Terms of Reference Procurement Professionalization Activity Procurement Advisor For Organizational Development Mentoring

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Terms of Reference
Procurement Professionalization Activity
Procurement Advisor for Organizational Development Mentoring

The United States of America acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and
the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (the Government) have entered into a
US$600,000,000 Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance to help facilitate poverty
reduction through economic growth in Indonesia through three projects: the Green Prosperity
(GP) Project; the Community-Based Nutrition to Prevent Stunting Project; and the Procurement
Modernization Project. The Government of Indonesia, acting through the Millennium Challenge
Account Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) intends to apply a portion of MCC funding to eligible
payments under a contract for which this Request for Qualifications is issued. Any payments made
under the proposed contract will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the
Compact and related documents, including restrictions on the use and distribution of MCC funding.
No party other than the Government and MCA-Indonesia shall derive any rights from the Compact
or have any claim to the proceeds of MCC funding.

The objective of the Procurement Modernization Project is to achieve cost and efficiency savings
on procured goods and services, while assuring their quality satisfies the public need, and to
achieve the delivery of public services as planned. These savings should lead to greater provision
of goods and services to the economy which will positively impact economic growth.
Further, the Procurement Modernization Project will help support the implementation of the legal
and institutional reforms of Perpres 54, a newly enacted Presidential Decree on Procurement in
Indonesia. These regulations require that permanent, independent procurement service units
(ULPs) be established through the government, at national and subnational levels. While over 100
ULPs have been newly established throughout the country in response to Perpres 54, there remains
a need to more clearly define the path to establishing ULPs at national and subnational levels,
delineate organizational boundaries, and define roles and responsibilities of the ULPs within the
structure of the spending units. The most important next steps in the procurement reform agenda
for Indonesia are to build the professional procurement workforce, create institutionalized roles and
structures that provide sufficient authority to implement good practice, and to provide a career path
to incentivize adherence to best practice.
To this end, the MCC-funded Procurement Modernization Project will be implemented by the
National Office of Public Procurement (LKPP) through two main activities: (1) Improving the
procurement function by increasing the capacity and professionalization of the procurement
function (the Procurement Professionalization Activity) and (2) Supporting the development of
procurement policies and procedures for public private partnerships (PPPs) and sustainability
procurement (the Policy and Procedure Activity).
The Procurement Professionalization Activity includes the sub-activities to improve the
Institutional Structure and Professionalization of ULPs. This will be conducted in two phases. The
first phase, which is expected to encompass years one to three of the Compact Term, will support a
subset of up to thirty (30) ULPs that will receive comprehensive capacity development through
formal training and institutional and technical mentoring and an automated procurement
management information systems (Phase One). The second phase to last for the balance of the
Compact Term will entail a scaling up of Phase One and an adjustment in design, if necessary, to
yield the best results for the Project (Phase Two).

As part of the sub-activity of (i) Institutional Structure and Professionalization of ULPs, LKPP will
be providing Institutional Mentoring to each of the 30 pilot ULPs in their efforts to (1) establish
permanent and independent ULPs in accord with national and subnational legal frameworks, (2)
professionalize the Human Resource structure and career path for the procurement workforce, (3)
establish and maintain adequate legal advocacy programs to protect employees and the
procurement process, (4) develop and deliver public education and outreach programs about the
procurement process and benefits of reform activities, (5) provide additional technical workplace
assistance as needed.
Within this Request for Qualifications, MCA-Indonesia is seeking a senior level consultant to assist
LKPP in providing organizational development mentoring assistance to each of the 30 Pilot Entities
to determine and develop the right size and structure of a ULP appropriate to each organization.
Scope of Work
Within the sub activity of (i) Institutional Structure and Professionalization of ULPs, the purpose of
this consultancy is to assist LKPP in providing organizational development mentoring to up to 30
pilot ULPs. The scope of the Consultants work will include, but will not be limited to, helping
each Pilot Entity determine and develop the appropriate size and structure of a ULP for each
organization to execute procurement activities most effectively and efficiently.
The consultants assignments shall include the following tasks:
1. Complete a comprehensive workload and workforce analysis in each Pilot ULP to include the
Inventory and assess each organizations procurement workload by volume, value,
and type (complexity).
Inventory and assess each entitys procurement workforce including its existing size,
structure, organizational placement, and processes.
Analyze the capacity of the existing workforce to meet existing and future workload
Identify problems and areas of improvement of existing workforce size and structure
and placement within the organization, and actions needed to enhance the Pilot
ULPs capacity to execute procurement activities more effectively and efficiently.
Determine the ideal organizational size, structure, and placement for each Pilot ULP
to execute procurement activities effectively and efficiently, and help identify
performance measures appropriate for measuring ideal staffing patterns.
2. Ensure that stakeholders in each Pilot Entity understand the conclusions of the comprehensive
workload and workforce analysis and the need to take additional actions to achieve a more
appropriate size, structure, and placement of its ULP.
3. Develop implementation strategy for each Pilot organization to progress toward the ideal size,
structure, and placement of its ULP, taking into account the special needs of each Pilot
Entity, and determine all activities and resources necessary for each entity to achieve its
ideal ULP size, structure, and placement.
4. Provide onsite mentoring support and materials to help each Pilot Entity take actions
necessary to progress toward its ideal ULP size, structure and organizational placement.
This task will include, but not be limited to, assistance in the identification and development
of organizational policies and resources needed to achieve the ideal ULP in each Pilot
5. Initiate and organize meetings and workshops as necessary to implement organizational
development mentoring activities. This task includes conducting a start-up workshop to
build understanding and support for the development of more appropriate size, structure,
and placement of ULPs to achieve more effective and efficient procurement activities.

