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Five Examples of LEARNING GOALS

Course on: Micro-Economics

Foundational Knowledge
a) Remember and be able to use economic terminology.
b) Recall the important functions that government performs in a market economy.
a) se economic models to understand and e!plain economic events.
b) "et up and use an #!cel worksheet to analy$e economic data.
a) %dentify the social and political conse&uences of economic events.
b) #!plain the relationships between individuals' firms' and government.
(uman )imension
a) *ive e!amples of how someone+s view of economic programs may be influenced by
their social or economic position.
b) ,erceive yourself as a valuable contributor to a team.
a) (ave an opinion on economic issues.
b) -e interested in studying the impact of economic programs on different
socioeconomic groups.
.earning (/0 to .earn
a) Know how to use all available information in the construction of knowledge.
b) -e aware of' and adapt to your individual learning style.
Course on: 1 Virology 2
Founa!ional "no#lege
Ac&uire in depth knowledge of key concepts of virology
Familiarity with' and use of' ma3or medical and virology research 3ournals
Apply course knowledge creatively and critically to solve current medical problems
)emonstrate teamwork in preparing a comple! pro3ect
In!egra!ion $ Syn!%esis
nderstand the various levels of virus 4 host interactions
Assess the contributions of virology to advances in science and medicine
&uman 'imension
*ain historical5human perspective of key advances in virology
6alue the group learning environment
nderstand the impact of viral disease on individuals and populations
6alue the group learning environment
Lifelong Learning
*ain long4term interest in virology
*ain an appreciation of the benefits of virology research to society
.earn to think as a scientist
Course on: 1 Musical Forms an Analysis 2
Foundational Knowledge:
-e able to model the main musical forms' and have a working knowledge of the
speciali$ed terms used in describing musical form.
nderstand the concepts and terminology of advanced analytical techni&ues'
such as those used in "chenkerian' feminist' and semiotic analysis.
-e able to make informed' logical decisions about the formal structure of pieces
they are conducting or performing.
-e able to analy$e music in a variety of ways to solve practical problems 8score
errors' etc.)' and to develop a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the
music they are working with.
-e able to use their understanding of form to improve their composition skills.
-e able to understand the significance of formal structures in the pieces they
are conducting or performing.
-e able to see how the study of musical form is linked to fields as diverse as
astronomy and literary criticism.
Human Dimension:
"ee themselves as e!perts in e!amining formal processes in music' and
develop the confidence to use the skills and techni&ues they+ve attained in this
class to improve their own musical performances and compositions.
)evelop confidence in their ability to read and understand professional literature
in their field.
6alue the tremendously varied intricacies inherent in musical form' and see that
music can have multiple meanings. "tudents will learn to e!amine music from
several different points of view' and take time to understand the form of pieces
they are conducting or performing.
-e more attentive to how music is used by society to promote cultural codes.
Learning how to learn:
-e able to read and understand comple! articles dealing with musical analysis.
%dentify some of the more significant resources in the area of musical analysis'
and learn how to ask useful &uestions about music they don+t understand.
Course on: 1 Visual Li!eracy 2
7. .ist the key concepts of visual literacy.
9. Create 8draw) the transactional model of communication as it pertains to the
concept of visual literacy.
:. %ntegrate 8use) the principles of design in a powerpoint presentation.
;. ,resent' with confidence' the principles of design to their peers in a teacher
education class.
<. %dentify the visual symbols used in other cultures which are used to
communicate common directional instructions.
=. >anipulate the basic principles of design in preparing their final professional
portfolio to meet state standards.
Course on: 1 Social )or* Fiel +lacemen!,
%. %dentify knowledge' values' and skills 8K6") of the generalist perspective.
8Foundational knowledge 4 means to an end)
%%. Apply' criti&ue' analy$e' and make decisions about generalist knowledge' values'
and skills 8K6") in practicum and classroom setting.
%%%. Connect and relate K6" at multiple levels of social systems 8individuals' families'
groups' organi$ations' and communities)
%6. -ecome more aware of self' differences in people' and become more confident in
relating to others. Come to see oneself as a leader.
8(uman )imension)
6. -e e!cited about social work as a broad' comple!' and multifaceted field of study
that assists others to create positive change.
6%. -ecome more proficient as a self4directed life4long learner and discern how
personal development is connected to professional development.
8.earning (ow to .earn)

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