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Code Product Name AP

For internal use Product Version R12
Prepared by AP PDU Doc. Version V1.1
AP R12 Troubleshooting Guide
Prepared by AP R12 PDU Date 20110!1"
Reviewed by Date
Reviewed by Date
Approved by Date
Huawei Technologies Co. !td.
All rights reserved.
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Change History
Data Revision
Description Author
20110111 V1.0 Completed t$e initial dra't. R12 PDU
20110()0 V1.1 Add t$e troubles$ootin% %uide
about UAP2*)+,UAP2*++
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 2 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Change History..................................................................................................................................2
1 #ervice #etup $aults.......................................................................................................................%
1.1 Failure to Initiate a Voice Call.................................................................................................................................(
1.2 Cell /ana%ement Faults........................................................................................................................................1(
2 Handover $aults...........................................................................................................................21
2.1 -ando0er 'rom a )& /acro Cell to t$e -AP........................................................................................................21
2.2 -ando0er 'rom a )& /acro Cell to t$e ePico.......................................................................................................2!
2.) -ando0er 'rom t$e AP to a )& /acro Cell...........................................................................................................)(
2.( InterAP -ard -ando0er........................................................................................................................................()
2.+ Failure to Per'orm 1lind -ando0er to a /acro Cell.............................................................................................(*
2.! A U2 Fails to Reselect t$e AP 'rom t$e /acro Net.or3......................................................................................+!
2." A U2 Fails to Reselect t$e 2& /acro Net.or3 'rom t$e AP................................................................................!0
2.* A U2 Fails to Reselect t$e )& /acro Net.or3 'rom t$e AP................................................................................!(
2.4 A U2 Fails to Per'orm Reselection 1et.een APs................................................................................................."0
2.10 Failure to Redirect an 2mer%ency Call to a /acro Cell......................................................................................"+
& "oice 'uality Proble(s................................................................................................................)*
).1 Abnormal Uplin3 A/R Voice..............................................................................................................................."*
% +pgrade Proble(s........................................................................................................................*,
(.1 Failure to 5ync$roni6e Parameters 1et.een t$e AP/ and t$e AP.......................................................................*+
(.2 #$e AP Fails to 1e Up%raded #$rou%$ t$e AP/..................................................................................................**
, Data Trans(ission Proble(s.......................................................................................................-&
+.1 Unstable Data #ransmission in t$e -5DPA 5er0ice..............................................................................................4)
+.2 7o. Data #ransmission Rate in t$e -5DPA 5er0ice............................................................................................4"
+.) Failure to 5et Up t$e -5UPA 5er0ice.................................................................................................................10)
+.( Unstable Data #ransmission in t$e -5UPA 5er0ice............................................................................................10"
+.+ 7o. Data #ransmission Rate in t$e -5UPA 5er0ice..........................................................................................110
. Proble(s Related to Auto(atic Power Ad/ust(ent................................................................11&
!.1 Call1ased Automatic Pilot Ad8ustment o' t$e AP..............................................................................................11)
!.2 5tatistics1ased Automatic Pilot Ad8ustment o' t$e AP......................................................................................11*
) Trans(ission $aults....................................................................................................................122
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e ) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
".1 #ypical /et$ods o' 7ocatin% #ransmission and Po.eron Faults in R12...........................................................122
* HG0 $aults................................................................................................................................12)
*.1 9o5 Issues...........................................................................................................................................................12*
*.2 Issues Related to :iFi Distributed 5ystem........................................................................................................124
*.) Dia%nosin% Net.or3 Con%estion #$rou%$ t$e Port /irror Function.................................................................1)0
*.( Dia%nosin% Net.or3 Con%estion #$rou%$ C$aracteristic Pac3et Capturin%......................................................1)1
*.+ C$ec3in% t$e 5ystem 1rea3do.n Issue #$rou%$ 7o%s.......................................................................................1)2
1 #ervice #etup $aults
1.1 $ailure to 1nitiate a "oice Call
1.1.1 Proble( Description
A U2 under t$e AP 'ails to initiate an A/R call.
1.1.2 Cause Analysis
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e AP cell 'ails to be set up.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
;bser0e .$et$er t$e RUN indicator on t$e AP is %reen at t$e near end. ;n t$e AP/< c$ec3
.$et$er t$e AP status is 2nline< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e ( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e User Access Policy used by t$e AP is Closed or &roup< and t$e AP does not add t$e I/5I
o' t$e U2 to t$e accessible U2 list.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
7o% in to t$e A-R< and c$ec3 t$e user access policy and accessible U2 list o' t$e AP< as
s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e + o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e ! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e radio parameters set on t$e AP are di''erent 'rom t$ose set on t$e core net.or3 =CN>. #o
implement radio communication< you need to set t$e P7/N< 7AC< and 5AC. #$e speci'ic
parameter 0alues are pro0ided by carriers.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
7o% in to t$e AP/< and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er t$e P7/N and 7AC under 3one Con4iguration
are correctly set< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e " o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
;n t$e AP/< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e 5AC under #ingle Con4iguration is correctly set< as s$o.n
in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e * o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
;n t$e AP/< c$ec3 .$et$er De4ault#ai under 3one Con4iguration is correctly set< as s$o.n
in t$e ' 'i%ure.
Cause %
Cause Description
C#Do(ain is not con'i%ured 'or t$e AP under Cn5ode1n4o.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
7o% in to t$e AP/< and c$ec3 .$et$er t$e parameters under #ingle Con4iguration are set
correctly< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 4 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e number o' users under t$e AP e?ceeds t$e speci'ication.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e number o' users under t$e AP e?ceeds t$e current speci'ication.
;n t$e 7/#< lo% in to t$e AP and select Cell per4or(ance (onitoring to c$ec3 .$et$er t$e
number o' users ser0ed by a dedicated c$annel inside a cell e?ceeds t$e speci'ication o' t$e
AP< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 10 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e IUUP 0ersion o' t$e AP is di''erent 'rom t$at o' t$e CN.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#race Iu si%nalin%< and t$en c$ec3 t$e IUUP 0ersion assi%ned by t$e CN in t$e
RA1@A55I&N/2N#@R29 si%nalin%< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 11 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
:$et$er t$e AP supports IUUP Version2 depends on t$e settin% o' 1uup"2#upport#witch. I'
1uup"2#upport#witch is set to o44< t$e AP supports IUUP Version1. I'
1uup"2#upport#witch is set to on< t$e AP supports IUUP Version2. 1uup"2#upport#witch
is set to o44 by de'ault< t$at is< t$e AP supports IUUP Version1 by de'ault. I' uP6
7ode"ersions is set to 2< IUUP Version2 is assi%ned by t$e CN. In t$is case< modi'y t$e
IUUP 0ersion o' t$e AP.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 12 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause )
Cause Description
#$e U2 compatibility does not meet t$e reAuirement.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Return t$e traced messa%es o' t$e U2 and t$e U2 model.
1.1.& 1n4or(ation Collection !ist
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics s.itc$>< and Uu
and Iu messa%es
AP con'i%uration parameters< collected t$rou%$ t$e AP/ /andatory
U2 model /andatory
UA& con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
1e'ore in'ormation collection< you are ad0ised to e?clude U2 and CN 'aults by conductin% a
comparison test on a macro net.or3.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
1.2 Cell 7anage(ent $aults
1.2.1 Cell 7anage(ent
#$is section mainly describes t$e di''erences o' t$e AP so't.are in automatic net.or3
plannin% bet.een R12 and R11BR10.
In R12< automatic net.or3 plannin% separates t$e procedure 'or searc$in% 'reAuencies and
scramblin% codes o' AP cells 'rom t$e procedure 'or searc$in% nei%$borin% cells. #$e t.o
procedures can be controlled separately. #$e 'reAuencies and scramblin% codes o' t$e AP cells
and t$e nei%$borin% cells support autocon'i%uration. For details< see t$e Automatic Network
Planning and Optimization (HAP1130).doc and Automatic Network Planning and Optimization
#$e ' describes t$e commands related to cell setup and nei%$borin% cell
Nei%$borin% cell autocon'i%uration s.itc$ =#$e nei%$borin% cell combination s.itc$ also
reAuires your attention 'or t$e ePico.>
:$en t$e nei%$borin% cell autocon'i%uration s.itc$ is set to TR+8 and t$e combination
s.itc$ o' nei%$borin% )& cells is set to 25< use t$e nei%$borin% )& cells con'i%ured
manually and automaticallyC ot$er.ise< use t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells only.
Focus on t$e commands s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
Nei%$borin% cell combination s.itc$ uniAue to t$e ePico 0ersionD
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Autocon'i%uration o' nei%$borin% )& and 2& cells
9uery t$e autocon'i%uration result o' nei%$borin% cellsD
5et t$e nei%$borin% cell autocon'i%uration 'unctionD
Autocon'i%uration o' t$e 'reAuencies and scramblin% codes o' AP cells
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cell #tatus 7anage(ent
For t$e detailed con'i%uration met$ods o' t$e 'reAuencies and scramblin% codes o' AP cells
and t$e nei%$borin% cells< and t$e detailed parameter descriptions< see EAd8ustin% t$e u1ro
Net.or3E in t$e ePico3801B !er "uide (#$00%01$&01).
1.2.2 Cause "alues
Attac$ment 1D Cause 0alues o' deletin% cells
&enerally< t$e cause 0alues o' deletin% cells are printed on t$e serial port. #$e ' is 'or
your re'erenceD
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Attac$ment 2D Cause 0alue o' 'ailure to reAuest cell resources =t$e last t$ree di%its o' t$e
error code0?"D0>
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Attac$ment )D 9uery t$e cause 0alue o' cell setup 'ailure.
;n t$e AP/< c$ec3 t$e settin%s under Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.
:i;.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.<=>D1$)?='ueryCell#tatus.Cell#tatus 'or t$e
status o' t$e current cell. Cell#etup$ailCause indicates t$e speci'ic cause 'or t$e 'ailure to set
up t$e current cell.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 14 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Common serial port commands are described as 'ollo.s =note t$at t$ese commands are
special 'or AP de0elopment personnel and internal test personnel>D
N1/@5$o.ApIn'oD used to display t$e AP status and nei%$borin% cell in'ormation.
N1/@5$o.RemD used to display t$e autocon'i%uration in'ormation about t$e
nei%$borin% )& and 2& cells o' an AP cell.
N1/@5$o.CellIn'oD used to display t$e rele0ant in'ormation about an AP cell<
includin% t$e 'reAuency< scramblin% code<< status< and dia%nosis in'ormation.
N1/@5$o.7cIn'oD used to display t$e status o' t$e local cell and resource consumption
N1/@5$o.UeIn'oD used to display t$e c$annel in'ormation about t$e U2 accessed to an
AP cell.
N1/@CemReadPlmnFromFlas$D used to read t$e P7/NID 'rom t$e 'las$ memory in
t$e use o' t$e net.or3 loc3in% 'unction.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 20 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2 Handover $aults
2.1 Handover 4ro( a &G 7acro Cell to the HAP
2.1.1 Proble( Description
#$e AP returns Relocation Failure durin% t$e relocation 'rom a )& macro net.or3 to t$e
#$e AP acti0ely initiates Iu inter'ace release durin% t$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro
net.or3 to t$e AP.
2.1.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
1. The AP Returns Relocation $ailure
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N or R27;C@N;#@5UPP@IN@#AR&2#@RNC@;R@#AR&2#@5F5<
indicatin% t$at t$e license 'or incomin% relocation is una0ailable or t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin%
t$e incomin% relocation is enabled.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 t$e settin%s under Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.
:i;.Capabilities.<=>D1$)?=!icense1n4o.!icense2ption 'or t$e license in'ormation
about t$e current AP. I' t$e license 'or t$e relocation 'rom )& macro cells is disabled< t$e
relocation 'rom )& macro cells is not supported. C$ec3 t$e RRCTR!#01TCH
command 'or .$et$er t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin% t$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro
net.or3 is disabled. I' t$e 'unction is enabled< t$e relocation 'rom )& macro cells is not
I' t$e license 'or incomin% relocation is una0ailable< Auery .$et$er t$e license is
purc$ased on t$e A-R.
I' t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin% t$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 is enabled<
disable t$e 'unction.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 21 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e R27;C R29 messa%e does not carry t$e I/5I.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e. #$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s a R27;CA#I;N R29
messa%e t$at carries t$e I/5I.
For t$e incomin% relocation< t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e must carry t$e I/5IC
ot$er.ise< t$e incomin% relocation may 'ail. #$e source RNC needs to carry t$e I/5I in t$e
R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IU@/5&@N;#@C/PA#@:I#-@R2CV@5#A#2< indicatin% t$at t$e repeated IU-
resources e?ist durin% t$e incomin% relocation.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 t$e R27;CA#I;N FAI7UR2 messa%e. #$e cause 0alue is s$o.n in t$e '
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 22 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$is cause 0alue indicates t$at t$e IU- resources o' t$e U2 are not released inside t$e AP< 'or
e?ample< $andin occurs upon $andout. In t$is case< t$e $andin can be per'ormed only a'ter
t$e U2 D2 R2& messa%e is sent.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
indicatin% t$at t$e CPU o' t$e tar%et AP is o0erloaded.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e cause 0alue is
Reco0er t$e CPU o' t$e AP to t$e normal state.
#ypical Case
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is unspeci'ied
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e cause 0alue is unspeci'ied'ailure.
#$e cause cannot be located 0isually accordin% to t$e cause 0alue. Instead< t$e printed
in'ormation about t$e CD# and serial port redirection is reAuired.
Vie. t$e Relocation R29 messa%e on t$e Iu inter'ace and c$ec3 .$et$er t$e in'ormation
elements =I2s> in t$e messa%e are correctly parsed. I' t$e I2s 'ail to be parsed or t$e I2s o' R"
and later 0ersions are parsed< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure< t$e AP 0ersion set 'or t$e
source cell is R" or later. #$e AP cannot parse t$e I2s o' 0ersions later t$an R!. #$ere'ore<
c$an%e t$e AP 0ersion to R! or an earlier 0ersion 'or t$e source cell.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 2) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2nable V;5@5et#race7e0el "1<0 and V;5@5et#race7e0el ")<0< and t$en per'orm incomin%
relocation a%ain.
#ypical Case
11. The AP Actively 1nitiates 1u 1nter4ace Release During the Relocation
Cause 1
Cause Description
A'ter reportin% t$e Relocation Command messa%e< t$e AP initiates an IU Release ReAuest
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e is traced on t$e Iu inter'ace. A'ter a period o' time< t$e
AP acti0ely initiates an IU Release ReAuest messa%e .it$ t$e cause bein% Failure in t$e Radio
Inter'ace Procedure.
#$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e contains an R1 R2CF& messa%e t$at is constructed by
t$e AP and needs to be sent by t$e source cell to t$e U2. A'ter recei0in% t$e R1 R2CF&
messa%e< t$e U2 per'orms air inter'ace sync$roni6ation in t$e AP cell and reports an R1
R2CF& C/P messa%e. A'ter sendin% t$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e< t$e AP starts a
+s timer. :$en 'ailin% to recei0e t$e R1 R2CF& C/P messa%e 'rom t$e U2 .it$in +s< t$e
AP initiates Iu inter'ace release .it$ t$e cause bein% Failure in t$e Radio Inter'ace Procedure.
In t$is case< enable Probe tracin% to c$ec3 .$et$er t$e U2 recei0es t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e
'rom t$e source cell and reports t$e R1 R2CF& C/P messa%e.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 2( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
111. 2thers
Cause Description
#$e R27;CA#I;N R29 ACG messa%e returned by t$e AP contains a 'ailed item .it$ t$e
cause bein% in0alid RA1 ID< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#race t$e messa%es on t$e Iu inter'ace. It is 'ound t$at t$e 'ailure cause in t$e recei0ed
RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29 messa%e and sent R27;CA#I;N R29 ACG messa%e is
in0alid RA1 ID. In t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e< searc$ t$e RA1 in'ormation in RRC
Container< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
In t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e< searc$ t$e RA1 in'ormation in RA15etup7ist
RelocReA< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 2+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' t$e RA1 =RA1 ID> in RA15etup7istRelocReA is not in t$e RA1 list in RRCContainer<
E0?1e =)0>Din0alidRA1IDE is returned.
It is presumed t$at t$e relocation occurs be'ore t$e U2 recei0es t$e assi%nment messa%e 'rom
t$e CN durin% ser0ice setup< t$ereby causin% RA1 in'ormation inconsistency bet.een t$e
RNC and CN. At present< no solution is pro0ided.
#ypical Case
2.1.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
Iu and Uu messa%es o' t$e AP /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
5erial port redirection in'ormation about t$e AP ;ptional
Probe tracin% in'ormation about t$e U2 ;ptional
2.2 Handover 4ro( a &G 7acro Cell to the ePico
2.2.1 Proble( Description
#$e AP returns Relocation Failure durin% t$e relocation 'rom a )& macro net.or3 to t$e
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 2! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e AP acti0ely initiates Iu inter'ace release durin% t$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro
net.or3 to t$e AP.
2.2.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
1. The AP Returns Relocation $ailure
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N or R27;C@N;#@5UPP@IN@#AR&2#@RNC@;R@#AR&2#@5F5<
indicatin% t$at t$e license 'or incomin% relocation is una0ailable or t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin%
t$e incomin% relocation is enabled.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Run D#P=!1C85#8 to Auery t$e board type and correspondin% license o' t$e current AP.
I' t$e board type o' t$e AP is -AP< t$e incomin% relocation is not supported.
I' t$e license 'or t$e relocation 'rom )& macro cells is una0ailable< t$e relocation 'rom )&
macro cells is not supported.
C$ec3 t$e RRCTR!#01TCH command 'or .$et$er t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin% t$e
relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 is disabled. I' t$e 'unction is enabled< t$e relocation
'rom )& macro cells is not supported.
I' t$e board type is -AP< replace t$e -AP .it$ an 2AP or ePico.
I' t$e license 'or incomin% relocation is una0ailable< Auery .$et$er t$e license is
purc$ased on t$e A-R.
I' t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin% t$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 is enabled<
disable t$e 'unction.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e R27;C R29 messa%e does not carry t$e I/5I.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e user access policy used by t$e current AP is Closed or &roup.
