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National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)

December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal

Srinivasa Reddy V
, Achyuta Satya K
, Seshagiri Rao M V
, Ch Sasikala
Departent o! Civil "ngineering, #$%&' C"', 'ydera(ad )*+++,*, -$D-A.
Centre !or "nvironent, #$%&, 'ydera(ad )*+++,*, -$D-A
Concrete ade !ro ordinary /ortland ceent is the ain construction aterial
(ecause o! its strength and dura(ility characteristics. 0ut conventional concretes !ail to
prevent the intrusion o! oisture and aggressive ions ade1uately. /articularly chloride ions
that are coon in arine2coastal environent !ound to (e deleterious to the strength and
dura(ility characteristics o! concrete, thus causing preature deterioration o! concrete
structures. %he research, on use o! icroorganiss in conventional concrete to esta(lish its
enhanced resistance to deterioration (y aggressive cheicals such as chlorides and sulphates,
has sho3ed increased strength and dura(ility per!orance. -n the present investigation soil
(acteriu called 0acillus su(tilus #C4 3as introduced into concrete to study its enhanced
strength and dura(ility characteristics. %o esta(lish the increased resistance o! (acteria
induced concrete to chloride ion penetration, AS%M C12+2 Rapid Chloride /erea(ility %est
3as conducted. %his paper presents the results o! e5perientation conducted to evaluate the
strength and dura(ility per!orance o! 0acterial concrete. %his paper reports the results o!
pereation properties o! (acterial concrete using sorptivity test, capillary test, porosity test
and rapid chloride perea(ility tests on ordinary grade 6M2+7, standard grade 6M8+7 and
high strength grade 6M9+7.
Keywords: Rapid Chloride /erea(ility %est, 0acterial Concrete, 0acillus Su(tilus,
Chloride ion penetration, porosity test, sorpitivity test, capillary test.
Rein!orced concrete structures are o!ten e5posed to e5tree environents yet is o!ten
e5pected to last 3ith little or no repair or aintenance !or long periods o! tie 6o!ten 9+
years or ore7. %o do this, a dura(le structure needs to (e produced. Concrete is a very
uni1ue coposite aterial 3hich is porous and highly heterogeneous. %he dura(ility o! steel
rein!orced concrete in chloride environents is o! great interest to !or researchers to study the
ethods o! easuring the chloride ingress into concrete, the challenges in assessing concrete
dura(ility !ro its chloride di!!usivity, and the service li!e odeling o! rein!orced concrete in
chloride)laden environents:8;. <or rein!orced concrete structures, one o! the a=or !ors o!
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
environental attack is chloride ingress, 3hich leads to corrosion o! the rein!orcing steel and
a su(se1uent reduction in the strength, servicea(ility and aesthetics o! the structure. %his ay
lead to early repair or preature replaceent o! the structure. A coon ethod o!
preventing such deterioration is to prevent chlorides !ro penetrating the structure to the
level o! the rein!orcing steel (ar (y using relatively ipenetra(le concrete. %he a(ility o!
chloride ions to penetrate the concrete ust then (e kno3n !or design as 3ell as 1uality
control purposes. 'o3ever, there appears to (e no coprehensive in!oration o! the
perea(ility characteristics and deterioration characteristics o! (acterial concrete. Moreover,
!or such a coprehensive understanding it is also essential that these concretes should (e 3ell
tested !or various pereation properties to esta(lish the !act that (acterial concrete in a sel!
repairing and highly dura(le concrete:1;:2;:4;.
-n the present study the strength and chloride ion perea(ility o! (acterial concrete along
3ith the other dura(ility tests on (acterial concrete to esta(lish the !act o! enhanced dura(ility
in concrete 3ith icroorganiss. %his e5periental prograe consists !ollo3ing tests on
(acterial and controlled concrete o! ordinary grade 6M2+7, standard grade 6M8+7 and high
strength grade 6M9+7.
1. Copressive strength tests
2. >ater a(sorption and /erea(le voids Studies
4. Capillary and /orosity tests
8. Rapid Chloride -on /enetration %est
Comress!"e s#re$%#& S#'d!es
%o study strength characteristics, standard cu(es 61++ 5 1++ 5 1++7 3ith and
3ithout (acteria 3ere casted and tested as per -S 8*9?2+++. %he copressive strengths o!
ordinary, standard and high grades are ta(ulated as sho3n in %a(les 1)4. %he increase in
copressive strength in (acteria induced speciens is nearly 24@ than controlled speciens.
