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If in your organisation you believe the If in your organisation you believe the If in your organisation you believe the comments in this
comments in this section most represent comments in this section most represents section most represents the way your company does
how business is done, then your business is the way you do business, then you are in a business, then you are one of the few Companies who have
still conducted in the "historic" (traditional) transitional state. Probably as result of a fully adopted the “Accelerating change “agenda.
way. realisation that changing the way you work
will give you a competitive edge, because
you are starting to offer and receive better


• We believe that the industry is made up • We realise that we can perform better if • We understand that the whole industry is interconnected
of individual organisations who are only we understand how those close to us up and that most of what we and others do affects each
interested in their own activities and down the tiers of the chain are others performance
• Although we know we are different we • We recognise that many others share • We believe that mostly other want the same as us – to
believe that our suppliers/customers are our values and have ideas which could provide a continually improving services/outcomes for a
all after the same thing – profit at our help us fair reward in a environment of mutual support,
expense encouragement and enjoyment
Established • We do not have formal established • We have framework agreements with We have long duration agreements with most of our
Relationships relationships with our suppliers or one or more of our suppliers and/or suppliers and/or customers. We actively work with all tiers
customers customers. We assume that they will up and down the supply chain to maintain relationships and
have similar relationships with their seek more effective and efficient ways of working together.
next tier etc.

Assembly • We work with suppliers/customers on a • We regularly try to work with the • We maintain an ongoing dialogue with all the
case by case basis same suppliers and/or customers who suppliers/customers who will be involved in our regular
are immediately adjacent to us in the activities
supply chain

Interaction • We like to control our relationships – • We like to manage our suppliers and • We like to be collaborative in all relationships with
although we hate to be controlled by understand why others want to manage suppliers and customers – we enjoy being
June 2003
others us interdependent

Project Team
Selection • We initiate/participate in formal • We initiate/participate in limited • We select/are selected as the most appropriate
competitive tendering where the work is competition with organisations selected organisation to provide the services required and work
normally awarded to the organisations from a short list of those who can together to determine the objectives. Appointment is
who offer the lowest price provide high quality services within a set made right at the beginning of the project and for the
• Interaction between suppliers is cost limit. Appointment, often on a two- duration. Appointment is on an open book basis, with
considered inappropriate until stage basis, is usually made on the agreed levels of overhead and profit.
appointments are confirmed/orders evaluation of the overall offer for which • Suppliers are actively encouraged to bring forward
placed cost is just one element. supply chain partners they feel will add the most value
• Generally interaction between suppliers to successful delivery, particularly those with
is considered inappropriate until established proven relationships
appointments are confirmed. However,
views are often canvassed on the
suitability of organisations for inclusion
in the project, which might include
participation in some selection
Commercial • We believe we need a clearly defined • We believe a Partnering Agreement is • We put framework commercial arrangements in place
Arrangements contract identifying all duties and considered the most effective way of before projects are considered
responsibilities is essential to make sure gaining commitment and support from • We appointed everyone on the same conditions and
everyone performs the key members of the team ensure they are applied throughout the supply chain
• Everyone has their own contract form • Team members are encouraged to use • A single commercial team ensures everyone's interests
for use with their suppliers similar arrangements with their are protected at all times
• We appoint our own contractual advisor suppliers.
to protect our interests • We encourage individual contractual
advisors to work together to reach
consensus on commercial issues when
they arise

