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Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 - Enterprise Edition

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Date &ublished'
+ile ,i-e'
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/icrosoft 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&( is an ideal, production-3uality server for consolidatin4
multiple workloads onto a physical server, allowin4 or4ani-ations to make more efficient use of
their hardware resources. uilt upon /icrosoft 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 5nterprise 5dition and
bolstered with new functionality, 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&( enables !T or4ani-ations to
enhance their administrative productivity and rapidly deploy new servers to address chan4in4
business needs throu4h automated deployment and confi4uration of connected virtual machines
that are easily administered with standard server mana4ement tools. /icrosoft6 0irtual ,erver
2))1 22 ,&( now provides improved performance for non-7indows 4uest operatin4 systems
by levera4in4 hardware-assisted virtuali-ation, hi4h availability for both planned and unplanned
downtime, and improved support for backup and disaster recovery. 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&(
is an e#tensively tested and well supported virtuali-ation solution that is supported both by the
broader !,0 community and by /icrosoft in con8unction with its server operatin4 systems and
ecause it is part of the /icrosoft 7indows ,erver ,ystem, 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 is desi4ned
to inte4rate seamlessly with your other server infrastructure investments. +or more information
about 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&(, see the 0irtual ,erver &roduct Overview pa4e.
In addition to the license terms of this downloaded software, you are also granted rights
to use the software to provide hosted services. End customers receiving this software
service are not required to obtain their own Microsoft software licenses. End customers
receive the right to interact with functionalities of Microsoft software through the
services of the provider's hosted environment.
9 ,ystem 2e3uirements
upported !perating ystem
7indows ,erver 2))3 22 :32-it #.$;, 7indows ,erver 2))3 22 Datacenter 5dition :32-it
#.$;, 7indows ,erver 2))3 22 Datacenter #$% 5dition, 7indows ,erver 2))3 22 5nterprise
5dition :32-it #.$;, 7indows ,erver 2))3 22 5nterprise #$% 5dition, 7indows ,erver 2))3 22
,tandard 5dition :32-bit #.$;, 7indows ,erver 2))3 22 ,tandard #$% 5dition , 7indows ,erver
2))3 ,ervice &ack (, 7indows ,erver 2))3 ,ervice &ack 2, 7indows ,erver 2))3, Datacenter
5dition :32-bit #.$;, 7indows ,erver 2))3, Datacenter #$% 5dition, 7indows ,erver 2))3,
5nterprise 5dition :32-bit #.$;, 7indows ,erver 2))3, 5nterprise #$% 5dition, 7indows ,erver
2))3, ,tandard 5dition :32-bit #.$;, 7indows ,erver 2))3, ,tandard #$% 5dition, 7indows
,mall usiness ,erver 2))3 , 7indows 0ista usiness, 7indows 0ista usiness $%-bit edition,
7indows 0ista 5nterprise, 7indows 0ista 5nterprise $%-bit edition, 7indows 0ista <ltimate,
7indows 0ista <ltimate $%-bit edition, 7indows =& ,ervice &ack 2
upported "ost !perating ystems '
7indows ,erver 2))3 ,tandard ,&2
7indows ,erver 2))3 5nterprise ,&2
7indows ,erver 2))3 Datacenter ,&2
7indows ,erver 2))3 ,tandard 22
7indows ,erver 2))3 5nterprise 22
7indows ,erver 2))3 Datacenter 22
7indows ,erver 2))3 ,tandard ,&(
7indows ,erver 2))3 5nterprise ,&(
7indows ,erver 2))3 Datacenter ,&(
7indows ,erver 2))3 ,tandard #$% ,&2
7indows ,erver 2))3 5nterprise #$% ,&2
7indows ,erver 2))3 Datacenter #$% ,&2
7indows ,erver 2))3 ,tandard #$%
7indows ,erver 2))3 5nterprise #$%
7indows ,erver 2))3 Datacenter #$%
7indows ,erver 2))3 ,tandard #$% 22
7indows ,erver 2))3 5nterprise #$% 22
7indows ,erver 2))3 Datacenter #$% 22
7indows ,mall usiness ,erver 2))3 ,tandard 22
7indows ,mall usiness ,erver 2))3 &remium 22
7indows ,erver 2)). eta 3 :non-&roduction only;
7indows =& &rofessional ,&2 :non-&roduction only;
7indows =& &rofessional #$% 5dition :non-&roduction only;
7indows 0ista <ltimate :non-&roduction only;
7indows 0ista usiness :non-&roduction only;
7indows 0ista 5nterprise :non-&roduction only;
o #rocessor ' !ntel >eleron, &entium !!!, &entium %, =eon? @/D Opteron, @thlon,
@thlon $%, @thlon =2, ,empron, Duron >ore D<O, or Duron >ore 2 D<O
o Minimum $#% speed ' 11) /A-
o &'M ' /inimum of 21$ / of 2@/ :1(2 / or more is recommended.
@dditional memory will be re3uired for each 4uest operatin4 system;
o &equired 'vailable dis( space' 2B of available hard disk space :additional
disk space needed for each 4uest operatin4 system;
9 !nstall !nstructions
Note: Cou must have administrative ri4hts on the computer to install 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22
tep ): Download and install 7indows !nstaller 3.).
Note: !f you are runnin4 7indows ,erver 2))3 ,ervice &ack ( :,&(; or 7indows =& ,&2, you
already have 7indows !nstaller 3.).
tep * >hoose the correct architecture :32-bit or $%-bit; for your computer and download the
appropriate ,etup.e#e. Once you have completed the download, double-click ,etup.e#e file to
be4in the installation process file.
tep +: +ollow the installation instructions provided in the Bettin4 ,tarted Buide.
9 @dditional information
o IM#!&,'N, The release notes installed with 0irtual ,erver 22 ,&( have errata
in the support for additional 4uest and host operatin4 systems. &lease refer to
the 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&( +@Ds pa4e :E7hich operatin4 systems can be
run as 4uests in 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22FG and E7hich operatin4 systems can
serve as hosts for 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22FG ; for the supported host and 4uest
operatin4 systems
o -irtual erver *../ &* #) is not supported on I'01 systems.
o !f you have 3uestions about 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&(, visit the 0irtual ,erver
2))1 22 ,&( +@Ds pa4e.
o Aelp improve 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&( by submittin4 bu4s to the /,DH
&roduct +eedback >enter.
9 2elated 2esources
Iookin4 for Hew DownloadsF ,i4n up to be notified
Aome &a4e for 0irtual ,erver 2))1 22 ,&(
,cript repository for 0irtual ,erver

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