C$ec3 t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e. #$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s a R27;CA#I;N R29
messa%e t$at carries t$e I/5I.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 2" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
For t$e AP t$at uses t$e Closed or &roup mode< t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e must carry
t$e I/5IC ot$er.ise< t$e incomin% relocation may 'ail. #$e source RNC needs to carry t$e
I/5I in t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e U2 to be relocated is not in t$e accessible U2 list.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e user access policy t$at t$e current AP uses is Closed. Vie. t$e R27;CA#I;N R29
messa%e. #$e I/5I must be in t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e AP< as s$o.n in t$e '
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 2* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' t$e U2 can be relocated to t$e AP< add t$e I/5I o' t$e U2 to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e
AP on t$e A-R.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e U2 to be relocated is not in t$e accessible U2 list.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Vie. t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e. As s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure< t$e I/5I must be
in t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e AP. I' t$e user access policy o' t$e current AP is Closed< add
t$e I/5I to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e AP. I' t$e user access policy o' t$e current AP is
&roup< add t$e I/5I to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e AP< %roup< or ot$er APs in t$e same
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 24 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' t$e U2 can be relocated to t$e AP< add t$e I/5I o' t$e U2 to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e
%roup to .$ic$ t$e AP belon%s on t$e A-R.
#ypical Case
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
indicatin% t$at t$e CPU o' t$e tar%et AP is o0erloaded.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e cause 0alue is
Reco0er t$e CPU o' t$e AP to t$e normal state.
#ypical Case
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is unspeci'ied
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )0 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e cause 0alue is unspeci'ied'ailure.
#$e cause cannot be located 0isually accordin% to t$e cause 0alue. Instead< t$e printed
in'ormation about t$e CD# and serial port redirection is reAuired.
Vie. t$e Relocation R29 messa%e on t$e Iu inter'ace and c$ec3 .$et$er t$e I2s in t$e
messa%e are correctly parsed. I' t$e I2s 'ail to be parsed or t$e I2s o' R" and later 0ersions
are parsed< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure< t$e AP 0ersion set 'or t$e source cell is R" or
later. #$e AP cannot parse t$e I2s o' 0ersions later t$an R!. #$ere'ore< c$an%e t$e AP 0ersion
to R! or an earlier 0ersion 'or t$e source cell.
2nable V;5@5et#race7e0el "1<0 and V;5@5et#race7e0el ")<0< and t$en per'orm incomin%
relocation a%ain.
#ypical Case
11. The AP Actively 1nitiates 1u 1nter4ace Release During the Relocation
Cause Description
A'ter reportin% t$e Relocation Command messa%e< t$e AP initiates an IU Release ReAuest
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e is traced on t$e Iu inter'ace. A'ter a period o' time< t$e
AP acti0ely initiates an IU Release ReAuest messa%e .it$ t$e cause bein% Failure in t$e Radio
Inter'ace Procedure.
#$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e contains an R1 R2CF& messa%e t$at is constructed by
t$e AP and needs to be sent by t$e source cell to t$e U2. A'ter recei0in% t$e R1 R2CF&
messa%e< t$e U2 per'orms air inter'ace sync$roni6ation in t$e AP cell and reports an R1
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )1 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
R2CF& C/P messa%e. A'ter sendin% t$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e< t$e AP starts a
+s timer. :$en 'ailin% to recei0e t$e R1 R2CF& C/P messa%e 'rom t$e U2 .it$in +s< t$e
AP initiates Iu inter'ace release .it$ t$e cause bein% Failure in t$e Radio Inter'ace Procedure.
In t$is case< enable Probe tracin% to c$ec3 .$et$er t$e U2 recei0es t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e
'rom t$e source cell and reports t$e R1 R2CF& C/P messa%e.
#ypical Case
111. 2thers
Cause Description
#$e R27;CA#I;N R29 ACG messa%e returned by t$e AP contains a 'ailed item .it$ t$e
cause bein% in0alid RA1 ID< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#race t$e messa%es on t$e Iu inter'ace. It is 'ound t$at t$e 'ailure cause in t$e recei0ed
RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29 messa%e and sent R27;CA#I;N R29 ACG messa%e is
in0alid RA1 ID. In t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e< searc$ t$e RA1 in'ormation in RRC
Container< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )2 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
In t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e< searc$ t$e RA1 in'ormation in RA15etup7ist
RelocReA< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
I' t$e RA1 =RA1 ID> in RA15etup7istRelocReA is not in t$e RA1 list in RRCContainer<
E0?1e =)0>Din0alidRA1IDE is returned.
It is presumed t$at t$e relocation occurs be'ore t$e U2 recei0es t$e assi%nment messa%e 'rom
t$e CN durin% ser0ice setup< t$ereby causin% RA1 in'ormation inconsistency bet.een t$e
RNC and CN. At present< no solution is pro0ided.
#ypical Case
2.2.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
Iu and Uu messa%es o' t$e AP /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
5erial port redirection in'ormation about t$e AP ;ptional
Probe tracin% in'ormation about t$e U2 ;ptional
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2.& Handover 4ro( the AP to a &G 7acro Cell
2.&.1 Proble( Description
#$e U2 does not initiate t$e relocation 'rom t$e AP to a )& macro net.or3 =because t$e
RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e is not traced on t$e Iu inter'ace>.
:$en t$e U2 relocates 'rom t$e AP to t$e )& macro net.or3< t$e
RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e is recei0ed on t$e Iu
inter'ace o' t$e AP.
:$en t$e U2 relocates 'rom t$e AP to t$e )& macro net.or3< call drops occur =because
t$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@C;//AND messa%e is traced on t$e Iu inter'ace and t$e
RRC@R1@R2CF&@CF& messa%e is traced on t$e Uu inter'ace>.
2.&.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
1. The Relocation 1s 5ot Triggered Properly
Cause 1
Cause Description
No nei%$borin% cell is con'i%ured or searc$ed.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
For t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells< c$ec3 72 1nter$re@Cell or 1ntra$re@Cell
'or t$e nei%$bor cell list. I' t$e nei%$bor cell list is empty< t$e current nei%$borin% macro cell
is not con'i%ured correctly.
For t$e automatically searc$ed nei%$borin% cells< Auery t$e nei%$bor cell list under
5eighbor!ist1n+se. I' t$e reAuired nei%$borin% cell is not in t$e nei%$bor cell list< c$ec3
.$et$er t$e 'reAuencies o' nei%$borin% macro cells are correctly con'i%ured under
0CD7A$DD in t$e parameter area. I' no in'ormation is a0ailable under 0CD7A$DD< t$e
'reAuencies o' nei%$borin% macro cells are not con'i%ured< and t$ereby searc$in% nei%$borin%
macro cells 'ails.
For t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells< manually add nei%$borin% )& macro cells by
addin% instance con'i%uration to 1nter$re@Cell or 1ntra$re@Cell.
For t$e automatically obtained nei%$borin% cells< i' t$e nei%$borin% cell 'reAuencies are not
con'i%ured< add t$e 'reAuencies o' nei%$borin% macro cells< deacti0ate t$e cell< and t$en
acti0ate t$e cell to tri%%er nei%$borin% cell searc$. I' t$e nei%$borin% cell 'reAuencies are
correctly con'i%ured< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e current en0ironment is co0ered by a macro net.or3
='or e?ample< certain scenarios suc$ as t$e basement are not co0ered by t$e macro net.or3>.
I' yes< deacti0ate and t$en acti0ate t$e cell to retri%%er nei%$borin% cell searc$.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e relocationout s.itc$ is turned o''.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er C#T2&G#witch or P#T2&G#witch under RelocationTo7acro 72 is set to
true. I' it is set to 4alse< t$e relocation to t$e correspondin% domain is not initiated.
C$ec3 .$et$er 1nter$re@RatCoeAistChoice is set to 15T8RRAT in
H@0D1F"1@InterFreARatParaC$oice /;. #o support inter'reAuency relocation< set t$is
parameter to 15T8R$R8' or #1715T8R$R8'RAT.
5et C#T2&G#witch and =or> P#T2&G#witch to true in Relocation#o/acro< and
1nter$re@RatCoeAistChoice to 15T8R$R8' or #1715T8R$R8'RAT in
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e si%nals o' t$e AP cell are too stron%.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#race t$e messa%es on t$e Uu inter'ace. It is 'ound t$at t$e AP deli0ers a measurement control
messa%e a'ter R1 setup and recei0es t$e measurement report 'rom t$e U2. I' t$e AP and
macro net.or3 use inter'reAuency net.or3in% and t$e RRC@P-@C-@R2CF& messa%e is not
traced on t$e Uu inter'ace< t$e si%nal Auality in t$e AP cell is %ood and no inter'reAuency
nei%$borin% cell measurement is tri%%ered. I' t$e AP and macro net.or3 use intra'reAuency
net.or3in% and t$e U2 does not report t$e 1d measurement report< t$e si%nal Auality in t$e
AP cell is %ood and t$e c$an%e to t$e best cell is not tri%%ered< t$ereby 'ailin% to tri%%er intra
'reAuency relocation.
#o retain t$e transmit o' t$e AP and t$e $ando0er t$res$old< ma3e t$e U2 'ar a.ay
'rom t$e AP to tri%%er t$e relocation. I' t$e AP and macro net.or3 use inter'reAuency
net.or3in%< increasin% t$e 0alues o' Threshold2DCsRscp< Threshold2$CsRscp<
Threshold2DPsRscp< and Threshold2$PsRscp in H@0D1F"1@Pri0ateInterFreAPara may
ma3e it easier to tri%%er inter'reAuency recei0ed si%nal code =R5CP> measurement.
In t$is .ay< inter'reAuency relocation may be easily tri%%ered. I' t$e AP and macro net.or3
use intra'reAuency net.or3in%< decreasin% t$e 0alues o' <=>D1$)?=Hysteresis8vent1d and
<=>D1$)?=Ti(eToTrigger8vent1d in IntraFreA/eas may ma3e it easier to tri%%er intra
'reAuency relocation.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e si%nals o' t$e nei%$borin% macro cell are too poor.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#race t$e messa%es on t$e Uu inter'ace. It is 'ound t$at t$e AP deli0ers a measurement control
messa%e a'ter R1 setup and recei0es t$e measurement report 'rom t$e U2. I' t$e AP and
macro net.or3 use inter'reAuency net.or3in%< trace t$e RRC@P-@C-@R2CF& and
RRC@P-@C-@R2CF&@C/P messa%es on t$e Uu inter'ace. I' t$e AP and macro net.or3 use
intra'reAuency net.or3in%< t$e si%nals o' t$e current cell $a0e deteriorated accordin% to t$e
measurement report 'rom t$e U2 but t$e 1d report is not reported.
In t$e case o' manual net.or3 plannin%< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cell e?ists.
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e U2 detects t$e nei%$borin% cell accordin% to t$e measurement report 'rom
t$e probe or U2. I' t$e nei%$borin% cell e?ists< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e si%nal Auality o' t$e current
nei%$borin% macro cell meets t$e relocationout reAuirement. Attempt to ma3e t$e U2 'ar
a.ay 'rom t$e AP 'or tri%%erin% relocation. #$is< $o.e0er< may easily cause call drops.
#ypical Case
11. The RA5AP=R8!2CAT125=PR8PARAT125=$A1!+R8 7essage 1s Received
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e cause 'or relocation preparation 'ailure is #R27;Calloc e?piry.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e is recei0ed on t$e Iu
inter'ace o' t$e AP< .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% #R27;Calloc e?piry.
#$e cause is t$at t$e CN times out in .aitin% 'or t$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e 'rom
t$e tar%et cell.
Determine .$et$er t$e tar%et cell =RNC> supports $ard $ando0er .it$ incomin% relocation
and .$et$er t$e 'unction is controlled by a s.itc$. #$is type o' problem needs to be sol0ed on
t$e macro net.or3 side. ;n t$e AP side< no better solution is a0ailable.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e cause 'or relocation preparation 'ailure is Relocation Failure in #ar%et CNBRNC or #ar%et
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e is recei0ed on t$e Iu
inter'ace o' t$e AP< .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% Relocation Failure in #ar%et CNBRNC or #ar%et
5ystem. #$e possible cause is t$at t$e CN or tar%et cell does not support t$e relocation =to t$e
Determine .$et$er t$e CN and tar%et cell =RNC> support $ard $ando0er .it$ relocation and
.$et$er t$e 'unction is controlled by a s.itc$. #$is type o' problem needs to be sol0ed on t$e
macro net.or3 and CN sides. ;n t$e AP side< no better solution is a0ailable.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e cause 'or relocation preparation 'ailure is Relocation not supported in #ar%et RNC or
#ar%et 5ystem.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e is recei0ed on t$e Iu
inter'ace o' t$e AP< .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% Relocation not supported in #ar%et RNC or
#ar%et 5ystem. #$e possible cause is t$at t$e tar%et cell does not support incomin% relocation
='or e?ample< interRNC $ard $ando0er .it$ relocation>.
Determine .$et$er t$e CN and tar%et cell =RNC> support $ard $ando0er .it$ relocation and
.$et$er t$e 'unction is controlled by a s.itc$. #$is type o' problem needs to be sol0ed on t$e
macro net.or3 and CN sides. ;n t$e AP side< no better solution is a0ailable.
#ypical Case
#$e $ard $ando0er .it$ relocation 'rom a Femto cell in :u$an to 2ricssonIs macro net.or3
In t$e A/R ser0ice< t$e $ard $ando0er .it$ relocation 'rom t$e AP to 2ricssonIs macro
net.or3 'ails. #$e cause 0alue in t$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2
messa%e is Relocation not supported in #ar%et RNC or #ar%et 5ystem. #$e test on 2ricssonIs
macro net.or3 in 1ei8in% is success'ul. #$is indicates t$at t$e 'ailure is not caused by t$e AP.
2ricsson pro0ides t$e license and s.itc$ o' interRNC $ard $ando0er .it$ relocation.
:$et$er to enable t$e license and turn on t$e s.itc$ needs to be con'irmed .it$ t$e macro
net.or3. In addition< it is also reAuired to con'irm .$et$er t$e CN can support inter/5C
$ard $ando0er .it$ relocation.
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e cause 'or relocation preparation 'ailure is Interaction .it$ ot$er procedure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e is recei0ed on t$e Iu
inter'ace o' t$e AP< .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% Interaction .it$ ot$er procedure. #$e common
cause is t$at t$e relocation occurs a%ain 8ust a'ter t$e pre0ious incomin% relocation 'ails
=relocation preparation 'ailure>. In t$is case< t$e CN returns t$e
RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein%
Interaction .it$ ot$er procedure.
#$e protocol does not stipulate t$e cause 'or .$ic$ t$e CN sends t$e cause 0alue. In actual
tests< $o.e0er< it is 'ound t$at suc$ a 'ailure may occur i' a second relocation reAuest is
initiated 8ust a'ter t$e pre0ious relocation 'ails. 5uc$ a 'ailure does not occur i' t$e second
relocation reAuest is delayed. #$ere'ore< it is presumed t$at t$e state transition o' a U2 is not
per'ormed a'ter t$e CN sends an RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2
messa%e. As a result< t$e CN ma3es an incorrect decision a'ter recei0in% t$e second relocation
reAuest. In t$is case< do not initiate relocation 'reAuently or per'orm location on t$e macro
net.or3 and CN sides. ;n t$e AP side< no better solution is a0ailable.
#ypical Case
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e cause 'or relocation preparation 'ailure is unspeci'ied'ailure.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e is recei0ed on t$e Iu
inter'ace o' t$e AP< .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% unspeci'ied'ailure. #$e possible cause is t$at
t$e CN or tar%et cell is abnormal< t$ereby causin% relocation preparation 'ailure.
#$is type o' problem needs to be sol0ed on t$e macro net.or3 and CN sides. ;n t$e AP side<
no better solution is a0ailable.
#ypical Case
#$e relocation preparation 'ailure .it$ t$e cause bein% unspeci'ied'ailure occurs in Poland.
In an o''ice o' Poland< t$e $ando0er 'rom t$e P5 domain to t$e macro net.or3 'ails. #$e CN
returns relocation preparation 'ailure .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% unspeci'ied'ailure. A'ter t$e
location on t$e CN and RNC sides< it is 'ound t$at t$e CNID in t$e CNN;D2 o' t$e P5
domain is di''erent on t$e 5&5N and RNC. /odi'y t$e CNID on t$e RNC. #$en t$e
relocation is success'ul. #$e commands to be used are R" C552D8 and ADD C552D8.
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e cause 'or relocation preparation 'ailure is messa%e not compatible .it$ recei0er state.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2 messa%e is recei0ed on t$e Iu
inter'ace o' t$e AP< .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% messa%e not compatible .it$ recei0er state.
#$e possible cause is t$at t$e CN or tar%et cell is abnormal< t$ereby causin% relocation
preparation 'ailure.
#$is type o' problem needs to be sol0ed on t$e macro net.or3 and CN sides. ;n t$e AP side<
no better solution is a0ailable.
#ypical Case
#$e relocation preparation 'ailure .it$ t$e cause bein% messa%e not compatible .it$ recei0er
state occurs in -on%3on%. A'ter t$e location on t$e 5&5N side< it is 'ound t$at t$e inter
5&5N relocation 'rom 5&5N1 =t$e 5&5N .$ere t$e RNC o' t$e macro net.or3 resides> to
5&5N2 =5&5N .$ere t$e AP resides>> occurs durin% $ard $ando0er. A'ter t$e relocation< t$e
U2 per'orms RAU on t$e AP. At t$is moment< t$e relocationout is initiated. 5&5N2
determines t$at t$e current status is inconsistent< and t$ere'ore relocation preparation 'ails.
5&5N personnel recommend t$at relocation s$ould not be per'ormed 'reAuently to sol0e t$is
111. Call Drop 2ccurs A4ter the +8 1nitiates Relocation
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e R1 R2CF& FAI7 messa%e .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% P$ysical C$annel Fail is traced on
t$e Uu inter'ace< and t$e call is dropped soon.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e R1 R2CF& FAI7 messa%e .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% P$ysical C$annel Fail is recei0ed
on t$e Uu inter'ace o' t$e AP.