()#er A*sor#!o$ )$d Perme)*+e ,o!ds S#'d!es
-n the present investigation, percentage o! 3ater a(sorption and percentage o! perea(le
voids 3ere deterined as per the procedure given in AS%M 982A,2:8;. %he a(sorption and
perea(le voids 3ere deterined on t3o 1++ 5 1++ cu(es. Saturated sur!ace dry cu(es
3ere kept in a hot air oven at 1+*BC till a constant 3eight 3as attained. %he ratio o! the
di!!erence (et3een the ass o! saturated sur!ace dry specien and the ass o! the oven dried
specien at 1+*BC to the volue o! the specien 61+++ l7 gives the perea(le voids in
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
percentage. %he oven dried cu(es a!ter attaining constant 3eight, 3ere then iersed in
3ater and the 3eight gain 3as easured at regular intervals until a constant 3eight 3as
reached. %he a(sorption at 4+ in 6initial sur!ace a(sorption7 and !inal a(sorption 3as
deterined and sho3n in %a(le 8 6a7 and 8 6(7. %he !inal a(sorption in all cases 3as
deterined at C9 hrs. %he a(sorption characteristics indirectly represent the volue o! pores
and their connectivity.
%o deterine 3ater a(sorption capacity o! controlled and (acteria induced speciens,
speciens are dried in an oven at 1+*
C !or 28 hrs. %he dry speciens are cooled to roo
teperature 62*
C7 3eighed accurately and noted as dry 3eight. Dry speciens are to (e
iersed in a 3ater container. >eight o! the specien at predeterined intervals to (e taken
a!ter 3iping the sur!ace 3ith dry cloth. %his process is to (e continued not less than 8, hours
or up to constant 3eight are to (e o(tained in t3o successive o(servations.
@ Dpen /orosity 6D/7 E 6V
7 5 1++ E 6>
2 >
7 5 1++
) volue occupied (y open pores E >
A Apparent volue 6volue o! the saple including pores7 E >
A 3eight o! 3ater in pores
Real volue V
) V
E >
) >
-t is also called as "!!ective /orosity 3hich gives the percentage o! interconnected pore
%he 3ater a(sorption is deterined as !ollo3s?
A 6@7 E 6>
7F1++2 6 >
>eight o! the saturated saple at predeterined intervals 3ere recorded on graph as a
!unction o! tie.
>ater a(sorption capacity 6>AC7 E 6>
7F1++2 6 >
A ) >ater a(sorption, in percentage, >
) 3eight o! the saturated saple at predeterined
intervals , >
) 3eight o! the oven dry saple and >
) 3eight o! the saturated saple at
the end o! the test.
C)!++)ry #es#
Capillary and porosity tests 3ere conducted on speciens prepared 3ith and 3ithout (acteria
to o(serve and estiate the aount o! 3ater a(sorption and voids percentage present 3ithin
the controlled concrete and (acterial concrete. -n the capillary test, as per D-$ *291G,
controlled and (acterial concrete cu(e speciens are cured !or 2, days 3ere tested. <irstly
the speciens 3ere dried in oven at a(out 1+*
C until constant ass 3as o(tained.
Speciens 3ere cooled do3n to roo teperature !or 9hrs. %he sides o! the specien 3ere
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
coated 3ith para!!in to achieve unidirectional !lo3. %he speciens 3ere e5posed separately
to 3ater on one !ace (y placing it in slightly raised position 6a(out * 7 on a graduated tu(
!illed 3ith 3ater. %he 3ater in the tu( 3as aintained a(out * a(ove the (ase o! the
specien during the e5perient as sho3n in the !igure (elo3. %he 3eight o! the specien
3as easured at regular 4+ inutes interval up to * hr to get the little a(sorption variation o!
3ater. %he capillary a(sorption coe!!icient 6k7 3as calculated (y using !orula?
