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Guide to Locating GSM BSS Interference
For internal use only
Pre!ared &y
GSM Performance '
Researc( )e!artment
)ate $*+*,*%,+*
Revie-ed &y )ate
Revie-ed &y )ate
Granted &y )ate
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights resered
Change History
!ate "eision #ersion Change !escri$tion Author
$*++,*+ +.* Com!leted t(e draft. /u 0in"1 2u Guolian"1 3en" S(u4in"
%eywords& interference
T(is document !rovides met(ods for 5uic6ly locatin" interference !ro&lems. 2it( it1 field
en"ineers can !reliminarily analy7e t(ese !ro&lems and solve certain ones 5uic6ly1 as -ell as
differentiate onsite net-or6 o!timi7ation1 customer service1 and R') trou&les(ootin".
A''reiations and Acrony(s
AMR Ada!tive Multi,Rate Codec
BSC Base Station Controller
BTS Base Transceiver Station
C)MA Code )ivision Multi!le Access
CME Confi"uration Mana"ement E8!ress
)B )eci&el
)T/ )iscontinuous Transmission
GSM Glo&al System for Mo&ile Communications
ICC Interference Cancel Com&in"
I9 Interference 9re5uency
:PI :ey Performance Indicator
LMT Local Maintenance Terminal
LNA Lo-er Noise Am!lifier
MR Measure Re!ort
MS Mo&ile Station
RB2 Resolution Band 2idt(
R9 Radio 9re5uency
RMS Root Mean S5uare
TC; Traffic C(annel
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems 9i"ures
) !ocu(ent !escri$tion.....................................................................................................................)
* +eriew of Interference ,ro'le(s...............................................................................................)
$.+ Im!acts of Interference on BSC :PIs......................................................................................................................+
$.+ Im!acts of Interference on BSC :PIs......................................................................................................................+
$.$ Classification of GSM Interference Sources............................................................................................................$
$.$ Classification of GSM Interference Sources............................................................................................................$
$.$.+ Antenna Passive Intermodulation.......................................................................................................................$
$.$.+ Antenna Passive Intermodulation.......................................................................................................................$
$.$.$ C)MA Net-or6 Interference.............................................................................................................................
$.$.$ C)MA Net-or6 Interference.............................................................................................................................
$.$. Co,c(annel and Ad4acent C(annel Interference.................................................................................................
$.$. Co,c(annel and Ad4acent C(annel Interference.................................................................................................
$.$.< Inter,net-or6 Interference =from ;i"( Po-er )evices>....................................................................................<
$.$.< Inter,net-or6 Interference =from ;i"( Po-er )evices>....................................................................................<
$. Standards for )eterminin" GSM Interference..........................................................................................................<
$. Standards for )eterminin" GSM Interference..........................................................................................................<
$.< A!!lication Scenarios...............................................................................................................................................<
$.< A!!lication Scenarios...............................................................................................................................................<
- Trou'leshooting Interference ,ro'le(s........................................................................................)
.+ ?verall Trou&les(ootin" Procedure..........................................................................................................................+
.+ ?verall Trou&les(ootin" Procedure..........................................................................................................................+
.$ Standards for Identifyin" Ty!ical Interference Pro&lems.........................................................................................$
.$ Standards for Identifyin" Ty!ical Interference Pro&lems.........................................................................................$
.$.+ Standards for Identifyin" @!lin6A)o-nlin6 Interference..................................................................................$
.$.+ Standards for Identifyin" @!lin6A)o-nlin6 Interference..................................................................................$
.$.$ Standards for Identifyin" Antenna Intermodulation Interference.......................................................................
.$.$ Standards for Identifyin" Antenna Intermodulation Interference.......................................................................
.$. Standards for Identifyin" C)MA Net-or6 Interference....................................................................................
.$. Standards for Identifyin" C)MA Net-or6 Interference....................................................................................
.$.< Standards for Identifyin" @!lin6 Intra,Net-or6 Interference............................................................................<
.$.< Standards for Identifyin" @!lin6 Intra,Net-or6 Interference............................................................................<
.$.B Standards for Identifyin" @!lin6 Inter,Net-or6 Interference............................................................................B
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary v
Contents Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
.$.B Standards for Identifyin" @!lin6 Inter,Net-or6 Interference............................................................................B
.$.C Standards for Identifyin" )o-nlin6 Inter,Net-or6 Interference.......................................................................D
.$.C Standards for Identifyin" )o-nlin6 Inter,Net-or6 Interference.......................................................................D
.$.D Eliminatin" @!lin6 Interference in Batc(es.......................................................................................................%
.$.D Eliminatin" @!lin6 Interference in Batc(es.......................................................................................................%
. Trou&les(ootin" Common Interference Pro&lems....................................................................................................%
. Trou&les(ootin" Common Interference Pro&lems....................................................................................................%
..+ Eliminatin" Antenna Intermodulation Interference............................................................................................%
..+ Eliminatin" Antenna Intermodulation Interference............................................................................................%
..$ Eliminatin" C)MA Net-or6 Interference.........................................................................................................%
..$ Eliminatin" C)MA Net-or6 Interference.........................................................................................................%
.. Settin" Anti,Interference Parameters..................................................................................................................#
.. Settin" Anti,Interference Parameters..................................................................................................................#
..< Eliminatin" @!lin6 and )o-nlin6 Intra,net-or6 Interference........................................................................++
..< Eliminatin" @!lin6 and )o-nlin6 Intra,net-or6 Interference........................................................................++
..B Eliminatin" @!lin6 Inter,net-or6 Interference................................................................................................+
..B Eliminatin" @!lin6 Inter,net-or6 Interference................................................................................................+
..C Eliminatin" )o-nlin6 Inter,net-or6 Interference...........................................................................................+B
..C Eliminatin" )o-nlin6 Inter,net-or6 Interference...........................................................................................+B
. See/ing Hel$ for ,ro'le( 0scalation............................................................................................)
<.+ Interference Trou&les(ootin" C(ec6list....................................................................................................................+
<.+ Interference Trou&les(ootin" C(ec6list....................................................................................................................+
1 "eferences.........................................................................................................................................-
vi ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems 9i"ures
Inter(odulation signal s$ectru(......................................................................................................*
C!MA networ/ s$ectru(..................................................................................................................-
Trou'leshooting flowchart.................................................................................................................*
C!MA networ/ interference signals o'tained through u$lin/ fre2uency scan............................
Chec/ing fre2uency distri'ution using 3astar................................................................................1
Inter4networ/ interference s$ectru(...............................................................................................5
#iewing the interfered fre2uency 'and using the s$ectru( analy6er...........................................5
Chec/ing fre2uency distri'ution using 3astar................................................................................7
Chec/ing fre2uency distri'ution using 3astar..............................................................................)*
+$ti(i6ing fre2uencies using 3astar..............................................................................................)-
"e$eater interference s$ectru(......................................................................................................)1
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary vii
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
) !ocu(ent !escri$tion
T(is document !rovides met(ods for 5uic6ly locatin" interference !ro&lems in various
net-or6 scenarios. 2it( it1 field en"ineers can !reliminarily analy7e t(ese !ro&lems and solve
certain ones 5uic6ly1 as -ell as differentiate onsite net-or6 o!timi7ation1 customer service1
and R') trou&les(ootin". @sed !ro!erly1 t(is document s(ould im!rove trou&les(ootin"
T(is document is a!!lica&le to GBSS%.+1 GBSS#.*1 and later versions.
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary +
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
* +eriew of Interference ,ro'le(s
9re5uencies are reused in GSM net-or6s to increase ca!acity. 2it( t(e fre5uency reuse
tec(nolo"y1 t(e same fre5uency can &e used &y several cells located far a-ay from eac( ot(er.
T(e distance &et-een t-o cells usin" t(e same fre5uency is called t(e fre5uency reuse
distance. T(e ratio of t(e fre5uency reuse distance to t(e cell radius is called t(e co,c(annel
interference coefficient. Given certain fre5uency resources1 t(e ti"(ter t(e fre5uency reuse1
t(e &etter t(e net-or6 ca!acity. Li6e-ise1 t(e looser t(e fre5uency reuse1 t(e "reater t(e
Interference caused &y loose fre5uency reuse is called intra,net-or6 interference. T(e GSM
net-or6 may also &e affected &y interference from ot(er communication net-or6s.
Interference is one of t(e 6ey factors t(at influence net-or6 !erformance. It "reatly affects
voice 5uality and is often t(e cause of call dro!s1 (andovers1 and con"estion. T(erefore1
reducin" and eliminatin" interference is a ma4or focus for net-or6 !lannin" and o!timi7ation.
*.) I($acts of Interference on BSC %,Is
+. Interference &and traffic statistics
T(e u!lin6 interference directly affects u!lin6 interference &and traffic statistics. By
analy7in" u!lin6 interference &and traffic statistics1 you can easily determine cells -it(
u!lin6 interference and t(ose cells t(at are li6ely to e8!erience interference.
E Sin"le fre5uency interferenceF T(e traffic statistics of a sin"le fre5uency over t(e
course of a day s(o- t(at t(e interference &and stays (i"(. Most of t(e day1 t(e
interference &and remains at 1 or even < or B sometimes1 indicatin" t(at t(is
fre5uency is e8!eriencin" u!lin6 interference.
E Cell interferenceF T(e interference &and traffic statistics of a cell over t(e course of a
day s(o- t(at t(e interference &and for TR/s in more t(an (alf of t(e cell is < or B1
or t(e interference &and stays at or (i"(er1 indicatin" t(at t(e cell is e8!eriencin"
$. Possi&le im!acts of interference on :PIs
2(en e8ternal interference occurs1 call dro! rates may increase. 9or e8am!le1 t(e si"nal
5uality is !oor even -(en t(e receive level is not t(at lo-.
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary +
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
*.* Classification of GSM Interference Sources
*.*.) Antenna ,assie Inter(odulation
2(en R9 in!ut si"nals of t-o fre5uencies are transmitted t(rou"( a non,linear device or
discontinuous transmission media1 a series of fre5uency com!onents are !roduced due to t(e
non,linear c(aracteristics. T(is !(enomenon can &e e8!lained &y a ty!ical non,linear formulaF
... .......... % D C B
< $ + > =
% D C B
< $
+ + + +
+ + + + =
x a x a x a x a
x a x a x a x a x f
;ere1 x indicates t(e in!ut si"nal1 and f(x) indicates t(e final !roduct. 2(en t-o mono!(onic
si"nals are used as in!ut si"nals1 ne- fre5uencies can &e o&tained usin" t(e result of t(e
!recedin" formula. T(e si"nals of t(ese ne- fre5uencies are called intermodulation !roducts.
T(e fre5uency com!onents of ne- si"nals may &e dotted lines or full lines. 9or e8am!le1 in
t(e case of t-o carriers1 t(e intermodulation interference s!ectrum is !ro&a&ly dotted
fre5uencies. In t(e case of four carriers1 t(e intermodulation interference s!ectrum is !ro&a&ly
full,line fre5uencies. )otted fre5uency interference affects only certain fre5uencies. If t(e
ne- fre5uency is t(e u!lin6 fre5uency of a cell1 t(e u!lin6 si"nals are affected. 9ull,line
fre5uency interference affects all fre5uencies -it(in t(e u!lin6 &and-idt(. 9i"ure +.+ s(o-s
t(e c(aracteristics of dotted intermodulation interference and full,line intermodulation
Figure ).) Intermodulation si"nal s!ectrum