#$e cause is t$at t$e si%nals o' t$e tar%et cell are poor. As a result< t$e U2 'ails to be
sync$roni6ed to t$e tar%et cell and t$e si%nals continuously deteriorate< t$ereby causin% call
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells are proper and .$et$er t$e U2 needs to be
relocated to t$e cell .it$ poor si%nals. C$ec3 .$et$er t$e co0era%e o' t$e AP cell is normal
and .$et$er it is necessary to e?pand t$e co0era%e o' t$e AP cell to enlar%e t$e o0erlapped
area .it$ nei%$borin% cells and impro0e t$e $ando0er success rate. For blind $ando0er< c$ec3
.$et$er t$e nei%$borin% cells are correctly con'i%ured.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e R1 R2CF& FAI7 messa%e .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% In0alid Con'i%ure is traced on t$e
Uu inter'ace< and t$e call is dropped soon.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e )4 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
:$en t$e R1 R2CF& FAI7 messa%e .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% In0alid Con'i%ure is recei0ed
on t$e Uu inter'ace o' t$e AP< t$e common cause is t$at t$e I2s ='or e?ample< R1 ID< R7C
5IJ2 7I5#< and compressed mode> in t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e constructed by t$e tar%et cell
are incorrect. I' t$e si%nals continuously deteriorate< t$e call may be dropped.
#$e R1 R2CF& messa%e is mainly constructed by t$e tar%et cell. I'
1ncludeRb1d$orHo#witch is set to on =it is set to on by de'ault to en$ance t$e
compatibility>< t$e AP only 'or.ards t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e constructed by t$e tar%et cell to
t$e U2 o0er t$e air inter'ace< .it$out c$an%in% any I2 in t$e messa%e. #$ere'ore< i' t$ere are
in0alid parameters< c$ec3 t$e I2s in t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e and contact t$e personnel o' t$e
tar%et RNC to locate t$e problem.
#ypical Case
#$e relocation preparation 'ails due to t$e incorrect R1 ID in t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e.
#$e test procedure is as 'ollo.sD #$e U2 'irst initiates t$e P5 ser0ice =R1 ID K +> and t$en t$e
C5 ser0ice =R1 ID K !< "< and *> under t$e AP. A'ter releasin% t$e P5 ser0ice< t$e U2
relocates t$e C5 ser0ice to 2ricssonIs macro net.or3. #$e R1 ID in t$e Relocation ReAuired
messa%e is !< "< and * but it is !< +< and * in t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e e?tracted 'rom t$e
Relocation Command messa%e. As mentioned abo0e< t$e R1 .$ose ID is + $as been released.
#$ere'ore< t$e U2 reports an R1 R2CF& FAI7 messa%e.
#$e ' problem occurs outside t$e lab. #$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D
messa%e carries t$e current R1 list =!< "< and *>< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
;n t$e tar%et RNC< $o.e0er< t$e R1 list to be reallocated in t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e is !< +<
and *. In 'act< t$e P5 ser0ice correspondin% to t$e #R1 .$ose R1 ID is + is already released.
As a result< t$e U2 reports 'ailure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (0 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e relocation preparation 'ails due to t$e incorrect compressed mode in t$e R1 R2CF&
#$e U2 starts t$e compressed mode under t$e AP and attempts a relocation to a macro
net.or3 =an AlcatelIs macro net.or3>. ;n t$e AP< tgpsi is set to 1 and tg(p to 4dd6
(easure(ent. In t$e relocation recon'i%uration messa%e sent to t$e U2< t$e macro net.or3 is
precon'i%ured .it$ a compressed mode and a compressed mode seAuence .it$ tgpsi bein% (
and tg(p bein% 'ddmeasurement. #$e U2 is con'i%ured .it$ t.o compressed mode
seAuences .it$ t$e 0alue o' tg(p bein% t$e same< .$ic$ con'licts .it$ t$e protocol. As a
result< t$e U2 reports an R1 R2CF& FAI7 messa%e. In normal cases< deacti0ate t$e
con'i%urations .it$ t$e 0alue o' tg(p bein% t$e same in t$e compressed mode
precon'i%uration. In t$is case< i' t$e D7 DCC- s.itc$ is turned on< t$e AP automatically adds
t$e I2s .it$ t$e compressed mode seAuence deacti0ated 'or t$e compatibility .it$ t$e
compressed mode precon'i%uration. For details< see *.!.!.1+ in 2+.))1.
#$e ' problem occurs outside t$e lab. In t$e P-@C-@R2CF& messa%e< a seAuence
.it$ tg(p set to 4dd6(easure(ent is con'i%ured.
In t$e relocation recon'i%uration messa%e sent to t$e U2< t$e compressed mode is
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (1 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
precon'i%ured 'or t$e tar%et RNC and a seAuence .it$ tg(p set to 4dd6(easure(ent is
con'i%ured. #$is con'licts .it$ t$e protocol. As a result< t$e U2 reports 'ailure.
1". 2thers
Cause Description
A'ter t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e is sent 'rom t$e Uu inter'ace< an Iu release reAuest .it$ t$e
cause 0alue bein% #
e?piry is initiated.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
A'ter recei0in% t$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@C;//AND messa%e< t$e AP initiates an Iu
release reAuest .it$ t$e cause 0alue bein% #
e?piry .$en 'ailin% to recei0e t$e IU
R272A52 C;//AND messa%e 'rom t$e CN .it$in 20s. #$e cause is t$at t$e AP e?pires
.$en .aitin% 'or t$e RANAP@IU@R272A52@C;//AND messa%e 'rom t$e CN.
#$is type o' problem needs to be sol0ed on t$e macro net.or3 and CN sides. ;n t$e AP side<
no better solution is a0ailable.
#ypical Case
2.&.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
Iu and Uu messa%es o' t$e AP /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (2 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
Probe tracin% in'ormation about t$e U2 ;ptional
2.% 1nter6AP Hard Handover
2.%.1 Proble( Description
#$e interAP $ando0er is not initiated as e?pected.
#$e source AP recei0es a RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@PR2PARA#I;N@FAI7UR2
messa%e durin% t$e interAP relocation.
#$e tar%et AP returns a Relocation Failure messa%e durin% t$e interAP relocation.
#$e source AP acti0ely initiates Iu inter'ace release durin% t$e interAP relocation.
#$e tar%et AP acti0ely initiates Iu inter'ace release durin% t$e interAP relocation.
2.%.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
1. The #ource AP Receives a RA5AP=R8!2CAT125=PR8PARAT125=$A1!+R8
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N or R27;C@N;#@5UPP@IN@#AR&2#@RNC@;R@#AR&2#@5F5<
indicatin% t$at t$e license 'or incomin% relocation is una0ailable or t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin%
t$e incomin% relocation is enabled.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Run D#P=!1C85#8 to 0ie. t$e board type and license o' t$e AP. I' t$e board type o' t$e AP
is -AP< t$e incomin% relocation is not supported. I' t$e license 'or t$e relocation 'rom )&
macro cells is una0ailable< t$e relocation 'rom )& macro cells is not supported. C$ec3 t$e
RRCTR!#01TCH command 'or .$et$er t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin% t$e relocation 'rom t$e
)& macro net.or3 is disabled. I' t$e 'unction is enabled< t$e relocation 'rom )& macro cells
is not supported.
L I' t$e board type is -AP< replace t$e -AP .it$ an 2AP or ePico.
L I' t$e license 'or incomin% relocation is una0ailable< Auery .$et$er t$e license is
purc$ased on t$e A-R.
L I' t$e 'unction o' pro$ibitin% t$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 is enabled<
disable t$e 'unction.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e () o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e R27;C R29 messa%e does not carry t$e I/5I.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e user access policy used by t$e current AP is Closed or &roup.
C$ec3 t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e. #$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s a R27;CA#I;N R29
messa%e t$at carries t$e I/5I.
For t$e AP t$at uses t$e Closed or &roup mode< t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e must carry
t$e I/5IC ot$er.ise< t$e incomin% relocation may 'ail. #$e source RNC needs to carry t$e
I/5I in t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e U2 to be relocated is not in t$e accessible U2 list.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e user access policy t$at t$e current AP uses is Closed. Vie. t$e R27;CA#I;N R29
messa%e. #$e I/5I must be in t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e AP< as s$o.n in t$e '
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' t$e U2 can be relocated to t$e AP< add t$e I/5I o' t$e U2 to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e
AP on t$e A-R.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
;/@IN#2RV2N#I;N< indicatin% t$at t$e U2 to be relocated is not in t$e accessible U2 list
or t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e %roup.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e user access policy used by t$e current AP is &roup.
C$ec3 t$e R27;CA#I;N R29 messa%e. As s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure< t$e I/5I must be
in t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e AP< %roup< or ot$er APs in t$e same %roup.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' t$e U2 can be relocated to t$e AP< add t$e I/5I o' t$e U2 to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e
%roup to .$ic$ t$e AP belon%s on t$e A-R.
#ypical Case
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is
indicatin% t$at t$e CPU o' t$e tar%et AP is o0erloaded.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e cause 0alue is
Reco0er t$e CPU o' t$e AP to t$e normal state.
#ypical Case
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e relocation 'rom t$e )& macro net.or3 to t$e AP 'ails< and t$e cause 0alue is unspeci'ied
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e cause cannot be located 0isually accordin% to t$e cause 0alue. Instead< t$e printed
in'ormation about t$e CD# and serial port redirection is reAuired.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Vie. t$e Relocation R29 messa%e on t$e Iu inter'ace and c$ec3 .$et$er t$e I2s in t$e
messa%e are correctly parsed. I' t$e I2s 'ail to be parsed or t$e I2s o' R" and later 0ersions
are parsed< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure< t$e AP 0ersion set 'or t$e source cell is R" or
later. #$e AP cannot parse t$e I2s o' 0ersions later t$an R!. #$ere'ore< c$an%e t$e AP 0ersion
to R! or an earlier 0ersion 'or t$e source cell.
2nable V;5@5et#race7e0el "1<0 and V;5@5et#race7e0el ")<0< and t$en per'orm incomin%
relocation a%ain.
#ypical Case
11. The Target AP #ends a Relocation $ailure 7essage
Cause 1
Cause Description
A'ter reportin% t$e Relocation Command messa%e< t$e AP initiates an IU Release ReAuest
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e is traced on t$e Iu inter'ace. A'ter a period o' time< t$e
AP acti0ely initiates an IU Release ReAuest messa%e .it$ t$e cause bein% Failure in t$e Radio
Inter'ace Procedure.
#$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e contains an R1 R2CF& messa%e t$at is constructed by
t$e AP and needs to be sent by t$e source cell to t$e U2. A'ter recei0in% t$e R1 R2CF&
messa%e< t$e U2 per'orms air inter'ace sync$roni6ation in t$e AP cell and reports an R1
R2CF& C/P messa%e. A'ter sendin% t$e Relocation ReAuest ACG messa%e< t$e AP starts a
+s timer. :$en 'ailin% to recei0e t$e R1 R2CF& C/P messa%e 'rom t$e U2 .it$in +s< t$e
AP initiates Iu inter'ace release .it$ t$e cause bein% Failure in t$e Radio Inter'ace Procedure.
In t$is case< enable Probe tracin% to c$ec3 .$et$er t$e U2 recei0es t$e R1 R2CF& messa%e
'rom t$e source cell and reports t$e R1 R2CF& C/P messa%e.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
2.%.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
Iu and Uu messa%es o' t$e AP /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
5erial port redirection in'ormation about t$e AP ;ptional
Probe tracin% in'ormation about t$e U2 ;ptional
2., $ailure to Per4or( ?lind Handover to a 7acro Cell
2.,.1 Proble( Description
#$e CD# s$o.s t$at t$e AP initiates a $ando0er be'ore recei0in% t$e measurement report
'rom t$e U2 and t$e $ando0er 'ails.
:$en t$e U2 meets t$e conditions 'or blind $ando0er< t$e AP does not initiate blind
$ando0er. #$at is< t$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is
una0ailable in t$e CD#.
#$e AP blindly $ands t$e accessed U2 o0er to a macro cell in one o' t$e '
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
In t$e case o' uplin3 or do.nlin3 2IU con%estion< t$e AP selects a user 'or blind
$ando0er accordin% to t$e con'i%uration under
72. I' t$e blind $ando0er 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC
connection is not released.
:$en t$e CPU is o0erloaded< t$e AP selects t$e VP user in t$e current cell 'or blind
$ando0er. I' t$e blind $ando0er 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC
connection is not released.
#$e 'irst user beyond t$e AP speci'ication =t$at is< NM1 =N indicates t$e AP
speci'ication>> .ill be blindly $anded o0er to t$e macro net.or3 accordin% to t$e
speci'ic access mode =;pen< Close< &roup< or -ybrid>. I' t$e blind $ando0er 'ails< t$e
RRC connection is released.
In -ybrid mode< .$en t$e rate decreases due to insu''icient cell resources or .$en t$e
DCCC rate 'ails to be increased< an unaut$ori6ed user .ill be blindly $anded o0er. I' t$e
blind $ando0er 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC connection is
not released.
#$e ' cases are supported only in t$e ePico 0ersionD
In t$e ePico 0ersion< .$en a 1F e0ent report is recei0ed< t$e blind $ando0er is tri%%ered.
I' t$e blind $ando0er 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC
connection is not released. #$e -AP does not support t$is 'eature.
A'ter t$e is primarily o0erloaded and t$e DCCC rate 'ails to be decreased< a user
is selected accordin% to t$e con'i%uration in t$e C8!!!DR command 'or blind
$ando0er. I' t$e blind $ando0er 'ails< t$e user still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC
connection is not released. #$is 'eature is not supported by de'ault.
In t$e ePico 0ersion< a'ter an emer%ency call 'ails to be located< t$e blind $ando0er is
tri%%ered 'or t$e user .$o ma3es t$e emer%ency call. I' t$e blind $ando0er 'ails< t$e user
still camps on t$e current cell and t$e RRC connection is not released. #$is 'eature is not
supported by de'ault.
2.,.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace< and t$e cause is t$at no nei%$borin% cell is a0ailable.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
;n t$e AP/< 0ie. t$e parameters under
Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.1.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.5eighbor!ist1n+se to
c$ec3 .$et$er t$ere are a0ailable nei%$borin% cells.
9uery t$e intra'reAuency< inter'reAuency< and interRA# nei%$borin% cells< as s$o.n in t$e
' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e (4 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
;n t$e AP/< con'i%ure nei%$borin% )& or 2& macro cells 'or t$e AP correctly.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace< and t$e cause is t$at t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells do not support blind
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' t$ere are manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells< c$ec3 .$et$er t$ese nei%$borin% cells
support blind $ando0er. ;n t$e AP/< 0ie. t$e parameters under
Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.1.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.5eighbor!ist to c$ec3
.$et$er t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells support blind $ando0er. :$en
<=>D1$)?=?lindHo$lag is set to true< t$e blind $ando0er is supportedC .$en it is set to
4alse< t$e blind $ando0er is not supported.
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e manually con'i%ured intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells support blind
$ando0er< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +0 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e manually con'i%ured inter'reAuency nei%$borin% cells support blind
$ando0er< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e manually con'i%ured interRA# nei%$borin% cells support blind $ando0er<
as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
;n t$e AP/< modi'y t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells to support blind $ando0er.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace< and t$e cause is t$at t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% )& cells cannot be AP
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% )& cells support blind $ando0er< c$ec3 .$et$er t$ese
nei%$borin% )& cells are AP cells. ;n t$e AP/< 0ie. t$e parameters under
Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.1.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.5eighbor!ist to c$ec3
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +1 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
.$et$er t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells are AP cells. AP cells do not support blind $ando0er.
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e manually con'i%ured intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells are AP cells< as
s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e manually con'i%ured inter'reAuency nei%$borin% cells are AP cells< as
s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
I' no nei%$borin% )& macro cell is con'i%ured< con'i%ure at least one.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace< and t$e cause is t$at t$e $ando0er s.itc$ is turned o''.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' nei%$borin% cells are correctly con'i%ured< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e $ando0er al%orit$m s.itc$ is
turned on. ;n t$e AP/< 0ie. t$e parameters under
o. C$ec3 .$et$er t$e C5 $ando0er s.itc$es are on 'or t$e C5 ser0ice and .$et$er t$e P5
$ando0er s.itc$es are on 'or t$e P5 ser0ice< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +2 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Con'i%ure t$e correspondin% $ando0er al%orit$m s.itc$es accordin% to carrier reAuirements.
I' a $ando0er al%orit$m s.itc$ is turned o''< t$e correspondin% blind $ando0er is not
#ypical Case
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace. For t$e $ando0er to a nei%$borin% 2& cell< t$e possible cause is t$at t$e U2
capability or ser0ice does not support t$e $ando0er.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' nei%$borin% cells e?ist and support blind $ando0er< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e U2 supports 2&
capabilities. I' t$e U2 supports 2& capabilities< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e ser0ice supports t$e
$ando0er to a nei%$borin% 2& cell. For e?ample< t$e VP ser0ice does not support t$e $ando0er
to a nei%$borin% 2& cell.
I' t$e U2 does not support 2& capabilities< replace t$e current U2 .it$ a U2 supportin% 2&
capabilities< con'i%ure a U2 supportin% 2& capabilities< or con'i%ure a nei%$borin% )& macro
cell. I' t$e ser0ice does not support t$e $ando0er to a nei%$borin% 2& cell< con'i%ure a correct
nei%$borin% )& macro cell.
#ypical Case
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is not traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace. For t$e $ando0er to an inter'reAuency nei%$borin% )& cell< t$e possible cause is
t$at t$e 'reAuency is loc3ed 'or t$e U2.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' nei%$borin% )& cells e?ist and support blind $ando0er< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e 'reAuency is
loc3ed 'or t$e U2.
I' t$e 'reAuency is loc3ed 'or t$e U2< unloc3 t$e 'reAuency.
#ypical Case
Cause )
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace. #$e blind $ando0er< $o.e0er< still 'ails.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e si%nal Auality o' t$e tar%et cell is poor. #$ere'ore< a'ter a blind $ando0er reAuest is
initiated< R1 recon'i%uration 'ails on t$e Uu inter'ace. Use an en%ineerin% U2 to c$ec3 t$e
si%nal Auality o' t$e tar%et cell. I' t$e si%nal Auality is too poor< t$e AP cannot ensure t$e
success rate o' blind $ando0er.