June 2003
Supply Chain • Our partners normally vary from project • Procurement in our business is mostly • We are part of a number of integrated supply chains
Involvement to project, it just depends on the prices project specific. A number of the main which are recognised by our clients as critical to their
offered players have some supply chain business success
arrangements, which get considered for • Where we do not have an appropriate long term
• We put out tenders and appoint the next inclusion in the project. relationship established we consult our supply chain to
tier supplier who gives us the lowest
• We put out enquiries and appoint the find a partner who can provide the best solution in terms
next tier supplier who provide the best of quality and value
• Next tier suppliers are only brought in all round deal, within set cost limits • We always try to consult and involve the entire supply
when they are needed • We often consult and we encourage our chain at all stages.
supply chain to discuss related issues • We regularly participate in repeat activity where many
• We can get a better deal by playing one with ourselves. This provides us with the partners at all levels move from project to project and/or
supplier off against another benefit of their knowledge and can customer to customer
• We move on to the next project and the sometimes prevent problems occurring • We feel involved and valued and are continually seeking
cycle starts again as well as help us make the correct to enhance our performance by searching for
choices on materials/products improvements and innovation
• We are sometimes able to keep the
team together to undertake the next
• Our point of view is often sought and
sometimes acted upon

Briefing • We believe organisations only need to • Briefing is the process by which we keep • We approach the briefing process as a major
understand the things which directly the original objectives in sight during the opportunity to help build the project team, establish
affect their ability to provide what we planning and execution of a project good communication lines and share knowledge
want and so that is all that we tell them • The main players involved in the project • Our supply chain fully understands the importance of
• Our supply chain do little to deliver the focus on delivering the project goals. We ensuring that all parts of the chain understand the goals
goals of the project other than provide do not think it is necessary for those with of the project and the philosophy being adopted.
services/products/materials at the a small role to play to understand these
lowest possible price. They have their goals
own agenda and are not interested in
our problems

Objectives • Our objectives are all different and the • We think we know what is wanted, • We all understand the business needs, which drive the
goals of our suppliers/customers often although we may not be sure why. We project. We believe it is possible to define objectives
conflict with ours believe there are some objectives which which are mutually beneficial and create more value
• Our suppliers/customers do not are common and we are prepared to than if we work in isolation.
understand our business and therefore explore them • Our suppliers/customers have a clear understanding of
cannot offer solutions to our problems • Our suppliers/customers want to how we can deliver value and at the same time develop
understand our business as they believe our business
there could be mutual benefit available

June 2003
Suppliers Roles • Structure and organisation on our • Structure and organisation on our • Structure and organisation on our projects is agreed by
projects is decided by our Clients. Our projects is decided by our "lead tier" the collaborative integrated project team. The team are
roles and responsibilities are strictly team who usually have individual selected from established supply chains with
limited and defined by the tender partnering agreements with the clients to Framework Agreements that leave us free to take on
process. define roles and responsibilities. Most any roles and responsibilities the team decides are
• All arrangements are hierarchical, each other roles and responsibilities are appropriate.
sub-let being dictated by the letting strictly limited and defined by the tender • We all work together and have established methods for
suppliers tender. process. bringing in any additional resources we collectively
• We all work on minimal cost margins • Our lead team work on an integrated agree will add value.
and so have to charge extra for anything basis and some key suppliers may have • We all work on an open book basis. We use common
additional to the tender. We retain our one to one supply arrangements. All support functions including a single cost management
own support functions (surveyors) to other appointments are hierarchical with team who maintain our shared financial information. We
protect our interests. lets and sub-lets down the line. are always consulted before decisions are made which
• We always ensure that anything we • Our lead team have a process to affect our goods, services or products. We pay and are
handover is documented to protect our accommodate and remunerate for paid for what the team agrees needs to be done.
interests change. Generally everyone else works • Since we are all part of the same team we do not make
in the historic way, although sometimes records for the purposes of tracking for future blame, we
suppliers are asked about buildability or only record to confirm agreed decisions or to create
design development on a "goodwill" documents which will have future operational value
(non payment) basis. The lead team
sometimes share support functions.
• We may be able to dispense with some
of the recording and tracking activity if
we are sure that the lead team has
impartial processes for managing
handover between elements
Design • We believe design is a separate activity • We understand that there are design • We believe that design is associated with every aspect
from implementation. elements throughout a project and that of a project
• We believe design should be completed design needs to be undertaken by many • We understand that there is a difference between
before implementation suppliers are different suppliers conceptual design and detail design and ensure we
invited to tender • We recognise that a great deal of design apply the right skills to the right elements
• We understand that some details may is installation specific and should be • We believe that design and implementation can work in
need to be finalised after tender, but undertaken in consolation with those parallel. We believe design should progress through
expect the supplier to be able to allow responsible for installing and operating gateways, moving to increased levels of certainty and
for them • We recognise that some design will detail as the installation programme advances.
• If our supplier/customer needs to make need to develop in line with installation
changes they should be responsible for • We understand that allowances for
the design effort and consequences ongoing design effort need to be made
Sustainability • We only consider sustainability when it • We recognise that performance on • We have agreed sustainability criteria as part of the
is specifically identified in the tender future sustainability could reflect on our objectives and are able to undertake proper capital
documentation and specification track record and are trying to ensure we verses revenue comparisons to ensure it is delivered
June 2003
are aware of the issues and effective.

