 2013. The students
presented the play in his presence. The play
highlighted that the day of voting is not a holiday
or day to relax rather a day of responsibility. The
Principal, Mrs. Anita Garg, remarked that voting
is the best way to get one's opinions heard. It also
helps democracy to prevail. The campaign raised
awareness amongst the masses on the signicance
of voting and how the vote of one individual can
make a difference.
Sheeshmahal Heritage Club Activity
History is not a thing of the past but a promise for the
-Thoreau Scholar Thomas Blanding


Play: Awareness about voting

Valuing and preserving the rich cultural heritage

of our country, the Heritage Club of the school
strives to instil in the students a sense of pride for
our tangible heritage. Through the Heritage Club,
students are made aware about the special art and
architecture of ancient, medieval and modern India.
As an initiative the Club has adopted Sheesh Mahal
at Shalimar Bagh and is committed to upkeep the
same. Joining hands with ASI, the members have
planned to bring back the glory of site, which is
presently in a serious state of neglect.
The members, along with the team of ASI, started
with cleaning campaign and planting of trees. It was
followed by a street play by the students of Heritage
Club wherein they aptly conveyed the message of
preserving our rich heritage. The students also took
the Oath - I am proud of the rich culture and heritage of
India. I will respect all monuments which are a part of my
countrys heritage. I will not scribble, deface or encroach upon
any monument. I pledge to render all possible help to conserve
and preserve our heritage. I along with my school mates will
endeavour to save and protect the heritage site at Sheeshmahal,
Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. The Principal, Mrs. Anita
Garg, opined that in todays scenario it is absolutely
imperative to mobilise awareness among students
about the enduring tapestry of our built heritage.

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From Looking to Learning

Bhavan Vidyalaya,
Panchkula, Haryana
An outdoor education complements in-class
learning by offering exciting learning experiences
and journeys to the young students. The School
plans such programs every year with equal focus on
classes LKG to XII.
The school believes in the principle of Education
in Recreation through fun lled journeys which
are designed to cater not only to Continuous and
Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) but also to
evaluate creative, technical skills and values based
learning of the students. The students who venture
out into the world independently come back as
globally aware and condent individuals.
The trips, tours, excursions and outings provide
an excellent platform for equipping the students
with various Life Skills like Thinking, Social and
Emotional Skills. At the same time these activities
help in developing the creative and technical skills
of students.

build interpersonal relationship and communication

These eld activities dont end up with visits
only; the learning from these is carried forward by
the students.
Chuppi Todo Campaign
Sardar Patel School,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
The school organizes awareness campaign and
awakening programmes quite often. Understanding
its social responsibility, the school recently organized
a very important social campaign Chuppi Todo: Break
the Silence.

Break the Silence Rally

Education in recreation

A plethora of outings are arranged every year like

camps and excursions which help in team-building
and sense of responsibility. Educational outing
and trips improves general awareness and scientic
temper. Exchange programmes help the students to
October-December 2013

A two-day Chuppi Todo Campaign was carried

out against abuse of children. Students of classes
III to IX rallied holding placards and shouting
slogans. A documentary lm Chuppi Todo made
by Sanjay Singh and Kishan was exhibited to the
students. The lm was of immense importance to
students as it taught them how to save themselves
from abusers and perpetrators. The school always
encourages students to have heart to heart talks with
their teachers and Principal as well to share their
problems, fears and grievances.
After the campaign, an interactive workshop was
arranged to sensitize students about this subtle issue



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

by the members of Child Helpline India. Every

student was made aware of the 24X7 emergency
helpline number - 1098. The project was carried
out under the guidance of the Principal Aditi Basu
Roy. Anna Tempra, a social worker from Madrid,
Spain and Usha Thakur, actively participated in the
Democracy through Demo Election
Vidya Bal Bhawan Sr. Sec. School,
Mayur Vihar, Delhi

Demo Election Activity in school

The school, recognized democracy through an

educational school activity on 19 October 2013 in the
school premises for the students of classes IX and
X on the Social Science chapter Indian Democracy.
The motive to organize this activity was to make
the students aware about the election process of
our country. Through this activity, students were
taught about the leadership qualities, how to form a
government., how the constitution works, procedures
of nomination for electoral candidature, the voting
system, campaigning process, how to caste vote and
the importance of individual vote in forming the
The process was started with the announcement

of the date of election on 5 October in the assembly.

This was followed by recruitment of Chief Election
Commissioner Aditya Gautam of Class X-A,
Election Commissioner Shivam Rawat of class X-B
and Shivendra Singh class X-D, Priyanka Agarwal
X-D Returning Ofcer, Presiding Ofcer Deepika
Nairula X-D, Shalini Jain and Simranjeet, Polling
Agent Kanika Sharma. The interested candidates had
to submit their candidature form on 8 October 2013
and the withdrawal date was 9 October 2013. The
scrutiny of the nomination forms was completed by
11 October 2013.
There were 3 rounds of campaigning
(presentation, debate and poster making). Before 12
hrs of election the campaigning was banned. On the
Saturday morning 19 October 2013 the election was
held in the respective venue given to the students.
Students visited the venue at 8:00 a.m. where their
ID card was veried by the polling ofcers with
the voter list and then the ballot paper was issued
to them to give vote. After voting, the ballot boxes
were sealed in front of the candidates. The boxes
were taken to the Election Commissioner for the
counting process. The counting was done in front
of the candidates and then the result was declared.
The elections were carried out for the post of
President, vice-president, Secretary, Joint Secretary
and Councellor. Four panels of each post were
The complete process was done under the
supervision of Principal, Dr. S. V. Sharma, S.St.
H.O.D Ms. Radhika Narayanan and her team Ms.
Juhi Negi, Ms. Smriti Jishtu and Ms. Shyanika. The
counting was completed by 12:00 noon and the result
was declared by the Returning Ofce. The Principal
addressed the students about the importance of
Individual Voter in forming the right government.
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In his address he also appreciated CBSE for its CCE

system, through which, students are able to do such
type of practical activities and learn through live
Each One Teach One
Vidyasthali Public School,
Dausa, Rajasthan

The idea was further expressed through various

activities like small skits, presentation, dramas,
shouting slogans on importance of education etc.
Students actively participated in the activity, to
motivate and encourage villagers for the same they
arranged for distribution of books, note books
stationary etc. The step initiated by the students
was not only appreciated by the villagers but also by
Vice-Zila Pramukh Mrs. Gulab Devi.
Nallapaadam Project
St. Gregorios English Medium School,
Palakkad, Kerala
Nallapadam project started on 18 June 2013. Mrs.
Soya Mathew and Mrs. Kumari P C were selected
as the co-ordinators of this project for the current
academic year. The High School students were
selected as the volunteers of the project.

Each One Teach One a speech by students of Vidyasthali Public

School, Dausa on important of education

"Each One Teach One" as the slogan suggests a

motivation for the educated class to do something for
those who are less or not at all educated. Keeping this
in view, the students of classes IX and X visited a few
villages in Dausa District to make people understand
the value of education and how knowledge can impart
the best virtues and values in them.

Chief Guest, Smt. Gulab Devei Meena (Vice Zila Pramukh)

at the event

October-December 2013

The Senior Bishop of the Arch Diocese of

Chengannur inaugurated the project during his
visit to Attapady hamlet. Malnutrition is the main
cause of death of children in Attappady hamlet.
We have adopted Kottamala hamlet and planned to
give bread, milk and egg to children and pregnant
women daily .

Knowledge shakes hands with community



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

With consent from Urumooppan (Adivasi Clan

leader) and in the presence of a Panchayath member,
we visited Kottamala hamlet on 25 June. Provision
for nutritional food was implemented on the same
day. On July 15 volunteers and co-coordinators
conducted a survey in Kottamala hamlet and
collected the details of aged people and pregnant
ladies. It has been observed that they too are facing
mal- nutrition. On the basis of this analysis we have
started distributing food to them.

like, in Germany, it is known as Reichstag, in Russia,

Supreme Soviet, in Spain, Cortes, in Brazil, National
Congress, in U.S.A Congress and Parliament in
India. To familiarize the students, the Social Science
Department, under the guidance of the Head of the
Department, took an initiative to present the Global
Youth Parliament, in which the students were
portrayed as representatives of different countriesU.S.A, India ,Germany, Italy, France, England,
Bangladesh, and Russia. They discussed issues
related to inequality, terrorism among nations and
how to overcome them to move towards achieving
the goal of Global Citizenship to achieve Universal
Fraternity and to understand and value the meaning
of brotherhood.