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s an R1 recon'i%uration 'ailure messa%e on t$e Uu inter'ace.
Use an en%ineerin% U2 to searc$ t$e macro cell .it$ t$e best si%nal Auality surroundin% t$e
AP< and t$en run
Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.1.<=>D1$)?=$eatureControl.Hand2ver.?lindHoPriority to
ad8ust t$e blind $ando0er policyC or impro0e t$e si%nal Auality o' t$e tar%et nei%$borin% cell.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
Cause *
Cause Description
#$e RANAP@R27;CA#I;N@R29UIR2D messa%e initiated by t$e AP is traced on t$e Iu
inter'ace. #$e blind $ando0er< $o.e0er< still 'ails.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
A'ter a $ando0er reAuest is initiated< t$e CN returns a 'ailure messa%e. 7ocate t$e cause
accordin% to t$e 'ailure messa%e returned 'rom t$e CN. Possible causes are t$at t$e tar%et
nei%$borin% cell is incorrectly con'i%ured< t$e tar%et nei%$borin% cell does not support $and
in< and t$e resources o' t$e tar%et cell are con%ested.
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s blind $ando0er 'ailure messa%es on t$e Iu inter'ace.
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s t$e 'ailure messa%e returned 'rom t$e CN.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e ++ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cell e?ists or .$et$er t$e nei%$borin% cell
parameters are correctly con'i%ured. I' t$e nei%$borin% cell parameters are incorrectly
con'i%ured< con'i%ure t$em correctly. I' t$e resources o' nei%$borin% macro cells are
con%ested< release resources o' t$e tar%et nei%$borin% cell< and t$en initiate blind $ando0er to
t$e tar%et nei%$borin% cell a%ain. I' t$e con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells do not support $andin<
modi'y t$e con'i%uration o' nei%$borin% macro cells or recon'i%ure t$e nei%$borin% cells t$at
support $andin.
#ypical Case
2.,.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
AP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Uu< Iu< and CD# tracin% in'ormation on t$e AP /andatory
2.. A +8 $ails to Reselect the AP 4ro( the 7acro 5etworB
2...1 Proble( Description
A U2 camps on t$e macro net.or3. A'ter enterin% t$e co0era%e area o' a Femto cell< t$e U2
'ails to reselect t$e AP.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2...2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e macro net.or3 cell is not con'i%ured .it$ a Femto cell as a nei%$borin% cell or as a
0irtual nei%$borin% cell.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2nable Probe tracin% and enable t$e U2 to camp on t$e macro net.or3. It is 'ound t$at t$e
5I111 messa%e is traced< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
C$ec3 t$e 5I111 messa%e 'or intra'reAuency and inter'reAuency nei%$borin% cells. For an
intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cell< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e scramblin% code o' t$e AP cell e?ists in
new1ntra$re@Cell!ist< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
For an inter'reAuency nei%$borin% cell< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e 'reAuency and scramblin% code
used by t$e AP cell e?ist in new1nter$re@Cell!ist< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' t$e 5I111 messa%e does not carry t$e 'reAuency and scramblin% code o' t$e correspondin%
AP cell< contact macro net.or3 en%ineers to con'i%ure t$em.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e CN is not con'i%ured .it$ an eAui0alent P7/N. I' t$e air inter'ace P7/N used by t$e
AP is di''erent 'rom t$e P7/N o' t$e macro net.or3< con'i%ure t$e t.o P7/Ns as
eAui0alent P7/Ns on t$e /5C and 5&5N.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2nable t$e test U2 =U1202> to camp on t$e macro net.or3 manually< and enable Probe
tracin%. Find t$e RAU Accept and 7AU Accept messa%es 'rom t$e macro net.or3 on .$ic$
t$e U2 camps.
I' t$e RAU Accept or 7AU Accept messa%e does not carry t$e eAui0alentP7/Ns I2< no
eAui0alent P7/Ns are con'i%ured.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Contact t$e CN personnel to con'i%ure t$e t.o P7/Ns as eAui0alent P7/Ns on t$e /5C
and 5&5N.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e macro net.or3 is con'i%ured .it$ hierarchical cell structure (-C5> nei%$borin% cells< and t$e
priority o' t$e Femto cell is lo..
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2nable t$e U1202 to camp on t$e macro net.or3< enable Probe tracin%< and 0ie. t$e 5I111
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e 5I111 messa%e carries t$e useo'-C5 I2< as s$o.n in t$e '
I' hcs6not6used is displayed< t$e macro net.or3 is not con'i%ured .it$ -C5 nei%$borin%
cells. In t$is case< t$e cause can be i%nored.
I' hcs6used is displayed< t$e macro net.or3 is con'i%ured .it$ -C5 nei%$borin% cells.
In t$is case< c$ec3 t$e priority o' t$e AP cell. It is recommended t$at 'ield en%ineers set t$e
priority o' t$e AP cell to be $i%$er t$an t$e priorities o' ot$er cells on t$e macro net.or3.
#$e priorities o' -C5 nei%$borin% cells ran%e 'rom > to ) => indicates t$e lo.est priority and
) indicates t$e $i%$est priority>.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e +4 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Coordinate macro net.or3 en%ineers to increase t$e priority o' AP nei%$borin% cells.
#ypical Case
2...& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
Probe tracin% =#$e U2 camps on t$e macro net.or3.> /andatory
U2 model /andatory
2.) A +8 $ails to Reselect the 2G 7acro 5etworB 4ro( the AP
2.).1 Proble( Description
#$e U2 camps on t$e AP. A'ter enterin% t$e co0era%e area o' t$e 2& macro net.or3 'rom t$e
AP co0era%e area< t$e U2 'ails to reselect t$e 2& macro net.or3.
2.).2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e AP is not con'i%ured .it$ automatic nei%$borin% 2& macro net.or3 cells.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N 3one Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e 6one to be modi'ied< and t$en clic3 Active. C$oose Device N
#ervices N $AP#ervice N i N R87 N G#7 in t$e le't directory tree. In t$e ri%$t pane< Auery
.$et$er t$e AP is currently con'i%ured .it$ t$e P7/N IDs o' nei%$borin% 2& cells t$rou%$
R87P!75!ist. I' not< see 5olution in ECause 1E in section 2.".2ECause Analysis and
5olutionE 'or troubles$ootin%.
Con'i%ure R87P!75!ist =&5/ band list> correctly< and t$en set #can2n?oot and
#canPeriodically to true respecti0ely. #$en t$e AP is con'i%ured .it$ nei%$borin% 2& macro
net.or3 cells automatically.
L Preconditions
Up to si? nei%$borin% 2& cells can be automatically searc$ed. :$en t$e nei%$borin% cell
autocon'i%uration s.itc$ is set to TR+8 and t$e nei%$borin% 2& cell combination s.itc$ is
set to 25< use t$e nei%$borin% 2& cells con'i%ured manually and automaticallyC ot$er.ise<
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !0 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
use t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin% cells only. For t$e ePico< use t$e nei%$borin% cells
con'i%ured manually and automatically< and t$en turn on t$e combination s.itc$ o'
nei%$borin% 2& cells.
L Procedure
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N 3one Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e 6one to be modi'ied< and t$en clic3 Active. In t$e le't directory tree<
c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N R87 N G#7. In t$e ri%$t pane< set
R87P!75!ist< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e AP to be con'i%ured< and t$en clic3 Con4igure.
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N R87 N G#7. In t$e
ri%$t pane< set #can2n?oot to true =de'ault>.
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s $o. to Auery t$e result o' searc$in% automatic nei%$borin% 2&
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !1 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' nei%$borin% 2& cells are con'i%ured but no automatic nei%$borin% 2& cell is Aueried< t$e si%nals o'
t$e nei%$borin% macro cells may be too .ea3.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e AP is not con'i%ured .it$ manual nei%$borin% 2& macro net.or3 cells.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
9uery manual nei%$borin% 2& cells.
5et t$e met$od o' Aueryin% manual nei%$borin% 2& cells.
1y con'i%urin% nei%$borin% &5/ cells< you can ad8ust t$e parameters 'or t$e nei%$borin%
&5/ cells o' t$e AP< 'or e?ample< add< delete< or modi'y nei%$borin% &5/ cells< and s$ield
or modi'y certain automatically searc$ed nei%$borin% &5/ cells. Con'i%urin% nei%$borin%
&5/ cells properly can impro0e t$e $ando0er and reselection success rates.
L Procedure
Add nei%$borin% &5/ cells.
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e ePico)*011 .$ose con'i%uration needs to be ad8usted< and t$en
clic3 Con4igure.
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N CellCon4ig N +7T#
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !2 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
N RA5 N $DD$AP N 5eighbor!ist N 1nterRATCell N G#7< and t$en clic3 Add to set
0arious parameters accordin% to t$e actual net.or3 situation< as s$o.n in t$e '
Clic3 Apply. #$e prompt bo? is displayed< indicatin% t$at t$e con'i%uration parameters are
success'ully added.
/odi'y nei%$borin% &5/ cells.
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e ePico)*011 .$ose con'i%uration needs to be ad8usted< and t$en
clic3 Con4igure.
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N CellCon4ig N +7T#
N RA5 N $DD$AP N 5eighbor!ist N 5eighbor!ist N 1nterRATCell N G#7. In t$e ri%$t
pane< select t$e nei%$borin% cell to be modi'ied in 1nstance !ist< and t$en clic3 Apply to
modi'y 0arious parameters accordin% to t$e actual net.or3 situation.
Clic3 Apply. #$e prompt bo? is displayed< indicatin% t$at t$e con'i%uration parameters are
success'ully modi'ied.
Delete nei%$borin% &5/ cells.
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e ePico)*011 .$ose con'i%uration needs to be ad8usted< and t$en
clic3 Con4igure.
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N CellCon4ig N +7T#
N RA5 N $DD$AP N 5eighbor!ist N 5eighbor!ist N 1nterRATCell N G#7. In t$e ri%$t
pane< select t$e nei%$borin% cell to be deleted in 1nstance !ist< and t$en clic3 Delete.
In t$e displayed con'irmation dialo% bo?< clic3 2C. #$e selected nei%$borin% &5/ cell is
Cause &
Cause Description
:$en nei%$borin% 2& and )& macro cells coe?ist< )& reselection measurement is pre'erred.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er nei%$borin% 2& and )& macro cells coe?ist.
Delete nei%$borin% )& cells< and t$en test t$e reselection to nei%$borin% 2& cells.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
2.).& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
AP 0ersion number /andatory
U2 =terminal> model /andatory
Uu inter'ace tracin% in'ormation about t$e AP /andatory
Probe tracin% in'ormation about t$e U2 ;ptional
AP con'i%uration 'ile ;ptional
2.* A +8 $ails to Reselect the &G 7acro 5etworB 4ro( the AP
2.*.1 Proble( Description
#$e U2 camps on t$e AP. A'ter enterin% t$e co0era%e area o' t$e )& macro net.or3 'rom t$e
AP co0era%e area< t$e U2 'ails to reselect t$e )& macro net.or3.
2.*.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e AP is not con'i%ured .it$ automatic nei%$borin% macro net.or3 cells.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s $o. to Auery automatic nei%$borin% )& cells. I' no automatic
nei%$borin% )& cells are Aueried< see 5olution in ECause 1E in section 2.*.2ECause Analysis
and 5olutionE 'or troubles$ootin%.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
A'ter con'i%urin% t$e 'reAuency list o' nei%$borin% macro cells 'or t$e AP< searc$ nei%$borin%
cells accordin% to t$e macro net.or3 'reAuency list a'ter t$e AP is po.ered on< and enable t$e
'unction o' automatically con'i%ure nei%$borin% macro net.or3 cells< t$ereby implementin%
automatic net.or3 plannin% and optimi6ation.
L Preconditions
+AR$C5D!!ist is correctly con'i%ured< and t$e nei%$borin% cell autocon'i%uration s.itc$
is turned on =t$e nei%$borin% cell combination s.itc$ also reAuires your attention in t$e ePico
0ersion>. :$en t$e nei%$borin% cell autocon'i%uration s.itc$ is set to TR+8 and t$e
combination s.itc$ o' nei%$borin% )& cells is set to 25< use t$e nei%$borin% )& cells
con'i%ured manually and automaticallyC ot$er.ise< use t$e manually con'i%ured nei%$borin%
cells only.
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s t$e settin% o' t$e nei%$borin% cell combination s.itc$es on t$e
L 1ac3%round in'ormation
:$en a 'reAuency list o' nei%$borin% macro cells is con'i%ured 'or eac$ AP in a 6one< t$e AP
automatically scans all t$e nei%$borin% cells in t$e list.
A'ter a 'reAuency list o' nei%$borin% macro cells is con'i%ured< t$e automatic nei%$borin% cell
searc$ is enabled in t$e ne?t :CD/A radio en0ironment measurement =R2/> period or
.$en t$e AP is po.ered on ne?t time.
A 'reAuency list o' nei%$borin% macro cells contains up to 'our 0alid 'reAuencies. At most si?
nei%$borin% macro net.or3 cells =includin% intra'reAuency or inter'reAuency nei%$borin%
cells> can be automatically searc$ed< includin% at most t.o inter'reAuency nei%$borin% cells.
L Procedure
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e AP to be con'i%ured< and t$en clic3 Con4igure.
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N R87 N
In t$e ri%$t pane< set #can2n?oot to true< turn on t$e s.itc$ o' automatically searc$in%
nei%$borin% :CD/A macro net.or3 cells upon po.eron =t$is s.itc$ is turned on by
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
de'ault>< and t$en set #canPeriodically to true =de'ault>.
5et t$e R2/ startup policy .$en t$ere are ser0ices on t$e AP t$rou%$ 1n#erviceHandling<
timeout time o' per'ormin% R2/ t$rou%$ #canTi(eout< startup time o' t$e periodic R2/
t$rou%$ PeriodicTi(e< and inter0al o' per'ormin% periodic R2/ t$rou%$ Periodic1nterval.
It is recommended to retain t$e de'ault settin%s o' 1n#erviceHandling< #canTi(eout< and
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N 3one Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e 6one to be modi'ied< and t$en clic3 Active.
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N R87 N
0CD7A$DD< and set +AR$C5D!!ist in t$e ri%$t pane< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e AP is not con'i%ured .it$ manual nei%$borin% )& macro net.or3 cells.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s $o. to Auery manual intra'reAuency nei%$borin% )& cells. #$e
met$od is also applicable 'or manual inter'reAuency nei%$borin% )& cells.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' no nei%$borin% cells are Aueried< see 5olution in ECause 2E in section 2.*.2ECause Analysis
and 5olutionE 'or troubles$ootin%.
#$e ' describes $o. to add< delete< or modi'y intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells. #$e
met$ods mentioned are also applicable 'or manual inter'reAuency nei%$borin% cells.
1y con'i%urin% intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells< you can ad8ust t$e parameters 'or t$e intra
'reAuency nei%$borin% cells o' t$e AP< 'or e?ample< add< delete< or modi'y intra'reAuency
nei%$borin% cells< and s$ield or modi'y certain automatically searc$ed intra'reAuency
nei%$borin% cells. Con'i%urin% intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells properly can impro0e t$e
$ando0er and reselection success rates.
L Procedure
Add intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells.
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e AP .$ose con'i%uration needs to be ad8usted< and t$en clic3
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N CellCon4ig N +7T#
N RA5 N $DD$AP N 5eighbor!ist N 1ntra$re@Cell< and t$en clic3 Add to set 0arious
parameters accordin% to t$e actual net.or3 situation< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
Clic3 Apply. #$e prompt bo? is displayed< indicatin% t$at t$e con'i%uration parameters are
success'ully added.
/odi'y intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells.
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e AP .$ose con'i%uration needs to be ad8usted< and t$en clic3
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N CellCon4ig N +7T#
N RA5 N $DD$AP N 5eighbor!ist N 1ntra$re@Cell. In t$e ri%$t pane< select t$e
nei%$borin% cell to be modi'ied in 1nstance !ist< and t$en clic3 Apply to modi'y 0arious
parameters accordin% to t$e actual net.or3 situation.
Clic3 Apply. #$e prompt bo? is displayed< indicatin% t$at t$e con'i%uration parameters are
success'ully modi'ied.
Delete intra'reAuency nei%$borin% cells.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
;n t$e main pa%e o' t$e AP /ana%er< c$oose Con4iguration N #ingle Con4iguration. ;n t$e
displayed pa%e< select t$e AP .$ose con'i%uration needs to be ad8usted< and t$en clic3
In t$e le't directory tree< c$oose Device N #ervices N $AP#ervice N i N CellCon4ig N +7T#
N RA5 N $DD$AP N 5eighbor!ist N 1ntra$re@Cell. In t$e ri%$t pane< select t$e
nei%$borin% cell to be deleted in 1nstance !ist< and t$en clic3 Delete.
In t$e displayed con'irmation dialo% bo?< clic3 2C. #$e selected intra'reAuency nei%$borin%
cell is deleted.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e AP net.or3 $as a di''erent P7/N 'rom t$e macro net.or3 or ot$er AP cells are a0ailable
under t$e AP net.or3. #$e cell .it$ t$e same P7/N as t$e current cell is pre'erred unless t$e
si%nal Auality o' t$e cell is 0ery poor.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er ot$er AP cells are a0ailable under t$e AP net.or3.
5et t$e P7/N o' t$e macro net.or3 to t$e 2P7/N o' t$e AP on t$e CN.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
I' t$e AP uses t$e manual mode< t$e -C5 'eature is enabled on t$e AP< and t$e priority o' t$e
-C5 cells is $i%$er t$an t$at o' macro net.or3 cells< it is di''icult to reselect t$e macro
net.or3 =i' t$e si%nal Auality o' t$e AP net.or3 is not too poor>.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' t$e -C5 'eature is enabled and t$e AP $as a $i%$er priority t$an t$e macro net.or3< t$e AP
cell is pre'erred .$en t$e si%nal Auality o' t$e AP is $i%$er t$an t$e t$res$old.
L Replace t$e current U2 .it$ a U2 t$at does not support t$e -C5 'eature.
L 2nable t$e nei%$borin% cell autocon'i%uration 'unction.