T(e antenna is a !assive device used to transmit radio fre5uency =R9> si"nals. T(e !ossi&le
reasons for intermodulation in t(e antenna are as follo-sF

T(ere is dirt on t(e in!ut connector of t(e antenna or t(ere are metal scra!s left inside t(e
connector due to re!eated disassem&lin" and reassem&lin".

T(e antenna is dama"ed1 or t(e silver layer inside t(e antenna is dama"ed.

T(e antenna is not com!letely secure or antenna connectors are not fully sealed.

T(e (alf,-ave di!ole inside t(e antenna !rotection cover is corroded.

T(e feeder t(at connects t(e antenna in!ut connector and t(e (alf,-ave di!ole is

T(e feeder and 4um!er are not !ro!erly routed or t(ere is stress &et-een t(e connectors.
Intermodulation in t(e antenna system causes t(e noise floor of u!lin6 si"nals to increase.
T(is re5uires (i"(er MS transit !o-er to ensure a !ro!er si"nal,to,noise ratio.
$ ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
*.*.* C!MA 3etwor/ Interference
T(e C)MA net-or6 and GSM net-or6 use ad4acent fre5uencies. If t(e C)MA net-or6 is not
-ell isolated from GSM BTSs1 interference is li6ely to occur. In !articular1 C)MA do-nlin6
si"nals may affect GSM #** M;7 u!lin6 si"nals1 increasin" t(e receive noise. T(e anti,
interference ca!a&ility of t(e GSM -ea6ens t(e closer t(e C)MA si"nals are to t(e GSM
fre5uency &and.
C)MA net-or6 interference affects t(e GSM net-or6 in t(e follo-in" -aysF

Con"estionF Con"estion interference is "enerated -(en t(e main C)MA si"nals received
&y t(e GSM receivers are too stron" for one of t(e follo-in" reasonsF ?ne or more
C)MA si"nals and t(e R9 sources intermodulate to "enerate an intermediate fre5uency
=I9>1 t(e C)MA net-or6 and GSM net-or6 are co,de!loyed1 or t(e antenna cou!lin" is
insufficient. Con"estion interference affects all GSM fre5uencies. T(e interference is
closely related to C)MA traffic. T(e interference is stron" -(en t(e C)MA traffic is
(eavy. T(e fre5uencies in a cell close to t(e C)MA fre5uency &and are affected.

S!urious emissionF If t(e s!urious emission of t(e !ort on to! of t(e C)MA transmitter
does not e8ceed limits s!ecified in related !rotocols or t(e state radio re"ulatory
commission1 or if t(e GSM BTS and C)MA NodeB are too close1 C)MA s!urious
si"nals affect t(e sensitivity of receive c(annels.

Intermodulation interferenceF Multi!le C)MA si"nals on receive c(annels of t(e Lo-er

Noise Am!lifier =LNA> may "enerate t(ird, or fift(,order intermodulation !roducts1
-(ic( may cause interference for fre5uencies on t(e live net-or6. T(e interference "ets
stron"er t(e closer t(e receive GSM fre5uencies are to t(e C)MA transmit fre5uency
&and. Interference is related to C)MA traffic volume. T(e interference "ets stron"er t(e
(eavier t(e C)MA traffic.
9i"ure +.+ s(o-s t(e C)MA net-or6 interference s!ectrum.
Figure ).) C)MA net-or6 s!ectrum

*.*.- Co4channel and Ad8acent Channel Interference
9re5uencies are al-ays reused in GSM net-or6s. If t(e distance &et-een t-o cells usin" t(e
same or ad4acent fre5uencies is muc( s(orter t(an t(e cell radius1 t(e fre5uency reuse is li6ely
to cause co,c(annel and ad4acent c(annel interference. In addition1 radio fre5uencies reflected
&ac6 from tar"ets t(at radar o!erators are not interested in1 called clutter1 can also cause co,
c(annel and ad4acent c(annel interference. 2(en CAI G +$ dB or CAIa G ,C dB1 interference
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
*.*.. Inter4networ/ Interference 9fro( High ,ower !eices:

T(e decimeter -ave radar desi"ned in t(e seventies and ei"(ties o!erates on t(e same or
ad4acent fre5uencies as t(e GSM. T(e decimeter -ave radar transmits at (i"( !o-er
ran"in" from tens to (undreds of 6ilo-atts1 resultin" in a "reat volume of out,&and
s!urious emission1 -(ic( can easily !roduce interference for near&y BTSs.

Cordless tele!(ones o!eratin" at #** M;7F T(e &and-idt( for analo" and di"ital
cordless tele!(ones is * :;7 and $ M;71 res!ectively. T(e o!eratin" fre5uency &and is
from #*$ M;7 to #$* M;7 in 9; mode. 2(en t(e outdoor antenna used &y cordless
tele!(ones transmits at (i"( !o-er1 near&y BTSs may e8!erience interference.

Re!eater interferenceF Re!eaters are used in t(e early !(ase of net-or6 de!loyment to
e8tend BTS covera"e. Re!eaters !roduce interference for BTSs -(en im!ro!erly
installed or -(en t(ere is insufficient isolation &et-een t(e donor antenna and t(e
service antenna1 causin" self oscillation. T(e intermodulation si"nal level of re!eaters
usin" non,linear -ide,&and am!lifiers is muc( "reater t(an t(e standard level. A (i"(
volume of intermodulation com!onent is "enerated -(en re!eaters -or6 at (i"( !o-er1
-(ic( may cause interference to near&y BTSs. In a cascaded re!eater1 si"nals of t(e
same fre5uency are am!lified. T(e am!lification ta6es time1 and t(erefore some time
!asses &et-een different se"ment si"nals. 2(en t(is interval e8ceeds t(e !eriod defined
in t(e GSM system1 co,c(annel interference is !roduced.