Holy touch to the needy

With the help of school management and

volunteers of our co-institutions, we have been able
to provide daily food to Kottamala hamlet for last
ve months.
Youth Parliament
Cambridge International School,
Jalandhar, Punjab
Students of classes V to X of Cambridge
International School, Jalandhar, participated
enthusiastically in a scripted enactment of Global
Youth Parliament.
To govern a democratic country, Parliament is a
necessity, as it is the biggest forum to debate on the
issues concerning a country. Elected representatives
sit in Parliament and discuss issues like development,
making laws and problems faced by a country.
Every democatic country has a parliament. It
is known by different names in different countries


Youth Parliament in action

Gift of Education
Manava Bharati India International School
New Delhi
Dr. Durga Prasad Pandey (1910- 1989), the
founder was a man of many virtues. Early in life,
he joined the struggle to free India from British
rule. This experience left him with a lifelong
concern for the welfare of those who uphold Indias
independence, values that the school continues to
After the Kargil War, MBIIS Chairman, Captain

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VK Pandey wanted to help children of soldiers who

laid down their lives in the service of our country.
With support of the Jat Regiment, he decided to help
educate such children. Admission to a school with a
spacious campus, modern facilities and an excellent
hostel resolves a major problem when these families
move to places without good educational facilities.
The proposal found favour and active support from
Lieutenant General K.K.Khanna, PVSM, AVSM,
BAR, Commandant, Indian Military Academy.
Lieutenant General Rajiv Bhalla, SM, VSM, Director
General of Military Training and Colonel of the Jat
Regiment has also come forward with their support
for the scheme.

places or even inside their home. All the girls from

class V onwards, along with their mother and lady
teachers, participated. The Martial Arts instructors
taught the students to defend themselves even if they
are empty-handed and caught in trouble. The Senseis
Mr. Sobodha Dhiman and Mr. Ajay Sharma have been
associated with the training of the NSG Commandos.
They have also trained personnels of the Indian
Navy and have imparted self-tdefence training to the
students of reputed school and colleges.

Self-defense workshop

Lieutenant Rajiv Bhalla (centre) and Captain Pandey interacting

with students at Manava Bharati auditorium.

The workshop helped in building the condence

of the students and also improve their physical
stamina. The initiative taken by the Principal
Mrs. Yashika Bhardwaj to raise the condence
of the students and teachers was appreciated and
acknowledged by the students and their parents.

Over the years, Captain Pandeys initiative has

benetted forty children of soldiers who lost their
lives while upholding our freedom.

Edu-Trip to Nagarhole,
K.L.E Societys School,
Bengaluru, Karnataka

Self-defense workshop for girls

Apeejay International School,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Students of class XII went on an educational

trip to Nagarhole, Karnataka, organized by WWF
(World Wide Fund for Nature). They also enjoyed
splashing water at Irupu Falls located on the highway
to Nagarhole. The students explored the beauty of
nature and wildlife. The objective of this trip was to
provide a learning opportunity to students and help
them grow physically and mentally.

The school, conducted a 10-day self-defense

workshop for women from 22 April 2013 to 3
May 2013. The workshop aimed to train the girls
to defend themselves in unwanted incidents at public

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

delight to watch and listen, and at the end of the

session, the students had nothing in mind and heart
except the desire to follow in his footsteps.

Students of class XII, preparing for trekking at

Nagarhole, Karnataka

Celebration of Global Dignity Day

The PSBB Millennium, OMR,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
The mission of celebrating Global Dignity Day
is to implement the universal right of every human
being to lead a dignied life. We all have the ability to
increase the dignity of others and thus we increase
our own dignity. The more dignity we have, the
brighter our world will be. With this in mind, on 16
October 2013, the school celebrated this prestigious
event in an eventful way.

The school also took the initiative to start a new

programme, "Learn to Share", on this day. In this
programme, students from the nearby slum area were
taught personal hygiene, social etiquettes, oratory
skills, and scaffolding in academics by student
volunteers from the senior classes. The children
were enthusiastic and bright, and had a vigour to
learn something new.
Many student volunteers also held placards, with
various quotes and proverbs related to dignity, near
the gates of the school. Badges were distributed, so
that the message of Global Dignity may be passed
Subodh App (Android Application)
Subodh Public School,
Jaipur, Rajasthan

Celebrating Global Dignity Day

To start off, a young entrepreneur and an

inspirational gure to the youth of India, Mr.
Sarathbabu Elumalai came to address the students.
With his sharp mind, genuine heart and well worn
hands, he taught a lesson in perseverance and
optimism. His friendly disposition made him a


Subodh Application

Puneet Verma of Std XII, developed an Android

Application Subodh, that works on Android
Smartphones with the following Unique features:-

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Download Admission Form.
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DPS Mandla Road Fosters the Little Chefs
Delhi Public School,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
With the motto of developing versatility in
the students, the school organized an astounding
competition on the charismatic hospitality and
aesthetic presentation skills of the Little Chefs.
The little chefs presented their multi cuisine
recipes prepared without re. About 200 students
participated and over 150 different types of food
items were prepared by them.

The Jury relished the dishes and were surprised

not only for their presentations but also by the taste
as well. Each dish was tagged with the entire details
about the cuisine and its recipe with their nutritional
value. Not only the girls, but also the boys showed
their overwhelming participation in which Simar
Singh bagged 1st Prize.
It was an appreciable move of the Primary Wing
which was hosted under the guidance and supervision
of Principal, Mrs. Aparna Choubey, Coordinator,
Rachna Mishra and her associates.
Community Outreach Sharing the needs of
the poor and sick
Citadel Residential School,
Ranny, Kerala
It was a proud moment for the students to visit
a poverty and sick stricken family residing near the
Aiytala, Ranni, Pathanamthitta district, Kerala. A
Malayalam daily had brought out a report on the
pathetic conditions of a family. Our school took the
rst step to visit them. A group of 60 students of
Class XI were guided on this visit by the Principal
Rev Fr. Biju John along with a team of four teachers
and the school PTA President.
The family consists of father, mother and two
daughters who have poor health condition.To help
this family, a collection campaign was conducted
by the Nallapadam team of the school both by
students and staff. The collected amount was Rs 1.4
lakhs. The amount was handed over to the school
Principal Rev. Fr. Biju John for forwarding it to the
family for their treatment.

Culinary skills on display

It incorporated snacks, beverages, desserts,

sorbet, salad and what not. All these savories were
aesthetically presented on the buffet with exquisite
toppings and dcor depicting their creativity.

October-December 2013

Raising funds was an ideal process for creating

awareness among students, the need to help the
deprived and disadvantaged and eventually to fulll
the duty towards the society being the responsible
citizens of India. Finally, the visit helped the
students realize that even disadvantaged people are



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

an integral part of our society and it is our duty to

reach out to them and give them a feeling that they
are still wanted in our community.
Pilot Internship Program
Tagore International School,
Vasant Vihar, New Delhi
The school launched its pilot Internship Program
for Classes X-XII during the summer of 2013.
This gave students an opportunity to gain on the
job experience in a desired industry that could help
them determine their career in the future. It also
provided them a chance, not only to live the ofce
life but also learn the reality of their dream job.
Sixty students from Classes X and XII interned with
professionals of their choice, ranging from Supreme
Court advocates, to Executive Chefs, to Fashion
Designer to pediatricians to cardiologists to lm
makers. Over half of the employers were enthusiastic
school parents who generously volunteered to
mentor these young minds.
Interested students applied with their resumes,
stating their choice of internship. Interviews were
conducted by the Principal, the Junior Headmistress
and the School Counsellor. The selected candidates
were then allotted their desired professions. Before
school closed for the summer vacations, the students
were advised about the dos and donts of their
assignments. Dates were assigned to each student
with the duration ranging from 3 days to about 2
The internship program was a resounding
success. It was an experiential learning for all. The
internships provided the students numerous perks:
They gained experience, developed skills, made
connections, strengthened their resumes, learned
indepth about a eld, and assessed their interest and
abilities. It involved a lot of brainstorming, learning,
interactions and tremendous effort. The summer


internship taught the students discipline, time

management and how to budget money too!
The internship program could not have been
better. I got to learn and understand the working
scenario and technical aspects of a lm studio,
said Jatin Sawhney, class X, who interned under
environmentalist lmmaker Mike Pandey.
Swasti Acharya, class XI, interned under Manav
Rath, Creative Director at TIC India advertising. She
helped design a logo for a Tata Motors marketing
Damini Babbar, class X, worked with the United
Nations Ofce on Drugs and Crimes events for
World Anti-Drug day. She attended talks and
interacted with many organizations, notably the
Population Council, regarding drug abuse in India.
Aradhika Chakraborty and Divyansha Dhawan
of class X interned with Creating Spaces the
Architectural Consultants. They examined the
architectural elements in construction sites, the
architectural softwares, oor plans used and the
numerous kinds of materials.
Saanchi Wadhwa of class X got the opportunity
to do an internship at S.P.A.C.E under the guidance
of Mr. Sachin Bahmba, C.M.D, S.P.A.C.E. She had
chosen to work in the Astrotourism department,
wherein her task was to design an executable and
viable product related to the concept of Astrotourism.
She designed a holiday plan to a suitable destination,
offering attractive astronomical activities to give the
tourists a hands- on astronomical experience along
with an enjoyable holiday.
Umesh Ganesh and Sahitya Rajagopalan interned
with Mrs. Simi Srivstava of Kathashala for a
Story-telling and Theatre workshop. It helped them
enhance communication skills and boosted selfcondence.
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The employers too were deeply impressed with

the internees. Dr. Arvind Kumar, Director of the
Institute of Robotic Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram
Hospital said, I was amazed at Sanyas ability to go into
the minor details in every clinical situation. In fact, while
reading her daily diary, I almost thought it had been written
by a resident doctor.
The Internship Program will now take place
biannually. Next summer, the school hopes to send
over 100 students on internships which are close to
their career interests.
Life Skills Advisories
Nirmal Bhartia School,
Dwarka, New Delhi

