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Course Information:

EDTECH 521: Teaching Online in the K-12 Environment

Fall 2012, Section 412 Online
!n"tr#ctor !n$ormation:
Tere"a Dove
%oi"e State &niver"it'
(hone: 4)4-*5+-1*)*
Email: tere"a,ove-.oi"e"tate/e,#
O$$ice Ho#r":
%' a00ointment/ Feel $ree to !1 me thro#gh 2oogle
Chat or email me to "et #0 an a00ointment
Course Description: Thi" co#r"e 3ill intro,#ce 'o# to the theor' an, 0ractice o$ online teaching an,
learning an, "0eci$icall' a,,re""e" thi" conce0t a" it relate" to learner" in the K-12 environment/
Em0ha"i" i" 0lace, on #n,er"tan,ing online teaching tool", managing the virt#al "t#,ent ca"eloa,,
engaging the online learner, an, in,ivi,#ali4ing in"tr#ction in the virt#al cla""room/
Course Goals: (artici0ant" 3ill ,evelo0 the nece""ar' 5no3le,ge an, "5ill" to teach in a K-12 virt#al
"chool "etting #"ing the !nternet a" a con,#it $or in"tr#ction/ !n a,,ition, 0artici0ant" 3ill ,evelo0 the
"5ill" nece""ar' to "#00lement e6i"ting le""on" 3ith a"'nchrono#" an, "'nchrono#" activitie" ,e"igne,
to meet in,ivi,#al learner nee,"/
Course Objectives
7t the en, o$ the co#r"e, 'o# 3ill .e a.le to:
700l' "trategie" to create an, "#"tain an online comm#nit' o$ learner"/
!,enti$' an, a00l' e$$ective 3ritten an, comm#nication "trategie"/
&n,er"tan, an, ,emon"trate a00ro0riate #"e" o$ a"'nchrono#" an, "'nchrono#" online
teaching tool" 8i/e/ threa,e, ,i"c#""ion", 3i5i", m#ltime,ia 0re"entation tool", 3e. con$erencing
!,enti$' an, "#mmari4e e$$ective 3a'" to manage the virt#al "t#,ent ca"eloa,/
700l' "trategie" $or engaging learner" in a virt#al environment thro#gh re$lective an, han,"-on
700l' "trategie" in ,ata anal'"i" techni:#e" ,e"igne, to a""i"t in in,ivi,#ali4ing in"tr#ction/
!,enti$' "trategie" to ,i$$erentiate in"tr#ction 8i/e/ learning "t'le", a,a0tive;a""i"tive
technologie", 0acing, "#00lemental activitie" an, reme,iation9/
Develo0 online learning activitie" that "#cce""$#ll' engage learner" an, are a00ro0riate to their
gra,e level an, content area/
Develo0 an, ,eliver a"'nchrono#" an, "'nchrono#" le""on" that #"e a00ro0riate an, e$$ective
m#ltime,ia ,e"ign element"/
Required Textbooks
<ice, K/ 820119/ 1a5ing the move to K-12 online teaching: <e"earch-.a"e, "trategie" an, 0ractice"/
%o"ton: 7ll'n = %acon/
!S%>-10: 01)210*1?
!S%>-1): ?+01)210*1
7""ociate, @e."ite: htt0:;;333/0ear"onhighere,/com;rice1e
Conra,, </ = Donal,"on, A/ 7/ 820119/ Engaging the online learner: 7ctivitie" an, re"o#rce" $or creative
in"tr#ction/ San Franci"co: Ao""e'-%a""/
!S%>: ?+-1-11+0-1+1?-4
(allo$, </ 1/ = (ratt, K/ 820049/ Colla.orating online: Bearning together in comm#nit'/ San Franci"co:
!S%>: 0+?*14+
Optional Textbooks
1oore, 1/ = Kear"le', 2/ 820059/ Di"tance e,#cation: 7 "'"tem" vie3/ %elmont, C7: Thom"on
!S%>: 0-5)4-50*++-
(allo$, </ 1/ = (ratt, K/ 82009/ %#il,ing online learning comm#nitie": E$$ective Strategie" $or the Cirt#al
Cla""room, 2n, E,ition/ San Franci"co: Ao""e'-%a""/
!S%>: ?+-0-+?-++25-+
Fin5el"tein, A/ E/ 8200*9/ Bearning in <eal Time: S'nchrono#" Teaching an, Bearning Online/ San
Fran"ci"co: Ao""e'-%a""/
!S%>: ?+-0-+?-?21-+
