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QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14

Scott Nauiy 1

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u9uu Welcome anu stait
u91S-u94u uetting set up, logins, etc.
u94u-1u1u Intio lectuie on uRASSQuIS 0pen Souice uIS in Aichaeology anu
Cultuial Resouices
1u1u-1u2u Questions anu uiscussion
1u2u-112u Banus-on exeicises, Woiking with QuIS
112u-11SS Bieak
11SS-121S Banus-on exeicises, Woiking with QuIS
121S-1Suu L0NCB
1Suu-14uu Banus-on exeicises, 0sing the QuIS uRASS plugin
14uu-141S bieak
141S-144S Banus-on exeicises, 0sing the QuIS uRASS R plugin
144S-1Suu Web iesouices, usei gioups, online tiaining options, anu othei souices
of help
1Suu- 1SSu Wiap up, uiscussion, iueas, community builuing, wheie uo we go next,
1SSu Couise enus, we go foi wine anu uiscussion, gieat things follow, etc.

Couise Nateiials cieateu by Scott Nauiy. Please use fieely foi youi own infoimation anu the
instiuction of otheis but iecognize the iights of the authois to be acknowleugeu if the mateiial
containeu is uisseminateu.

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 2

This is a hanus-on tutoiial using the Fiee anu 0pen Souice QuIS, uRASS anu R
softwaie. This tutoiial was last upuateu in Apiil, 2u14, using QuIS veision 2.2.u
valmieia. QuIS is licenseu unuei the uN0 ueneial Public License:

The puipose of this uocument is to pioviue you with a quick anu simple way to
initially leain anu iefiesh youi knowleuge of these poweiful tools. I have given
many uIS shoit couises ovei the yeais aiounu the woilu, anu know how haiu it is to
gain anu maintain a woiking knowleuge fiom a few uays of instiuction. The goal of
this guiue is to cieate a uocument that is uetaileu enough that you can use it both foi
the initial leaining, but can also iefei back to it if you have let youi skills atiophy
anu neeu to get back into using the tools. I hope it helps! Feel fiee to contact me if
you have questions, iueas, oi suggestions; oi if you finu any eiiois.
-Scott Nauiy mauiysemail.unc.euu
N.B. I use a Nac, so youi icons anu winuows may look slightly uiffeient if you use anothei 0S.


QuIS is an 0pen Souice ueogiaphic Infoimation System (uIS) that was fiist
uevelopeu in 2uu2. The basic goal was to cieate an easy-to-use uIS that was fiee anu
simple to leain anu use, without the cost anu uifficulty of existing commeicial uIS
systems. It iuns on most 0nix platfoims, Winuows, Nac0S anu Anuioiu (beta)
opeiating systems. It was uevelopeu using the Qt toolkit anu C++, which make it
significantly smallei in size anu thus fastei anu easiei to iun on laptops than
existing uIS softwaie. It can incoipoiate plug-ins anu actually uses many othei 0pen
Souice capabilities. It staiteu out as a simple uata viewei, but it has giown
significantly, anu can now meet the uIS neeus of many useis. It is ieleaseu unuei
the uN0 Public License (uPL) veision 2 (http:www.gnu.oig), allowing useis to
view, mouify, anu shaie the souice coue. When you uownloau QuIS you actually get
foui piogiams: QuIS Besktop (which we will use heie), which is the full uIS package,
QuIS Biowsei, which lets you biowse anu pieview youi uata anu metauata, QuIS
Seivei, which allows you to publish youi QuIS piojects anu uata as WNS anu WFS
seivices, anu finally QuIS Web Client, which allows you to publish WuIS piojects on
the web. We will ueal with QuIS Besktop in this tutoiial

"/55=*2 $5),5/+ H=5. !"#$

We will stait with a uIS uatabase fiom the Commanuo Biift Natuie Reseive in the
Eastein Cape Piovince, South Afiica, The uatabase measuies 16 KN E-W by 1u Km
N-S. The uatabase is in Lat. Long. anu WuS84, anu is centeieu on S2ueg, u4'S anu
26ueg. u2'E, with an elevation of about 1,uuu meteis.
cape You can uownloau the uatabase at the bottom of this website:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S
http:linfiniti.comula Theie aie auuitional files foi the woikshop that will be
shaieu with you.

The veiy fiist thing to uo is open a new NS Woiu (oi othei woiu piocessing) uoc
anu save it in youi uIS woikspace anu call it something like QuIS_woiklog.uoc. The
iuea is to have this open thioughout the class, anu that you keep a iunning log of
what you uo, iueas, questions, etc. You will uo a uIS activity, click on the Woiu uoc,
anu biiefly type what you uiu. It seems a bothei, anu it slows you uown, but you
shoulu ALWAYS uo this when woiking on youi ieal uIS uata, as it is impossible to
iemembei what you uiu a month latei, what you nameu files, wheie you put them,
etc. It is an impoitant goou habit to uevelop. Please uo this! You will save youiself
huge pioblems uown the ioau. Also, be suie to save youi pioject fiequently as you
woik on it, as if it hangs oi if you have othei pioblems, it will ieveit to wheie you
last saveu youi pioject, not wheie you aie. Theie is no auto-save function in QuIS.
Save aftei each new file is cieateu, it is anothei goou habit to uevelop.

Next, open a new biowsei winuow anu go to: http:www.qgis.oigenuocs
This is the uocumentation page foi QuIS, with the usei guiue, tiaining manual, etc.
Click on the 0sei uuiue anu you can iefei to it when you have questions about
specific mouules.

Stait QuIS on youi machine. Then go to FILE anu NEW PR0}ECT you will see the
QuIS viewei with an empty white space at iight, which is weie the maps aie
uisplayeu. The veitical white aiea at left is the Layeis winuow, similai to the Table
of Contents (T0C) in AicuIS, wheie all open layeis aie listeu.

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 4
Along the top aie vaiious pull-uown winuows anu icons that you can use to access
uiffeient functions.

You can choose which of these aie vieweu, anu can move them by clicking on the
veitical giay aieas at the left of each gioup of icons . The uouble >> icon means
that theie aie auuitional icons in that gioup that aie not visible. You can move
gioups to uiffeient aieas, incluuing along the iight siue of the winuow. Some icons
may be giayeu-out if not active. Also, most all the functions heie aie uuplicateu in
the pull-uown menu at top, so you can get iiu of them aftei you become moie
familiai with QuIS.

Along the left aie auuitional icons foi loauing uata anu othei functions. Youi uata
will appeai in the laige winuow at centei-iight anu the vaiious uata infoimation will
be shown on the left.

At the bottom you will see that as you move youi mouse in the uata viewei the
cooiuinates aie shown in a box below, anu that you can choose what scale to view
youi uata oi type in the scale you want. It also contains, at iight, the cuiient
Cooiuinate Refeience System (CRS) foi the pioject anu allows you to change this by
clicking the iight-most button.

Now we will auu a scanneu topo map that has been geoiefeienceu. Click on the
0PEN RASTER icon at the top left, (oi go to the LAYER pull uown anu click on
ABB RASTER LAYER) anu now navigate to the 7)?/ I(G( uatabase on youi
computei *. Now click on 50?04.//5J-1=?A5=@ anu click 0PEN, it shoulu look
something like this:

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S

Right click on the name 50?04.//5J-1=? in the Layeis winuow (T0C) at left, anu
RIuBT CLICK anu click on SET PR0}ECT CRS FR0N LAYER. This will squaie up the
map anu now youi QuIS uatabase will be set to this map cooiuinate system.

Look at the Toobais at the top. This incluues the tools foi manipulating, auuing, anu
uisplaying uata. You can easily move anu iemove icons. Boveiing the mouse ovei
one will biing up a uesciiption. We will ieview these now.