6. Develop standard procedures and guidelines to enable an organization to execute an analysis
of its workload and workforce and determine the ideal ULP staff size, structure, placement
staffing composition at each level of government (Ministry/Institution/Province/
7. Ensure the mentoring program includes knowledge management and information sharing that
is sustainable.
8. Ensure maintenance of organized project files.
9. Ensure coordination with LKPP on the implementation of the Procurement Modernization
10. Other tasks may be assigned as it relates to the scope of this assignment.

For each Pilot ULP entity:
- Comprehensive Workload and Workforce Analysis Report that provides an
assessment of the existing and future workload, existing workforce capacity, and
determines the ideal staffing size, structure, and placement of the ULP in each
- Organizational Development Improvement Strategy for each organization to
achieve the ideal size, structure, and placement of its ULP, while taking into account
the special needs of each entity, identifying barriers to success, and defining all
activities and resources necessary for each entity to achieve its ideal ULP.
11. Standard Procedures and Guidelines Manual on how to execute an analysis of
procurement workload and workforce and to determine the ideal ULP staff size, structure,
placement staffing composition at each level of government (Ministry/Institution/Province/
Monthly progress reports that provide updates a) on the implementation of the
Comprehensive Workload and Workforce Analysis in each entity; b) status of
implementation of the Improvement Strategy in each entity; c) comments on issues that
need to be considered or addressed; d) recommendations to address issues and improvement
implementation of the organizational development program.
Final Report: this report will include final observations and recommendations of the
Consultant highlighting any additional analysis that may be required to ensure the overall
advancement of the Institutional Development Activity;
The deliverable schedule is as follows:
Socialization Workshop on Organizational
Development in Each Entity
Within thirty days of the contract signing
Comprehensive Workforce/Workload/Ideal ULP
Analysis of Each Entity
Two months after the contract signing
Standard Procedures and Guidelines Manual Five months after the contract signing
Monthly Reports Last day of each month during the Contract
Final Report One month before the end of the base period and
each option period


Period and Place of Performance
The work is expected to be full-time, 40 hours per week, for a minimum of six months with options
to extend through the full five-year term of the Compact if needed. The work is expected to require
frequent travel to up to 30 Pilot ULP sites throughout Indonesia, starting with at least 10 Pilot ULPs
expected to be selected in early 2013. Return trips to Jakarta will be required to coordinate with the
LKPP and provide updates related to the Terms of Reference.

Evaluation Criteria
Must have approximately 10 years of professional work experience in tasks that are relevant to
the activities in this assignment and that demonstrate that the consultant possesses the
knowledge and skills to perform this assignment successfully.
Graduate level degree in Business Management/Administration, Public Administration,
Manpower Systems, Operations Management, or fields relevant to the tasks of this
Experience must include analyzing staff workforce, workload, and providing
recommendations for staff size and structure.
Must have demonstrated ability to provide workforce, workload analysis and proposals for
complex organizations, including communicating and interacting with stakeholders, helping
identify needs, and achieve results.
Experience with national and subnational government organizations in Indonesia preferred.
Experience must include responsibilities and duties that required exceptional attention to detail
and accuracy of information.
Excellent oral and written communication skills, including proven ability to interact
effectively with a wide variety of stakeholders to identify needs and achieve desired results.
Demonstrated ability of organizational and time management skills, including having
exceptional attention to detail, data quality, and accuracy of information.
Experience must reflect high level of motivation and include responsibilities and duties that
required high ethical standards.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English (speaking, reading and writing) is required.

Project Coordination
The Director of the Procurement Modernization Project at MCA-I, or his/her delegate will serve as the
project manager however the consultants reports and deliverable will be submitted to a designated point
of contract within the National Office of Public Procurement (LKPP).

Services and Facilities to be provided by MCA-Indonesia
-Office space will be provided to the consultant while in Indonesia.
-Airfare for domestic travel within Indonesia when travel requested by LKPP or MCA-I.
-Airport tax associated with domestic travel
-Lodging expenses beyond the Jakarta metropolitan area when domestic travel has been requested by

Facilities to be provided by the Consultant

-Consultant will provide all other equipment and expenses as needed to perform the services except as
specifically stated to be provided by MCA-I. This includes but is not limited to: computer, travel to
Indonesia, lodging while in Jakarta, local transportation (except domestic airfare).

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