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The Tantric Ritual

Putting it all together or how to create that special ritual evening for you and your partner.
Set aside 2 hours for this sensual ritual. An additional hour will be needed to create the set
and setting.
You will need a few purchased items such as candles, flowers, sensual fruit like mango,
papaya, small uicy oranges, kiwi, possibly chocolates and a sipping li!ueur "if you drink
alcohol#. You may also wish to e$change small gifts during the ritual. Peel, slice and arrange
the food on a plate. %his need not be a large amount as we are tempting the senses of smell
and taste & not eating to be full. Pour a small single glass of the li!ueur or whatever drink you
desire. %his glass will be shared by the two of you. Arrange the bedroom with clean sheets
and pillows. Set the candles in areas of the room that appeal to you. Place one or two
candles in the bathroom. Pick soft, sensual music to play. 'f you(ve purchased flowers place
them somewhere appealing, say, on a table ne$t to the fruit and drink.
%he )vening:
You may e$change gifts now or whenever it feels appropriate.
%ake a sensual bath together. *on(t forget to light the candles.
After the bath, down together. +armoni,e your energy by lying in the spoon position. -ne
person can lie on their side and the partner lies behind them and embraces the person in front.
Place the top hand on the heart center. .reath slowly and deeply together for five minutes.
)$change massages. .egin, without using oil, to give a light, finger tip only massage and
gradually e$plore the subtleties of touch on different areas of the body. You may wish to use
feathers, a fur mitt or a piece of velvet to add a different sensual touch. Apply a little oil and
use a firmer touch making sure to keep it sensual. %he hands giving the touch should be
feeling ust as e$!uisite as the body receiving it.
/ow face each other, eyes open, and ga,e into the soul through the eyes. Spend a few
minutes with this, breathing slowly and deeply into the belly.
0ently, begin your lovemaking. %here(s no rush. %ake it slow and enoy every moment
1emember to breathe into your belly, full, slow breaths && and that orgasm is not the goal here.
2ill your senses with the sight, sound and smell of your beloved.
%aking turns, use the food and drink that you(ve prepared to open the senses. %ease a little.
Ask your partner to close their eyes and let them briefly smell what you are offering first. 3ightly
brush the morsel across their lips allowing them to feel the smooth te$tures before slipping it
into their mouth.
4oice any appreciations to your partner that you may be feeling. 3et them know how precious
this time is to you )/5-Y6
Please feel free to add anything your heart desires to your evening. .e creative, courageous
and adventurous6
You may want to create a space to verbali,e and clear any problems, concerns or frustrations
you7ve been having. You may find you have nothing but praise and gratitude to speak. %ake
turns so that each of you honor the other with compassionate listening.
You could spend part of this evening e$ploring your partner7s 0&spot again or giving each other
the Yoni and 3ingam massages.
2or another fun evening:
0et a child7s plastic blow&up pool with fairly high, blow&up sides. +eat the bedroom, light the
candles, put a small tarp or some towels on the floor, slightly heat up about 2 cups of olive oil
"add a tiny bit of an aromatherapy oil or an essence oil to give off an aroma# and get in with your
partner. )$pect to get -'3Y but it will be an e$perience that will not be forgotten soon. %he
slippery !uality of the oil and the soft, enclosed space will give the two of you the ability to slip
and slide all over each others body and enoy the freedom the soft enclosed space gives you.
1eference 8aterial:
%oday(s lovers are seeking longer&lasting and more enriching se$ lives, and %antra offers a
complete philosophy based on harnessing orgasmic energy in order to deepen se$ual
e$perience beyond traditional boundaries. 9nderstand the highly pleasurable %antric rituals
that enable you and your lover to create the ideal ambience for the sacred fusion of body, heart,
and soul. 2ollow erotic se!uences for e$ploring the wonder of the body and transforming
every aspect of your se$ual relationship.

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