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Choose the correct answer
Anes Bojaxhiu was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. As a child she always wanted to help
people. When she was 18, she changed her name to MOTHER TERESA .she traveled to
India and worked as a teacher for 17 years.
Then, in 1946, her live changed. She decided to help and take care of sick, hungry and
homeless people. She opened a school for poor children in the city of CALCUTTA. For the
next 50 years, mother Teresa worked with poor people in many countries like, China,
England and Cuba.
In 1974, mother Teresa received the Nobel peace prize. She was very famous, but she
dint change her simple life. Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997, but her work
continues. For many people around the world, she is a true hero and they try to follow her
1. Where was Mother Teresa born?
a) In Puerto Rico b)In Lima c) In Yugoslabia

2. What was her real name?
a) Mother Tresa b) Anes Bojaxhiu c) Anes Boxahivc

3. When did Mother Teresa receive the Nobel Prize?
a) In 1999 b) In 1973 c) In 1974

4. When did she die?
a) In 1996 b) In 1994 c) In 1997

5. Why was she very famous?
a) Because she helped poor people c) Because she had a simple life
b) Because she changed her name
II. GRAMMAR (15 points)
Circle the right alternative
1. She to China the past year.
a) Travelled b) traveled c) travel
2. Did they finish the work?
a) Yes, they did b) No, they did c) No, they finish
3. My sister in Europe for two and a half months.
a) Sleep b) stayed c) didnt stayed

4. I movie with Jeorge.
a) Watch b) dint watch c) watched

5. Did he go to the park yesterday?
a) Yes, she did b) no, he didnt c) yes, he is

6. She .. her room the past Sunday.
a) Cleaned b) cleaning c) cleans

7. The dolphins .. swimming around us.
a) Started b) starts c)is starting

8. Aron . as a Japanese teacher the past year.
a) Were b)works c) worked

9. Charles . to wash the car.
a) didnt like b) likes c) is liking

10. Luffy to be a hero, but he couldnt.
a) wanted b) is c) is wanting

11. Where did you go yesterday?
a) I was playing b) I went to the park c) studying

12. did you travel to Italy?
I traveled to Italy the past year
a)when b) where c)who
13. Johnny Deep . Captain Sparrow.
a) Sing b) played c) is played

14. Did she . you with the housework?
a) help b) helped c) helpt

15. They to music all the day.
a) listening b)listened c)didnt listened
III. WRITING (5 points)
Choose the best alternative
a) There was a girl named Alyssa in my class. I (liked/likes) her a lot. One day, I
(inviting/invited) her to a dinner with me at a nice restaurant.

b) I went to the mens room. I (tried/tryed) to call my roommate. I (waited/wait), but
he (didnt answer/answer) the phone. I left a message, and (explained/explaining).

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