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Sherisse Woodley

L. Brandt
Ethics in Business
May 6, 2014
Assignment 2
Ch.3 (p.125-126) "Questions" # 4, 12
1. Read one of the cases at the end of this chapter, then describe the type of
reasoning the leaders or a major stakeholders in the case used in
his/her/their decisions(s). Now, refer to the three criteria that can be used in
ethical reasoning in this chapter. If the individuals or groups you just
studied in this case had used the three criteria of ethical reasoning in this
chapter, what if any differences would you have expected to observe in the
case results? Explain.
Real Time Ethical Dilemma p. 128
I think the reasoning they use was too benefit them. The CEO didnt care if he
cheated the clients out of their royalties.
The CEO could of used all them: moral reasoning, factual evidence, and ethical
standards, because the CEO was completely wrong he told his employee to
dismiss what she found, he didnt want to give the clients what they owe and he
made his employee feel uncomfortable as to whether she do something about it
or not.

2. Which of the four social responsibility modes most accurately
characterizes your college/university and place of work? Explain. Do your
ethics and moral values agree with these organizations? Explain.
Progressivism is one of the four social responsibility modes that characterize
FIDM. Though their slow at it FIDM tries to accommodates their student body
self-interests; whether its new trip from the activities center, variety of clubs,
and/or classes. I believe my ethics and moral agree with them to a point. I too
like to motivate and see people progress.

Ch.3 (p. 128) Real Time Ethical Dilemma Questions # 1, 4
1. What would you have done? Volunteered the information or stayed silent?
Explain your decision.
I would of volunteered the information. I was always taught to tell the truth and to
give back what isnt yours and in this case they were withholding money to their
clients. I think its better to fix it first before someone notices and makes it a big

2. What , if anything, should the officers done, and why?
They should of made their wrong right, because it would be the ethical thing to
do. They want to gain their customers trust and set an example to all their
employees. They also should of asked if the she would of given the suggested
better response.

Ch.4 (p.188-189) "Questions" #2, 3, 9
1. Do you believe that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is not needed? Explain or offer
a different argument.
No, because just like PricewaterhouseCoopers said, its the most important
legislation affecting corporate governance, financial disclosure and public
accounting practices. It prevents companies like Ernon to falsify their financials.
In the end I think the cost are minimal compared to the cost of not implementing

2. Are the revised 2004 Federal Sentencing Guidelines, in your opinion,
helpful to organizational leaders and boards of directors in promoting more
ethical behavior? Explain. What other actions policies, or procedures
would you recommend?
It does offer specific criteria for developing the foundation for ethical behavior in
their companies. In order to promote ethical behavior in the company leaders and
board of directors must make ethical behavior and the discussion of ethical
behavior a part of everything that happens in the company. Some ideas can be:
A code of conduct for the company
Ethics hotline
Ethics committee
3. If you had to select either the legal/compliance (stick) approach or the
voluntary/ethical compliance (carrot) approach toward running a
corporation, which would you choose, and why? What would be likely
consequences (positive and negative) of your choice? Explain.
I would choose carrot people do better and want to do better when feel
motivated and have ethical incentives. The positive is that they can react to this
approach good and do more than we expect or they can ignore this approach
and go down hill from their.
Ch.4 (p. 192-195) "Case 11 Reinventing Napster" Questions #1, 2, 4
1. Do you think that it is unethical for someone to download copyrighted
music without paying for it?
Yes I do, but there are ways to get around downloading copyrighted music
without paying for it which is unfortunate for the people who make it.

2. Who are the key stakeholders, and how have they changed since Napsters
Laura Goldberg
Can use the music in any device
Mobile Music
MP3 files
Free service with commercials
Monthly subscriptions

3. Given that Napster has reinvented itself twice in its short organizational life,
what do you think the future holds?
I think they will make the service better. They will offer more music for a reduced
price than what iTunes and Amazon offer. They can also made a Napster Radio
where the clients can make their own preference in what they want to hear with
little to none commercials.

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