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No. z, zo11 (ExpIunuLIon oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Number z16)
NUMBER 6 O zo11
u. LIuL ImmIgruLIon Is purL oI LIe embodImenL oI LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe enIorcemenL oI
sovereIgnLy over ndonesIu's LerrILory In order Lo muInLuIn order IIIe oI LIe nuLIon Lowurds u jusL
und prosperous socIeLy bused on PuncusIIu und LIe ConsLILuLIon oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Yeur
b. LIuL LIe currenL gIobuI deveIopmenLs uImed uL IncreusIng mobIIILy oI peopIe In LIe worId LIuL
cuuse vurIous eIIecLs, eILIer beneIIcIuI or deLrImenLuI Lo LIe InLeresLs und IIIe oI LIe nuLIon und LIe
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu, so LIuL LIe necessury IegIsIuLIon Lo ensure IeguI cerLuInLy IIne wILI LIe
respecL, proLecLIon, und promoLIon oI LIe rIgILs Iumun rIgILs;
c. LIuL uw No. q oI 1qqz on mmIgruLIon Is no Ionger suIIIcIenL Lo meeL vurIous deveIopmenL
needs oI LIe seLLIng, servIce, und supervIsIon In LIe IIeId oI ImmIgruLIon LIuL need Lo be removed
und repIuced wILI new IegIsIuLIon Is more compreIensIve und ubIe Lo meeL LIe cIuIIenge;
d. Bused on LIe consIderuLIons reIerred Lo In IeLLers u, b, und c need Lo esLubIIsI LIe uw on
n vIew oI: ArLIcIe purugrupI (1), ArLIcIe zo, ArLIcIe z6 purugrupI (z), und ArLIcIe z8E
PurugrupI (1) oI LIe ConsLILuLIon oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Yeur 1qq;
Indonesiun Immigrution Luw LL6-o11
Home Key PoInLs EngIIsI VersIon ndonesIun VersIon AQs
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ArLIcIe 1
n LIIs AcL reIerred Lo us:
1. mmIgruLIon Is u cuse IIsLory oI LruIIIc or peopIe comIng ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory und
surveIIIunce In order Lo preserve LIe enIorcemenL oI sLuLe sovereIgnLy.
z. TerrILory oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu, IereInuILer cuIIed LIe TerrILory ndonesIu ndonesIu Is
LIe enLIre regIon us weII us cerLuIn zones esLubIIsIed under LIe IegIsIuLIon.
. mmIgruLIon Is purL oI LIe IuncLIons oI sLuLe governmenL uIIuIrs In provIdIng ImmIgruLIon
servIces, Iuw enIorcemenL, sLuLe securILy, und weIIure oI LIe communILy deveIopmenL IucIIILuLors.
q. MInIsLer Is LIe mInIsLer wIo conducLed LIe uIIuIrs oI governmenL In LIe IIeId oI Iuw und Iumun
. DIrecLor-GeneruI meuns LIe DIrecLor GeneruI oI mmIgruLIon.
6. DIrecLoruLe GeneruI oI mmIgruLIon Is un eIemenL ImpIemenLIng LIe Lusks und IuncLIons oI LIe
MInIsLry oI JusLIce und Humun RIgILs In mmIgruLIon.
;. mmIgruLIon oIIIcIuIs ure empIoyees wIo Iuve gone LIrougI specIuI educuLIon und Ius LIe
LecInIcuI experLIse oI mmIgruLIon und mmIgruLIon Ius LIe uuLIorILy Lo curry ouL LIe duLIes und
responsIbIIILIes under LIIs AcL.
8. nvesLIguLors CIvII ServunLs mmIgruLIon, IereInuILer reIerred Lo InvesLIguLors LIe mmIgruLIon
OIIIcer mmIgruLIon Is uuLIorIzed by Iuw Lo conducL crImInuI InvesLIguLIons oI mmIgruLIon.
q. SLrungers ure peopIe wIo ure noL cILIzens oI ndonesIu.
1o. mmIgruLIon MunugemenL nIormuLIon SysLem Is u sysLem oI InIormuLIon und communIcuLIon
LecInoIogIes ure used Lo coIIecL, process und presenL InIormuLIon Lo supporL operuLIonuI,
munugemenL, und decIsIon mukIng In curryIng ouL ImmIgruLIon IuncLIons.
11. mmIgruLIon OIIIce Is LIe LecInIcuI ImpIemenLuLIon unIL LIuL runs LIe mmIgruLIon uncLIons
In LIe dIsLrIcL, cILy, or dIsLrIcL.
1z. mmIgruLIon CIeck Is u cIeckpoInL uL seuporLs, uIrporLs, border crossIng, or oLIer pIuces us u
pIuce Lo go In und ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory.
1. TruveI documenLs ure oIIIcIuI documenLs Issued by LIe compeLenL uuLIorILy oI u counLry, LIe
UnILed NuLIons or oLIer InLernuLIonuI orgunIzuLIons Lo LruveI InLersLuLe LIuL conLuIns LIe IoIder's
1q. mmIgruLIon documenLs ure LIe TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu, und SLuy
PermIL Issued by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers or oIIIcIuIs oI LIe IoreIgn servIce.
1. TruveI documenLs ure LIe pussporL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu RepubIIc oI ndonesIu und LIe
RepubIIc oI eLLers ndonesIu TruveI Ike u pussporL.
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16. PussporLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu, IereInuILer cuIIed LIe PussporL Is u documenL Issued by
LIe GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Lo ndonesIun cILIzens Lo LruveI beLween counLrIes
wIIcI Is vuIId Ior u perIod oI LIme.
1;. eLLers oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu TruveI Ike u pussporL, IereInuILer reIerred Lo uksunu
PussporL TruveI eLLer Is u documenL gIven u repIucemenL pussporL In cerLuIn cIrcumsLunces
prevuIIIng durIng LIe perIod oI LIme.
18. VIsu oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu, IereInuILer reIerred Lo VIsu Is LIe wrILLen InIormuLIon gIven
by LIe compeLenL uuLIorILy In LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu RepresenLuLIve or eIsewIere sLIpuIuLed by
LIe GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu, wIIcI IncIudes upprovuI Ior IoreIgners Lo LruveI Lo
ndonesIu und LIe regIon becume LIe busIs Ior grunLIng permILs SLuy.
1q. SIgns SIgn Is u cerLuIn sIgn oI u sLump uIIIxed on TruveI DocumenLs oI ndonesIun cILIzens und
IoreIgners, wIeLIer munuuI or eIecLronIc, provIded by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers us u sIgn LIuL LIe
person concerned enLered ndonesIu RegIon.
zo. TIe sIgn ouLsIde Is u cerLuIn sIgn oI u sLump uIIIxed on TruveI DocumenLs oI ndonesIun
cILIzens und IoreIgners, wIeLIer munuuI or eIecLronIc, provIded by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers us u sIgn
LIuL LIe person concerned ouL oI LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
z1. SLuy PermIL Is u permIL grunLed Lo IoreIgners by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers or oIIIcIuIs oI LIe IoreIgn
servIce Lo be In ndonesIu RegIon.
zz. nLegruLIon SLuLemenL Is u sLuLemenL oI AIIen Lo LIe GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu
us one oI LIe requIremenLs Lo obLuIn u PermunenL SLuy PermIL.
z. PermunenL SLuy PermIL Is u permIL grunLed Lo cerLuIn IoreIgners Lo resIde und seLLIe In LIe
TerrILory ndonesIu us LIe ndonesIun popuIuLIon.
zq. Re-enLry PermIL Is u wrILLen permIL grunLed by LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIcer Lo oreIgn IoIders oI u
ImILed SLuy PermIL und PermunenL SLuy PermIL Ior re-enLry InLo LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
z. CorporuLIon Is u group oI peopIe und J or usseLs oI orgunIzed, weII Is noL u IeguI enLILy or IeguI
z6. GuurunLor Is u person or corporuLIon responsIbIe Ior LIe exIsLence und ucLIvILIes oI IoreIgners
durIng LIeIr sLuy In ndonesIu RegIon.
z;. TrunsporLuLIon Is u LooI oI sIIps, uIrcruIL, or oLIer meuns oI LrunsporL commonIy used, boLI
Ior LrunsporLIng peopIe und goods.
z8. PrevenLIon Is u Lemporury bun on peopIe Lo geL ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory bused on LIe
reusons Ior ImmIgruLIon or oLIer reusons specIIIed by Iuw.
zq. DeLerrence Is LIe proIIbILIon uguInsL IoreIgners Lo enLer ndonesIu's LerrILory on LIe grounds
oI mmIgruLIon.
o. mmIgruLIon Is InvesLIguLIng InLeIIIgence ucLIvILIes mmIgruLIon mmIgruLIon und securILy In
order Lo process LIe presenLuLIon oI InIormuLIon LIrougI LIe unuIysIs In order Lo esLubIIsI u sLuLe
esLImuLe mmIgruLIon Iuced or wIII Iuce.
1. mmIgruLIon AdmInIsLruLIve ucLIon Is deIIned udmInIsLruLIve suncLIons uguInsL LIe AIIen
mmIgruLIon oIIIcIuIs ouLsIde LIe judIcIuI process.
z. SmuggIIng Is LIe ucL oI uImIng Ior proIIL, eILIer dIrecLIy or IndIrecLIy, Ior LIemseIves or Ior
oLIers wIo brIng u person or group oI persons, wIeLIer orgunIzed or noL orgunIzed, or ordered
oLIers Lo curry u person or group oI persons, eILIer orgunIzed or unorgunIzed, wIo do noL Iuve LIe
rIgIL IeguIIy Lo enLer LIe TerrILory ndonesIu or ouLsIde ndonesIu's LerrILory und J or enLer LIe
LerrILory oI LIe oLIer person does noL Iuve LIe rIgIL Lo IeguIIy enLer LIe LerrILory, eILIer by usIng
IegILImuLe documenLs or IuIse documenLs, or wILIouL usIng LIe TruveI DocumenLs, eILIer LIrougI
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ImmIgruLIon or noL.
. mmIgruLIon deLenLIon Iouse Is u LecInIcuI ImpIemenLuLIon unIL LIuL runs LIe mmIgruLIon
uncLIons us u Lemporury sIeILer Ior IoreIgners wIo ure AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures mmIgruLIon.
q. mmIgruLIon deLenLIon spuce Is u Lemporury sIeILer Ior IoreIgners cIurged wILI
AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures on mmIgruLIon resIdIng DIrecLoruLe GeneruI oI mmIgruLIon und
mmIgruLIon OIIIce.
. DeLenI Is AIIen resIdenLs oI House mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon or spuce
LIuL Ius receIved u decIsIon Irom LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIcer pendeLensIun.
6. DeporLuLIon Is LIe ucL oI IorcIbIy removIng IoreIgners Irom LIe regIon oI ndonesIu.
;. ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL Is LIe owner, udmInIsLruLors, ugenLs, skIppers,
cupLuIn, pIIoL cupLuIn, or LIe drIver conveyunce concerned.
8. Pussenger Is uny person wIo Is ubove LIe meuns oI conveyunce, unIess LIe crew oI u
q. RepresenLuLIve oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Is LIe ndonesIun Embussy, ConsuIuLe GeneruI oI
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu, und LIe ConsuIuLe oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe z
Every cILIzen oI ndonesIu reserves LIe rIgIL Lo LruveI ouLsIde LIe TerrILory und InLo ndonesIu.
PurL One
(1) To curry ouL LIe IuncLIons oI mmIgruLIon, LIe GovernmenL seL ImmIgruLIon poIIcy.
(z) TIe poIIcy ImpIemenLed by LIe MInIsLer oI mmIgruLIon.