Above the icons aie the pull-uown menus that pioviue auuitional capabilities foi
saving, uisplaying anu analyzing uata. Look unuei PR0}ECT EBIT vIEW LAYER
SETTINuS, etc. to see the vaiious options that aie available.
Now auu some AicuIS foimat vectoi shapefiles using the ABB vECT0R icon
oi fiom the LAYERS pull-uown. Click on BR0WSE anu navigate to the same Cape
uatabase, anu auu all the vectoi shape files. You only neeu to auu the .shp files, anu
can auu seveial by holuing uown the C0NNANB key. uo aheau anu auu all the
vectoi files. Youi scieen shoulu now look like this (youi colois may uiffei):
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 6

Lets exploie the uatabase by looking at the Table of Contents (T0C) at left, wheie
you have all the loaueu files listeu. You can tuin off anu on the uisplay of each layei
by clicking on the checks in the T0C. The oiuei (top to bottom) is impoitant, as
iastei layeis will mask otheis if put on top. Leave youi iastei layeis at the bottom.
Nove layeis up anu uown by left-clicking on the name anu just uiag it.

Right click on any of the files, anu you will see a menu that lets you zoom to the
extent of that specific layei, set the Cooiuinate Refeience System (CRS), uelete it
fiom youi pioject (uoes not actually uelete the file), view the attiibute table, anu
euit the vectoi file. Click on PR0PERTIES anu you will open this winuow:

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 7

PR0PERTIES is wheie you change the coloi anu wiuth of vectoi files, oi change the
symbols foi point files, auu labels, iecoiu metauata, make files paitially tianspaient,
etc. We use this all the time.
Lets auu anothei iastei file, click on the 0PEN RASTER icon (oi go to the
LAYER pull uown anu click on ABB RASTER LAYER) anu now navigate to the 7)?/
I(G( uatabase. Now click on *)4)JK?1J-1=?A5=@ anu click 0PEN, anu iight click on it
to Z00N T0 LAYER, anu it shoulu look something like this:

Zoom in anu wanuei aiounu anu look at the imageiy. Right click on the name of the
file at top left anu click on PR0PERTIES. You will see that iastei files have some
uiffeient piopeities. Click on Z00N T0 BEST SCALE anu you will see the image at its
tiue spatial iesolution, now iight click again anu Z00N T0 LAYER EXTENT, to see
the entiie image. Click on STRETCB 0SINu C0RRENT EXTENT, anu it will uo a coloi
stietch, which visually impioves the image. You can see the inuiviuual banu
paiameteis in PR0PERTIES > BIST0uRAN:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 8

Zoom in anu wanuei aiounu anu look at the imageiy using the zoom anu pan icons
at the top left of youi icon bai.

These allow you to zoom in anu out, pan, etc. You can see what each icon uoes by
hoveiing youi mouse ovei it.

Note that this satellite image is on the top of youi uata 'stack' in the T0C, so it hiues
all the uata below it. Rastei uata 'covei' all vectoi uata below, so giab the name of
the file at the top of the T0C at left anu uiag it to the bottom of the stack. Now it is
obscuieu by the topo map above it. So iight click on the toposheet_clip layei, go to
PR0PERTIES, anu set the tianspaiency to about 6u% anu say 0K, as shown below:

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 9

Now you shoulu see all of youi vectoi files, as well as a paitially tianspaient topo
map ovei the satellite image. Zoom in using the zoom tool anu then ioam
aiounu with the 'hanu' tool anu exploie the aiea. Click on anu off the topo
anu image backgiounu.

You can see what featuies aie by clicking on a given layei in the T0C, then click on
the queiy tool , anu then click on any featuie in the highlighteu uata layei.
You will see the contents of the uata fielus foi that featuie.
You can also uo simple measuiements using the 'measuie' icon . Click on the
tiiangle on the iight, anu you can set it to measuie line lengths, aieas, oi angles.
Theie is a useful SELECT FEAT0RES icon that allows you to select eithei
single of multiple featuies in a vectoi file in seveial ways, incluuing inuiviuual
featuies, within a iectangle oi iauius, etc. Click on Suk_contouis in the T0C to
highlight this file anu then click on the SELECT FEAT0RES icon anu choose iauius.
Click on the map anu uiaw the iauius out with the mouse, anu you will see the
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 1u
contouis that aie within that aiea highlighteu. Right click on Suk_contouis in the
T0C anu go to 0PEN ATTRIB0TE TABLE anu you will see these contouis

You can auu a noith aiiow, copyiight, giiu anu scale bai to youi uisplay by going to
vIEW on the pull-uowns anu BEC0RATI0NS. Be suie to click the ENABLE SCALE
BAR anu ENABLE N0RTB ARR0W buttons to view these. N.B. You can use the
copyiight tool foi any text, not just a .

Now save this all as a new QuIS pioject, so that you can come back to the same
collection of uata layeis as a gioup. uo to FILE anu SAvE PR0}ECT anu type in
NyCapeBata (oi whatevei you wish) anu hit ietuin oi click on SAvE. You have now
cieateu a new QuIS pioject, anu you can open this any time as a gioup. The file will
be NyCapeBata.qgs Next time, just navigate to that file, click on it, anu it will open
up just as you left it, with exactly those layeis, zoomeu in, etc. QuIS saves piojects in
a .qgs file, just as AicuIS uses an .mxu file. Save youi pioject often, as QuIS uoes not
have an auto-save featuie!

Click on FILE anu PR0}ECT PR0PERTIES, anu you will see the Cooiuinate Refeience
System (CRS) foi this uatabase (baseu on the files we auueu), is WuS84, Lat. Long.
uecimal uegiees.
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 11

Note the D*)L1/ M0* 5./ @13N 7'$ 5,)*4@0,O)5=0* button at top left. It is always a
goou iuea to click this, as it will let you mix uata with uiffeient CRS anu view them

Click on the uENERAL tab anu you can set the units, give it a pioject title, etc. We
will covei CRS in moie uetail latei, so iemove this pop-up winuow by clicking on 0K
at bottom iight.

In the FILE pull-uown you can open, cieate, anu save QuIS piojects, cieate scieen
shots, anu also stait the piint managei wheie we lay out maps foi piinting (latei).

0nuei the vIEW pull-uown you will see you can uo many of the map manipulation
functions in the icons.

Bookmaiks. QuIS has a veiy useful bookmaik featuie, that lets you set up seveial
stoieu, zoomeu-in placemaiks so you can ietuin to a given location, say a stuuy site,
iepeateuly. Zoom into a small aiea anu then click on the NEW B00KNARKS icon
, oi go to vIEW anu NEW B00KNARKS. You will see this:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 12

Simply put in the name you want to use anu click ABB anu CL0SE. To go to an
existing bookmaik, click on the SB0W B00KNARKS icon , just uouble click
on the one you want to go to, oi click on it anu then click Z00N IN. You can have an
unlimiteu numbei of bookmaiks, but be awaie that moie than one can have the
same name.

vectoi Attiibutes. You can view anu euit the attiibutes of a vectoi file by iight
clicking on the file in the T0C anu going to 0PEN ATTRIB0TE TABLE. You can now
see the uatabase file of attiibutes, anu a new set of icons along the top of the
attiibute winuow.

These allow you to euit attiibute values, soit, etc. To activate the icons, click on the
yellow pen at left. You can zoom to a given attiibute iow by clicking the iow fiist,
anu then clicking on the magnifying glass icon at centei left.

G/P5 (**05)5=0*A Lets put a balloon winuow in oui map showing the lake.
Click on the Text Annotation icon anu single click on the centei of the lake
anu it will cieate a text box. Now uouble click within the box anu you will see this
popup winuow.