-. (/ 0A 1 2#3
3here, > E Aount o! 3ater a(sor(ed in g
A E Cross sectional area in c
contact 3ith 3ater
t E %ie in seconds
E1er!me$#)+ se# ' 4or 5)!++)ry )*sor#!o$ #es#
%he value o! capillary a(sorption coe!!icient 6k7 3as deterined !or (oth controlled and
(acterial concrete i5es o! ordinary 6M2+7, Standard 6M8+7 and 'igh strength 6M9+7 grades
o! concrete at 2, , 9+ and C+ days o! curing as sho3n in %a(le *6a7,*6(7 and *6c7
Poros!#y #es#
%his test 3as conducted to estiate the percentage o! voids present in the controlled and
(acterial speciens casted as per D-$ 1+8,:G;. <irst o! all saturated 3eights >
o! the
speciens cured !or 2,, 9+ and C+ days 3ere taken. %hen (oth controlled and (acterial
speciens 3ere dried in oven at a(out 1+*
C until constant ass >
3as o(tained. %hen
3eight o! 3ater a(sor(ed >
3as calculated in gras, 3hich 3as converted to cc. this
signi!ies the volue o! voids present 3ithin the specien. %he test 3as conducted on 1++
5 2++ siIe cylinders o! controlled and (acterial specien i5es o! ordinary 6M2+7,
Standard 6M8+7 and 'igh strength 6M9+7 grades o! concrete at 2,, 9+ and C+ days age.
<inally porosity JKL 3as calculated using the !orula given (elo3
2VE >
) >
2VE >
>here, V
E volue o! voids in cc
V E total volue o! specien in cc
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
R)!d C&+or!de Io$ Pe$e#r)#!o$ Tes#
-n the AAS'%D %2GG 6AS%M C12+27 test 6"lectrical indication o! concreteLs a(ility to resist
chloride ion penetration3, a 3ater)saturated, *+) thick, 1++) diaeter concrete
specien is su(=ected to a 9+ V applied DC voltage !or 9 hours. -n one reservoir is a 4.+@
$aCl solution and in the other reservoir is a +.4 M $aD' solution:9;. %he total charge passed
is deterined and this is used to rate the 1uality o! the concrete according to the criteria
rating. Rapid chloride ion penetra(ility tests 3ere conducted on controlled and (acterial
speciens. %he total charge passing through in 9 hrs 3as easured, at an interval o! 4+ in,
indicating the degree o! resistance o! the specien to chloride ion penetration. &sually
chlorides penetrate in concrete (y di!!usion along 3ater paths or open pores. Soe o! these
chlorides can react 3ith the ceent copounds, ainly tricalciu)aluinates 6C
A7, !oring
sta(le chloro cople5es. %he e5cess o! chloride, 3hich is !ree, leads to the initiation o! the
corrosion process. %he !ollo3ing !orula, (ased on the trapeIoidal rule can (e used to
calculate the average current !lo3ing through one cell.
M E C++62-
>here, M E current !lo3ing through one cell 6coulo(s7
E Current reading in aperes iediately a!ter voltage is applied, and
E Current reading in aperes at t inutes 6 4+ in interval7 a!ter voltage is applied
-n addition resistivity or conductivity can also (e deterined !ro the initial current reading,
since the resistance o! the specien can (e calculated iediately !ro DhLs la3? REV2-
>here R is resistance, V is voltage, and - is current. %he resistivity is deterined !ro?
Resistivity ERA2P
>here A is area o! the specien, and P is thickness o! the specien.