June 2003
Completion • We agree completion when the level of • We agree completion when the project • We agree completion when the project has proven to
outstanding works (snags) and defects has generally met its objectives for time, have met its strategic objectives and delivered the
is sufficiently low to be trivial by cost and quality and the gain/pain share predefined value criteria
comparison with the contract value is agreed

Continuity • In order to secure continuity we must • Some of us know we will move on to the • We have an agreed schedule of upcoming projects and
focus on the next tender activity before next project and so we are able to know who will be moving on and when, so we can
we have finished the project concentrate on completing the current properly plan completion and proving before the next
work activity commences

Team Working • When asked to work on the project, we • We work together throughout the project • Teamwork is the basis on which our supply chain
tend to do our own thing and do not allowing all main players to provide input operates, with members having common objectives,
regularly consult other members of the as appropriate sharing all the information and being open and honest
team in relation to how they intend to • It would be better if we were all about their strengths, weaknesses, problems and
perform their task successful, but we won't let someone aspirations
• If our company does well it doesn't else's failure stop us succeeding • It is not possible for any of us to succeed if one of us
matter how the others do has failed

Respect for • We see our people as an important • We look to involve our people as much • Our people are encouraged to realise their full potential
People resource for our company as possible in decisions that affect the and empowered to work with our suppliers/customers to
them develop creative ideas which fulfil their aspirations
Communication • Communication with our supply chain is • We often consult and we encourage our • We continuously exchange information and ideas
only initiated when there is a need. We supply chain to discuss related issues throughout our supply chain. This ensures that we can
expect them to have the necessary with ourselves. This provides us with the be as effective as possible in delivering appropriate
knowledge and not to have to discuss benefit of their knowledge and can solutions to meet the customers needs
our requirements with others to get the sometimes prevent problems occurring
right product for the job as well as help us make the correct
choice on product selection

IT Tools • We have our own administrative • We are seeking to understand each • We have a fully integrated set of processes that are
procedures which work fine most of the other's internal processes and use supported by appropriate use of IT systems.
time. However, we often have to internet-based tools to speed up • We have a fully integrated information platform that
duplicate or amend others information to administration and information flows. allows us to operate consistent processes throughout
incorporate it into our records Some of us are able to share using our supply chain. Much of what we do is entirely
common platforms. paperless

June 2003
Managing Risk • We rely on our instincts to recognise • We have widened our consideration of • Our risk register is one of our most dynamic business
risks and avoid them. risk beyond the traditional areas of improvement tools. We continuously review risk with our
• We believe that by recognising risks that technical and health & safety risk to suppliers and customers.
others miss we are able to gain a include risks associated with our
commercial advantage. business processes and management • We encourage an integrated approach to risk
management throughout our supply chain. We believe
• We have established a risk register for understanding risk and developing strategies to mitigate
many of our activities those risks is fundamental to delivering superior
• We focus on managing the risks that performance through integrated working
matter and believe this improves our

Managing • • We try to find ways of getting more • We ensure we only undertake activities that are in direct
Value • We try to ensure we find cheaper ways benefit for the same cost, thus adding support of the short-, medium- and long-term business
of getting the same things, thus adding value. needs. We focus on removing unnecessary duplication
value and wastage, thus adding value.