() TIe IuncLIon oI ImmIgruLIon uIong LIe border zone, ndonesIu conducLed by ImmIgruLIon
oIIIcers wIo IncIude LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck und cross-border posL.
ArLIcIe q
(1) To curry ouL ImmIgruLIon IuncLIons reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe , muy be Iormed mmIgruLIon OIIIce
In LIe dIsLrIcL, cILy, or dIsLrIcL.
(z) n eucI work ureu cun be esLubIIsIed LIe OIIIce oI mmIgruLIon mmIgruLIon CIeck.
() EsLubIIsImenL oI mmIgruLIon CIeck PoInLs reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z) sIuII be deLermIned
bused on LIe Decree oI LIe MInIsLer.
(q) n uddILIon Lo LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIce us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1), cun be Iormed House
mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon In LIe nuLIonuI cupILuI, provIncIuI, counLy, or cILy.
() OIIIce oI mmIgruLIon und mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon Home Is u LecInIcuI ImpIemenLuLIon unIL
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under LIe DIrecLoruLe GeneruI oI mmIgruLIon.
mmIgruLIon IuncLIons uL every RepresenLuLIve oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu or eIsewIere ubroud
currIed ouL by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers und J or IoreIgn servIce oIIIcer uppoInLed.
ArLIcIe 6
TIe governmenL cun conducL InLernuLIonuI cooperuLIon In LIe IIeId oI mmIgruLIon Lo oLIer
counLrIes und J or wILI LIe body or InLernuLIonuI orgunIzuLIon under LIe provIsIons oI LIe
PurL Two
mmIgruLIon MunugemenL nIormuLIon SysLem
ArLIcIe ;
(1) TIe DIrecLor-GeneruI responsIbIe Ior prepurIng und munugIng LIe mmIgruLIon MunugemenL
nIormuLIon SysLem us u meuns oI ImpIemenLuLIon oI mmIgruLIon uncLIons InsIde or ouLsIde LIe
TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
(z) mmIgruLIon MunugemenL nIormuLIon SysLem cun be uccessed by LIe ugency und J or
reIevunL governmenL ugencIes In uccordunce wILI LIe duLIes und IuncLIons.
PurL One
ArLIcIe 8
(1) Any person enLerIng or ouLsIde LIe TerrILory ndonesIu musL Iuve vuIId LruveI documenLs und
(z) Any AIIen wIo enLered ndonesIu RegIon sIuII Iuve u vuIId vIsu und vuIId, unIess sLIpuIuLed
oLIerwIse by LIIs uw und InLernuLIonuI LreuLIes.
ArLIcIe q
(1) Any person enLerIng or ouLsIde LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu sIuII be LIrougI exumInuLIon
conducLed by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers uL LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck.
(z) TIe exumInuLIon reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) IncIudes LIe exumInuLIon oI LruveI documenLs
und J or IeguI IdenLILy.
() n LIe evenL LIere Is uny doubL over LIe vuIIdILy oI TruveI DocumenLs und J or LIe person's
IdenLILy, ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers ure uuLIorIzed Lo conducL u seurcI oI bodIes und Iugguge und cun
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proceed wILI LIe InvesLIguLIon oI mmIgruLIon.
PurL Two
SIgn In ndonesIu RegIon
ArLIcIe 1o
oreIgners wIo Iuve meL LIe requIremenLs Lo enLer ndonesIu's LerrILory uILer geLLIng SIgns Go.
ArLIcIe 11
(1) n un emergency ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers cun provIde emergency nuLure SIgns Go Lo SLrungers.
(z) SIgns SIgn reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) uppIIes us u resIdence vIsILs wILIIn u cerLuIn LImeIrume.
ArLIcIe 1z
TIe oreIgn MInIsLer sIuII be uuLIorIzed bunned In cerLuIn ureus In ndonesIu RegIon.
ArLIcIe 1
(1) mmIgruLIon OIIIcer reIused enLry AIIen TerrILory ndonesIu In Lerms oI LIe sLrunger:
u. LIe IIsLed deLerrence;
b. TruveI DocumenLs do noL Iuve u IegILImuLe und vuIId;
c. IuvIng u Iuke ImmIgruLIon documenLs;
d. do noL Iuve u vIsu, excepL LIose exempLed Irom LIe requIremenL Lo IoId u vIsu;
e. Iuve gIven unLrue In obLuInIng vIsus;
I. suIIerIng Irom InIecLIous dIseuses LIuL endunger pubIIc IeuILI;
g. InLernuLIonuI crImes und LrunsnuLIonuI orgunIzed crIme;
I. IncIuded In LIe IIsL oI crImInuIs Lo be cupLured Irom u IoreIgn counLry;
I. enguged In Lreuson uguInsL LIe GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu; or
j. IncIuded In LIe neLwork or LIe prucLIce oI prosLILuLIon, LruIIIckIng und Iumun smuggIIng.
(z) oreIgners were denIed enLry us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) be pIuced under surveIIIunce
wIIIe wuILIng Ior LIe reLurn process Is concerned.
ArLIcIe 1q
(1) Every cILIzen oI ndonesIu cun noL be denIed enLry Lo ndonesIu RegIon.
(z) n cuse oI doubL on LIe LruveI documenL oI u cILIzen oI ndonesIu und J or cILIzensIIp sLuLus,
concerned musL provIde oLIer evIdence oI IegILImuLe und convIncIng sIowIng LIuL LIe person
concerned Is u cILIzen oI ndonesIu.
() n order Lo compIeLe LIe prooI reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z), Is concerned cun be pIuced In u
Iouse or room mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon.
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PurL TIree
Areus ouLsIde ndonesIu
ArLIcIe 1
Everyone cun be ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory uILer LIe quuIIIy und geL u sIgn Lo LIe ouLsIde oI LIe
ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers.
ArLIcIe 16
(1) ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers reIused Lo go ouL ndonesIu's LerrILory II LIuL person:
u. TruveI DocumenLs do noL Iuve u IegILImuLe und vuIId;
b. necessury Ior LIe suke oI InquIry und InvesLIguLIon uL LIe requesL oI LIe compeLenL uuLIorILy; or
c. LIe IIsLed PrevenLIon.
(z) ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers ure uIso uuLIorIzed Lo reIuse AIIen TerrILory ouL oI ndonesIu In Lerms oI
LIe oreIgners In ndonesIu sLIII Iuve un obIIguLIon Lo be compIeLed In uccordunce wILI LIe
provIsIons oI LIe IegIsIuLIon.
PurL our
ObIIguLIons ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL
ArLIcIe 1;
(1) ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL IncomIng or ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory wILI u
LrunsporL meuns subjecL Lo LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck.
(z) ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL curryIng pussengers wIo wIII go or ouL oI ndonesIu's
LerrILory cun onIy decreuse or Increuse LIe pussenger uL mmIgruLIon CIeck.
() sIuII proIIbIL u sIIp cupLuIn oreIgners wIo ure noL eIIgIbIe Lo Ieuve LIe LrunsporL meuns Ior
conveyunce Is IocuLed In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe 18
(1) ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL LIuL comes Irom ouLsIde LIe regIon wIII LruveI Lo
ndonesIu or ouLsIde ndonesIu's LerrILory ure requIred Lo:
u. prIor Lo LIe urrIvuI or depurLure or urrIvuI pIuns noLIIy pIun oI depurLure In wrILIng or
eIecLronIcuIIy Lo LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIcer;
b. submIL u IIsL oI pussengers und crew IIsL oI LIe sIgnIng oI LIe meuns oI LrunsporL Lo LIe
mmIgruLIon OIIIcer;
c. gIves u sIgn or IIug sIgnuI Ior LIe sIIps LIuL come Irom ouLsIde LIe TerrILory ndonesIu curryIng
d. proIIbILs uny person up or down Irom LIe conveyunce wILIouL u permIL ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers
beIore und durIng exumInuLIon mmIgruLIon;
e. proIIbILs uny person up or down Irom LIe conveyunce LIuL Ius been uwuILIng compIeLIon oI
mmIgruLIon Ior depurLure;
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I. brougIL buck Lo LIe ouLer regIon oI ndonesIu on LIe IIrsL occusIon eucI oreIgners wIo do noL
meeL LIe requIremenLs LIuL come wILI LIe LrunsporL meuns;
g. ensure LIuL LIe oreIgners suspecLed oI or suspecLed oI goIng InLo ndonesIu's LerrILory IIIeguIIy
noL Lo come down Irom LIe LrunsporL meuns, und
I. beur uII cosLs Incurred us u resuIL oI dIscIurge oI eucI pussenger und J or crew LrunsporL
(z) ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL requIred reguIur use oI InIormuLIon sysLems duLu
preIImInury processIng oI pussengers und do work LogeLIer In order Lo noLIce LIe pussenger duLu
LIrougI mmIgruLIon MunugemenL nIormuLIon SysLem.
ArLIcIe 1q
(1) ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL TruveI DocumenLs requIred Lo InspecL und J or VIsu
eucI pussenger wIII LruveI InLo ndonesIu LerrILory.
(z) TIe exumInuLIon reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) done beIore LIe pussengers cIImbed InLo LIe
LrunsporL meuns wIII go Lo ndonesIu RegIon.
() ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) sIuII reIuse Lo LrunsporL
uny pussengers wIo do noL Iuve u TruveI DocumenL, VIsu, und J or mmIgruLIon documenLs ure
IegILImuLe und vuIId.
(q) I LIe mmIgruLIon InspecLIon by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers Iound u pussenger reIerred Lo In
purugrupI (), ResponsIbIe TrunsporL EquIpmenL suncLIons In LIe Iorm oI Iees und expenses
requIred Lo brIng buck LIe pussengers ouL oI LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe zo
mmIgruLIon oIIIcIuIs wIo served up Lo LIe conveyunce uuLIorIzed uncIored uL LIe porL, Iunded uL
LIe uIrporL, or uL LIe border crossIng Ior InspecLIon by mmIgruLIon.
ArLIcIe z1
n LIe evenL oI un uIIeged vIoIuLIon oI LIe provIsIons reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 1; or ArLIcIe 18,
ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers LIe uuLIorILy Lo order LIe responsIbIe TooIs TrunsporLuLIon Lo sLop or brIng
LrunsporL meuns Lo u pIuce oI exumInuLIons Ior LIe purpose oI mmIgruLIon.
SecLIon Ive
mmIgruLIon Areu
ArLIcIe zz
(1) Every mmIgruLIon CIeck ussIgned u specIIIc ureu Lo conducL ImmIgruLIon cIecks cuIIed
ImmIgruLIon ureu.
(z) Areu ImmIgruLIon Is u resLrIcLed ureu LIuL cun onIy be Lruversed by pussengers or crew oI u
conveyunce LIuL wIII be ouL or In. TerrILory ndonesIu or oIIIcIuIs und uuLIorIzed personneI.
() Heud oI mmIgruLIon OIIIce LogeLIer wILI LIe orgunIzers oI uIrporLs, seuporLs, und border
crossIng seL ImmIgruLIon ureu us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1).
(q) TIe operuLors oI uIrporLs, seuporLs, und border crossIng cun be Issued u sIgn Lo enLer LIe
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ImmIgruLIon ureu uILer receIvIng upprovuI Irom LIe Ieud oI LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIce.
ArLIcIe z
urLIer provIsIons concernIng LIe requIremenLs und procedures In und ouL oI ndonesIu's
LerrILory Is reguIuLed by LIe GovernmenL.
ArLIcIe zq
(1) TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu consIsLs oI:
u. PussporL; und
b. uksunu PussporL TruveI eLLer.
(z) PussporL consIsLs oI:
u. DIpIomuLIc pussporL;
b. PussporL oIIIces, und
c. OrdInury pussporLs.