Life skills counselling

Mentors have been assigned to all students from

classes IX to XI in the ratio of ve students per
mentor. These provide support in a wide range
of issues related to adolescents, performance in
academics and co-curricular activities. The aim
of this programme is to ensure interaction on a
one to one basis to help the students to recognize
their strengths, needs and areas of improvement.
This would enable them to develop into sensitive,
condent and self-assured individuals.
At each level this programme comprises of three
key components:

October-December 2013

i) A summer project: Each of the students

is assigned a project to work on during the summer
This year, class IX students had to teach
their personal passion to a peer or an adult. Some of
the categories covered were art, mathematics, guitar
and cooking.
Class X students engaged themselves in
community work with an NGO or orphanage. They
contributed by donating stationery to the orphanage.
They also taught the children how to make friendship
bands with different designs. This was followed by a
session on dance where the children learnt a dance
on popular Hindi songs. Some students worked at
another NGO where they taught the children the
basics of using a computer and also played scrabble
with them.
All students of class XI participated in an
internship programme with Sulabh International
during the summer break. This involved an
introduction to Sulabh toilet technology, training
on healthcare, helping to create a database for
the Sulabh website and various aspects of public
health and sanitation. The students were exposed
to the demands of a formal work environment and
submitted a report based on their training. All the
projects were followed by sessions with the mentors,
where the students shared their experiences.
ii) Sessions on life skills: The students
go through sessions on various life skills such as
empathy, self-awareness, respect, planning, effective
communication and time management. These
sessions involve interesting activities and discussions
to impart these life skills.
iii) Academic counselling: In these sessions,
all students reect on their academic performance
to understand their strengths and weaknesses. They



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

also devise strategies with their mentors to help

them improve their performance in various subjects
and come up with a plan to achieve the targets that
they set for themselves.
Campion Community Service
Pidiyari Project
Campion School, Cochin, Kerala
As part of Manorama NALLAPADAM (Lifes
Good Lesson), the members of Nallapadam
Club of Campion School, organized PIDIYARI
Project. During the month of November, students
of Campion School, Edappally, collected the daily
needed commodities specially rice, pulses etc., as
they realized that service to the community is their

duty. The Principal Mrs. Leelamma Thomas thanked

the students and their parents for their generosity in
contributing to help the needy.
On 30 November, the NALLAPADAM CLUB
situated at Kakkanad, which is a shelter for the
homeless who are forced to live on the streets. It is
founded and run by Mr.TeruvoramMurugan, who
had been awarded by the Social Welfare Department
for his exemplary service towards the needy. Campion
school students spent some quality time with them
and helpedthem to imbibe new energy and zest in
their lives. The students distributed sweets and food
items. It was a joyful experience, when they saw the
smiles on the faces of people.

Members of nallapadam club


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

News From Administration

National Crossword Contest
On the eve of 100 years of Crosswords, the
nal round Sudha All India Inter-School Crossword
(SAIISC) Contest 2013 concluded at YMCA
auditorium in the Capital. Bihar State Milk Cooperative Federation Ltd (COMFED) a leading
brand of Northern India in association with Central
Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducted
SAIISC contest among afliated schools across the

country. This contest is the rst of its kind in the

country, conducted at the school round, 58 schools
were declared winners who participated in the
city round, from July 2013 to November 2013. 64
students from 32 schools qualied in the city round
who competed in the nals.
A souvenir was also released on the occasion
and prizes awarded to the winners and runners-up
among the nalists.

Press note on SAIISC

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Open Text- Based Assessment (OTBA)

The CBSE recommends that multiple modes
of assessment need to be provided to cater to the
varied individual strengths of the learners. It was,
therefore, decided to introduce an Open TextBased Assessment (OTBA) for classes IX and XI
from March 2014 Examination onwards. The text
materials with sample questions for classes IX and
XI have been uploaded on the CBSE academic
These are meant to incorporate analytical, critical
and evaluative skills, thus a signicant departure
from memorization. We hope that both teachers
and students will share and enjoy this journey of
exploring different aspects of learning.

CBSE Hosts Global Education Leaders

Programme (GELP)
The Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBSE) played host to the India leg of the 9th Global
Education Leaders Program (GELP) from 1125 October 2013 in New Delhi, bringing together
educators from across the globe.
GELP is a community of key education system
leaders, policy-makers, thought-leaders and worldclass consultants, collaborating to transform
education at the local, national and international

levels. The aim of the transformations is to equip

every learner with the skills, expertise and knowledge
to survive and thrive in the 21st century.

GELP participants during an interactive session at CBSE,

Rouse Avenue, New Delhi

The Chief Guest of the event, Dr. Shashi Tharoor,

Minister of State, MHRD, praised GELP for its
ability to provide students with tools and the right
skill sets to become successful, intelligent, discerning
individuals. Speaking on the occasion he said: "GELP
has brought together years of support and solutions
for the promotion of good education practices."
The India team, led by Shri Vineet Joshi,
Chairman, CBSE, has been involved in GELP since
2011. Shri Joshi said: "It is a pleasure to nd solutions
for a subject so close to our heart. As educators, the
onus to shape the curriculum, affecting the lives of
millions of students is very challenging and humbling
Also present at the event were Shri Rajashri
Bhattacharya, Secretary, School Education and Literacy,
Anthony Mackay and Vicki Phillips, Co-Chairs, GELP
and Dr. Sadhana Parashar, Director (Academics, Research,
Training and Innovation), CBSE.
Mr. Mackay appreciated Indias role in the GELP
and said, "India is a microcosm of the most amazing
communities in the world, not to mention with
respect to education. We are delighted to see some
of the most progressive education practices being
ideated by Team India."
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Approximately 75 educators participated from

Australia, Brazil, Finland, New Zealand and many
other countries. Team India has contributed to the
GELP by emphasizing that values-based education is
central to equipping students for an increasing interconnected world and society, a theme to be explored
in detail at the GELP Sydney event in May 2014.
Making Schools Future Ready
20th National




The 20th National Annual Sahodaya School

Conference resolved to create Future Ready Schools
equipped with emerging technologies and innovative
pedagogies while being rmly rooted in indigenous
traditions of lasting values. Values Education, Gender
Sensitization and Heritage Education has to become
a part of Continuous Professional Development of
teachers and Peer Educators as part of Life Skills
and School Health Programmes.

of Learning'. About 100 CBSE schools from across

the country took part in the Conference.
The Conference was inaugurated by Shri Rajeev
Sethi, Chairman, Asian Heritage Foundation,
New Delhi, in the presence of Shri Vineet Joshi,
Chairman, Dr.Sadhana Parashar, Director (ARTI),
CBSE and Shri Dharamveer Singh, President,
Amritsar Sahodaya.
Shri Joshi emphasized that teachers and Principals
should adapt to the evolving technologies of the
21st Century which would not only help them tackle
obstacles but also make them adept to take on the
future. "It is important to vocationalise education so
students learn how to apply what they learn in the
classroom," he said.
The Conference included sessions on e-learning
technologies, innovations, preparing global learners
and educating leaders, empowering teachers through
technology and vocationalisation of education.
The Vice-Chancellor, Guru Nanak
University, Shri Ajaib Singh Brar along with the
Chairman, CBSE and other dignitaries were present
at the valedictory session. Shri Brar, while talking
about the challenges and needs of education in
the 21st Century, said: "There is an urgent need
to personalise education. It is important that we
understand that students have differential learning
patterns and nurture them accordingly. This will
make teachers global leaders and students global
CAER Activities
Centre for Assessment Evaluation & Research

Glimpses of the 20th Annual Sahodaya Conference, Amritsar

The three day Sahodaya Conference organized by

Amritsar Sahodaya, under the aegis of CBSE took
place from 8-10 November 2013. It was based on
the theme 'Future Ready Schools Leading the Future

October-December 2013

The Centre for Assessment, Evaluation and

Research has been working to develop a culture of
assessments in the school community under the
global assessments expertise and vision provided
by Prof. Jim Tognolini, Senior Vice-President