?t(er radio devices usin" t(e same fre5uency &and and interference unitsF Certain radio
devices use t(e GSM fre5uency &and and1 in doin" so1 !roduce interference.
*.- Standards for !eter(ining GSM Interference
@!lin6 interference is li6ely to occur in a cell -(en t(e follo-in" conditions are metF
T(e rate of u!lin6 interference &ands 1 <1 and B is (i"(er t(an +BH1 or t(e rate of interference
&ands < and B is (i"(er t(an BH.
T(e num&er of TR/ measurement re!orts =MRs> is "reater t(an $** and t(e rate of u!lin6
5uality levels C and D is (i"(er t(an BH after analy7in" t(e TC;9 Receive Level
Measurement !er TR/ and TC;; Receive Level Measurement !er TR/.
If t(is is t(e case1 trou&les(oot t(e affected BTSs.
)o-nlin6 interference is li6ely to occur in a cell -(en t(e follo-in" conditions are metF
T(e num&er of TR/ MRs is "reater t(an $** and t(e rate of do-nlin6 5uality levels C and D is
(i"(er t(an BH after analy7in" t(e TC;9 Receive Level Measurement !er TR/ and TC;;
Receive Level Measurement !er TR/.
If t(is is t(e case1 trou&les(oot t(e affected BTSs.
T(e !recedin" standards are "enerally only a!!lica&le to ur&an areas. T(e standards for su&ur&an areas
and indoors are not currently availa&le &ut -ill &e !rovided in su&se5uent documentation. In t(e interim1
t(ese areas ado!t t(e standards for ur&an areas.
*.. A$$lication Scenarios
T(is document is a!!lica&le to cells e8!eriencin" severe interference and interference areas in
< ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
- Trou'leshooting Interference ,ro'le(s
-.) +erall Trou'leshooting ,rocedure
9i"ure +.+ s(o-s t(e overall trou&les(ootin" !rocedure.
In 9i"ure +.+1 diamonds indicate nodes in t(e trou&les(ootin" !rocedureI rectan"les indicate
t(e trou&les(ootin" !rocedure to consult after confirmin" t(e !ro&lem.
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary +
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
Figure ).) Trou&les(ootin" flo-c(art
-.* Standards for Identifying Ty$ical Interference ,ro'le(s
-.*.) Standards for Identifying ;$lin/<!ownlin/ Interference
+. In!ut
Measurements in t(e traffic statistics re!ortF
Interference Band Measurement !er TR/ in MR Measurement
Receive Juality Measurement !er TR/
$. Identification met(ods
@!lin6 interference is li6ely to occur in a cell -(en t(e follo-in" conditions are metF
T(e rate of u!lin6 interference &ands 1 <1 and B is (i"(er t(an +BH1 or t(e rate of
interference &ands < and B is (i"(er t(an BH.
T(e num&er of TR/ MRs is "reater t(an $** and t(e rate of u!lin6 5uality levels C and D
is (i"(er t(an BH after analy7in" t(e TC;9 Receive Level Measurement !er TR/ and
TC;; Receive Level Measurement !er TR/.
$ ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
)o-nlin6 interference is li6ely to occur in a cell -(en t(e follo-in" conditions are metF
T(e num&er of TR/ MRs is "reater t(an $** and t(e rate of do-nlin6 5uality levels C
and D is (i"(er t(an BH after analy7in" t(e TC;9 Receive Level Measurement !er TR/
and TC;; Receive Level Measurement !er TR/.
. Tools involved
<. ?ut!ut
Identify -(et(er t(e cell is e8!eriencin" u!lin6 or do-nlin6 interference and select t(e
!ro!er trou&les(ootin" !rocedure.
-.*.* Standards for Identifying Antenna Inter(odulation Interference
+. In!ut
2(en traffic is lo- in t(e early mornin"1 start a )ummy Burst test. Collect t(e
interference &and traffic statistics &efore and after initiatin" t(e )ummy Burst test. 9or
details a&out (o- to !erform a )ummy Burst test on BSCC*** and BSCC#**1 see t(e
Guide to Dummy Burst Configuration in t(e a!!endi8.
$. Identification met(ods
?&serve t(e interference &and in real time or analy7e t(e interference &and traffic
statistics to determine -(et(er antenna intermodulation is t(e source of t(e interference.
E ?&serve t(e interference &and in real timeF 2(en traffic is lo-1 ena&le real,time
interference &and monitorin". T(e interference &and for eac( TR/ is + or $. Initiate a
)ummy Burst test. ?&serve -(et(er t(e interference &and c(an"es. If t(e
interference &and for all timeslots on a TR/ is or (i"(er1 antenna intermodulation
interference is occurrin"I if t(e interference &and remains unc(an"ed1 antenna
intermodulation interference is not occurrin".
E Analy7e interference &and traffic statisticsF Before a )ummy Burst test is initiated1
t(e rate of interference &ands 1 <1 and B is lo-er t(an +*H accordin" to traffic
statistics. After a )ummy Burst test is initiated1 t(e rate of interference &ands 1 <1
and B is (i"(er t(an +*H1 indicatin" intermodulation interference. If t(e rate of
interference &ands < and B is (i"(er t(an +*H accordin" to traffic statistics1
intermodulation interference is stron"I if t(e interference &ands remain unc(an"ed1
t(e antenna is not e8!eriencin" interference.
. Tools involved
M$***1 LMT
<. ?ut!ut
Provide t(e out!uts for t(e cells e8!eriencin" intermodulation interference1 as -ell as for
t(e interference &and traffic statistics &efore and after a )ummy Burst test is initiated.
-.*.- Standards for Identifying C!MA 3etwor/ Interference
+. In!ut
@!lin6 fre5uency scan data. 9or details a&out (o- to !erform u!lin6 fre5uency scan on
BSCC#** and BSCC***1 see t(e Guide to Observing In-band Noise Floor by Using
Ulin! Fre"uen#y $#anning.
$. Identification met(ods
)ra- a dia"ram of t(e avera"e receive level of fre5uencies o&tained from t(e u!lin6
fre5uency scan. If t(e receive level is inversely !ro!ortional to t(e num&er of
fre5uencies1 and t(e noise floor level is (i"(er t(an ,#$ dBm in five consecutive
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
fre5uencies in AR9CN + to AR9CN B*1 t(ere is C)MA net-or6 interference1 as s(o-n
in 9i"ure $.+.
Figure *.) C)MA net-or6 interference si"nals o&tained t(rou"( u!lin6 fre5uency scan
. Tools involved
<. ?ut!ut
Provide an out!ut for t(e cells e8!eriencin" C)MA interference.
-.*.. Standards for Identifying ;$lin/ Intra43etwor/ Interference
+. In!ut
Interference &and :PI. $<,(our Receive Juality Measurement !er TR/.
$. Identification met(ods
After rulin" out antenna intermodulation or C)MA net-or6 interferenceF
E ?&serve t(e relations(i! &et-een t(e traffic volume and t(e rate of receive 5uality