6 $o. o! days 7
Copressive Strength
Control Concrete,
0acterial Concrete,
G 1C.C, 21.C* ,.C4
18 24.C* 2,.1* 18.41
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
2, 2C.** 44.11 19.1,
9+ 44.+2 4,.4+ 1G.+8
C+ 44.C1 81.22 21.18
1,+ 48.*1 82.19 22.2C
%a(le 1 A Copressive strengths o! M2+ grade concrete
6 $o. o! days 7
Copressive Strength
Control Concrete,
0acterial Concrete,
G 49.28 8+.1+
18 8*.11
2, *2.+1 91.+9
9+ *9.8G 98.C2
C+ *G.C9 99.,4
1,+ *C.4G 9,.*C
%a(le 2 A Copressive strengths o! M8+ grade concrete
6 $o. o! days 7
Copressive Strength
Control Concrete,
0acterial Concrete,
G 8*.**
18 9+.1C
2, G2.91
9+ GC.29
C+ ,4.*C
1,+ ,,.*C
%a(le 4 A Copressive strengths o! M9+ grade concrete
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
Qrade o! Concrete
>ater A(sorption @ at 4+ in
Controlled Concrete
63ithout icroorganis7
0acterial Concrete
cells2l o! icroorganiss7
Drdinary grade concrete 6M2+7 4.1G 1.G9
Standard grade concrete 6M8+7 2.98 1.18
'igh Strength grade Concrete
1.C8 +.G,
%a(le 8? 6a7 >ater A(sorption studies on Speciens o! age 2, days
A(sorption 6@7
at 4+ inutes
A(sorption rating Concrete 1uality
R 4.+ lo3 good
4.+ to *.+ average average
S *.+ high poor
%a(le 8 6(7 Acceptance Criteria !or a(sorption 6Concrete Society C"07
Qrade o! Concrete
Capillary a(sorption coe!!icient
Controlled Concrete
M2+ 1.2, 5 1+
M8+ 1.11 5 1+
M9+ +.G2 5 1+
0acterial Concrete
M2+ +.G9 5 1+
M8+ +.** 5 1+
M9+ +.21 5 1+
%a(le *6a7? Capillary a(sorption coe!!icients 6k7 at 2, days
Qrade o! Concrete
Capillary a(sorption coe!!icient
Controlled Concrete
M2+ 1.1* 5 1+
M8+ +.C* 5 1+
M9+ +.98 5 1+
0acterial Concrete
M2+ +.9, 5 1+
M8+ +.8G 5 1+
M9+ +.1C 5 1+
%a(le *6(7? Capillary a(sorption coe!!icients 6k7 at 9+ days
Qrade o! Concrete
Capillary a(sorption coe!!icient
Controlled Concrete
M2+ 1.11 5 1+
M8+ 1.+1 5 1+
M9+ +.9, 5 1+
0acterial Concrete
M2+ +.*C 5 1+
M8+ +.88 5 1+
M9+ +.1* 5 1+
%a(le *6c7? Capillary a(sorption coe!!icients 6k7 at C+ days
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
Qrade o! Concrete /orosity o! Concrete 6K7
Controlled Concrete
M2+ 4.9*
M8+ 4.22
M9+ 2.4*
0acterial Concrete
M2+ 1.+C
M8+ 1.+2
M9+ +.C4
%a(le 96a7? /orosity o! Concrete 6K7 at 2, days
Qrade o! Concrete /orosity o! Concrete 6K7
Controlled Concrete
M2+ 4.88
M8+ 4.+4
M9+ 2.11
0acterial Concrete
M2+ 1.+1
M8+ +.C2
M9+ +.,,
%a(le 96(7? /orosity o! Concrete 6K7 at 9+ days
Qrade o! Concrete /orosity o! Concrete 6K7
Controlled Concrete
M2+ 4.81
M8+ 2.CG
M9+ 1.C9
0acterial Concrete
M2+ +.C*
M8+ +.,,
M9+ +.,+
%a(le 96c7? /orosity o! Concrete 6K7 at C+ days
Qrade o! Concrete Current 6A7
Charge /assed
/erea(ility as per
AS%M C 12+2
Concrete 3ithout 0acteria
M2+ 112 281C Moderate
M8+ C4 2++, Moderate
M9+ 8G 1+22 Po3
Concrete 3ith 0acteria
M2+ 1G 49G Very Po3
M8+ 11 24, Very Po3
M9+ , 1G4 Very Po3
%a(le G6a7? Chloride -on /erea(ility at 2, days
Qrade o! Concrete Current 6A7
Charge /assed
/erea(ility as per
AS%M C 12+2
Concrete 3ithout 0acteria
M2+ 1+C 2214 Moderate
M8+ C+ 1CC1 Po3
M9+ 8* CCG Po3
Concrete 3ith 0acteria
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
M2+ 19 4*1 Very Po3
M8+ 1+ 222 Very Po3
M9+ 9 1*C Very Po3
%a(le G6(7? Chloride -on /erea(ility at 9+ days
Qrade o! Concrete Current 6A7
Charge /assed
/erea(ility as per
AS%M C 12+2
Concrete 3ithout 0acteria
M2+ CC 21++ Moderate
M8+ ,4 1,1G Po3
M9+ 4C C84 Po3
Concrete 3ith 0acteria
M2+ 1* 42G Very Po3
M8+ , 2+2 Very Po3
M9+ * 181 Very Po3
%a(le G6c7? Chloride -on /erea(ility at C+days
%he increase in copressive strength in (acteria induced speciens is nearly 24@ than
controlled speciens. %his iproveent in copressive strength is due to deposition on the
icroorganis cell sur!aces and 3ithin the pores o! ceentAsand atri5, 3hich plug the
pores 3ithin the concrete.