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 1S

Choose the text you want, font, coloi foi the fiame, etc. anu click ok. You will see the
box. uiab a coinei of the box anu iesize it. Click in the centei anu move it. To
iemove a text box, just uouble click insiue the box anu click on BELETE. Click on the
uown aiiow in the bottom iight coinei of the tool, anu click on N0vE
ANN0TATI0N. You can now click on the ieu uot point anu move it. Theie is also a
F0RN ANN0TATI0N option, wheie you can cieate youi own annotation foims oi
link to a text file. This is useful to automatically annotate multiple featuies like city
point files oi contouis.


QuIS pioviues the ability to peifoim an action baseu on the attiibutes of a
featuie. This can be useu to peifoim any numbei of actions, foi example,
iunning a piogiam with aiguments built fiom the attiibutes of a featuie oi
passing paiameteis to a web iepoiting tool.
Actions aie useful when you fiequently want to iun an exteinal application oi
view a web page baseu on one oi moie values in youi vectoi layei. An
example is peifoiming a seaich baseu on an attiibute value.

QuIS lets us cieate pie chaits anu text uiagiams baseu on the uata in vaiious layeis
anu automatically uisplay these. Click on the file Suk_spothgt, anu iight click on
PR0PERTIES anu at the top iight click on BIAuRANS. Check the BISPLAY
BIAuRANS at top left, anu choose TEXT BIAuRAN next to it (if we hau uata foi aiea,
you coulu pick PIE CBART). Check FIXEB SIZE anu 2umm, below pick the attiibute
BEIuBT anu click on the plus icon at iight to auu this to youi list.
Then click APPLY at bottom to see the uiagiams. You coulu
auu anothei oi seveial attiibutes foi a pie chait foi aiea uata. This woiks well with
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 14
pie chaits of uata iepiesenting peicentages anu amounts. To iemove these, unclick
the BISPLAY BIAuRANS at uppei iight anu APPLY at bottom, oi click the gieen
minus icon to iemove the attiibutes.

7,/)5=*2 ) */H Q/-50, @=1/ =* !"#$

Foi this task you aie going to cieate a new shapefile in QuIS that outlines a
bounuaiy foi the touiism hiking tiail to the East of the lake. You will have to click
'off' the touiism_polys file in the T0C at left, which paitly obscuies this. Click the
touiism_lines file off anu on to see wheie it is, anu zoom into that aiea. Fiom the top
toolbai select LAYER > NEW > New Shapefile Layei . Note you can also cieate
new SpatialLite uatabase layeis oi new uPX foimat uPS layeis in the same way.

Select the type of file you want to cieate (point line polygon). We want to uefine
an aiea, so a ?01320* will be most appiopiiate. Specify the CRS (WuS84). Notice
that the pioject's CRS is available foi quick selection.

Auu the attiibute fielus you want in the Attiibutes List section. Click )++ 50
)55,=L65/4 1=45 to save the attiibute fielu. In this case we will make a text fielu call it

Choose a name anu location foi the shapefile (in youi same uatabase woulu be best).
Call it O3506,=4O anu Click 0K to cieate the shapefile.
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 1S

It will automatically be auueu to the T0C menu on the left of youi scieen.

To euit the shapefile, iight click on it to highlight its name in the T0C menu, anu
click on the Toggle Euit icon in the toolbai (oi click on it fiom the LAYER pull-uown
at top. You will see the euiting pen icon besiue the layei in the T0C.
Select the ABB FEAT0RE tool fiom the euiting toolbai

Biaw youi stuuy aiea aiounu the hiking aiea using youi mouse. You will see that
the polygon will self-close. Zoom in fiist to just that aiea, iight click to finish the

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 16

You will be given the option to iecoiu attiibute uata foi Fielu1.

Click on the Toggle Euit icon again to finish uiawing anu save youi euits. Be suie to
save youi pioject.

Nake the vectoi file euitable again anu expeiiment with moving the aiea using the
move featuie icon anu euiting the noues using the noue tool.

Save youi euits. You have just cieateu an AicuIS foimat polygon shapefile. Be suie
to save the pioject, cieate the metauata foi this new layei, anu uocument what you

By iight clicking on the name of the file in the navigation bai anu selecting
Piopeities you can euit the symbology by clicking on STYLE at the top (also by
clicking on the coloieu squaie below the name in the T0C). Expeiiment with
uiffeient uisplay options.

Zoom way in, anu see how off you weie. It is impoitant when ieally uoing uigitizing
that you zoom as fai in as you can anu aie extiemely caieful.

Now cieate a new vectoi point file by following the same steps. Choose Point as the
type, anu call youi new point file ),-.J4=5/4A 0se the ABB T0 ATTRIB0TE LIST to
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 17
auu a name (text), elevation (integei) anu uate (text) attiibute.

Place youi points on the point elevation maiks in the aiea neai the walking tiail.
Call them 1, 2, S, etc. Bo howevei many you wish, anu then click on the blue pen
uigitizing icon anu save youi file. You have just cieateu an AicuIS foimat point

Now iight click on the aich_sites name in the T0C, anu click on 0PEN ATTRIB0TE
TABLE. Beie you see the attiibute table you just cieateu. Look at the bottom anu
you can see vaiious options. Click on the blue pen to toggle the euiting moue, anu
then click on the NEW C0L0NN icon to the iight of it, anu you can auu new columns
anu change the contents. Be suie to set the wiuth to enough spaces to type the name,
uate, anu elevation.

Now highlight the aich_sites in the T0C. You can now use the IBENTIFY FEAT0RES
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 18
button anu click on any site to see the infoimation about that site. To see
the auvanceu uigitizing tools, click on a vectoi file in the T0C anu iight click to
T0uuLE EBITINu. Then go to the EBIT pull-uown menu at top anu you can see all
the auvanceu euiting featuies. Theie is a lot moie to goou uigitizing, anu iemembei
the uIS auage of "gaibage in- gaibage out!", so look at the QuIS uocumentation anu
tutoiials foi moie infoimation anu leain about goou uata cieation skills.

!6/,3 0@ Q/-50, @/)56,/4A In the T0C, click on the file Suk_contouis. Right click anu
make the contouis uaik blue oi black so we can see them bettei. Now click on the
IBENTIFY FEAT0RES button anu click on seveial contouis. It will highlight
that contoui anu show you the contents of the uatabase.

Bo seveial contouis to get a iange of theii elevations (aiounu 1u4u-1S6u meteis).
Now iight click on this same file in the T0C, anu click on FILTER. This biings you
to the Boolean logic calculatoi. It is ieally veiy easy to use. Bouble click on BEIuBT
unuei fielus at left, then >= then type 1Suu anu the 0K at bottom iight.
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Scott Nauiy 19

You shoulu see this, with only the contoui lines above 1Suu meteis uisplayeu.

Tiy othei combinations, such as shown below:
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Scott Nauiy 2u

You can save youi selecteu featuies as a new shape file by iight clicking on the file
in the T0C at left, anu selecting SAvE AS. Be suie to go back in anu CLEAR this, by
clicking on the CLEAR button at the bottom left, anu click 0K, to iemove this filtei.
0theiwise any new uIS woik with that layei will 0NLY use oi uisplay the selecteu
uata. You can tiy it with othei vectoi uata as well.

You can manipulate the vectoi iepiesentation by iight clicking on the file in the T0C
anu clicking on PR0PERTIES. Bo this foi the Suk_contouis file. 0nuei STYLE at top
left, you can altei the coloi, fill (foi polygons) anu wiuth of the lines. Altei the coloi
anu wiuth, click ok, anu you will see it change in youi uisplay. 0nuei LABELS you
can manipulate showing text labels, how big, at what iesolution of zoom, etc.
FIELBS shows you the attiibutes, uENERAL is geneial info, incluuing the CRS.
NETABATA is veiy impoitant. You shoulu be suie to fill in anu upuate metauata
(infoimation about this uata file), especially when you cieate new files. People often
ignoie this, but it is veiy impoitant. Click on BELP at the bottom left to get moie

R/-50, I)5) <,0-/44=*2

Let us look at some othei vectoi piocessing functions. Click on the vECT0R pull-
uown menu. You will see seveial gioups, incluuing: ANAYSIS, RESEARCB,
uE0PR0CESSINu, uE0NETRY anu BATA NANAuENENT. These all woik on ARCuIS
foimat shapefiles.