() eLLer uksunu TruveI PussporL consIsLs oI:
u. eLLer PussporL Lo TruveI Ike u cILIzen oI ndonesIu;
b. uksunu PussporL TruveI eLLer Ior oreIgners; und
c. cross-border LruveI documenLs or IILLIng cross-border;
(q) TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) Is u sLuLe
ArLIcIe z
(1) dIpIomuLIc pussporLs Issued Lo cILIzens oI ndonesIu wIo wIII be LruveIIng ouL oI ndonesIu's
LerrILory In order pIucemenL or ussIgnmenL LIuL Is u dIpIomuLIc LrIp.
(z) PussporL oIIIce Issued Lo ndonesIun cILIzens wIo wIII LruveI ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory In
order pIucemenL or servIce LrIps ure noL dIpIomuLIc.
() dIpIomuLIc pussporLs und servIce pussporLs us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) und purugrupI (z)
Issued by LIe MInIsLer oI oreIgn AIIuIrs.
ArLIcIe z6
(1) ordInury pussporLs Issued Lo cILIzens oI ndonesIu.
(z) ordInury pussporL reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) Issued by LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed
mmIgruLIon OIIIcer.
ArLIcIe z;
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(1) TIe PussporL Lo TruveI Ike u cILIzen oI ndonesIu ndonesIu Issued Lo cILIzens In cerLuIn
cIrcumsLunces wIen reguIur pussporL cun noL be gIven.
(z) TruveI eLLer Ior oreIgners Ike u pussporL Issued Lo IoreIgners wIo do noL Iuve u vuIId LruveI
documenL und LIe counLry Ius no represenLuLIve In ndonesIu.
() eLLer TruveI Ike u pussporL reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z) Is gIven In Lerms oI:
u. ILs soIe ouL uIong ndonesIu's LerrILory Is noL exposed Lo prevenLIon;
b. subjecL Lo deporLuLIon, or
c. repuLrIuLIon.
(q) eLLer TruveI Ike u pussporL Issued by LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer.
ArLIcIe z8
uksunu PussporL TruveI eLLer cun be Issued Lo un IndIvIduuI or coIIecLIve.
ArLIcIe zq
(1) eLLer oI LruveIIng cross-border or cross-border IILLIng cun be Issued Lo cILIzens oI ndonesIu
wIo IIve In border ureus oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu und oLIer counLrIes In uccordunce wILI
cross-border ugreemenLs.
(z) TIe cross-border LruveI or cross-border pus Issued by LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed
mmIgruLIon OIIIcer.
ArLIcIe o
Every cILIzen oI ndonesIu onIy permILLed Lo reLuIn one (1) TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI
ndonesIu LIe sume Lype In ILs own nume wIIcI Is sLIII vuIId.
ArLIcIe 1
(1) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer Is uuLIorIzed Lo exercIse LIe wILIdruwuI or
revocuLIon oI ordInury pussporLs, SuruL TruveI Ike u pussporL, LruveI documenLs und cross-border
or cross-border IILLIng LIuL Ius been Issued.
(z) MInIsLer oI oreIgn AIIuIrs or u desIgnuLed oIIIcIuI uuLIorIzed Lo muke wILIdruwuI or
revocuLIon oI dIpIomuLIc pussporLs und oIIIcIuI pussporLs.
() WILIdruwuI oI PussporL wonL Lo do In Lerms oI:
u. IoIder commILLIng u crImInuI ucL or vIoIuLIon oI Iuws und reguIuLIons In ndonesIu; or
b. PrevenLIon IoIder IncIuded In LIe IIsL.
ArLIcIe z
(1) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer Is responsIbIe Ior pIunnIng, procuremenL,
sLoruge, dIsLrIbuLIon, und securILy Iorms und Iorm:
u. OrdInury pussporL;
b. uksunu PussporL TruveI eLLer, und
c. cross-border LruveI documenLs or cross-border IIL.
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(z) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers wIo seL LIe LecInIcuI specIIIcuLIons oI LIe
sLundurd securILy by LIe sIupe, sIze, desIgn, securILy IeuLures, und IIII LIe bIunk In uccordunce
wILI InLernuLIonuI sLundurds und Iorms:
u. OrdInury pussporL;
b. uksunu PussporL TruveI eLLer, und
c. cross-border LruveI documenLs or cross-border IIL.
() mmIgruLIon OIIIcer or u desIgnuLed oIIIcIuI uuLIorIzed Lo perIorm cIurgIng und recordIng,
eILIer munuuIIy or eIecLronIcuIIy, In bIunk und Iorm:
u. OrdInury pussporL;
b. uksunu PussporL TruveI eLLer, und
c. cross-border LruveI documenLs or cross-border IIL.
urLIer provIsIons concernIng LIe procedures und requIremenLs oI LIe provIsIon, wILIdruwuI,
cunceIIuLIon, revocuLIon, repIucemenL, und procuremenL oI sLundurdIzed Iorms und TruveI
DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Is reguIuLed by LIe GovernmenL.
PurL One
ArLIcIe q
VIsu consIsLs oI:
u. DIpIomuLIc vIsu;
b. VIsu servIce;
c. VIsILor's vIsu, und
d. VIsus.
DIpIomuLIc vIsus grunLed Lo IoreIgners und dIpIomuLIc pussporL IoIders oI oLIer pussporLs Lo enLer
ndonesIu's LerrILory In order Lo curry ouL Lusks LIuL ure dIpIomuLIc.
ArLIcIe 6
VIsu servIces provIded Lo LIe AIIen und oIIIcIuI pussporL IoIders oI oLIer pussporLs LIuL wIII LruveI
Lo ndonesIu's LerrILory In order Lo curry ouL non-dIpIomuLIc oIIIcIuI oI u IoreIgn governmenL or
InLernuLIonuI orgunIzuLIon concerned.
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ArLIcIe ;
VIsu grunLIng dIpIomuLIc und oIIIcIuI vIsus under LIe uuLIorILy oI LIe MInIsLer oI oreIgn AIIuIrs
und In ILs execuLIon Issued by u IoreIgn servIce oIIIcer In LIe RepresenLuLIon oI LIe RepubIIc oI
ArLIcIe 8
VIsus grunLed Lo IoreIgners wIo wIII be LruveIIng Lo ndonesIu's LerrILory In order Lo vIsIL LIe Lusk oI
governmenL, educuLIonuI, socIuI, cuILuruI, LourIsm, busIness, IumIIy, journuIIsm, or sLop by Lo
conLInue LruveIIng Lo oLIer counLrIes.
ArLIcIe q
VIsus grunLed Lo IoreIgners:
u. us cIergy, experLs, workers, reseurcIers, sLudenLs, InvesLors, eIderIy, und IumIIIes, us weII us
IoreIgners wIo murry IeguIIy by cILIzens oI ndonesIu, wIo wIII LruveI Lo ndonesIu's LerrILory Lo
resIde In u IImILed perIod oI LIme; or
b. In order Lo joIn Lo work on sIIps, IIouLIng equIpmenL, or InsLuIIuLIons LIuL operuLe In LIe
urcIIpeIugo wuLers, LerrILorIuI seu, conLInenLuI sIeII, und J or LIe ExcIusIve EconomIc Zone oI
ArLIcIe qo
(1) GrunLIng vIsu und resIdence vIsu IImILed LIe uuLIorILy oI LIe MInIsLer.
(z) vIsu reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) Is gIven und sIgned by LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIcer uL LIe
ndonesIun RepresenLuLIve ubroud.
() n LIe cuse oI RepresenLuLIve oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Ius been no ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers
reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z), provIsIon oI vIsu und resIdence vIsu Is IImILed underLuken by IoreIgn
servIce oIIIcIuIs.
(q) IoreIgn servIce oIIIcer reIerred Lo In purugrupI () uuLIorIzed Lo provIde vIsu uILer obLuInIng
MInIsLerIuI Decree.
ArLIcIe q1
(1) vIsu muy uIso be gIven Lo IoreIgners on urrIvuI uL LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck.
(z) oreIgners cun be gIven vIsu on urrIvuI ure cILIzens oI cerLuIn counLrIes wIIcI ure esLubIIsIed
under MInIsLerIuI ReguIuLIon.
() GrunLIng vIsu upon urrIvuI uL mmIgruLIon CIeck PoInLs reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1)
conducLed by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers.
ArLIcIe qz
VIsu uppIIcuLIon Is rejecLed In LIe cuse oI LIe uppIIcunL:
u. LIe IIsLed deLerrence;
b. do noL Iuve vuIId LruveI documenLs und vuIId;
c. does noL quILe Iuve LIe cosL oI IIvIng Ior IImseII und J or LIeIr IumIIIes durIng LIeIr sLuy In
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d. do noL Iuve u reLurn LIckeL or LIckeLs Lo conLInue LIe journey Lo unoLIer counLry;
e. Ius no EnLry ReLurn Lo LIe Iome counLry or do noL Iuve u vIsu Lo unoLIer counLry;
I. suIIerIng Irom InIecLIous dIseuses, menLuI dIsorders, or unyLIIng eIse LIuL couId endunger LIe
IeuILI or pubIIc order;
g. InvoIvemenL oI LrunsnuLIonuI orgunIzed crIme or endunger LIe LerrILorIuI InLegrILy oI LIe UnILury
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu; und J or
I. IncIuded In LIe neLwork or LIe prucLIce oI prosLILuLIon, LruIIIckIng und Iumun smuggIIng.
ArLIcIe q
(1) n LIe purLIcuIur cuse oI AIIen couId be exempLed Irom LIe requIremenL Lo IoId u vIsu.
(z) oreIgners ure exempL Irom LIe requIremenL Lo IoId u vIsu reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) Is:
u. nuLIonuIs oI cerLuIn counLrIes wIIcI ure esLubIIsIed under PresIdenLIuI Decree wILI regurd Lo
LIe prIncIpIe oI recIprocILy und LIe prIncIpIe oI uLIIILy;
b. PermIL IoIders oI IoreIgn nuLIonuIs wIo Iuve enLry permILs SLuy Buck wIIcI Is sLIII vuIId;
c. cupLuIn, pIIoL cupLuIn, or crew on duLy on conveyunces;
d. skIppers, crew, or expuLrIuLe experL on bourd u sIIp or IIouLIng devIce LIuL comes dIrecLIy Lo LIe
LrunsporL meuns Lo operuLe In LIe urcIIpeIugo wuLers, LerrILorIuI seu, conLInenLuI sIeII, und J or
LIe ExcIusIve EconomIc Zone oI ndonesIu.
PurL Two
SIgns ogIn
ArLIcIe qq
(1) oreIgners cun enLer ndonesIu's LerrILory uILer receIvIng SIgns Go.
(z) SIgns SIgn Is gIven by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers uL LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck Lo oreIgners wIo Iuve
meL LIe enLry requIremenLs ndonesIu RegIon.
ArLIcIe q
(1) SIgns SIgn VIsus Ior oreIgners IoIdIng dIpIomuLIc or oIIIcIuI vIsus wIo mude u brIeI vIsIL In
ndonesIu us weII us LIe SLuy PermIL vuIId dIpIomuLIc or oIIIcIuI resIdence.
(z) SIgns SIgn In Ior oreIgners ure exempL Irom LIe requIremenL Lo IoId u vIsu or u vIsIL vIsu
IoIder uppIy Ior SLuy PermIL requesLs.
ArLIcIe q6
(1) AIIen VIsu IoIders oI dIpIomuLIc or oIIIcIuI vIsu wILI LIe InLenLIon oI resIdIng In LIe TerrILory
ndonesIu uILer obLuInIng SIgns SIgn sIuII uppIy Lo LIe MInIsLer oI oreIgn AIIuIrs or u desIgnuLed
oIIIcIuI Lo obLuIn u IIcense or permIL SLuy SLuy dIpIomuLIc servIce.
