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Time Allotment: 40 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Describe the proper body mechanics while standing.
2. Move the body properly in response to sounds and music.
3. Engage in fun and enjoyable physical activities.

II. Subject Matter:
A. Topics: Basic Stand ng Positions and Movements
B. Skill/s: Locomotor, and Non-locomotor, Standing
C. Values: Cooperation, Alertness, Self-Discipline
D. Reference: TGs and LMs Gr. 2, Enhancing Skills through MAPE
E. Materials: CD & CD player, and Activity Cards g

III. Learning Activities:
(Note: The teacher must explain the concept of mirror image and refer to the pictures in
the LM, while giving instructions to the student.)
A. Routinary Activities:
1. Checking of attendance and PE uniform (appropriate attire for physical activities)
2. Warm-up activities
a. Jog in place (8 counts) walk in place (8 counts)
b. Breathing exercise (10 counts)
c. Head bend

Forward (4 counts) with hand support
Backward (4 counts) with hand support

Sideward right with hand support (4 counts)
Back to position (4 counts)
d. Head Twist
head twist sideward right (4 counts)
back to position (4 counts)
head twist sideward left (4 counts)
back to position (4 counts)

e. Shoulder circle
Start with hands down at the sides.
forward (4 counts) with hands down at the sides
backward (4 counts) with hands down at the sides

f. Trunk Twist
arms raised up to the chest
with palms facing down
to the right (count 4)
back to position
repeat to the left (count 4)
back to position

g. Knee stretching/Pushing
Stand straight with feet
apart, hands in front
touching the tap
(count 4)
Slowly move the body
(count 4)
Back to position
Note: Point out that the knees should not go beyond the toes.)
h. Ankle (foot) Circle

Lift right foot and rotate
clockwise 4 counts and
counter-clockwise 4 counts.
Repeat with the left foot

i. Starting position: halt knee bend
inhale as you slowly stand up and straighten the knees.
Raise arms slowly sideward, upward. (8 counts).
Exhale as you slowly bring arms downward to its original position.
Repeat 3 times

After all the activities, cool down with simple stretching and breathing.

B. Preparatory Activities:
Direction: Introduce the song and the action or if the pupils are familiar with the song
let them sing with you.

Im a Little Teapot
(May be replaced by any folk song in the region)

Im a little teapot short and stout _
Here is my handle and here is my spout
When the waters boiling hear me shout
Lift me up and pour me out!

What actions d=d you perform while singing?
What shapes did you form with your body?
How did you do it? Can you show it?

Ask them if they want to play another game.

C. Developmental Activities:
Note: The procedures should he delivered in MTB

Activity 1: Popcorn

Directions: Tell the pupils to do the following as you say:
A. Pop stand with arms upward A
B. Corn stand with arms sideward

A. Papara - Stand with arms on side
B. Papap - side lunge

Note: You may vary the sequence of the words alternately.

Ask: What actions did you perform?
What parts of your body did you move?
How did you do it?

Activity 2: Mirror revision on the wall

Note to the teacher:
Demonstrate the hand and feet movements and the pupils will follow. You may also ask the
pupils to get partners. Together, they will do the actions as if one is the reflection of the other.

Feet Together
Arms raised upwards
Stride stand, twist trunk to
the right / raise arms
Lunge right foot backward
keeping your back straight and
raise arms forward

Ask the following questions

What can you say about the movements?
What different shapes were formed with bodies?
Can you describe the different positions?
What body parts were used to form the shapes?
Can you do it?

D. Generalization
Our bodies can perform different shapes and lines such as straight, curled and twisted. lt
can also show different shapes and actions.
If you can move your body and form shapes in many ways, you will enjoy exercising.

Values Infusion
Cooperation, self discipline, and initiative are important in doing varied activities.

E. Application:


Direction: Using the base method. Devide the pupils into four groups. Ask them to form the
shape assigned in each base. They should have formed the shapes at the end of
the song (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)and move to the next base using the
prescribed locomotor movement.

