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Public Works and Utilities Department

100 Oyster Bay Ave. N. Bremerton, WA !"1# $"%0& '(")*"1* +A, $"%0& '(")*"%0
DATE: June 16, 2014
TO: City Council
FROM: Chal Martin
S!JECT: "a#hin$ton A%enue O&tion# ' Syno&#i# o( )u*lic +n&ut
, , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-.e purpose o/ memo is to synopsi0e t.e public input received relatin1 to options /or
improvin1 Was.in1ton Avenue bet2een *
3treet and t.e 4anette brid1e. Public input
.as been re5uested and received over t.e past several mont.s, as t.e 6ity undertook a
public outreac. campai1n included a 7test run8 o/ option 91 2as conducted April
#1)#'. :eadin1 up to t.e test run, t.e ;itsap 3un ran an article on April #1
. +ollo2in1 t.e
test, t.e 3un ran additional articles on 4ay 1%
and 4ay ##
. -.ese articles elicited blo1
comments, 2.ic. 2e .ave accounted /or belo2. Additionally, t.e 6ity posted a lot o/
in/ormation on t.e pro<ect 2eb pa1e, so interested citi0ens could conduct researc. on
t.eir o2n, and comment i/ t.ey 2anted to. Also, sta// members and 6ouncil members
discussed t.e proposals 2it. residents and constituents. On -.ursday evenin1, =une 1#
a public meetin1 2as .eld at t.e Norm Dicks >overnment 6enter to 1ain additional input
/rom t.e Public. -.e meetin1 2as attended by '# people, not includin1 sta// and elected
o//icials. /ollo2s synopsi0es t.e public input received, by cate1ory?
Public input related to ne2spaper articles $blo1 postin1s @ some respondents commented
several times&?
Do not.in1 A no pro<ect? 1!
Option 91? *
Option 9#? %
Option 9"? 1 comments A no direct opinion? 1
-.e ;itsap 3un solicited input on a nonscienti/ic poll s.ortly a/ter t.e test 2as complete.
-.e sin1le 5uestion 2as? 73.ould Was.in1ton Avenue be reduced to one lane in eac.
direction so bicycle lanes and 2ider side2alks can be addedB8
Cesponses as o/ =une 1%
No, eliminatin1 t2o lanes 2ould cause tra//ic backups @ '(' $('D&
Ees, bicyclists and 2alkers need more space in area @ 1"# $#0D&
Pa1e # =une 1%, #01'
Not sure @ #% $'D&
Deirdre 4ckeel, Bremerton resident and 3.ipyard 2orker, provided a synopsis o/
comments /rom :ocal 1#?
Option 1?
Option #? *
Option "? #
No build? *
Option 1 2it. reversible lane? 1
F spoke 2it. Cick -i/t prior to t.e public meetin1 -.ursday evenin1. 4r. -i/t could not
make t.e meetin1 due to commitments at t.e 3.ipyard $ni1.t meetin1 t.ere& but provided
t.e /ollo2in1 in/ormation? current 3.ipyard civilian employment is about 11,000 people.
O/ t.ese, about 1%00 2ork at Ban1or, and about (00 2ork s2in1 A 1raveyard. 3o
leaves about ,000 people 2orkin1 in BremertonG o/ t.ese, (00 are on vacation or
deployed on any 1iven day. 3o t.e normal commute tra//ic /or civilian 2orkers is about
!,000 per day in and out o/ Bremerton. O/ !,000, about a t.ird commute toA/rom 2ork
on busses. -.ere are '* 2orkerAdriver bussesG 10 1o to 4ason county. Ft is di//icult /or
t.e 3.ipyard to sta11er 2ork .ours, because muc. o/ t.e 2ork is per/ormed by cre2s.
6ontractors, .o2ever, do sta11er t.eir 2ork .ours and many people be1in leavin1 t.e
base at "?00 p.m. Additionally, t.e s.ipsH /orce usually leaves a.ead o/ t.e civilian
2ork/orce. -.e s.i/t ends at '?0# p.m.G .o2ever, no ve.icles are allo2ed to move until
'?0. 4r. -i/tHs pre/erence, based on input /rom s.ipyard 2orkers and .is o2n
observations, is /or option 9#.
We received #% 2ritten comments /rom t.e public meetin1 participants. -.ose
commenters provided /eedback on t.e options as /ollo2s?
Option 91 as /irst c.oice? #0
Option 9# as /irst c.oice? 1
Option 9# as second c.oice? 1
Option 9" as /irst c.oice? 1
Option I" as second c.oice? 1
At t.e end o/ t.e public meetin1, a/ter .earin1 all o/ t.e in/ormation presented, participants
2ere asked to rank order t.e pro<ects. Out o/ process?
Option 91
o 1
c.oice? #!
o #
c.oice? (
o "
c.oice? %
Option 9#
o 1
c.oice? 1
o #
c.oice? 1%
o #rd c.oice? "
Option 9"
o 1
c.oice? "
Pa1e " =une 1%, #01'
o #
c.oice? #
o "
c.oice? 11
-.e ra2 notes and 2ritten basis /or t.e above compilation is on /ile and available.

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