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Alternute Numes & Nume Spellings: Success SLone,

MercIunL's SLone, CILrInu, CILron
Keywords: Success, Abundunce, PersonuI Power
CILrIne Is u joyIuI sLone wILI brIgIL energy wIIcI IIgILs up
muny uspecLs oI IIves oI LIose wIo work wILI IL. L Ius
energIes oI good IorLune und good Iuck, LIougI LIese
muy uppeur In unexpecLed wuys.
CILrIne Is weII known In crysLuI work us u success und
prosperILy sLone Lo LIe poInL LIuL IL Is cuIIed LIe "Success
SLone." L Is suId Lo promoLe und munIIesL success und
ubundunce In uII ureus, und In muny wuys. L Is
purLIcuIurIy used Lo promoLe success In busIness II used
In LIe cusI box oI u sIop, currIed or worn, eurnIng IL
unoLIer nIcknume, "MercIunL's SLone." n uddILIon Lo
munIIesLIng ubundunce, cILrIne uIso brIngs energIes oI
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CrysLuI MeunIngs und MeLupIysIcuI ProperLIes oI SLones
Citrine Crystal Meanings
1 of 6 6/10/2014 9:23 AM
generosILy so LIuL LIe prosperILy und success Is sIured.
CILrIne Is u soIur pIexus cIukru sLone used
meLupIysIcuIIy Lo Increuse, mugnIIy und cIurIIy personuI
power und energy. TIIs Increused personuI power cun be
used Ior LIe Iocused InLenL oI LIe IndIvIduuI, us IL brIngs
wIII power us weII.
CILrIne Is u IubuIous sLone Lo use Lo combuL neguLIve
energy oI uny kInd by breukIng LIem up und dIssIpuLIng
LIem. L Is IeIpIuI Lo cIeur unwunLed energIes Irom LIe
envIronmenL, wIeLIer IL be Iome, oIIIce, cur, or oLIer
spuce Indoors or ouL. umIIy Issues cuused by neguLIve
energIes cun uIso be cIeured Ior resoIuLIon wILI cILrIne.
CILrIne Is uIso u sLone LIuL brIngs Iope. SInce cILrIne
eIImInuLes neguLIve energIes, IL Is good Ior proLecLIon In
generuI und IeIps brIng sLubIIILy energeLIcuIIy.
CILrIne uIso does noL ubsorb uny neguLIve energIes Irom
ILs surroundIngs, und LIus never needs energeLIc
Becuuse cILrIne cun cIeur neguLIve energy und InIIuences
Irom LIe uuru, IL Is useIuI Ior medILuLIon, psycIIc
uwureness, und spIrILuuI deveIopmenL. By removIng
unwunLed energIes IL puves LIe wuy Ior LIIs spIrILuuI und
psycIIc growLI. L Is uIso exceIIenL Ior dreum recuII und
dreum work.
n LIe menLuI urenu, cILrIne enIunces menLuI cIurILy,
conIIdence, und wIII power. TIe menLuI cIurILy und
conIIdence supporL brIngIng Increused creuLIvILy und
SInce cILrIne brIngs seII-conIIdence us weII us posILIve
energy, IL cun uIso IeIp eIImInuLe Ieurs oI beIng judged or
oI oLIers' Ideus. L Is uIso used Lo dIssIpuLe Ieur oI beIng
uIone or unworLIy oI Iove.
CILrIne Is u Iuppy sLone. L cun brIng IuppIness Lo LIe
person wIo currIes or weurs IL. Becuuse oI ILs removuI oI
neguLIve energy und ILs own brIng posILIvILy, IL cun reIIeve
depressIon, seII-doubL, unger, und IrruLIonuI mood
Rising Pendunt Neckluce
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Citrine Crystal Meanings
2 of 6 6/10/2014 9:23 AM
CILrIne Is used Lo reduce seII-desLrucLIve LendencIes.