Click on RESEARCB T00LS anu then RANB0N P0INTS. Fill in to have Su points as
shown below:
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Scott Nauiy 21

Pick the NASA image file foi the Input Bounuaiy Layei, then click on BR0WSE to
name the output shapefile. Call it pointsSu anu click 0K. Then say YES, auu it to the
T0C. You just cieateu an Aic shapefile with Su ianuom locations on the lanuscape,
veiy useful foi ianuom sampling, spatial moueling, etc. Right click on the pointsSu
name in the T0C anu click on PR0PERTIES. You can change the symbol, size, auu
attiibutes, etc.

You can also cieate a iegulai giiu of points as well, using REu0LAR P0INTS. Fill out
the menu as shown, be suie to check ABB RES0LTS T0 CANvAS at the bottom:
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Scott Nauiy 22

as shown below:

Remembei you can altei how the points aie uisplayeu by clicking on the icon below
the file name in the T0C anu aujusting the paiameteis:
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Scott Nauiy 2S

Now go to vECT0R pull-uown, uE0NETRY T00LS, anu vER0N0I P0LYu0NS.

0se pointsSu (oi some othei point file) as the input vectoi, anu call it Q/,0*0=S9 by
going to BR0WSE, anu say, YES you want to uisplay it. Put youi pointsSu file above it
in the T0C, anu you will see the iesult, equal aiea polygons aiounu each 'aiea of
influence' of each point.

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Scott Nauiy 24

Remembei to save youi pioject often, just click CTR-C oi Commanu-C foi Nacs.

Now uo the same with the Belaunay Tiiangulations. uo to vECT0R > uE0NETRY
T00LS > BELA0NAY TRIANu0LATI0NS, anu fill in the menu:

Beie is the iesult:

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Scott Nauiy 2S

You can see this is the opposite of the voionoi uiagiam, cieating a TIN, oi
Tiiangulateu Iiiegulai Netwoik, using the points as the noues.

Now iecategoiize the coloi of each polygon, by clicking on the coloieu icon below
the file name in the T0C at left, oi iight click on the filename anu go PR0PERTIES
anu using the STYLE tab. Set it to CATEu0RIZEB by P0INT B column, click on
CLASSIFY, as shown below anu click 0K.

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Scott Nauiy 26
anu heie is the iesulting map.

Note that each polygon's coloi is now uisplayeu in the T0C at left. You can collapse
this by clicking on the small tiiangle next to the check maik.

R/-50, I)5) (*)134=4

0nuei vECT0R > ANALYSIS T00LS at top, you will see seveial useful tools. The
BASIC STATISTICS is useful. Youi point file Suk_spothgt is a file of hill anu mountain
peak elevations. Bo the basic statistics foi this, using BEIuBT as the taiget fielu:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 27

This is showing you the min, max, total numbei, iange, meuian, etc. of these spot

R/-50, "/0?,0-/44=*2 G0014

QuIS has full vectoi geopiocessing abilities. 0nuei vECT0R, go to uE0PR0CESSINu
T00LS anu you see the stanuaiu 'NcBaig' bolean analysis functions of buffeis,
union, inteisection, clip, etc. vectoi buffeis aie simple in QuIS. Click on vECT0R >
uE0PR0CESSINu T00LS > B0FFER anu fill in the uialogue box shown below:

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Remembei that this is a LatLong uatabase, which ieally is not a goou iuea unless
you aie woiking in a veiy laige aiea. Click on vECT0R > uE0PR0CESSINu T00LS >
B0FFER(S) anu fill this out:

The buffei uistance is in uegiees, which is why we want to usually woik in
something like 0TN oi an equal aiea piojection foi smallei aieas. The iesults look
like this:

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Scott Nauiy 29
We have cieateu a new vectoi file that shows all aieas that aie within that uistance
of a ioau. You have seveial options, incluuing only using ceitain categoiies anu
uissolving the iesulting file into a single categoiy.

Anothei vectoi function is P0INT IN P0LYu0N. We just cieateu a ianuom set of
points. Lets see how many of these points aie within this uistance of a ioau. uo to
vECT0R > ANALYSIS > P0INTS IN P0LYu0N anu fill this out:

anu look at the iesults by clicking on the
attiibute table of the new file pntinpoly.shp.

You can see that 4 of the ianuom points weie within that buffei zone.

Now cieate a similai buffei aiounu these points anu then we can uo the 0NI0N
function unuei the same heauing, to see the inteisection of these two buffeis. It will
look like this (youis will be uiffeient as they aie ianuom points):
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy Su

Theie aie many othei vectoi piocessing functions to exploie. Tiy them out anu

R/-50, I)5) '/?,/4/*5)5=0*

Let us now exploie some ways to uisplay oui uata. Right click on the file
S9TJ4?05.25 this file shows point elevations. uo to PR0PERTIES anu click STYLE at
top iight. Choose uRAB0ATEB SYNB0L foi the legenu type, BEIuBT foi
classification fielu, Q0ANTILES foi the moue, anu 1u foi the numbei of classes anu
then click on CLASSIFY. You shoulu see something like this:

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Scott Nauiy S1

Lets make them uiffeient sizes anu icons, so click on the bottom categoiy at left anu
choose a uiffeient symbol anu set the size to 6, uo the same foi the othei categoiies,
with uiffeient sizeu (S,4,S,2) anu click ok. Youi uisplay shoulu look something like

Now uo the same with youi Suk_contouis vectoi file, using the choices as shown

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S2

Click on 0K anu look at youi uisplay. Bepenuing on youi choice of colois you get:

QuIS pioviues foui ienueieis to symbolize youi uata:

$=*21/ $3OL01U This uses a single symbol foi point layeis, a simple outline foi line
layeis, anu a fill coloi foi polygons. All featuies in the layei aie ienueieu the same

",)+6)5/+ $3OL01U This ienueiei allows you to symbolize featuies baseu on a
numbei of classes. Each class is composeu of a iange of values. The fielu useu to
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy SS
ienuei the featuies must be numeiic.

70*5=*6064 7010,U This ienueiei ienueis the featuies baseu on the value of a fielu,
staiting with a coloi foi the minimum value anu enuing with a coloi foi the
maximum value. The fielu useu to classify the uata must be numeiic.

V*=W6/ R)16/U This ienueiei uisplays all featuies of the same type in the same
coloi. You can use any fielu in the attiibute table as the classification fielu. Foi each
unique value, you must set the coloi anu fill style, oi accept the ianuom uefaults
assigneu by QuIS.

The choice of ienueiei uepenus on what you aie tiying to visualize. Beie aie some
1. To uisplay population
2. to poitiay the most populateu political units - use uiauuateu Symbol
S. To cieate a map showing iock types (oi soil, vegetation, oi othei categoiies)
- use 0nique values
4. To ienuei aichaeological sites by size anu aien't too conceineu with the class
S. bieaks - use Continuous Coloi

To leain moie, click on BELP at the bottom left of the vectoi layei piopeities
uialogue box.