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Assessments and Research, Pearson and Oxford

University, and Dr. Jon Twing, Executive VicePresident and Chief Measurement Ofcer, Pearson
Education. The Centre's Director, Mrs. Sarita Manuja
has been ably supported by Dr. Sadhana Parashar,
Professor & Director, (A, R,T& I) in a number of
recently launched efforts that are centred around the
following four global trends:

ATP Module 1 at DAV International School, Amritsar:

Training of 71 participants; (Sarita Manuja, Director, CAER with
Anjana Gupta, Principal)

Move from norm-referenced to standardsreferenced assessment

Move from examination-based systems for
certication towards the inclusion of a component
of school-based assessments
Move towards the use of technology in large
scale assessments
Use of evidence-based decision making

The Centre has trained over 1700 teachers on the

Assessment Training Programme (ATP). Over 60%
of teachers who had attended Module 1 registered
for Module 2. They reported that this consolidated
their new understanding of standards referencing
and constructing quality assessment tools and they
were looking forward to enrolling for Module 3.
The Centre has also been engaged by the CBSE to
monitor and evaluate the trainings delivered by the
CBSE Empanelled Agencies.
The Centre also rolled out a series of publications
for the teaching community on assessments. The
Assessment Monographs and Bulletins on Writing
Quality Multiple Choice Items and Constructed
Response Items guide teachers to write quality
assessment tasks. Schools are invited to subscribe to
these publications and make them available to their
staff. The Centre's website has now been upgraded
to facilitate discussion forums on assessments.
Registration for trainings and other events will
now be possible online. Subscription to CAER
publications may also be made via the website.
The CAER Research division has completed and
presented research in the following four areas:
Research report 1: Some Possible Options for
Aggregating Subject Examinations at the Level
of Scores for Entry into Indian Institutes of
Research report 2: Evaluation of the validity
and functioning of the test the Central Teacher
Eligibility Test, (CTET) Nov 2012
Research report 3: Compilation of the Structure
of Grade XII Question Papers for different School
Examination boards
Research report 4: Evaluation of the Item
Functioning of the Test, JEE (Main), 2013

Nagaland Board Ofcers' Training by CAER


The CAER, in partnership with the CBSE, is

organizing an International Conference on Theme:
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Global Trends in Large-scale Assessments scheduled

for 28 and 29 April 2014, New Delhi. The Conference
will bring together national and international experts
in assessments to promote exchange of ideas and
generate awareness in modern assessment theory.
National Education Day
The CBSE commemorated the birth anniversary
of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the legendary
freedom ghter and the rst Education Minister
of independent India by celebrating the National
Educational Day at National Science Centre.

A presentation on Human Rights and Social Equality

The National Education Day is celebrated every

year on 11 November. CBSE has introduced themes
for schools every year and this years theme was
Human Rights and Social Equality.
The Chief Guest of the event, ShriVineet Joshi,
Chairman, CBSE felicitated 15 school teachers and
students for their contribution towards community
At the occasion, Shri Vineet Joshi said, CBSE
strives to make each student a good human being by
encouraging them to be compassionate towards the
society. Our focus is not only on academics, we also
seek to create sensitivity towards the community
amongst students. This will make them responsible
citizens. The acknowledgement of teachers and
students undertaking various social initiatives and
bringing about a difference underlines this very
vision of CBSE.
October-December 2013

Dr. Sadhana Parashar, Director (ART&I),

complemented on the brilliant work done by the
children and said, The objective of CBSE behind
celebrating National Education Day is to acknowledge
a teacher and a student who have gone that extra
mile to connect with people and done something for
uplifting the status of the downtrodden.
More than 200 schools had sent applications out
of which 15 were selected to be part of the nal
event and were awarded certicates and cash prizes.
Earn Your Strips
CBSEs association with
Saevus magazine has been
an enriching and fruitful
journey, not just in terms
of creating awareness about
the precarious state of our
magnicent tigers, but also in seeing so many young
and talented children participate wholeheartedly and
give their best to a cause they believed in. The 14,000
odd CBSE schools across the country showed an
overwhelming response to the event, and students
from all over came together to make Global Tiger
Day a grand success, through all the stages.
Leading the event in Junior, Senior and
Intermediate levels, the young Tiger Warriors
participated in all the levels with great enthusiasm.
Held in three rounds, the Global Tiger Day event
reached its rightful nale in wild Ranthambhore,
where the young warriors experienced the joy of
seeing the majestic animal in its natural habitat,
besides showcasing their talents through cultural
programmes and intermingling with wildlife experts
and forest ofcers.
The winners of the events different rounds won
hefty scholarships for their skills, and were felicitated
by leading lights from the wildlife world. The Tiger
Warrior trophy awarded to all participating schools to
mark the success of the event shall stand as testimony



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

to the growing need for creating awareness among

the youth, as well as a reminder of the immense and
positive potential within our children, who carry
on their young shoulders the promise of creating a
better world.

the Honorable Chief Guest, Dr. M. M Pallam Raju,

Human Resource Minister, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Govt. of India. Shri Vineet
Joshi, Chairman, CBSE addressed and welcomed
the gathering on the occasion. The ceremony
commenced with the release of the annual magazine
Sandarshika and the Indian Journal of School
Health and Well-being by Dr. M. M. Pallam Raju
along with the CBSE ofcials.

Ready for Safari

2nd International Life Skills, Values, Gender,

School Health and Well-being Summit
The CBSE in collaboration with Expressions
India organized the prestigious 2nd International
Life Skills, Values, Gender, School Health and
Wellbeing Summit 2013 from 16-18 December at
the National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi. The ambit
of the Summit has been extended this year, linking
life skills education further to values education and
gender sensitivity. The Summit was inaugurated by
Shri Vineet Joshi, Chairman CBSE. The inaugural
function also included other guests like Dr. Sadhana
Parashar, Director (ART&I), Dr. Jitendra Nagpal,
Programme Director, Expressions India and
renowned Bharatnatyam exponent Geeta Chandran
among others.

The Honourable Human Resource Minister Dr. M. M. Pallam

Raju at the 2nd International Life Skills Values, Gender,
School Health & Well-being Summit

The students from various schools performed on

various pertinent themes related to the summit. The
ceremony culminated with the prize distribution and
vote of thanks by Dr. Jitendra Nagpal, Programme
Director, Expressions India.
CBSE KATHA 'I love Reading'
Program 2013

More than 180 schools from different parts of

India and UAE actively participated in the Summit.
The unique aspect of this years program was to create
a countrywide presence of the events at 14 regional
summits, between SeptemberNovember 2013.

The CBSE-Katha search for excellence workshop

with children has been initiated to enhance the
creative writing and Haiku skills of children so as
to give them an opportunity to choose writing as
acareer. Around 600 students were handpicked from
CBSE schools around the country to learn Haiku and
write stories as part of the CBSE-Katha initiative, a
creative writing and translation competition which
kicked off in July.

The Valedictory Ceremony of the Summit was

held on the 18 December 2013 and presided over by

The Board received around 4000 entries for the

contest. 500 CBSE schools from across India with


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

around 3000 children (grades IV to XII) participated

in the search for excellence. In October 1600 children
were handpicked through a rigorous process with an
eye for quality. They were invited to the Regional
workshops in Chennai and Delhi.

Creative Dramatization

The three-day workshops had master-classes by

experts and meetings with publishers and literary
agents and even a chance of becoming a published
writer. Besides, there was a National Workshop for
teachers and parents too.

Parents, teachers and participants interact with the Resource Person

The select entries from the workshop made it to

the Katha Utsav held from 27 to 30 December 2013
in Delhi where the best story and translation was
National Science Exhibition
The CBSE organised the 10th National Science
Exhibition centering around the theme of "Science
and Society.

October-December 2013

Science Exhibitions are encouraged in different

educational institutions for its pedagogical
phenomena based on practical knowledge and skills.
The activity aims at providing a common platform
to schools, teachers and students to give shape to
their innovative ideas and learn from each others
experiences. The exhibitions were organized in
different parts of the country at Regional level (July/
August) and the National Finals were held from 4-6
October 2013.
The participants presented exhibits on various
integrals of society namely, industry; natural
resources and their conservation; transport and
communication, information and education
technology, community health and environment and
mathematical modelling. The event showcased the
talent of 524 students from 262 schools across India
and overseas.
Twenty-four best exhibits were selected as
winners comprising of schools including Kendriya
Vidyalaya, Nal Campus, Karnataka; DPS Vasant
Kunj, New Delhi; La Montessori School, Kullu,
Himanchal Pradesh; Sri Kumaran Children's Home
English School, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
The selected exhibits were forwarded to NCERT
for selection to take part in the 40th Jawaharlal Nehru
National Science, Mathematics and Environment
Exhibition (JNNSMEE). The Exhibition was
inaugurated by President of India, Shri Pranab
Mukherjee on the occasion of National Education
Day (11 November 2013) at Gangtok, Sikkim.
The initiative by CBSE underlines the importance
of learning outside the classroom. The exhibition
not only sought to augment inquisitive scientic
learning and its diverse subjects; but also urged
students to understand and appreciate the intimate
interrelationship among Science, Society and



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Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

CBSES Assessment of Speaking and

Listening Skills in English
The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
(CCE) Scheme has clearly outlined the signicance of
speaking and listening skills in English, as co-scholastic
areas of achievement for every learner. It also integrates
the evaluation of speaking and listening skills as a part
of the classroom curriculum transaction.

