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SAU 55 Board Meeting

June 4, 2014
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School Administration Unit No 55
30 Greenough Road, Plaistow, NH
Atkinson, Danville, Hampstead, Plaistow and Sandown
New Hampshire

Regular Public Meeting SAU 55 Office
June 4, 2014 30 Greenough Road
7:00 PM Plaistow, NH

Call to Order
Chairman Cipriano called this June 4, 2014 meeting of the School Administration Unit No 55 Board to order at
7:03 PM. Roll call was taken.

Board Members Present
Mrs. Barr, Mr. Bealo (8:00 pm), Mr. Blair, Mr. Cipriano, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Delfino, Mrs. Dimando, Mr. Dinsmore, Mrs. Green,
Dr. Hoppa, Mr. Mascola, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Steenson and Mr. Ward

Administration Present
Dr. Metzler, Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Danahy, Director of Human Resources and Recording Secretary

Mr. Dinsmore led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The board reviewed the May 21, 2014 public meeting minutes of the SAU Board.
Motion: Mr. Blair motioned to approve the public meeting minutes of May 21, 2014 meeting as presented.
Mr. Mascola seconded. With no further discussion, the motion carried by a vote of 10-0-3 (Mrs. Delfino, Mrs.
Green and Mrs. Sherman abstained).

The board reviewed the May 21, 2014 non-public meeting minutes of the SAU Board.
Motion: Mr. Dinsmore motioned to approve the non-public meeting minutes of May 21, 2014 meeting as
presented. Mr. Blair seconded. With no further discussion, the motion carried by a vote of 10-0-3 (Mrs.
Delfino, Mrs. Green and Mrs. Sherman abstained).

Motion: Mr. Mascola motioned to enter into a nonpublic session under RSA 91-A: 3 paragraph II (a) the
dismissal, promotion or compensation or disciplining of any public employee; Mrs. Barr seconded. With no
further discussion, the board was polled:
Barr Yes
Blair Yes
Cipriano Yes
Collins Yes
Delfino Yes
Dimando Yes
Dinsmore Yes
Green Yes
Hoppa Yes
Mascola Yes
Sherman Yes
Steenson Yes
Ward Yes

SAU 55 Board Meeting
June 4, 2014
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The boards entered into a non-public session at 7:06 pm.

Motion: Mrs. Green motioned to exit the nonpublic session and enter a public session at 7:32 pm. Mr.
Mascola seconded. With no further discussion, the board was polled:
Barr Yes
Blair Yes
Cipriano Yes
Collins Yes
Delfino Yes
Dimando Yes
Dinsmore Yes
Green Yes
Hoppa Yes
Mascola Yes
Sherman Yes
Steenson Yes
Ward Yes

No action was taken during the non-public session.

A discussion ensued regarding an article reported in the Eagle Tribune. Chairman Cipriano resigned from the

Mr. Bealo arrived at 8:22 pm.

Motion: Mr. Collins motioned to nominate Mr. Mascola as Chair of the SAU board. Mrs. Steenson seconded.
Motion: Mr. Mascola motioned to nominate Mr. Bealo as Chair of the SAU board. Mrs. Dimando seconded.
Motion: Mr. Bealo motioned to nominate Dr. Hoppa as Chair of the SAU board. Mr. Mascola seconded.
Motion: Mrs. Green motioned to nominate Mrs. Dimando as Chair of the SAU board. The motion failed for
lack of second.

With no further discussion, the following votes were cast:
Mr. Mascola 1
Mr. Bealo 0
Dr. Hoppa 12

Dr. Hoppa accepted the Chairmanship of the SAU board effective immediately.

Motion: Mr. Collins motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Blair seconded the motion. With no further
discussion the motion carried by a unanimous vote of 14-0-0.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Danahy
School Board Clerk

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