%he 3ater a(sorption values !or (acteria induced concrete are lo3er than the controlled
concrete. %hese results ephasiIe the (ene!icial e!!ect o! incorporating icroorganiss to
increase the dura(ility o! concrete. %he e!!ect is ore pronounced in high strength grade
concrete. %he initial a(sorption values 6at 4+ in7 !or all the concretes 3ere copared 3ith
recoendations given (y Concrete Society 6C"07:C;. -t can (e seen that a(sorption values
o! the (acterial concrete o! all grades 3ere lo3er than the liit o! 4@ speci!ied !or good
concretes. %he !inal a(sorption results o! these i5es sho3s that the (acterial concrete is
having lo3er a(sorption rate copared to control concrete, and also decreasing 3ith
increasing strength.
%he capillary a(sorption coe!!icient 6k7 is greatly in!luenced (y the addition o!
icroorganiss to the concrete. >hen copared 3ith controlled concrete at 2, days age, in
ordinary grade 6M2+7 o! (acterial concrete the capillary decreases (y 8+ @, in standard grade
6M8+7 o! concrete the capillary decreases (y *+ @ and in high strength grade 6M9+7 o!
concrete the capillary decreases (y G+ @. %he k value decreases progressively to G+@ 3ith
the increase in grade o! (acterial concrete. %he porosity o! the (acterial concrete decreases in
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
(acterial concrete !or all grades 3ith age (y a(out 9+ ) G+@. %he 3ater a(sorption, capillary
and porosity characteristics indirectly re!lect the dura(ility per!orance o! the (acterial
Reduction in chloride ion perea(ility values indicates that (acteria induced concrete has
sho3n (et3een ,*@ to C+ @ higher resistance against the chloride ion oveents in
(acterial concrete as copared to the chloride oveents in noral concrete.
0acillus su(tilis #C4 produced !ro #$%& 0acteria Discovery la( proved to (e a sa!e and
cost e!!ective. Deposition o! a layer o! calcite on the sur!ace o! the speciens resulted in a
decrease o! capillary suction. Deposition o! a layer o! calcite crystals on the sur!ace o! the
speciens resulted in a decrease o! perea(ility o! 3ater and other li1uids in concrete. %he
capillary a(sorption coe!!icient 6k7 decreases in (acterial concrete indicating the dense pore
structure due to pore plugging 3ith calcite crystals in icroorganis induced concrete. As
long as calcite crystals are precipitated there 3ill (e ore decrease in volue o! capillary
pores in (acterial concrete. 0acterial concrete is less porous than controlled concrete (y a(out
9+)G+@. <ro the a(ove proo! o! principle, it can (e concluded that B)5!++'s s'*#!+!s can (e
sa!ely used in crack reediation o! concrete structure.
-n conclusion, it is proved that strain)speci!ic calcite !oring (acteria during ureolytic
icro(ial activity precipitates CaCD
crystals 3ithin the pores 3hich odi!ies the porosity
and pore siIe distri(ution o! concrete. A !avora(le e!!ect o! icro(es to iprove the strength
and dura(ility o! concrete (y reducing 3ater a(sorption 3as deonstrated as a novel concept
in this paper. -t can thus (e concluded that (acterial concrete possesses e5cellent echanical
and dura(ility properties !or aggressive environents.
1. Raakrishnan, V., 0ang, S.S., Raesh, K./., and Mulukutla, S., T/er!orance o!
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2. Raakrishnan, v., 0ang, S.S., Srinivasan $eelaega., and Raesh, K./., TDura(ility
D! Ceent Mortar Made >ith Di!!erent Concentrations D! 0acteriaU, /roceedings D!
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Report <h3a2Rd),1211C, <ederal 'igh3ay Adinistration, >ashington D C, &SA, 1C,1.
National Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMAT)
December 27 and 28, 2!2 N"T #arangal
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-nternational con!erence on easureents and testing in civil engineering, R-P"M, vol.
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