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Compare the various types of networks in used today

Read Information Sheet 1.1 on Basic
Networking Concepts

Definition of Network
Advantages of Networking
Disadvantages of Networking

Models of Networking Computing
Centralized Computing
Distributed Computing
Collaborative Computing

Basic Administration Network Models
Client/Server Based Networking
Peer to Peer Networking

Network Operating Systems (NOS)

Classification of Networks

Intranet, Extranet and Internet

Network Services
Basic Connectivity Services
File Services
File Transfer Services
Printing Services

Information Sheet 1.1

Self Check 1.1

Model Answer to Self
Check 1.1

Application Services
Directory Services
Security Services

Answer Self Check 1.1
Evaluation: Match Answer your answer
to Model 1.1


a group of systems/computers that are connected together for the purpose of sharing data or
sharing devices.

Advantages of Network
Reduce Cost
Streamline Operation
Improve end-user support
Improve security


Rapid spread of virus
Expensive setup
Dependency of main file server

Models of Networking Computing
Centralized Computing
Distributed Computing
Collaborative Computing

Centralized Computing

All processing takes place in the central mainframe computer.
Terminals are connected to the central computer and function only as input/output

Distributed Computing
All processing takes place in the central mainframe computer.
Terminals are connected to the central computer and function only as input/output
Multiple computers capable of processing independently
Task completion by the local computer or other computers on the network

Collaborative Computing
Multiple computers cooperating to perform a task
Software designed to take advantage of the collaborative environment.

Network Model (Basic Administration)
1. Legacy Network
2. Client/Server Network
3. Peer-to-Peer Network

All processing takes place at the central computer
Dumb terminals or terminals having no processing power provide user access to the
There are limited off-the-shelf software products available for purchase as most
applications are custom-built
Support staff is needed for management and control
Incremental growth is prohibitively expensive

Features of peer-to-peer networks
Workstations store their own application and data files
Speed is primarily a factor of the workstation used as processing occurs at the
Each node on the system talks to all the other nodes
Peer-to-peer communications make some level of file and printer sharing possible
No one system is in charge of the network
Security might be limited
This type of system does not work well with more than 10 workstations or nodes

Client/server networks
1. In a client/server environment, there are separate systems providing resources and
accessing resources
2. The client/server model provides distributed processing
Application and data files can be stored on the file server
Files are downloaded to intelligent workstations (clients) for processing
Results are uploaded to the server for storage
3. The server might provide additional services to the client

Categories of Networks

1. Local Area Networks (LAN)
A network of computers that are in the same general physical location, within a
building or a campus.
2. Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)
Connect Network in non-contiguous, but located in the same local area

3. Wide Area Networks (WAN)
located in different local area

A computer network used for communication among computer devices close to
one person. It can be considered one form of a metropolitan area network, specific
to an academic setting.

The reach of a PAN is typically about 20-30 feet approximately 6-9 meters.

a model for supporting mobile communications across an arbitrary number of
wireless LANs, satellite coverage areas, etc.

A campus area network (CAN) is a computer network made up of an
interconnection of local area networks (LANs) within a limited geographical

Covers an area equivalent to an academic campus or business park. A CAN is
typically owned exclusively by one company, school, or organization.

WAN characteristics
1. Wide geographic area, any size up to national or international
2. Low to high speed links
3. Remote links that might be operational LANs or groups of workstations only

A Network Operating System (NOS) runs on the server in a client/server network
configuration and turns a PC into a network server
Examples of NOSs include
Microsoft NT/2000 Server/Server 2003, Novell NetWare,
IBM OS/2, Banyan VINES, Mac OSX, AppleShare IP, UNIX and Linux
Computers that have been optimized to run a network operating system
A personal computer that is connected to a network, which can perform tasks through
applications or utilities
Any network device that has a TCP/IP address

1. Internet
It is the largest global WAN, linking virtually every country, continent, and
organization in the world. No single person, country, or entity owns or controls
the Internet.
2. Intranet
It is a private network uses Internet protocols and services to share a companys
information with its employees. As with the Internet, employees access an
intranet via a web browser and navigate a companys web pages.
3. Extranet
A private network that uses Internet Protocols and network connectivity to
provide access to company web pages via a web browser.