Te6t" ma' .e or,ere, thro#gh one o$ the $ollo3ing:
%S& %oo5"tore: htt0:;;333/.oi"e"tate.oo5"/com
%arne" = >o.le: htt0:;;333/.arne"an,no.le/com;
7ma4on: 333/ama4on/com
Te6t.oo5me,ia/com: htt0:;;333/te6t.oo5me,ia/com; 8>ot all .oo5" are availa.le, .#t chec5
here $ir"t $or chea0 .oo5"/
Thi" i" an online co#r"e re:#iring a com0#ter 3ith "0ea5er" an, an !nternet connection/ 1inim#m
har,3are re:#irement" $or the EDTECH online co#r"e" ma' .e locate, at:
oft!are for T"is Course: 81an' o$ the"e are $ree/9
C#rrent "o$t3are re:#irement" $or the EDTECH 0rogram:
(lea"e ,o not 0a' $#ll 0rice $or 'o#r "o$t3areDDD 7n aca,emic ,i"co#nt i" availa.le $or "t#,ent" an,
teacher" 3ith 0roo$ o$ eligi.ilit'/ The aca,emic 0rice "have" h#n,re," o$ ,ollar" $rom the original co"t/
Here are t3o 0lace" 3here 'o# can o.tain the aca,emic 8lo3er 0rice,9 ver"ion" o$ the "o$t3are:
%oi"e State %oo5"tore: htt0:;;333/.oi"e"tate.oo5"/com; 8Clic5 Technolog';So$t3are9
7ca,emic S#0er"tore: htt0:;;333/aca,emic"#0er"tore/com; 8Search $or title"9
#ntivirus oft!are: (lea"e ma5e "#re to have #0 to ,ate antivir#" "o$t3are in"talle, an, r#nning on 'o#r
$opup %locker: Thi" i" highl' recommen,e,/ 2oogle ha" one .#ilt into their $ree i$ 'o# 3ant to
tr' it: htt0:;;;T4;in,e6E0ac5/html
&ree oft!are: (lea"e ma5e "#re that the $ollo3ing are in"talle, an, #0 to ,ate on 'o#r com0#ter/
7,o.e <ea,er: htt0:;;333/a,o.e/com;0ro,#ct";;rea,"te02/html
Fla"h (la'er: htt0:;;333/a,o.e/com;0ro,#ct";$la"h0la'er;
F#ic5Time (la'er: htt0:;;333/a00le/com;:#ic5time;,o3nloa,;
Fire$o6 @e. %ro3"er: htt0:;;333/mo4illa/com;en-&S;$ire$o6
Internet Connection: O$ co#r"e, an !nternet connection i" re:#ire, to 0artici0ate in thi" online co#r"e/ !$
'o# have a high "0ee, connection it i" 0re$era.le to ,ial-#0 acce""/ !$ 'o# onl' have ,ial-#0 acce"" 'o#
can "till get .', .#t 0atience i" a virt#e 3hen 3aiting $or $ile" to ,o3nloa,/
Course $olicies
Time 'ana(ement: 7n online co#r"e can ta5e a con"i,era.le amo#nt o$ time/ For thi" rea"on, ! 3o#l,
"trongl' "#gge"t .eginning each a""ignment earl'/ @or5 on it reg#larl' over the 3ee5 rather than 3aiting
#ntil the la"t ,a' or t3o/ Thi" 3ill allo3 'o# to have the chance to 3or5 o#t 0ro.lem" or get hel0 i$
$articipation: De0en,ing on the cla"" activitie", 'o# are re"0on"i.le $or com0leting 3ee5l' a""ignment",
0artici0ating in ,i"c#""ion gro#0", an, chec5ing in to the co#r"e "ite on a con"i"tent .a"i"/
#ssi(nments: Go# 3ill al3a'" .e given e60licit in"tr#ction" on 3here to "en, 'o#r a""ignment"/
7""ignment" are #"#all' ,#e on a 3ee5l' .a"i" H the e6act ,ate" 3ill al3a'" .e $o#n, in the activitie"/ !$
'o# 3i"h to com0lete an a""ignment 0rior to the ,#e ,ate, 'o# ma' 8ho3ever, a gro#0 a""ignment m#"t
.e com0lete, ,#ring the 3ee5 a""igne, O< #0on a00roval o$ ever' o$ the gro#09/ ! DO >OT
7CCE(T B7TE 7SS!2>1E>TS/ Thi" a00lie" e"0eciall' to a""ignment" that re:#ire 0artici0ation an,
interaction 3ith cla""mate" 8i/e ,i"c#""ion $or#m", colla.orative 0roIect", 0eer revie3 an, eval#ation9/
(BE7SE %E 7@7<E OF TH!S (OB!CG 7>D S&%1!T GO&< @O<K O> T!1E/
%ackin( up )our files: Go# 3ill .e o$$ere, "everal 3a'" to "ave 'o#r 3or5 online/ Ho3ever / / / an, thi" i"