The ve-day training sessions for Master Trainers/

ASL-Examiner Trainers are being conducted across
the country. The ASL-ETs have been identied
through a competency test conducted online by
Trinity College London, who then cascade the
2-day training for teachers in afliated schools. The
ASL training is an effort to make teachers aware of
the various dimensions of teaching and testing of
speaking and listening skills.
The rst online materials for the ASL for classes
IX and X have been designed and uploaded for use
by all the schools through the Boards Integrated
Management Systems [ITMS] and Nodal Ofcers
have been appointed to respond to queries in this
regard. A system of collection of evidence enables
the Board to keep abreast of the projects progress.
International Conference of
School Principals

ASL Workshop at Hyderabad

The Formative Assessment [FA] of speaking

and listening skills, along with other skills, has
been formally provisioned under CCE. However,
in the absence of Summative Assessment [SA] the
learners prociency was not positioned in speaking
and listening; as a result, very little or no importance
was given to these skills. As effective communication
skills raise the condence level and self-esteem of a
student, they are recognized as crucial life-skills for
the 21st Century.
With these considerations, CBSE had introduced
the Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills
[ASL] in classes IX to XI in term-end examinations.
The pilot project of ASL was taken up by the CBSE
in collaboration with Trinity College London. The
introduction of ASL not only gives an opportunity
to students to hone their skills, but also gives enough
practice to teachers to build their own capacity in
developing their skills further.


Academicians, administrators, educators and

other stakeholders have often debated the virtues
of professional development and have suggested
prescriptions to teachers. Principals as school leaders
have rarely had opportunities to debate, discuss
challenges and charter their course.
It is in this context that Principals Forum and
Times Foundation organized second edition of a two
day "International Conference of School Principals,
2013' on 18 and 19 October 2013.
CBSE was one of the academic partners and
Sahodaya Schools Complex, Ghaziabad, the
organizer of the Conference.
More than 300 Heads of institutions, Principals,
Vice-Principals and School Management from across
the country congregated, shared their experiences,
discussed, debated and brainstormed:- Paradigm
Shift in leading 21st Century Schools.
The Chief Guest of the conference was Mrs.
Vrinda Swarup, Additional Secretary, Elementary

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Education, MHRD. Shri Vineet Joshi, Chairman

CBSE, was one of the keynote speakers.

The examination for the same was held in two


Mrs. Swarup spoke about the state of education

in India. She presented statistics on enrolment
of students at elementary, secondary and senior
secondary levels and emphasized on the role of
schools as agents of change and reiterated the role
of school leaders in this process.

1st Stage: Zonal Informatics Olympiad (ZIO),

held on 23 November, 2013 (A written examination
to test the aptitude of the students, their logical
competence, problem-solving skills and critical

CBSE Creates Foreign Cell

With an increasing number of schools going
international worldwide, the CBSE has created a
Foreign Schools Cell (FSC) which will ensure that
CBSE schools outside India are given the right
academic and administrative support.
The FSC is incharge of CBSE afliated schools
in 25 countries worldwide. It will serve as a singlepoint contact for foreign schools to coordinate and
resolve complaints and look into the needs of more
than 60,000 students who have registered with the
Besides ensuring that schools receive proper
professional advice, the ofcials will also make sure
a proper support system exists for schools offering
the curriculum.
Enrichment Activities

The Indian National Olympiad in Informatics

is an annual nationwide competition organized
CBSE is conducting the National
Informatics Olympiad in collaboration with the
Indian Association for Research in Computing
Science (IARCS), Mumbai, across the country and
This year the examination is open to all the
students of classes VIII to XII studying in schools
afliated to CBSE as well as other Boards in the
October-December 2013

2nd Stage: Indian National Olympiad in

Informatics INOI to be held on 18 January, 2014.
The selected candidates will be called for intensive
training for the nal selection of the candidates for
the International Olympiad. Informatics Olympiad
gives a lot of exposure and development of


The role of Mathematics

cannot be denied in the
age of rapid technological
advancements and innovations.
After according the status
of an independent group by
National Board of Higher
Mathematics (NBHM) in 1997,
CBSE has been conducting
Group Mathematical Olympiad
(GMO) every year with an aim to strengthen the
knowledge of the students, enhance their innate
problem solving skills and to identify talent at a
young age.
This year the Olympiad was held on 1 December
2013 at selected venues in different parts of the
country leading to participation in the International
Mathematical Olympiad. (The GMO for Rajasthan
was held on 15 December 2013),
The top 30 students from CBSE group will
participate in Indian National Mathematical
Olympiad (INMO) conducted by National Board
of Higher Mathematics (NBHM) for nal selection
leading to participation at the International
Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education


The Board organizes a nationwide campaign to

harness the creative and innovative spirit of school
children in collaboration with National Innovation
Foundation-India (NIF). The entries were invited in
the following area:

country were received from 1 September 2012 to 31

August 2013.
The awards were announced on 15 October
2013, birthday of Honble Former President of
India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam which is celebrated
as Childrens Creativity and Innovation Day.

Technological ideas to solve problems in day

to day life.



Real life technological projects demonstrating

innovative ways of solving problems reducing
drudgery, generating efciency or conserving
Traditional knowledge practices documented
from elders in and around the family.

The CBSE is collaborating with the Ministry

of Power, Government of India in association
with Bureau of Energy Efciency in launching the
National Awareness Campaign 2013. A Painting
Competition on energy conservation has been
included as one of the activities of the campaign.

Information about other innovators in the


It is being held in three stages: School, State and

National Level for the students of classes IV to IX.

About 20,836 submissions of students from 301

districts of 33 States and Union Territories of the

Children could select any one of the following

topics for the Painting Competition

Category A 2 hours (IV-VI)

Save Money Practice Energy Conservation

Category B 2 hours (VII-IX)

Energy Conservation A Vision of the Future

Bijli Bachao, Har Ghar main Prakaash Lao (Save Electricity, Energy Conservation is the Foundation of Energy Security.
Illuminate every home)

Save one unit a day, Keep power cut away


Energy Efciency is a Journey not a Destination

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The National Wildlife Quiz

In its 6th Annual Edition, The Wild Wisdom
Quiz was held in 17 cities across India. The winners
from all the 17 cities then came together on the 4
October 2013 during Wildlife Week in WWF-India,
New Delhi to compete for the top positions in the
National Level Quiz.
The Wild Wisdom Quiz is an initiative of WWFIndia supported by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MoEF) and CBSE. Being the only National

Wildlife Quiz in India, Wild Wisdom is a unique

opportunity for students to deepen their sense of
wonder about the natural world and enhance their
knowledge about Indias ora and fauna. It is a
singular competition in which the onus is on learning
rather than on scores.
The Chief Guest at the event was Dr. Sadhana
Parashar, Director (ART & I) CBSE.The quiz saw
participation from 565 schools and 25669 Students
from 44 cities and 23 states from across India.

CBSE WWF QUIZ in various cities

October-December 2013


ls c slsd

Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education
he Central B ard f S
l Bo d

International Ozone Preservation Day

Many CBSE schools
celebrated International
Day for Preservation
of Ozone Layer on 16
September 2013. The
Board initiated this concept
to create awareness about
this environmental hazard
among CBSE students.
The activity sets were given to students from
classes VI, VII and VIII to design posters. The
students participated in different events, namely
slogan writing, speech, quiz and essay competitions
based on the theme. The activities emphasized the
importance of ozone in protecting the earth from
the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun and the
harmful effects of pollution and the importance of
celebrating the international day as designated by the
United Nations.


CBSE directed the schools to submitted the best

entries in various categories to respective Sahodayas
that coordinate with afliated schools in different
CBSE and TERI conducted the Green Olympiad
and TERI Quiz on 25 August and 29 September 2013
on the theme Me and My Environment. The quiz
was open to students of classes VIII-X. The top 32
schools, seven from each zone and four from the
international group were selected to take part in this
national environment quiz. The questions were drawn
from topics of daily concern, both local and global;
attractive audio visuals imparted a unique favour to
this quiz. This quiz programme was an interesting
pedagogical tool for students. Being an extremely
effective medium to convey crisp messages in a short
period of time, it contained an inherent element of
knowledged and competition.