levels C and D in t(e Receive Juality Measurement !er TR/1 and t(e relations(i!
&et-een t(e traffic volume and t(e rate of interference &ands to B in t(e
Interference Band Measurement !er TR/ for $< (ours. MRs must &e more t(an $**
to ensure result relia&ility. If t(e traffic volume is closely related to t(e interference
&and and receive 5uality1 for e8am!le1 -(en traffic is lo- at *+F**1 t(e rate of receive
5uality levels C and D in t(e Receive Juality Measurement !er TR/ is far smaller
t(an t(e rate in &usy (ours. In t(is case1 t(ere is intra,net-or6 interference. If traffic
is lo- at *+F** and t(e rate of receive 5uality levels C and D in t(e receive Juality
Measurement !er TR/ is not muc( smaller t(an t(e rate in &usy (ours1 inter,net-or6
interference is not occurrin".
E Im!ort t(e en"ineerin" !arameters of t(e !ro&lem cell and nei"(&orin" cells to t(e
Nastar !latform. @se t(e Nastar fre5uency c(ec6 function to c(ec6 -(et(er t(e
!ro&lem cell and t(e cells in ad4acent or remote BTSs (ave sectors in o!!osition to
eac( ot(er usin" t(e same or ad4acent fre5uencies -(ic( are e8!eriencin" severe
< ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
Figure *.) C(ec6in" fre5uency distri&ution usin" Nastar
. Tools involved
Nastar !latform
<. ?ut!ut
Interference trou&les(ootin" re!ort1 includin"F
E Processed cells.
E Interference Band Measurement !er TR/ in MR Measurement1 Receive Juality
Measurement !er TR/1 and traffic volume in cells.
E Relations(i! &et-een t(e traffic volume in cells and t(e Receive Juality
Measurement !er TR/1 and relations(i! &et-een t(e traffic volume in cells and t(e
Interference Band Measurement !er TR/.
E Screens(ot of fre5uency c(ec6 result on t(e Nastar !latform
-.*.1 Standards for Identifying ;$lin/ Inter43etwor/ Interference
+. In!ut
@!lin6 fre5uency scan data. 9or details a&out (o- to !erform u!lin6 fre5uency scan on
BSCC#** and BSCC***1 see t(e Guide to Observing In-band Noise Floor by Using
Ulin! Fre"uen#y $#anning.
$. Identification met(ods
)ra- a dia"ram of t(e avera"e receive level of fre5uencies o&tained from t(e u!lin6
fre5uency scan. If t(e receive level in t(e -(ole fre5uency &and or some of t(e
fre5uencies is al-ays (i"(1 t(ere is u!lin6 inter,net-or6 interference1 as s(o-n in fi"ure
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary B
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
Figure *.) Inter,net-or6 interference s!ectrum
Mai n Max Di versi ty Max Mai n Average Di versi ty Average
.$.< I. ISte! +9i"ure $.+ s(o-s -(at u!lin6 inter,net-or6 interference loo6s li6e on t(e
s!ectrum analy7er.
Figure *.* Vie-in" t(e interfered fre5uency &and usin" t(e s!ectrum analy7er
Interference for some of fre5uencies s(ares similar features -it( t(at of a fre5uency
&and. T(e fi"ure s(o-s t(at t(e noise floor of t(e fre5uency &and1 (o-ever1 is (i"(er.
. Tools involved
<. ?ut!ut
Provide an out!ut for cells e8!eriencin" u!lin6 inter,net-or6 interference.
C ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
-.*.5 Standards for Identifying !ownlin/ Inter43etwor/ Interference
+. In!ut
Traffic statistics and en"ineerin" !arameters
$. Identification met(ods
E ?&serve t(e relations(i! &et-een t(e traffic volume and t(e rate of receive 5uality
levels C and D in t(e Receive Juality Measurement !er TR/1 and t(e relations(i!
&et-een t(e traffic volume and t(e rate of interference &ands to B in t(e
Interference Band Measurement !er TR/ for $< (ours. If t(e traffic volume is closely
related to t(e interference &and and receive 5uality1 for e8am!le1 -(en traffic is lo-
at *+F**1 t(e rate of receive 5uality levels C and D in t(e Receive Juality
Measurement !er TR/ is far smaller t(an t(e rate in &usy (ours. In t(is case1 t(ere is
intra,net-or6 interference.
E Im!ort t(e en"ineerin" !arameters of t(e !ro&lem cell and nei"(&orin" cells to t(e
Nastar !latform. @se t(e Nastar fre5uency c(ec6 function to c(ec6 -(et(er t(e
!ro&lem cell and t(e cells in ad4acent or remote BTSs (ave sectors in o!!osition to
eac( ot(er usin" t(e same or ad4acent fre5uencies -(ic( are e8!eriencin" severe
Figure *.) C(ec6in" fre5uency distri&ution usin" Nastar
. Tools involved
Nastar !latform
<. ?ut!ut
Interference trou&les(ootin" re!ort1 includin"F
E Processed cells.
E Interference Band Measurement !er TR/ in MR Measurement1 Receive Juality
Measurement !er TR/1 and traffic volume in cells.
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary D
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
E Relations(i! &et-een traffic volume and t(e Receive Juality Measurement !er TR/1
and relations(i! &et-een traffic volume and t(e Interference Band Measurement !er
E Screens(ot of fre5uency c(ec6 result on t(e Nastar !latform
-.*.7 0li(inating ;$lin/ Interference in Batches
To ena&le field en"ineers to efficiently eliminate u!lin6 interference1 t(e R') !ersonnel
develo!ed a tool to su!!ort onsite o!erationsF 9r5lo"Analyse. 9or t(e installation files and
instructions1 see t(e a!!endi8es.
-.- Trou'leshooting Co((on Interference ,ro'le(s
-.-.) 0li(inating Antenna Inter(odulation Interference
+. In!ut
2(en traffic is lo- in t(e early mornin"1 start a )ummy Burst test. Collect interference
&and traffic statistics or t(e interference &and in real time &efore and after initiatin" t(e
)ummy Burst test1 to determine -(et(er t(e BTS is e8!eriencin" intermodulation
$. Procedure
T(e trou&les(ootin" met(ods de!end on t(e tools availa&le on site. If t(ere is a lo-,
intermodulation load or s!ectrum analy7er1 see t(e Guide to %liminating Ulin!
Intermodulation Interferen#e from t&e B'$ by Using t&e (o)-intermodulation (oad or
t(e Guide to (o#ating Ulin! Intermodulation Interferen#e by Using t&e $e#trum
*naly+er in t(e a!!endi8 as needed for t(e !rocedure for eliminatin" antenna
2(en t(ere is no tool availa&le on site1 you can re!lace t(e faulty feeder and antenna to
locate t(e fault se"ment &y se"ment.
@nli6e macro BTSs1 intermodulation is muc( more com!le8 for indoor,distri&uted
BTSs. 9or t(is reason1 locate t(e fault se"ment &y se"ment &ased on t(e indoor
distri&ution dia"ram. 9or t(e s!ecific !rocedure for locatin" t(e fault1 see t(e "uide in t(e