(z) AIIen IImILed sLuy vIsu IoIder uILer obLuInIng SIgns SIgn sIuII IIIe un uppIIcuLIon Lo LIe Ieud oI
LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIce Lo obLuIn u IImILed resIdence.
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() I LIe AIIen us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) und purugrupI (z) does noL curry ouL LIIs
obIIguLIon, LIe concerned oreIgners RegIonuI consIdered Lo be In ndonesIu IIIeguIIy.
ArLIcIe q;
urLIer provIsIons concernIng LIe requIremenLs und procedures Ior uppIIcuLIon, Lype oI ucLIvILy,
und duruLIon oI VIsu, us weII us LIe procedures Ior grunLIng SIgns SIgn Is reguIuLed by LIe
PurL TIree
SLuy PermIL
ArLIcIe q8
(1) Any oreIgners resIdIng In ndonesIu musL Iuve u PermIL RegIon IvIng.
(z) SLuy PermIL grunLed Lo IoreIgners In uccordunce wILI VIsu Ius.
() resIdence reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) consIsLs oI:
u. DIpIomuLIc resIdence;
b. OIIIcIuI resIdence;
c. ResIdence vIsILs;
d. ImILed SLuy PermIL, und
e. PermunenL SLuy PermIL.
(q) TIe MInIsLer Ius LIe uuLIorILy proIIbILs IoreIgners wIo Iuve been gIven permILs SLuy In
cerLuIn ureus In ndonesIu RegIon.
() AguInsL oreIgners wIo Is servIng deLenLIon Ior LIe purpose oI LIe InvesLIguLIon, prosecuLIon,
und exumInuLIon uL LrIuI or Lo undergo ImprIsonmenL or ImprIsonmenL In LIe penILenLIury, wIIIe
LIe resIdence permIL Ius been pusL LIme, oreIgners ure noL subjecL Lo LIe obIIguLIon reIerred Lo In
purugrupI (1).
ArLIcIe qq
(1) PermIssIon grunLed Lo dIpIomuLIc SLuy oreIgners wIo enLered ndonesIu's LerrILory wILI u
dIpIomuLIc vIsu.
(z) resIdence servIce gIven Lo IoreIgners wIo enLered ndonesIu's LerrILory by VIsu servIce.
() resIdence oI dIpIomuLIc und oIIIcIuI resIdence us weII us uny exLensIon grunLed by LIe MInIsLer
oI oreIgn AIIuIrs.
ArLIcIe o
(1) resIdence grunLed Lo vIsIL:
u. oreIgners wIo enLered ndonesIu's LerrILory wILI u vIsu, or
b. newborn cIIId In ndonesIu RegIon und uL LIe bIrLI IuLIer und J or moLIer vIsILs SLuy PermIL
(z) resIdence vIsILs reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) IeLLer b Is gIven In uccordunce wILI LIe resIdence's
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IuLIer vIsILs und J or moLIer.
ArLIcIe 1
SLuy permIL IoIder requesLs un end becuuse oI resIdence vIsIL:
u. reLurned Lo LIeIr Iome counLry;
b. IIcense Ius expIred;
c. permIssIon Lo swILcI LIe sLuLus oI u ImILed SLuy PermIL;
d. IIcense revoked by LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer;
e. subjecL Lo deporLuLIon, or
I. dIed.
ArLIcIe z
ImILed SLuy PermILs grunLed Lo:
u. oreIgners wIo enLered ndonesIu's LerrILory wILI u IImILed sLuy vIsu;
b. cIIIdren uL bIrLI In ndonesIu RegIon und IuLIer J moLIer or LIe IoIder oI u ImILed SLuy
c. oreIgners grunLed resIdence over LIe sLuLus oI requesLs;
d. skIppers, crew, or expuLrIuLe experL on sIIps, IIouLIng equIpmenL, or InsLuIIuLIons wIIcI operuLe
In LerrILorIuI wuLers und jurIsdIcLIon oI ndonesIu In uccordunce wILI LIe provIsIons oI IegIsIuLIon;
e. oreIgners wIo ure IeguIIy murrIed wILI u cILIzen oI ndonesIu; or
I. cIIIdren oI IoreIgners wIo ure IeguIIy murrIed Lo u cILIzen oI ndonesIu.
ImILed SLuy PermIL expIred becuuse LIe IoIder oI u ImILed SLuy PermIL:
u. reLurned Lo LIeIr Iome counLry und do noL InLend Lo go buck Lo ndonesIu RegIon;
b. reLurned Lo LIeIr Iome counLry und noL comIng buck beyond LIe perIod oI vuIIdILy EnLry ReLurn
c. ucquIre cILIzensIIp oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu;
d. IIcense Ius expIred;
e. permIssIon Lo swILcI LIe sLuLus oI u PermunenL SLuy PermIL;
I. IIcense revoked by LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer;
g. subjecL Lo deporLuLIon, or
I. dIed.
ArLIcIe q
(1) PermunenL SLuy PermIL muy be grunLed Lo:
u. oreIgners SLuy PermIL IoIders ure IImILed us LIe cIergy, workers, InvesLors, und LIe eIderIy;
b. IumIIy becuuse oI InLermurrIuge;
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c. Iusbund, wIIe, und J or cIIIdren oI IoIders oI AIIen PermunenL SLuy PermIL; und
d. oreIgners Iormer ndonesIun cILIzen und Iormer cIIId LIe subjecL oI duuI nuLIonuIILy oI LIe
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu.
(z) IIxed resIdence permILs reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) Is noL gIven Lo IoreIgners wIo do noL Iuve
u pussporL nuLIonuIILy.
() AIIen PermunenL SLuy PermIL IoIder Is u resIdenL oI ndonesIu.
GrunLIng, renewuI, und cunceIIuLIon requesLs SLuy PermIL, ImILed SLuy PermIL, und PermunenL
SLuy PermIL by LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer.
ArLIcIe 6
(1) SLuy PermIL LIuL Ius been gIven Lo IoreIgners cun be converLed.
(z) LIuL cun be converLed resIdence Is resIdence Lo resIdence vIsILs unIImILed und ImILed SLuy
PermIL InLo u PermunenL SLuy PermIL.
() TrunsIer oI sLuLus oI resIdence us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z) sLIpuIuLed by LIe Decree oI LIe
ArLIcIe ;
(1) resIdence vIsILs und IImILed resIdence cun uIso be converLed InLo oIIIcIuI resIdence.
(z) TrunsIer oI sLuLus reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) cun onIy be ImpIemenLed bused on LIe Decree
oI LIe MInIsLer uILer obLuInIng LIe upprovuI oI LIe MInIsLer oI oreIgn AIIuIrs.
ArLIcIe 8
n Lerms oI ImmIgruLIon oIIIcIuIs doubL LIe sLuLus oI resIdence und cILIzensIIp oI u person's AIIen,
mmIgruLIon OIIIcers uuLIorIzed Lo exumIne und cIeck LIe sLuLus oI resIdence und cILIzensIIp.
ArLIcIe q
(1) PermunenL SLuy PermIL grunLed Ior u perIod oI (IIve) yeurs und muy be exLended Ior un
IndeIInILe perIod uIong LIe permIssIon Is noL cunceIed.
(z) TIe IoIder oI u PermunenL SLuy PermIL Ior un IndeIInILe perIod us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1)
sIuII reporL Lo LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIce every (IIve) yeurs und Is Iree oI cIurge.
ArLIcIe 6o
(1) PermunenL SLuy PermIL Ior LIe uppIIcunL reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q purugrupI (1) IeLLer u Is gIven
uILer LIe uppIIcunL's permunenL resIdence Ior (LIree) consecuLIve yeurs und sIgned u SLuLemenL
oI nLegruLIon Lo LIe GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu.
(z) To obLuIn u PermunenL SLuy PermIL Ior LIe uppIIcunL reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q purugrupI (1)
IeLLer b Is gIven uILer LIe murrIuge reucIes LIe uge oI z (Lwo) yeurs und sIgned u SLuLemenL oI
nLegruLIon Lo LIe GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu.
() PermunenL SLuy PermIL Ior LIe uppIIcunL reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q purugrupI (1) IeLLers c und d
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cun be dIrecLIy udmInIsLered.
ArLIcIe 61
ImILed SLuy PermIL HoIders reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe z IeLLer e und I, und LIe IoIder oI u PermunenL
SLuy PermIL us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q purugrupI (1) IeLLers b und d cun do LIe job und J or eIIorL
Lo muke ends meeL und J or IIs IumIIy.
ArLIcIe 6z
(1) PermunenL SLuy PermIL muy be LermInuLed becuuse LIe IoIder oI u PermunenL SLuy PermIL:
u. ndonesIu Lo Ieuve LIe ureu more LIun 1 (one) yeur or dId noL InLend Lo go InLo LIe TerrILory oI
b. noL perIorm u PermunenL SLuy PermIL exLensIon uILer (IIve) yeurs;
c. ucquIre cILIzensIIp oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu;
d. IIcense revoked by LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer;
e. subjecL Lo deporLuLIon ucLIon; or
I. dIed.
(z) PermunenL SLuy PermIL revoked becuuse LIe IoIder oI u PermunenL SLuy PermIL:
u. proven Lo Iuve commILLed u crIme uguInsL LIe sLuLe us sLIpuIuLed In Iuws und reguIuLIons;
b. curryIng ouL ucLIvILIes wIIcI endunger sLuLe securILy;
c. nLegruLIon SLuLemenL vIoIuLed;
d. empIoyIng IoreIgn workers wILIouL work permILs;
e. provIde IuIse InIormuLIon In LIe IIIIng oI LIe peLILIon PermunenL SLuy PermIL;
I. oreIgners wIo ure concerned mmIgruLIon AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures, or
g. murILuI breukup oreIgners wIo murry IeguIIy by cILIzens oI ndonesIu becuuse oI dIvorce und J
or LIe courL's decIsIon, excepL murrIuges LIuL Iuve been uged 1o (Len) yeurs or more.
ArLIcIe 6
(1) oreIgners resIdIng In cerLuIn ureus oI ndonesIu musL Iuve u sponsor LIuL guurunLees ILs
(z) LIe GuurunLor responsIbIe Ior LIe exIsLence und ucLIvILIes oI IoreIgners wIo IIve In LIe regIon
ure wurrunLed Ior ndonesIu und LIe duLy Lo reporL uny cIunge In cIvII sLuLus, ImmIgruLIon sLuLus,
und uddress cIunges.
() GuurunLor sIuII puy LIe cosLs Incurred Lo repuLrIuLe or reIeuse dIjumInnyu oreIgn Persons oI
ndonesIu wIen LIe AIIen TerrILory concerned:
u. expIruLIon oI LIe vuIId resIdence permIL und J or
b. be subjecL Lo AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures mmIgruLIon DeporLuLIon.
(q) TIe provIsIons concernIng LIe guurunLee does noL uppIy Lo IoreIgners wIo ure IeguIIy murrIed
wILI u cILIzen oI ndonesIu.
() TIe provIsIons reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 6z purugrupI (z) IeLLer g does noL uppIy In LIe cuse oI u
PermunenL SLuy PermIL IoIders ure broken up IIs murrIuge Lo un ndonesIun cILIzen Lo obLuIn
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ussurunce LIuL guurunLees ILs exIsLence us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1).
ArLIcIe 6q
(1) Re-enLry permILs grunLed Lo IoreIgners IoIdIng ImILed SLuy PermIL or u PermunenL SLuy
(z) grunLed u ImILed SLuy PermIL HoIders EnLry Buck LIe sume vuIIdILy Ior u IIIespun oI u ImILed
SLuy PermIL.
