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Mehwish Rehman
(Manager Front Desk)

Navirah Zafar
(Course Incharge Undergraduate Programme)

We went to SKANS to get some information about their Infrastructre and strategies that how they
work and run this institute so well.We happened to meet the two leading managers as mentioned
above working effectively there.
They told us ,Good Planning is done by defining goals and developing plans to coordinate
activities.These managers are present to plan for the college.They plan about each and everything
regarding to academics.The foremost duty should be how to run this organization well and stand
amongst others today in this running competition.
The managers organize Meetings,finalize any college festivities for students ,P.t.c,and also how it will
be done.To choose right people who so do them.They get input from the staff and from
employess,frontline workers,and acknowledge them their important role her team plays.

They hire the bestest and finest people for the college who are highly educated and yet train
themaccording to their needs.If employers have any conflicts,misunderstanding or mosconceptions
regarding their mutual works/course/or curriculum,the managers acts as Leaders to come up to a
resolving conclusion on which everyone is bound to agree upon.
The ladies further included ,the hard work of every person working in that institution ,teaching or
studying or working are responsible and should have the credit for Controlling this college so
well.But controlling the student tasks,Teacher problems, or other staff with any kind of problems are
being controlled by these managers.Performmance matters a lot in controlling.
a)Figure head:
Whatever and howsoever documents,agreements or further ideas by employess are signed and
approved by them.they are the figure head and final approval are passed on through them to
higher authorities,if they will reject nobody is suppose to work on them anymore.Whenever the
college is in trouble they take the head seat and work on ways out and hold the entire authority to
resolve the issue.
b) Leader:
Managers acts as leaders in the management sector,so that when the institution is going through
down phase or low timings,these managers as Leaders buck up everyone around them ,,they are
the cheer leaders more to say.They give hope to their surrounding co-workers.Keep the team morale
boosted up by different tricks and techniques what ever work at that time.Also if they are any lay
offs these managers are the Healers too.They not only decide to lay off them but also to cherish and
give them hopely incentives the employees will explore once theyll go outside .
Navira told me that what ever is going in the streamline,she is the Liasion and everything goes by her
from G.C.U. to SKANS or viceversa.She is the one informing Gc not only about their future plans but
also getting entire information she needs according to their college from them..she is the
representator.Her top priority is as Liasion.