a!!endi8. If t(e source of t(e intermodulation interference is a &ac6&one am!lifier or
re!eater1 consult t(e com!onent manufacturer to ad4ust t(e u!lin6Ado-nlin6 "ain or
re!lace t(e com!onent if necessary.
. Tools involved
S!ectrum analy7er1 lo-,intermodulation load1 R9 ca&le of lo-,intermodulation1 -renc(1
industrial alco(ol1 and tools used to ma6e 4um!er connectors.
<. ;andlin" result
Record -(ic( !art of t(e antenna is faulty and t(e source of t(e intermodulation
-.-.* 0li(inating C!MA 3etwor/ Interference
+. In!ut
@!lin6 fre5uency scan data.
$. Procedure
E ?n t(e s!ectrum analy7er1 set t(e fre5uency ran"e to %C* M;7 to #C* M;71 reference
level to * dBm1 resolution &and-idt( =RB2> to +** :;71 and detection met(od to
% ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
E Connect one R/K?@T !ort of t(e ))P@A)9C@AMR9@AMRR@ to t(e s!ectrum
analy7er usin" an R9 ca&le -it( an R9 conversion connector.
E Searc( for t(e C)MA main si"nal on t(e s!ectrum analy7er1 and mar6 t(e si"nal1 find
out t(e stron"est si"nal !oint1 and record its !o-er. If t(e !o-er is more t(an ,$*
dBm and t(e interference &and of some fre5uencies =es!ecially t(e fre5uencies in
fre5uency &and E> is relatively (i"( &efore a )ummy Burst test is initiated1 add a
filter on t(e main and diversity !orts on to! of t(e ca&inet to filter C)MA si"nals.
. Tools involved
S!ectrum analy7er1 conversion connectors of various models =conversion connector
models vary -it( R9 modules>1 and R9 ca&le =connectin" t(e R/K?@T !ort of t(e R9
module to t(e s!ectrum analy7er>.
<. ;andlin" result
Record t(e stren"t( and s!ectrum features of t(e C)MA interference si"nals1 ta6e a
!(oto of t(e s!ectrum1 and record t(e filter result.
T(e -ireless !roduct line is res!onsi&le for t(e solution of C)MA net-or6 interference &efore sales. If
you need t(is solution1 contact Ma Guotian =em!loyee I)F **++#BD<>.
-.-.- Setting Anti4Interference ,ara(eters
+. In!ut
BSC confi"uration data on t(e live net-or6 accordin" to t(e :PI &aselines released &y
t(e 2ireless Net-or6 Product Line Performance )e!artment.
$. Procedure
E Set t(e follo-in" !arameters.
"eco((ended #alue !escri$tion
@!lin6 anti,
BTS soft!ara B 9or co,c(annel
interference1 t(e
recommended value is
$+I for ad4acent c(annel
interference1 t(e
recommended value is
#I ot(er-ise1 t(e
recommended value is
All t(e values are in
T(is !arameter inte"rates
t(e settin"s of t(ree
filtersF AMR &ad frame
filter1 CAI filter =)B
domain filter>1 and
ad4acent c(annel filter
=level,t-o filter>.
EICC Allo-ed 2(en interference is
severe1 set t(is !arameter
to Allo-ed.
T(is !arameter is set to
efficiently eliminate
interference and im!rove
voice 5uality.
Po-er control Po-er Control
;@A2EI III Po-er
Control Al"orit(m
Po-er control al"orit(m.
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary #
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
"eco((ended #alue !escri$tion
Po-er Control
?!timi7e S-itc(
?n T(is !arameter and t(e
;@A2EI III Po-er
Control !arameter are set
to ena&le III E !o-er
TC;A9 @!lin6
S(all @se )iscontinuous
transmission can
efficiently decrease
net-or6 interference.
TC;A; @!lin6
S(all @se )iscontinuous
transmission can
efficiently decrease
net-or6 interference.
@se TC;A;
)o-nlin6 )T/
Les )T/ s(ould &e ena&led
on t(e core net-or6.
@se TC;A9
)o-nlin6 )T/
Les )T/ s(ould &e ena&led
on t(e core net-or6.
. Tools involved
<. ;andlin" result
Generate a list of inconsistent cell !arameters accordin" to t(e c(ec6 result.
Record t(e reason for any !arameter c(an"e on t(e ori"inal net-or6. @nless ot(er-ise
s!ecified1 t(e recommended values are used.
+. T(e BTS soft$ara 1- !arameter su!!orts GBSS%.+ and later.
$. T(e follo-in" ta&le lists t(e &its in t(is !arameter. Bit * is a lo- &it.
Bit Bit* Bit+ Bit$ Bit Bit< BitB BitC BitD
S-itc( ICC
Bad 9rame 9ilter
RJI 9ilter
Select filter
+* ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
*F off
+F on
*F on
+F off
**F default
!arameter of &ad
frame filter ne-
*+F &ac6u!
!arameter $ of
&ad frame filter
ne- al"orit(m
+*F &ac6u!
!arameter + of
&ad frame filter
ne- al"orit(m
++F default
!arameter of &ad
frame filter old
*F on =)B
filter1 ne-
+F off
default old
None **F +%* 6;7
*+F invalid
+*F $** 6;7
++F $C* 6;7
. 9or details on (o- to set t(is !arameter1 see t(e Guide to ,odifying $oft)are -arameter ./.
-.-.. 0li(inating ;$lin/ and !ownlin/ Intra4networ/ Interference
+. In!ut
Basis for determinin" t(is interference1 en"ineerin" !arameters1 and nei"(&orin" relation
$. Procedure
E C(ec6 t(e !arameter settin"s &ased on section ..MSettin" Anti,Interference
E @se t(e fre5uency o!timi7ation function on t(e old Nastar !latform.
a. C(oose 3astar N Fre2uency Analysis N Fre2uency o$ti(i6ation chec/.
&. Set t(e fre5uency covera"e and fre5uency ran"e.
c. ?n t(e Nastar interface1 select t(e cell -(ose fre5uency needs to &e o!timi7ed.
9re5uency information for t(e nei"(&orin" cells and idle fre5uency information is
dis!layed. Lou can select a fre5uency from t(e idle fre5uencies for o!timi7ation.
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary ++
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
Figure *.) C(ec6in" fre5uency distri&ution usin" Nastar
E ?n t(e ne- Nastar !latform1 o!timi7e fre5uencies &y re!lacin" t(e fre5uency -it(
t(e most interference -it( t(e fre5uency -it( t(e least interference.
+$ ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
Figure *.* ?!timi7in" fre5uencies usin" Nastar
. Tools involved
?ld Nastar !latform and ne- Nastar !latform.
<. ;andlin" result
T(e interference trou&les(ootin" re!ort s(ould includeF
E Processed cell.
E T(e faulty fre5uency and t(e ne- fre5uency.
E 9re5uency modification time.
E Receive Juality )istri&ution Measurement !er TR/ and Interference Band
Measurement !er TR/ on t(e days &efore and after t(e day of t(e modification.
-.-.1 0li(inating ;$lin/ Inter4networ/ Interference
@!lin6 inter,net-or6 interference is li6ely to (a!!en on macro BTSs and indoor,distri&uted
BTSs1 "enerally due to re!eaters and interference units. T(e follo-in" sections descri&e
u!lin6 inter,net-or6 interference in macro BTSs and in indoor distri&uted BTSs1 res!ectively.
0li(inating ;$lin/ Inter43etwor/ Interference fro( Macro BTSs