CILrIne cun IeIp overcome emoLIonuI Lruumus und grIeI
LIuL muy Ieud Lo LIese emoLIonuIIy seII-desLrucLIve
n crysLuI IeuIIng und IeuIIng IoIkIore, cILrIne Is suId Lo
be beneIIcIuI Ior LIe dIgesLIon, sLomucI, nIgILmures,
oLIer sIeep dIsLurbunces, LIyroId, generuI IeuILI, IeurL,
kIdney, IIver, muscIes, sLrengLI, endocrIne sysLem,
cIrcuIuLory sysLem, LIssue regeneruLIon, urInury sysLem,
Immune sysLem, dIubeLes, IIbromyuIgIu. CILrIne Is uIso
repuLed Lo be good Ior removIng LoxIns, und overcomIng
uddIcLIons. SensuuIILy und sexuuIILy cun uIso be
IeIgILened by cILrIne mukIng IL u sLone oI posILIve cIoIce
Ior sexuuI Issues.
CILrIne Is ussocIuLed prImurIIy wILI LIe solur plexos
CILrIne Is yeIIowJgoId quurLz. See the Qourtz puge Ior
mIneruI duLu, und uddILIonuI meLupIysIcuI properLIes
und IeuIIng properLIes common Lo uII quurLz sLones.
More on Citrine, Irom My Personul Perspective
PerspecLIves und opInIons ure oILen sIurpIy dIvIded us Lo
wIeLIer nuLuruI und IeuL LreuLed cILrIne Iuve LIe sume
meLupIysIcuI properLIes. IeeI LIuL II noLIIng eIse, LIey
Iuve very sImIIur energy due Lo correspondences oI coIor
energy und energeLIc InLenL on LIe purL oI LIose usIng IL.
Ike no Lwo crysLuIs growIng nexL Lo eucI oLIer In LIe
eurLI Iuve exucLIy LIe sume energy, neILIer wouId
nuLuruI und IeuL LreuLed cILrIne, LIougI LIey wouId be
sImIIur. One oI LIe prImury dIIIerences 've Iound over
LIe yeurs Is LIuL LIe energy oI LIe nuLuruI sLones seems u
bIL more Iocused Lo me. WorkIng wILI LIe InLenL oI doIng
LIe IIgIesL good Ior uII concerned cun umeIIoruLe LIe
mIIdIy scuLLered IeeIIng oI IeuL LreuLed cILrIne. SInce LIIs
Is someLIIng un energy worker or crysLuI
IeuIer wouId normuIIy do In LIe course oI IIs or Ier
eIIorLs IL's noL un onerous Lusk Lo Luke on Lo smooLI ouL
LIe energy oI uny crysLuI IncIudIng cILrIne.
HuL LIp Lo Ior mIneruI InIormuLIon on LIIs
"KunduIInI QuurLz" NuLuruI Congo CILrIne
Prosperity Brucelet
Citrine Crystal Meanings
3 of 6 6/10/2014 9:23 AM
Hurdness (MoIs): ;
CoIor(s): YeIIow, GoIden YeIIow, YeIIow-Orunge,
usLre: VILreous
Trunspurency: TrunsIucenL, TrunspurenL
Common ocuLIons: BruzII, AIrIcu, USA
Rock Lore & Tidbits: CILrIne Is u yeIIow vurIeLy oI
quurLz. SLones LIuL guLIer LIeIr coIor Irom IncIusIons or
surIuce couLIngs ure LecInIcuIIy noL cILrIne. n prucLIce,
becuuse nuLuruI cILrIne Is Iurder Lo IInd, mucI cILrIne on
LIe murkeL Is LreuLed umeLIysL or smoky quurLz wIIcI Is
IeuLed Lo muke u Lype oI LreuLed cILrIne.
View Citrine inIormution ut
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Citrine Crystal Meanings
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TIey ure presenLed us spIrILuuI supporLs Lo
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