L Disable t$e -C5 'eature o' t$e AP< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
L /odi'y t$e -C5 'eature o' t$e macro net.or3 =ta3in% t$e manual inter'reAuency
nei%$borin% cell as an e?ample>< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2.*.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
AP 0ersion number /andatory
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e !4 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
U2 =terminal> model /andatory
Uu inter'ace tracin% in'ormation about t$e AP /andatory
Probe tracin% in'ormation about t$e U2 ;ptional
AP con'i%uration 'ile ;ptional
2.- A +8 $ails to Per4or( Reselection ?etween APs
2.-.1 Proble( Description
A U2 'ails to per'orm reselection bet.een APs.
2.-.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e AP is not con'i%ured .it$ interAP nei%$borin% cells. In ePico)*01V200R12C005PC100
and earlier 0ersions< t$e interAP automatic nei%$borin% cell con'i%uration is not
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er t$ere are interAP nei%$borin% cells accordin% to t$e met$od s$o.n in t$e
' 'i%ure. #$e RNC IDs o' interAP nei%$borin% cells must be t$e same.
Con'i%ure interAP nei%$borin% cells manually or automatically. #$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s
t$e procedure 'or manually con'i%urin% interAP nei%$borin% cells. :$en con'i%urin% inter
AP nei%$borin% cells manually< ensure t$at t$e 0alue o' R5C1D is t$e same and ApCell1nd is
set to TR+8.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "0 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e tar%et AP is con'i%ured .it$ a user access policy.
I' t$e user access policy o' t$e tar%et AP is Closed or &roup but t$e I/5I o' t$e U2 is not
added to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e AP< t$e U2 cannot camp on t$e tar%et AP a'ter initiatin%
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
7o% in to t$e A-R and 'ind t$e de'inition in'ormation about t$e tar%et AP. C$ec3 .$et$er
+ser Access Policy is set to Closed or Group.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "1 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Add t$e I/5I o' t$e U2 to t$e accessible U2 list o' t$e tar%et AP.
L Closed mode
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "2 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
L &roup mode
A'ter Aueryin% t$e tar%et %roup< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e accessible U2 list contains t$e I/5I o' t$e
U2< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e ") o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause &
Cause Description
I' t$e source AP uses manual interAP nei%$borin% cells< enables t$e -C5 'eature< and $as a
$i%$er -C5 priority t$an t$e tar%et AP< it is di''icult 'or t$e U2 to reselect t$e tar%et AP.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s $o. to con'i%ure -C5 reselection o' t$e source AP.
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s $o. to con'i%ure t$e -C5 'eature 'or manual interAP
nei%$borin% cells.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2.-.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
AP 0ersion number /andatory
U2 =terminal> model /andatory
Uu inter'ace tracin% in'ormation about t$e AP /andatory
Probe tracin% in'ormation about t$e U2 ;ptional
AP con'i%uration 'ile ;ptional
2.1> $ailure to Redirect an 8(ergency Call to a 7acro Cell
2.1>.1 Proble( Description
#$e RRC@RRC@C;NN@R2O si%nalin% carryin% redirectionIn'o is not traced on t$e Uu
inter'ace o' t$e AP.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
2.1>.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e AP $as no nei%$borin% 2& or )& cell.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e nei%$borin% 2& and )& cells o' t$e AP can be nei%$borin% cells searc$ed automatically<
nei%$borin% cells con'i%ured manually< or nei%$borin% cells searc$ed automatically and
nei%$borin% cells con'i%ured manually< dependin% on t$e settin% o'
5eighbor!ist#el4Con4ig8nable under
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e AP $as nei%$borin% 2& or )& cells< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
Con'i%ure automatic and manual nei%$borin% 2& and )& cells. For details< see EAd8ustin% t$e
u1ro Net.or3E in t$e ePico3801B !er "uide (#$00%01$&01).
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause 2
Cause Description
8(ergencyCallRedirection#witch is set to o44.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
7o% in to t$e AP/ client< select #ingle Con4iguration< and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er
8(ergencyCallRedirection#witch is set to o44< as s$o.n in t$e ' 'i%ure.
5et 8(ergencyCallRedirection#witch to on 'or t$e AP on t$e AP/.
#ypical Case
2.1>.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
AP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Fault dia%nosis in'ormation about t$e AP /andatory
5i%nalin% traced on t$e Uu and Iu inter'aces .$en an
emer%ency call is made
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
& "oice 'uality Proble(s
&.1 Abnor(al +plinB A7R "oice
&.1.1 Proble( Description
A user ma3es a call in a Femto cell< and t$e called user cannot $ear 0oices normally.
&.1.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
/any pac3ets are lost on t$e transport net.or3< t$ereby causin% poor 0oice Auality.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2nable t$e con%estion control al%orit$m 'or t$e AP and A&.
2nable internal messa%e tracin% =/ACCPNN1/> o' t$e AP.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
C$ec3 .$et$er t$ere are many con%estion indications in t$e traced messa%es.
/odi'y t$e D5CP 0alue in t$e pac3ets sent by t$e AP and A& to increase t$e pac3et priority.
#ypical Case
5tar-ub modi'ies t$e D5CP 0alue to impro0e 0oice Auality.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e "4 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e 0oice Auality o' 5tar-ubIs e?istin% net.or3 is poor.
#roubles$ootin% procedureD
Analy6e t$e CD# tracin% result. It is 'ound t$at many pac3ets are lost on t$e net.or3.
Connect a PC to t$e li0e net.or3 and per'orm a pin% test on t$e 5&:. It is 'ound t$at t$e
pac3et loss rate is $i%$ and t$e delay 0ariation is %reat.
/odi'y t$e D5CP 0alue o' t$e AP and A&. #$en t$e 0oice Auality is impro0ed ob0iously.
5tar-ubIs 'i?ed net.or3 supports t$e D5CP.
#$e poor 9o5 o' t$e transport net.or3 a''ects t$e 0oice Auality.
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e de8itterin% al%orit$m parameter o' t$e A& is set to an improper 0alue.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
In 5&5N4*10 V*00R004C10 and later 0ersions< t$e de8itterin% al%orit$m is optimi6ed. #$e
de'ault 0alue o' t$e de8itterin% al%orit$m parameter is 1. Fou need to set t$is parameter to &.
#$e command is !#T +A$+P+?PARA.
/odi'y t$e de8itterin% parameters o' t$e AP by runnin% t$e ' commandD
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *0 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
#$e de8itterin% parameters o' VDF in 2%ypt are improperly set< t$ereby causin% poor 0oice
#$e 0oice Auality is poor a'ter VDF in 2%ypt updates t$e 5PC)01A&.
#roubles$ootin% procedureD
Compare t$e 0ersions be'ore and a'ter t$e up%rade. It is 'ound t$at only t$e de8itterin%
al%orit$m o' t$e A& is ob0iously modi'ied.
/odi'y t$e de8itterin% parameters o' A&. #$en t$e 0oices return to normal.
In A& 5PC)01< t$e de'ault parameter o' t$e de8itterin% al%orit$m is improperly set< t$ereby
a''ectin% 0oice Auality.
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction o' t$e A& a''ects t$e 0oice Auality.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Disable t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction o' t$e AP< and t$en per'orm a test a%ain. I' t$e 0oice
Auality becomes normal a'ter t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction is disabled< it can be determined
t$at t$is problem is caused by t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *1 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Disable t$e 0oice multiple?in% al%orit$m o' t$e A& 'or t$e moment and t$en enable it a'ter
up%radin% t$e A&.
#ypical Case
#$e 0oice Auality o' VDF in &reece is poor.
#$e 0oice Auality o' t$e e?istin% net.or3 is poor.
#roubles$ootin% procedureD
Per'orm a test 'or a lon% time in t$e lab and restore 0oices 'rom t$e data captured .it$in t$e
time ran%e .it$ poor 0oice Auality. &reat di''erences e?ist bet.een t$e restored 0oices and t$e
0oice 'ile recei0ed by t$e U2.
Analy6e t$e A& statistics in'ormation. It is 'ound t$at muc$ data does not pass t$e de8itterin%
module .$en t$e 0oice Auality is poor.
Disable t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction and per'orm a test a%ain. #$en t$e 0oice Auality
becomes normal.
:$en 0oice multiple?in% and $eader compression are enabled< t$e de8itterin% module o' t$e
A& .or3s abnormally< t$ereby a''ectin% 0oice Auality.
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e 0oice multiple?in% o' t$e A& causes one.ay audio.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e IP bearer is used bet.een t$e A& and t$e C5 domain o' t$e CN.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *2 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Disable t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction o' t$e AP. #$en one.ay audio no lon%er e?ists.
Disable t$e 0oice multiple?in% al%orit$m o' t$e A& 'or t$e moment< and t$en enable it a'ter
up%radin% t$e A& to 5&5N4*10 V*00R004C10 or a later 0ersion.
#ypical Case
;ne.ay audio e?ists in #ele'onica in 5pain.
;ne.ay audio occurs durin% a 0oice call.
#roubles$ootin% procedureD
1uild IP bearer en0ironment in t$e lab and ma3e t$e symptom recur.
Disable t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction. #$en t$e call returns to normal.
2nable t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction and disable $eader compression. #$e 0oice becomes
2nable t$e 0oice multiple?in% 'unction and $eader compression. ;ne.ay audio occurs.
:$en 0oice multiple?in% and $eader compression are enabled< t$e A& restores t$e R#P
$eader incorrectly< t$ereby causin% one.ay audio.
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e de8itterin% al%orit$m o' t$e A& causes 0oice abnormalities.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
;ne.ay audio no lon%er occurs a'ter t$e 0oice de8itterin% al%orit$m o' t$e A& is disabled.
Disable t$e 0oice de8itterin% al%orit$m o' t$e A& 'or t$e moment< and t$en enable it a'ter
up%radin% t$e A& to 5&5N4*10 V*00R004C10 or a later 0ersion.
#ypical Case
;ne.ay audio occurs a'ter consecuti0e so't $ando0ers.
A'ter consecuti0e so't $ando0ers< one.ay audio occurs in t$e uplin3.
#roubles$ootin% procedureD
Per'orm tests repeatedly< and 'ind t$at one.ay audio occurs a'ter a $ando0er and disappears
a'ter anot$er $ando0er.
Capture pac3ets to restore 0oices. It is 'ound t$at t$e uplin3 0oice data is normal be'ore
arri0in% at t$e A&.
Disable t$e de8itterin% al%orit$m o' t$e A&. #$en t$e problem does not occur any lon%er.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Consecuti0e so't $ando0ers tri%%er t$e de'ects o' t$e de8itterin% al%orit$m o' t$e A&< t$ereby
causin% one.ay audio.
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e CN 'ault causes 0oice abnormalities.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Per'orm t$e same test on t$e macro net.or3. #$e same problem occurs. #$e 0oice problems
caused by t$e CN are re%ular. For e?ample< ec$o or noise suc$ as Eda daE e?ists durin% a call.
Ur%e 'ield CN en%ineers to recti'y t$e 'ault.
#ypical Case
A board o' t$e /5C on #/; CN is 'aulty< t$ereby causin% poor 0oice Auality.
#$e A/R 0oice Auality is poor durin% a call in t$e Femto cell.
#roubles$ootin% procedureD
Capture pac3ets bet.een t$e 5&: and A& and restore 0oices t$rou%$ t$e captured pac3ets. It
is 'ound t$at t$e 0oices are normal be'ore t$e pac3ets arri0e at t$e A&.
9uery t$e $istory alarms on t$e A&. It is 'ound t$at a board o' t$e peer /5C is 'aulty.
Reset t$e board. #$en t$e 'ault is recti'ied.
#$e board 'ault on t$e customerIs CN results in 0oice abnormalities.
&.1.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
Detailed 'ault symptom /andatory
AP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
Internal tracin% in'ormation =/ACCPNN1/> about
t$e AP
Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side /andatory
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
% +pgrade Proble(s
%.1 $ailure to #ynchroniDe Para(eters ?etween the AP7 and
the AP
%.1.1 Proble( Description
Parameter sync$roni6ation 'ails in R12.
#$e AP is reset repeatedly. #$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s t$e runnin% lo%s be'ore t$e reset.
C$aracter in'ormationD
010140054256 C7/D101 O8,-10, 96 "1-2:2/ 96C;27:/ F:<, A88<= I27; T>,
P1-1?,0,- F;<<;@ A70,-)P1..@;-3+ S=201& E--;-A9
010140054456 C7/D101 U8/-13, 96 ERROR 96C;27:/ 3101 188<= 71:< B= 7:<,
010140054556 B;1-3 O8,-10, 96 :27; 96U.,- R,.,0 B;1-3, B= R,1.;2 A88<=
C;27:/ F:<, F1:<A9
#$e precedin% in'ormation s$o.s t$at t$e board is reset because o' 'ailure to apply t$e
con'i%uration 'ile. #$e speci'ic cause may 0ary .it$ t$e actual situation.
%.1.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
Certain parameters do not comply .it$ t$e H/7 synta?.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Vie. lo% records to locate t$e cause 'or 'ile con'i%uration 'ailure.
For e?ample< t$e 'ailure cause in t$e precedin% lo% is as 'ollo.sD
010140054256 C7/D101 O8,-10, 96 "1-2:2/ 96C;27:/ F:<, A88<= I27; T>,
P1-1?,0,- F;<<;@ A70,-)P1..@;-3+ S=201& E--;-A9
#$e precedin% in'ormation indicates t$at a synta? error e?ists in t$e parameter '
Password and t$e possible cause is t$at t$e inte%er type is beyond t$e 0alue ran%e. For
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
e?ample< t$e 0alue o' +8TAPwrThreshold8vent.b ran%es 'rom 6,> to &> accordin% to t$e
synta?< but t$is parameter is actually set to %>. As a result< an error occurs.
C,<,?,20 21?,=DUET&P@-T>-,.>;<3EE,206BDF
C-,.0-:G0:;2 B1.,=D:20,/,-DF
C?:2I2G<H.:E, E1<H,=D450D %F
C?1&I2G<H.:E, E1<H,=D30D %F
#$e strin% is not in t$e enumerated 0alues.
For 5onC#G+8AccessDecision< 'or e?ample< t$e 0alue de'ined in t$e synta? is !ocal
'uery $AP6G0 ?y Core< but t$e user sets t$is parameter to !2cal< t$ereby causin% t$is
type o' errors.
C,<,?,20 21?,=DN;2CSGUEAGG,..D,G:.:;2DF
C-,.0-:G0:;2 B1.,=D.0-:2/DF
C,2H?,-10:;2 E1<H,=DL;G1<D %F
C,2H?,-10:;2 E1<H,=D$H,-= FAP4G"D %F
C,2H?,-10:;2 E1<H,=DB= C;-,D %F
1ased on t$e precedin% e?amplesD
C$ec3 t$e con'i%uration 'ile +APC4g.A(l in t$e so't.are pac3a%e.
It is 'ound t$at Password is 'ollo.ed by Periodic1n4or(8nable. #$en c$ec3 t$e 'ile
deli0ered by t$e AP/. It is 'ound t$at Periodic1n4or(8nable is set to TR+8< .$ic$ is
di''erent 'rom t$e settin% in t$e +APC4g.A(l 'ile. #$is problem occurs at t$e earlier sta%e o'
de0elopment and does not occur no..
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e strin% deli0ered by t$e AP/ e?ceeds t$e con'i%ured len%t$.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e lo% records t$e 'ailure causeD
010140054256 C7/D101 O8,-10, 96 "1-2:2/ 96C;27:/ F:<, A88<= I27; P1-1 L,2/0>
0;; <1-/, )PLMNID+,E1<:3 ?1&<,256A9
#$e precedin% in'ormation indicates t$at t$e strin% e?ceeds t$e con'i%ured len%t$. For
e?ample< t$e ma?imum len%t$ o' t$e P7/N in t$e H/7 'ile is !< but t$e con'i%ured P7/N is
12)(+!". As a result< t$e P7/N 'ails to be con'i%ured.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause &
Cause Description
/ultiple instances con'i%ured 'or t$e AP/ are incorrectly operated.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Vie. t$e lo%. #$e lo% contains t$e ' in'ormationD
010140054256 C7/D101 O8,-10, 96 "1-2:2/ 96C;27:/ F:<, A88<= I27; A33 M;G
F1:<, A001G> M1& NH?B,- )I20-1F-,IC,<<+9
In t$is instance =IntraFreACell>< t$e ma?imum 0alue o' 1ntra$re@Cell is ,. I' t$e 0alue
deli0ered by t$e AP/ e?ceeds +< t$ereby causin% an error.
010140054256 C7/D101 O8,-10, 96 "1-2:2/ 96C;27:/ F:<, A88<= I27; C-,10,
81-1?,0,- H2:J,= 1B.,20 )I20-1F-,IC,<<+9
For t$e IntraFreACell instance< R5C1D and C1D are its uni3eys. :$en t$e AP/ adds<
con'i%ures< and deletes an instance< t$ese t.o parameters must be carriedC ot$er.ise< t$e AP
cannot 'ind t$e correspondin% instance.
010140054256 C7/D101 O8,-10, 96 "1-2:2/ 96C;27:/ F:<, A88<= I27; H8310,
81-1?,0,- H2:J,= 2;0 ?10G> )I20-1F-,IC,<<+9
For t$e IntraFreACell instance< R5C1D and C1D are its uni3eys. :$en t$e AP/ modi'ies an
instance< t$e AP 'ails to 'ind a matc$in% instance internally.
%.1.& #olution
5ync$roni6e parameters bet.een t$e AP and t$e AP/. An error may occur .$en t$e 0ersion
and parameters deli0ered by t$e AP 'ail to meet t$e nort$bound constraint or .$en bu%s e?ist
on t$e AP/.
Parameter sync$roni6ation may be tri%%ered in one o' t$e ' casesD
#$e H/7 'ile on t$e AP is corrupt.
#$e interaction bet.een t$e AP/ and t$e AP times out.
Durin% de0ice replacement< t$e parameters o' t$e 0ersion to be replaced are deli0ered.
#$e user deli0ers parameters on t$e pa%e o' t$e AP/.
%.1.% 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
2?ported AP lo%s /andatory
2?ported #R0!4 lo% 'rom t$e AP/ /andatory
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
%.2 The AP $ails to ?e +pgraded Through the AP7
%.2.1 Proble( Description
#$e so't.are o' t$e AP 'ails to be up%raded t$rou%$ t$e AP/.
