MR - FMO Aug-2013 Wallmart

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IFDC Asia Division

Ishrat Jahan House 4-B, Road 62,

Resident Representative Gulshan 2, Dhaa !2!2
#hone$ %%&-2-'%'42%%
Au"ust !4, 2&!)
*u+,e-t$ ./plo0/ent Appoint/ent1
Dear 2s1 3333333333$
I am pleased to inform you that effective August 18, 2013 you are appointed as Field
Monitoring Officer FMO! "y IF#$, %angladesh for implementation of &'AI# supported
pro(ect )Accelerating Agriculture *roductivity Improvement AA*I!4 for carrying out
+almart Activities, -he terms and conditions of your appointment are as follo.s/
1, 0our appointment .ill "e for a period of 12 t.elve! months starting from August 18,
2013, Further employment may "e offered later depending upon your .or1
performance, the availa"ility of funds, and the need for your services under the a"ove2
mentioned pro(ect,
2, 0our monthly remuneration, .hich is inclusive of all your entitlements and
allo.ances due to you under this assignment .ill "e -a1a 21,000 -a1a -.enty one
-housand! only per month, paya"le the first day of the month the month of
.hich service has "een completed, -he "asic salary for this position is -a1a 11,330
-a1a 4leven -housand five 5undred Fifty!, the "alance is computed as housing,
transport and medical allo.ance,
3, 0ou .ill accrue annual leave at the rate of t.o days per month of service completed
under this agreement, .hich has "een computed to include the government provisions
for .or1er entitlement of casual leave, 0ou are encouraged to ta1e annual leave as it
is earned, su"(ect to the approval of your supervisor, &nused annual leave may "e
accumulated and carried for.ard in accordance .ith IF#$ policy,
6, 0ou .ill accrue sic1 leave at the rate of one day per month of service completed
under this agreement, &nused sic1 leave may "e accumulated and carried for.ard in
accordance .ith IF#$ policy,
3, 0ou .ill receive t.o festival allo.ances per year of completed service, 4ach festival
allo.ance shall "e e7ual to one month8s "asic salary and shall "e paid in accordance
.ith the o"servance of the religious holidays in %angladesh,
9, Any and all ta:es due to the %angladesh government "ecause of your relationship
.ith the IF#$ shall "e your responsi"ility,
;, -a: .ill, ho.ever, "e deducted each month from the payment of salary at the rate
applica"le, if the salary payment to the respective employee is a"ove the ta:2
e:empted threshold,
8, 0ou .ill earn severance pay of one month of your "asic salary for each year provided
you completed si: full months of .or1 if your employment is terminated .ithout
<, 0our (o" location .ill "e in the pro(ect office in #ha1a,
10, 0our (o" may "e terminated .ithout assigning any reason .ith a 302day .ritten
notice, In the event of misconduct on your part, termination may "e immediate,
11, -he IF#$ Administrative Manual provides guidance relative to operations including
IF#$ policies and procedures, -he Administrative Manual is not a part of this
contract and the information=procedures contained therein are su"(ect to change at the
discretion of the IF#$ *resident and $4O,
12, Attached, as e:hi"it 1 is a copy of your *osition #escription, If the a"ove terms and
conditions are accepta"le, please signify "y signing in the space provided "elo. and
return to the undersigned "y >ovem"er 19, 2011,
I am pleased to have you as a mem"er of the &'AI# supported pro(ect )Accelerating
Agriculture *roductivity Improvement AA*I!4 and loo1 for.ard to good .or1ing
Ishrat ?ahan 'ignature@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
*ro(ect $oordinator #ate/ >ovem"er 13, 2011
AA*I *ro(ect
Aesident Aepresentative, IF#$ %angladesh
#osition Des-ription
#osition 5itle$ Field Monitoring Officer
Reports to$ Field 'upervisor
Jo+ 6o-ation$
*upervises$ >one
Jo+ *u//ar0
Aesponsi"le for identifying farmers for pro(ect assistance .ith support from #A4 field
officials and .ill .or1 to motivate them for adoption of FertiliBer #eep *lacement F#*! and
other technology .ith the support from #A4 field officials at the "loc1 level in accordance
.ith .or1 plans,
Duties and Responsi+ilities
1, Identify farmers, traders, and enterprises .ith the assistance of #A4 and other
government officials "elo. &paBila level concerned .ith F#* technology and
"alanced use of fertiliBers,
2, *romote farmers for adoption of F#* technology,
3, $arry out activities as per .or1 plans at the village level,
6, Assist field coordinators in organiBing field days, field demonstration, field trials,
training programs, .or1shops etc, at the district, &paBila and village level,
3, $onduct farmers training programs .ith assistance from #A4 field officials,
9, Identify farmers for demonstration of the a"ove technologies,
;, Follo. up pro(ect activities .ith selected client groups,
8, Identify farmers group for managing demonstration of "ri7uette machines "y
themselves .here "ri7uette manufacturers are not availa"le,
<, $onduct crop cuts in farmersC field,
10, *repare information and reports needed "y *ro(ect $oordinator and $O* for
7uarterly, annual and other needed reports,
11, Any other .or1s to "e assigned "y the $O*=*ro(ect $oordinator,

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