Payment • We only have so much to spend so we • We are aware of the amount allocated to • We have all agreed how much should to be spent on
only pay people what we have to particular elements of work and help to what, when and by whom.
• Our prices are as low as possible so we maintain costs in that element. • We generally pay/are paid for what is actually done
have to get paid for everything extra that • We encourage the inclusion of higher when it is done, with agreed overhead and profit on top.
we are asked to do. initial cost items when a future operating • We are paid from a project bank account managed by
• If we can hold on to cash longer we can benefit is available. one of our team on behalf of all of us.
make additional monies - it might make • We are paid on completion of
the difference between profit and loss. milestones agreed at onset.

Efficiency • We believe asking people to change • We believe there may be some benefit • We believe there is potential duplication and/or wastage
their working practices results in in Co-operating at principal’s level as the in almost every activity. This can only be removed if we
duplication, abortive work, rework and highest tiers have the best knowledge engage everyone who is part of the process at every
claims. and understanding. . level.
Performance • We closely measure our costs and • We have adopted the use of Key • All our supply chain members continuously measure
Measures performance against programme. This Performance Indicators across many of performance on key shared processes to identify areas
is particularly important when dealing our projects. This information is shared for improvement
with claims and LADs with our customers and suppliers

Health, Safety • We observe all the relevant health, • We see health and safety as a top •
& Environment safety and environmental regulations priority on all our sites. We are • We believe we have an absolute duty of care to
beginning to understand environmental ourselves, each other and society. We ensure we use
issues. resources as wisely as possible with minimal wastage
and damage (including disposal)
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June 2003
Logistics • We tell/are told about problems and • Logistics forms part of our approach to • We see the management of the flow of information,
expect/are expected to price for project planning and we consult with the labour, plant and materials as fundamental in planning
resolving the issues identified. Other suppliers we believe have the and carrying out our activities.
issues not identified are someone else's appropriate expertise

Retention • We believe in retention as it makes • We give back retention as a reward • We pay for what is done when it is done with no
others perform. for successful completion. deductions.

Values • At the end of the day it's them or us. • We like to work with other people, but • If we are open, honest and trustworthy others will be
we need to make sure they do not take open, honest and trusting of us and will reciprocate
advantage of us.
Outcomes • Sometimes our outcomes are what • We are aware when departures from • We all understand the underlying need and are able to
we expected, sometimes they are not expectations occur and have processes make decisions that support the objectives as the
• We often do not know when activities for managing and notifying others. activity develops.
will finish or what their final cost will be • We generally meet the time, cost and • We deliver a range of different values depending on the
until right at the end. quality requirements initially set out. needs. These values are identified and prioritised at
• We frequently have to compromise to • We are sometimes surprised by the commencement
achieve completion. end product. • We always understand what is being delivered even if
we have had to make changes during the process

Relevance of • If you conduct your business in the • If your business is in the transitional • If you conduct your businesses in the aspirational way
Toolkit Historic way then most of the toolkit will phase then you will already be working in then you are ahead of the majority of the industry. You
be new to you. some of the ways described in the toolkit. will already be sharing your experiences as you believe
• It is recommended that you either • There is plenty more for you to this is of the maximum benefit to you and your supply
focus on assembling supply chains or explore and lots of benefits on offer. chains.
focus on creating integrated project • You should decide if you are most • You may well have tools and techniques that should be
teams. To do both would be a huge step advanced in integrated supply chains or made available to others via the toolkit.
and therefore a high risk strategy integrated project teams and whether you • You are probably intimately involved with industry
• You should try to get involved with one want to become expert in your strength or change agents and/or best practice clubs - if you are
of the industry change agents or best work to improve your weakness. There is not, you should seek to join as you have much to teach
practice clubs who can help you value on offer for both types of integration others.
change. but maximum value is available if you can
achieve both.

June 2003

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