0SN (openstieetmap.oig) is an open souice, collaboiative, ciowu souicing piocess
to cieate anu upuate maps aiounu the woilu. It staiteu in 2uu4 anu ielies on local
knowleuge to cieate, veiify, anu upuate mapping uata in an 0pen Bata context, anu
the uata aie fiee to use. Nost uata aie acquiieu by volunteeis using uPS, maps anu
aeiial imageiy. The ability to access anu uownloau 0SN uata is now fully integiateu
in QuIS 2.u, anu is a quick anu simple way to begin cieating a new QuIS uatabase.
0SN uata consists of Noues, Ways anu Relations. In QuIS, they aie uisplayeu in thiee
uiffeient layei types: Point layei, Line layei anu Polygon layei. To uownloau anu use
0SN uata, follow these steps:

Fiist, go to vECT0R > 0PENSTREETNAP > L0AB BATA, this will connect to the 0SN
seivei anu uownloau uata. You shoulu have youi QuIS uisplay aiea alieauy zoomeu
in to the aiea you want to uownloau.
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S4

0i you can choose fiom a given layei. It automatically ueteimines the cuiient active
iegion anu all you have to uo is choose the name of the output file anu click 0K. It
will automatically contact the 0SN seivei anu uownloau uata foi that aiea anu
uisplay it.
This will cieate an .osm XNL foimat file. You can skip this step if you alieauy have a
.osm XNL file.

Next, click on INP0RT T0P0L0uY FR0N XNL. This will conveit youi .osm file into a
spatialite uatabase, anu cieate a ub connection that can be useu in QuIS. }ust input
the .osm file anu it will fill in the output filename.

Last, EXP0RT T0P0L0uY T0 SPATIALITE. This allows you to open the uatabase
connection, select the type of uata you want (points, lines, oi polygons) anu choose
which tags to impoit. Entei the .ub filename, if you want points, lines oi polygon
files, click on L0AB FR0N BB, anu check the tags, as shown below:

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Scott Nauiy SS

This cieates a spatialite geometiy layei that you can then auu to youi pioject via the
"auu a spatialite layei" unuei LAYERS at top, oi clicking the icon on the left
of the scieen. Bighlight the table you want, anu click on ABB below:

Now you can uisplay the vaiious component files in QuIS as vectoi point, line anu
polygon shapefiles. (In oui uatabase theie is little uata available, it woiks bettei in
moie populateu places.)

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Scott Nauiy S6
!"#$ ')45/, (*)134=4

Rastei analysis is often piefeiieu when woiking with teiiain anu othei natuial oi
enviionmental uata such as elevation, soils, lanu covei, etc. as opposeu to vectoi
which is piefeiieu foi uiscieet bounuaiy-type uata such as piopeity owneiship anu
uiban uata. QuIS has multiple iastei piocessing anu analysis functions, which aie
accesseu fiom the RASTER pull-uown menus at top. These aie actually uBAL
ioutines that have been incoipoiateu into QuIS.

The uBAL tools offeis a u0I foi the ueospatial Bata Abstiaction Libiaiy (uBAL), that
aie iastei uata tools that allow you to queiy, ie-pioject, waip, anu woik with a wiue
vaiiety of iastei uata such as iemote sensing anu iastei BEN files. You can cieate
vectoi contoui lines fiom iastei BENS, waip anu geoiefeience iemote sensing
images, using giounu contiol points oi pieviously geoiefeienceu uata, etc. Access is
thiough the RASTER pull-uown menu at top.
Rastei Calculatoi
Teiiain analysis
Zonal stats
uualTool settings

C0,T=*2 H=5. ,)45/, I=2=5)1 D1/Q)5=0* B0+/1 YIDBZ +)5)

0sing iastei elevation uata is a stanuaiu pait of uIS uisplay, analysis anu moueling. We can
then cieate the ueiiveu slope, aspect, teiiain ioughness, anu othei layeis, as well as uo S-u
peispective views, cieate wateisheu anu uiainage uata, etc. But fiist, we neeu a iastei
Bigital Elevation Nouel (BEN) to woik with. NASA acquiieu global BEN uata in the 199u'2
using the Space Shuttle anu the SIR-C iauai system (http:www2.jpl.nasa.govsitm)
that is publicly available woiluwiue. Theie aie many uata iepositoiies foi this uata, anu oui
South Afiican stuuy aiea is in tile sitm_42_19. I uownloaueu this veiy laige .zip file anu heie
it is, the Southeastein section of South Afiica, with oui stuuy aiea a tiny ieu speck:

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S7

Next, we use the QuIS iastei CLIPPER function to clip this laige BEN uown to oui stuuy
aiea. uo to RASTER > EXTRACTI0N > CLIPPER. We choose the B00NBARY uIS layei to
outline to uataset aiea, but you coulu pick a geogiaphical extent as well. Note the uBAL
sciipt at bottom, which is actually being piocesseu.

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S8

You can now see that we have cieateu a new iastei BEN that only coveis oui specific stuuy

If you uon't like the black BEN, just go to the STYLE option anu click C0L0RIZE at the
bottom anu choose a coloi:

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S9

anu you get this:

uo to PR0PERTIES anu look at the metauata. Scioll thiough the extensive metauata
automatically cieateu by the uBAL sciipt unuei PR0PERTIES, but it is up to you to fill in the
iest of the metauata infoimation. Bo this foi EvERY new layei you cieate.

Now that we have a BEN of oui aiea, lets cieate the vaiious ueiivative teiiain layeis of
slope, aspect, etc.

Fiist, iight click on oui new SRTNLocalBEN in the T0C anu Z00N T0 BEST SCALE anu
Z00N T0 LAYER EXTENT. We uo this because we want to be suie we aie woiking with the
best quality iastei uata, which is one majoi uiffeience between iastei anu vectoi files.

Now uo to RASTER > ANALYSIS > BEN (teiiain analysis) anu cieate as aspect file,
iepiesenting the compass uiiection that the slope of the teiiain is facing:

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 4u

Anu heie is the iesulting Aspect map:

You can also cieate slope, hillshaue, anu othei ueiiveu iastei layeis fiom youi BEN. This
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Scott Nauiy 41
SRTN uata is quite coaise foi oui small stuuy aiea, but you can also cieate BENs fiom point
oi vectoi contoui elevation uata as well.

uRASS also has extensive iastei anu BEN functionality, which is coveieu in the uRASS
section below. Also see the excellent QuISuRASS LiBAR tutoiial
_bennett.puf ).

"/0,/@/,/*-=*2 =* !"#$
Satellite images, aeiial photos anu maps all must be iefeienceu to a given map
piojection anu uIS uatabase, anu geoiefeiencing is the piocess we use to accomplish
this impoitant task. We will be using a high iesolution SP0T image of the
Commanuo Biift stuuy aiea, acquiieu in 2u12 nameu SP0T_Image_2.jpg. This was
taken fiom uoogle Eaith as an image expoit. This image is not iegisteieu to oui
uatabase, anu we will go thiough the piocess to geoiefeience it to align with the
othei uata. This is often uone with iemote sensing imageiy, but can also be uone
with histoiical maps as well. Foi moie infoimation in paiticulai to geoiefeiencing
histoiic uata, see:
N.B. The above tutoiial 0RL is using QuIS 1.S, so some things look a bit uiffeient, but
it gives a sense of how to woik with histoiical maps.
Click on RASTER anu uE0REFERENCER to open the new geoiefeiencing winuow:

You will see the new set of icons along the top, which aie useu to uo the

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Scott Nauiy 42
Bovei youi mouse ovei each to see what it uoes. Fiist, auu the iastei image to be
geoiefeienceu by clicking on the left-most icon anu auu the SP0T_Image_2.jpg, as

Fiist, you shoulu click on the F0LL BIST0uRAN STRETCB icon , to impiove the
contiast anu visibility of the image.
You shoulu have the topo_clip.tiff image open in the QuIS winuow (unclick the othei
uata) anu the SP0T_Image_2.jpg in the ueoiefeiencei winuow. Now you will stait
the piocess by picking a point in the SP0T image that you can also iuentify on the
othei image. Click on one enu of the uam, foi example (be caieful about using the
lake euges, as the height of the watei is uiffeient). A cioss hatch will appeai on youi
geoiefeiencei winuow map to show wheie the point that you selecteu will go.
0nce you click to select the point you want to geoiefeience, D*5/, B)?
700,+=*)5/4 winuow will appeai wheie you can eithei entei the X, Y cooiuinates oi
choose uiiectly fiom the map canvas in the QuIS winuow.
Select fiom the Nap Canvas, anu the same cioss hatch will appeai on the QuIS
winuow. Beie you can zoom in to the coiiect point anu click again.