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Academic Updates
Workshop on Framing Effective MCIs
Sacred Heart Convent School,
Ludhiana, Punjab
A two day Assessment Training Programme was
conducted at Sacred Heart Convent School by the
Centre for Assessment, Evaluation and Research
on 4 and 5 October 2013. It aimed at constructing
quality Multiple Choice Items (MCIs) and improving
classrooms assessment practices to meet the
requirement of CCE.

were instructed to prepare a practical assignment of

MCIs and administer it in the classroom situations.
The compiled evaluation of the result has to be
submitted to CAER.
Ms. Sarita Manuja, Director, CAER, had a brief
interaction with the participants. The seminar was
appreciated for enhancing awareness and condence
about the effective use of assessment tools by
Celebration of Vigilance Awareness Week
D.A.V. Public School,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Workshop conducted by CAER

35 teachers from 12 schools participated

enthusiastically in the module 1 of the integrated
programme. The Resource Person, Ms. Mansa
Pandey, a master trainer and a linguist, elucidated
the basic concepts. She stressed on the essential
difference between the difculty and cognitive level
of questions. The participants reviewed the quality
of several test papers and constructed a subject
wise question bank of Multiple Choice Items. They

October-December 2013

Vigilance Awareness Competition winner felicitated

The Vigilance Awareness Week was observed

from 1 to 6 November 2013, during which various
competitions were organized among the students.
On the closing day, the school had the honour
of receiving Sri Sanjay Kumar Kaushal (S.P,
Vigilance Department, BBSR) as Chief Guest who
congratulated and encouraged students to observe



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

the birthday of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel as the

National Vigilance Day. Further, he emphasized
on Vedic Culture. Principal Dr. (Mrs.) Bhagyabati
Nayak stressed on being vigilant in all walks of life
by making the students take a pledge. Finally the
winners of various competitions were felicitated.

Sanchita Binjola stood rst in essay writing followed

by Aditya Sargam, who stood second. In postermaking, Ayesha Khan and Padmini Soni stood rst
and second respectively.
A seminar Need to Eliminate Corruption for
Improving Governance was also organized for
students of classes IX and X. The Director Mr. P. D.
Singh awarded the students and apraised that without
good governance, no amount of developmental
schemes can bring in improvements in the quality
of the life of the citizens.

The participants

Vigilance Awareness Week

TPS Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Vigilance Awareness Competitions

Vigilance Awareness Week

DAV, Kansbahal, Odisha

Poster making in progress

The school celebrated Vigilance Awareness

Week by conducting various activities to in
calculate the basic idea and create awareness about
good governance and explain its importance. The
theme wasPromoting good governancePositive
Contribution of Vigilance. An inter-house poster
designing, slogan and essay writing competition
was organized for students of classes VI to VIII.


The school observed the period between 28

October to 2 November as Vigilance Awareness
Week. To make the students conscious of the need
to ght against corruption, a Cartoon-cum-Slogan
Competition was held for classes VI and VII. The
cartoons were exhibited along the corridors of the
school to convey the message to all. More than
40 students of class VIII participated in an essay
competition on Good Governance Need of the
The culmination of the observance was on
2 November 2013. During the School Assembly
the Principal, Mrs. Rashmi Mishra, addressed the

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

students on the need to be aware of corruption

around us and the need for personal integrity
to combat it. She exhorted the students to ght
corruption. It was stressed that only honest persons
can ght and win against corruption. After this, the
staff took the anti-corruption oath to uphold fair
practices and to work for common good. The weeklong observance succeeded in focusing the minds
of the DAVians of the need for vigilance to defeat
Play Yahan sab chalta hai

The play was an eye-opener to all the teachers,

students and parents. Students became aware of
how to use RTI for their betterment and to be more
vigilant against the social evils which degrade the
living standards of the society.
Vigilance Awareness Week
The Asian School, Bahrain

Taking Oath against corruption

Vigilance Awareness Week

Blue Bird High School, Panchkula, Haryana
The school observed Vigilance Awareness Week
from 28 October to 6 November to mark the Birth
Anniversary of Sadar Vallabh Bhai Patel. During the
week a number of activities were organized which
included Poster making on the theme of Taking
Bribes, speeches and paragraph writing on social
evils etc. The highlights of this vigilance week
was a play Yahan Sab Chalta Hai, performed by
the students of VII and VIII classes, based on the
theme Corruption and social issues like eve teasing,
harassment of women etc. It also showed the true
picture of some bad elements in our society who
cheat the common man and play on the emotions of
innocent people for their selsh ends.
October-December 2013

The school observed the Vigilance Awareness

Week from 28 October to 2 November in full earnest
and fervor. At the school assembly Mrs. Molly Tresa
Mammen, Principal announced the campaign and
stressed on the role that children can play in ghting
corruption. Teachers were allotted duties and Mrs.
Namagiri Lakshmi from Dept. of Social Science was
the coordinator of the campaign.
The campaign consisted of various activities
like poster-making, slogan-writing, essay-writing,
story-writing etc. Students showed great interest in
bringing out their thoughts in different creative ways.
Many of the creations were outstanding in terms of
the theme and of the artistic and literary quality.
On 2 November, the nal day of the campaign,
a special lecture was organized. The speaker was



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Mrs. Meera Ravi, Editor, Salaam Bahrain, a

leading monthly. Being a journalist, she effectively
elaborated on the topic. Corruption, in any form,
anywhere in the world would affect one and all; you
and I, she said. It was a new piece of information
for many students to hear about The Transparency
International. The interactive session was also very
interesting. Students shared their ideas about ghting
corruption. By the end of the programme, students
vowed not to become a victim but to ght against
corruption. The school resolved to observe the
International Anti Corruption Day on 9 December.

the youth of a country can bring about change in

the governance, provided they remain, accountable
to the society and the nation.

The Interview session

Several political issues that especially focus on

the sufferings of the common man were brought to
the limelight through drawing and paintings, display
and discussions, seminars and debates organized by
the Literary Club. The highlight of the programme
was the interviews conducted by the students of
class IX.
Children against corruption

Corruption Free Society

Sister Nivedita School,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
The Vigilance Awareness Week is observed from
28 October to 2 November in almost all parts of
India. The main aim for the observance of vigilance
week is to bring to the notice of the public how
corruption is eroding the basic values in the country
and why people must join hands to ght corruption
and create a corruption free society.
The school actively participated in the promotion
of Vigilance Awareness - Need to Eliminate
Corruption for Improving the Governance, to
inculcate the basic idea of good governance because


National Vigilance WeekSardar Patel's Ideology

Sardar Patel School, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
The school celebrated National Vigilance Week.
Values-based Poem Recitation Competition for
classes I and II, Just a Minute competition for classes
III and IV, Speech Competition for classes V and
VI, poster making competition for classes VII and
VIII and Debate Competition for class IX were held.
The school also organized an inter-house English and
Hindi Anti-Corruption Slogan-writing and Poster
making Competitions.
A seminar on the Need to eliminate corruption for
good governance was organized on 9 November 2013
as per the Boards recommendation. Eminent speakers

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

like Sudesh Verma, Rakesh Tripathi, Sanjay Muttoo

from the eld of journalism were present. Anindita,
a Journalism student from DU and Educationist Dr.
Yashvir Singh addressed the gathering. Principal,
Aditi Basu Roy moderated the session. Students and
teachers raised important questions expressing their
apprehensions and grievances.

towards the growth of the modern education system,

with special reference to RTE. A Science Exhibition
was organized by the students of class VII.
CBSE Workshop on CCE and FA
Gyan Ganga International School,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
The school organized a training programmecum-workshop on CCE and FA on 4 October
2013 in collaboration with CBSE, New Delhi. The
programme was conducted in the school auditorium;
Mrs. Reena Dargan and Mrs. Sumathi Venugopalan
from Nagpur were the resource persons. Mr. P.S.Kalra
was present during the workshop as an observer from
CBSE. Principals and teachers from different schools
and states participated in this workshop.

Speaking against corruption

National Education Day Celebrated

Royal Palace School,
Jamkhandi, Karnataka

CCE- Workshop for teachers

The seminar

The school celebrated National Education Day

on 11 November 2013 to mark the 125th Birth
Anniversary of our rst Education Minister Bharat
Ratna Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. On this occasion,
a seminar was organized inviting the eminent
Educationists of the locality. Teachers and Students
of classes IX and X actively participated highlighting
the contributions of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

October-December 2013

The programme was inaugurated by the Director

of GGIS, Shri Nitin Jain who observed I rmly
believe that such workshops denitely help the
teachers fraternity in not only enhancing the students
assessment but also in performing their work.
The workshop was divided into four sessions and
each session consisted of detailed description and
explanation regarding Continuous and Comprehensive
Evaluation (CCE) and Formative Assessment (FA)
in CBSE schools. Various spheres were covered in
the workshop such as meaning and grading of co-



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

scholastic and scholastic areas, classroom scenario,

features of CCE, different stages of assessment,
ve point grading scale descriptive indicators ,work
education, co-curricular activities etc.