() TIe IoIder oI u PermunenL SLuy PermIL Re-enLry PermIL grunLed Ior u perIod oI z (Lwo) yeurs
us Iong us noL exceed LIe vuIIdILy perIod oI u PermunenL SLuy PermIL.
(q) Re-enLry permILs vuIId Ior severuI LrIps.
ArLIcIe 6
urLIer provIsIons on LIe procedures und uppIIcuLIon requIremenLs, Lerm, provIsIon, exLensIon or
cunceIIuLIon oI resIdence, und over LIe sLuLus oI resIdence sLIpuIuLed by GovernmenL ReguIuLIon.
PurL One
ArLIcIe 66
(1) TIe MInIsLer supervIsIng ImmIgruLIon.
(z) mmIgruLIon ConLroI IncIude:
u. supervIsIon oI ndonesIun cILIzens wIo pIeuded LruveI documenLs, ouL oI or enLered ndonesIu
RegIon, und ouLsIde ndonesIu RegIon; und
b. supervIsIon oI LruIIIc oreIgners wIo enLer or ouLsIde ndonesIu RegIon und supervIsIon oI
wIereubouLs und ucLIvILIes oreIgners In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe 6;
(1) ConLroI oI mmIgruLIon uguInsL ndonesIun cILIzens IeId uL LIe LIme oI uppIIcuLIon Ior TruveI
DocumenL, Lo LIe ouLsIde or InsIde, or ouLsIde LIe TerrILory ndonesIu currIed ouL by:
u. coIIecLIon, processIng, und presenLuLIon oI duLu und InIormuLIon;
b. prepuruLIon oI u IIsL oI ndonesIun cILIzens wIo ure ouLsIde LIe TerrILory Lo LIe PrevenLIon oI
c. monILorIng oI every ndonesIun cILIzen wIo pIeuded LruveI documenLs, ouL oI or enLered
ndonesIu RegIon, und ouLsIde ndonesIu RegIon; und
d. LukIng pIoLogrupIs und IIngerprInLs.
(z) TIe ImmIgruLIon conLroI us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) mmIgruLIon Is LIe duLu LIuL cun be
specIIIed us LIe duLu Is conIIdenLIuI.
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ArLIcIe 68
(1) ConLroI oI mmIgruLIon oI oreIgners IeId uL LIe LIme oI vIsu uppIIcuLIon, sIgn In or ouL, und
LIe grunLIng oI resIdence mude by:
u. coIIecLIon, processIng, und presenLuLIon oI duLu und InIormuLIon;
b. prepuruLIon oI u IIsL oI SLrunger wIo ure counLerIng or PrevenLIon;
c. supervIsIon oI LIe exIsLence und ucLIvILIes oI oreIgners In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu;
d. LukIng pIoLogrupIs und IIngerprInLs; und
e. oLIer ucLIvILIes LIuL cun be IeguIIy deIensIbIe.
(z) TIe ImmIgruLIon conLroI us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) mmIgruLIon Is LIe duLu LIuL cun be
specIIIed us LIe duLu Is conIIdenLIuI.
ArLIcIe 6q
(1) To supervIse LIe ucLIvILIes oI AIIen mmIgruLIon In ndonesIu RegIon, LIe MInIsLer Iormed u
Leum supervIsIon oreIgners wIose members consIsL oI bodIes or governmenL ugencIes, boLI uL
cenLruI und regIonuI IeveIs.
(z) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer ucLed us cIuIrmun oI LIe supervIsory Leum
oI AIIen.
ArLIcIe ;o
(1) mmIgruLIon OIIIcer or desIgnuLed In order Lo conLroI ImmIgruLIon us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 6;
und ArLIcIe 68 sIuII:
u. mmIgruLIon servIce duLu coIIecLIon, boLI ndonesIun cILIzens und IoreIgn cILIzens;
b. LruIIIc duLu coIIecLIon, boLI ndonesIun cILIzens und IoreIgn nuLIonuIs wIo enLer or ouLsIde LIe
TerrILory oI ndonesIu;
c. DuLu coIIecLIon oI IoreIgn nuLIonuIs wIo Iuve obLuIned pendeLensIun decIsIons, boLI In Room
mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon uL LIe mmIgruLIon OIIIce und LIe mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon House, und
d. DuLu coIIecLIon oI IoreIgn nuLIonuIs In ImmIgruLIon enIorcemenL process.
(z) TIe coIIecLIon oI duLu us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) conducLed by enLerIng duLu uL LIe
mmIgruLIon MunugemenL nIormuLIon SysLem deveIoped by LIe DIrecLoruLe-GeneruI.
ArLIcIe ;1
EucI oreIgners resIdIng In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu sIuII:
u. provIde uII necessury InIormuLIon regurdIng LIe IdenLILy und J or LIeIr IumIIIes, und reporL uny
cIunges In cIvII sLuLus, nuLIonuIILy, occupuLIon, GuurunLor, or u cIunge oI uddress Lo LIe IocuI
mmIgruLIon OIIIce; or
b. sIow und Iunded SLuy PermILs TruveI DocumenLs or owned II requesLed by ImmIgruLIon
oIIIcers on duLy In order Lo conLroI ImmIgruLIon.
ArLIcIe ;z
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(1) mmIgruLIon OIIIcer on duLy muy requesL InIormuLIon Irom uny person wIo gIves LIe
opporLunILy Lo sLuy Lo LIe AIIen on AIIen reIevunL duLu.
(z) TIe owner or cureLuker oI LIe Inn sIuII provIde duLu on oreIgners wIo sLuy In LIe Inn II usked
by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers on duLy.
ArLIcIe ;
ProvIsIons on LIe supervIsIon oI LIe AIIen us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 68 purugrupI (1) b, c, d, und e
does noL uppIy Lo IoreIgners resIdIng In ndonesIu RegIon In LIe Irumework oI dIpIomuLIc duLIes.
PurL Two
mmIgruLIon nLeIIIgence
ArLIcIe ;q
(1) mmIgruLIon OIIIcer mmIgruLIon nLeIIIgence perIorms LIe IuncLIon.
(z) n order Lo curry ouL LIe IuncLIons oI LIe nLeIIIgence mmIgruLIon, ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers
conducL ImmIgruLIon InvesLIguLIons und securILy und ImmIgruLIon uuLIorILIes:
u. geL InIormuLIon Irom LIe pubIIc or governmenL ugencIes;
b. Lo LIe sILes or buIIdIngs LIuL couId be expecLed Lo be Iound muLerIuI InIormuLIon concernIng LIe
exIsLence und ucLIvILIes oI oreIgners;
c. mmIgruLIon nLeIIIgence operuLIons; or
d. secure LIe duLu und InIormuLIon on ImmIgruLIon und securIng LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe
mmIgruLIon Lusk.
ArLIcIe ;
(1) ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers LIe uuLIorILy Lo AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures on oreIgn mmIgruLIon In
ndonesIu RegIon conducLIng dungerous und reusonubIy suspecLed Lo endunger securILy und
pubIIc order or does noL respecL or do noL obey Iuws und reguIuLIons.
(z) AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures mmIgruLIon us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) cun be:
u. IncIusIon In LIe IIsL oI prevenLIon or deLerrence;
b. resLrIcLIons, cIunges, or cunceIIuLIon oI resIdence;
c. proIIbILIon Lo be In one or u Iew specIIIc pIuces In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu;
d. requIremenL Lo resIde In u purLIcuIur pIuce In ndonesIu RegIon;
e. ImposILIon oI LIe burden oI cosLs und J or
I. DeporLuLIon Irom LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
() AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures mmIgruLIon DeporLuLIon cun uIso be mude Lo LIe oreIgners
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resIdIng In LIe TerrILory ndonesIu Ior uLLempLIng Lo reIruIn Irom LIe LIreuL und execuLIon In IIs
Iome counLry.
ArLIcIe ;6
DecIsIon oI AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures on mmIgruLIon us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe ; purugrupI (1)
und purugrupI () be In wrILIng und musL be uccompunIed by reusons.
ArLIcIe ;;
(1) oreIgners wIo ure AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures mmIgruLIon muy IIIe un objecLIon Lo LIe
(z) TIe MInIsLer muy grunL or rejecL LIe objecLIon ruIsed AIIen reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) by LIe
Decree oI LIe MInIsLer.
() TIe decIsIon oI LIe MInIsLer reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z) sIuII be IInuI.
(q) IIIng objecLIons ruIsed by LIe AIIen does noL deIuy LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI LIe AdmInIsLruLIve
Meusures on mmIgruLIon Is concerned.
ArLIcIe ;8
(1) oreIgners SLuy PermIL IoIders wIo Iuve expIred und ure sLIII In LIe ndonesIun regIon oI Iess
LIun 6o (sIxLy) duys Irom LIe deudIIne PermIL IvIng expenses ure cIurged In uccordunce wILI LIe
provIsIons oI LIe IegIsIuLIon.
(z) oreIgners wIo do noL puy LIe expenses reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) subjecL Lo AdmInIsLruLIve
Meusures mmIgruLIon und DeporLuLIon In LIe Iorm oI deLerrence.
() oreIgners SLuy PermIL IoIders wIo Iuve expIred und ure sLIII In LIe TerrILory ndonesIu more
LIun 6o (sIxLy) duys Irom LIe deudIIne SLuy PermIL subjecL Lo AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures
mmIgruLIon und DeporLuLIon In LIe Iorm oI deLerrence.
ArLIcIe ;q
ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL LIuL does noL meeL LIe obIIguLIon reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 18
purugrupI (1) cIurge LIe Ioud.
ArLIcIe 8o
TIe cosL burden us seL IorLI In ArLIcIe 1q purugrupI (q) und ArLIcIe ;q Is one oI LIe SLuLe Revenue
In LIe IIeId oI mmIgruLIon.
PurL One
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ArLIcIe 81
(1) House mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon cun be Iormed In LIe cupILuI cILy oI LIe sLuLe, provIncIuI, counLy,
or cILy.
(z) mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon House wus Ied by u Ieud.
ArLIcIe 8z
mmIgruLIon deLenLIon spuce In LIe Iorm oI u purLIcuIur room und ure purL oI LIe oIIIce oI LIe
DIrecLoruLe-GeneruI, LIe mmIgruLIon ServIce or LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck.
PurL Two
mpIemenLuLIon oI DeLenLIon
ArLIcIe 8
(1) ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers LIe uuLIorILy Lo puL SLrungers In LIe House oI DeLenLIon mmIgruLIon
DeLenLIon or Spuce AIIen mmIgruLIon II IL:
u. Areus In ndonesIu wILIouL IuvIng u vuIId resIdence permIL or u Icensed SLuy no Ionger vuIId;
b. Areus In ndonesIu wILIouL IuvIng u vuIId LruveI documenL;
c. AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures subjecL Lo u cunceIIuLIon mmIgruLIon SLuy PermIL Ior commILLIng ucLs
LIuL ure conLrury Lo IegIsIuLIon or dIsLurb pubIIc order und securILy;
d. DeporLuLIon uwuILIng execuLIon; or
e. wuILIng Ior depurLure ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory sInce denIed gIvIng AIerLs SIgn.
(z) mmIgruLIon OIIIcer muy puL LIe AIIen us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) In oLIer pIuces wIere
IoreIgners ure sIck, gIve bIrLI, or u kId.
ArLIcIe 8q
(1) TIe deLenLIon oI AIIen done wILI LIe wrILLen decIsIon oI LIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed
mmIgruLIon OIIIcer.
(z) TIe decIsIon reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) uL IeusL conLuIn:
u. duLu oI IoreIgners wIo ure In deLenLIon;
b. reuson Lo do deLenLIon, und
c. pIuce oI deLenLIon.