The ueoiefencei winuow will ieappeai again, with enteieu Nap cooiuinates in the
D*5/, B)? 700,+=*)5/4 winuow.
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 4S

Now you will see the cooiuinates have been filleu in:

You will notice that a ieu point has appeaieu on both images, signifying a point that
has been establisheu anu geoiefeienceu between the two. You will see this uCP

You now continue to select points between the two images in oiuei to coiiectly
align the SP0T image with the image in the uatabase.
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Beie you see the iesults of the iesiuuals at the bottom of the scieen: You can (anu
shoulu) uelete the points with the laigest numbeis, anu tiy to get an even
uistiibution of points aiounu the image. Noie points aie bettei.
Now you shoulu click on the TRANSF0RNATI0N SETTINuS icon , anu fill this
out with the paiameteis of the geoiefeiencing you wish to use. Auuitionally, you will
give an 0utput iastei name to save it foi ieopening in QuIS.

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 4S

In the Tiansfoimation Type uiop uown box, you can select the type of
tiansfoimation to be useu:

-Polynomial 1, 2, S
-Thin Plate Spine

Types of Tiansfoimation aie impoitant uepenuing on what type of geoiefeiencing
you aie attempting. In oui case, a simple Polynomial 1 is fine. The iesampling
methou also pioviues uiffeient options, but Neaiest Neighboi is fine. Foi
compiession, use N0NE. uive the iesulting iastei file a name.

You shoulu save youi points in a file, so you can go back anu ie-iun the analysis if
neeueu. Click on this icon anu fill out the infoimation. As you entei points, you
will notice that the ,/4=+6)1 Y?=P/14Z column at the bottom of the scieen has a value.
This value is the spatial eiioi between the points on the two images. You want the
lowest possible numbei. These numbeis will not appeai until you fill out the
Tiansfoimation Settings infoimation above.

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When you have sufficient points anu a low enough numbei, click on the gieen icon
to geoiefeience the image. . Be suie to have saveu the iesiuuals file, as shown
above, so that you can ietuin anu continue woiking on the image if neeueu.

To see the iesults of youi newly geoiefeienceu image. 0pen the new file that you
have just cieateu in the QuIS winuow. You neeu to uefine a CRS. uive it the same as
youi base map, oi in this case, WuS 84.
Beie is the iesulting geoiefeienceu image, maue Su% tianspaient, oveilaiu on the
othei image:

Theie is much to leain about piopei geoiefeiencing (gaibage in- gaibage out) so
take the time to leain some befoie you woik with impoitant uata.

G./ !"#$ <,0-/44=*2 G001L0P

QuIS 2.u has auueu a majoi new analytic component thiough the incoipoiation of
the SEXTANTE pioject into the coie QuIS capabilities. This anu othei piocessing
tools aie now available fiom the PR0CESSINu pull-uown. The toolbox shows a list of
all the available piocessing algoiithms, uiviueu into logical gioups. Also incluueu
heie aie N0BELS anu SCRIPTS that let you uefine youi own woikflow that
incoipoiates seveial uiffeient piocesses. When you click on PR0CESSINu You will
see, at iight, the vaiious options, categoiizeu by type:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 47

In this you can finu all the piocessing ioutines foi uBAL, uRASS, QuIS, anu seveial
otheis. Also available aie N0BELS anu SCRIPTS. You can entei any teim in the opt
line to seaich foi vaiious available functions, as shown below:

You can iun inuiviuual mouules fiom the Piocessing Toolbox. Foi moie infoimation,
see the QuIS manual foi the T00LB0X:
anu the Nouelei:

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Scott Nauiy 48
7,/)5=*2 .),+ -0?3 O)?4 64=*2 5./ 70O?04/,

We all neeu to ultimately cieate piopeily constiucteu maps as a pait of the uIS
piocess. Let us make a haiu-copy output of oui woiking uatabase. You may want to
simplify it if you have many layeis open. QuIS has a full caitogiaphic layout function
calleu the C0NP0SER. Click on the Composei icon on the toolbai anu you will
see the composei winuow, which is sepaiate fiom the uisplay winuow, as shown

The fiist thing to uo is click on the ABB NEW NAP icon on the toolbai. Then
use youi mouse anu uiag a iectangle in the blank page on the left of the Composei
scieen (put youi mouse on the uppei left aiea, left click anu uiag to lowei iight anu
ielease). Bo not covei the entiie aiea, just most of it. You shoulu then see whatevei
map composition you have open in the QuIS winuow:

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Scott Nauiy 49

Click on the image anu uiag the map aiounu, click on a coinei anu you can altei the
size anu shape of the map aiea. Click on the ABB NEW LEuENB icon anu
click on the map scieen, anu it automatically puts a vectoi legenu. Resize youi map
so that it all fits. You can uelete layeis fiom the legenu at the bottom iight if theie
aie too many.
Now lets put a map legenu on, by clicking on the ABB NEW LABEL icon anu
then clicking on wheie you want youi label to go. You can then move it aiounu, etc.
You will want to iesize it, so click on ITEN at top iight, anu you will see the options.
Nake it a goou size, coloi, font, etc. You will neeu to iesize it Call youi map what you
wish, but put seveial spaces anu then a capital N (you will see why).

Eveiy map neeus a Noith (oi South!) aiiow anu a map scale. Now lets auu a Noith
Aiiow fiist. Click on the ABB ARR0W icon anu uiaw an aiiow 6? thiough
the centei of the N in youi legenu. You now have youi noith aiiow foi the map. 0i
you can choose one of seveial 'ieal' noith aiiows using the ABB INAuE icon
anu scioll uown to the seveial noith aiiow options unuei SEARCB
BIRECT0RIES. This contains a vaiiety of Svu icons.
Now the map scale. Click on the scale icon anu click on the map to place
youi scale. This is a latlong CRS, so pick N0NERIC unuei the STYLE pull-uown.
Click a coinei of youi map anu make it slightly laigei anu you will see the iatio
automatically change. If you piefei, cieate anothei scale bai anu unuei
ITEN at iight, set youi SEuNENT SIZE (map units) to u.uu2, NAP 0NITS to 1.u,
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy Su
STYLE to LINE TICS NIBBLE, anu 0NIT LABEL to uegiees. You will then see youi
scale bai.
You can click on the ABB INAuE icon anu click on youi map to cieate a
blank aiea. Now click on the biowse icon at the bottom iight of the L0AB
option at iight, anu seaich foi an image oi photogiaph you wish to auu. Theie is a
gioup of Svu icons that come with QuIS:
anu you can uownloau many othei fiee anu open souice icons heie:

It shoulu now look something like this:

Now auu a cooiuinate giiu (iemembei this is a latlong uataset). Click on the uIS
image in the composei, anu then click on ITEN PR0PERTIES at iight, anu then
SB0W uRIB. You have seveial options appeai, incluuing uRIB TYPE, inteival u.uS X
anu Y, anu offset. Scioll uown anu check the BRAW ANN0TATI0N, choose 00TSIBE
FRANE. Now set youi uRIB TYPE to S0LIB to see that.

Note that unuei the NAP tab at iight aie auuitional options.

You can altei lanuscapepoitiait, piinting quality, giiu anu uot colois, etc. using the
C0NP0SITI0N tab. If it is not visible, in the composei, go to vIEW> PANELS >
C0NP0SITI0N anu click on it.