Audience in rapt attention

Activities were conducted by the Resource

Persons to make the sessions more interesting and
clear. Teachers and Principals from different CBSE
schools cleared their doubts regarding the pattern
and assessment.
Speaking on the occasion, the Venue Director and
school Principal Dr. Rajesh Chandel, expressed his
gratitude and thanked the Resource Persons and the
participants from different schools and appreciated
CBSEs initiative to conduct these workshops across
the country to make CCE and FA stronger.
Science Workshop for Juniors
D.A.V. Centenary Public School, New Delhi
The school has started Science Technology
Engineering Mathematics Club for the students
of Classes III to X. Under this club, students get
a chance to perform various scientic activities like
Glider-making, Robotics, Parachute-Launch, Rocket
launch etc.
It was a good platform for the students to explore
and experiment with scientic concepts put into
practical use, thus making learning so much more
The inculcation of scientic approach and lateral
thinking are the underlying objectives of the club.

Learning and doing

English Project Week

Darshan Academy Sen. Sec. School,
Ludhiana, Punjab
The school observed The Reading Project Week
as slated by CBSE for this current year, 2013. Reading
has become a regular feature in Darshan Academy.
Everyday, a DEAR (Drop Everything and Read)
period is observed. It started on 25 November 2013
and ended on 30 November 2013. The ultimate
aim of this Project Week was to make the students
condent, aware of their all around development
and attain perfection in linguistics. In this sphere,
they channelized their literary talent in the form
of compositions, reading comprehensions, puzzle
games and role plays.
Different activities performed created a deep
impact on students learning process and turned the
Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

schools environment into an English workshop.

Special assemblies were conducted, in which ,
students gave colourful and lively performance like
radio mirchi, radio jockey, interviews, self composed
poems, role plays etc.
The tender minds assimilated new ideas and
attitude. The students were fully equipped with
quantum materials to succeed in their tasks. Each
task was done in stipulated time. The students
maintained a balance between reading and speaking.
The academys Project Weeks efforts also achieved
the target to use the week for excellence in all the
four skills as it was its main goal. The week concluded
with a book fair and an exhibition open to visitors.

Learning and application skills

CCE and CCA Awareness Workshop

G. D. Goenka Public School,
Amritsar, Punjab
Workshops play an ever signicant role to enrich
the ongoing knowledge process of the students/
teaching fraternity. They provide a person with
the much-needed insight into the various facets of
the curriculum. So in order to compare the pros
and cons of the old as well as prevalent system of
education, a training session was arranged for the
benet of the teachers of the G.D. Goenka Public
School, to clarify the signicance for implementing

October-December 2013

CCE as well as CCA in regular day to day teaching

and to smoothen the transaction of the curriculum.
The Resource Person and Educationalist: Mrs.
Priyadarshini Kelkar has been in the teaching for
more than 30 years. She an advocate of stress free
education is instrumental in implementing Continuous
and Comprehensive Evaluation in her capacity as the
Education Ofcer. She has also promoted Life Skills
education, Disaster Management, Capacity Building,
Integration of Technology in Education and
Integrated Studies. She is the founder Chairperson of
Central Gujarat Sahodaya complex of CBSE schools
having 27 member schools.
Mrs. Kelkar highlighted the reasons for the
change to the current pattern of education at the
very onset of the session. According to her, CCE
reduces the stress level by including a special life
skills period with a dened syllabus as stated in the
curriculum. She also stressed that Evaluation should
not be used as a deterrent but as a diagnostic tool
for empowering learning in continuum and turn it
into a comprehensive learning. She also emphasised
the need to conduct the Formative Assessments in
the true spirit with its main features, highlighting the
diagnostic and remedial aspects of teaching learning
strategy, providing a constructive feedback to the
students, making sure of their active involvement in
the learning and adjusting, the teaching methodology
on account of this assessment. She went on to
suggest that the teachers need to use a variety of tools
keeping in mind the learning styles of the students,
taking their abilities into consideration, to share the
assessing criterion with them, allowing them to self
as well as peer assess along with providing them
an opportunity to improve. The activities designed
should be structured clearly with dened objectives
in mind and the steps to be followed decided prior
and discussed with the concerned lot. Role plays to
be included as an essential part of the classroom



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

teaching as it helps the students to identify with

strategic concepts in any area. Conducting multidisciplinary projects, covering all subjects in the
school premises itself after asking students to collect
facts and gures and the relevant information for
the task.
Exposure in the co-scholastic eld will give them
a much needed boost in the right direction which
will take care of their unmanaged and uncontrolled
anger, lack of emotional security due to nuclear family
set up and time constraint of the working parents,
lack of knowledge about practical situations, high
expectations of self and the parents and prepare
them for the future challenges to be faced. Teaching
of Life Skills will enable them to overcome their
weaknesses and channelize their strengths to be the
Leaders of Tomorrow.
Such workshops tend to enhance the possibilities
for a facilitator to hone the multi-dimensional
growth of the individuals, thus providing them an
opportunity to live fruitful lives.

CBSE - SAEVUS Award for

Young Tiger Warriors
CBSE in association with the nature and
wildlife magazine SAEVUS celebrated the nale
of its inter-school competition EARN YOUR
STRIPES at Ranthambhore on October 31. The
nationwide competition to create awareness about
Tiger conservation saw 18 nalists ght it out for
the coveted TIGER WARRIOR Trophy over
four days. The deserving winners and runner-ups
in the Juniors, Intermediate and Seniors categories
were awarded scholarships of Rupees Twenty ve
thousand and Rupees Ten thousand respectively.
Principals of winning schools were awarded the
Tiger Luminary awards.
Mr. Rahul Bhatnagar, I.F.S, Conservator of
Forests, Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve and senior
members of the Forest Department graced the
felicitation function in support of this exemplary
effort and gave away the scholarships to the winning
participants. Renowned wildlife lmmaker, Nalla



Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Muthu, was also present at the event for a screening of

his award-winning lm Tiger Dynasty. The event also
saw an educative interaction between the nalists and
the children of ex-poachers, an initiative supported
by the Tiger Watch team. The tiger warriors not only
went back enlightened and sensitised but also had
their maiden sighting of a tiger in the wild during
their safari inside the National park.
Earlier, the EARN YOUR STRIPES competition
saw an unprecedented response receiving entries
from 31,110 students from across the country who
wrote stories/ poetry on tiger conservation. The
competition, held in a three tier structure, saw 18
nalists who were brought to Ranthambhore for
a better understanding of the threats faced by our
national animal.
Sree Nandy, the Editor-in-chief of Saevus

magazine said, It is imperative to fuel the imagination and

capture the mindshare of our young people so that natures
caretakers tomorrow are more empathetic and responsible
than their previous generations.
CBSE Regional Science Exhibition
Delhi Public School
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh
From 22 to 24 August 2013, DPS opened its
doors as the host of the CBSE Regional Science
Exhibition. The exhibition was inaugurated by Mr.
Ajay Mishra, IAS, and Principal Secretary of Higher
Education who was the Chief Guest. Mr. Mrinal K
Sen, Director NGRI, was the Guest of Honour.
Around 57 schools afliated to the CBSE
participated and displayed their talent and creativity
from all corners of Andhra Pradesh.

The exhibits

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

The judges for the event included a bevy

of academicians and scientists like Professor,
Mrinal K. Sen, Professor, University of Texas,
Mr. Sameer.Y, Ex-Research Associate from BITS,
Pilani, Mr. Bodh Ganguly, Program Manager BEPL
and M. Venkata Jagannadham, Senior Principal
Scientist, CCMB, CSIR, Hyderabad.
The exhibition was a grand success in more ways
than one. The sub-themes ranged from Industries,
Natural Resources and their Conservation,
Transport and Communication, Information and
Technology, Community Health and Environment
to Mathematical Modeling. Environmental
Conservation, Robots, Generators and Efcient
Human Efforts for Conservation were some of the
other sub-themes. Participants also showcased logo
models, generators run on solar and wind energy
and computer controlled generators.
The exhibition consisted of about 110 exhibits
out of which about 15 were chosen to be sent to
CBSE, New Delhi. One of the topics chosen by Delhi
Public School was titled Black Gold Cultivation and
this was one of the nal 15 presented at the national
level! The experiment was taken up by the Green
Crusaders and dealt with the effect of charcoal as a
soil amendment, to improve soil fertility.

borrowed it from our children. So, the development

should meet the needs of the present, without
compromising the ability of the future generations
to meet their needs.

Putting their minds to the test

Keeping this in mind, CBSE along with The

Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), organized
The Green Olympiad on the theme - Environment
and Sustainable Development - Issues and Concerns
in our lives. It was conducted on 31 August, 2013
among students of Classes IX and X. 553 students
participated in the Olympiad under the guidance of
the Coordinators.