)etermine t(e time t(e interference occurred and t(e area affected &y t(e interference1
-(ic( (el!s collect t(e u!lin6 interference &and statistics for affected cells and
nei"(&orin" cells. Statistics collection ta6es at least $< (ours &ut u! to a -ee6 if you
need time to find out t(e interference occurrence feature. T(e statistics for nei"(&orin"
cells is also collected &ecause t(e si"nals of an interference source "enerally affect
multi!le cells. If interference occurs in cells at t(e same time and t(en disa!!ears at t(e
same time1 t(e interference is !ro&a&ly !roduced &y one device. Lou can com!are t(e
time an interference occurs in multi!le cells to -(en it disa!!ears to determine -(et(er
t(ere is only one source. T(is (el!s locate t(e interference source.
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary +
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems

After learnin" t(e interference occurrence feature1 you can searc( for t(e interference
source on site. To !reliminarily determine t(e !osition of t(e interference source1
!erform t(e searc( -(en interference is stron"est. 9rom t(e roofto! of a &uildin" in t(e
ran"e of t(e interference1 use a !orta&le s!ectrum analy7er and a La"i,@da antenna to
trian"ulate t(e source of t(e stron"est interference. Set t(e fre5uency ran"e on t(e
s!ectrum analy7er to t(e u!lin6 o!eratin" fre5uency of t(e TR/. ;old t(e antenna in
different directions1 o&serve t(e c(an"es in interference si"nal am!litude to determine
t(e direction -(ere interference is stron"est =a com!ass is recommended>1 and record it.
T(e tolerance of t(e antenna is less t(an * de"rees. T(e o&servation time is $ to B
minutes at &est.
If you !erform t(e test near a BTS1 t(e s!ectrum analy7er may detect its do-nlin6 si"nals1 causin"
t(e noise floor of t(e analy7er to increase. As result1 -ea6er interference si"nals cannot &e detected.
Lou can use a !ass&and filter -it( t(e u!lin6 !ass&and of t(e BTS to -ea6en t(e do-nlin6 !o-er.
If t(e s!ectrum analy7er detects no interference si"nals1 ena&le t(e am!lifier and set t(e attenuator to
* dB to lo-er t(e noise floor. Note t(at reducin" t(e RB2 to lo-er t(e noise floor (el!s detect
narro-&and interference si"nals1 &ut does not (el! detect &road&and interference si"nals
Because t(e La"i,@da antenna is !olari7ed1 you must lay t(e antenna (ori7ontally and (old it
vertically durin" testin"1 and ad4ust t(e antenna direction to identify t(e stron"est interference si"nal.