PurL TIree
DuruLIon oI deLenLIon
ArLIcIe 8
(1) DeLenLIon oI oreIgners mude up DeLenI deporLed.
(z) n LIe cuse oI deporLuLIon us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) cun noL be ImpIemenLed, deLenLIon
cun be done wILIIn u muxImum perIod oI 1o (Len) yeurs.
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() TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer muy Issue DeLenI oI LIe House ImmIgruLIon
deLenLIon II LIe perIod reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z) Is exceeded und grunLIng DeLenI Lo be ouLsIde
LIe House mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon by seLLIng LIe perIodIc reporLIng obIIguLIons.
(q) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers wIo supervIse und sLrIve Ior DeLenI reIerred
Lo In purugrupI () deporLuLIon.
PurL our
TreuLmenL oI LIe VIcLIms oI TruIIIckIng In Persons
und SmuggIIng
ArLIcIe 86
AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures mmIgruLIon ProvIsIons do noL uppIy Lo vIcLIms oI LruIIIckIng und
Iumun smuggIIng.
ArLIcIe 8;
(1) VIcLIms oI LruIIIckIng und Iumun smuggIIng In ndonesIu RegIon pIuced In ImmIgruLIon
deLenLIon Iouse or eIsewIere specIIIed.
(z) VIcLIms oI LruIIIckIng und Iumun smuggIIng us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) geL LIe specIuI
LreuLmenL LIuL Is dIIIerenL Irom DeLenI In generuI.
ArLIcIe 88
MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer sLrIve Ior vIcLIms oI LruIIIckIng und Iumun
smuggIIng IoreIgn nuLIonuIILy ImmedIuLeIy reLurned Lo LIeIr Iome counLry und be gIven LruveI
documenLs II LIey do noL Iuve IL.
ArLIcIe 8q
(1) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers conducL prevenLIve und repressIve In order
Lo prevenL crImInuI ucLs oI LruIIIckIng und Iumun smuggIIng.
(z) PrevenLIve eIIorLs reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) conducLed by:
u. excIunge InIormuLIon wILI oLIer counLrIes und reIevunL ugencIes In LIe counLry, IncIudIng LIe
modus operundI, TruveI DocumenLs supervIsIon und securILy, us weII us LIe IegILImucy und
vuIIdILy oI documenLs;
b. LecInIcuI cooperuLIon und LruInIng wILI oLIer counLrIes IncIude LIe LreuLmenL bused on LIe
IumunILy oI LIe vIcLIm, securILy und quuIILy oI LIe TruveI DocumenLs, deLecLIon oI IuIse
documenLs, InIormuLIon excIunge, us weII us monILorIng und deLecLIon oI Iumun smuggIIng by
meuns oI convenLIonuI und unconvenLIonuI;
c. provIde IeguI counseIIng Lo LIe communILy LIuL ucLs oI LruIIIckIng und Iumun smuggIIng Is u
crIme LIuL peopIe do noL become vIcLIms;
d. ensure LIuL LIe TruveI DocumenL Issued or IdenLILy documenLs ure noL quuIIIIed so eusIIy
mIsused, IuIsIIIed, uILered, dupIIcuLed, or pubIIsIed In conLruvenLIon oI LIe Iuw; und
e. ensure LIuL LIe InLegrILy und securILy oI LruveI documenLs Issued or pubIIsIed by or on beIuII oI
LIe sLuLe Lo prevenL LIe munuIucLure oI sucI documenLs Is uguInsL LIe Iuw In Lerms oI Issuunce und
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() repressIve meusure us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) conducLed by:
u. mmIgruLIon InvesLIguLIons uguInsL perpeLruLors oI crImInuI ucLs oI LruIIIckIng und Iumun
b. mmIgruLIon AdmInIsLruLIve ucLIon uguInsL LIe perpeLruLors oI LIe crIme oI LruIIIckIng In
persons und Iumun smuggIIng, und
c. cooperuLIon In LIe IIeId oI InvesLIguLIons wILI oLIer Iuw enIorcemenL ugencIes.
ArLIcIe qo
urLIer provIsIons regurdIng LIe supervIsIon oI mmIgruLIon, mmIgruLIon nLeIIIgence ServIce,
mmIgruLIon und DeLenLIon House mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon Room, und LIe IundIIng oI vIcLIms oI
Iumun smuggIIng und LruIIIckIng Is reguIuLed by LIe GovernmenL.
PurL One
ArLIcIe q1
(1) TIe MInIsLer In cIurge und responsIbIe conducL concernIng LIe PrevenLIon oI mmIgruLIon
(z) MInIsLer Ior ImpIemenLIng prevenLIon bused on:
u. resuIL oI supervIsIon und decIsIon oI mmIgruLIon mmIgruLIon AdmInIsLruLIve Meusures;
b. Decree oI LIe MInIsLer oI Inunce und LIe ALLorney GeneruI In uccordunce wILI ILs respecLIve
duLIes und LIe provIsIons oI IegIsIuLIon;
c. requesL LIe CIIeI oI PoIIce oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu In uccordunce wILI LIe provIsIons oI
d. CIuIrmun oI LIe CorrupLIon ErudIcuLIon CommIssIon orders In uccordunce wILI LIe provIsIons
oI IegIsIuLIon;
e. requesL LIe Heud oI LIe NuLIonuI NurcoLIcs Agency In uccordunce wILI LIe provIsIons oI
IegIsIuLIon und J or
I. decIsIons, orders, or demund-Ied mInIsLrIes J oLIer InsLILuLIons LIuL by Iuw Ius LIe uuLIorILy
() TIe MInIsLer oI Inunce, LIe ALLorney GeneruI, CIIeI oI PoIIce oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu,
CIuIrmun oI LIe CorrupLIon ErudIcuLIon CommIssIon, Heud oI LIe NuLIonuI NurcoLIcs Agency, or
Ieud oI LIe mInIsLry J ugency Ius LIe uuLIorILy PrevenLIon us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z) I Is
responsIbIe Ior LIe decIsIon, requesL, PrevenLIon und orders mude.
ArLIcIe qz
n LIe urgency oIIIcIuIs reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q1 purugrupI (z) muy requesL dIrecLIy Lo u specIIIc
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ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers Lo perIorm PrevenLIon.
ArLIcIe q
mpIemenLuLIon oI LIe decIsIon reIerred Lo In LIe PrevenLIon oI ArLIcIe q1 mude by LIe MInIsLer or
u desIgnuLed mmIgruLIon OIIIcer.
ArLIcIe qq
(1) PrevenLIon us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q1 sLIpuIuLed by LIe wrILLen decIsIon by LIe compeLenL
(z) TIe decIsIon reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) conLuIns uL IeusL:
u. nume, gender, pIuce und duLe oI bIrLI or uge, us weII us pIoLos LIuL ure prevenLIon;
b. PrevenLIon oI reusons, und
c. perIod oI PrevenLIon.
() PrevenLIon DecIsIon conveyed Lo LIe person subjecL Lo PrevenLIon oI uL IeusL ; (seven) duys
Irom LIe duLe oI enucLmenL.
(q) n Lerms oI prevenLIon decIsIons Issued by LIe oIIIcIuI reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q1 purugrupI (z),
LIe decIsIon wus uIso conveyed Lo LIe MInIsLer no IuLer LIun (LIree) duys Irom LIe duLe oI LIe
decIsIon deLermIned by LIe demund Lo be ImpIemenLed.
() TIe MInIsLer muy reIuse LIe requesL II LIe decIsIon PrevenLIon PrevenLIon ImpIemenLuLIon
does noL meeL LIe provIsIons reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z).
(6) NoLIce oI denIuI oI execuLIon prevenLIon reIerred Lo In subsecLIon () musL be submILLed Lo LIe
oIIIcIuIs reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q1 purugrupI (z) uL IeusL ; (seven) duys Irom LIe duLe LIe requesL Is
receIved uccompunIed by LIe prevenLIon oI rejecLIon reusons.
(;) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers Lo enLer LIe IdenLILy oI LIe person subjecL Lo
LIe decIsIon oI prevenLIon InLo LIe IIsL oI PrevenLIon LIrougI mmIgruLIon MunugemenL
nIormuLIon SysLem.
ArLIcIe q
Bused on u IIsL oI prevenLIon reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe qq purugrupI (;), mmIgruLIon OIIIcer musL
rejecL LIose wIo ure ouLsIde LIe TerrILory PrevenLIon Lo ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe q6
(1) Any person subjecL Lo LIe PrevenLIon muy IIIe un objecLIon Lo LIe oIIIcer wIo Issued LIe
decIsIon PrevenLIon.
(z) SubmIssIon oI objecLIon us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) mude In wrILIng uccompunIed by
reusons und deIIvered wILIIn LIe vuIIdILy perIod oI PrevenLIon.
() IIIng un objecLIon does noL suspend LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI PrevenLIon.
ArLIcIe q;
(1) TIe Lerm uppIIes PrevenLIon oI 6 (sIx) monLIs und eucI LIme muy be exLended uL mosL 6 (sIx)
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(z) n cuse no decIsIon exLended perIods oI PrevenLIon, PrevenLIon expIred by operuLIon oI Iuw.
() n LIe evenL oI u IeguIIy enIorceubIe courL decIsIon LIuL sLuLes remuIn Iree oI u cuse wIIcI Is LIe
reuson PrevenLIon, PrevenLIon expIred by operuLIon oI Iuw.
PurL Two
ArLIcIe q8
(1) TIe MInIsLer Is uuLIorIzed Lo exercIse deLerrence.
(z) TIe compeLenL uuLIorILy muy requesL LIe MInIsLer Lo conducL deLerrence.
ArLIcIe qq
mpIemenLuLIon oI deLerrence us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q8 currIed by u MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed
mmIgruLIon OIIIcer.
ArLIcIe 1oo
(1) deLerrence us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q8 sLIpuIuLed by LIe wrILLen decIsIon.
(z) DecIsIon oI deLerrence uL LIe requesL oI oIIIcIuIs reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q8 purugrupI (z) Issued
by LIe MInIsLer no IuLer LIun (LIree) duys Irom LIe duLe LIe requesL wus Iodged deLerrence.
() RequesL Ior deLerrence us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (z) conLuIns uL IeusL:
u. nume, gender, pIuce und duLe oI bIrLI or uge, us weII us pIoLos LIuL ure deLerrence;
b. deLerrence reusons, und
c. perIod oI deLerrence.
(q) TIe MInIsLer muy reIuse LIe requesL II LIe requesL deLerrence deLerrence does noL meeL LIe
provIsIons reIerred Lo In purugrupI ().
() NoLIce oI rejecLIon oI deLerrence requesL reIerred Lo In purugrupI (q) musL be submILLed Lo LIe
oIIIcIuIs reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q8 purugrupI (z) uL IeusL ; (seven) duys Irom LIe duLe LIe requesL Is
receIved uccompunIed by reusons Ior rejecLIon oI deLerrence.
(6) TIe MInIsLer or u desIgnuLed ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers Lo enLer LIe IdenLILy oI LIe person subjecL Lo
LIe decIsIon Lo IIsL deLerrence deLerrence LIrougI mmIgruLIon MunugemenL nIormuLIon SysLem.
ArLIcIe 1o1
Bused on deLerrence IIsL reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 1oo purugrupI (6), ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers musL
reIuse Lo be cIurged AIIen TerrILory deLerrence enLer ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe 1oz
(1) TIe Lerm deLerrence eIIecL no IuLer LIun 6 (sIx) monLIs und eucI LIme muy be exLended uL
mosL 6 (sIx) monLIs.
(z) n cuse no decIsIon exLended perIods oI deLerrence, deLerrence ended by Iuw.