The whole experience taught that Science

may set limits to knowledge, but not to ights of

After the Olympiad, the students took a pledge

to do their best to save the earth in the future. Dr.
A. K. Goel, Principal, thanked the staff for their
cooperation in this noble task.

The Green Olympiad

Silver Bells Public School,
Shamli, Uttar Pradesh

Communal Harmony Week

Aditya Birla Public School,
Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh

Everybody knows that the environment is the

most sensitive issue of the time as every nation in
its own way is directly or indirectly concerned and
trying to save this ailing planet. We know that along
with the concern for environment comes sustainable
development. In the words of Lester Brown, We
have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have

As directed by the Board, the school observed

Communal Harmony Week from 18 November to
23 November 2013 to spread thoughts of harmony,
peace, love, non-violence and unity among students
of all religions and faiths.


More than 250 students from different classes

actively participated in a string of programmes like

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

painting, poster making, slogan writing and cultural

events - speeches, skit etc. to understand and spread
the message of communal harmony which is the
need of the hour. The theme of the wall magazine
for the week was 'Communal Harmony'. The school
choir in the assembly sung hymns to highlight and
focus the similarity in all the different religions.

propagated among students so that they will be

more aware of it and become good citizens.
Communal Harmony Day
Alpha Wisdom Vidyashram,
Trichy, Tamil Nadu
What do you want? A piece of earth or peace of
earth? are questions hundreds of students asked as
they marched around the school creating awareness
about Communal Harmony. On 25 November
2013 they took out a procession holding banners
and placards to spread peace amongst different
Appropriate projections were made in the
activities to bring about public awakening against
violence which impinges on social harmony and
to enthuse every person to be a secular citizen
and to wean them away from the narrow sectarian

Creative expressions

Slogan writing helped students to come up with

different slogans in different languages. The skits
put up by classes IX and XII students re-afrmed
the age old traditions and faith in the values of
tolerance, co-existence and brotherhood in a multicultural and multi-religious society.

At the end of the procession, the students were

addressed by Mr. Mathura Prasad Pandey, the Joint
Director, Alpha Group of Institutions. In his address
he stressed the need for communal harmony and
elaborated on the injustice meted out to innocent.

The aim of the event was to make students realize

the importance of community living. In today's fastgrowing world, emergence of globalization, working
parents, students are hardly exposed to community
living in harmony.
The immense value of Communal Harmony in
our society and across the world was emphasized.
Such events in the school help to revive community
living. It is important that such concepts are

October-December 2013

Artistic self-expression by students



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education



The Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi has brought in various
reforms, initiatives and innovations that have been disseminated to all
our stakeholders through circulars and notications. As their number
has increased in the recent years, the CBSE has decided that the
Cenbosec would carry only the list of circulars and notications that
would serve as signposts for the period covered in the issue.
The links to the websites are provided for your ready reference so
that, the relevant information can be accessed at the click of a button.
This will render the quarterly bulletin more compact and handy. The
Editorial Team would henceforth, be able to tap more information
for publication, for our readers benet.


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

List of Circulars (http://www.cbseacademic.in/circulars.html)

Circular No







Verication of Evidence of Assessments (EAs) of Class IX/X students

for Term I of the Academic Session 2013-2014
Observing Vigilance Awareness Week, 2013 in schools Reg.
National Informatics Olympiad 2013-14 First Stage





Annexure-3 : ZIO 2013 - List of Venue Schools (Round 1)

Modied syllabus-2014 , Design of assessment and sample questions
in the subjects Hindi (A), Hindi (B), English (Communicative), English
(Language and Literature), Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and
Sanskrit to be used for Summative Assessment- II, March- 2014 Class X
Hindi Part: A | Hindi Part: B | English Communicative |
English Language and Literature | Mathematics | Science |
Social Science | Sanskrit
Modied syllabus and Sample Question Papers for Class XII, March
2014: English (Elective), English (Core), English (Functional), Hindi
(Elective), Hindi (Core), Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry,
Accountancy, History, Geography, Business Studies, Entrepreneurship
and Economics to be used for Board Examination
Hindi Elective | Hindi Core | English Elective | English Core
| English Functional | Mathematics | Biology | Physics
| Chemistry | Accountancy | History | Geography |
Business Studies | Entrepreneurship | Economics



Workshop launching a Values Education Programme for Schools by

Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi



Conduct of Optional Prociency Test for Class-X



Organization of CBSE Science Exhibition 2014

CBSE Guidelines to Prepare a Good Project
SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2014 - Frequently Asked Questions
Online Registration



Open Text-Based Assessment for Class XI, March 2014.

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education





Publications on Assessment by Centre for Assessment, Evaluation

and Research (CAER).
Subscription Form for Publications
Annual Mandatory Sports Fee 2014 -15 reg

List of Notications (http://www.cbseacademic.in/circulars.html)

Notication No





Inviting articles for CENBOSEC (Vol. 52 No. 4: Oct.-Dec. 2013)

Videos For CBSE YouTube Channel



Screening Test for ASL-ETs







Annexure I : Email to the teachers

Annexure II : CBSE Teacher Assessment Exercise Instructions
IX Painting Competition on Energy Conservation 2012
Organized by Ministry of Power and Bureau of Energy Efciency,
Government of India
NCFE- National Financial Literacy Test for the students of
Classes VIII, IX and X.
Update on ASL Project: (Assessment Schedule and Teacher
Annexure-I: CALENDER for 02 Day Training of Oral Examiners
in Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL)skills 2013-14
Annexure-II: Allocation of Weightage to four sections in English
Language Papers and Weightage for classes IX to XII for 2013-14










Training Calendar for December 2013 - January 2014

Notication: Ref. Heritage India Quiz-2013
CBSE Group Mathematical Olympaid-2013
All-India Inter School Crossword Championship for Delhi & NCR
ASL UPDATE : Live test materials (Question papers with answer
keys) for Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Skills for
SA II 2014 Examination for classes IX and XI
Provision of additional time for attempting OTBA based

Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education



Feedback on ICT and FIT Curriculum

CBSE Main ICT Curriculum : Class IX-X
Foundation of Information Technology : Curriculum
Online Feedback Form



ASL UPDATE : Extension of Window Period To Conduct SA-II

2013-14 for Assessment of Speaking And Listening (ASL)Skills





CCE and FA Training Calendar For The Year 2013-14: Change of

Venue for the Training Programme at Gurgaon On 21 Dec. 2013
43rd Universal Postal Union (UPU) Letter Writing Competition
Annexures : 43rd UPU Letter Writing Competition for Young
People, 2014
Schools teaching Computer Science (Subject code 083) Python





Screening Test for ASL-ETs

Annexure I || Annexure II



Microsite on Evidences of Assessment

Annexure I: Instructions for the Schools



Agencies Identied/empanelled by the Board to impart Online and

Ofine Learning Management System for CCE





Workshop launching a Values Education Programme for Principals

of CBSE Schools of Bhopal by Ramakrishna Mission, New
Inviting articles for CENBOSEC (Vol. 53 No. 1: Jan.-March 2014)

October-December 2013


ls c slsd

Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education
he Central B ard f S
l Bo d

Other Important Circulars/Notications (http://cbse.nic.in/circulars/cir2013.htm)

Training programme for teachers
Grant of Extension of Provisional Affiliation and Grant of Up gradation reg.
Clarification regarding PSA examination 2013
Marks in the Subject of Business Studies WEF 2013 Examination in Respect of Fresh Private
Candidates under Delhi Region & Failure/Compartment/Improvement Candidates to be Computed
on Pro-rata basis
Amendment/Addition in Affiliation Bye-laws
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 (32 of 2012)
Guidelines/Advisory for implementation of various provisions of Children to free and compulsory
education (RTE act 2009)
Mandatory Appearance in the Summative Assessments and the Percentage of Marks Required to
Qualify the Assessments
Registration of Class IX/XI students for 2013-14 - Online
Training programme for the Heads of Institutions of Effective School Management and Leadership
Addition/Amendment in the Examination bye-laws of the Board (21/8/2013)


Achieving Academic Excellence


Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education

Suggestions /Feedback Form for CENBOSEC

The Chairman
Central Board of Secondary Education
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre
Preet Vihar, New Delhi - 110 092
Subject : General Suggestion/Feedback for CENBOSEC (Vol. ....................Month......................)
Dear Sir,
Suggestions/Feedback :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From:

: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

E-mail id

: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Phone/Fax : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: You may detach this sheet and send at the above mentioned address. You can also email the Suggestions/ Feedback
to cenbosec@gmail.com

October-December 2013



Quarterly of the Central Board of Secondary Education


Achieving Academic Excellence

The honourable Union Minister of Human Resource Development Dr. M. M. Pallam Raju at
the 2nd International Life Skills Values, Gender, Health and Well-being Summit, New Delhi

The participants at the 42nd Annual Conference of Council of

Boards of School Education (COBSE) at Gurgaon

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