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6 AppIIcotIons of IntogrotIon
In lhis chuplci you will lno scvciul uclivilics on vuiious uppliculions of inlcgiulion. Whilc Scclions
6.1 uno 6.8 (on uicu uno uic lcnglh) follow lhc sunc foinul us picvious chuplcis, uno nukc usc of
Mulhcuo only, Scclions 6.2 uno 6.4 nukc usc of lhc Muplc V syslcn. 1hc icuson foi using Muplc
is lhul il olcis lhicc-oincnsionul giuphing fucililics supciioi lo lhosc of Mulhcuo.
In gcnciul, whilc Muplc is noic powciful lhun Mulhcuo, il is ulso noic oimcull lo usc. Foi lhis
icuson you will Lc piovioco wilh Muplc oocuncnls lo scivc us lcnplulcs. 1his will nukc il cusici
lo oLluin lhc ocsiico oulpul (lypicully, 8-D giuphs) wilhoul icguiiing uny knowlcogc of Muplc
synlux oi piogiunning.
In Culculus II, whcic nuncious lopics ocul wilh 8-D oLjccls (cuivcs in spucc, suifuccs, clc.), Muplc
will Lc usco noic.
6.1 ActIvIty: Aroo of o HogIon Hotvoon Tvo Curvos
2HAHAGKEIEJAI: Icuo Scclion 6.1 LHL.
Aflci sluoying lhc woikco cxunplc, opcn u Llunk Mulhcuo oocuncnl uno ciculc youi icpoil
lhcic. IcncnLci lo cnlci youi lcun`s nunc ul lhc lop of lhc oocuncnl. Upon conplclion of
lhc ussignncnl, cnlci lhc nuncs of ull lcun ncnLcis who uclivcly puilicipulco in lhc ussignncnl.
Suvc youi woik ficgucnlly.
Usc Mulhcuo`s giuphing fucililics, nunciicul iool lnoing (iool funclion) uno nunciicul inlcgiulion
lo uppioxinulc lhc uicu Lclwccn lhc giuphs of B(N) = N

2 uno C(N) = N

72 Chuplci 6 Appliculions of Inlcgiulion
f( ) x x
2 g( ) x x
3 x
2 x
x .. , 2 1.99 2.2
2 1 0 1 2 3
f( ) x
g( ) x
x 1
a root( ) , f( ) x g( ) x x
x 0.5
b root( ) , f( ) x g( ) x x
x 2
c root( ) , f( ) x g( ) x x
= a 1.27
= b 0.653
= c 2.056
Area1 d
x ( ) g( ) x f( ) x Area2 d
x ( ) f( ) x g( ) x
= Area1 2.647 = Area2 6.296
TOTAL AREA: = Area1 Area2 8.943
1. Icpcul lhc Lxunplc foi lhc uicu Lclwccn lhc giuphs of B(N) = sin(2N 2) uno C(N) =

2. Icpcul foi lhc uicu of Lxcicisc 88 p.400 LHL.
8. Icpcul foi lhc uicu of Lxcicisc 84 p.400 LHL.
4. Lcl us supposc you gol u joL wilh Culculus Cily, uno youi licncnoous nulhcnulicul skills
nuoc youi Loss givc you lhc following ussignncnl:
Dclcininc lhc uicu of lhc puik unoci ocvclopncnl (scc lhc nup in Figuic ), so lhul lhc
coiiccl unounl of sonc vciy cxpcnsivc giuss cun Lc puichusco foi il.
Of couisc, gcnciully lhis woulon`l Lc un cusy pioLlcn. 1his linc, howcvci, luck is on youi
sioc. In lhc cily iccoios you lno lhc following cguulions (whcic nilcs uic lhc unils) of lhc
cuivcs lhul coiicspono lo lhc sliccls Lounoing lhc puik:
B(N) = N C(N) =
D(N) = (4N 8)
Now you uic icuoy lo ILA lhis pioLlcn, using Mulhcuo lo skclch lhc funclions, lno lhcii
inlciscclions (usc lhc ciosshuii uno lhcn lhc iool funclion), uno nunciicully cvuluulc lhc
inlcgiul(s) lhul you piopcily scl up.

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