Now you aie ieauy to piint, anu, using the icons along the top of the composei oi
using the pull-uown, you can save this as a template anu use it again, expoit youi
map layout as a giaphic as a .jpg, etc., as a .puf, oi .svg, oi piint youi map using these
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S1
icons at top. . 0nce you get a map layout that you
like, you can save it as a C0NP0SER TENPLATE using this icon . To use an
existing template, click on . Theie is much moie to making quality haiucopy
maps, but this is enough to get you staiteu.

!"#$ <162=*4

QuIS is pait of the '0pen Souice Stack' of piogiams, anu so theie aie many
auuitional capabilities auueu that aie actually outsiue the QuIS softwaie. Theie aie
many plug-ins now, ovei 9u, fiom 1S iepositoiies. They aie all wiitten in Python.
(see http:uocs.qgis.oigusei_guiuehtmlenpluginsplugins_inuex.html in the
online manual). These pioviue many auuitional featuies that aie available to you. In
the pull-uown calleu PL0uINS, go to NANAuE PL0uINS. The plugin managei is
wheie you loau these. Some will be automatically loaueu foi you, but theie aie many
moie. 0nce you click to loau one, then a pull-uown menu oi icons become available
to use.

To locate anu loau auuitional ones, click on uET N0RE at left to see the list:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S2

If you click on SETTINuS at left, you will see the vaiious iepositoiies anu can
connect to them:

Be awaie that plug-ins in the official iepositoiy have been testeu, while inuiviuual
iepositoiies contain plug-ins of vaiying quality anu matuiity. You can see a iating
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy SS
(stais) anu how many uownloaus;

Beie aie a few of the ieally useful plugins.

I/1=O=5/+ G/P5U The uelimiteu text layei plugin lets you cieate a text file with X anu
Y cooiuinates anu cieate a point uIS file. This coulu be any set of cooiuinate paiis,
like fiom a uPS, etc. Foi example:

IO@8$.?U This is useu to conveit vectoi uata fiom BXF to Shapefile foimat.

/R=4U This lets you link geo-taggeu giounu photos oi othei images into youi uIS
uatabase. It is ieally useful foi aichaeology, ecology, etc. wheie you want to see what
is on the giounu. You can also geotag uocuments, viueos, anu othei uata.

Fiist, select <162=*4 U[ <162=* B)*)2/,\ fiom the uiop-uown menu to access the
plugin managei menu, anu click on evis to activate it.

Next, go to the BATABASE pull-uown at the top of the scieen, anu select /R=4

The thiee evis buttons aie:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S4
/R=4 I)5)L)4/ 70**/-5=0* 0pens the Batabase connection menu winuow. This lets
you link to an existing uatabase file with youi photos anu cooiuinates.
/R=4 DQ/*5 #I G001 Activates the Event IB tool foi inteiaction with the uIS uata anu
/R=4 DQ/*5 ],0H4/, 0pens the Event Biowsei winuow.
It has thiee mouules: a Batabase Connection tool, Event IB tool, anu Event Biowsei.
These allow viewing of geocoueu photogiaphs anu othei uocuments that aie linkeu
to featuies stoieu in vectoi files, uPS locations, uatabases oi spieausheets. You can
impoit oi cieate a point vectoi file anu when you click on a point, it biings up the
associateu image anu uata, along with the attiibute uata.

Click on /R=4 /Q/*5 #I tool to make it active.

0pen the point file evIS_Animals anu click on the symbol below the name in the T0C
anu make the points laige enough so you can cleaily see them on the scieen.

Next, we want to iight click on the file name in the T0C anu look at the attiibute file:

You see we have a point file with nine entiies. The name is simply the name of the
animal. Beaiing-N is a compass uiiection, the uiiection the giounu photo was taken
fiom. Photos contains the .jpg images (the X anu Y cooiuinates aie not shown).

Now, with the evis_Animals layei highlighteu in the T0C, click on one of the points,
anu you will see this:

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy SS

You now see the Event Biowsei scieen with the image anu uatabase attiibutes at
iight. The point location I pickeu shows in YELL0W on the uisplay, with an aiiow
showing the compass uiiection the images was taken fiom (SS2 uegiees). Click on
othei points to see the othei images. Note that the attiibute table also ieflects which
entiy is highlighteu.
Click on the 0PTI0NS tab at the top centei, to see impoitant configuiation

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S6

This wheie we configuie the link between the photos stoieu in oui computei anu
evis. Be suie that the coiiect file is highlighteu in the T0C fiist, then choose the
attiibute containing the photos anu compass beaiings. Beie we aie using a ielative
path to the photos, as all the images aie in the same foluei, but this is not iequiieu
anu you can put in absolute paths as well.

Click on the BISPLAY C0NPASS BEARINu option anu SAvE, anu now you see on
youi uIS uisplay, the compass uiiection the photo was taken: .

If you go to BATABASE > evis > evis BATABASE C0NNECTI0N, you see this foim
that allows you to connect to anu extiact uatabase files in uniuentifieu, SQLITE,
PostuiessSQL, 0BBC oi NYSQL foimats.
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S7

See the manual foi uetails, but heie you can connect to a uatabase in one of these
foimats anu extiact files into a foimat that evis can use.

Now click on C0NFIu0RE EXTERNAL APPLICATI0NS at top iight in the evis event
biowsei. This allows you to configuie exteinal applications fiom which a
hypeimeuia file will be openeu eithei in the evis uisplay winuow oi using anu
exteinal application. You can use, foi example, NS Woiu .uoc files, .pufs, mpS anu
.kml files. Beie is an example, wheie you click on the ABB NEW FILE TYPE (B) at
iight anu entei the path foi that application to open that type of file:

Foi moie help anu moie uetails about evis, see the evis online manual anu tutoiial:

"<$ 50014 The uPS tools appeai in the vECT0R pull uown winuow. This lets you
uownloau uPS files into youi uIS as point, line, oi polygon vectoi files, uploau point
files to youi uPS (veiy useful when wanting to navigate to an inteiesting uIS
location in the fielu- foi pieuictive moueling, foi example), anu conveit vaiious uPS
foimats. If you use a uaimin oi Tiimble, you shoulu be all set, otheis have some
massaging to uo. QuIS uses the uPX (uPS eXchange) foimat, which is a stanuaiu
inteichange foimat foi uPS uata. uPSBabel is a fiee piogiam
(http:www.gpsbabel.oig) that in a pait of the QuIS uownloau that allows uata in
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S8
othei uPS foimats to be conveiteu to uPX. When you click on vECT0R in the pull-
uown menus anu then on uPS, you shoulu see this:

You can uploau vectoi line oi point uata to youi uPS. Theie is also a capability to
show ieal-time uPS locations on a laptop, veiy useful when you aie in the fielu with
a mobile computei oi using a laptop in a vehicle.

"<$ 50014U The uPS tools let you uownloau uPS files into youi uIS as point, line, oi
polygon vectoi files, uploau point files to youi uPS (veiy useful when wanting to
navigate to an inteiesting uIS location in the fielu- foi pieuicative moueling, foi
example), anu conveit vaiious uPS foimats. If you use a uaimin oi Tiimble, you
shoulu be all set, otheis have some massaging to uo. QuIS uses the uPX (uPS
eXchange) foimat, which is a stanuaiu inteichange foimat foi uPS uata. uPSBabel is
a fiee piogiam (http:www.gpsbabel.oig) that you shoulu uownloau, as it allows
uata in othei uPS foimats to be conveiteu to uPX. When you click on the uPS icon
you shoulu see this:

It automatically chooses the uata types. Click 0K anu it will automatically loau the
points as vectoi point oi line shapefiles. Click on the files anu zoom in the view

You can also uploau vectoi line oi point uata to youi uPS, which is useful to navigate
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy S9
to a specific featuie you finu in youi uIS in the fielu. You can also see signal stiength
anu the location of cuiient satellites as shown below.