Re!eat t(e !recedin" test ste!s in a nei"(&orin" sector t(at is also affected. Lou can use
t(e results o&tained from t(e first and second tests to trian"ulate t(e location of t(e
stron"est interference si"nal.

T(e interference trou&les(ootin" solution de!ends on t(e interference source. 9or

e8am!le1 if t(e source of t(e interference is a re!eater1 you need to consult t(e
manufacturer for !rocessin".
0li(inating Interference fro( Indoor4!istri'uted BTSs
Indoor,distri&uted BTSs are com!le81 -it( many ca&les1 connectors1 and multi!le systems.
T(erefore1 t(e !rocedure for eliminatin" u!lin6 interference is also com!le8. Generally1 t(e
source of t(e interference is a re!eater or &ac6&one am!lifier. Lou can use t(e trian"ulation
met(od to eliminate t(e interference. T(e !rocedure is as follo-sF

@se eit(er of t(e met(ods descri&ed in section .$.$MStandards for Identifyin" Antenna
Intermodulation InterferenceM to determine t(at t(e interference &and increase is caused
&y intermodulation of t(e indoor,distri&uted BTS system. T(en1 eliminate t(e !ro&lem.

Based on t(e system dia"ram of t(e indoor,distri&uted BTS -it( t(e a&normal
interference &and1 disconnect t(e &ranc(es of t(e s!litter nearest to t(e BTS1 and connect
t(e s!ectrum analy7er to t(e R/K?@T !ort of t(e R9 module and o&serve t(e
interference si"nal c(an"e. Re!eat t(ese ste!s for eac( individual s!litter. Alternatively1
disconnect t(e &ranc(es of t(e s!litters &ased on t(e interference &and and o&serve t(e
interference si"nal c(an"e.

After determinin" t(e s!litter in t(e indoor,distri&uted BTS system t(at is e8!eriencin"
interference1 re!eat t(e !recedin" ste!s to find out t(e interference source usin" t(e
system dia"ram.