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() TIe decIsIon muy be subjecL Lo u IIIeLIme oI deLerrence uguInsL IoreIgners deemed Lo dIsLurb
pubIIc order und securILy.
ArLIcIe 1o
urLIer provIsIons concernIng LIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI prevenLIon und deLerrence Is reguIuLed by
LIe GovernmenL.
ArLIcIe 1oq
mmIgruLIon crImInuI InvesLIguLIons conducLed under LIe Iuws oI crImInuI procedure.
ArLIcIe 1o
mmIgruLIon InvesLIguLors ure empowered us u crImInuI InvesLIguLor mmIgruLIon conducLed In
uccordunce wILI LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL.
ArLIcIe 1o6
mmIgruLIon InvesLIguLors uuLIorIzed Lo:
u. receIved u reporL concernIng u crImInuI ucL mmIgruLIon;
b. seek InIormuLIon und evIdence;
c. ucL IIrsL on LIe scene;
d. proIIbIL uny person IeuvIng or enLerIng LIe crIme scene Ior LIe suke oI LIe InvesLIguLIon;
e. cuII, exumIne, seurcI, urresL, or deLuIn u person suspecLed oI commILLIng crImInuI oIIenses
I. deLuIn, InspecL, und seIze TruveI DocumenL;
g. ordered Lo sLop peopIe suspecLed or uccused und cIeck Ier IdenLILy;
I. exumIned or seIzed IeLLers, documenLs, or objecLs LIuL Iuve unyLIIng Lo do wILI LIe crIme oI
I. cuII someone Lo cIeck und Ieurd us u suspecL or wILness;
j. brIng In experLs wIo ure needed In conjuncLIon wILI LIe cuse InvesLIguLIon;
k. cIecks In cerLuIn pIuces LIuL uIIegedIy conLuIned IeLLers, documenLs, or oLIer objecL LIuL Ius Lo
do wILI LIe crIme oI mmIgruLIon;
I. LukIng pIoLogrupIs und IIngerprInLs oI LIe suspecL;
m. requesL InIormuLIon Irom LIe pubIIc or u compeLenL source;
n. perIorm LermInuLIon oI LIe InvesLIguLIon und J or
o. IoId unoLIer ucLIon uccordIng Lo Iuw.
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ArLIcIe 1o;
(1) n conducLIng LIe InvesLIguLIon, InvesLIguLors In coordInuLIon wILI LIe poIIce InvesLIguLIon oI
mmIgruLIon oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu.
(z) AILer compIeLIng LIe InvesLIguLIon, mmIgruLIon InvesLIguLors submIL LIe cuse IIIe Lo LIe
ArLIcIe 1o8
ExumInuLIon oI crImInuI evIdence In LIe Iorm oI mmIgruLIon:
u. evIdence reIerred Lo In LIe crImInuI proceduruI Iuw;
b. oLIer pIeces oI evIdence In LIe Iorm oI InIormuLIon uLLered, senL, und receIved or sLored
eIecLronIcuIIy or oLIer sImIIur devIce, und
c. wrILLen sLuLemenL Irom un uuLIorIzed ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers.
ArLIcIe 1oq
OI suspecLs or deIendunLs wIo commIL crImInuI ImmIgruLIon reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 118, ArLIcIe
11q, ArLIcIe 1zo, ArLIcIe 1z1, ArLIcIe 1zz, ArLIcIe 1z, ArLIcIe 1z6, ArLIcIe 1z;, ArLIcIe 1z8, ArLIcIe
1zq, ArLIcIe 11, ArLIcIe 1z, ArLIcIe 1 IeLLer b, IeLLer b oI ArLIcIe 1q und ArLIcIe 1 cun be
subjecLed Lo deLenLIon.
ArLIcIe 11o
(1) Any ImmIgruLIon crIme us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 116 und ArLIcIe 11; Imposed u brIeI
exumInuLIon oI LIe evenL reIerred Lo In LIe crImInuI procedure.
(z) mmIgruLIon InvesLIguLors Iunded LIe suspecL und evIdence Lo LIe prosecuLor generuI,
uccompunIed by u noLe oI LIe crImInuI ucLs uIIeged ImmIgruLIon Lo LIe suspecLs.
SecLIon 111
mmIgruLIon InvesLIguLors cun curry ouL cooperuLIon In InvesLIguLIons und crImInuI InvesLIguLIons
by LIe mmIgruLIon Iuw enIorcemenL ugencIes In LIe counLry und oLIer counLrIes In uccordunce
wILI LIe provIsIons oI IegIsIuLIon or under InLernuLIonuI LreuLIes LIuL Iuve been recognIzed by LIe
GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe 11z
urLIer provIsIons regurdIng LIe requIremenLs, procedures Ior removuI oI mmIgruLIon
InvesLIguLors, und udmInIsLruLIve InvesLIguLIons reguIuLed by LIe GovernmenL.
ArLIcIe 11
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Any person wIo knowIngIy enLerIng or ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory Is noL LIrougI InspecLIon by
ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers uL mmIgruLIon CIeck PoInLs us seL IorLI In ArLIcIe q purugrupI (1) sIuII be
punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI uL mosL 1 (one) yeur und J or u muxImum IIne oI Rp 1oo,oo (one Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
ArLIcIe 11q
(1) ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL IncomIng or ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory wILI u
LrunsporL meuns noL LIrougI LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck PoInLs us seL IorLI In ArLIcIe 1; purugrupI (1)
sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI uL mosL 1 (one) yeur und J or u muxImum IIne, oo (one Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
(z) ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL deIIberuLe IowerIng or ruIsIng oI pussengers wIo do
noL puss LIrougI ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers or InspecLors IundIng uL mmIgruLIon CIeck PoInLs us seL
IorLI In ArLIcIe 1; purugrupI (z) sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI z (Lwo) yeurs und J or
muxImum IIne oI, oo (Lwo Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
ArLIcIe 11
EucI ResponsIbIe TrunsporLuLIon EquIpmenL LIuL does noL puy Ior expenses reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe
1q purugrupI (q) und ArLIcIe ;q sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI uL mosL 1 (one) yeur und J
or u IIne oI up, oo (one Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI) .
ArLIcIe 116
EucI oreIgners wIo do noL perIorm LIeIr obIIguLIons us sLIpuIuLed In ArLIcIe ;1 sIuII be punIsIed
wILI u muxImum conIInemenL oI (LIree) monLIs or u IIne oI up Lo z,ooo,ooo, oo (LwenLy IIve
mIIIIon rupIuI).
ArLIcIe 11;
TIe owner or cureLuker oI LIe Inn LIuL does noL gIve InIormuLIon or do noL provIde duLu oreIgners
wIo sLuy uL Iome or uL IIs IodgIngs uILer beIng usked by ImmIgruLIon oIIIcers on duLy us reIerred
Lo In ArLIcIe ;z purugrupI (z) Is IIubIe Lo u muxImum conIInemenL oI (LIree) monLIs or u IIne oI
up Lo z,ooo,ooo, oo (LwenLy IIve mIIIIon rupIuI).
ArLIcIe 118
Any GuurunLor wIo knowIngIy provIde IncorrecL InIormuLIon or does noL meeL LIe ussurunces
gIven us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 6 purugrupI (z) und purugrupI () sIuII be punIsIed wILI
ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon
SecLIon 11q
(1) Any AIIen wIo enLered und J or ure In RegIon ndonesIu LIuL Ius no LruveI documenLs und vIsus
ure IegILImuLe und vuIId us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 8 sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve)
yeurs und u IIne oI up Lo oo. ooo,ooo.oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
(z) Any person wIo InLenLIonuIIy uses u oreIgn TruveI DocumenLs, buL IL Is known or reusonubIy
suspecLed LIuL LIe TruveI DocumenL wus IuIse or IuIsIIIed sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI
(IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI).
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ArLIcIe 1zo
(1) Any person doIng uny ucL uImed uL Ior-proIIL, eILIer dIrecLIy or IndIrecLIy, Ior LIemseIves or Ior
oLIers by curryIng u person or group oI persons, wIeLIer orgunIzed or noL orgunIzed, or ordered
oLIers Lo curry u person or group person, wIeLIer orgunIzed or unorgunIzed, wIo do noL Iuve LIe
rIgIL IeguIIy Lo enLer LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu or ouLsIde ndonesIu's LerrILory und J or InLo LIe
LerrILory oI oLIer counLrIes, LIuL LIe person does noL Iuve LIe rIgIL Lo IeguIIy enLer LIe LerrILory,
eILIer by usIng LIe documenL IegILImuLe und counLerIeIL documenLs, or wILIouL LIe use oI TruveI
DocumenLs, eILIer LIrougI ImmIgruLIon cIeurunce or noL, wus convIcLed oI Iumun smuggIIng wILI
ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u muxImum oI 1 (IIILeen) yeurs und IIned uL IeusL, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI) und uL mosL, oo (one bIIIIon
IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
(z) ALLempL Lo muke Iumun smuggIIng u crIme sIuII be punIsIed wILI LIe sume penuILIes us
reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1).
ArLIcIe 1z1
SIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve
Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI):
u. uny person wIo knowIngIy mukes u IuIse or IuIsIIIed vIsus or sIgn ogIn or resIdence wILI LIe
InLenL Lo use Ior IImseII or unoLIer person Lo enLer or ouL or ure In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu;
b. every oreIgners wIo deIIberuLeIy usIng VIsu or sIgn ogIn or resIdence or u IuIse or Iorged Lo
go ouL or ure In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe 1zz
SIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und IIned uL mosL, oo (IIve
Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI):
u. every oreIgners wIo deIIberuLeIy mIsuse or enguged In ucLIvILIes InconsIsLenL wILI LIe InLenL
und purpose oI LIe resIdence provIded Lo IIm;
b. every person wIo ordered or provIde un opporLunILy Ior IoreIgners Lo ubuse or enguge In
ucLIvILIes InconsIsLenL wILI LIe InLenL or purpose oI LIe resIdence provIded Lo IIm.
ArLIcIe 1z
SIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve
Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI):
u. uny person wIo InLenLIonuIIy provIdes IuIse duLu or u IeLLer or u Iorged or IncorrecL InIormuLIon
wILI u vIew Lo obLuInIng vIsus or resIdence Ior IImseII or oLIers;
b. every oreIgners wIo deIIberuLeIy usIng VIsu or resIdence reIerred Lo In IeLLer u Lo enLer und J or
IocuLed In LIe TerrILory oI ndonesIu.
ArLIcIe 1zq
Any person wIo InLenLIonuIIy conceuIs or proLecLs or gIves bourdIng or provIde IIveIIIood or
provIdIng empIoymenL Lo IoreIgners wIo ure known or reusonubIy suspecLed:
u. Areus In ndonesIu IIIeguIIy sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI z (Lwo) yeurs und J or u IIne
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oI up, oo (Lwo Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs);
b. VuIId resIdence permIL sIuII be senLenced up Lo u muxImum conIInemenL oI (LIree) monLIs or
u IIne oI up Lo z,ooo,ooo, oo (LwenLy IIve mIIIIon rupIuI).
ArLIcIe 1z
Any unuuLIorIzed IoreIgners wIo ure In cerLuIn ureus LIuL Iuve been decIured oII IImILs Lo
IoreIgners us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe q8 purugrupI (q) sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI
(LIree) yeurs und J or crImInuI penuILIes, oo (LIree Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI).