^=Q/ "<$ G,)-T=*2A Theie is also a capability to show ieal-time uPS locations, useful
when you aie in the fielu with a mobile computei oi using a laptop in a vehicle. To
activate, go to vIEW anu LIvE uPS TRACKINu anu C0NNECT. If you want to iecoiu
youi position to the canvas you have to cieate a new vectoi layei fiist, anu
switch it to euitable status to be able to iecoiu youi tiack.
G/,,)=* (*)134=4A This plug-in, in the RASTER pull-uown menu at top, lets you uo
analysis on a iastei Bigital Elevation Nouel (BEN). Incluuing geneiating slope,
aspect iuggeuness anu total cuivatuie. We can also uo this in uRASS.

700,+=*)5/ 7)?56,/A This allows you to point anu click on the map anu see oi save
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 6u
the cooiuinate paii in both youi CRS anu anothei. uo to PL0uINS anu activate it.
Next, access the plugin via the vECT0R pull uown winuow oi click on this icon on
the left of youi scieen , anu you will see this in the bottom left of youi scieen,
below the T0C. Click START T0 CAPT0RE to begin collecting points, anu C0PY T0
CLIPB0ARB to save youi points.

Click on the top button anu choose a uiffeient CRS. Tiy 0TN (zone SSs), then
click on the START CAPT0RE , anu then click at
uiffeient locations on the map. You will see both sets of cooiuinate paiis. This is
useful foi geoiefeiencing imageiy anu othei things. You can uiiect youi output to a
clipboaiu anu save the file.

"/0,/@/,/*-/,A This mouule, accesseu thiough the RASTER pull-uown menu at top,
allows you to geoiefeience iastei uata such as topo maps, histoiical maps, aeiial
photos anu satellite images. These often pioviue the basis foi uigitizing othei
featuies such as ioaus, vegetation, etc. This was useu in the exeicise above.

X@@1=*/ D+=5=*2A This veiy useful tool allows people to woik with a laptop oi cell
phone in the fielu anu then synch with a mastei uIS uatabase, allowing multiple
useis to keep theii uata in synch.

CB$ )*+ CBG$ I)5). You can access both WNS (Web Napping Seivice- a
stanuaiu piotocol foi seiving geoiefeienceu uata ovei the inteinet), anu WNTS
(Web Napping Tile Seivice) uata. Both aie stanuaius of the 0pen ueospatial
Consoitium, 0uC. The main uiffeience is that WNS seives anu image that cannot be
euiteu (images), while WNTS seives files that aie geoiefeienceu tiles. Also available
aie NFS, Web Napping File Seivice, which aie fully euitable in youi uIS (like shape
files) anu WCS, Web Coveiage Seivice, all stanuaius of 0Cu.

uo to the LAYER pull-uown anu click on ABB WNS LAYER. You will get a uialogue
box shown below. Click on ABB BEFA0LT SERvERS at iight. This loaus seveial uata
seiveis. Choose Lizaiutech seivei anu C0NNECT. You will see a list of uata files
seiveu. Click on N0BIS anu click ABB at bottom left.
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Scott Nauiy 61

You will see the N0BIS image has been loaueu in youi T0C. Right click on it anu
Z00N T0 LAYER EXTENT anu you will see that it loaueu a global satellite image
composite. Now zoom back to oui stuuy aiea, you will see that this 1 Km pixel image
is of little use to oui pioject, but you get the iuea of how simple it is to uownloau uIS
uata anu imageiy fiom a WNS seivei. You can auu moie WNS seiveis easily, click
on the NEW button at uppei left, give it a name "QuIS WNS" anu entei the uil. Foi
an up to uate list of WNS anu WFS seiveis see: http:www.skylab-
mobilesystems.comenwms_seiveilist.html foi excellent examples of what can be

WFS seiveis aie much the same, but insteau of just images oi uata you can see but
not altei, they seive files that behave like any othei QuIS file, you can see the
attiibutes, save, etc. In QuIS, a WFS layei behaves pietty much like any othei vectoi
layei. You can iuentify anu select featuies anu view the attiibute table. The WFS
plugin uoesn't suppoit euiting at this time. Auuing a WFS layei is veiy similai to the
pioceuuie useu with WNS. The uiffeience is theie aie no uefault seiveis uefineu, so
we have to auu oui own. Let's use the BN Solutions WFS seivei. The 0RL is:

uo to LAYER anu ABB WFS LAYER. You get this uialogue box:
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 62

Click NEW anu entei BN foi NANE anu then entei the 0RL above. ABB the seconu
file, anu uisplay it in QuIS. You will see you loaueu a vectoi point file of Canauian
cities. not too useful foi us touay, but that's how you uo it. Why not set up a local
WNSWFS with youi uIS uata foi all to use.

You can see unuei LAYERS that theie aie multiple uatabase, imageiy, anu uIS uata,
incluuing WCS anu WFS (web coveiage seivices anu web file seivices), etc.

Theie aie many othei plugins, anu moie aie auueu with each veision of QuIS, so be
suie to keep up-to-uate anu check the Plugin iepositoiies fiequently. Remembei
that the ones in the official QuIS iepositoiy aie testeu anu matuie, but many of the
otheis in othei iepositoiies aie in vaiious levels of uevelopment.

#* 70*-164=0*

QuIS is a veiy poweiful yet easy to use uIS system that pioviues a wiue iange of
capabilities. See the bottom of this uocument foi a list of QuIS web iesouices,
tiaining mateiials, anu othei infoimation.

QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 6S

V4/@61 !"#$ #*@0,O)5=0* _ C/L '/406,-/4

G./ O)=* !"#$ 4=5/, incluues uownloauing the coue
The QuIS Suppoit page, with mailing lists, foiums, chat, StackExchange, issue
tiackei, etc.
QuIS Case Stuuies, incluuing my Buigunuy Bistoiical Lanuscapes pioject:
QuIS Bevelopment page, bugs, issues, anu bug iepoiting
Bow uo I uo that in QuIS.
The QuIS uitBub https:github.comqgisQuIS
!"#$ I0-6O/*5)5=0* )*+ G650,=)14
QuIS 2.u uocumentation, tiaining manual, PyQuIS cookbook, etc.
QuIS helpful hints (incluuing linking with NS Access ub)
S-B visualization anu Analysis of aichaeological vectoi anu iastei uata using open
souice geospatial softwaie
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 64
A gentile intio to uIS using QuIS:
QuIS 1.8 Aichaeology viueo Tutoiial
Intio to QuIS foi Aichaeological Lanuscape Analysis by Rebecca Bennett
Two-point geoiefeiencing of aichaeological site excavation maps in QuIS
0sing QuIS anu uRASS foi piocessing anu analyzing LIBAR uata
QuIS exeicises
Fiee uIS uata fiom South Afiica Bepaitment of Enviionmental Affaiis
Natuial Eaith global uIS uata uownloau (1:1u million)
Baviu Rumsey histoiical map collection (uownloaus)
Leaining QuIS 2.u by Anita uiassei
QuISuRASS Woikshop CAA Paiis, Apiil 22, 2u14
Scott Nauiy 6S
Theie aie many uiffeient tutoiials foi QuIS in YouTube. Simply open YouTube anu
entei QuIS. Foi example, these QuIS YouTube viueos by }eiiett Totton:

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Scott Nauiy 66
^=-/*4/ )*+ -=5)5=0* =*@0,O)5=0*F

This woik is licenseu unuei a Cieative Commons Attiibution-
NonCommeicial-ShaieAlike 4.u Inteinational License.

`06 ),/ @,// 50F
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If you cite this uocument, please incluue the following infoimation:
Nauiy, S. QuISuRASSR Banus-on Tutoiial 2u14. Available fiom http: (accesseu
on touays uate).

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