These managers are there to monitor every pinch of detail about the college
happenings,Monitoring and supervision , if done truthfully, recognizing institutions never lose their
reputation.The monitors are the eminent leaders.
Navira does this job. She transfers and relocates all the information from G.C.U to her college.
Whether it says any change in plans,books ,syllabus or any piece of information.
The Spokesperson is well skilled to speak in the behalf of his staff and organization,he is also to
discuss these plans and presentthese plans formally to C.E.O,G.M, and V.P. Plans are made with
cooperation but passing on is his/her duty.
They both did so well in upgradind the college in all its aspects.Like NAVIRA was the first one who
gave this idea of affiliation with G.C.U which ended up so much success for the college as a
result.She is the chief planners.And same goes for MEHWISHs accountability ,she when joined this
college came up with so many ideas e.g AD campaigns was her idea,this helped a lot in promoting
the college and helped it growing fastly around the city .They also get the direct feedback from
students which help them to take new steps for the improvement and betterment in daly
matters.They also introduced new reporting techniques which is a MUST for all teachers.they have
to see the plans and ideas they are coming up with will convince the people or not?there is a
complaint box for the staff and students on which actions are taken seriously,like expelling and
b)Disturbance Handler:
If there is any conflict or argument between the members ,managers handles this and bring them
upfront,listen to them understands,and come upto reconciliation.Settlement of the matters in a
friendly way is important for a healthy atmosphere.
c)Resource Allocator:
These managers know where to use ,utilize and allocate the resources usefully.When they get any
standard bonus from board of directors she distributes the award(money) for the team working so
hard for that specific job.This is only divided on the base of the accuracy and performmance .
Social interactive behaviour is the spotlight for them.the focus is on how to negotiate with other
members working outside or inside the college.asG.C ,they focus on continuous interaction with
their office so they get the latest uptodate information of whats happening for the further taken
steps.they are negotiating for teachers towards principal.approve major plans.Alot of negotiation is
done on a plan by having a strong eye on the finances,budgets given and the credibility available.
a)Conceptual Skills:
The managers told us that if talk about the concepts,they lack there because of the limit.They are
very limited with the ideas because they are performing the supervision of academics. The
Educationists and government in educational cente is responsible for that but how to conceive and
perform it is their duty.Getting things done from the people is the managers work.Not delaying and
get it done on time,as board gets strict about it.
b)Communicational Skills:
They highlited that for any institute or organization,communication skills are utmost and foremost
priority for them.Not only that written skills are also as much important as drafts,emails,documents
and various kind of applications are written by these managers.if they are passed on to higher office
or anywhere around the world like different universities abroad,if they like them theyll take it or
reject it depends on how convincing they skills are.Half of your work is dependent on that.
Further told us that IT skills should be excellent,EXCEL in MS office .THEY CAN MAKE OR BREAK!
c)Effectiveness Skills:
Effectivity is very important for the department.They are in contact with G,C in advance so that this
slower process should affect the college work to slow down.Also everything written said should be
understandable,if it will be only they theyll be able to merge in the market .risks are lessen by
higher effectivity.
d)Interpersonal Skills:
These ladies also informed us that they get to know so much when they are on one to one with
other they are affiliated with GC so they are getting to know about their plans
regulations, the semester plans,quiz,papers and deadlines.Other than that these links ease the
feasibility,get to know about other universities and also the target audience as consumers.
Problems of daily routines are solved by defined rules and policies of the college .Some problems are
straight forward and the goal of the decision maker is clear if the problem is familiar.Programmed
decisions dont need an extra effort and all the information is available regarding that problem.there
is aroutine approach to solve it.the managers told me that we dont have to go through all that
trouble and expense of going through it as we have already planned alternatives .
There were some daily life examples she gave me happened in her college about it.
e.g 1= we set a time table and issues are always there with it so if teachers dont follow them we
reschedule the classes fr them ,or they are not in the city or country we find substitutes before
hand.There was a teacher who took one week off ,we arranged a teacher and approved for his leave
but he took a week more so we had to inform all the students before by texts and emails about any
cancellation of classes.
e.g 2 We have generators for the conituity of classes . we know about the load shedding.
e.g 3 A teacher had a sudden baby girl so he took a day off ,we had to manage.
Occuring once in a while,and the college is not aware of it,There are no rules or regulations to
resolve them.These are the unusual problems she told me.and for which the information is
ambiguous or incomplete.Nonprogrammed decisions are unique and complex and have no defined
criteria.risks are higly involved in it.
Examples are following:
e.g 1= any sudden change in full course outline.
e.g2= precieving all the wrong information and passing them to higher authorities,
Admission policies,scholoraships,bonus,guidelines,award or certification are the major of them.
A rule is an explicit statement that tells us what we can or cannot do.They are very simple to follow.
Attendance register is on the front table every morning and every teacher/staff is compulsory to
mark his attendance,we give them 15 mins up target but we are too strict if the 16
minute strikes
the late arrival is written with his name and points are marked which eventually deduct their salary
every month.
For the students ,
If a student misbehave, by having a look on his previous record a chance is given to him but then
warnings and penalties are taken like verbally and then in written form for the principal and their
A procedure is a series of interrelated sequential steps that we can use to respnd to a problem after
identifying a problem , it is clear to take a step. In the college we can talk about
Admission procedure
complete documents
College will generate the IDs
After it, the registration and fees process is done
Enrollment in courses.
Constant reminders to our students about their classes
Final evaluation is done after every semester.

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