ArLIcIe 1z6
Any person wIo knowIngIy:
u. use LIe TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Lo enLer LIe TerrILory or ouLsIde
ndonesIu, buL IL Is known or reusonubIy suspecLed LIuL LIe TruveI DocumenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI
ndonesIu Is IuIse or IuIsIIIed sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs);
b. use LIe TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu or oLIer person wIo Ius been revoked or
decIured voId Ior IncomIng or ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory, or deIIver Lo unoLIer person oI LIe
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu TruveI DocumenLs provIded Lo IIm or beIongIng Lo unoLIer person wILI
InLenL Lo use IL wILIouL rIgIL sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs);
c. provIde duLu LIuL ure noL vuIId or unLrue Lo obLuIn u TruveI DocumenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI
ndonesIu Ior IImseII or oLIers sIuII be punIsIed by ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI
up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs);
d. ownIng or usIng unIuwIuIIy z (Lwo) or more TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu ure
sImIIur und ure uII sLIII vuIId sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs);
e. TruveI DocumenLs IuIsIIy LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu or LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Lo muke IuIse
LruveI documenLs wILI LIe InLenL Lo use Ior IImseII or oLIers sIuII be punIsIed by ImprIsonmenL oI
(IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
ArLIcIe 1z;
Any person wIo InLenLIonuIIy und unIuwIuIIy sLorIng TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI
ndonesIu IuIse or Iorged wILI LIe InLenL Lo use Ior IImseII or oLIers sIuII be punIsIed by
ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI).
ArLIcIe 1z8
SIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve
Iundred mIIIIon rupIuI):
u. uny person wIo InLenLIonuIIy und unIuwIuIIy prInL, Iuve, keep, or Lrude oI LIe RepubIIc oI
ndonesIu TruveI DocumenLs bIunk bIunk ImmIgruLIon documenLs or oLIer;
b. uny person wIo knowIngIy und unIuwIuIIy mukes, Ius, sLorIng, or LrudIng sLump or oLIer LooIs
LIuL ure used Lo cerLIIy LIe TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu or oLIer ImmIgruLIon
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SecLIon 1zq
Any person wIo InLenLIonuIIy und unIuwIuIIy Ior LIe beneIIL oI LIemseIves or oLIers desLroy, uILer,
udd, reduce, or eIImInuLe, eILIer purLIuIIy or wIoIIy, or sLump InIormuLIon conLuIned In LIe TruveI
DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu or oLIer ImmIgruLIon documenLs sIuII be punIsIed wILI
ImprIsonmenL (IIve) yeurs und u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
ArLIcIe 1o
Any person wIo InLenLIonuIIy und unIuwIuIIy musLer TruveI DocumenL or uny oLIer ImmIgruLIon
documenLs owned by oLIers sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI z (Lwo) yeurs und J or u IIne
oI up, oo (Lwo Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
ArLIcIe 11
Any person wIo InLenLIonuIIy und wILIouL rIgIL oI unIuwIuIIy possess, sLore, desLroy, remove,
modIIy, reproduce, use und or uccess Lo ImmIgruLIon duLu, eILIer munuuIIy or eIecLronIcuIIy, Ior
LIe beneIIL oI LIemseIves or oLIers sIuII be punIsIed by ImprIsonmenL oI ( IIve) yeurs und u IIne
oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
ArLIcIe 1z
mmIgruLIon OIIIcer or oLIer desIgnuLed oIIIcIuI wIo InLenLIonuIIy und unIuwIuIIy guve LIe
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu TruveI DocumenLs und J or grunL or exLend LIe mmIgruLIon documenL Lo
someone wIo knows noL enLILIed sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI uL mosL ; (seven) yeurs.
ArLIcIe 1
mmIgruLIon oIIIcIuIs or oLIer oIIIcIuIs:
u. IeL someone commILLIng u crIme oI mmIgruLIon us sLIpuIuLed In ArLIcIe 118, ArLIcIe 11q, ArLIcIe
1zo, ArLIcIe 1z1, ArLIcIe 1zz, ArLIcIe 1z, ArLIcIe 1z6, ArLIcIe 1z;, ArLIcIe 1z8, ArLIcIe 1zq, ArLIcIe
11, ArLIcIe 1z, ArLIcIe 1 IeLLer b, ArLIcIe 1q b, und ArLIcIe 1 LIuL sIouId be known by IIm
sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs;
b. mmIgruLIon deIIberuLeIy Ieuked conIIdenLIuI duLu Lo unuuLIorIzed purLIes reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe
6; purugrupI (z) und ArLIcIe 68 purugrupI (z) sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI uL mosL
(IIve) yeurs;
c. deIIberuLeIy dId noL run sLundurd operuLIng procedures LIuL uppIy In LIe exumInuLIon process oI
depurLure or urrIvuI uL LIe mmIgruLIon CIeck LIuL resuILed In LIe enLry oI IoreIgners InLo LIe
regIon oI ndonesIu us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 1 purugrupI (1) or Lo LIe peopIe oI LIe TerrILory
ouLsIde ndonesIu us reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 16 purugrupI ( 1) sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL
oI z (Lwo) yeurs;
d. InLenLIonuIIy und unIuwIuIIy does noL run sLundurd operuLIng procedure In LIe House oI
DeLenLIon DeLenI cusLody oI mmIgruLIon or LIe spuce LIuL resuILed In mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon
DeLenI escupe sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI z (Lwo) yeurs;
e. InLenLIonuIIy und unIuwIuIIy dId noL enLer duLu InLo LIe mmIgruLIon MunugemenL nIormuLIon
SysLem reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe ;o sIuII be senLenced Lo conIInemenL oI 6 (sIx) monLIs.
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ArLIcIe 1q
EucI DeLenI wIo knowIngIy:
u. muke, possess, use, und J or dIsLrIbuLIng weupons sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI
(LIree) yeurs;
b. escupe Irom LIe House mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon mmIgruLIon DeLenLIon or spuce sIuII be
punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs.
SecLIon 1
Anyone commILLIng IuIse murrIuge In order Lo obLuIn ImmIgruLIon documenLs und J or Lo obLuIn
cILIzensIIp oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu sIuII be punIsIed wILI ImprIsonmenL oI (IIve) yeurs und
u IIne oI up, oo (IIve Iundred mIIIIon rupIuIs).
ArLIcIe 16
(1) n LIe cuse oI u crIme reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 11q, ArLIcIe 116, ArLIcIe 11;, ArLIcIe 118, ArLIcIe 1zo,
ArLIcIe 1zq, ArLIcIe 1z8 und ArLIcIe 1zq mude by LIe corporuLIon, crImInuI meLed ouL Lo oIIIcIuIs
und corporuLe.
(z) TIe ImposILIon oI crImInuI penuILIes uguInsL LIe corporuLIon onIy wILI LIe crImInuI penuILy
provIsIons oI LIe mugnILude oI (LIree) LImes Irom uny crImInuI penuILIes us reIerred Lo In
purugrupI (1).
() TIe penuI provIsIons reIerred Lo In ArLIcIe 11, ArLIcIe 11q, ArLIcIe 1z1 IeLLer b, IeLLer b oI
ArLIcIe 1z und ArLIcIe 1z6 IeLLers u und b does noL uppIy Lo vIcLIms oI LruIIIckIng und Iumun
ArLIcIe 1;
unds Lo ImpIemenL LIIs AcL Imposed on LIe SLuLe BudgeL.
ArLIcIe 18
(1) AppIIcuLIon Ior TruveI DocumenLs, VIsus, ResIdency, Re-enLry PermIL und Iee expense Is bused
on LIIs AcL Is cIurged ImmIgruLIon.
(z) TIe cosL oI ImmIgruLIon us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) Is one oI LIe SLuLe Revenue In LIe IIeId
oI mmIgruLIon.
() urLIer provIsIons concernIng ImmIgruLIon cosLs us reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) Is reguIuLed
by LIe GovernmenL.
ArLIcIe 1q
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(1) mmIgruLIon ProvIsIons Ior LruIIIc or peopIe comIng ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory In LIe border
ureu governed by u cross-border ugreemenL beLween LIe GovernmenL oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu
und neIgIborIng governmenLs LIuL Iuve LIe sume border wILI regurd Lo LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL.
(z) mmIgruLIon ProvIsIons Ior LruIIIc or peopIe comIng ouL oI ndonesIu's LerrILory by usIng LIe
sIgn In or sIgn ouL wILI eIecLronIc LooIs cun be reguIuLed LIrougI bIIuLeruI or muILIIuLeruI
ugreemenLs wILI regurd Lo LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL.
ArLIcIe 1qo
(1) To be un mmIgruLIon OIIIcer, mmIgruLIon IeId specIuI educuLIon.
(z) To purLIcIpuLe In specIuI educuLIon mmIgruLIon, purLIcIpunLs musL Iuve pussed LIe IeveI oI
undergruduuLe educuLIon.
() TIe ImpIemenLuLIon oI specIuI educuLIon mmIgruLIon reIerred Lo In purugrupI (1) reguIuLed
by ReguIuLIon oI LIe MInIsLer.
ArLIcIe 1q1
By LIe LIme LIe AcL comes InLo Iorce:
u. ResIdence vIsILs, resLrIcLed resIdence, und PermunenL SLuy PermIL Issued under uw No. q oI
1qqz on mmIgruLIon sIuII remuIn In Iorce unLII LIe perIod Is over;
b. Iusbund or wIIe oI u IegILImuLe murrIuge wILI u cILIzen oI ndonesIu LIuL murrIuge uge Is more
LIun z (Lwo) yeurs und IoIds u ImILed SLuy PermIL pursuunL Lo AcL No. q oI 1qqz on mmIgruLIon
cun ImmedIuLeIy be gIven u PermunenL SLuy PermIL under LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL;
c. TruveI DocumenLs oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu LIuL Ius been Issued bused on uw No. q oI 1qqz
on mmIgruLIon sIuII remuIn In Iorce unLII LIe perIod Is over; und
d. crImInuI cuses In LIe IIeId oI ImmIgruLIon LIuL ure processed In LIe sLuge oI LIe InvesLIguLIon be
processed uccordIng Lo LIe uw on CrImInuI ProceedIngs.
ArLIcIe 1qz
By LIe LIme LIe AcL comes InLo Iorce:
u. uw Number q Yeur 1qqz on mmIgruLIon (RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Yeur 1qqz Number ,
SuppIemenLury SLuLe GuzeLLe oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Number q;q);
b. AcL No. ; oI zooq on SLIpuIuLIon oI GovernmenL ReguIuLIon In Ieu oI uw Number Yeur
zooq regurdIng AmendmenL Lo uw Number q Yeur 1qqz on mmIgruLIon InLo LIe AcL (SLuLe
GuzeLLe oI LIe RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Yeur zooq Number 1q, SuppIemenLury SLuLe GuzeLLe oI LIe
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Number o6q); und
c. uII Iuws und reguIuLIons reIuLIng Lo LIe mmIgruLIon conIIIcLIng or InconsIsLenL wILI LIIs AcL,
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revoked und decIured InvuIId.
ArLIcIe 1q
By LIe LIme LIe AcL comes InLo Iorce, LIe ImpIemenLIng reguIuLIons oI uw No. q oI 1qqz on
mmIgruLIon (RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Yeur 1qqz Number , SuppIemenLury SLuLe GuzeLLe oI LIe
RepubIIc oI ndonesIu Number q;q) sLuLed remuIn vuIId us Iong us noL conLrury Lo or Iuve noL
been repIuced by TIe new under LIIs AcL.
ArLIcIe 1qq
ReguIuLIons ImpIemenLIng LIIs AcL sIuII Iuve been esLubIIsIed uL IeusL 1 (one) yeur Irom LIe
promuIguLIon oI LIIs AcL.
ArLIcIe 1q
TIIs uw sIuII come InLo Iorce on LIe duLe oI promuIguLIon.
CognIzunce, IL Is ordered LIuL LIIs AcL be promuIguLed In SLuLe GuzeLLe oI LIe RepubIIc oI
RuLIIIed In JukurLu
on Muy , zo11
PromuIguLed In JukurLu
on Muy , zo11
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