%.2.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e AP/ 'ails to deli0er t$e Do.nload reAuest messa%e .it$in )0s .$en t$e transmission
9o5 o' t$e public net.or3 is poor< many pac3ets are lost on t$e net.or3< or t$e net.or3 delay
is %reat.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EDo.nload reAuest o0ertime.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6
tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ 'or t$e ' messa%esD
In t$is case< no $uman inter0ention is reAuired. #$e AP/ automatically tri%%ers re
do.nloadin%. In %eneral< t$e up%rade .ill be 'inally success'ul.
#ypical Case
#$e V/5 o''ice in Vietnam 'ails to be up%raded. Durin% t$e pin% operation< t$e delay is %reat
and t$e pac3et loss rate is about (0Q. Up%rade t$e V/5 o''ice 'or multiple times and up%rade
only se0eral APs eac$ time. Finally< t$e up%rade is success'ul.
Cause 2
Cause Description
:$en t$e AP and F#P ser0er do.nload t$e so't.are pac3a%e< t$e AP is reset or t$e
transmission is interrupted ='or e?ample< t$e net.or3 cable is loose or t$e net.or3 Auality is
0ery poor>.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is E#rans'er 'ail and retrans'er.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6
tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ 'or t$e ' messa%esD
In t$is case< no $uman inter0ention is reAuired. #$e AP/ automatically tri%%ers re
do.nloadin%. In %eneral< t$e up%rade .ill be 'inally success'ul.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e ** o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
Cause 1 or 2 occurs 'or consecuti0e 'i0e times.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is E#rans'er 'ail and retrans'er out o' ma?imum.E C$ec3
.$et$er t$e ap(gr6tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ contains t$e precedin% timeout in'ormation<
'ault code 4*01< or 'ault code 4*02.
#$e ma?imum number o' 'ailures is reac$ed. #$ere'ore< t$e AP/ does not per'orm automatic
retrans'er any lon%er and manual up%rade is reAuired. C$ec3 t$e net.or3 because eac$
up%rade 'ails.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e AP is bein% up%raded< and t$ere'ore t$e ne. up%rade tas3 'ails.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EReAuest denied.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6tr>.-.log 'ile
on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 4001. In addition< searc$ in t$e up%rade
tas3 =by APInde?> 'or determinin% .$et$er t$e AP is bein% up%raded.
Per'orm ne. up%rade only a'ter t$e current up%rade is complete.
#ypical Case
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e AP is per'ormin% an uploadin% tas3 or sync$roni6in% parameters< t$ereby 'ailin% to create
an up%rade tas3.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EResource e?ceeded.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6tr>.-.log
'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 400(. C$ec3 .$et$er t$ere are
uploadin% tas3s or t$ere are per'ormance 'iles bein% uploaded at t$e inte%ral point on t$e
Per'orm up%rade only a'ter t$e uploadin% tas3 is complete.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e *4 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e so't.are pac3a%e is not do.nloaded .it$in )0 minutes.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EDo.nload 'ailure.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6tr>.-.log
'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 4010.
#$is is a bu% in earlier 0ersions. #$is bu% is sol0ed in 0ersions later t$an
ePico)*01V200R0105PC100 and UAP210+V)00R011C005PC120. I' a user uses t$e
seamless up%rade< t$e emer%ency up%rade is recommended to speed up t$e up%rade. I' t$e
so't.are pac3a%e still 'ails to be do.nloaded .it$in )0 minutes in t$e emer%ency up%rade<
as3 t$e user to per'orm up%rade a%ain .$en t$e net.or3 Auality becomes better< or up%rade
t$e AP to a later 0ersion.
#ypical Case
Cause )
Cause Description
#$e transmission 9o5 o' t$e public net.or3 is poor< or t$e F#P 'ile ser0er is incorrectly set or
is abnormal.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EUnable to contact 'ile ser0er.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6
tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 401+ or 401!. I' t$e messa%e
e?ists< connectin% t$e AP< lo%%in% in to t$e F#P ser0er< or runnin% t$e F#P command 'ails.
C$ec3 net.or3 Auality. I' t$e 'ailure cause is Unable to contact 'ile ser0er 'or t$e up%rade
eac$ time< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e IP address o' t$e F#P ser0er on t$e AP/ and t$e F#P ser0er are
#ypical Case
Cause *
Cause Description
:$en t$e so't.are pac3a%e is do.nloaded< t$e data recei0ed .it$in 'i0e minutes is less t$an
10Q o' t$e so't.are pac3a%e.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EUnable to complete do.nload.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6
tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 401". I' t$e messa%e e?ists<
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 40 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
t$e AP determines t$at t$e net.or3 Auality is 0ery poor and as3s t$e AP/ not to redeli0er t$e
up%rade tas3.
#$is is a bu% in earlier AP 0ersions. In ePico)*01V200R0105PC100 and
UAP210+V)00R011C005PC1"0< t$e ' modi'ication is madeD i' t$e net.or3 Auality
is 0ery poor< error code 4*02 is reported to t$e AP/ 'or tri%%erin% t$e AP/ to per'orm
up%rade a%ain.
#ypical Case
Cause -
Cause Description
A'ter t$e AP is up%raded and reset< t$e 0ersion is rolled bac3 because one o' t$e '
'aults occursD
L #$e so't.are pac3a%e is dama%ed< t$ereby 'ailin% to decompress t$e ?in 'ile.
L #$e V/ module 'ails to initiali6e t$e FIDBPID.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EFile corrupted.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6tr>.-.log 'ile
on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 401*. Fou can also e?port t$e
#ys1(portRun1n4o=>.tAt 'ile o' t$e AP and searc$ in t$e 'ile 'or RVer Roll 1a3S to determine
t$e rollbac3 cause. #$e 'ile e?ists in UAP210+ V)00R011C005PC1"0 and
#$is symptom rarely occurs. Fou can on and o'' t$e AP be'ore per'ormin%
up%rade a%ain.
#ypical Case
Cause 1>
Cause Description
#$e -AP and ePico so't.are pac3a%es support mutual up%rade.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EFile aut$entication 'ailure.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6
tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 4014. In addition< you can
c$ec3 .$et$er t$e AP type under #ingle Con4iguration on t$e AP/ matc$es t$e type o' t$e
so't.are pac3a%e to be up%raded.
5elect t$e so't.are pac3a%e .it$ t$e same type as t$e AP type 'or up%rade.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 41 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause 11
Cause Description
A'ter t$e so't.are pac3a%e is do.nloaded< c$ec3in% t$e +AP.ini 'ile in t$e so't.are pac3a%e
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EFile aut$entication 'ailure.E 5earc$ in t$e ap(gr6
tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 4014. I' t$e same error is
prompted on t$e AP/< t$e problem may result 'rom cause 10 or cause 11.
#$e probability t$at an error occurs in decompressin% so't.are is small. Fou can per'orm
up%rade a%ain t$rou%$ t$e AP/ to sol0e t$is error.
#ypical Case
Cause 12
Cause Description
#$e delayed acti0ation o' t$e so't.are 0ersion 'ails.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#$e 'ailure cause 'or t$e up%rade tas3 is EFailed to acti0e delayacti0e so't.are.E 5earc$ in
t$e ap(gr6tr>.-.log 'ile on t$e AP/ 'or a messa%e .it$ its 'aultcode bein% 4*0).
#$is is a smallprobability e0ent. Fou can per'orm up%rade a%ain t$rou%$ t$e AP/ to sol0e
t$e problem.
#ypical Case
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
ap(6tr>.-.log 'ile
BoptBAP/ana%erBser0erBapmana%erBlo%Bapm%rtr0!4.lo% or
BoptBAP/ana%erBser0erBapmana%erBlo%ba3B apm%r
AP runnin% lo% /andatory
APInde? and AP2I /andatory
File ser0er con'i%uration on t$e AP/ ;ptional
vs4tpd.log 'ile =B0arBlo%B0s'tpd.lo%> ;ptional
5erial port in'ormation =contact R,D en%ineers 'or t$e
serial port command>
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 42 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
, Data Trans(ission Proble(s
,.1 +nstable Data Trans(ission in the H#DPA #ervice
,.1.1 Proble( Description
#$e U2 under t$e AP initiates t$e -5DPA ser0ice. #$e rate is unstable< 'or e?ample< 8itter
occurs< t$e rate decreases suddenly< or t$e rate decreases to 0.
$igure a.1 Oitter
$igure a.2 Rate t$at decreases to 0
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 4) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
$igure a.& Rate t$at decreases suddenly
,.1.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e air inter'ace Auality in t$e area .$ere t$e U2 resides is poor. #$e si%nal co0era%e o' t$e
AP may be poor or inter'erence may e?ist.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' it is suspected t$at t$is problem is caused by air inter'ace< you need to c$oose Realti(e
Per4or(ance 7onitoring N Connection Per4or(ance 7onitoring N 8c5oER#CP =as in
t$e ' 'i%ure> on t$e 7/# to c$ec3 .$et$er t$e R5CP and 2CBN; are normal .$en
t$e U2 initiates t$e ser0ice.
$igure a.1 5i%nal noise ratio =5NR> and R5CP o' t$e cell
/odi'y 7aA$APTAPower1n+se and PCP1CHPower1n+se under
Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.:i;.CellCon4ig.+7T#.RA5.$DD$AP.R$ to increase t$e
transmit< or mo0e t$e U2 or AP.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 4( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e transmission 9o5 o' t$e public net.or3 is poor< 'or e?ample< many pac3ets are lost on
t$e net.or3 or t$e net.or3 8itter is %reat.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' it is suspected t$at t$is problem is caused by t$e transmission 9o5< you can per'orm a pin%
test 'irst to c$ec3 .$et$er t$e 9o5 o' t$e transport net.or3 bet.een t$e AP and 5e&: meets
t$e reAuirement. #$e ' table describes t$e 9o5 reAuirements o' 0arious ser0ices 'or
t$e transport net.or3.
Table 1.1 9o5 reAuirements o' all types o' ser0ices
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e CPU is o0erloaded. A'ter t$e CPU usa%e reac$es *+Q< t$e RR/ is tri%%ered to decrease
t$e user rate. A'ter t$e CPU usa%e reac$es 4+Q< a $al' o' P5 ser0ice pac3ets are discarded.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
I' it is suspected t$at t$e CPU is o0erloaded< enable CPU usa%e tracin% on t$e 7/#< as s$o.n
in t$e ' 'i%ure. I' t$e CPU usa%e periodically increases and t$en decreases a'ter t$e
CPU usa%e reac$es about 4+Q< t$e CPU is o0erloaded.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 4+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
$igure a.2 CPU usa%e detection
Decrease t$e number o' ser0ices or tra''ic under t$e AP to t$e CPU usa%e.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
Pac3et loss occurs on t$e A& or CN.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
:$en usin% t$e U2 under t$e AP to ma3e a 0oice call< capture pac3ets on t$e A& or CN to
c$ec3 .$et$er pac3et loss occurs on t$e A& or CN.
I' unstable data transmission is caused by pac3et loss on t$e A& or CN< as3 A& or CN
en%ineers 'or 'ault location.
#ypical Case
,.1.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
#raced cell 5NR and R5CP /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e U2 side /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional
1e'ore in'ormation collection< you are ad0ised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#P
do.nload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro net.or3.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 4! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
,.2 !ow Data Trans(ission Rate in the H#DPA #ervice
,.2.1 Proble( Description
#$e U2 initiates t$e -5DPA ser0ice under t$e AP. #$e rate is lo. but stable.
$igure a.1 7o. data transmission rate
,.2.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e subscription rate o' t$e U2 is lo..
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 t$e rate applied 'or t$e U2 t$rou%$ t$e directly trans'erred messa%es on t$e Uu
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 4" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Rede'ine t$e 5I/ card on t$e -7R and c$an%e t$e subscription rate to ".2 /bitBs.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 4* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e -5DPA".2/ license o' t$e -AP is not enabled< and t$ere'ore t$e AP rate does not
e?ceed ).! /bitBs.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
:$en t$e license is not enabled< t$e ob0ious 'eature is t$at t$e rate is lo. and stable. Fou can
c$ec3 .$et$er t$e AP license is enabled on t$e AP/.
2nable t$e license on t$e A-R.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 44 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e band.idt$ o' t$e A& or CN is limited< t$ereby causin% a lo. AP rate.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Contact A& or CN en%ineers 'or c$ec3in% t$e band.idt$ settin% o' t$e A& or CN.
Contact A& or CN en%ineers 'or modi'yin% t$e band.idt$ settin% o' t$e A& or CN.
#ypical Case
#$e -5DPA multit$read do.nload rate o' 5painIs #ele'onica 'ails to reac$ t$e t$eoretically
ma?imum 0alue.
In #ele'onicaIs lab< t$e -5DPA do.nload rate does not e?ceed ! /bitBs. C$ec3 t$e
con'i%ured PCR on t$e A& by runnin% t$e ' commandD
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 100 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
ADD TRA$$1C9 1D<F1- #CF+?R PCRF1,>>> CD"TF,>>>>>G
Con0ert t$e PCR into /bitBs< t$at is< PCR K 1+000 A#/ cellsBsec K 1+000 cellsBsec ? (*
1ytesBcell T? * bitB1yte K +."! /bitBs. #$is indicates t$at t$e A& restricts t$e IuP5
band.idt$. /odi'y t$e PCR to 20000 and t$e ma?imum supported band.idt$ to ".!* /bitBs.
In addition< c$ec3 t$e A#/ PCR con'i%ured on t$e 5&5N and modi'y it to a reasonable 0alue.
#$en t$e problem is sol0ed.
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e A& route is incorrectly set. As a result< pac3ets are lost bet.een t$e A& and t$e 5&:<
t$ereby causin% a lo. rate.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Contact A& or CN en%ineers 'or c$ec3in% t$e settin% o' t$e A& route.
Contact A& or CN en%ineers 'or modi'yin% t$e settin% o' t$e A& route.
#ypical Case
#$e -5DPA multit$read do.nload rate o' C$ileUs /o0istar 'ails to reac$ t$e t$eoretically
ma?imum 0alue.
In /o0istarIs lab< t$e -5DPA do.nload rate does not e?ceed (.* /bitBs. Upon t$e c$ec3< it is
'ound t$at t$e 5Ns o' t$e &#PU pac3ets 'rom t$e A& to t$e 5&: are discontinuous. A&
en%ineers 'ind t$at t$e route 'rom t$e A& to t$e 5&: is incorrectly con'i%ured. Instead< t$e
route 'rom t$e A& to t$e IP address o' t$e A-R is con'i%ured. As a result< t$e data pac3ets on
t$e ser0ice plane are 'or.arded to t$e 5&: t$rou%$ t$e A-R< t$ereby causin% pac3et loss
and a''ectin% t$e pea3 rate.
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e A& /#U is set to an improper 0alue< t$ereby causin% a lo. sin%let$read do.nload date.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Capture pac3ets at t$e entrance o' t$e AP and c$ec3 .$et$er 'ra%mentation occurs.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 101 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
$igure a.1 Fra%mentation
Up%rade t$e AP to UAP210+R11C01 or ePico)*01R11C01 to sol0e t$e outer 'ra%mentation
problem< and c$an%e t$e A& /#U to 1,>> to a0oid outer 'ra%mentation.
#ypical Case
Inner 'ra%mentation a''ects ser0ice e?perience.
C$an%e t$e A& /#U to a 0alue smaller t$an 1%&> to ensure t$at t$e encrypted pac3ets
arri0in% at t$e 5e&: 'rom t$e A& are still smaller t$an 1+00 bytes. #$e A& 'ra%ments t$e
pac3ets 'rom t$e P5 CN< and t$ere'ore t$e A& per'ormance is a''ected. As a result< t$e A&
discards pac3ets< t$ereby a''ectin% ser0ice e?perience< 'or e?ample< slo. Internet access<
'ailure to open :eb pa%es< and lo. sin%let$read do.nload rate.
;uter 'ra%mentation causes Internet access 'ailure to users.
C$an%e t$e A& /#U to 1,>> to ensure t$at pac3ets are not 'ra%mented by t$e A& 'or
minimi6in% t$e impacts on t$e A& =t$e A& still 'ra%ments too lon% UDP pac3ets>. #$e 5e&:
'ra%ments a pac3et and combines an 25P pac3et and an IP pac3et 'or transmission on t$e
public net.or3. Certain net.or3 de0ices do not support suc$ 'ra%ment reassemblin% and
discard 'ra%ment pac3ets< and t$ere'ore users 'ail to access t$e Internet.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 102 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause .
Cause Description
#$e transmission band.idt$ is limited.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Directly connect a PC to t$e Internet and test t$e actual transmission band.idt$ t$rou%$ t$e
F#Pbased multit$read do.nload or pro'essional rate test .ebsite. I' t$e transmission
band.idt$ is limited< t$e -5DPA data transmission rate .ill 'ail to reac$ t$e t$eoretically
ma?imum 0alue.
I' t$e band.idt$ is insu''icient< coordinate customerIs en%ineers to ensure su''icient
#ypical Case
,.2.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 71B72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
#raced cell 5NR and R5CP /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e U2 side /andatory
A&BAP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side ;ptional
Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional
1e'ore in'ormation collection< you are ad0ised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#P
do.nload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro net.or3.
,.& $ailure to #et +p the H#+PA #ervice
,.&.1 Proble( Description
#$e upload is not based on t$e UPA c$annel< t$ereby causin% a lo. upload rate.
,.&.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 10) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e -5UPA cell is not acti0ated.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
7o% in to t$e AP/ and c$ec3 t$e radio parameters o' t$e AP.
$igure a.1 C$ec3in% .$et$er t$e -5UPA cell is acti0ated
I' t$e status o' t$e -5UPA cell is D2AC#IV2< t$e UPA cell is not acti0ated< and t$ere'ore t$e
uplin3 UPA ser0ice is not supported.