im0ortant, 'o# "ho#l, al3a'" "ave 'o#r 3or5 on another "torage ,evice on 'o#r o3n com0#ter/ ! cannot
"tre"" thi" eno#gh / / /
&acult) Initiated Drop: (lea"e .e a,vi"e, that i$ 'o# ,o not Jatten,K cla"" at lea"t once ,#ring the $ir"t
3ee5, ! 3ill ,ro0 'o# $rom cla""/ Since thi" i" an online co#r"e, thi" re:#irement mean" that 'o# 1&ST .e
0re"ent in o#r 1oo,le co#r"e "ite ,#ring the $ir"t 3ee5 an, 0artici0ate in the intro,#ction"/
Incompletes: (lea"e .e a,vi"e, that ! "trictl' $ollo3 the r#le" $or incom0lete"/ !n or,er $or me to give 'o#
an incom0lete in thi" co#r"e, the $ollo3ing t3o criteria 1&ST .e met/
Go#r 3or5 ha" .een "ati"$actor' #0 to the la"t three 3ee5" o$ the "eme"ter/
E6ten#ating circ#m"tance" ma5e it im0o""i.le $or 'o# to com0lete the co#r"e .e$ore the en, o$
the "eme"ter
!n or,er to receive an incom0lete, 3e m#"t create a contract "ti0#lating the 3or5 'o# m#"t ,o an, the
time in 3hich it m#"t .e com0lete, $or 'o# to receive a gra,e in the cla""/ The contract time ma' not
e6cee, one 'ear/ !$ no gra,e other than incom0lete ha" .een a""igne, one 'ear a$ter the original
incom0lete, the gra,e o$ LFL 3ill a#tomaticall' .e a""igne,/ The gra,e o$ LFL ma' not .e change, 3itho#t
the a00roval o$ the &niver"it' 700eal" Committee/ Go# ma' not remove the incom0lete $rom 'o#r
tran"cri0t .' re-enrolling in the cla"" ,#ring another "eme"ter/ 7 gra,e o$ incom0lete i" e6cl#,e, $rom
2(7 calc#lation" #ntil 'o# receive a $inal gra,e in the co#r"e/ !$ ! a""ign a gra,e o$ incom0lete 'o# 3ill
receive, an email noti$ication that 'o# have M<egi"trar To Do !tem"M on %ronco@e./
tudent Code of Conduct: !t i" e60ecte, that "t#,ent" in thi" cla"" 3ill create original 3or5" $or each
a""ignment/ @e 3ill $ollo3 the %S& St#,ent Co,e o$ Con,#ct/ !n the event o$ aca,emic ,i"hone"t' a
com0laint i" $ile, 3ith the %S& St#,ent Con,#ct O$$ice 3ith "#00orting ,oc#mentation/ Thi" com0laint
remain" on $ile an, action" ma' .e ta5en again"t the "t#,ent 8e/g/, lo"" or cre,it, gra,e re,#ction,
e60#l"ion, etc/9/
@e 3ill al"o o."erve &/S/ co0'right la3" in thi" co#r"e/ Several great lin5" to co0'right in$ormation are
availa.le on the %S& 7ca,emic Technologie" "ite a htt0:;;itc/.oi"e"tate/e,#;re"o#rce/htm
!n a,,ition to the a.ove, 0lea"e re"0ect the $ollo3ing g#i,eline":
(lea"e " original 3or5 $or each 0roIect/ (roIect" that 3ere create, $or other cla""e" ma' not .e
"#.mitte, $or cre,it in EDTECH 521/ Each 0roIect ma' onl' .e "#.mitte, $or cre,it one time .' the
0er"on 3ho create, it/ The %S& St#,ent Co,e o$ Con,#ct "tate": M7ca,emic ,i"hone"t' al"o incl#,e"
"#.mitting "#."tantial 0ortion" o$ the "ame aca,emic co#r"e 3or5 to more than one co#r"e $or cre,it
3itho#t 0rior 0ermi""ion o$ the in"tr#ctor8"9/M
7ll 0roIect te6t "ho#l, .e original te6t 3ritten .' the "t#,ent 3ho i" creating the 0roIect/ The e6ce0tion
to thi" i" the #"e o$ "mall amo#nt" o$ :#ote, material that i" 0ro0erl' cite,/ Co0'ing an, 0a"ting $rom
other @e. "ite" or 0roIect" 8incl#,ing the in"tr#ctorL" e6am0le"9 i" not allo3e,/
!mage" an, "o#n, cli0" #"e, in 0roIect" "ho#l, .e original, or #"e, 3ith 0ermi""ion o$ the o3ner, or