Enables an organization to store and share specific information or
operations with vendors, partners, customers and other businesses.

Visualizing the differences among Internet, Intranet, and Extranet

NETWORK SERVICES - functions provided by a network
Types of Network Services
1. File services
Capability of a server to share data files, applications, and disk storage space
File server
Print services used to share printers across a network
2. Communications services
Transfer information from one place to another
Three Subareas:
Voice mail
Fax services
3. Application Services
enable applications to leverage the computing power and specialized capabilities of
other computers on a network
4. Internet services
Supplying Web pages, file transfer capabilities, Internet addressing schemes,
security filters, and a means for directly logging on to other computers on the
Web server
5. Management services: centrally administer management tasks on the network
Traffic monitoring and control
Load balancing
Hardware diagnosis and failure alert
Asset management
License tracking
Security auditing
Software distribution
Address management
Backup and restoration of data
6. Directory Services
also known as the x.500 standard, provide location information for different
entities on the network.
main function is to act as an information booth, directing resource requests on the
network to the location of the resource
7. Security Services
Control who can access the data or resource and what the user can do with it

Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. Which of the following is an example of a network?
A. A computer attached to a printer and a scanner to input and output information
B. Computer systems sharing a common communication medium for the purpose of sharing
information or devices.
C. Several printers connected to a switch box going to a single terminal
D. Several diskettes holding information for one workstation

2. In which type of network is there no dedicated server, with each node on the network being an
equal resource for sharing and receiving information?
A. Client /server
B. Peer-to-peer
C. Windows Server 2003
D. Novell NetWare 6.x

3. What is the Microsoft term for a peer-to-peer network?
A. Client /server
B. Domain
C. Workgroup
D. Active Directory
4. A company has offices in CAA and PAMPLONA. Both networks are connected to allow the
two locations to communicate. This is considered what type of network?
5. Which type of server is responsible for storing fi les for users on the network?
A. File-and-print server
B. Web server
C. Directory server
D. Application server

6. You wish to extend your intranet to certain business partners, what type of network are you
A. Intranet
B. Internet
C. Extranet

7. Which of the following are network operating systems and not simply desktop operating
systems? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Novell NetWare
B. Microsoft Windows 98
C. Microsoft Windows XP
D. Microsoft Windows Server 2003
8. Network services that supply web pages
A. File Services
B. Internet Services
C. Print Services
D. Email Servies

9.I have a web-based application that allows select business partners to review their account
details and purchase products. What type of application have I built?
A. Supernet
B. Internet
C. Intranet
D. Extranet

10. A web-based application was built for employees within your company to track purchases.
What type of application was built?
A. Supernet
B. Internet
C. Intranet
D. Extranet

Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. Which of the following is an example of a network?
A. A computer attached to a printer and a scanner to input and output information
B. Computer systems sharing a common communication medium for the purpose of sharing
information or devices.
C. Several printers connected to a switch box going to a single terminal
D. Several diskettes holding information for one workstation

2. In which type of network is there no dedicated server, with each node on the network being an
equal resource for sharing and receiving information?
A. Client /server
B. Peer-to-peer
C. Windows Server 2003
D. Novell NetWare 6.x

3. What is the Microsoft term for a peer-to-peer network?
A. Client /server
B. Domain
C. Workgroup
D. Active Directory
4. A company has offices in CAA and PAMPLONA. Both networks are connected to allow the
two locations to communicate. This is considered what type of network?
5. Which type of server is responsible for storing files for users on the network?
A. File-and-print server
B. Web server
C. Directory server
D. Application server

6. You wish to extend your intranet to certain business partners, what type of network are you
A. Intranet
B. Internet
C. Extranet

7.Which of the following are network operating systems and not simply desktop operating
systems? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Novell NetWare
B. Microsoft Windows 98
C. Microsoft Windows XP
D. Microsoft Windows Server 2003
8. Network services that supply web pages
A. File Services
B. Internet Services
C. Print Services
D. Email Servies

9.I have a web-based application that allows select business partners to review their account
details and purchase products. What type of application have I built?
A. Supernet
B. Internet
C. Intranet
D. Extranet

10. A web-based application was built for employees within your company to track purchases.
What type of application was built?
A. Supernet
B. Internet
C. Intranet
D. Extranet

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