If t(e source of t(e interference is a re!eater or &ac6&one am!lifier1 contact t(e indoor,
distri&uted BTS manufacturer to ad4ust t(e u!lin6Ado-nlin6 c(annel "ain or re!lace t(e
re!eater or &ac6&one am!lifier if necessary.
;$lin/ Interference Band Increase Caused 'y "e$eater
T(e GSM net-or6 is t(e most li6ely to e8!erience interference. T(e follo-in" section
descri&es features of t(e re!eater. T(e re!eater increases not only t(e u!lin6 level &ut also t(e
+< ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
u!lin6 noise floor. T(e re!eater fre5uency can eit(er &e &road&and or customi7ed. T(e
&road&and re!eater is more -idely used. T(e &road&and re!eater am!lifies si"nals for t(e
-(ole receive fre5uency &and or s!ecified fre5uency &and. T(e customi7ed re!eater1
(o-ever1 only am!lifies si"nals for s!ecified fre5uencies.
If t(e re!eater !roduces interference for t(e -(ole receive fre5uency &and1 t(e noise floor is
"reatly increased &ut t(e increase am!litude is &asically unc(an"ed. A customi7ed &road&and
re!eater =for e8am!le1 t(e $B M;7 re!eater &y C(ina Mo&ile> "reatly am!lifies t(e noise floor
for a s!ecified fre5uency &and1 &ut t(e increased noise floor is &asically unc(an"ed1 as s(o-n
in 9i"ure +.+F
Figure ).) Re!eater interference s!ectrum

If t(e &road&and si"nal t(at increases t(e noise floor is &eyond t(e ran"e of t(e GSM receive
fre5uency &and1 t(e GSM re!eater is not t(e source of t(e &road&and interference si"nal.
-.-.5 0li(inating !ownlin/ Inter4networ/ Interference
+. In!ut
Cells sus!ected of do-nlin6 interference
$. Procedure
E ;i"(li"(t t(e cells sus!ected of do-nlin6 interference on a di"ital ma!1 and identify
t(e "eneral "eo"ra!(ical !osition of t(e interference source &ased on its interference
E Analy7e traffic statistics to find out t(e time features of do-nlin6 interference
occurrence. Perform a drive test -(en do-nlin6 interference is most li6ely to (a!!en.
E Bind t(e test terminal to t(e cell &ein" tested1 disa&le t(e do-nlin6 !o-er control and
)T/1 !erform dialin" tests for fre5uencies one after anot(er1 and record t(e receive
do-nlin6 level.
E S!ecify a TR/ for t(e cell &ein" tested1 cut t(e !o-er su!!ly1 use a TEMS to !erform
a do-nlin6 fre5uency scan1 and record t(e level of eac( fre5uency e8!eriencin"
interference. 9or details on (o- to use a TEMS to !erform do-nlin6 fre5uency scan1
see t(e Guide to -erforming Fre"uen#y $#an on t&e '%,$ ,obile -&one in t(e
E Calculate t(e CAI of eac( fre5uency in t(e cell. If CAI G +$ dB1 t(e cell is e8!eriencin"
do-nlin6 interference.
. Tools involved
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary +B
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
TEMS mo&ile !(one and t(e matc(in" TEMS soft-are
<. ;andlin" result
Generate a test re!ort &ased on t(e onsite trou&les(ootin" result.
+C ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
. See/ing Hel$ for ,ro'le( 0scalation
..) Interference Trou'leshooting Chec/list
9ield en"ineers s(ould !rovide an analysis re!ort for t(e trou&les(ootin" !rocedure &efore
su&mittin" a 5uestion s(eet. Based on t(e analysis re!ort1 R') en"ineers can focus on ma4or
!ro&lems1 s(ortenin" t(e time necessary to locate t(e !ro&lem.
3u('er Chec/ Ite( +ut$ut A$$lication
+ Traffic statistics1
includin" all
Basis for determinin"
u!lin6Ado-nlin6 interference
Cells -it( severe
interference and
interference areas
in MRs

$ Antenna
Trou&les(ootin" !rocedure
for antenna intermodulation1
and &asis for determinin"
-(et(er antenna
intermodulation e8ists
Cells -it( severe
interference and
interference areas
in MRs

C)MA net-or6
Trou&les(ootin" !rocedure
for C)MA net-or6
interference1 and evaluation
of t(e C)MA net-or6
interference to t(e GSM BTSs
Cells -it( severe
interference and
interference areas
in MRs

< )o-nlin6Au!lin6
Trou&les(ootin" !rocedure
for u!lin6Ado-nlin6 intra,
net-or6 interference1 and
trou&les(ootin" result
Cells -it( severe
interference and
interference areas
in MRs

B @!lin6 inter,
Trou&les(ootin" !rocedure
for u!lin6 inter,net-or6
interference1 and
trou&les(ootin" result
Cells -it( severe
interference and
interference areas
in MRs

$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary +
< See6in" ;el! for Pro&lem Escalation Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems
3u('er Chec/ Ite( +ut$ut A$$lication
C )o-nlin6 inter,
Trou&les(ootin" !rocedure
for do-nlin6 inter,net-or6
interference1 and
trou&les(ootin" result
Cells -it( severe
interference and
interference areas
in MRs

D Anti,interference
Trou&les(ootin" !rocedure
for anti,interference
!arameters1 and
trou&les(ootin" result
Cells -it( severe
interference and
interference areas
in MRs

$ ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary $*++,*,*#
Guide to Locatin" GSM BSS Interference Pro&lems B References
1 "eferences
Gui de to Duy
!urst "on#i gurati on$ do%
Gui de to
&'servi ng ( n'and )oi se *+ oor 'y ,si ng ,-+ i n. *re/uen%y 0%anni ng$ do%$ do%

Gui de to
Modi #yi ng 0o#t1are 2araeter 53$ do%
Gui de to
3+ i i nati ng ,-+ i n. ( nterodu+ ati on ( nter#eren%e #ro t4e !50 'y ,si ng t4e 6o1-( nterodu+ ati on 6oad$ do%
Gui de to 6o%ati ng
,-+ i n. ( nterodu+ ati on ( nter#eren%e 'y ,si ng t4e 0-e%tru Ana+ y7er$ do%
Gui de to
2er#ori ng *re/uen%y 0%anni ng on t4e 53M0 Mo'i + e 24one$ do%
$*++,*,*# ;ua-ei Tec(nolo"ies Pro!rietary

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