come $rom the 0#.lic ,omain/ (lea"e chec5 Jterm" o$ #"eK on "ite" containing the"e item"/
(lea"e cite the "o#rce8"9 $or material" that are o.taine, $or 'o#r 0roIect" #nle"" the' are create, .' 'o#/
!$ 0ermi""ion i" grante, $or #"e o$ co0'righte, material" 0lea"e 0o"t a "tatement e60laining that near
tho"e material"/
! occa"ionall' #"e %lac5.oar, MSa$e 7""ignmentM an, other 0lagiari"m ,etection #tilitie" to te"t ran,om
a""ignment"/ Contact me i$ 'o# have an' :#e"tion" regar,ing thi" i""#e/
Than5 'o# $or a.i,ing .' the Co#r"e (olicie"/
%oi"e State &niver"it'N" conce0t#al $rame3or5, MThe (ro$e""ional E,#cator,K e""he" o#r "hare, vi"ion
in 0re0aring e,#cator" to 3or5 e$$ectivel' in (-12 "chool"/ !t 0rovi,e" ,irection $or 0rogram", co#r"e",
teaching, can,i,ate 0er$ormance, "cholar"hi0, "ervice, an, acco#nta.ilit'/
T"e $rofessional Educator
%oi"e State &niver"it' "trive" to ,evelo0 5no3le,gea.le e,#cator" 3ho integrate com0le6 role" an,
,i"0o"ition" in the "ervice o$ ,iver"e comm#nitie" o$ learner"/ %elieving that all chil,ren, a,ole"cent",
an, a,#lt" can learn, e,#cator" ,e,icate them"elve" to "#00orting that learning/ &"ing e$$ective
a00roache" that 0romote high level" o$ "t#,ent achievement, e,#cator" create environment" that
0re0are learner" to .e citi4en" 3ho contri.#te to a com0le6 3orl,/ E,#cator" "erve learner" a" re$lective
0ractitioner", "cholar" an, arti"t", 0ro.lem "olver", an, 0artner"/
The De0artment o$ E,#cational Technolog' contri.#te" to thi" vi"ion .' em0ha"i4ing the $ollo3ing:
The De0artment o$ E,#cational Technolog' "#00ort" the "t#,' an, 0ractice o$ $acilitating an, im0roving
learning o$ a ,iver"e 0o0#lation .' creating, #"ing, an, managing a00ro0riate technological 0roce""e"
an, re"o#rce"/ %elieving technolog' i" a tool that enhance" an, e60an," the e,#cational environment,
3e 0romote the #"e o$ c#rrent an, emergent technologie" $or teaching an, learning in a ,'namic
"ociet'/ E,#cational technologi"t" are lea,er" an, innovator", "erving in in"tit#tion" o$ higher e,#cation,
0#.lic or 0rivate "chool "etting", $e,eral, "tate or local e,#cational agencie", comm#nit' organi4ation",
an, the 0rivate "ector/
2ra,e" are .a"e, on a""ignment", 0roIect", an, 0artici0ation in online ,i"c#""ion"/ (oint val#e" are
"0eci$ie, 3hen the a""ignment" are 0o"te,/ Go# can chec5 'o#r gra,e" in 1oo,le to trac5 'o#r 0rogre""/
2ra,e" are #0,ate, reg#larl' thro#gho#t the "eme"ter/
Final letter gra,e" 3ill .e .a"e, #0on the $ollo3ing "cale:
Highe"t Bo3e"t Better
100/00 100/00 7O
??/?? ?)/00 7
?2/?? ?0/00 7-
+?/?? +/00 %O
+*/?? +)/00 %
+2/?? +0/00 %-
?/?? /00 CO
*/?? )/00 C
2/?? 0/00 C-
*?/?? */00 DO
**/** *0/00 D
5?/?? 00/00 F
'odification of t"e )llabus and c"edule
! re"erve the right to mo,i$' the "'lla.#" an, "che,#le at an' time/ >otice o$ an' change 3ill .e emaile,
an, 0o"te, a" an anno#ncement/
*o! to Get *elp
!$ 'o# have :#e"tion" or nee, hel0 0lea"e contact 'o#r in"tr#ctor .' 0hone, email, or .' 0o"ting a note
on the cla"" ,i"c#""ion .oar,/ ! 3ill ,o m' .e"t to re"0on, 3ithin 24 ho#r" on 3ee5,a'"/ @ee5en,
me""age" 3ill .e an"3ere, on 1on,a'" .' the en, o$ the ,a'/

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