Acti0ate t$e -5UPA cell on t$e AP/. #$at is< set <=>D1$)?=Hsupa8nable to true.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e U2 supports t$e -5UPA 'unction.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
;bser0e U2 capabilities 'rom t$e RRC@C;NN2C#@R29 messa%e initiated by t$e U2. I' t$e
U2 does not support t$e UPA< t$e -5UPA ser0ice 'ails to be set up.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 10( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
$igure a.2 U2 capability reportin%
As s$o.n in t$e precedin% 'i%ure< t$e ueCapabilityIndication I2 indicates U2 capabilities. I'
t$e I2 contains Eedc$<E t$e U2 supports t$e -5UPA 'unction.
Use a U2 t$at supports t$e -5UPA 'unction 'or testin%.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN is t$an t$e rate t$res$old 'or settin% up t$e -5UPA ser0ice.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
Di''erent ser0ices $a0e di''erent 2DC- bearer t$res$olds. A ser0ice can be carried on t$e
-5UPA only .$en t$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN e?ceeds t$e t$res$old. For t$e AP< t$e 2DC-
bearer t$res$old is 2+! 3bitBs 'or uplin3 stream ser0ices< !( 3bitBs 'or uplin3 session ser0ices<
and !0* 3bitBs 'or uplin3 12 ser0ices.
#o con'irm t$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN< c$ec3 t$e
RANAP@RA1@A55I&N/2N#@R29U52# messa%e on t$e Iu inter'ace. Fou can obtain t$e
ser0ice type< /1R< and uplin3 rate =1.( /bitBs> assi%ned by t$e CN.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 10+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
$igure a.& 5er0ice rate assi%ned by t$e CN
I' t$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN is t$an t$e 2DC- bearer t$res$old o' t$e AP< 'irst c$ec3
.$et$er t$e subscription data o' t$e 5I/ card on t$e -7R is properly con'i%ured. I' t$e
upload rate in t$e subscription data is $i%$er t$an t$e 2DC- bearer t$res$old o' t$e AP<
c$ec3 .$et$er t$e A# command is used to restrict t$e uplin3 rate o' t$e U2 durin% dialup.
#ypical Case
,.&.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 71B72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
Uplin3 R#:P /andatory
Number o' users ser0ed by a dedicated c$annel /andatory
Uplin3 C2 resources /andatory
A&BAP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side ;ptional
Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional
1e'ore in'ormation collection< you are ad0ised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#P
do.nload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro net.or3.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 10! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
,.% +nstable Data Trans(ission in the H#+PA #ervice
,.%.1 Proble( Description
#$e data transmission rate in t$e -5UPA ser0ice 'luctuates %reatly.
$igure a.1 Unstable upload rate in t$e -5UPA ser0ice
,.%.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e air inter'ace Auality is poor.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
;n t$e 7/#< lo% in to t$e AP and obser0e t$e uplin3 R#:P.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 10" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
In %eneral< t$e R#:P is about 40 d1m in t$e case o' no load and ran%es 'rom *+0 d1m to
*00 d1m in a ser0ice. I' t$e R#:P is $i%$er t$an *00 d1m< t$e uplin3 rate is a''ected.
L C$an%e t$e position o' t$e AP< and t$en obser0e .$et$er t$e uplin3 R#:P is normal.
L /odi'y t$e 'reAuency and scramblin% code o' t$e AP< and t$en obser0e t$e uplin3
L Disable -5UPA sc$edulin%< and t$en obser0e t$e uplin3 rate.
#ypical Case
#$e R#:P is normal in t$e case o' no load and is o0erloaded a'ter a ser0ice is per'ormed.
#$e R#:P o' t$e AP is normal in t$e case o' no load. A'ter t$e U2 initiates a ser0ice<
$o.e0er< t$e R#:P increases abnormally until it is o0erloaded< and t$e ser0ice rate 'luctuates
0iolently. Ad8ust t$e position o' t$e U2. #$en t$e R#:P returns to normal and t$e ser0ice rate
is stable. #$is case usually occurs .$en t$e control o' t$e U2 is abnormal due to t$e
unreasonable distance bet.een t$e U2 and t$e AP or unreasonable en0ironment.
Cause 2
Cause Description
Pac3et loss occurs on t$e transport net.or3.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 10* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Press CtrlM#hi4tM$12< and t$en type l(tad(in to enable internal tracin%< as s$o.n in t$e
' 'i%ure.
2nable t$e t.o.ay tracin% bet.een t$e 72@/ACC and t$e N1/.
;bser0e .$et$er t$e uplin3 con%estion indication =U7C;N&25#I;N@IND> e?ists.
Contact customerIs en%ineers 'or c$ec3in% net.or3 problems.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 104 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
,.%.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 71B72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
Uplin3 R#:P /andatory
Number o' users ser0ed by a dedicated c$annel /andatory
Uplin3 C2 resources /andatory
A&BAP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side ;ptional
Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional
1e'ore in'ormation collection< you are ad0ised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#P
do.nload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro net.or3.
,., !ow Data Trans(ission Rate in the H#+PA #ervice
,.,.1 Proble( Description
#$e data transmission rate is lo. but stable in t$e -5UPA ser0ice.
$igure a.1 7o. upload rate in t$e -5UPA ser0ice
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 110 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
,.,.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e A# command is used to limit t$e rate.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 t$e ad0anced options in t$e modem dri0er o' t$e data card to see .$et$er t$e rate is
limited by runnin% t$e A# command.
Run t$e A# command to disable rate limitation.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e o' t$e U2 is limited. Uplin3 pat$ loss occurs due to en0ironment. As a result< t$e
U2 uses t$e ma?imum transmit in sendin% data< causin% t$e 'ailure to increase t$e
upload rate.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2nable tracin% on t$e 7/#.
$igure a.1 #racin% t$e transmit o' t$e U2
#$e con'i%ured ma?imum transmit o' t$e U2 on t$e AP isD pilot transmit M +
d1m. As s$o.n in t$e precedin% 'i%ure< t$e unit in t$e tracin% result is d1m. C$ec3 .$et$er
t$e measured 0alue is eAual to t$e ma?imum transmit o' t$e U2.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 111 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
I' t$e transmit o' t$e U2 is close to t$e ma?imum transmit< mo0e t$e U2 to a
proper position accordin% to t$e 'ield en0ironment =ensure t$at t$e R5CP e?ceeds 40 d1m>.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN is t$an t$e t$eoretically ma?imum rate o' t$e -5UPA
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
#o con'irm t$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN< c$ec3 t$e
RANAP@RA1@A55I&N/2N#@R29U52# messa%e on t$e Iu inter'ace. Fou can obtain t$e
ser0ice type< /1R< and uplin3 rate =1.( /bitBs> assi%ned by t$e CN.
$igure a.2 5er0ice rate assi%ned by t$e CN
I' t$e rate assi%ned by t$e CN is t$an t$e 2DC- bearer t$res$old o' t$e AP< 'irst c$ec3
.$et$er t$e subscription data o' t$e 5I/ card on t$e -7R is properly con'i%ured. I' t$e
upload rate in t$e subscription data is $i%$er t$an t$e 2DC- bearer t$res$old o' t$e AP<
c$ec3 .$et$er t$e A# command is used to restrict t$e uplin3 rate o' t$e U2 durin% dialup.
#ypical Case
,.,.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 112 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
#est procedures and detailed problem descriptions /andatory
CD# o' t$e AP =turn on t$e 71B72 statistics s.itc$> /andatory
Uplin3 R#:P /andatory
Number o' users ser0ed by a dedicated c$annel /andatory
Uplin3 C2 resources /andatory
A&BAP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Pac3ets captured on t$e A& side ;ptional
Pac3ets captured on t$e AP side ;ptional
1e'ore in'ormation collection< you are ad0ised to e?clude t$e 'aults o' t$e terminal and F#P
do.nload source by conductin% a comparison test on a macro net.or3.
. Proble(s Related to Auto(atic Power
..1 Call6?ased Auto(atic Pilot Ad/ust(ent o4 the AP
..1.1 Proble( Description
#$e U2 calls t$e automatic pilot ad8ustment number< but t$e AP does not ad8ust t$e pilot
..1.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e autocon'i%uration s.itc$es are not turned on.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 11) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e autocon'i%uration s.itc$es are turned on. 7o% in to t$e AP/<
access t$e AP con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er t$e status o' t$e auto
con'i%uration s.itc$es =t$at is< t$e 0alues o' 7aA$APTAPower#el4Con4ig8nable<
PCP1CHPower#el4Con4ig8nable< and 7aA+!TAPower#el4Con4ig8nable> under
Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.:i;.$APControl.+7T#.#el4Con4ig. I' t$e 0alue is true< t$e
correspondin% s.itc$ is turned onC i' t$e 0alue is 'alse< t$e s.itc$ is turned o''.
#urn on t$e autocon'i%uration s.itc$es.
#$at is< set 7aA$APTAPower#el4Con4ig8nable< PCP1CHPower#el4Con4ig8nable< and
7aA+!TAPower#el4Con4ig8nable to true respecti0ely.
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 11( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e callbased automatic pilot s.itc$ is o''.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e callbased automatic pilot s.itc$ is on. 7o% in to t$e AP/< access t$e AP
con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er t$e automatic pilot s.itc$ is on or o'' under
5et ?ase2nCall#witch to on.
#ypical Case
Cause &
Cause Description
#$e callbased automatic pilot call number is not set.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e automatic pilot call number is set. 7o% in to t$e AP/< access t$e AP
con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er t$e call number is t$e same as t$e number
displayed in t$e ' 'i%ure under Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 11+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Correctly set t$e automatic pilot call number to ensure t$at t$e call number is t$e same as t$e
con'i%ured number.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e U2 calls t$e pilot ad8ustment number. A'ter t$e call is released< ot$er ser0ices still e?ist in
t$e cell.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
;n t$e 7/#< c$oose Realti(e Per4or(ance 7onitoring N Cell per4or(ance (onitoring
and ensure t$at all t$e 0alues under 161 to 16. columns are >< as s$o.n in t$e '
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 11! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
Cause ,
Cause Description
#$e automatic pilot ad8ustment number is called< but t$e call duration is s$orter t$an t$e
con'i%ured measurement duration.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
7o% in to t$e AP/< access t$e AP con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en ensure t$at t$e call duration is
lon%er t$an t$e time enclosed by a red bo? =con'i%urable< 1+s by de'ault> under
:i;.<=>D1$)?=$eatureControl.Power#el4Con4ig.?ase2nCall< as s$o.n in t$e '
#ypical Case
..1.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
CD# o' t$e AP /andatory
AP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Uu inter'ace tracin% in'ormation about t$e AP ;ptional
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 11" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
..2 #tatistics6?ased Auto(atic Pilot Ad/ust(ent o4 the AP
..2.1 Proble( Description
#$e AP does not support statisticsbased automatic pilot ad8ustment.
..2.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
Cause 1
Cause Description
#$e autocon'i%uration s.itc$es are not turned on.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e autocon'i%uration s.itc$es are turned on. 7o% in to t$e AP/<
access t$e AP con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er t$e status o' t$e auto
con'i%uration s.itc$es =t$at is< t$e 0alues o' 7aA$APTAPower#el4Con4ig8nable<
PCP1CHPower#el4Con4ig8nable< and 7aA+!TAPower#el4Con4ig8nable> under
Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.:i;.$APControl.+7T#.#el4Con4ig. I' t$e 0alue is true< t$e
correspondin% s.itc$ is turned onC i' t$e 0alue is 'alse< t$e s.itc$ is turned o''.
#urn on t$e autocon'i%uration s.itc$es.
#$at is< set 7aA$APTAPower#el4Con4ig8nable< PCP1CHPower#el4Con4ig8nable<
and 7aA+!TAPower#el4Con4ig8nable to true respecti0ely.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 11* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#ypical Case
Cause 2
Cause Description
#$e statisticsbased automatic pilot s.itc$ is o''.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e statisticsbased automatic pilot s.itc$ is on. 7o% in to t$e AP/< access t$e
AP con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er t$e automatic pilot s.itc$ is on or o'' under
5et ?ase2n#tat#witch to on.
#ypical Case
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 114 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
Cause &
Cause Description
:it$in t$e statisticsbased ad8ustment cycle< t$e callbased automatic pilot s.itc$ is on and
t$e callbased ad8ustment is per'ormed.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 .$et$er t$e callbased automatic pilot s.itc$ is on. 7o% in to t$e AP/< access t$e AP
con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en c$ec3 t$e settin%s under Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.
/a3e sure t$at t$e C5 calls t$e callbased automatic pilot ad8ustment number durin% t$e test
on statisticsbased automatic pilot ad8ustment.
I' t$e callbased automatic pilot s.itc$ is on and t$e C5 calls t$e callbased automatic pilot
ad8ustment number< set ?ase2nCall#witch to o44 or do not dial t$e callbased automatic pilot
ad8ustment number.
#ypical Case
Cause %
Cause Description
#$e statistics duration is insu''icient .$en t$e ser0ice is released.
CauseIdenti'yin% /et$od
C$ec3 t$e cycle o' t$e statisticsbased automatic pilot ad8ustment. 7o% in to t$e AP/< access
t$e AP con'i%uration pa%e< and t$en c$ec3 t$e settin%s under Device.#ervices.$AP#ervice.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 120 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$e statistics duration must be lon%er t$an t$e ad8ustment cycle =0alue o' Ad/ustCycle>
s$o.n in t$e precedin% 'i%ure. #$e ad8ustment cycle is con'i%urable but must not be s$orter
t$an one $our.
#ypical Case
..2.& 1n4or(ation Collection
I' t$e 'ault persists< collect necessary in'ormation accordin% to t$e ' table.
1te( 2ptional or 7andatory
CD# o' t$e AP /andatory
AP con'i%uration 'ile /andatory
Uu inter'ace tracin% in'ormation about t$e AP ;ptional
AP runnin% lo% ;ptional
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 121 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
) Trans(ission $aults
).1 Typical 7ethods o4 !ocating Trans(ission and Power6on
$aults in R12
&reat c$an%es are made to t$e transmission state mac$ine in R12 and codes are basically
re.ritten. #$ere'ore< t$is section describes $o. to locate t$e 'ault t$at t$e po.eron time o'
t$e AP is occasionally too lon% to pro0ide t$e basic met$ods o' locatin% transmission and
po.eron 'aults in R12. #$e 'ault is not comple? and is 8ust 'or your re'erence.
).1.1 Proble( Description
In R12ePico)*010200R0122N&C1001400< t$e po.eron time o' t$e AP is occasionally too
lon%. It sometimes ta3es ei%$t to nine minutes but sometimes t$ree to 'our minutes to
on t$e AP. #$e test results s$o. t$at t$e probability o' t$is 'ault is about 2+Q.
).1.2 Cause Analysis and #olution
7ocation and Analysis
#$e 'ault recurs. #$e common procedure 'or locatin% po.eron 'aults in R12 is as 'ollo.sD
a. Dia%nose and locate t$e 'ault.
#$e dia%nosis met$od is as 'ollo.sD
Fault dia%nosis is to display t$e current transmission status and 'ault in real time.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 122 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
#$ere'ore< t$e dia%nosis result sometimes displays t$at t$e AP is runnin%. Fou can
attempt to per'orm 'ault dia%nosis repeatedly. I' t$e 'ault process is started< t$e 'ault can
be dia%nosed t$rou%$ one attempt. :$en t$e serial port cannot be used< 'ault dia%nosis is
pre'erred to narro. t$e location scope.
#$e dia%nosis result 'or t$is 'ault is ERe%isterin% .it$ 5er0in% -/5 #imeoutE< indicatin%
t$at t$e #R0!4 connection bet.een t$e AP and t$e 5-/5 times out.
b. Use t$e serial port commands 'or location.
L Run TC7=#how to 0ie. t$e s.itc$in% o' t$e transmission state mac$ine.
Run TC7=#how on t$e serial port to 0ie. t$e s.itc$in% o' t$e transmission state
mac$ine. #$e command is t$e 3ey command 'or locatin% po.eron 'aults.
4F TCM_S>;@
E1<H, = 0 = 0&0
44444444444444 444 44444444444444444444 44444444444444444444
12410 1655!552 1 DISCO(ERING NULL
12410 1655!552 1 DISCO(ER_"AIT_HMS_IP NULL
12410 1655!552 1 INIT_TUNNEL_BUILT NULL
12410 1655!552 1 INIT_TUNNEL_"AIT_DNS NULL
12410 1655!553 1 HMS_REGISTING TIMEOUT
12410 16556550 1 HMS_REGISTING NULL
12410 16556550 1 HMS_"AITTING_DNS SER(_HMS_DNS_OK
12410 16556550 1 HMS_"AITTING_DNS NULL
12410 16556550 1 NCELL_SEARCHING NULL
12410 16556550 1 SER(_TUNNEL_BUILT NULL
12410 16556545 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_CONNECT NULL
12410 16556544 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_CONFIG NULL
12410 16556544 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_DNS SER(_SEG"_DNS_OK
12410 16556544 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_DNS NULL
12410 16556544 1 SER(_TUNNEL_BUILDING NULL
12410 16556542 1 "AIT_DISCO(ER_RESULT NULL
12410 16556540 1 DISCO(ERING NULL
12410 16556540 1 DISCO(ER_"AIT_HMS_IP NULL
12410 16556540 1 INIT_TUNNEL_BUILT NULL
12410 16556540 1 INIT_TUNNEL_"AIT_DNS NULL
12410 16556540 1 HMS_REGISTING TIMEOUT
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 12) o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
12410 16553531 1 HMS_REGISTING NULL
12410 16553531 1 HMS_"AITTING_DNS SER(_HMS_DNS_OK
12410 16553531 1 HMS_"AITTING_DNS NULL
12410 16553531 1 NCELL_SEARCHING NULL
12410 16553531 1 SER(_TUNNEL_BUILT NULL
12410 16553524 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_CONNECT NULL
12410 16553524 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_CONFIG NULL
12410 16553524 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_DNS SER(_SEG"_DNS_OK
12410 16553524 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_DNS SCTP_LINK_DO"N
12410 16553524 1 SER(_TUNNEL_"AIT_DNS NULL
12410 16553524 1 SER(_TUNNEL_BUILDING NULL
12410 16553524 1 BASE_INFO_GOTTEN NULL
12410 16553524 1 RUN TUNNEL_PARA_CHANGED
12410 1654557 1 RUN NULL
12410 1654557 1 HNBG"_REGISTING HNBG"_RSP_OK
12410 1654557 1 HNBG"_REGISTING NULL
12410 1654557 1 SCTP_BUILT NULL
12410 1654546 1 SCTP_BUILDING NULL
12410 1654546 1 HMS_REGISTED NULL
#$e met$od o' c$ec3in% t$e state mac$ine is as 'ollo.sD
#$e precedin% in'ormation displays t$e latest status s.itc$in% trac3s in t$e current
transmission. Fou need to 0ie. t$em by time 'rom up to do.n. :$ere< T178
indicates t$e time o' tri%%erin% status s.itc$in% by t$e e0ent in t$e current statusC
C5T indicates t$e times o' bein% in t$e current statusC #TAT8 indicates t$e current
statusC 8"85T indicates t$e e0ent t$at tri%%ers status transitionC 5+!! under
8"85T indicates t$at t$e state mac$ine per'orms status s.itc$in% acti0ely and no
tri%%er e0ent is reAuired.