Station 1 - Form a circle shape with arms upward
Station 2 - Form a square shape with arms sideward
Station 3 - Form a triangle with arms in front
Station 4 - Form a diamond shape with arms in front

Ask the following:
What shapes did you form?
What locomotor movements did you use in traveling from one station to another?

E. Closing Activities:

Follow the Leader
Direction: The teacher may use a whistle, clap or alter the signal so that pupils can develop

The teacher blows a whistle .

Once ........ Pupils stand with feet together (parallel)
Twice ........ Pupils do stride stand (stand w the feet apart)
Thrice ....... Pupils do side lunge position

Ask: Were you able to follow the signals '? How?
(Note to the teacher: This activity allows you to correct pupil's posture problems.)

IV. Assessment:

Put a check (\/) in the box that matches your performance

Yes No
1. Did you perform correctly?
a. feet together (parallel)
b. stride stand
c. side lunge

2. Did you perform correctly the following shapes?
a. straight
b. curve
c. twisted

3. Did you cooperate in the different activities?
4. Did you enjoy the different activities?

V. Assignment:

A. Ask the pupils to practice at home the different body shapes and body actions

B. Ask the pupils to list down five exercises that show flexibility.


Lesson l: Good or Bad Nutrition?

No. of Days: l

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the pupil will be able to:
- Describe a healthy person
- Explain the concept of malnutrition

II. Subject Matter:

Content: Concept of Malnutrition
- Forms of malnutrition(under-nutrition and over-nutrition)

DOST-PINOY (2010). A training manual for Nutrition Health Workers. Taguig DOST.
DepEd (2013). K to I2 Health curriculum guide. Pasig: DepEd.

Background information
Malnutrition is characterized by lack, excess or imbalance in nutrients (DOST-PINOY,
2010). There are two forms of malnutrition: under nutrition and over-nutrition, the most
common of which is under nutrition that leads to deficiency diseases.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities ( 3 minutes)

1. Say: Class I like you to meet three boys

Rod Lee Romy
2. Say: These three pictures show children who may or may not be healthy. l will point
at each picture. if it shows a healthy child raise your hand. If the child is NOT healthy,
point your thumbs down.

B. Developmental Activities (27 mins)

Activity 1: Who is Healthy?
Ask: Why do you think is Lee healthy?(Point at Picture No. 2)
Why do you think is Rod NOT healthy? (Picture No. -l)
Why do you think is Romy NOT healthy too? (Picture No.3)
What is a healthy child?

Activity 2: Eating Properly
1. Ask: Who do you think is eating properly? (Picture 2)
Why do you say so?
Who is NOT eating properly?
Why do you say so?

2. Answer Let's Do This: on p. _____.

3. Say: People who do NOT eat properly suffer from wrong nutrition or malnutrition.
Write the word on the board and let the pupils say it.

4. Ask: Who among the boys are suffering from malnutrition?

5. Refer to the pictures again. Transfer the picture of Romy beside Rod's
Ask: Who is eating too little or too little healthy food?
What does he suffer from? Point to the word "malnutrition" on the board).
What food do you think does the...
...thin child eat?
...thin child NOT eat?
Tell the pupils that there are two forms of malnutrition. introduce the word
undernutrition," which means eating too little and not getting enough nutrients
needed by the body.

6. Ask: Who is eating too much?
What does he suffer from? (Point to the word malnutrition)
What food do you think does the...

...shout child eat?
...shout child NOT eat?
introduce the word overeating which eating too much.
Ask: is it good to eat too much? Why?
is it good to eat too little? Why?
is it good to eat just right? Why?

C. Generalization (5 mins)
Ask, What is malnutrition?" (eating too much food too little food, or not enough
healthy food). Let the pupils write in their notebook.

D. Evaluation (5 mins)
Ask the pupils to answer Let's Check on p ____.
Answers will vary.

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