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Denim Organizer projectnfo@amann-metler.

com 1
Denim Organizer
An old pair of jeans
Wooden pant hanger
Metler 30 & 50 Wt Coton Thread
1 spool to match denim (50 Wt. Silk Finish)
1 spool to match pocket top-sttching (30 Wt.
Large plastc square ruler
Scissors and rotary cuter
You will be given the instructons on how we made this one. However, your
jeans may not be the same size and you may have diferent pocket treatments.
And you may want it larger with more pockets. This is merely a guideline for you
to do your own thing We will show you some techniques on how to neatly fnish
the pockets and how to make it versatle for your hobbies and projects.

Cut right next to inside seam of the
widest part of the jeans leg. If you
dont have a pair of jeans that is wide
enough to ft your hanger, cut a length
from the other leg and sew it on one
side of the panel. Measure the width
of the hanger and add an inch. (Fig. 1)
Cut your fabric this wide and cut as
long as you wish or as long as the width
of the fabric holds out. (Fig. 2)
Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Denim Organizer 2
Cut both back pockets out as shown
leaving about 3/4 inch all around each
pocket. Well do a bit more trimming
when we are ready to atach the pock-
ets. (Fig. 3) Also snip 3-4 belt loops of
the jeans. Set aside. (Fig. 4)
Fig. 6
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Turn down 3/4 inch hem on the 2 sides and the botom of the fabric. For the
top, take a tape measure and measure around the part the hanger rod. Add an
inch to this measurement. Take that measurement and turn down half that
amount of hem on the top of the organizer. Press the hem all around. (Fig. 5)
Sew the top hem frst, then the sides and botom hems. Leave the sides of the
turned down hem open (Fig. 6)
Fig. 5
If you cant fnd a suitable
pants hanger, a regular
wooden hanger will do. The
only diference is that you
will need to use Velcro to se-
cure the top to the hanger.
Instead of making a casing,
sew the Velcro on the edge
of the top and leave enough
room for the rod part of the
hanger and sew Velcro in
place as to leave enough
room for the rod of the
hanger to go through.

Denim Organizer 3
Fig. 9
On the back pockets, cut around the sides and
botom of pocket right next to the pocket. Leave
3/4 inch of fabric at the top of the pocket. This will
be the seam allowance. (Fig. 7) Decide where on
your organizer that you want these pockets. We
placed these towards the botom and seemed to
work well.
Being careful not to change the positon of the
pockets, fip them up as shown. You may want to
put a pin in the seam allowance and turn them
down again making sure they are where you want
them. (Fig. 8)
If the pockets are positoned correctly, leave the pin
in. Change to a zipper foot and sew right sides to-
gether right next to the top of the pocket. No worries
because you can feel the top of the pocket and the
zipper foot should guide right next to it. You may
want to back sttch at the beginning of your sttching
and at the end. Sew both pockets in this manner.
(Fig. 9)
F i g . 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 7
Turn the pocket down and press. Using the matching top sttch thread of the
pocket, sttch directly over the commercial sttching of the pocket to atach.

Denim Organizer 4
Fig. 12
You can pick either front pocket
but our instructons are writen for
use of the right pocket. Cut out
the front pocket with at least 3/4
inch of fabric lef all the way
around. Determine the size of the
pocket you want in the space you
have and on the wrong side
(where the pocket lining is) draw a
line around the size you want.
Cut out the pocket leaving a 3/4
inch seam allowance on the
botom. We are going to atach this
pocket exactly as we did the other
pockets. (Fig. 8 & 11) Determine
where you want the pocket, then
turn it up so the fabrics are wrong
sides together. Sew the seam to
atach the pocket to the organizer
and fip back up and press. (Fig. 12)

Denim Organizer 5
Pin the pocket to hold it in place.
(Fig. 13)

Atach the rest of pocket by zig-
zagging around the raw edges
of the pocket using the thread
that matches the denim.
(Fig. 14)

Denim Organizer 6
In order to determine what size your last pocket
is going to be, measure how big you want the
pocket. Cut a piece of denim the width you
want plus 1 inch. For the height, take your
measurement. Then add half more to this meas-
urement plus one inch. Example: The pocket
we made is 7.5 inches. Divide that in half and
you get 3.75. Add 7.5 + 3.75 + 1 inch giving us
12.25 inches. Cut the length that measurement.
(Fig 15)
Fold the fabric about half way up and pin and
press. Edge sttch this fold and hem the top
of the pocket. Fold in 1/2 inch hem on sides
and botom and press. Lay pressed pocket
on the organizer to make sure everything fts.
(Fig. 16)
Pin the pocket in place
and top sttch the sides
and botom of the
pocket. Back sttch at
top lef and right of
pocket edges. Sew 2
or more belt loops
wherever would suit
you best.

Denim Organizer 7
Your Finished Denim Organizer
Place the rod of the hanger into the casing at the top of the organizer and
fasten. Your organizer is ready to use for whatever your craf needs are.
This is an easy project to do your own thing. There are no rules so enjoy,

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