#$e precedin% s.itc$in% trac3s o' t$e state mac$ine s$o. t$at t.o #I/2;U# e0ents
occur in t$e -/5@R2&I5#IN& state. A'ter timeout< t$e disco0ery process is
tri%%ered a%ain. #$e timeout time is t$ree minutes. #$ere'ore< t.o timeout e0ents ta3e
si? minutes< t$ereby increasin% t$e po.eron time o' t$e AP. #$e result is consistent
.it$ t$e 'ault dia%nosis result. Ne?t< c$ec3 .$et$er t$e IP address o' t$e 5-/5 is
#$e basic idea o' locatin% po.eron 'aults is to run TC7=#how to display t$e
s.itc$in% o' t$e state mac$ine durin% t$e transmission. Fou can obtain t$e tri%%er
in'ormation about 'ield problems accordin% to t$e displayed tri%%er e0ents and
s.itc$in% trac3s o' t$e state mac$ine. In addition< locate t$e 'ault 'urt$er accordin% to
t$e con'i%uration and lo% in'ormation about t$e current AP and related N2s or
captured pac3ets.
L Run TC7=#how$ile to 0ie. t$e current in'ormation about t$e AP.
Run TC7=#how$ile on t$e serial port to 0ie. t$e current in'ormation about t$e AP.
4F TCM_S>;@F:<,
E1<H, = 0 = 0&0
H2B:3 5 460150000001!20 IMSI
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 12( o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
U.:? T=8, )05SIM, 15USIM, 25U2J;@2, 35N;2,+5 1 C1-3
B<A<-,13=D:.G;E,-= )05F1<.,, 15T-H,+51 ">,0>,-
0; .01-0 0>, 3:.G;E,-= 8-;G,..
B<A<-,13=R,/:.0,- )05F1<.,, 15T-H,+51 ">,0>,-
0; .01-0 0>, -,/:.0-10:;2 8-;G,..
HGM1G-;C;E,-1/,51 ">,0>,- 0; 7;-G:B<= .G12
2,:/>B;-:2/ ?1G-; G,<<.
H<I2:0H?.SHGT=8, )05INNER_DNS_T#PE, 15TR06!_T#PE+50
SIM INIT_SG" URL 5 INIT SG" :27;-?10:;2
.1E,3 :2 0>, SIM G1-3
.1E,3 :2 0>, SIM G1-3
I22,-_DNS ;- INIT_HMS IPA33-50&B!163351
INIT_HMS IP INDEL50 I23,& 7;- 0>, :22,- DNS 0; -,.;<E, 0>, IP 133-,..
;7 0>, INIT HMS
0>10 :. B,:2/ H.,3
SG08 S-G P;-05 2!07 P;-0 2H?B,- ;7 0>, SCTP <:2J
;2 0>, AP
SG08 D.0 P;-0 5 2!07 P;-0 2H?B,-
;7 0>, SCTP <:2J ;2 0>, AG
A3?:2 S010, )05FALSE, 15TRUE+ 5 A3?:2:.0-10:;2 .010H.
TCM_"ITHOUT_TUNNEL )05@:0>, 15@:0>;H0+ 5 0 ">,0>,-
0; .J:8 0>, 0H22,<
TCM_"ITHOUT_SIM )05@:0>, 15@:0>;H0+ 5 0 ">,0>,-
0; .J:8 0>, SIM G1-3
TCM_"ITHOUT_NEIGBOR )05@:0>, 15@:0>;H0+ 5 0 ">,0>,- 0;
.J:8 2,:/>B;-:2/ G,<< .,1-G>
TCM_"ITHOUT_DISCO(ER#)05@:0>, 15@:0>;H0+ 5 0 ">,0>,-
0; .J:8 0>, 3:.G;E,-= 8-;G,..
TCM_"ITHOUT_HMSAUTH )05@:0>, 15@:0>;H0+ 5 0 ">,0>,-
0; .J:8 0>, -,/:.0-10:;2 8-;G,..
1nner=D5# or 151T=H7# 1PAddr indicates t$e IP address o' t$e INI# -/5 t$at is
currently used. #$e result o' t$e TC7=#how$ile command does not contain t$e IP
address o' t$e 5-/5 =t$e IP address needs to be pro0ided subseAuently>. ;n t$e
A-R< $o.e0er< you can 3no. t$at t$e IP address o' t$e 5-/5 is 1*+.22.!1.*1. #$e
IP address o' t$e 5-/5 is not displayed a'ter you run TC7=#how$ile. #$ere'ore<
t$is part 8ust describes $o. to obtain t$e AP in'ormation< irrele0ant to 'ault location.
L Run T#P=Ping to test lin3 status.
It is suspected t$at t$e re%istration may 'ail due to poor net.or3 Auality. Run
T#P=Ping to test .$et$er t$e lin3 bet.een t$e AP and t$e 5-/5 is normal.
Di''erent 'rom t$e T#P=Ping command in R11< t$e T#P=Ping command in R12 is as
#5P@Pin% Edestination IPE< Einner IP address o' t$e tunnelE
#$e inner IP address o' t$e tunnel is optional and is unnecessary i' t$e tunnel is not
in0ol0ed. #$e test results s$o. t$at t$e pin% operation 'rom t$e inner IP address o'
t$e tunnel is success'ul< t$at is< t$e lin3 bet.een t$e AP and t$e 5-/5 is normal.
c. 7ocate t$e 'ault accordin% to t$e printed in'ormation on t$e serial port.
Ne?t< analy6e t$e printed in'ormation on t$e serial port. It is 'ound t$at a 3ey error is
printedD HTC7=$illH(sRegRe@Ierr9 Get 2( #ervice tunnel address 4ailedJ. #$e
printed in'ormation indicates t$at t$e AP does not obtain t$e inner IP address o' t$e
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 12+ o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/. 7o% in to t$e A-R and 'ind t$at t$e domain %roup o' t$e
AP is con'i%ured .it$ t.o lo%ic tunnels. #$e code s$o.s t$at t$e AP 'irst determines
.$et$er t$e IP address o' t$e maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/ is obtained in t$e
#C/@5#A#2@-/5@R2&I5#IN& state. I' t$e maintenance tunnel 'ails to be set up< t$e
AP directly returns and no lon%er sends messa%es to t$e ;/ to noti'y t$e ;/ o'
re%isterin% .it$ t$e 5-/5. As a result< t$e re%istration .it$ t$e 5-/5 times out. A'ter
t$e timeout duration =t$ree minutes>< t$e disco0ery process is initiated a%ain. In t$e case
o' t.o lo%ic tunnels< t$e second maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/ is set up later t$an t$e
primary tunnel. #$e second maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/ can be set up only a'ter t$e
primary tunnel is success'ully set up. As a result< t$e time seAuence problem e?ists. For
e?ample< t$e maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/ may $a0e been set up .$en t$e transmission
state mac$ine enters t$e #C/@5#A#2@-/5@R2&I5#IN& state. In t$is case< a messa%e
may be sent to t$e ;/ immediately 'or t$e re%istration .it$ t$e 5-/5< .$ic$ is a
normal process. I' t$e maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/ is not set up< timeout occurs< and
t$ere'ore t$e disco0ery process is initiated a%ain. As a result< t$e po.eron time o' t$e
AP is too lon%. #$e result o' t$e TC7=#how command s$o.s t$at t$e maintenance
tunnel o' t$e ;/ is not set up .$en t$e transmission state mac$ine enters t$e
#C/@5#A#2@-/5@R2&I5#IN& state 'or t$e second time< t$ereby causin% timeout
a%ain. #$e maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/ is success'ully set up only .$en t$e
transmission state mac$ine enters t$e #C/@5#A#2@-/5@R2&I5#IN& state 'or t$e
t$ird time.
Up to no.< in t$e case o' t.o lo%ic tunnels< t$e cause 'or t$e too lon% po.eron time o'
t$e AP is t$at t$e time seAuence is uncertain .$en t$e second maintenance tunnel o' t$e
;/ is success'ully set up. :$en only a sin%le p$ysical tunnel is a0ailable< t$is 'ault does
not occur.
#o re%ister .it$ t$e 5-/5< #$e AP Aueries .$et$er t$e maintenance address o' t$e ;/ is
obtained. I' t$e maintenance address is not obtained< t$e AP starts a +s timer. :$en t$e timer
e?pires< t$e AP Aueries .$et$er t$e maintenance address is success'ully obtained and sends a
messa%e to t$e ;/ 'or startin% t$e re%istration process only .$en t$e maintenance address is
success'ully obtained. #$at is< by per'ormin% Auery repeatedly based on t$e +s timer instead
o' startin% t$e disco0ery process a'ter t$e t$reeminute timer e?pires< t$e AP can 3no. t$e
success'ul setup o' t$e maintenance tunnel o' t$e ;/ in time< t$ereby e''ecti0ely s$ortenin%
t$e po.eron time.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 12! o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
* HG0 $aults
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 12" o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
*.1 'o# 1ssues
*.1.1 $ault Description
U2s campin% on t$e AP cell e?perience t$e issue o' lo.Auality speec$ or 0ideo ser0ices.
:$en a U2 implements C5 ser0ices in t$e AP cell< t$e PC connected to t$e AP e?periences t$e issue o' lo.
Auality online 0ideos.
*.1.2 Re@uired 1n4or(ation
Iuinter'ace and Uuinter'ace messa%e tracin% result o' t$e AP. 7ayer2 Call Detail #race =CD#> result.
7ayer2 /ACCN1/ internal messa%e tracin% result
Pin% delay 'rom t$e AP /ana%er or 5e&: to t$e AP
1lin3in% status o' t$e )& 7in3 72D
*.1.& $ault !ocating
1. $ault !ocating
;bser0e t$e )& 7in3 72D. I' t$e 72D is %reen< it indicates t$at t$e net.or3 conditions are %ood and
t$ere is no tra''ic con%estion. In t$is case< locate t$e 'ault by re'errin% to t$e rele0ant instructions o' t$e
dualport AP or t$e ePico. I' t$e 72D is yello.< t$ere is tra''ic con%estion. Proceed to step 2.
C$ec3 t$e internal messa%e tracin% o' layer2 /ACCN1/ =uplin3 con%estion messa%e typeD 0?2d and
do.nlin3 con%estion messa%e typeD 0?2'>. I' t$e con%estion messa%e persists< it indicates t$at t$e net.or3
conditions are poor. In t$is case< c$ec3 t$e pin% delay 'rom t$e AP /ana%er or 5e&: to t$e AP. I' t$e
pin% delay is lar%er t$an 100 ms and t$e pac3et loss rate is lar%er t$an )Q< recti'y t$e net.or3 'ault.
:$en t$e Internet speed slo.s do.n 'or 7AN users or :iFi users< c$ec3 'or tra''ic con%estion. Use t$e
#elnet to lo% in to t$e $ome %ate.ay =-&:>. C$ec3 t$e port band.idt$ in use =rele0ant commandD cat
varKlinBrate>. I' t$e uplin3 band.idt$ is limited to !( 3bitBs< appropriately raise t$e 0alue o' PC +plinB
guarantee bit rate on t$e :ebUI. 5ee t$e ' 'i%ure.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 12* o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
*.2 1ssues Related to 0i6$i Distributed #yste(
*.2.1 $ault Description
7ocal Area Net.or3 =7AN> users 'ail to access t$e Internet.
*.2.2 Re@uired 1n4or(ation
Net.or3 structure
Con'i%urations o' :iFi Distributed 5ystem =:D5> on t$e -&: console
:iFi con'i%urations on t$e -&: console
*.2.& $ault !ocating
1. ?acBground
/obile net.or3
V :iFi c$annel
UAP2*++W2 X YY XUAP2*++W1=142.1!*.1.1< d$cp transparent transmission>
=142.1!*.1.2< d$cp ser0er> V'tp ser0ice
aD :iFi data card
bD lan inter'ace
#$e ' 'i%ure s$o.s an e?ampleD
11. $ault !ocating
C$ec3 t$e con'i%urations o' c$annel< encryption mode< and pass.ord o' UAP2*++W1 and UAP2*++W2.
55ID can be di''erent bet.een UAP2*++W1 and UAP2*++W2< but t$e precedin% t$ree parameters must be
identical bet.een t$em.
C$ec3 .$et$er UAP2*++W1 is operatin% in 1rid%e mode. #o pro0ide Internet ser0ices 'or t$e connected
PCs< UAP2*++W1 $as to operate in Repeater or 7a6y mode.
C$oose Advanced N 0!A5 N 0!A5 0D# and t$en c$ec3 .$et$er t$e 7AC Address parameter o'
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 124 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
UAP2*++W1 and UAP2*++W2 is correctly set. #$e /AC address o' UAP2*++ can be obtained in t$e
status column o' t$e -&: console.
#$e maintenance IP address o' UAP2*++W1 must be di''erent 'rom t$at o' UAP2*++W2. #$eir D-CP ser0ers
cannot be enabled at t$e same time.
*.& Diagnosing 5etworB Congestion Through the Port 7irror
*.&.1 $ault Description
#$e )& 7in3 72D is blin3in% yello..
*.&.2 Re@uired 1n4or(ation
Pac3et capturin% result o0er t$e :AN port
Pac3et capturin% result o0er t$e UAP port =7an+ port>
*.&.& $ault !ocating
1. $ault !ocating
7o% in to t$e -&: t$rou%$ a serial port or by usin% #elnet. #$e de'ault user name and pass.ord 'or lo%in
are ad(in. #ype t$e ' commandD
Net$cmd et$0 mirror enable srcPort destPort =turn on t$e s.itc$ o' t$e port mirror 'unction>
Capture pac3ets o0er t$e destPort port. Focus on t$e 25P pac3ets. 5a0e t$e result and deli0er it to t$e
R,D personnel.
Disable t$e port mirror 'unction a'ter data analysis< because t$is 'unction a''ects t$e per'ormance o' data
Net$cmd et$0 mirror disable
Detailed command e?planation
#$e port mirror 'unction is used to mirror data 'rom a source port to a destination port< so t$at users
can capture t$e data at t$e destination port 'or data analysis.
srcPortD 5ource port ran%in% 'rom 0 to +. Port 0 indicates t$e :AN port and Port + indicates t$e
UAP port. Port 1 to Port ( indicate 'our 7AN ports.
dstPortD Destination port ran%in% 'rom 1 to (. #$ey indicate 'our 7AN ports.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1)0 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
*.% Diagnosing 5etworB Congestion Through Characteristic
PacBet Capturing
*.%.1 $ault Description
#$e )& 7in3 72D is blin3in% yello..
*.%.2 Re@uired 1n4or(ation
5tatistic result o' c$aracteristic pac3et capturin%
*.%.& $ault !ocating
1. $ault !ocating
7o% in to t$e -&: t$rou%$ a serial port or by usin% #elnet. #$e de'ault user name and pass.ord 'or lo%in
are ad(in. #ype t$e ' commandD
N et$cmd et$0.? capture srcip IP
N et$cmd et$0.? capture dstip IP
#o clear t$e statistic result< type t$e ' commandD
N et$cmd et$0.? capture cls or et$cmd et$0 capture cls
#o 0ie. t$e statistic result< type t$e ' commandD
N cat BprocBuapBp3tcount
Disable t$e c$aracteristic pac3et capturin% 'unction a'ter data analysis< because t$is 'unction a''ects t$e
per'ormance o' data 'or.ardin%.
Net$cmd et$0.? capture del or et$cmd et$0 capture del
Detailed command e?planation
In c$aracteristic pac3et capturin%< all t$e recei0ed or transmitted pac3ets on a port are 'iltered by
t$e source IP address or destination IP address. &enerally< pac3ets are captured sync$ronously on
t$e :AN port and 7AN port< so t$at users can determine .$et$er pac3et loss occurs inside t$e
IPD IP address o' a pac3et
et$0.?D ? ran%in% 'rom 1 to !. 1 indicates t$e :AN port and ! indicates t$e UAP port. 2 to +
indicate 'our 7AN ports =7AN1 to 7AN(>.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1)1 o' 1)2
AP R12 #roubles$ootin% &uide Internal Use
clsD clear t$e statistics. I' et$0.? is speci'ied< only t$e statistics o' t$e speci'ied port is cleared.
I' et$0 is speci'ied< t$e statistics o' all ports are cleared.
delD I' et$0.? is speci'ied< only t$e statistic 'unction o' t$e speci'ied port is disabled. I' et$0 is
speci'ied< t$e statistic 'unction o' all ports is disabled.
NoteD In c$aracter 'ilterin%< t$e source port IP address< destination port IP address< and direction
=reception or transmission> are all independent 'ilterin% criteria.
*., ChecBing the #yste( ?reaBdown 1ssue Through !ogs
*.,.1 $ault Description
#$e -&: brea3s do.n and t$en is reset automatically.
*.,.2 Re@uired 1n4or(ation
5ystem brea3do.n lo%s
*.,.& $ault !ocating
1. $ault !ocating
7o% in to t$e -&: t$rou%$ a serial port. #ype t$e ' commandD
N eAuipcmd last.ord s$o.
#$e in'ormation about stac3s and important re%isters at t$e time o' system brea3do.n is displayed.
5a0e t$e in'ormation and deli0er it to t$e R,D personnel.
Note t$at a so't.are up%rade .ill clear t$e system brea3do.n lo%s.
2011!1" -ua.ei Con'idential Pa%e 1)2 o' 1)2

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